Should a president be impeached for lying?
Barack Obama lied to get his (un)Affordable Health Care Act passed. Why is no one in uproar over this? If this was Bush the dummycrats and (un)liberals would be asking for his head.
I would have to say yes, we should be able to trust everything we are told by our President. We have now reached the point where we have been lied to so many times we really don't trust anything said by any of our politicians.
In the case of the Obamacare lies, this administration knew that if they told the truth this would not have passed. Many of the things they lied about have now become real, and we know we were lied to. If they lied about this, what else are they lying about?
We also know we have not been told the truth about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, and other issues that have been covered up and called "phony scandals" by this administration.
We have video recordings of these lies being told numerous times by our President. These videos make the lies a proven fact, not something that was made up by a Republican.
We should be able to trust everything we our told by our President be it good news or bad news.
You mean like the Cheney/Bush/Rumsfeld lies about WMD in Iraq? How do you feel about them? Did you advocate impeaching Bush?
Ralph? Is anybody there between those ears of yours Ralph? Bush and company are gone Ralph. We are frying different fish now. Wake up from your slumber and stop living in the past Ralphie.
No we're not. Bush and his crew never paid for what they did, and no one else has anything to worry about until they do. It's very simple. Until Bush is prosecuted, you can kiss any other prez doing so goodbye.And Bush's people still populate the gvt
It never amazes me that pathetic people always shout that lying should be permitted for the current President because so many others have done it. These airhead idiots will always follow the deceitful because it fits their life style.
1st:airhead idiots is a new one. 2nd: The only way to heal is fix it, not sweep it under the rug. The rug sweepers have made our floor filthy dirty. Needs to be cleaned...from under the rug. That's 2000-2008 rug, love. No more sweeping for youze.
As has been said earlier, if we want to go back to the first Pres. that lied to the people, we may have to go back to George Washington, and if not him, certainly John Adams. What is the obsession with defending either Obama or Bush? Or any other?
Oh I don't know. A little thing called Integrity, I guess. After the horror that went before, they have a lot of nerve suggesting we ignore it, but get this one now. It's galling, actually, and an indication of their huge superiority complex.
the blowhards and weeping worshipers continue to fanaticize as the nation descends into the pit of socialism. a denial of knowledge by the President for every failure sure is childish. but those who worship cling to it like parasites draining scum.
How's it feel to put yourself above the over half of this country who voted for President Obama?
Make you feel like a King?--like Rafael Cruz, who had the audacity to insult our prez with his racist crap?
Make you feel all giddy to be so Superior?SMH
Bush's "lie" was an intelligence assessment and there had been WMDs in Iraq and it's very possible that there were WMDs at the time. None were found, but saying that there were not any is to overstate based on lack of evidence. We simply do not know.
But there is evidence that PNAC requested a "regime change" in Iraq. Clinton wouldn't do it, but they found their man in Bush, imo. That is why he HAD to be elected-by hook or crook.The reasons changed all the time, and frankly, bulloney. end/means.
Due to the "Racist card" continually used by the dumborats many of the Representatives know that the Senator majority leader would never allow such a vote unless he were sure it would result in acquittal.
The current political stage does not support the desire to reach the truth, but the portrayal of deceit as wisdom.
In order to change this the voters must remove all the deceivers. The voters must become wiser which means they must not follow apathy.
Thomas Jefferson - "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Absolutely he should. In Obama's case he lies incessantly and unlike Bill Clinton's big "lie", it's not about his personal life but policies and occurrences (like Benghazi) that directly affect us and our families. No one is in an uproar because the problem is that many of those who are responsible for bringing impeachment are afraid to throw that stone because they themselves live in the same glass houses. And because he is black. Anyone who were to speak out for impeachment publicly (though many feel that they should privately) are muzzled for the fear of being labeled a racist.
Bottom line is Obama is not the only leader we need to remove - he has lots of company (some from the other side of the aisle) in the cesspool of narcissism and charlatans we call Washington DC (Washington doesn't care).
Sorry--you can't impeach by political party. Bush 1 and 2 lied....and they were not even questioned. America is NOT of, by, and for Republicans!
I do believe they should all be held accountable for what they say. To have elected officials we can't believe is not a great confidence builder for we the people. This applies to any elected official regardless of party.
We all say things that don't pan out. We all try and put the best spin on ourselves...why are they put up to impossible demands? Didn't use to be. But that pr person of Bush 1 made it politics of personal destruction, and that's where we are stuck.
Both Bush's are history and it is time to move on. With proper leadership most issues can be resolved. We just don't have that today and won't until we replace many of them in office today. No President can win without support from Congress.
And no part of congress is supposed to be above the other branches. And as long as these people continue to push for impeachment of Obama--I will talk about Bush.
There's lovemychris living in the past again as we fry the fish of the future. Citing bush at this point is totally stupid. We are living in the present right now. At least some of us are.
Yes, I choose to not forget such behavior. Remember, we can only heal when we admit we did wrong. Moving on from such treachery is not in my vocabulary. I love America too much to have that load of dog crap as our legacy.
The nation has reached a new level of cesspool as the top leadership continues to drive toward destructive socialism. The nation is in crisis with a charleton in charge. Deceit abounds in Washington that places every citizen at risk. Some deny truth.
This question sure brought out the ignorant, redneck mouthbreathers out of the weeds!
I know. Everyone knew the Obama worshipers would come running when this question was posted.
I find it amazing that the people who do not like Obama are labeled as ignorant mouthbreathers and other offensive insults denoting ignorance. I also noted that those who like Obama are the labelers, while the others are explaining reasons and facts.
Becky - the worshipers must follow the Rules for Radicals. It is the only way they can continue to protest in a manner that they understand. Anything else is too much for their little feeble damaged brains to handle. They seek no truth nor facts.
Ahaha! Did you miss the insults the other side used?
"airhead idiots,blowhards and weeping worshipers"....which reason and facts are those?
airhead-air where brains should be.
blowhards-a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way
weeping worshipers-angry by finding that they are following a deceitful loser
childish leadership spreading divisive propaganda with false promises
uh huh
Mouthbreathers: people who breathe with their mouths.
Redneck:people who work outdoors.
Ignorant: people who are not up on the facts.
This is worth crying about?
Any President should be impeached for knowingly lying to the American public. In Obama's case it appears many times over that he has done so. In his case, he displays the classic symptoms of a pathological liar. Obama has the distinction of being the first black (partly anyway) President and he should also have the distinction of being the first black President to be impeached. The Senate would have to try Obama and with a Democratic Senate that would not convict. The trial would be a circus like Clinton's was.
The Frog
You got that right - sort a like the fox guarding the hen house isn't it. What's the fox say?
"knowingly lying" I haven't seen any evidence that Obama intentionally or "knowingly" lied about anything. His statement was apparently erroneous for a relatively small group of people but not a lie.
Ralph is reality stepped up and smacked you dead in your face you might just sleep through it. Obama lied when he told people they could keep there health insurance if they liked it. Ralph turn off MSNBC and start actually doing heavy research.
They can. It just has to comply with the new law. We all know insurance companies love getting over on people, but that day is over. The lie was that insurance companies had anything to do with health! Twas all about money.No more. Cry all you want.
You are correct The Frog Prince. The Senate leader would never let it happen. He continues to support the lies with further deceit. The truth is that they wish to destroy the free nation that is so great. The want to transform the USA into socialism.
Even MSNBC is now reporting that the Obama knew a millions of Americans would loose there coverage. To be frank, Obamacare HAD to be engineered that way to force people onto the exchange. Otherwise it wont work.
Obamacare will never work because the model is flawed.
it requires the healthy to pay more to get nothing in return while those who abuse themselves pay little or nothing.
the youth will find a way to work the system even if it means paying the fine
They are not losing their coverage. They are getting coverage that complies with the new law. We all know R's don't mind breaking laws, but still. Insurance can no longer rip people off to their hearts content, and that's a very good thing.
Frog, you must have heard the apology - Barachio didn't lie, he gave assurances and is sorry for those who lost their healthcare plan based on his assurances...add to your dictionary - new definition of assurances: LIES
If this were the case, every President in history would have been impeached. They all lie.
Should they? Yes
Now, having got passed that part, if we were to impeach every president who lied to the American people, we would have to impeach every president of the twentieth century, and most of the ones from the nineteenth as well.
And let's be honest, there's no point in even attempting an impeachment. Bill Clinton blatantly lied to congress, and they couldn't get an impeachment to stick. The US has never impeached a president, and I doubt it ever will.
George Bush blatantly lied, and they didn't even try! As long as one party thinks they are superior, this will continue.
Dude, you need to get off the Democrat high horse. Neither party cares about you or me. And yes, the dems did try to impeach Bush, but since they were a minority in Congress at the time, they didn't have the votes to pull it off.
Truthfully, there were only 2 Dems that tried. But as you said, R's were in charge, and would have none of it. They are in charge of impeachment process now too: and ODDLY ENUFF-now they want to! Such principled people, huh? Should they try: suicide.
To get the real picture of what really goes on in Washington, forget what party they belong to and judge by their actions. You might be amazed at what you learn.
lovemychris, why are you so intent on Republican bashing? There is no difference between the two parties. Each is a self serving group of political elites. There are only a handful in each party that arent...and I don't include Obama in the handful
well, as of today--millions have less to eat, while corporate giving has no bounds. That shows me a lot. Food is a luxury, while luxury to some is free.
You have the idea of impeachment all wrong - Bill Clinton WAS impeached which means to charge the president with improper conduct in office before the congress. It does not mean to remove a president. A proven liar should absolutely be impeached.
I don't agree with you.Having suffered the 8 years of a Republican presidency, it was time for my vote to matter! It hasn't. It has been blocked by a handful of radicals, who we already dealt with from 2000-2008! I want my gvt back. Democrats won!
Your government? What exactly are you looking for? I would take any government that could clean up the corruption and waste, and actually solve some problems. This administration has clearly divided the country and that is a real shame.
lovemychris, you apparently overlooked the kickback that Obama gave to big business for the obammycare debacle. truth is - you seem to be a covert dumborat that will always introduce nonsense rather than truth for any discussion.
Obama did not divide, the obstructionists design. I am looking for the Obama gvt: without the bats in the belfry biting at his heels. Koo-koo birds of the new millennium.>>instead of caw caw, it's waa waa
Obama snubbs anyone who disagrees with him, and only gives lip service to working together. As much as I din't like Bush (JR or SR) or Clinton, at least they tried working with the other party. As did Regan, Carter, JFK, Ike...
TOTALLY disagree! Bush didn't work with: he commanded. Obama opened his hand and it got slapped. We all see things differently I guess.
command - the most powerful and important leaders
hand slap - something that happens to children when they are bad
Limbaugh Logic---
Bush command: leadership
Obama command: tyranny
hand slap: something a parent does to a child. Grown people who treat other grown people as children, are egotists with a superiority complex.
There is help for that.
Actually, we've impeached two: Johnson and Clinton. And even if they are not removed from office, their record is besmirched by their deeds. History will show that the people were unwilling to totally overlook their antics.
Overlook? It was a billions dollar witch-hunt from the day Clinton took office! This was R house and R senate. And they got a D president.Came time to their man--like pulling teeth to investigate, and he was NOT under oath! Political Justice. Just-Us
ANY President that lies to the people to serve their own personal agenda should be impeached. They are working for us and they act like we are working for them. They are an embarrassment to our country. This is a BAD law that has been passed. The only reason it was voted through was so Pelosi could see what was in it. They should have read it and seen how bad it was before they voted for it. Any that voted for it should be impeached.
Yes, I would personally like to see Obama out of office, but I also felt the same way when Nixon screwed up and when Bush screwed up. They should not be lying to us and THAT is the point.
Becky - you are correct. The solution is to rid ourselves of the tyranny currently operating as our government. That means the citizens must replace all current seat holders. Colorado did this with 2 of their worst. The citizens must do it also.
LOL. funny question. find 1 president in history who hasnt lied.
If there were remotely any grounds for impeaching President Obama you can be sure that Senator Ted Cruz, a Harvard Law School graduate would be screaming for his impeachment. I don't recall that he has even mentioned the possibility.
Texas Rep. Steve Stockman, Texas Lt. Gov. Dewhurst are 2 calling for it so far. But just wait...they had RMoney doing his bit today: the gang-bang is set to begin.
Agreed. Plenty of legal minds in DC. Plus the simple reality that the democrats will stick together no matter what, which means no Senate confirmation for an impeachment.
I say yes. It doesn't matter if every single one of them have got away with it, what matters is if we continue to let them do it or if we say enough and hold them responsible.
If any of us were to be caught in a lie that cost our employer millions, we would be fired. We should hold our own employees (including the President) to the same standard...PERIOD.
Bush is still alive and healthy enough to stand trial. Why don't we start there?
lovemychris, I wouldn't mind that, and he has predecessors still alive that should be held just as accountable.
His predecessor was impeached. Billions and billions worth of public monies spent to do it too. *USA USA*. Bush was allowed to testify, but not under oath. You see why I have no faith in any of this? It's a rigged game, and R's hold all the cards.
honest loyal patriots do not shirk the responsibility to protect the nation from destruction whether it is rigged or not.
honest loyal patriots fight the lying riggers with all their might.
united we stand-divided we fall.
are u united?
I'm not united with you, that's quite clear. I see the Bushies as enemy, and you see Obamaies. How can you unite with that? You come over to my side....then we'll talk. OK? Cause I'm never going back to yours. Period.
lovemychris, no I actually don't. Clinton faced impeachment proceedings but he was cleared by the good ole boys in the Senate.
lovemychris we will never agree because you continue to spread propaganda rather than speak the truth. I do not take sides with those that support lies and deceit. The current radical does not negotiate because he would have to work with truth.
Oh Ok...My side lies and your side has the truth. Is that is? Prime reason we don't unite.I see your side as lying & deceitful. And you can't abide that, can you?At least you don't get called an America hater 24/7. My side has INFINATELY more cla
lovemychris - I do not pick sides - I am a patriot that works as an American should - through truth. Those that pick sides based on propaganda continue to destroy the nation. Deceit and lies spread by the current administration need to be eliminated.
You have picked a side by saying the president is lying and deceitful.The rest of us voted for him, and don't believe you. Get it?You are anti-Obama. That is a side. And as one who was anti-Bush: you get off easy for your dissent. Ipatriot to thecore
lovemychris-there you go again clambering with your side kicks. As a patriot I work and follow for the truthful. You may want to follow the deceitful and immoral. I do not. You may worship at the altar of lies. I do not. You spread untruths. I do not
Yes. First, impeachment is a political trial, not a legal one. The worst that can happen to Obama (and the best thing that could happen for America) is for him to be removed from office. Second, it's not just that Obama said something that did not come to pass. I would expect that all of us can overlook a prediction that does not materialize. The problem is that Obama & Co. knew that this would result in a catastrophe, yet they did it to move the US toward a single-payer system. So, they were willing to put Americans in harm's way so that they could fulfill a narrow socialist vision. And it is for that lack of regard for the people that he is supposed to be protecting that he should be drummed out of office.
Impeachment is just the filing of charges. Bill Clinton was the second President in History to be impeached although he wasn't removed - unlike the Nobel prize gifted to BO he has earned being the 3rd to be impeached - lets give him that legacy.
according to law pertaining to Healthcare, Obama has committed fraud by stating multiple times that "If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance. Period." The law is applicable to all false statements concerning healthcare.
I heard there are people considering bringing that court case but I thought senior executive branch officials are immune to that sort of prosecution.
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