Screw all of you who don't think airlines shouldn' racially profile...

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  1. TimTurner profile image68
    TimTurnerposted 14 years ago

    As you can see, a suicide bomber was stopped on a flight to Detroit today (Dec. 25th).  He was a Nigerian who was on the NO-FLY LIST.

    Yes, he managed to get on a U.S. airline while being on the list.  The reason?

    Because our country is "too scared" to racially profile and question every Middle Eastern or African person on every flight.

    I want every Middle Eastern and African to be pulled aside on every flight and questioned and searched.  This is not asking too much.  They just need to get to the airport a lot sooner.

    This is getting ridiculous.  National security should be our #1 priority folks.  Not health reform which are government is wasting their time on. … roit_N.htm

    1. OregonWino profile image61
      OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Searching everyone from a certain group is ridiculous.  I agree that there is some truth to profiling for a group (young Muslim men for example) but it is a waste of resources to just go after that one group... that wouldn't have stopped Timothy McVeigh...selective screening is fine.  AGE AND SEX are generally a better young men, like you, maybe you need to get to the airport younger so we can check you and question you...

      1. William R. Wilson profile image60
        William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. profile image0
        Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        They check everyone, I know because I travel often.
        I am no where near Muslim but they check everything I have with me and they even make me take off my shoes. At one airport they used an X-ray to see through our clothes.

        How do we know the innocent from the guilty just by looking at them?

        1. AEvans profile image74
          AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          We don't but profiling Middle Eastern and Africans only is the silliest thing I have heard.

          1. profile image0
            Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            They profile me and I am a small white American women.
            People love yelling racism at us.
            Now I'm out of here.

            1. AEvans profile image74
              AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              So you are saying that we should only profile a certain group of people? You do not believe that we as white women or Americans should not be profiled? Just like your comment above, "How do we know?" We don't therefore if profiling should be done anyone and everyone should be checked not just a single group of people , no stone should be left unturned.

            2. Ron Montgomery profile image60
              Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Is your public demeanor similar to the one on display in the forums?  Maybe security uses a different type of profiling that applies to you.

              1. profile image0
                Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                When people twist my words it does upset me.
                However since you and I will never meet, my public demeanor is not important.

                Actually I've never met anyone like the ones on these forums.

                1. profile image0
                  Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this
                  1. Ron Montgomery profile image60
                    Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    I do travel.  I know some TSA folks and they have told me that people who appear excessively agitated (as your forum persona often does) are much more likely to get a "random" search.

                    You may want to switch to decaf next time you fly, or try meditation.

    2. profile image0
      ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Dude, there are white muslims. E.g. Cat Stevens.

    3. TMMason profile image61
      TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'll profile em'. Give me the job, I ain't scared to do it.

      1. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Nobody is scared to do it.
        Some people have common sense
        Which you don't.

        1. TMMason profile image61
          TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          ohh. Are you mad at me tantrum. Did I hurt your lil feelings again tonight. Boo hoo. Get real. You are an angry young woman. you got issues.

          1. tantrum profile image61
            tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You can never hurt my feelings. Wow, you're so arrogant ! lol
            And I'm never angry. I'm always laughing .
            this time, at you. Sorry ! lol

            1. maritimer profile image59
              maritimerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Racial profiling does not work.  The technique results in faulty data.  However racists don't understand that and are comforted by racial profiling.  They really do not care that it is unfair and doesn't work.
              Much like torture.  Torture doesn't work.  Everyone knows torture doesn't work but some people cling to it.  Some people are offended when they are told they can't torture suspected terrorists. They think even if torture does not work we can at least hurt these people.  The torture mentality reduces people to common street thugs.

              1. greg austin profile image63
                greg austinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Maritimer, I think you are one very smart person.  I completely agree with you.  Racial profiling is racist. Period.  Torture is stupid and for thugs.  Period.  I will look for more of your comments as you seem very insightful.

    4. wsp2469 profile image61
      wsp2469posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I understand that it could get bad but you know what?  I say who cares?  Let's make it so that if they stop you and you are NOT a bomber you get a free pass or door-prize.  How about you get to deduct some money off your income taxes or something like that?

      1. profile image0
        Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        So you are saying they should take a loss by paying you for keeping you safe??
        Very nice...

    5. pylos26 profile image71
      pylos26posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      sounds like you might have need to move to cuba or north korea...or one of those countries that have no constitution or laws or privacy for humanity.

    6. wesleyacarter profile image57
      wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      you're also a little bit naive to take USA Today's news at face value. You have a little bit to learn about your world before posing this question with such blind passion. think before you speak, not the other way around. it just makes for better conversation.

      telling people to screw themselves off the bat is much more pig-headed then asking yourself, Why does this happen?

    7. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Unfortunately we must give up some freedoms to remain safe. I remember as a kid when you could pretty much just walk onto the plane without any real checks. Of course, the bullseye on our backs was very small back then. sad

    8. starme77 profile image80
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this


    9. ncmonroe1981 profile image60
      ncmonroe1981posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Doesn't that mean they should start checking the NO-FLY list on a regular basis, rather than trying to  make assumptions about people who come from a bunch of different countries? Which of the two sounds easier and more effective to you?

    10. Rod Marsden profile image69
      Rod Marsdenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The crazies may be crazy but they are not dumb. They have thought about all of this. There are fanatical Muslims who would love to blow up planes and they are just as white as you are. They are just as likely to be of a non-Arab, non-African background as anything else. We have had at least one example in Australia. A knowledge of where he had been would have helped if he wanted to go around planting bombs. A racial profile would have done absolutely nothing.

      1. wesleyacarter profile image57
        wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        you hit it on the nail man. this issue is NOT about race but about greed, hypocrisy and the insecurities of a nation! race becomes the focus in order to compartmentalize and create an enemy. skin color becomes the focus in order to justify evil. it is a beautiful dance, and the Americans are in wonderment.

    11. DogSiDaed profile image61
      DogSiDaedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I think it's sad it has to be done, but it should be. It's just a shame that some let it down for everyone else. These are selfish people, who are putting their own race and religion up against the wall. It is a real shame sad

    12. Lily Rose profile image86
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't agree with your opinion to pull aside only African and Middle Easterners, but I do strongly agree that our country needs to stop being scared to profile.   I have a background in investigating criminal activity and I know how much profiling actually works, when done right.

      The problem in this country is that too many people start screaming and running to attorneys the second anyone mentions "violating" their rights, such as the with the Patriot Act.  As far as I'm concerned, since I am not a criminal, I have nothing to fear, so if for some reason the powers that be feel the need to tap my phone if they think I'm a terrorist, that by all means, do it.  They don't do it for fun, they do it to protect every single one of us.  We should be grateful and much more supportive of the efforts, however lax they may at times...

      1. wesleyacarter profile image57
        wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        a background in criminal activity would mean that you know that crime is enabled in this country in order to feed prison systems. tapping your phone is not to prove that YOU are a criminal per se, but it suggests remotely that EVERYONE is a criminal, bringing us closer to the end result of this private prison system being built: the police state.

        1. Shadesbreath profile image76
          Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          While I don't entirely agree with everything you've said in this interesting thread, you're arguments have been well considered and indicative of a larger world view.  However, this one is not your strongest point. You can't honestly tell me that you really believe there's a big ole conspiracy being perpetrated on a scale so large, both vertically and horizontally, as all that.

          I'll grant that our drug laws are stupid and unenforceable, which does keep the justice/penal system clicking along, and I'll even grant that there isn't a universal will amongst politicians to recognize the stupidity and stop it (thus we continue to create more criminal organizations as did prohibition, and we make room for capitalists to fill a need for housing for prisoners as existing space can't keep up with population growth and social trends etc.), however there is a subtle yet enormous distinction between runaway legislative failure and cultural decay versus "enabling" crime.  I'm sure there's a few out there who wouldn't mind turning this momentum into an opportunity to seize power, but there is no great secret conspiracy to create a police state that is enabling crime to feed the conspiratorial cause.  I'll accept an accusation of stupidity, sloth, incompetence and sluggish obesity in government, but not conspiracy. 

          If your police state happens, it will happen by accident or by neglect; those in position to take advantage of the accident will do so by recognizing the opportunity, not by having created the circumstance to begin. 

          That may seem a subtle distinction to argue for, but the suggestion of conspiracies vexes me because it takes responsibility off of the average citizen, suggesting that there is victimization at the hands of the manipulators rather than what it really is, people suffering the results of their civic lethargy.

          1. OregonWino profile image61
            OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I agree 100%.  People are not "tricked" into being criminals, drug related or otherwise, they do it of their own free will.  We have the ability to choose, all of us.  I had friends who made the choice to sling drugs and many are or have been in jail.  I chose not to and to better myself. People need to stop blaming others for the consequences of the choices that they have made.   The belief that others control our destinies is what has crippled much of our black population in this country.

    13. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Your Quote - Because our country is "too scared" to racially profile and question every Middle Eastern or African person on every flight.'  Why racially profile!?  Everyone has the capacity to be a terrorist, black white or indifferent.  Why pick on an ethnic minority?  You get good and bad people in every society...

      this really isnt the way to go to promote good worldly relations!

      Quote 'I want every Middle Eastern and African to be pulled aside on every flight and questioned and searched'

      It is this mentality that causes HATRED and WAR!  Be sensible, pleeeeeeeeease!

      1. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        the OP never showed up, so I guess they're still checking him somewhere ! lol

        1. profile image0
          shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Bend over and expell! hehehe

    14. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      A H !

    15. aguasilver profile image74
      aguasilverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      "I want every Middle Eastern and African to be pulled aside on every flight and questioned and searched"

      You are declaring war on a whole people group, effectively you, as a Japheth from your appearance (and assuming you are not presenting a false flag profile), want to profile all Hamic peoples.

      I guess you instinctively know that trying to profile all Shemetic people groups would get a antisemitic call card immediately.

      The idea of our whole societal philosophy should be to give the maximum freedom to all people with the minimum of state or governmental control.

      To attempt to enforce such a policy in todays world would be to start a race war, and looking at the racial demographics of America and even Europe, it's an impossible thing.

      We need to live with the fact that we are at war with an invisible enemy who wear no uniform.

      If you want to stop terror attacks, empower your police and army to use whatever force is needed to stop terrorists worldwide or insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan, take out all the news crews and declare the war zones just that, places where anybody not wearing a recognizable friendly uniform is treated as the enemy.

      You will kill a few million innocent people to get the few hundred thousand fanatics that oppose the western way of life, but you would deal with the problem.

      Fighting a war with politically correct media coverage is a guarantee to lose. The enemy need very few agents on the ground, your news services act as their eyes and ears.

      Either fight or reach an amicable surrender to their wishes.

    16. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you.
      If a particular set of people have tried to destroy us and other countries..all people have to be profiled.

      Those who think it is personal against them then they think everyone is against them.
      We have to protect our country.

  2. TimTurner profile image68
    TimTurnerposted 14 years ago

    So everyone agrees with me and are too scared to post? haha

    I'm glad for those passengers that subdued the terrorist.

    1. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So..Where are you ???
      Aren't you going to defend your position ? hmm

      Not ! lol

      1. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hello ????!!!!
        Still waiting for you!

        Maybe someone's checking you ? hmm

    2. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Aren't you a liberal? I thought liberals were against profiling. lol

  3. blue dog profile image60
    blue dogposted 14 years ago

    we should also question scandinavians, chinese, chileans, oregonians, and anyone else who has the audacity to think they should be allowed to fly. 

    oh yeah.

    1. tantrum profile image61
      tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      And Argentinians as well. And we are already questioned each time we go to your 'wonderful' country ! lol

    2. TMMason profile image61
      TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      See thats the kind of take it to the extreme talk that belittles the fact that this is a serious issue. We shouldn't profile everyone just cause they have a dark skin tone. but we need to profile in a responsible fashion.

      1. blue dog profile image60
        blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        somehow, you miss the point.

        that doesn't surprise me.

        1. TMMason profile image61
          TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          If'n you was just being sarcastic sorry. i did miss it. shit happens man.

      2. profile image0
        sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You've chosen the one to fight with here but maybe not so much with tantrum.

        1. TMMason profile image61
          TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Didn't "choose" anyone to fight with. I didn't take him as being sarcastic, too bad, shit happens.

          And I don't see anything offensive about my post about that attitude belittling the talk of it. It does! When it is said seriously, and it has been said seriously.  ?... So?

          As far as her, tantrum, she has been on my ass since last nite. She needs to get over herself. I am tired of her sniping me. So if she can give it, she should take it.

          1. tantrum profile image61
            tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this


            You can never hurt my feelings. Wow, you're so arrogant ! 
            And I'm never angry. I'm always laughing .
            this time, at you. Sorry !


            1. TMMason profile image61
              TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Well then. I am happy for you. And don't be sorry. you have been worth a chuckle or two yourself. Sorry

  4. OregonWino profile image61
    OregonWinoposted 14 years ago

    All I have to say is Richard Reed and Timothy McVeigh....both white as heck!

    1. TMMason profile image61
      TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Richard Reed doesn't strike me as white or middle eastern. Which I believe he was middle eastern. Wasn't he? Ohh who cares. I'da profiled him too.

    2. Mitch Rapp profile image59
      Mitch Rappposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Timothy McVeigh? How exactly would not profiling or profiling have prevented him from doing what he did? Would you have profiled every white man driving a van? That circumstance does not belong in this conversation.

      Richard Reid, have you ever seen a picture of Richard Reed? If that whackjob doesn't look like a Muslim terrorist then no one does!

      Maybe you have him confused with Robert Reed?

  5. profile image0
    Wendi Mposted 14 years ago

    What about redheads?  Should they be keeping an eye out for redheads too?

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      only if they buy firecrackers in nigeria.

      1. profile image0
        Wendi Mposted 14 years agoin reply to this an over-abundance of those in NH.

        1. blue dog profile image60
          blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          well, don't let your supply run out.  it's obvious there are those who will profile redheads with nigerian firecrackers.  if you end up with nigerian firecrackers, get to the airport sooner.  or change the color of your hair.

          1. profile image0
            Wendi Mposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Are nigerian firecrackers better than the ones we get here?

            1. blue dog profile image60
              blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              that's a good question.  i've been trying to get thru to abdul mudallad to find out what he thinks of those nigerian firecrackers, but he's still in custody, not taking calls.

              1. profile image0
                Wendi Mposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                LOL.  Well if he gets back to you before the 4th of July, give me a shout!

    2. OregonWino profile image61
      OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ALWAYS!!!  That is a rule of thumb I always use!

  6. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    lol lol lol

    I'm sure, you being so childish ! big_smile

    1. TMMason profile image61
      TMMasonposted 14 years agoin reply to this
  7. Ron Montgomery profile image60
    Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years ago

    Profilin's a good idee, it's even in thu consty-tushin!

    1. profile image0
      Citrus000posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This is a lot like something I read in a foxfire book. smile

  8. William R. Wilson profile image60
    William R. Wilsonposted 14 years ago

    I'd like to point out that terrorists are not stupid.  And they are not all Muslim. 

    There are people in Central America who want us dead.  There are people in Africa who want us dead.  There are people in America who think it's a great idea to go into a school and shoot as many people as possible before they kill themselves. 

    Further, there are Muslims active in Al Qaeda who are white, black, and oriental, as well as Arab.  And if we restricted our profiling to young men, they'd start sending women. 

    There is no effective way to racially profile for terrorists.  And if we started profiling, say, Arab and African men, even the stupidest Al Qaeda member would realize, 'hey, let's stop sending the Arab and African men to do our work' and they will find others.  In fact this profiling will make it easier for them in a sense.

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How would you make us safer?

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      A lot of people want us dead, but it was the Muslims that tried.

      The airports check us out thoroughly too.

  9. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    If you're not part of the solution then you're in the way and you're part of the

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      dante speaks.

  10. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    I think short people should be searched and skinny people, ya, short skinny people  lol

    1. profile image0
      sneakorocksolidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah and women! I think I'll make career change! "Hey Baby! Let me make sure those aren't bombs!"big_smile

  11. wesleyacarter profile image57
    wesleyacarterposted 14 years ago

    wow, i can accept some racism, but this topic is just overtly racist. it's funny how it's okay for people to be like that and expect other countries not to hate them, for other races not to lash out against them.

    i also find it funny that most successful terrorists and murderers in this country and abroad are white males - mostly behind the veil of politics and finance if not flat out killers themselves. How do you think this country got started? 

    the idea of terrorism itself is hypocritical and i think that people asking for more racial profiling are the same type of people capable of becoming terrorists themselves.

    Daily we are in Arab and African countries, terrorizing civilians, demanding social reform to our needs and our standards, and you believe that you have the RIGHT to feel terrorized? Look at Africa. Look at the Middle East. Africa more so, completely taken advantage of in every single, possible way and robbed of their resources, their humanity by European and North American powers. It was only thirty to fourty years ago that African Americans and Jewish Americans were seen as terrorists in this country.

    Screw all of you who need to create an enemy to justify your twisted world views.

    At least these terrorists have the balls to die for what they believe in. What do YOU believe in? And how quickly would that fall looking into the barrel of a gun. Easy to point fingers from behind a keyboard and computer screen.

    1. wesleyacarter profile image57
      wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      in this case, funny = disgusting

    2. wsp2469 profile image61
      wsp2469posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's okay to go off on tangents here BUT I think the bottom line is do you want to live in a country where people who could very well be bombers are NOT routinely stopped?
      I don't have all the answers.  I 'm not going to argue about other topics that just come out of nowhere with no proof.  I DO think, however, that if all the bombers we have caught in this country are purple or green then we need to check out all the purple and green people. If they belong here then they should get a break on their taxes as a consolation prize if it turns out they are not bombers and if they don't belong here-boohoo-you'd do the same thing in YOUR country if it was happening to you.
      Anyway, I think we need to stick to the specific limitations of the original posting or this will all go on and on, ya know? 
      As for terrorists in general, I would advise not attacking anyone personally.  It makes you sound like you truly don't know a damn thing about the terrorists of which you speak.  That would be like ME saying don't be a stupid ass; they're not dieing for something they believe in they're all brainwashed. . . .which I'm NOT actually saying.  I don't have time for back-n-forth I have writing to do.  I just thought I'd drop in and try to simplify things so we could all get back to writing hubs!

      1. blue dog profile image60
        blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        that being racial profiling?

        interesting that the op does a bit of race baiting and then goes into a disappearing act when no one (except for one internet troll) comes to stand in his corner.

      2. wesleyacarter profile image57
        wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I think that every American is capable of terrorism and so, every American should be searched. Focusing on one group allows another to slip through the cracks. We as Americans need to stop using exclusion as a tactic and hold EVERYONE accountable for what happens inside our borders.

        We are all in this together, and for a country to be safe, every citizen must make this sacrifice. All Americans should be searched in a uniform fashion. It is the price of 'freedom'.

        1. wsp2469 profile image61
          wsp2469posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Searching ALL Americans would work, too, however, not everyone assumes all Americans are capable of terrorism.  I know I'M not so either I am the exception to the rule OR the assumption is wrong.  PLUS, then the government would end up giving a lot more of my suggested "tax break"consolation prizes to people, too!

    3. William R. Wilson profile image60
      William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    4. OregonWino profile image61
      OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Whoa...ok Mr. X......don't get all black panther on us.  I can not even argue with what you wrote as you have such a warped sense of reality and embedded dislike for America and everything that many of us hold sacred, that we are operating with two different world views. 

      Anyone who is dumb enough to be brainwashed by a bunch of bearded maniacs who WANT their people to return to the middle ages and who deny basic human rights to their own women deserve the death they seek and I thank GOD we have men and women brave enough to give them what they are seeking.  I am just grateful that we found places like Iraq and Afghanistan to do it in so we can keep them from attacking INNOCENT people again like they did on 9/11.

      1. Ron Montgomery profile image60
        Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        C'mon now, we can't just go shooting Republicans now can we?

      2. tantrum profile image61
        tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        and you're talking about brainwash ! Congrats ! You're so right !!

        1. OregonWino profile image61
          OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you!

          I agree that the US does things poorly in many ways, but what other country goes to crap holes like Somalia...what did we get for that, they have no oil, no wealth, we went there to try and help people.  Whenever the UN gets into a scrape who has to go in when there is actual fighting?  The Iranians? Saudies? French? Syria?  HELL NO, it is the US and yet we are the "great evil"?  We are not perfect but at least we aspire to it...

          1. tantrum profile image61
            tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You skipped my sarcasm ! lol

            'and you're talking about brainwash ! '  don't you get it ?

      3. blue dog profile image60
        blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        you might want to go read a hub or two of his before you categorize him. 

        after that, read crossing the rubicon.  after that, read blackwater.

        then, let's talk about basic human rights.

        1. OregonWino profile image61
          OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I am replying to what he wrote, I think he gives a pretty good idea of his beliefs in his one page rant, I am not going to go do research on his past writings.

          I never said that the US hasnt done some messed up things, but WAR IS WAR and MOST of those acts have been during a military action of some type.  Anyone who defends the actions of a suicide bomber as "noble" is nothing short of disgusting.  We go out of our way to avoid civilian casualties, usually to the detriment of our success in battle, these people use their own women and children as shields and target non-military personnel.  Where is your anger for them?

          1. wesleyacarter profile image57
            wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I am not supporting suicide bombers. But this is a symptom, a side effect of something larger. There is nothing noble about it. In fact, I think that the focus our media puts on this symptom is a direct correlation and opposite reaction to the Western ideal of having someone else do it for you - something our officials and politicians practice thoroughly by sending our young, impoverished and naive soldiers to needless war in the name of patriotism. 

            There is war, and there is conquest. What the United States is doing, is conquering.

            1. OregonWino profile image61
              OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I agree with all of this except the last statement.  I think that is is much more complex then that.  We spend way more on these operations than we ever get back AND we leave the countries and let them run themselves.  IRaq is the ONLY functional democracy in the Middle East and it is because of us (I am not defending why we went in there, just what we did in the end.)  Conquering is taking something for yourselves, not giving it back.

              1. wesleyacarter profile image57
                wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                we have not attempted to conquer material things - accept oil and drugs. what we attempt to conquer is fundamental beliefs, ideas. To change the headspace of the Middle East entirely in order that it may benefit our cause. Globalization, my friend.

                1. OregonWino profile image61
                  OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Ok, I agree with that.

          2. blue dog profile image60
            blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            obviously you can't read, or i'd suggest you go read blackwater, by scahill, then read crossing the rubicon by ruppert, then go read a hub or two by wesley.

            you obviously are badly mistaken and grossly misinformed.

            1. wesleyacarter profile image57
              wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              thanks for the support man. I read both of those books actually, though briefly and hurried. Very interesting stuff, you are a great hubber.

      4. wesleyacarter profile image57
        wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        wow. this is what it sounds like when some screams "reverse racism".

        well are you brave enough to go to war? I don't think you are.

        and that 9/11 bullshit? am I the brainwashed one? really? if you're going to get offensive and attack me, you have to come with something better than that. You sound like a mid-western hick who sends their child to one of those schools that salutes George Bush every morning (yes this does exist).

        I don't dislike America, I am practicing the very ritual right now that I think makes me the MOST American: My freedom to express my opinion or beliefs. 

        You obviously are out of touch with anyone outside the United States if you think that these people are "bearded maniacs". These "maniacs" have everything in common with all the other people in the world our country subjugates. Only this time, we armed them and gave them the power to fight back. You speak of them as if they spun a globe and put their finger down on the United States. No, the United States is directly responsible for arming these people and baiting them into war in order to steal oil and drugs to feed economy and pharmacy.

        In fact, you using the term "black panther" suggests your racist thinking for assuming that I am black, and further assuming that I think white people are inherently evil just because I pointed out the fact that European and North American caucasians instigate and cause most of the terrorism. You are now exposed.

        1. tantrum profile image61
          tantrumposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        2. OregonWino profile image61
          OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          1. I am BLACK so don't think you can just call me racist whenever you cant defend your opinion.  If one of us is racist it is you...and yes, it is still racist to dislike people for their color...even if they are white..

          2. I was a Marine for 8 years  so don't DARE think you have any idea what war is...

          3. My bearded maniac comment was directed at the militant religious leaders that brainwash young men to believe that they should kill themselves and others for the glory of God and so they can get a better afterlife.  Defend them if you can

          1. wesleyacarter profile image57
            wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            well i guess 8 years well spent. Where did you serve?

            because you could have fooled me. Most soldiers I have spoken to about the war have noticed the symptoms of this war and have spelled them out. Even if they are soldiers, that doesn't make them idiots. I'm not calling you an idiot, however.

            I think if you are Black (it sounds like by color only), then you have spent much time shining daddy's shoes and now you think you have a special place to say such ignorant things. In past centuries, you would have been referred to as a "house negro" - negro being the nice version of the word. Being Black does not mean you are automatically NOT racist. And I think i defended my opinion very well if you cared to read.

            but i think Blue Dog was right, you can not read. I specifically said that I don't support suicide bombing and that I don't think White people are inherently evil. Every race is capable of the same things. White people are on top right now - a fact of life.

            1. OregonWino profile image61
              OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion out of Camp Pendleton CA for 5 years and Camp Lejeune for 3.  3 deployments in Afghanistan and 2 in Iraq.  I am glad that part of my life is over, but I do not regret serving

              I want you to go read what you just wrote it is,  in case you don't remember...

              "I think if you are Black (it sounds like by color only), then you have spent much time shining daddy's shoes and now you think you have a special place to say such ignorant things. In past centuries, you would have been referred to as a "house negro" - negro being the nice version of the word. Being Black does not mean you are automatically NOT racist. And I think i defended my opinion very well if you cared to read."

              You are telling me you are not racist?  How can you write something like that and consider yourself a MAN let alone a strong BLACK man?   I don't know if you live in the US, but I served this country,  just as my father served,  to give people like you the freedom to sit in your armchairs and tear down the greatest nation on this planet.  And I would do it again.  As much as what you say disgusts me, you have the right to believe what you want to.  But lose the chip on your shoulder because you are black and because it is hip to hate your country.  The door is wide open if you want to go live in one of those other great countries out there.

              1. wesleyacarter profile image57
                wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                first, I would like to say thank you for fighting for your country. You are a brave person. I appreciate your service.

                If you do not understand why my comment on your behavior as a Black man is not racist (or the numerous comments on how all races are capable of the same evils), then I can not get this message through to you, so I will drop it.

                Next, I would be very careful about assuming that I hate my country. Those are heated words and that is an accusation you cannot back up. I love this country, it is my country and I would die for it, when the time is necessary. But I will not stand by and watch my country descend into more and more evil trends and not hold my countrymen accountable. Patriotism is not something that I practice because it is a false ideal - especially in this country. Furthermore, you are proving yet again, your inability to read as you would know that I do live in America. Just because I don't tote a gun and follow orders without first thinking and considering, does not mean I won't beat the shit out of anyone who threatens my country and is in my reach. The military is not the only way to empower your country, so come down from that high horse. Having served does not make you more important or more deserving than any other American.

                And why did you decide to serve? Is it because your father told you to serve?

                1. OregonWino profile image61
                  OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  I was proud of my father for what he went through, I had it much easier than he did and have never felt that the color of my skin mattered less then when I was a soldier.  But yes, I get your passive aggressive undertones, but you don't get to bait me with my own father....

                  Racism is the recognition of a difference based on the color or someones skin or their ethic orgin.  If you think anyone is different than you are because of those reasons you are a racist.  I never said you hated your country, I said it is cool to do so, which it is.  Maybe you do and maybe you don't.

                  And this is for several people on here.  When your defense of an idea is to say that an opponent "can't read" or is just a red-neck, or uneducated, you just look like someone who does not have the ability to defend their ideas.

    5. ncmonroe1981 profile image60
      ncmonroe1981posted 14 years agoin reply to this


    6. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly, look at those countries how terrorized they are..That's what we don't want.
      This is about protection not race.
      If you ever get on a plane and there is a terrorist on board,
      you might then understand. Be thankful.
      Those protesting this are the first that would cry like a baby if they met a terrorist.

  12. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    Wow !!! that was GREAT !!

  13. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    what a brainwash that you have !!!

  14. MikeNV profile image67
    MikeNVposted 14 years ago

    The Flight Originated in Nigeria. Should America have security at every airport in the World?

    There are 20 million illegal aliens already in the country.  It's not like racial profiling would have stopped them.

    And we only know what the Media has to date briefly reported.

    When one jumps to conclusions there is a good chance they will be basing their reaction not on the facts, but on emotion.

    In 2050 the Minority race in the United States will be White.  Perhaps we should wait and start profiling then?

    It's easy to judge when the judgment doesn't effect you.

    1. OregonWino profile image61
      OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      FYI, read my original responce to the author, I said profiling is a legitimate strategy, I did not say racial though, sex and age are better indicators, so young males.

  15. wesleyacarter profile image57
    wesleyacarterposted 14 years ago

    i know enough about terrorism and where it comes from. and this is not a simple issue.

  16. William R. Wilson profile image60
    William R. Wilsonposted 14 years ago

    If we stopped using gas and oil we'd no longer need the bases in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.  Al Qaeda would lose one of the bases of their platform (to get infidels out of the holy land), we would spend a lot less money on defense, radicalize a lot fewer people around the world, and we'd probably not have to submit every American to a cavity search before they fly. 

    Win win.

  17. blue dog profile image60
    blue dogposted 14 years ago

    "...militant religious leaders that brainwash young men..."

    and young women.  don't forget the young women.  our militant religious leaders allow young women to fight their dirty wars now.  but then, being a marine, you already knew that.

  18. wesleyacarter profile image57
    wesleyacarterposted 14 years ago

    back on topic.

    I think that i would save time and energy if everyone were searched rather than a select few. That would automate a system that would simultaneously raise the level of useful security tactics and promote equal rights to all peoples, the fundamental backbone of American ideologies.

    1. wsp2469 profile image61
      wsp2469posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Glad to see you're all back on topic but you're probably better off leaving saving time out of it since right now people who don't fit the profile get through faster, right? Perhaps if you suggest they just make all the initial bullshit more efficent but not ADD anything?

      1. wesleyacarter profile image57
        wesleyacarterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        that works just fine. uniformity in thi case, would be a strong point.

    2. OregonWino profile image61
      OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with this.  We have the technology to effectively screen everyone and could easily pay for it by taking just a portion of the US defense budget.

  19. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Oregon, thank you for serving in the military!

    1. OregonWino profile image61
      OregonWinoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for being supportive of those who do!!

  20. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    I've been profiled a time or three...I think.  Once had to take off my dangerous looking cowboy boots (Butte, Montana)...nearly got yanked off an engine-delayed flight in Salt Lake City because I was napping while we were on the ground, looked "blue", and the attendants thought I was too ill to fly alone (I'll outlive every one of 'em, thank you).  But I gave up flying entirely after June 2006 when after arriving home (in Montana at that time) I found my checked bag had had the locks destroyed (they were gone) and my stuff "tossed" (i.e. scrambled). 

    Guess they thought anybody who checked in to Room 911 in a Manhattan hotel (which I'd done) and auditioned for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (which I'd done) just HAD to be a terrorist.

    Glad none of my socks in the bag had holes in 'em.  That would have been a sure sign of TBT, Terrorism By Toenail!  lol

    1. Sufidreamer profile image81
      Sufidreamerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hehe -  I know exactly how you feel, Ghost. I used to fly regularly between Ireland and the UK and was taken aside every single time I entered the UK, despite pointing out that I was British, not Irish.

      The last time it happened, I asked why - the guy said that it was because I stood out. Most of the other passengers were businessmen in suits, whereas I looked like a farmer.

      I always thought this was a little strange - surely, if I was a member of the IRA, I would try to blend in a little better. Not a biggie and it was only a few minutes of my time.

      Still, I think that they had a quota system and had to search a certain number of people, so I am glad that I helped somebody hit their target for the day big_smile

      1. habee profile image93
        habeeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Gotta watch out for those dangerous farmers, Sufi!

  21. Rod Marsden profile image69
    Rod Marsdenposted 14 years ago

    The best way I believe to deal with the mad bombers, etc is to develop better intelligence and, when it comes to technology, try to keep ahead of them.

  22. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    "As you can see, a suicide bomber was stopped on a flight to Detroit today "

    The operative word being stopped...

    1. profile image0
      lyricsingrayposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile big_smile big_smile

    2. Rod Marsden profile image69
      Rod Marsdenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The question is how was he stopped. Was it good intelligence that did the trick? Maybe the powers that be are learning and doing good work in stopping them.

  23. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    Traveling to different parts of the world I came to realized that you cant stop terrosristic activities at airports etc, movement of people through and fro --- simply because the legal system is different in parts of the world, for one, THE US cant impose on other countries in their airline security technology develops the terrorist become wiser..

    if they want to do that, then they can provide high tech technologies to developing countries, I have been searched upon all my baggages of nail cutter etc, and I was touched and hold by different airline security officer removed etc,,,

    but then these are needed for security reasons..

    the problem of terrorism is very deep, cultural, economic imbalance, world power,,,,

  24. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 14 years ago

    lol lol lol

  25. TMMason profile image61
    TMMasonposted 14 years ago

    TimTurner wrote:
    As you can see, a suicide bomber was stopped on a flight to Detroit today (Dec. 25th).  He was a Nigerian who was on the NO-FLY LIST.

    Yes, he managed to get on a U.S. airline while being on the list.  The reason?

    Because our country is "too scared" to racially profile and question every Middle Eastern or African person on every flight.

    I want every Middle Eastern and African to be pulled aside on every flight and questioned and searched.  This is not asking too much.  They just need to get to the airport a lot sooner.

    This is getting ridiculous.  National security should be our #1 priority folks.  Not health reform which are government is wasting their time on. … roit_N.htm


    Its funny how all Islamic torrorists are Muslim, eh. So if they see a Muslim along with them others, they better get him/her also.

    He is probrable the cell leader.

  26. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 14 years ago

    How can people be so dum as to brainlessly go into a forum and make such statements formed on the basis of anothers race, religion and creed ... tarnish them, judge them, execute them and sterotype them all the same!  People should get an education!  BARRRRRRRR HUMBUG!

    No, actually, I should be more tolerant of such comments, dont want to stoop down to that level.

    With love and peace.. go and learn x

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      you might be correct about adapting a level of tolerance with these racists.  but, how is that done when the blight is of such magnitude?

      1. profile image0
        shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        by people like us, going into forums like this and trying to set an example x

  27. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 14 years ago

    Terrorist come in all shapes, sizes, skin color and age group which means that every single person including children that boards a flight would have to be profiled, which is ridiculous! I can bet that there are a few Caucasian people that are also terrorists they just have not gotten caught yet.

    1. Levertis Steele profile image73
      Levertis Steeleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is a good picture, and I would not want my grands to be profiled, but I have heard of bombs and weapons being attached to children, even placed in babies' diapers. Terriorists usually do what people expect them not to do. That's a sure way of a successful mission. So, security has to beat them at their own game.

  28. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    One more reason I will not fly again. Someone really fumbled the ball on this one.

  29. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 14 years ago

    Ok I'm out of here....

    GOD BLESS AMERICA and anyone who does not like us..WHO CARES

    Carry on.

  30. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    It's so hard to be white...

    1. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      imagine how it must feel to be a white ordained licensed minister...

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry?

      Being accused of being a racist all the time is pretty bad.
      No one said only one group should be profiled.

    3. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      anybody can pose a threat to an airline. instead of profiling races, security personnel should be extensively trained to focus on the tiniest nuance and nervous tic to spot people who look suspicious. most people about to commit a crime will have trouble acting normal, i would think.

      1. Mitch Rapp profile image59
        Mitch Rappposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Unless they are normally criminal.

  31. Petra Vlah profile image60
    Petra Vlahposted 14 years ago

    Is the latest White House incident proof enough that security can only do that much?

    Making fewer enemies around the world will be much more effective than doing racial profiling

  32. profile image58
    JUAN DE LA RIBERAposted 14 years ago

    Yes there has to be some profile of likely bombers. At the moment it appears to be radical followers of Islam, not all followers of Islam. A few years ago it was Irish who were the bombers, but then again they did not attack the USA, so that does not count. Sorry to have to state this historical fact, The USA and it´s peoples (NOT ALL) funded terrorism for many years for it´s own reasons thus spawning the rise of terrorism across the world for reasons of hate and greed, normally both.
    International flights are not cheap so how about those who do not fit the financial criteria, this already catches a few drug couriers. Then you have to think of people who work airside at airports. These are normally underpaid and not checked fully, I refer to the Channel Five program that exposed RyanAir staff, from Eastern European countries being allowed unsupervised airside access. EL-AL does not seem to have problems, but they are strict on staff and passenger checks, just get all other Airlines to follow their rules etc. and if they do not, only fly EL-AL then money will force them to. The main problem Governments, Airports etc. have is the general attitude of so many who do not want a delay, to be checked, to stick to rules as they are not bombers only other people. Too many think rights are only for them and it´s everyone else who has to have the responsibility. Until all passengers accept it is a collective responsibility to ensure safe travel the risks are high. Arrive at airports early, allow security staff to do their job without being shouted at for delaying you on your life or death important journey, and report any person who appears to be acting selfless or suspicious.

  33. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 14 years ago

    I travel a lot and anyone who buys a ticket is quickly profiled by the computer system
    Then if someone looks as though they should be profiled again, they are.
    Not once did I say only a group should be profiled.
    Don't try to make me the bad guy just because your not really reading what I am saying

  34. profile image57
    C.J. Wrightposted 14 years ago

    He was on a "watch list" not the "no fly list".
    McVeigh and others were being watched...most militia types are.
    We learned that the guy from Ft Hood was being watched, what difference did that make? Its not if you select people to watch based on predetermined criteria, its what you do with the info once its obtained.

  35. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

  36. Levertis Steele profile image73
    Levertis Steeleposted 12 years ago

    If you were given an IQ test with the sole question being, "Which races should be profiled during an airport security check?" and you selected B. "Middle Eastern and African," you would be labeled "Idiot." No offense is intended, as I am certain that you are not an idiot. I am merely trying to drive home my point: "Good security takes no chances and allows for no surprises." Do you have any idea how many people in any given race can be bought with the right amount of money? To end my point, I would not hire anyone who chose this answer to head security at any U.S. airport. What does race have to do with it? Secure the darn airports!

  37. Levertis Steele profile image73
    Levertis Steeleposted 12 years ago

    Please closely analyze your meaning here: "Screw all of you who don't think airlines shouldn' racially profile..."

    You used two negatives, and your translation is

    "Screw all of you who think airlines should racially profile." I agree with this one, but I believe that you can improve it by replacing "screw" with a better word: "Bless?" "Thank?" Just a couple of suggestions. big_smile

  38. SpanStar profile image60
    SpanStarposted 12 years ago

    I can't begin to tell you how backwards at first they sounds like. It is the exact same racial bias that placed African-Americans as second-class citizens, imprisoned Japanese-Americans, prevented women the opportunity to vote.

    Let's see how this suggestion plays out, what if someone requested that they are suspicious of Caucasians and that they expect every Caucasian who boards a flight should first be strip-searched?

  39. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    I'd rather TSA assume every passenger could be a terrorist and every passenger might be carrying a bomb and screen everyone equally and thoroughly.
    No profiling.
    No racism.
    No playing Russian roulette with political correctness and ending up blown to bits or hijackaed.

    To me, this is a public safety trumps personal rights issue.
    Safety for all.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, no one complained much when it was only certain people who were searched.

  40. CMHypno profile image83
    CMHypnoposted 12 years ago

    If people are that scared they should give up flying - you are far more likely to die in a car crash and unfortunately any nutter without a license or insurance can get behind a wheel!

  41. lone77star profile image74
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    Wow! What hateful questions and speech. If you were any more divisive, the Rockefellers would likely give you the New World Order award of merit for 2012!

    Racial profiling is dumb and offensive. Can a terrorist be white? How about the Oklahoma bombing and Timothy McVeigh? So, now we profile all Caucasians? Dumb! Anyone with skills in disguise could skirt around all profiling. Dumb!

    9/11 was an inside job! This is a logical conclusion from the fact that all 3 WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. Al Qaeda did not have months of unfettered access at the World Trade Center. But the CIA did. They had offices in WTC7. And two Bush family members were running the security company overseeing WTC security. What does that tell you? It should raise some questions!

    We have proof of controlled demolition! Yes, using scientific method, rather than the Bush, pick the panel with the most conflict of interest approach to "scientific" inquiry. Even the 9/11 chairman said that it was set up to fail! No surprise there, especially when it took over 400 days for Bush to get around to it.

    Proof of controlled demolition? I wrote my longest hub just a few days ago on this, and it merely touches the tip of the iceberg of a mountain of proof and other evidence. But here's a teaser for you: iron spheres in all samples of the concrete dust! And even the Bush team admits that the fires were not hot enough to melt steel. So how to atomize iron? Would 4000F and explosions do it?

    Ooooo! America couldn't murder its own citizens! This is the land of the free and home of the brave! Right?

    Wrong! Since 9/11, both presidents have shredded the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And just to set the record straight, the American government has long thought about murdering its own citizens to forward political ends. In 1963, the Joint Chiefs came up with Operation Northwoods which proposed hijacking airplanes, murdering their own troops, killing American citizens with fake terrorist attacks -- and then blaming it all on Cuba. Why? To stir public sentiment against Cuba and fund a new war.

    And the officers and crew of the USS Liberty have a mountain of evidence that President Johnson wanted them killed and was using the Israelis to do it. Why? To gain a beachhead in the Middle East at that early stage. It didn't work out. The Israeli attacks failed and many of the crew came back alive.

    While we bicker amongst ourselves, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and their ilk are raking in Trillion$ from all their Central Banks, worldwide, from all of the wars for which they finance both sides. The end result -- one-world government. No more USA. No more Constitution or Bill of Rights. No more competition in the realm of governance. One big, happily enslaved humanity.

    So when you say something like "Screw all of you who don't think airlines shouldn' [sic] racially profile," you're playing right into their hands. Divided we're far easier to conquer. Dumb!


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