Could this be a reason some people are gay?

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  1. profile image55
    peter565posted 9 years ago

    Could this be a reason some people are gay?

    Not saying there is anything wrong about been gay. But we know gay is usually result of psychology, meaning with right psychologist's help any gay can turn straight and straight person can turn gay. But last year there was report of a once little boy turn into a girl in teens, turn out him/her, got XX chromosome, but due to odd reason, can't release female hormone till teen. As a child, he/she was always a girl trap in boy body. It got me thinking, is it possible some gay ain't psychology, but XX who can't release female hormone or XY that can't release male hormone? Should we test the theory?

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    Hooooboy, this should be a good one. Be right back, I'm gonna get some beers and set up the lawn chairs.

    1. Austinstar profile image88
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Who told this fool that being gay was psychological? The pray away the gay folks? Wow, can 'O worms is right! Pass the popcorn.

    2. Au fait profile image85
      Au faitposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      [Who told this fool that being gay was psychological? ]All animal behavior is psychology, we do thing due to our psychological status, therefore, gay or not, is psychology. Please keep gay vs Catholic war, out of discussion.  Thank you

    4. Austinstar profile image88
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peeing is psychological? Who knew? And who mentioned anything about Catholics? I'm sorry you are so confused about things. But at least you are pursuing answers.

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      [Peeing is psychological?]Isn't your decision to pee, not a decision made by your psych status?  Do somebody else's brain control your body?

    6. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Oh my, Peter. Take a biology class. Peeing is controlled by a hormone in the body that tells yr body to produce urine called ADH - antidiuretic hormone. Alcohol stops this, makes u pee more. U r triggered 2 pee by nerves indicating full. Control lrnt

    7. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So, are u saying ur decision to go pee, is not a result of ur bain? Or ur decision to try hold ur pee till u can't hold and wet ur pants, isn't a decision of ur brain?  No one say gay is wrong here, so what are u on about? Are u ashamed of who u are?

    8. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Nope, not ashamed in the slightest. Tired of others who aren't gay trying to tell us why we are.
      Pee - nerve endings tell u u are full. Control is learnt, so are u saying those with no control over peeing are psychologically wrong?

    9. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Never said those who can't control pee are psychological wrong. Saying it is ur psych decision of whether to choose to pee or hold it.  Info send to brain, brain evaluate it and make decision base on the evaluation, that is how human mind work.

    10. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Surely the mechanism that controls the urge to pee is neurological, not psychological.  It might be considered psychological to "hold on," but it only forestalls the neuro- function temporarily.  If you are full beer even this choice can be thwarted!

    11. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Excluding reflex how human work is our eyes, ears, nose nerves send a message to our brain.  Our brain then evaluate those information and respond to the evaluation, therefore, whether to pee or hold it in, is psychology

    12. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No, you're choosing whether or not to meet the physical urge now or later.  You don't choose whether to pee or not.  Everyone pees and eventually your body will do it whether your mind tells it to or not.

    13. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That is still choosing whether you are going to pee.  Whether you are able to hold it in, that is another story.

    14. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Right.  So when you pee is a choice. Peeing in itself is not.  But even your choice when to relieve yourself is very much influenced by the physical urge.  If your body didn't signal it to you then you wouldn't need to make the choice.

  3. greenmind profile image98
    greenmindposted 9 years ago

    "But we know gay is usually result of psychology, meaning with right psychologist's help any gay can turn straight and straight person can turn gay" -- you're DEAD WRONG about this. I think before you open up your can of worms you should do a little background reading on worms.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I have, eg there are men who find them self attracted to men cause, desire for sexual companionship, but lack of women(eg some people turn gay in prison, but straight after leaving) or fear of  women (eg China Emperor Liou Ean 210BC-188BC,)

  4. jlpark profile image75
    jlparkposted 9 years ago

    Your second sentence is scientifically wrong.

    Your sexual orientation is not a choice, nor can it be changed. Exodus International and other "conversion" therapy providers are providing false advertising, and I guess for some parents and/or gay people themselves (who aren't happy with being gay) false hope.  The founder of Exodus International himself has apologised for the damage they have caused by trying to convert people - particularly those who are forced into it by parents etc. Conversion therapy has been banned for minors in many countries, and states - because it is DAMAGING.

    Gay is NOT The result of psychology. Please don't make such ignorant statements.

    The children you speak of with the XY chromosomes that "change" to boys at puberty have a genetic difference that is known in their community/country, and a few others, to prevent the surge of testosterone hormone in the womb, so they are born looking female, but at puberty the second surge happens, and the anatomy develops further than it had.

    NO WHERE in ANY ARTICLE on these people has it said that any of them are gay, or transgender even.  This has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation, and more to do with sex (physical gender) hormones.

    You comment in a comment about "gay in prision" - this is usually a power thing, not a sexual attraction thing. It's also a lack of woman thing, but it DOES not mean they are gay, just getting themselves off anyway they can (for those who are only 'gay' in prison).

    How about you leave the science to the scientists, and leave the gay people out of your little theories, unless you happen to be a specialist in gay science (huh??), or gay yourself. Otherwise, you are just trying to stir problems. Why don't we try out your theory on straight people? See how you'd feel.....but lets get your facts straight first.

    1. Austinstar profile image88
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't it amazing how people form these 'set in stone' opinions of homosexuality? WTF? Believing in old wives tales and superstition about sexuality is the most damaging thing to happen to people.

    2. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If it doesn't personally affect some people, they'll form any opinion, and believe anything about it, because it changes nothing for them, regardless of what damage it may do to others. Its when they force this opinion as fact that there's a problem

    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      1 its academic proven, personality is 50%DNA+50%environment, thus psychology play a role in sexual orientation. 2 If any straight man would participate in academic experiment of how to use psychology to turn straight men gay, why not?

    4. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Provide peer-reviewed studies, Peter. So we can see your sources. Personality and sexual orientation are VERY different things - so your theory is interesting, but comparing apples with oranges. If you can't change yrself to gay, y assume we can?

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Why are u worry, if a psych expert, figure out how to turn gay people straight and straight people gay? Are u worry, people would condemn gay people for not going straight, after it? choice or not, u have right to be gay and people must respect it.

    6. Anna C Taylor profile image85
      Anna C Taylorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Can I see a study on the "50%DNA+50%environment" thing? I know there are a multitude of THEORIES about the balance between nature and nurture but in the end we've just come to a consensus that they both play a role. I didn't know we had percentages..

    7. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I thought 50% nature and 50% nurture is common knowledge. Alright, I'll see if I can find a paper on it.  Cheers smile

    8. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Um, no, Peter.  It most definitely not exactly 50% each.  They interact and play their own roles but there is no possible way of knowing to what extent, and it likely varies from one person to the next.  Maybe stop making up stats?

    9. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      We know for a fact, DNA default setting and environment are equally important, so saying each is 50% is a fair comment. e.g. the same twin, one grew up in liberal household, other grew up in ISIS brainwashing, would have some major difference

    10. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      They don't always have equal pull, though. You're majorly oversimplifying.

    11. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yet once again, how many people who answer question here are truly specialized?  Only a small handfull

    12. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You, Peter, are the one stating it as fact yet failing to produce the sources of yr 'facts' - so where is this info from? Otherwise you are likely just pulling it from yr hat.

    13. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Why are u so resistance to the fact human behavior is psych(DNA default setting or environment)? Do u think if they find a way to change gay straight, ur wrong not to change? U shouldn't think that way

    14. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not resistant - I'd just like to see some proof - you have yet to give ANY to back up your claim. If you want to convince anyone, including me, show us the proof of yr statements. I don't think the way you are claiming, I'd just like 2 see proof

    15. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I've seen few reports. Some favor "Direct result of a DNA default personality that can't be change." others favor part of psychic that can be change. Since u are so defensive, I must conclude u are ashamed of what u are, thus, not showing u it.

    16. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peter - I'm not defensive. I just don't take statements of fact as fact without proof. I'm a happy, proud, educated gay woman. Therefore, as u refuse 2 show yr proof - I must therefore conclude - you don't have any.

    17. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Ok, here is 1 report. It provide reference to academic sources, so, unless the source are fake, its credible. PS: Don't think been gay is wrong, cause it … JTNBXm9geO

    18. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting, but it doesn't support yr 50/50 theory nor include yr exact stats. The same YouTube channel has this - which would mean it's biological, not psychological. I've never thort gay is wrong, I'm not ashamed of me

    19. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Seen it, but that is still personality, only this one support a direct DNA default personality result theory. The comment box isn't enough for 2 video, so I chose the 1 that show sources. Gay psych study is still at infant stage, we still know little

    20. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I have just deleted a comment that once again bring in the Catholic vs gay war into the conversation (this one is on Catholic side). This question would tolerate no further comments that bring the Catholic vs gay war into the conversation.

  5. IslandBites profile image92
    IslandBitesposted 9 years ago

    What? I am speechless...

    It's just sad.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      1Although the question don't agree with the gay right slogan "gay not choice, it didn't say its wrong 2If you feel, if gay is a choice, then it is wrong, isn't you the one with problem? 3The question discus sexual orientation, please stay on topic

  6. Austinstar profile image88
    Austinstarposted 9 years ago

    OK peter565 - if you are straight, just ask yourself if YOU can change your sexuality. If you are straight, can YOU just decide to "be gay"? Can you?
    If you are gay, can you just decide one day to "be straight"? Can you?
    Genetic expressions of gender are TOTALLY separate from sexuality. Your gender (genetics) determines how your body will function regarding reproduction.
    Sexual preference expressions are probably not determined by genetics, but more toward personal attraction relating to the sexual/pleasure part of your brain. In other words, you can be genetically a female, but still be attracted to males (heterosexual) or perhaps females (homosexual).
    And genetic males can also be sexually attracted to females or sexually attracted to males.
    Sexual attraction is not related to gender genetics, in other words. Just like if you are attracted to sweet tastes, it doesn't matter whether you are male or female. It's a matter of finding a sweet taste attractive or not attractive.
    Or if you prefer - both males and females can be left-handed. It's not related to their genetics. Or if being left-handed is genetic, the gene is an altogether different gene than the one that controls the male/female expression.
    Take a college course in genetics and it might explain all this to you.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      1Disagree with gay right slogan 'gay not choice" don't= pro Catholic anti gay view. 2"gay not choice" slogan is to deal with Catholic bully. 3 please don't mix academic interest in sexual orientation, with western gay vs Catholic war. Thanks you

    2. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      How many gay people have to tell you they didn't choose to be gay, for you to believe that it's not a choice? Can you make yourself gay, peter? Try it. If you can't, why assume we can make ourselves straight?

    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Cause, we know personality is DNA+environment. And although some people are 110% gay or straight, some, (especially amount women) get complex, I've heard gay women in straight relationship and straight women in gay relationship. Twins 1gay 1straight

    4. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Again - personality and sexual orientation are different. Yes, it is complex, and you are trying to oversimplify it and then generalise it to all. Again - sources for yr facts.

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      sexual orientation is a part of personality. personality is who u are on a psych status, psyhc status in product of ur mind, it include DNA default setting and environmental factor.

    6. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sources, Peter. How hard is it? Hell, write a hub with sources + I'll read it.U r oversimplifing, then generalising it 2 the gay population. Sure, they R combined in part, but they R also different - not all gay people have similar personalities etc.

    7. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      1 Gave you a more credible source above 2 Never said all gay people have same DNA or environmental personality, varies with people eg some people become prison gay, using feminine looking men to substitute women, other don't

  7. Au fait profile image85
    Au faitposted 9 years ago

    I don't know who told you that being gay is just a matter of psychology.  That isn't what I was taught when I studied psychology at the university.  I'm wondering if you may have gotten your ideas from some of the poorly educated people in this world -- like Kim Davis, for example.

    There isn't space available here to go into all the things than can cause people to be born in a particular body and feel like it's the wrong one psychologically. 

    Instead of worrying about something you clearly do not understand and probably never will, realize that homosexuals are people too.  They are just like you.  They have dreams and desires, and they want happiness and peace, so just let them have those things without judging them -- the way you want people to do for you.  Live and let live.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Response to last paragraph: The question said "Not saying there is anything wrong about been gay" disagree with gay activist view of gay isn't a choice don't = problem with gay, please don't put words, into people mouth, thank you smile

  8. Aime F profile image72
    Aime Fposted 9 years ago

    I tend to take a biopsychosocial stance on most things, meaning I think biology, psychology, and social environment all align to create a set of circumstances.  Biology could have 90% of the pull while psychology and environment create the other 10%. Or it could all be split evenly. Or 10% biology could be enough if the social environment is right.  I don't know, and I'm not sure people will ever be able to pinpoint one exact reason why someone is gay or straight (and I don't really believe that there is ONE exact thing that determines sexual orientation - because even among people who identify as being straight there's a variation of "how" straight).

    Psychologists aren't capable of changing someone's identity (unless the person is easily persuaded or hyper-receptive to authority), nor should they want to.  I'd be interested to see how many people could sit down with a psychologist and come out sexually and emotionally attracted to a different sex than they were walking in.  My guess would be very, very few.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      There are very few studies into this till recently, so academic knowledge of the topic is limited, We know personality is DNA + environment. So, we know there are at least, 2 main factor relate to why people are straight or gay.

  9. Craftypicks profile image67
    Craftypicksposted 9 years ago

    You can control your actions. People who are Gay can choose not to act upon it. It doesn't change who they are. You can not change your sexual orientation with any amount of therapy.  It's like asking a right handed person to become left handed. Physically anyone can do it with practice. They made my Grandmother change, but it won't stop how your brain processes.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think its possible, I've seen gay men, who claim their gayness is contribute by childhood trauma with other sex. I don't think all people would turn gay as result, cause 50% personality is DNA and 50% environment, but I think it apply to some.

  10. Anna C Taylor profile image85
    Anna C Taylorposted 9 years ago

    There is a lot to talk about here, and it seems like the other comments have mostly covered it.

    My main contribution is look up the Kinsey Scale. I believe people exist on a spectrum. Some people are bisexual and their views change based on the significant other they're interested in. Example - four years ago I dated a man because I fell for a man. Two years ago I started dating a woman because I fell in love with a beautiful woman. If I date anyone in the future (I'm hoping not, but that's off topic) it could be either gender, depending on the kind of people I find. If I find a great man, awesome. If I find a great woman, sweet. I'm somewhere mid-scale.

    Other people don't have to be like me. Some people love men, some women, some people just don't care. Individuals are different.

    This does not mean that I am turning gay or turning straight with each new relationship. I am just me and my interests are not limited to gender.

    Do a little research. You could learn something interesting.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, unfortunately, despite question ask for intellect discussion on psych of sexual orientation. Its dominate by none sense of those offended by fact that human behavior is of one's psychic(i'm guessing gay), a truly sad see

    2. Anna C Taylor profile image85
      Anna C Taylorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      But can you actually prove that somebody chooses to be gay? You keep saying it is one's psychic but I see no proof

    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Psychology dictionary definition: 1. the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. 2. the mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group.

  11. passionatelearnr profile image82
    passionatelearnrposted 9 years ago

    i  think being gay(if the person is healthy) depends more on psychology and environment than on biology.even if you are genetically fat, you can stay slim if you stay on a diet.Depression runs in your family but you can choose to adopt a positive attitude and thus heal from depression.

    1. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah... that's not really how clinical depression works....

    2. Austinstar profile image88
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's also not how genetically fat works either.

    3. Craftypicks profile image67
      Craftypicksposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Clinical Depression is not the same as situational depression.  You can control the situational depression, but it takes medication to help the body get back to balance when you are clinically depressed.

    4. Aime F profile image72
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Situational depression is normal, pretty much everyone experiences it at some point.  Clinical depression is related to genetics.

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If the question have undoubt reason to believe any below comment is not product of an actual academic scientific discussion, but to serve a debate that push for a political view in regards to homosexuality (pro or against) it would be deleted

    6. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So,  family of 8 - parents straight, 7 siblings all straight, one gay Same environment, same upbringing. No psychological issues at all.
      Can you tell me how what works with yr theory of psychological and environmental cause?

    7. profile image52
      piyayojepposted 9 years agoin reply to this
    8. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      [family of 8 - parents straight, 7 siblings all straight, one gay Same environment ] Wasn't aware of this comment till today: Different people respond differently to same situation. Eg in prison, some people become prison gay, but not everybody

    9. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peter - thats an easy cop out - yet nothing in situation would have caused. Could it also be that it has nothing to do with psychology (or at least very little), and that the 1 of 8 in the family is simply born that way? SOmething to think on..yes?

    10. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      There is a biological basis for being Gay, it could even start before fertilization, depictive Sex Chromosome (Parental X and Y) by mutation and favored by E. Females who are alcoholic and smokers tend to have chromosomal breakage than normal females

    11. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That is still psych, as we said, DNA default setting is still psychology. Or maybe put it more elegantly, biology, influence psychology. But that is still psychology. That's why sometime surgery and medicine could alter a person's psychological state

    12. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So, Peter - if biology influences psychology - and u claim gay-ness is psychologically based - aren't you just saying that being gay is biological - as biology affected the way in which 1 of 8 responded to upbringing? Which would make it unchangable.

    13. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, from the beginning I always say been gay is psych, never say is it bio influence, environmental influence or both. Only say psych is result of bio and environmental influence and with enough knowledge, we can change person's psych

    14. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I doubt if you can change a person's psych, even with med'l intervention, once matured it's already fixed. I've seen gay men lead a "normal life", wife, and children but when opportunity come they return to the old behavior (latent), it's their ID.

    15. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this
    16. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peter, I visited the 2 sites you recommended, we are looking at articles on Psych-changing Gay to Straight? that's what you mean? Just give me the citation-Author and Title. Thanks

    17. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The point I am trying to make with these two example, is that a person's psychology status can be change, via surgery, medicine and counseling. Look up "Response Shaping Process" on google too, this is a good example

    18. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe too broad but can it be possible to use Hypnosis to erase one's memory clean and start over again?

    19. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peter - when you mention surgery - what do you mean? Looking at yr original question info - you are talking about people who rchanging gender - so sex change? If so, u r confusing transgender with gay, gender identity with orientation. Very different

    20. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, it is an experiment worth trying.  Now we just need a few volunteer to participate in the study

  12. CallumCharles profile image61
    CallumCharlesposted 9 years ago

    "But we know gay is usually result of psychology, meaning with right psychologist's help any gay can turn straight and straight person can turn gay..." You say!

    To be honest, we don't know that at all!!
    You can't honestly say that sexuality is a learned behaviour, which is what you are implying. I am afraid, you are quite wrong. It is to do with genetics and something we have no control over. Psychology can not override genetics. Even oppression and fear can't! Though, there are countries, that use this dreadful form to control the masses, that would strongly disagree with me. I am not a scientist, and I don't pretend to be so. But, surely you can see how wrong you are with that theory? Sexuality is something to be embraced, not feared.
    Its a part of your human make-up, be proud of it!

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      psychology definition:(the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.) influencing factors including DNA&environment. Thus, why people are gay or straight, fall under psychology

    2. CallumCharles profile image61
      CallumCharlesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You imply that sexuality can be changed. A straight person can not become gay, neither can a gay person become straight. Sexuality is not a learned behaviour and can't be turned off at the flick of a switch.

    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      There are cases of gay turn straight and straight turn gay.  But study on it is little, so, we don't know how to change at will. Problem is Christian extremists believe gay is wrong and want to persecute them.

    4. CallumCharles profile image61
      CallumCharlesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The problem is with those cases, 9 times out of 10 they were gay or bi to begin with, but were not aware of it. I understand your analysis,but some people do not discover their true sexuality until they are much older; some never do and some have.

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Look, I got nothing against gays. But "gay not choice" is political slogan against Catholic gay hater. Outside politic we should be academic. Psych is DNA+environment, evidence by people change, so gay turn straight, straight turn gay, possible

    6. CallumCharles profile image61
      CallumCharlesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      We really don't have a choice about our sexuality.
      Think about it, when you woke up this morning, did you decide to be the sexuality you are now? Or not? Yes I agree with being academic and I truly understand that your opinion is different to mine.

    7. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I still think its possible because changing people's psych is proven possible. e.g. in ancient China, they know removing a man's ball and penis remove his sexual desire and all men whom want to be palace servant must have penis removal surgery.

    8. CallumCharles profile image61
      CallumCharlesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry to interrupt but you fail there. Removing a persons sexual organs does not remove sexual desire because a male to female trans sexual can still have sex. I suggest you do your research Peter.

    9. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Na, you are wrong. … on-effects as for the sex change need to ask doctors, why they still have sex drive.

    10. CallumCharles profile image61
      CallumCharlesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You can't base your evidence on a go ask joe bloggs site.
      You need to research proper things from universities … ch-heteros
      I suggest you research

    11. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Not much high standard info on castrated men's sexual desire. This one end with .edu, should be credible, best I can find on short notice. Most other site on the topic, more or less speak of same, including modern men castrated. I'll read ur link

    12. CallumCharles profile image61
      CallumCharlesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck with your quest and search Peter. I may not agree with you, but I am willing to agree to disagree with you. But I would suggest you research a lot more. There is a lot more information out there. Make it a quest, gather infoand research.

    13. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this


  13. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 9 years ago

    I think we need to stop categorizing people based on their sex life. There always have been gay people and there always will be gay people.  What different does the cause of it make?  Most gay people I know you don't know about their sex life.  Why?  There is more to them than their sex life. Most of the gay people I know don't fit the stereotype either.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The political issue surrounding gays in western world, is product of Catholic church wanting to persecute gays. This question, look for academic discussion on why are people gay or straight. Please refrain from bringing in Catholic vs gay war.

    2. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I would say the Muslim religion also has a long history of harsh treatment against people who are homosexual.  Their treatment of gays today  remains horrifying. Being stoned to death is no way to check out.

    3. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Peter - Mike said nothing about Catholics. He has a point and it had nothing to do with religion.
      Mike - thank you.

    4. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "Gay not choice"political slogan that can help gay accepted by None Christian/MuslimRE(ReligionExtremist) (slogan true? another story, I believe med, surgery, counseling can change psychology, so not true)but make RE want to kill, then convert gay

    5. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Gay not choice is not a political slogan nor one about Catholics. Is a statement by GAY people to say their sexuality isn't chosen. You keep interpreting statements that disagree with u as 'gay v catholic' - when they aren't. Disagreement is healthy.

    6. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, still can't agree with "gay not choice" many cases of med, surgery, counseling, changing person's mind set. (Plus, I've seen gay turn straight&straight turn gay) Psychology just don't know enough to be able to shift people at will, yet.

    7. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's fine - you don't have 2 agree - like I said disagreement is healthy. But claiming 'gay v catholic war' when lack of choice in sexuality is mentioned (not religion or politics) is not productive - peoples allowed 2 disagree + still have conver

    8. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this


  14. Haley Keller profile image60
    Haley Kellerposted 9 years ago

    Your second sentence isn't true at all. In fact, the most accepted theory of the cause of homosexuality is currently some combination of genetics and environment (which causes every single aspect of a person really), but most researchers also believe that genetics have a stronger influence than environment. That's the most accepted belief we have. In fact, that's the stance that the American Psychological Association takes, so if they don't think that homosexuality is largely caused by psychology, then I don't think it can be claimed that we "know" psychology causes it.

    Also, we know conversion therapy doesn't work because it just doesn't work. I don't know why people still try to argue for it being a thing when they should clearly see that they're not getting the results they want.

    When it comes to your theory, I don't know exactly, but I would assume that researchers would have already ruled out that option. I would assume that whether or not gay people are releasing their gender's respective hormones would be something easy to test and that scientists would have already caught it. As you said in your question, they could already tell for the child you mentioned. There have been enough studies about what causes homosexuality that something so easily testable has to already have been ruled out.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      But DNA default personality is still psychology, its how biology influence mind, thus, psychology. And there are record of psychology been alter from default setting, especially amount transexuals.(Gay DO NOT need to alter mind to be straight)

    2. Haley Keller profile image60
      Haley Kellerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I guess you could look at psychology as biology to an extent, but it's not synonymous with genetics. Having blonde hair is biology and genetics, but it's not psychology. And altering the DNA of living humans isn't really feasible right now anyway.

    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      psychology definition:(the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.) So, if it has an influence on the human mind, it fall under the category of psychology, smile PS: https://www.psych

    4. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Just had a thought - your theory has been disproven already - homosexuality was removed from the DSM manuals after DSM 3 because they found it was NOT a psychological condition. Now all yr talk re psychology - I'm gathering you'll know what DSM is.

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      DSM=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, am I correct? Just because something isn't mental disorder, don't mean it isn't psychology. I think saying gay=DSM, is just more Catholic discrimination

    6. jlpark profile image75
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Ahhh...then, you should look up the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) - they are now up to DSM V (5). Also the ICD 10 is similar. All psychological disorders are in them. Homosexuality is not.

    7. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Not all psychology is mental disorder E.g. I love strawberry favor dessert my entire life(always order that favor as 1st choice), that is part of my psychology too, but is that mental illness? no.

    8. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "Psychology" is knowledge of... or understanding of....   It's not a thing or a condition you possess.

    9. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Psychology dictionary definition: 1. the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. 2. the mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group.

    10. Craftypicks profile image67
      Craftypicksposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      There is no chance of turning a straight person Gay. The sexual act has nothing to do with the internal attraction. Just look at Porno Stars. They can do Gay scenes and still not be attracted to members of the same sex or seek them out. Same for Gay.

    11. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Actually it is possible, eg some gay people have a high level of dislike towards people of other sex, to an extend they want nothing to do with them, but still have a desire of sexual companionship, some use people of same gender as substitution

  15. youmeget profile image65
    youmegetposted 9 years ago

    It's inborn, just like IQ. Think about how people chose their profession. Personally I respect gays.

  16. qeyler profile image69
    qeylerposted 9 years ago

    First of all, let us get the categories;

    Now let us deal with what is called the 'Transexual'  this is a person who will usually get an operation as they believe they are born in the wrong body. 

    A male who feels he is female is not a homosexual.  He is a Trans sexual. 

    A male who is attracted to males is a homosexual. He doesn't want to be a girl, he will identify himself as a man. 

    Okay, now we know there is no 'gay gene'.  Although people say they are 'born that way', unless geneticists can find something in the DNA to be able to say to the parents, "Congrats!  She's a Lesbian!"  then we have to look elsewhere.

    There are many studies of various value.  There are those which deal with psychological inputs, there are those which deal with various biological factors, ie. the smell of a woman to another woman the smell of a male to another male, contra the smell of a man to a woman...the attraction...

    There has been no 'foundation' study which could, as in the statement above, be able to tell if a newborn is gay/straight.

    As to the behaviour of men in prison, it is a matter of domination. Men who rape women rape men in prison. 

    There is the 'school boy' situation, esp. at the British private schools where boys do have what can be said to be homosexual relationships, yet often are actually straight and never have another such relationship once leaving the school.

    The bottom line, as of typing, is we don't know exactly what/how homosexuality is 'caused'. 

    WE don't know. 

    We don't know why people are bi-sexual.   This entire category of 'bi' is the most perplexing because if a person can have sex with either a male or a female...whatever 'born that way' 'genetic'  definitions fall to pieces. 

    Until such time as there is some sort of scientific 'proof'  it is all guess.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the response. To anyone who would leave a comment, in response to qeyler statement here, please keep it academic. Any comment that bring the Catholic vs gay war into the matter, would be deleted.

  17. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
    rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years ago

    can you check the record, please, I made a comment with regards to this topic this morning about 2,200 characters, but before submitting I placed it in preview mode and afterwards when pressed the submit button it stayed still in the preview mode, so I left it thinking that it was already submitted, but when I check it again, now, there is this blank space and a note of violation of HubPages Rules? Thanks.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, not sure I can do anything about it.  Maybe write it on blogger and then past a hyper link on the comment section here smile

    2. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Peter565 for the efforts, my thread is supposed to be a rejoinder to your comments 36 hours ago, I found the missing thread in another Hub,16 months ago by Ladyweight. I thought I was answering your Q, but the Q below instead. Sorry for this!

  18. profile image0
    RedPowerposted 9 years ago

    I wish people would stop jumping all over you for asking a simple question, especially since there is some truth to your observation.

    Here's the main problem, though: You are confusing people who are gay with people who are intersex or transsexual. These things are TOTALLY different. A gay person is someone who likes someone of the same sex; a person who "turns into," as you put it, someone of the other sex, is called transsexual. Gay people and transsexual people are totally unrelated. Based on what you're saying, it sounds like you're describing someone who has some sort of intersex condition at birth, but were raised as a male anyway until they transitioned, and their ovaries didn't start working until puberty, when it was subsequently discovered that the person was actually genetically female the whole time.

    But to answer the overall question that you seem to be trying to grasp for:

    Yes, actually, you made a valid observation. There is some overlap between transsexual and intersex people. Some transsexual people are actually intersex as well. Some people transition their sex and then later discover that they were genetically a different sex than they were assigned at birth (you can still be born with a penis, for example, but be genetically female; or you can be genetically male and be born with a vagina), or that they suffered from some other intersex condition that may not have been chromosomal exactly (there are many).

    As far as studying this further, some people already do.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, base on what I see here, obviously some gay have lower them self to CC(CatholicChurch) standard, who bully them.CC has a history of attack anything against CC political view and try force upon people. (e.g. science, evolution, other religion)

  19. TessSchlesinger profile image60
    TessSchlesingerposted 9 years ago

    I truly cannot begin to conceive anyone still asking this question. People are born gay. There is increasing evidence that in every sphere of life we are more biology than environment. Check out twin studies. The reason the boys penis only starts growing during the teens is because the mother didn't have sufficient of the testosterone hormone through dietary deficiency and as boys start secreting it as they approach adolescence, it gives the boys a second chance to grow one...

    1. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Tess, No one is born Gay, is there GAY genes? In Biology, genetic expressions are timed, meaning not all genes are expressed at the same time. What happened if the testis in three months old baby is functional? testosterone is active, adult penis?

    2. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      For the record, there are cases where a pair of twins, one is gay, the other is straight

    3. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes,  you're correct Peter, These are identical twins same genetic constitution(G), yet different phenotypes(P),  the Environment  had played  an important role in the,  P= G+E+GE, and GE interaction is crucial in the final expression of sex genes..

    4. TessSchlesinger profile image60
      TessSchlesingerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Actually Rodrigo, there is evidence that people are born gay. Nobody choses to be gay. Gay teems are devastated and take their lives because they are gay. They didn't chose that.

    5. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That is still psychology. Each human has a different different default psychology setting, as a result of DNA. There isn't an exact gay gene. But people certain psych default setting, are more likely to be gay, then others.

    6. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Tess, after  acquired experiences, there are predisposing factors (E). Others by  a mutation in sex cells that occurred before and after fertilization, altered sexual expression and  formation of the sex organ,  even human Hermaphrodite?

  20. mathursunil profile image72
    mathursunilposted 9 years ago

    We now know that the genes we inherit at birth get progressively modified by our thoughts, actions and habits. The old adage that habit is second nature has a scientific basis. Consequently there are all types of gays in this world---those predisposed to be so by heredity, those who develop homosexual tendencies in bad company or through bad habits, especially during the formative years, as well as those who are so lustful that they will not leave any avenue for the satisfaction of their sex instincts.

  21. profile image52
    Lovely Bhaiposted 9 years ago

    this thing is not under the control of human, if it could be no one might be gay in earth.this is all the creations of natre, here nature means God. So there is nothing wrong about gay. god make you man let,s supose if he creat you as a gay, i bet that you spend your whole life by doing operation , using medicine or etc , if it could happen but this should be fake to to fell ease yourself. stop tingking about gay propertis, and focused on some another topic. mankind has step in on moon now even on another planet but some thoughts are still stuck to find the reason of gay.. grow up now..!

    1. rodrigo sebidos profile image71
      rodrigo sebidosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that's true, very interesting threads and we may never reach a consensus in this, but what is important is the knowledge gained from the discussion.There's a lot to know,.HP has provided us the venue, the more the better, right? Nice discussion!

  22. accofranco profile image78
    accofrancoposted 9 years ago

    You have a valid point....someone can only be gay out of psychological problem, hormonal complications and of course societal initiation through association with gay people....this is more rampant among kids and teens.

    Someone that is gay won't admit he/she has issues until they get out of being gay.

    I want to ask: if gay is that awesome, why can't gay couples give birth naturally without scientific or medical help?

    Anyway, it was predicted and its I am not surprised at all.

    1. Austinstar profile image88
      Austinstarposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Do you need an anatomy lesson? Why do you think that it is "awesome" to produce babies? Love between people isn't about reproduction. It's about sharing your life together.

  23. profile image0
    thegeckoposted 9 years ago

    If this is not a religious topic, why is it under "Church and State Relations?"

    "But we know (BEING) gay is usually (A) result of (THE INDIVIDUAL'S) psychology, meaning (THAT) with (THE) right psychologist's help (COMMA) any gay (PERSON) can turn straight and (ANY) straight person can turn gay."

    We know this statement is false. There's little evidence to suggest that people are socialized to be homosexual. Given the environment most gay people grow up in, what could possibly exist in those upbringings that's so different than the rest of us that they would become gay? Straight parents, same social institutions, same media exposure. Not to mention the social backlash of not being straight. That's like arguing attraction to the opposite sex is a choice.

    Also, if you want people to take your question seriously, aside from asking questions with a ridiculous premise, try learning some grammar.

    1. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      [why is it under "Church and State Relations?"]Because there isn't a biology category. This is the closest.[social backlash of not being straight] That is Catholic church created western problem,

    2. profile image0
      thegeckoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      HubPages»Gender and Relationships»Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender

    3. profile image55
      peter565posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      ok, thanks for the tip

  24. lovesamrat profile image60
    lovesamratposted 9 years ago

    Yes, actually, you made a valid observation. There is some overlap between transsexual and intersex people. Some transsexual people are actually intersex as well. So we can say that some peoples are gay. Some of the person are gay which does not attract to the person just repulsion from the same sex male.


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