5 Officers assassinated, 6 wounded in a sniper ambush at Black Lives Matter event - thoughts?
A Black Power Group claims responsibility for the murders, also warning there will be more murders of police officers - one suspect caught was quoted as saying "I want to kill white people"
News footage shows groups of Black Lives Matters protesters dancing and celebrating at the killings of officers.
Will there be outrage from the anti-gun people since these murders had body armor and assault rifles or will it be glossed over since they were killing white people?
Much of this started when Eric Holder rushed into Ferguson, Mo. to try to crucify the officer who shot Michael Brown.
It has since been proven that the officer was only defending his own life. The "Hands up don't shoot" slogan was proven to be a lie, but is still believed and used by many today.
It has also been proven that Michael Brown was not the little angel he was made out to be.
Our own government is partly responsible for what happened in Dallas in their rush to crucify one police officer, and for doing everything they can to place blame on police departments all over the country.
This incident in Dallas is just a small example of what this country would be like on a daily basis if our Law Enforcement Agencies were not on the job. It will be a sad day for this country when nobody even wants to be a Police Officer anymore.
Obviously you have become comfortable living in a Police State. Not only are they killing innocent people, but they also extort money from the citizens in the form of unjustified fines and penalties. No , I have no sympathy for the devil.
Yeah, we live in a police state? The police across the country 99.9% of which risk their lives everyday protecting us and our freedoms are the devil ! Someone needs to change what they are smoking or see a shrink.
You have to hold police to a standard, or why not let any crook or yahoo put on a gun and ride around in a police cruiser?
Your perspective is not surprising. You are suffering from a form of Stockholm Syndrome. Look it up, you'll learn something new. Just copy and paste if you don't know how to spell it.
Besarien, good point, ignore Ronnie, he thinks all the world's problems are one big conspiracy after another, he's a communist and hates capitalism but would rather live here than in any other communist country because he's a hypocrite!
You don't know where I live Jose. That's your problem: you know everything and nothing at all.
So when u said to my question:why don't you move to a communist country?"We are changing the system here.There's no need to travel."You meant you don't live here?I doubt that!Hypocrite, communism has failed everywhere it is tried&U know it.
Defending his life from who? A young man he had already shot? If MB had continued to run he would have been shot again. So he stopped and turned to surrender but that was too aggressive, so he got shot again anyway.
You are believing a lie.MB didn't do what you said.He was shot attacking the cop who shot him in self defense.The grand jury given extensive evidence found Wilson did nothing wrong,even the Justice Department investigation cleared Wilson.
Still plenty of outrage on social media over lack of gun control from what I've seen, but to be perfectly honest I wouldn't doubt if people are getting tired of calling it out over and over and over again with nothing ever changing. Little kids, white people, black people, police officers... no one ever proves valuable enough to inspire change. It always stays the same. Which makes perfect sense because clearly things are just going GREAT for you guys!
Who do you mean by "you guys"? Could you be a little more specific?
Thanks Aime, but I doubt we would ever agree on this subject. I guess you are assuming these Dallas shooters acquired their guns legally?
Aime,ignorant of facts r u?Use of guns to stop crime/in self defense r between 500,000 & 3.5 million/year, says the CDC in research asked for by President BO.2/3 of propaganda termed"gun violence"r suicide no control would make differnce on
How do you know it wouldn't make a difference? No one is willing to try. It's madness. People can still have guns to defend themselves w/ stricter gun control. 1/4 ppl in Canada have guns w/ gun control in place but gun violence is WAY WAY less.
Explain to me how gun control of any kind might have made a difference to someone who committed suicide. Really? That's your argument for gun control, it "might" make a difference on suicides?
Aime - So your thinking it would be much better if only the Federal Government had guns? If so you might want to think a little harder about this. When it comes to gun control laws, they don't even enforce the laws we have now.
I'm not talking about suicides. This topic is about the snipers in Dallas - and similar situations that seem to happen all the time down there.
Only fed gov? Huh? Where did I say that? Note where I said 1/4 Canadians have guns.
Aime - It is quite obvious you and I will never agree on this subject so let's just call it a draw.
Aime, I said no gun control would make a difference on suicide and your answer to that was "How do you know it wouldn't make a difference? " so yes you were talking about suicide or else not even paying attention to what you read.
Not so much that I wasn't paying attention but that your response was a jumbled mess.
Nice excuse to totally ignore the CDC research & the fact it proves there is no reason to enact more gun control & that only 1/3 of the gun statistics aren't suicide which can't be prevented by gun control which btw has been tried & faile
So the astonishing amount of mass shootings in the US is "no real reason" to take another look at gun control? Okay then.
Aime - The big problem here in the US is they don't enforce most of the gun laws already on the books, but they want to make more laws they will probably not enforce. Does this make any sense to you?
Aime, You really don't get it do you? What is astonishing is the fact that between 500,000 and 3 million shootings, many mass shootings, many more than have occurred, have been STOPPED by citizens who carry weapons.
Mike - they should certainly enforce the laws already in place, I can definitely agree with that.
Taze - I hear that often, though the instances where lots of people die in mass shootings that's certainly not the case.
So you hear the CDC research often? but you chose to ignore that and dwell on a small number of mass shootings (in gun free zones) which pales in comparison to the numbers of mass shootings prevented by citizen's legally carrying guns? Hmmm..
Give me a number. How many mass shootings have been stopped by people w/ guns versus ones that haven't. The suicide rate is irrelevant because I'm talking about mass shootings. Let it go.
TazeBro, it appears your entire life is devoted to hyperbole. Assault weapons have no place in a civilized world. That's why they have them in this one.
Aime I already gave you a number,between 500,000 and 3,000,000. pay attention, Read the CDC report, Obama commissioned it! Let me guess you and Ronnie there smoke pot together? cause you really have a hard time paying attention.
That's not the number for mass shootings stopped by someone having a gun, that's the total # for guns used in what was considered a defensive situation (and is a massive span based on a relatively small sample size).
But thanks for trying I guess
Yes and the report says most of them could have resulted in mass murders. You can't identify a mass murder if it has been stopped, duh. read the report!
Oh, so you can identify a mass murder if it has been stopped? Just how do you do that?
You're the one claiming it happens! Apparently just by taking the # of supposed defensive gun uses and assuming they'd ALL have been mass shootings otherwise. That's so misleading it's almost cute that you believe it.
No one but you is being cute to say we need more gun control even though the number of mass murders isn't even a tiny fraction of 1% of successful defensive gun uses almost anyone 1 of which may have resulted in multiple shootings.Delusion
"Successful Defensive Gun Uses" is the same as: "Successful Defensive Hand Uses" when killing mosquitoes! Bravo! But isn't it much easier, and more effective to use repellent? Prevention of violence is king. U R Not. Get the real life!
So you think more gun control is equivalent to putting on more mosquito repellent....more evidence that you suffer from the effects of drug use. If the repellent isn't working in the first place put more on?
It's NOT gun control we need. I have taken in kids from the streets for almost 15 yrs. ANY weapon can be purchased EASILY by ANY criminal or anyone else knowing how to get one. Other countries have tried to warn us NOT to remove our guns. CRIME UP!
Exactly Rita, but no use telling the truth to people who live their lives ignoring the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAu44wVgb58
If Republicans can be broadly smeared as responsible when a mentally ill southern Redneck kills blacks in a church, Obama and the Democrats can be blamed for instigating this violence by Black Lives Matter.
Obama has repeatedly blamed cops for every major shooting, regardless of the circumstances like the person was threatening cops with a weapon or assaulted someone moments before. He's said the cops are killing innocent children, fanned hatred of whites and cops, while repeatedly praising BLM.
End result - Black Lives Matters thinks whites cops are mass murderers, that they are justified a war, and that it was right to plan to murder cops (mostly white) who were trying to protect the rights of protestors to protest.
One of the shooters said in the negotiations he wanted to kill whites, that was his intent.
Obama has never blamed cops for any shooting. His responses are always complex and usually accurate. It's just that in the Twitter age, people who can't comprehend complexity just assign blame.
There was only one shooter. While he did said he wanted to kill white cops, he also said he was upset with BLM. Plus, he said he wasn't part of any group.
"Obama and the Democrats can be blamed for instigating this violence by Black Lives Matter."
Please do not lump us together. I as a democrat believe that BLM is just the black equivalent to the KKK. Both are terrible movements full of racists.
The equivalent to the KKK? Only an idiot would believe that. The KKK believes in the systematic extermination of non-whites. They advocate for the purity of the white race. You apparently don't know anything.
Obama's constant pandering to blacks after every shooting aggravated the situation by degrees every time. His un-presidential,knee-jerk reactions are directly responsible for creating the situation today. Seems he forgets that he is half white POTUS.
Let's remember that the vast majority of police deaths in this country have been at the hands of white people. Clearly, white people have a serious problem. Of police officer shooting deaths in 2016, 71% of those officers were murdered by a white man.
True. In my area there have been 10-20 cop killings in my area and most white such as David Sweat. So blacks did shot cops but were killed with returning fire
I suppose you got those statistics off the internet? Oh that makes them true! Why don't YOU grow a brain!
Across America violence, weapons, and one of the founders of BLM arrested - what's the end game for these protesters? What do they want to see happen?
End game? To turn US into a Marxist state. http://www.aim.org/special-report/reds- … es-matter/ Don't for a second believe BLM is a grassroots movement, it is astroturf.
Do you even not speak off the cuff without paying attention?Read the link i posted in my Answer & you'd know what I am talking about, http://www.aim.org/special-report/reds- … es-matter/ Pay attention.
Ridiculous, right-wing drivel. Complete paranoia. I do agree however, that we may see a revolution out of it. If we don't stop these random, unjustified killings (and I mean of both cops and black people), bullets will prevail.
Most Americans command very little capital if any. What means of production do they own? The little girl selling lemonade can say she's a capitalist too! But I'm not impressed.. Communism could only improve the dreary life of a wage slave.
Right, like the Red Chinese or the failed Soviet Union, how about Cuba?That impresses you?If Communism is much better than Capitalism why do you live here?If you think communism better than capitalism you're a hypocrite to stay here.
I can tell that you are not very educated. It is a myth that the Soviet Union is communist. If you studied communism you would know. Read a book. We are changing the system here. There is no need to travel.
TheSovietUnion doesn't exist any more my friend so what the H r you talking about?The Soviet Union was once a one-party state,governed by the Communist Party with Moscow as its capital.A a COMMUNIST country.Hypocrite,you are for sure.
The Dallas Shooting along with many other recent incidents is a False Flag. The U.S. government and the Klan have been active in orchestrating many of these events. After all of the deceptions that the American people have witnessed in the last 50 years, how could anyone be so naive as to think that any "Black Power" organization would kill cops in Dallas? The 4th of July celebrations were just a few weeks ago. Why not then?
Any group interested in furthering the cause of BLM would not have been that reckless. You do not need a college degree to understand that such killings will not help to free the African and the Indigenous from the yolk of white supremacy, and can only turn public sentiment against BLM.
These killings, if they really occurred at all, were orchestrated either by elements in the U.S. government or by the Klan. People need to wake up and see what time it is. The end game is not only to cripple a growing African and Indigenous movement , but to create a climate of fear and violence that can bring about a declaration of Martial Law, at which time, all communications between the citizens, such as this, would be shut down. The American people are facing a far greater threat than a manufactured terrorist organization named ISIS The American people no longer control their own government, and are at the mercy of tyrants.
The FBI warned in 2006 that the Klan had infiltrated Police Departments across the U.S.. What does anyone suppose they have been doing for the last ten years? Writing parking tickets?
Um yeah,the gunman identified as Micah Johnson was working for the government! He &Obama are buds,Obama convinced him to sacrifice his life killing policemen,not because he was a hatefilled nut case, but because he was down with the Klan lol
Obviously, you are too "challenged" to connect the dots. Thank God people like you are a growing minority. Can't wait to send you back across the water!
Dots?That's all that'sleft of ur brain.Drug users twist everything to reflect preconceived notions not present,r prone to paranoia,conspiracy theories,never admit they r wrong,ignore facts,all characteristics of ur comments.U to aTDelusional
At least "delusional" is more fun than "Billy Bob Stupid". And by the why "tdelusional" is not a word. Even the spell checker says so. At least take the time to learn your own language.
Of course with dots for a brain you are to stupid to realize "U to a T" is not part of the word delusional when a limit of 250 words forces one to save space. A normal person would realize this and not strain to find something to criticize.
I'd love to see you provide actual evidence to support your suppositions. I want to see facts and not read your unproven, delusional fantasies..
WB's Answers are always distortions of the truth or lies
"... They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Woodrow Wilson
We're talking about a black man who shot dead & wounded cops.They weren't Klan members(btw the same FBI who let Hilary skate?).I have not read that one policeman killing any black man was a Klan member.If true that would be front page news.
Ever heard of a "News Blackout"? The recent uprising in France:a total blackout here in the West. Common Sense and Experience are necessary in order to navigate a minefield of deception Perhaps you should acquire at least one of these attributes.
More conspiracy theory, do you make these up yourself or are the voices in your head telling you these things? You can get help for your condition you know, first stop with the drugs, probably too late for that, so see a shrink.
This racial tension (I hate calling it a "racial" thing, since we are all the same race--human race) it is either the cause of incompetent leadership in government or it is what the leaders want. Gun control or gun ban will make things worse. In countries with strict gun control, killings increased. The killers still get their hands on guns smuggled in and other times they used other tools to kill. In countries where people can have guns and carry them, killing declined. The reason for this is that criminals are cowards and will think twice before committing a crime if they think their intended target may be armed.
In countries with gun control bans, killings increased? Where do you get this stuff? What is your source for that? You mean like Australia? You're completely incorrect.
One thought: the claim of responsibility is not credible.
Another thought: the guys dancing--all four of them!--may or may not be "BLM supporters." They could just as well be gawkers, or looters attracted by opportunity. Nobody seems to have talked to them to find out.
Actual BLM leaders have condemned the shootings:
"This is a devastating time for us as activists and organizers. We cannot about bring justice through violence."
--Jeff Hood, Dallas BLM
"...the movement must continue but that it must be anti-police misconduct, not anti-police."
--Al Sharpton, veteran activist
"Black Lives Matter doesn't condone shooting law enforcement. But I have to be honest: I understand why it was done," Maejor said. "I don't encourage it, I don't condone it, I don't justify it. But I understand it."
--S. Maejor, Atlanta BLM organizer
http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/lead … s-40435135
Black on white violence is a massive problem, but BLM says no, it is justified. And the media censors it, for example, YouTube bans proof of black-on-white violence article.
It is not surprising that racists will focus on black on white violence, but they never mention the fact that cops kill more whites than any other race. If they care so much about white people, why are the racists silent on this issue?
The thing is cops aren't shooting ANYONE based on race, there are black and white criminals you know who threaten the lives of cops and law abiding citizens. Which are you?
This is a very complicated issue. There is very little doubt in my mind that many officers from precincts in the deep South have subconscious bias and fear towards black people, especially men. But the thing is these officers may be friendly, good people most of the time and can only show their subconscious fears when under extreme stress, such as during a situation where the suspect has a gun.
This usually isn't even their fault, since the reason why they have these subconscious fears is because of the environment they were raised in, their fathers and mothers could very well be extreme racists from the Jim Crow generation, when racism was at its peak, and even then the officer experienced school segregation himself.
(see https://www.propublica.org/article/segr … ols/#intro)
But the officers are under oath to protect the law and the people and thus are under scrutiny and command of the government, so the only way for this violence to stop is for some re-education in the police academy, because there are always going to be people out there who are very angry and very able to kill people, the government's job isn't just to stop them, but to get rid of the reason for those people to be angry. With a less inherently racist police force, there will be less burning desire for revenge, and then the violence will subside.
The only way to end the cycle of violence is with those who can be influenced by reason, you can't go up to an angry protester and talk to him about how what they're doing is wrong, but the commissioner and sergeants in each precinct and the trainees in the academy will listen, because they are under oath to the law, government and the people.
Crime was lower and employment higher for blacks in the 1950s per Thomas Sowell. Things have gotten worse as the black family deteriorated, illegitimacy rose from 25% to 75%. And you can't blame whites for blacks abandoning the married family
Maybe we should just send all of the black people back to Africa, perhaps bring back slavery to re-introduce some order and discipline into their lives. What do you think Tamara? Does that sound like a workable solution?
Black lives matter is not an event, it is a mindset. Everyone should decide that Black Lives Matter as well as any other life. Black guy shoots cops is one bad seed, could be a mental illness. Not all Black guys want to randomly shoot police, they said this guy had kept a diary of sick thoughts that he had. Calm down! A group that stands for pushing awareness is not a black power group, stop twisting justice. Any Good person wants justice against police brutality, rather your black or white. There are rotten cops and good cops, just as there are killers and people that don't kill.
I won't but I need to taze you, you ain't my Bro. Some people are super stupid a double dumb and only tell true lies and stupidity I dismissed you a few days ago because your ignorance is pain full don't ever comment to me and I won't you.
Junko, Maybe if you put down the joint for five minutes you can pay attention to where you are putting your comment.
Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops
From 2015
http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/08/ … -and-cops/
What did this guy do wrong? http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/21/us/miami- … index.html
That's a travesty.Appears that the officer didn't know what he was doing,maybe has a serious mental/drug problem,should never have been there.To use this as example that cops r racist is dishonest & also a travesty.btw he's a rich man now.
We need to come together and stop the increasing division and hatred spreading across this nation. Cops are under attack. Blacks are disproportionately harassed by police, but are not being gunned down on a daily basis as the Black Lives Matter people would have you believe. This is an important issue that needs to be debated much more objectively and devoid of emotion, however hard that may be. My thoughts on the Dallas tragedy and the implications of it can be found here on my latest HUB: http://hubpages.com/politics/Deaths-in- … l-Division
If a cop happened to kill someone that you love, would it really matter if it was happening on a daily basis? Wouldn't that be one too many? Cops are killing white and black people, and it's been happening 2 long.They have been given too much power.
Or maybe you shouldn't love criminals.If that person was committing crimes & posing a threat to a cop's life it may have been the only recourse for the cop which is almost always the case.Grow up u r living a delusional fantasy world.
No, I don't love criminals, that's why I don't celebrate Columbus Day, or the 4th of July. And that's why I send money to Black Lives Matter.
Not surprised you support BLM. You have said you are a communist and BLM is run by socialist/communist operatives. More proof BLM is astroturf. http://www.aim.org/special-report/reds- … es-matter/
Can you even open your mouth without telling a lie. I am an anarchist, I never said I was a communist. You should take a course in reading comprehension.
So when I asked you:"why don't you move to a communist country?" &you said(& I quote)"WE are changing the system here.There's no need to travel."you meant you aren't a communist & you don't live here?Guess that's the drugs speaking.O yeah
I do not think there is a simply solution to the problem. I am not sure if gun control will help. It seems like the bad people always seem to get guns one way or another. The problem needs to be fixed and soon. It sometimes seems like the people that could help fix the problem do not want to.
Given that a Muslim terrorist killed a hundred with a truck in Nice France and another in Germany used an axe to kill many, banning guns obviously doesn't stop people who want to kill you from doing so.
Tamara, but you see we not only need more gun control we need more truck and axe control which makes even more sense because we have no constitutional right to trucks or axes! So where is the outcry? I'm not hearing ban trucks and axes..
Here in the UK guns were banned some while back, after an unbalanced man got into a school and shot many little children. You need to apply for a certificate to own a weapon for use in hunting and it is a long process to get one. You may not have one for any other purpose. Ordinary police do not carry guns but special patrols do. If you are caught with a firearm without a certificate you will most likely be jailed for several years. However, I don't think the murder rate has declined, if anything it seems to have increased and the main way appears to be stabbings. The killing of children by parents seems to have increased a lot sometimes by shear neglect. I am seventy five and I cannot recall this happening when I was younger.
Good points Clive. Gun control laws often aren't even enforced and criminals will get guns no matter what you do.Do u hear anyone calling for"truck control"after this nut in Nice France mowed down hundreds of people,80 some dead?Why's that?
Ban guns, knives and lorries, then killers would use fists and boulders. It is the mindset of the killer that is faulty. Study the reason why minds are affected in such a way.
There is truck control. You need a license to drive and must pass a test to use. Why not the same for guns?
I didn't say there wasn't truck control.& we have gun control too, but they call for more gun control whenever there is a gun incident,So you made my point, smart ass. Gun control works about as good as your truck control, it can't work.
Actually, car licenses and tests work quite well. The same for guns would be logical. A test and a license.
They have gun laws everywhere,doesn't stop nutcases or terrorists from getting guns.The point is if it did they'd now be calling for more truck control.The gun control people don't want to stop crime,they want it to control lawful people.
So maybe get rid of licenses, driving tests and speed limits? Why control people who follow the laws. Criminals will always speed.
Based on the CDC report if there were no gun free zones law abiding citizens with guns would likely stop any mass murderers in their tracks & the fear of that would stop mass murders.Just as trucks aren't the problem neither are guns
Complete garbage. How many good guys with guns have stopped anything? Most of these shootings do not occur in gun free zones. Dallas? How would cops tell good guys from bad guys? Stupid.
U r equating speeding w/mass murderers(in every case r deranged people or terrorists who never respect the law?I never made such comparison,nice try at a straw man typical liberal tactic.U want more gun control why not more truck control?
Truck v. Gun comparison is nonsensical. But I will take mandatory licensing, testing, and insurance for guns. They can at least be equal.
Judging by what I see on my local news, some people dance and celebrate anytime they see a person with a TV camera. Case in point, President GW Bush was seen "dancing and celebrating" to The Battle Hymn of the Republic at the memorial service for the fallen police officers. But, it was far from his first time for doing something totally inappropriate. I guess we should hold every random black person on street corner somewhere to a much higher standard.
U know what,because Bush acts inappropriately(so did the Obamas btw at that service)doesn't mean it's excusable to dance at the death of police now does it?Bush&Obama may just be stupid but should be condemned as well as the street urchins.
Where you find Africans you find Africa
Where you find Democrats/socialists (same thing) you find poverty.
I hate Democrats.
98 percent of African-Americans are Democrat, do the math.
Well done!Refreshing to see someone who searches out & respects the truth!BLM movement is based on total BS,if they cared about black lives they'd say something about the 97%but they don't.BLM foments hatred & caused these6deaths &wounded
My thoughts are Ralph Schwartz is one of the biggest race agitator on hub pages, why? If There is a race war in America All rights would be suspended everybody will be force to stay home indoors. There would be a news blackout no lights, heating or cooling. soon a food and water shortage would have NRA members willing to give up guns and such for food, water and or medicine. Black Power is a wish not a reality and the truth be told African Americans are one of the most passive and forgiving people I know but they are human also, believe it or not. Ralph your persona is that of a man of color I wonder where you would stand in a race war, who do you hope will win and why? America will lose and freedom will be lost in America and the world will lose the world leader and the enemies of America will be joy full. Is it better to say Black Lives Matter or Black Lives don't Matter, All Lives Matter. Is it better to sing We All shall Over Come or We Shall Over Come, for Racial Diversity?
"Is it better to say Black Lives Matter or Black Lives don't Matter" No one says black lives don't matter but it doesn't matter what anyone says, what's important is why they say it. People behind BLM movement are using BLM as a front
People have been saying "Black Lives Don't Matter " for over 500 years! Your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your lack of intelligence.
Name one person,give me one quote of someone saying"black lives don't matter," & I'm not talking about the 1800's, today in America. I can give you tons of quotes of people like Farrakhan(Friend of yours?)saying white lives don't matter.
If you have nothing to say, say nothing Now that Blacks say for reason no BS BLM now others for no reason say ALM Why Y'all say All lives matter? Is it to deny BLM? Black sing we shall overcome now y'all sing . Black Redempion Song and saying taken
Klan members who have infiltrated police dept.. across U.S. don't stand up and say"I'm In the Klan" . People who rob banks don't say "I robbed the bank!" Put down the crack pipe.and get help immediately.
I can quote many who say black lives matter, you can't find one quote saying black lives don't matter? Guess I was right.
Lol! You've been saying "Black Lives Don't Matter"" since you started responding to this thread. If you don't like the way things are going, catch a slow boat back to the Fatherland.
An Ordained African-American Minister Asks "What If Whites Strike Back?"
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-1 … trike-back
There will be the confused and detached (lack of experience) that blame the guns... ignoring or glossing over the real threat.
In Nice, that threat just killed more than 80 people the other day with a truck, wounding just as many.
How does the focus become guns when Police are being hunted and assassinated in the streets?
Why don't we have leadership in Washington that hunts down and destroys these terrorist organizations that promote the death of innocents and the murder of our Police?
We have the NAACP calling for Washington to defund the Police, we have BLM calling for the murder of Police, and we have a President right up until the other day, that spent the last 7 years condemning the Police, chastising the Police, and even calling their actions criminal... all but giving his blessing to the BLM, not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and other spreaders of terrorism.
There is a reason why the acts of slaughter have become an almost daily occurance... there is a reason why it will continue. Our President and his Administration do nothing to deter it, and have spent 7 years just short of supporting it.
What a load of crap. You mean like kill Osama Bin Laden? Provide one link showing Obama vilifying the police. Your rhetoric is terrorism.
The can of terrorism that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans during the Civil War. You are 100% right Sychophantastic.
Obama has vilified the police, the blood of these dead policemen are on his hands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-KRtkjrTyU
You look good in a suit Ken, I'll bet you look even better with your white hoodie and a couple of burning crosses. Go ahead and circle the wagons, but the party is over.
Checked that link. Fox News reporting on the shootings. Are you kidding? Where is the link to Obama villifying the police? It's never happened. That's from people too stupid to understand nuance of thought.
It's no secret Obama vilifies the police,just look at any clips of him speaking about any of the blacks killed by police,start with Ferguson,it doesn't matter ahoot what newsoutlet it's his words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAu44wVgb58
Black Lives Matter is the Ku Klux Klan of today.
Obama, with his supportive rhetoric and constant demonising of police before facts were out (and in cases where it was shown that the shot person was not the innocent angel BLM wanted to portray) has divided America like never before.
Perhaps, using the Black KKK logic, police can now shoot black people as they like and dance when they hit the ground.
Unless black people wake up to this wave of terrorism they are supporting, it will engulf them like the flames of terror today engulf the muslims who support muslim terrorism.
BLM needs to be investigated as to who is funding this group and paying some of these professional protesters...to fan the flame.
I have many thoughts on this, but freedom of speech comes with too high a price now a days to speak your mind.
Freedom of speech only protects you from unfair government suppression or oppression, not from whatever social reaction your words incite.
This is just sad....ALL LIVES MATTER!! I am tired of hearing that just black lives matter especially when I hear things like this.....we need to stop dividing each other up and know we are all one!!
Grow a brain. Nobody is saying only black lives matter. The name is a challenge to those who think they don't matter.
Unfortunately these tragedies happen during wars.
Its a war.
People are fighting back, they are not starting something but responding.
Police can't use "he was armed" as an excuse because everyone has the right to bear arms in the USA.
Why the world is getting so violent these days? I can't understand.
It is simple terrorism. No difference from ISIS. Psychologically affected men trying to justify their desire to kill and trying to fill their own empty self with something they don't even know what is.
Killing an innocent person is wrong. We all know that...it is simple. Police officers should not kill innocent people and citizens should not kill innocent people. When a person is killed who is innocent, the killer should be punished, regardless of what profession they are in or what race they are. Each incident is different and has to be investigated thoroughly. There should be no coverups. The media should behave responsibly and not flash portions of videos that do not show all details and facts and they should not show them repeatedly. The media is largely responsible for instigating violence among groups of people. Unfortunately many people are swayed easily by the media, like puppets. We do not have a population of people who read and investigate all circumstances and details before emotionally responding and acting. Lastly, blaming an entire group of people for any crime is ludicrous. Most citizens are good, most cops are good people. Choosing to kill an innocent person is wrong no matter how you look at it. There is no justification.
Good points,but what exactly do you mean by innocent?Is a person threatening a cop innocent?Is a person defying a cop telling him to drop a weapon or to submit to police innocent? Is he innocent when unarmed hecharges a cop like Ferguson
It is not always easy to determine a person's innocence. Every situation is unique. And there lies the danger. We cannot lump every case into a black or white category. I think that most people, when given every detail of an event, can agree.
As a member of the Dallas community I must say that while in full support of the Black Lives Matter movement, I do not support violence for violence. The outrage that took place here did absolutely nothing for the community nor the movement. While trying to make a statement that the corruption taking place amongst some police officers will not be tolerated, we are actually condoning the very treatment being given based on an outward appearance. If communities, and this country in general would simply stand together without the need for violence, the message that is attempting to be portrayed would be much more powerful. How can we truly push a Black Lives Matter movement when we are retaliating in the very manner they blame their reactions for?
So u are in total support of the BLM movement?Have u read this?http://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/ appears If u are in total support of BLM u are either a sucker or a socialist/communist
U.S. government has "never" used "peaceful protest" when they are being attacked and soldiers are being killed. The very notion is absurd. Yet, naive people actually believe that peaceful protest works! Try selling that idea to the military.
Violent protesting is not getting the point across either. All it is doing is suggesting the very details that police officers blame their actions for. I fear for the country my biracial child must grow up in.
by Patricia Scott 7 years ago
Do you think that "Black Lives Matter" is designed to bring us closer or to further divide us?I am hopeful that we can find a way to live together on this planet respecting each other and valuing each other.
by Christopher J Wood 5 years ago
What is your opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement?We all believe that law enforcement officers need to be held accountable and unjustified killings by police can not be tolerated. However, if the organization truely holds protecting the lives of blacks as its mission, wouldn't it make...
by ga anderson 4 years ago
There appears to be a controversy over the statement, "Black Lives Matter."It seems that to say "All lives matter" is taken as a denial of the Black Lives Matter truth, even if it is immediately followed by an emphasis that of course black lives matter too.Maybe one explanation...
by Terrex 8 years ago
Are there any similarities between Black Lives Matter and the KKK?It seems that BLM, despite its protestations, has been shown to be working purely on hatred along racial lines. This is similar to the KKK of yesteryear.With the BLM murderers openly advocating violence and murder against white...
by Ralph Schwartz 8 years ago
There are too many news stories about racial tensions in the United States; violence, murder, and destruction of property amidst the chaos of racially charged events is putting unnecessary stress on this nation. The Black Lives Matter group is usually connected, if only because the group has...
by ahorseback 9 years ago
For the American News Media ,Not everyone seems willing to admit that racism is a double edged sword , Think about it ? But here's the thing , Do we hear the same noise from the Hispanics in America ? Are you seeing the same billion dollar ...
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