If you watched the first debate between Hillary and Trump, who do you think came out ahead and why?
I'm just curious, if you watched the debate, who do you think came out ahead after the first debate between Hillary or Trump? I watched it for close to an hour, and couldn't take much more of it, : ) but I still would like to hear your thoughts.
Thank you for taking time to answer the question.
The debate? It was just great!
Did you see how Lester Holt asked Trump tough questions that were straight from the Clinton campaign’s talking points, and which were obvious set-ups for Clinton to attack (and for fact-checkers to pounce on whatever Trump asserted in his own defense)? Beautiful tactic!
He was absolutely terrific! Lester won the day for Hillary! He never asked Clinton about her e-mail scandal, about Benghazi, or about the Clinton Foundation and its dubious dealings.
But he did ask Trump about his tax returns, arguing — not asking — that there might be questionable information in them that the American public deserved to hear.
Holt wisely never asked Clinton about her past record of racist statements, including her “super-predator” remarks as First Lady, or her explicit appeal to “white Americans” in her 2008 primary campaign against Obama but instead he asked Trump about the Birther conspiracy theory and cast it as racist. He even played the race card! And this guy is a registered Republican? I don't believe it.
Lester bested "Candy Crowley" by a mile! After an exchange between the candidates over the policy of “stop-and-frisk,” Holt interjected to bolster Clinton’s point by stating, erroneously, that stop-and-frisk had ended in New York because it had been declared unconstitutional by a court. Trump countered, correctly, that the new mayor had canceled the policy before the litigation was over but so what, Holt had him on the ropes.
This is so beautiful, towards the end of the debate, Holt asked Trump about what he meant by saying Hillary Clinton did not have “a presidential look.” He did so after noting that Clinton had become “the first woman” to be nominated for president by a major political party, thus setting Trump up as a sexist. So as Trump answered, Holt interrupted him, then gave Clinton a chance to respond with her talking points about Trump’s past comments on women. Lester was on his game shilling for Hillary, what an operative!
Shrewdly Holt only represented one side of the debate about Trump and Iraq, and never asked Clinton about her own vote which was not even debatable. This guy, Lester has sealed a lifelong job in the Democrat party anytime he wants it, a job well done!
Holt didn't even stop the audience interjecting almost always in Clinton’s favor though it was against the rules. I just love him, I mean what a candidate he would make, no respect for the rules! He only stopped them when there were cheers for Trump calling for Clinton’s emails. Now that's liberalism on display!
Bow again, Court Jester Lester! You did your job, you won the debate for your court! Everybody knows the court Jester commands the center of attention.
Yes, I certainly did notice all of that by Holt and so did millions of others. I was looking forward to a nonbiased debate but ...Thank you for sharing your detailed thoughts here. I appreciate you.
Has there been one time in his life, ever, when he takes responsibility for failure? Seems like this guy cant stand on his own two feet. Its always someone elses fault.
Leslie how do you know how many years Jester Lester has been registered as a Republican? and for your information Trumps biggest enemies are Republicans or haven't you read about the "Never Trumpers." His bread isn't buttered by Republicans
Great job putting it into words, you have a better memory for it than I do.
Its hard to imagine anyone over the age of 35 could have missed Hillary and Holt hitting Trump with the Iraq support, when we all know Clinton voted for it... bizarre indeed.
Almist as bizarre as trump going on and on and on about bills woman problem, when hes got one of his own. Media is protecting trump, not going after him.
Hi Everyone, Thank you for participating but let's be mindful of the actual question posed, please.
Faith, you're a great moderator. We need more of you around here. Keep up the good work!
Haha ... Thank you, Scott. That is kind of you to say.
Seems like a battle within the King's court -- we've got a jester, a trumpet and in my state of Maine, we have LePage (AKA the page). I'm not voting for any. I'm voting for Dirty Harry, even though I'm throwing away my vote.
Theresa.....Yes, my friend, I watched every minute of the debate. I had high hopes but they were dashed. To save time and a lot of blah blah blah, let me just say Ditto to DTMB's long, detailed comment.
I cannot imagine anyone who is bright, mature, alert & was totally "sober" at the time, would not see the incredible bias~slant~sneaky unfairness of Mr. Lester (don't like him anymore!) Holt. Wow, I don't know why he didn't just wear his "Hillary T-shirt!!" Very bad, very disappointing.
I was a bit shocked also when I heard afterward that Donald actually said he thought Lester did a fine job! I'll bet when he had time to watch the debate & also hear & read what everyone (except the libs) had to say, he changed his mind about Lester.
Oh well Theresa, 40 days and 2 more debates....also the VP debates. We all need to just keep hanging on. Peace, Paula
Trump was right,Lester did do a fine job as I explained. NBC News, his employer will probably make him employee of the year for his performance &give him a raise! (of course the women doing the same job as him won't be getting equal pay)
I know, Paula, I didn't see that one coming either about Holt! Yes, for Trump to say that, is stunning too...
The countdown is on for sure. I appreciate you for sharing your insights, Paula
Oh No, Paula!! You can't be serious my friend! Lester was very fair. Every time Trump wanted to counteract to something Hillary said, Lester let him and said, "sure-- go ahead." What!!!! I'm disappointed. I never knew you were a Trump supporter.
Hi Missy, We can all still be friends regardless of who we may or may note vote for as president. So many are still on the fence in trying to figure out each candidate's true motives.
Missy, U still don't know I'm a Trump supporter. I can't in good conscience support either. U'll find no less than 30 comments by me declaring my disdain & disgust 4 both. Here I expressed my opinion of Holt. I'm an Independent Missy. Rest easy
Obviously Missy has not seen any of my repeated comments of my opinion. She apparently thought I was "defending" Trump by pointing out Lester's blatant bias, slant & bold anti-DT attitude. I may be for neither but I AM for fairness & objectiv
Not 2 mention the fact that "moderators" R 2 also B totally unbiased & professional. Lester did himself an injustice & is now in the camp w/ Comey. 2 men who have sacrificed their former solid, respected reputations.They scarred their legacie
IMO, both parties R equally guilty of very crooked games & most of all, "grasping at straws" w/ anything no matter how insignificant or YEARS ago, just to take a stab & see if they can hit a gushing artery. I deplore that pathetic practice.
U want 2B POTUS? Tell me what (in detail) U intend 2 do 2 tackle the huge multitude of broken, destroyed, effed up issues of our nation. Economy, Military, Terrorism, Education, race relations. Talk of these & more. And talk to US not each other!
We do not care if U despise ea. other. I know how U feel. I can't stand either of U myself! Don't let this shock U, but the vast majority of voters don't give a damn who DT slept w/ or who Chelsea's Dad is. This only tells me politicians are human!
Exactly, Paula! You should be the moderator of the debates. Right, we already know the candidates despise each other and just want to know what they will do as POTUS. Good points shared, Paula. Thank you.
Now act like human adults whose JOB it is, BTW 2 work for the American people & the state of our Union!! Remember? WE pay U idiots & not 2 listen 2 UR insulting banter & attempts @ character assassination. B different. FIX OUR COUNTRY!!
I did not watch, but im curious how they turned a republican holt into an operative for hillary? Do you think its just money, or has he registered as a republican all these years knowing he would one day be moderating a debate between them and had to have a good cover persona?
Leslie, it is anyone's guess on that one.
Holt asked the same questions of both HC & DT w/the same amount of time to answer and rebut all Qs. I watched and saw no bias at all. I guess like Trump his supporters are sore losers.
This question is posed to those who actually watched the debate and so I should not have allowed your answer but decided to let it go. Let's keep it to the question posed, please, or I will have no choice but to delete.
Lester Holt did a terrible job. He objected to Trump interrupting Hillary 51 times. He challenged Trump on several well-documented lies.
How dare a moderator do such a thing? I can't wait for Trump to take over the country and ban all media.
Sorry for the sarcasm. I wanted to delete it after posting, but the system doesn't allow it.
Hahaha ...no, humor is great and needed in these times, Scott! @Leslie, your answer is still posted. I only delete when we resort to name calling.
Wasn't a debate,Jester Lester made it a shill for Hillary,giving her softball questions,nothing about any of her scandals(documented lies btw)that endangered national security."Ban all media"another one of Scott's absurd Trump accusations
Hi Leslie, I realized that I have already deleted some of his comments because of name calling, and I'm going through the others now, and don't see more with name calling, but will watch out for more. Thank you.
The last 2 sentences 9 comments up 9 days ago. i dont understand how you missed that?
Leslie, I really don't think he can help it. He attacks like he's ADHD. Can't wait 2 rant & insult at EVERYONE! Maybe he's still in the young punk stage of life. Good news. It's almost over!!
Hi Leslie, OK. I went back and deleted some where there was name calling. I see that comment up there where he said "stupid" questions but didn't call you stupid but your question. I will delete it though.
I don't know if this puts her ahead in the polls; however, clinton came out of the first debates winning it. Trump may have started off with a roar, but he unraveled and appeared sheepish. He's not a good debater, and it was obvious that he came unprepared. And now he's trying to go on twitter to save face by name calling and other forms of vitriol. He was exposed. Only his base will state he somehow won...no. making excuses as he's done was a giveaway that he knew he was beaten.
Hillary won it in the eyes of her supporters. Trump did not come across as a good debater. The Media felt she resoundingly won. The majority of non Hillary supporters felt Holt attacked Trump, Hillary was a jerk, and what Trump did was OK.
Well, then she must have a lot of supporters in all the non-partisan analysis of the speech, then. Nearly every analysis stated she won. Nearly every major media outlet states the same.
Agree, mearly every major media source did, nearly every major media source is worthless, 6 Monolithic Corporations control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read. Nothing I heard or read from any individual thought differently than I stated.
Hasn't put her ahead in the polls, the national polls are not imptnt, what counts are polls in toss up states &there the people polled thought she won but no sign it changed those polls.Obama's 1st debate w/romney was way worse than Trump's
So suddenly polls are not important and the media is owned by corporations? Non-Hillary Supporters, here's your new phrase of the day: confirmation bias. Oh another word: Gish Gallop. Romney did it; Trump too. Both failed.
Hi Dean, Thank you for actually answering the question posed here. Let's Keep it to the question posed everyone. Thank you. No name calling or I will delete.
Dean, it did put her ahead in the polls. Fox News said she won it by a margin of 3 to 1.
Nothing sudden about the media Dean, back in 1979 approximately 50 corporations controlled the majority of all news media in the United States. Today, its only 6, and 5 of the six work with one another and Washington to stay on topic.
Ken, what I'm referring to is that every time I bring up a salient point, somebody tries to move the goalpost. If this is what to be expected, then the argument is done. BTW, I was once part of the media. As teacher I evaluate speeches, too.
If you want to say Clinton won, that is fine, it is an opinion based 'fact'... its not like a math equation where 2+2 always equals 4 and views and opinion have no factor. If Hillary were attacked with the vigor Trump is, she would fair equally bad.
Trump was on the attack and it failed. He resorted to interrupting Hillary and Holt and as a result was being fact-checked. Now he's crying sour grades. As far as the opinion/fact thing...ironically I just published an article about that.
I sat down to watch the debate with a bowl of popcorn and a glass of wine. I was all set to be entertained. And, the debaters did not let me down. They were as entertaining as I expected them to be. I was certain that I would not gain any useful information or insights from the debaters and so my expectations were not shattered.
To answer the question, I think Mr. Trump came out ahead because, through all the biased questioning he was still able to let people know who he is and what he believes. I may not like everything he says, but I do like what he stands for. I think people saw that during the debate. I don't know anything more about Secretary Clinton than what is reported in the "lame-stream" media.
The moderator, on the other hand, totally shattered my expectations. I use to have a high level of regard for Lester Holt. But, after watching his strategy during the debate, I was totally let down. I expected him to be unbiased and fair. But, clearly, he was a Hillary Clinton fan and didn't want to ruffle any of her feathers. He treated Secretary Clinton like a delicate flower while treating Mr. Trump like a scoundrel.
I am very disappointed in Mr. Holt, nevertheless I have my popcorn popper ready for the next debate. For sure, it's better than going out to the movies. I'm DVR'ing it to make sure I don't miss it.
Hahaha Marlene, maybe I need to get a bowl of popcorn and a glass of wine for the next rounds too.
Thank you for actually answering the question posed. Those are good observations there you have shared. Haha ...I love that "lame-stream media"!
(smirk) I stole that "lame-stream" comment from someone else. I get a laugh every time they say it.
Well, thank you for sharing it here! Seems fitting.
Hilary came across to me as being nothing but a robot with that fake smile. I tried to keep an open mind but when she came up with all the "Miss Piggy" stuff I felt she was such a turn off. I don't think either one of them won. I would call it a draw. And Lester Holt was such an awful moderator!
Hi Thelma, Thank you for answering the actual question. I will have to say I agree with you ...neither won. She did have that fake smile going. I was hopeful that Lester would be a great moderator but of course that did not happen.
A new Fox News poll shows the debate has pushed Clinton ahead of Trump.
It found that voters thought Clinton won it by a margin of 3 to 1.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/09 … sides.html
Fox News rarely concedes anything to Hillary.
Hi Scott, Thank you for sharing that info. Yes, that is rare. Interesting.
So, does that prove that mass media bombardment can shape people's opinions? Does that tell us whether or not despite his 'losing' the debate they will still vote for him? I guess it depends on how the question was posed to them.
Not true,include the12% that saidwas a draw then the number that said "Clinton won"(read it closely)is really less than 2to1. See that's how the media deceives&media polls may not be accurate simply because most people use cell phones now.
So the conservative Fox News that bombards conservative viewers with conservative reporting is deceiving conservative voters by saying that Clinton won? Interesting viewpoints.
Scott, I watched Trump get stomped by Cruz, Rubio, and the Mods... he looked far worse in that debate than the one against Clinton. Fox declared it a disaster for Trump, then Trump went out there and resoundingly won most states that voted the next
Ken, would you agree that Trump got those votes more from people angry at Washington, Wall Street and the ruling class than from the debates?
Yes I would say they are the difference makers.
You have your 25%+ pro-Rep, anti-Democrat party voters.
And this election I think you will have 30%+ of the votes for the anti-Establishment, Outsider, made up of Independent, Rep, Dem voters.
Scott why do you always blanket a news channel or person and put words in other's mouths.I never said Fox deceived by saying Clinton won,I pointed out how any media can subtly manipulate the facts and people like you blindly eat it up.
Last comment. People like you blindly eat it up
I didn't watch the debate, but my next door neighbor watched it - and then he was watching the rerun of it last night. (He's weird that way.)
I asked him why he was watching it again, and he said he wanted to be entertained again, ha! He was a Sanders supporter who isn't really all that wild about either candidate.
His opinion was that Hillary won the first debate, for pretty much the same reasons other people in here have said: because Hillary didn't have to answer any tough questions; and Trump came undone a lot...
This is the thing that concerns many people about Trump: he has a hard time keeping a cool head. Both the GOP & Dems know that weakness and attempt to expose it at every opportunity.
Most Republicans don't want Trump in that office any more than they want Hillary in there - simply because he won't make a very good puppet; and an uncontrollable puppet is worse than the other team's much more cooperative puppet.
In any case, I don't think it is such a bad thing for either the GOP or Dems to continue pushing his buttons - simply because it continues to expose his erratic disposition to people who don't care about it. I mean, its not like anyone is going to 'play fair' with him after he becomes president. If nothing else, the continued press against him should make him a better president if he does win.
At this point, I honestly do not care which candidate wins the office - either one is going to make our world more interesting.
Great comment, I like the perspective you have on it.
I would be willing to bet however, if Clinton's buttons were being pushed just as often/hard as they go at Trump, she would be just as erratic in her responses as he is. Scary, but we've seen it.
Yes, interesting comment, Catherine. Thank you for sharing your perspective here on all of this. I believe you have a lot of valid points there.
But she did not watch the debate.....didnt you delete me for that reason?
No, I didn't delete you, Leslie, and said I went ahead and allowed your resonse. I delete the comments when there is name calling on all.
But Clinton only has a few buttons that can be pushed and they have all been pushed countless times over the years. Trump, on the other hand, has a new one every time he opens his mouth and speaks another lie.
After watching the debate and hearing all the fallout from it, I don't know if I could say there was a winner. However, it did seem like Hillary was overly confident AND prepared and, if I might add, extremely smug in my opinion. Could it be that perhaps, she knew what the questions were going to be? It sure seemed like she knew precisely what she was going to say and was well rehearsed. Mr. Trump could have done better but I think he held his own with respect to how Lester Holt was trying to discredit everything he said. Just another example of the liberal media and how they throw softballs to their candidate of choice.
Well said, and pretty much another example of what I have heard from everyone that was not firmly entrenched in Clinton's corner before the debate.
I'd consider myself to be entrenched on Hillary's side. She had my vote a long time ago. But, I really don't think Trump would be that bad. I think it would be good for the GOP & Republicans in general to experience a non-religious kissass as lea
Hi Rock Artist, yes, good observations on your part, and I believe you may be spot on. Thank you for participating here.
You and I share the same thoughts Rock Artist, especially about Hillary being so smug!
It was an interesting debate and I think Trump came out ahead. Hillary seemed fake to me.
Hi Edwin, thank you for answering. She did seem a bit fake with that smile and then seemingly appeared to know what questions were being asked, but then Trump did not seem on his usual game and caught off guard.
Mrs. Clinton, a law student and politician, was better trained to debate than Mr. Trump's business school and real estate background had prepared him.
Who is best prepared to balance a budget, rein in a $19,000,000,000,000.00 national debt, and enforce our laws, is a different question altogether.
Hi Demas, Yes, she is articulate no doubt. That's is trillion dollar question! Thank you for participating.
A law student, yeah, who flunked the DC law bar, so she went to the easier AR, laughed about how she got a guilty child rapist free. Neither she or Trump can rein in the debt, it's too far gone already and no one person can do anything.
Remember the last time the budget was balanced? Under Clinton. It was a hopeless issue then, too. Mr. Clinton may be a womanizer, but it has always appeared to me most male politicians are. Doesn't mean they or their wives can't rule the world, ha!
Misfit,again you never look past liberal talking points.Balancing the budget under Clinton was a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade.Read the facts http://www.cato.org/publications/commen … nce-budget
I believe Clinton won the debate.
Nevertheless that shouldn't come as a surprise!
She's been in politics for most of her life and has more campaign and debate experience than Trump. She should have been favored to win.
I imagine if they were competing to get a business deal closed for high profits and ahead of schedule Trump would beat Clinton!
Lots of people are making it out to be a "media bias" when in reality it's just a matter of a "professional politician" going up against a non professional. Politics is Clinton's "sandbox"!
Lets face it Trump is not a politician and never really will be!
(No one should be too surprised if a professional politician wins an election.)
Secondly debates are a form of useless entertainment for the most part. We already know where the candidates stand on the issues.
Therefore the debates are nothing but a trap to elicit "Gotcha Moments".
It's not as if "red states" will suddenly turn into "blue states" or vice versa.
Very few people watch debates without bias.
They watch to cheer for their person! (It's a spectator sport.)
If someone didn't like Clinton or Trump to begin with the debates aren't going to change their mind. They're just going to complain about unfairness.
Only in politics would someone expect a non-professional to defeat a professional at a specialized skillset. To make matters worse for Trump he really hasn't exacted united the Republican party.
Not a single major newspaper has endorsed him not even the conservative ones. It's as if he's running against Democrats and the establishment of the Republican party. In all honesty it would be a shock for a non-politician to get elected president of the U.S. in this modern era.
When it's all said and done Wall Street and the rest of the world leaders want a president from either party who is "predictable" or will follow the established traditional roadmap of leadership and policies.
Trump's unpredictability makes many conservatives and liberals nervous.
Thank you, Dashing, for answeing the question posed. Yes, she is certainly a politician and you've shared good insights into the real world of politics and how it all works, sadly. True, he is unpredictable. Great answer.
You hit the nail on the head without realizing it... Trump is running against the Establishment. Against the farce of party politics. Against the corrupt Washington that is controlled by International Corporations, Wall St. and mega-Billionaires.
Well said. What concerns me is the continued & deepening divisions on both sides. Most of it is just bcuz we let the media - that makes money off of hype - keep us all so stirred up. Bush & Obama didn't ruin the world - neither will Hillary o
Yes, the media can get us all worked up if we allow them to do it.
But didn't Trump say he had the winning formula to come out #1 ... no preparation?
Clinton won fair and square, just as the scientific polls show. She was poised, informed, and unapologetic about preparing for both the debate and the White House. Clinton baited Trump into being Trump, particularly with the Miss Universe example. She didn't permit his interjections to stop her from finishing her thoughts. Clinton had a great comeback regarding Trump's "stamina" attack on her and didn't let him get by with switching the focus of his comment about not "looking" Presidential to not having the stamina. Clinton held his feet to the fire like any strong leader would.
Trump didn't prepare for the debate and it showed. That's what you get when you show up to a big event unprepared and overconfident.
Trump's train of thought was all over the place, particularly as the debate wore on. He's actually a terrible speaker in most forums if you follow his words carefully. He consistently displays a very fractured and frequently contradictory thought pattern that is miserably short on detail ("it's gonna be great"). He commonly interjects self-aggrandizing statements that seem out of place in their context. All of that was on full display on Debate Night.
Lester Holt wasn't biased. Trump didn't answer questions and had to be redirected by the moderator in order to pull answers out of him. As he often does, Trump deflected and changed topics, and Holt was just doing his job trying to reel him back in. Even so, the answers often still didn't come. Trump gave off the wall references to 400 lb. men sitting on their bed as maybe being potential cyberhackers. That was bizarre.
Trump also couldn't control his emotions and stage presence, becoming red faced, pursing and puckering his lips, sniffling, drinking water constantly and licking his lips. With the split screen, this nonverbal communication was critical to viewers in forming their opinions, as nonverbal behavior can be more important than verbal behavior. He may not be a professional politician, but he has all of the debate prep expertise available to him at his disposal.
His problem is the same as the Emperor Who Had No Clothes: no one wanted to tell him the obvious and he didn't want to hear it. (Or maybe they were fired.) I'm sure he'll do better or at least be nastier in the next round.
So I take it you are determined, no matter what, to vote for Trump then?
Thank you, Flourish, for answering the question posed and stately exactly why too. She did stand her ground. Trump was not prepared at all and it is true he did not answer the questions asked of him. Good observations.
Clinton has over 30 years experience as a politician and lying, where Trump was at his first political debate. So Clinton was more comfortable on stage and debating.
If you listened to the message, then Trump won, hands down. Clinton kept saying what had to be done but didn't say how she was going to do it and how it would affect Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. I got the feeling numerous times that she was skating around the question. Trump said what he was going to do, how he was going to do it, and what it would mean for the American taxpayer and I felt more confident that he will get it done if elected. I would have liked it better if he didn't interrupt while Clinton was talking, but at least he is true to himself and he is who he is, not a liar. No fake smiles or just saying what he thinks people want to hear.
We need change and security, and Trump is the only one willing to do what is necessary without worrying about hurting the feelings of people that hate and want to kill us.
Trump hit the real issue, Clinton had 30 years to make a difference and has done nothing but betray Americans and take Muslim bribes into her foundation. She committed treason and lied about it with emails. She then attacks Trump with negative ads about how he treated women twenty years ago. So what? At least he is honest. Clinton stays in a marriage with a well-known philanderer. Rewarding bad behavior, as usual. For image. That is not the role model I want for young ladies. He may have made some mistakes before he ever thought of being a politician but it does not compare to committing crimes while holding a high political office.
It may seem like I got off the question but I was laying groundwork, it is more than just how they did in the debate. It is how they plan to run the country and I feel Clinton should be in prison instead of being allowed to run for president.
Trump is campaigning against against Clinton when she should be in prison, He is campaigning against the corrupt leadership in office that should be doing HIS job instead of campaigning for Clinton. And Trump is campaigning against the biased media and people like Lester Holt that use their position to praise Clinton and hurt Trump. With all this, it is still a close race.
Trump won on merit while Clinton used her experience to win the popularity vote without saying how she would improve our country.
Depending on who you like as a candidate is who you think won the debate.
Hi Vince, Thank you for answering the question posed and stating exactly why you think so. You've pointed out good points to each candidate's strengths and weaknesses. You're right about who we like and therefore thinking that candidate won.
IMHO how does anyone win a circus which is what the debate was!
Yes, it was difficult to watch, I will confess. Hopefully, the next two debates will be more focused and professional all around.
I believe that Donald Trump wont the debate based on his answer to the many questions he was asked, his comfort ability with debating for the first time, and expressing himself and his view to, "Make America Great Again."
Trump is a wonderful talker due to his business experience. He very innovative and very good at improvisation. It can be a agreed upon that Trump received the most amount of questions and follow-ups that night. However, he still did his best to answer them to his best ability with the time given to him. Moreover, questions about that things that would benefit his campaign were not brought up. For example, Lester Holt didn't ask questions about immigration or foreign policy. At the beginning Lester said that the questions are in order of importance; however, I believe that education, immigration policy, and foreign policy are more important topics compared to cyber attacks and Trump's tax returns.
Despite the very poor questioning, Trump was very comfortable debating for the fist time. It was said that Hillary has more debate experience than any other candidate, and she was more hesitant when Trump was on her case about a lot of scandals she has been involved in. Moreover, Trump had very good reactions to the numerous amount of follow-ups and attacks that Secretary Clinton made on him.
Finally, Trump got out a lot of his ideas to make our country great. Although the general public thought he was being very broad, he was pretty specific on a lot of things. For example, Trump was very specific on his tax plan compared to Mrs. Clinton. Moreover, He stated a specific number for businesses (15%), and other information about his tax plan can be found on his website; however, Hillary Clinton said, "I am going to invest in the middle class," which is not specific at all, but unfortunately media bias doesn't express that when they review the debate.
This why I believe that Trump won the debate.
Hi Jeremy, Thank you so much for answering the questions posed and stating exactly why you choose Trump in great detail.
You mean like the scandal when she was being mean behind the scene?
At least we can find information on his tax plan, since there's no information on his tax payment.
I thought Trump won it. Had some good ideas. To stimulate the US economy and bring jobs back - lower the company tax rate to 15%. Typically CNN and other MSM said Clinton won it but I took a look online at the Time and Fortune sites and both had Trump at around 60% to 40% for Clinton.
Those online polls allow anyone to vote and vote as many times as possible. So political operatives take advantage of them. They are silly entertainment and don't have any scientific credibility.
Hi Jerry, Thank you for answering the question posed and why you chose Trump. The only polls that are reliable are the scientific ones.
I truly think it was a draw. I feel that the media is behind
Hillary so she gets lots of good press from them. I do think
that Trump has struck a nerve in the American Electorate and
that is great for him. It really offends me when Hillary criticizes
Trump for his treatment of women. LOOK WHO's TALKING!
She was the one who orchestrated the attacks on the women
that had affairs with her husband. she is not the kind of
person to be attacking another for their bad treatment of
Trump condemns the media, but he loves the attention he gets from them because of his controversial comments and actions.
Note that he doesn't have to pay a dime of campaign funds as long as the media keeps covering his comments. That's smart.
Hi James, Yes, I believe he has struck a nerve ...Hmm, well, that's true about the attacks on women, especially being her husband ...some may say she was just defending her husband against the women, but it takes two to tango. Thank you for answering
Clinton won the last hour, Trump the first thirty minutes.
Overall, Trump looked ill-prepared. An example was when Holt asked him how he'd handle homegrown terrorists such as the one in Orlando and he went and talked about the how bad the Iran deal was. Hillary had an answer there, but Trump had talking points that didn't related to anything.
And half the things he said were proven false by fact-checkers. So he's just spouting off.
Hillary got him with his taxes and the fact that she's prepared to be president. Neither candidate really has a grasp on the truth, but with the Alicia Machado bait, Trump has proven he's an unstable little man that is incapable of running the country.
Hi JOC, thank you for answering. It did seem that Trump was not prepared and Hillary was prepared. She is a true politician and trained to debate no doubt.
Hillary obviously won the debate. She spent days preparing for anything that Trump might throw at her or any question that she might be grilled on. Arrogant Trump figured he could go in there interrupting to get the most air time or throwing insults and innuendos to distract and that would make him the winner. In the real world where everyone is allowed to speak and bully tactics DON'T WIN those nonsense tactics are not allowed and not acceptable. The moderator kept trying to bring him back on track and and playing by the rules of the debate. If Trump had been man enough to do his homework he may have stood a chance. Instead he was unprofessional and there is absolutely no excuse for his behavior. His poor showing was completely and totally his own fault. Hillary's professional showing can be credited to her due diligence in preparing for the debate.
Hi Lorelei, Yes, it does seem Hillary was prepared. Maybe Trump learned a lot from this debate to be prepared. We shall see.
Funny how I see some of the comments were hidden due to "negative" feedback. I am still not sure why this Q&A portion still exists if they are taking No (or rather negative) for an answer.
For the record, those hidden comments are rather well written, that the rest that are showing as "best"
That is so strange indeed, Julie! I checked those out and they are perfectly good and well-written answers ...Must be that those who support the other candidate voted down? Makes no sense to be hidden at all, no bad language or even insults?
In my opinion Hillary will be came out ahead because of her Logically discussions, her experience in the Government, her smiling face, her listing skills.
Because in past she served the American Government as Secretary Defense.
Hi Rizwan, thank you for answering here and sharing why you choose Hillary.
Hillary because trump fell for her bait and lost control interrupting her.
Hi Ravin, thank you for answering and sharing why you choose Hillary.
"Are you serious"......quote by John McEnroe.
The coke addled Donald made a total fool of himself.
Hi Oz,
Thank you for sharing your perspective here.
Clinton won, Trump wasn't even prepared for it, he tried to improvise but it just turned out childish. After this video scandal he's done for good.
Hi Gordan, Thank you for answering the question posed and for sharing why. Yes, he did not seem prepared as Hillary. Oh, I'm not up to speed on the video scandal ...
hillary clinton,i watched the first debate between Hillary and Trump,because of herexperiance in politics and she knows all about country..and all.
Hi Ec ... Thank you for answering and telling why you choose Hillary.
Does anyone ever really "win" a debate? There's nothing to prove, except who us the better candidate and do not believe either one of them have said much about the details of what they plan to accomplish, such as how to go about it and what it will accomplish in the long run.
I don't like either one of them. For different reasons and for the exact same reasons, depending on the particular reason. I personally do not feel like either of them have proven themselves yet. And I don't think that debate swayed many undecided voters either way.
By the way, what I have been seeing from the parties in general, not necessarily from the official campaigns but from the supporters, are insults on the character of one followed by a comeback attempting to prove that the other candidate is a hypocrite. Frankly, all of it disgusts me.
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There were two distinct debating styles on display last night on Sept 26, 2016.How do you describe what in on?
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