Do you agree with President Obama pardoning traitor Bradley Manning?
Pvt Bradley Manning stole 700,000 pages of classified data and handed them over to Wikileaks. The 35 year prison sentence was commuted by the outgoing President.
Ralph, I am more confused that it happened. I don't understand it, because it just doesn't sound like president Obama. 8yrs for 22 offenses under the Espionage Act with parole possible in 8 doesn't sound very serious. Aiding and abetting the enemy charge could have been a death sentence.
The only thing that is different is that Chelsea is transgendered, regendered and Barack has a soft spot for that. I guess the short answer is that I don't know.
Delete my answer if it doesn't fit.
It's another example of putting a deranged way of thinking ahead of normalcy and common sense for the sake of advancing an agenda.
Then Why, Brad, did she get a sentence Much longer than others who had committed similar crimes? Bringing her sentence in-line with others IS the definition of common sense.
Never happen cause Snowden called him a liar.So did Politifact &basically the rest of the nation(which his wife was never proud of)so that explains why he won't pardon Snowden& why he hates the rest of the country as much as Snowden.
I Agree with MizB - no pardons for any of them - it sets a bad example and will certainly make any future would-be-data-thieves less afraid of stealing our secrets.
I'm just here to say 'good job using his correct name.' I'm not going to play into this nonsensical 'oh now I'm a girl' idiocy. Bruce Jenner is still and will always be BRUCE ...and Bradley will always be Bradley. We need to stop going for this crap where everyone can just up and decide they're someone else.
Thank you - wearing a dress won't make you a girl
Actually what I wonder is why the government paid for his sex change...they should have paid for some brain surgery.
I'm still miffed at why we the taxpayers were forced to pay for it. Prison just isn't what it used to be I you get to live better than the average Joe while on the inside
my husband is in prison, and that might be the most untruthful thing ive ever read here. why dont you read about the sadistic conditions she trump couldnt.
Leslie, many of these people have never left their hometown. They grew up , got a job, bought a house, and that's the end of their story. Many have never served in the military either. Their opinions have as much depth as a one night stand.
He was in Leavenworth - I've been there and I know how military prisoners are treated - nothing like an outside prison.
unless you've been a prisoner, who are you to tell what its like? unless you've been pregnant, who are you to make decisions on it? this whole system of judge and punish is puritanical nonsense. where is thought, not dogma? compassion, not spite?
ummm, yah. the same wikileaks russia used to get trump elected....i thought the right luuuved wikileaks! heres what i think....assange told usa that if they let manning go, he'd turn himself in. my little pipe dream is that he comes here and spills the beans on putin/trump. of course, putin would never let that happen, but heres the thing: a prostitute has just come forward saying she did have sex with trump in a russian hotel. and an apprentice contestant is going forward with her lawsuit on trump threatening to subpoena those tapes weve all heard about from the apprentice. also curious, mark burnett, producer of apprentice has ties to russia as well....this is coming unraveled, and the question is who is doing it?
Leslie, fantasy land is calling and wants their chief surrogate of conspiracies back...
2 pennies.This is like a really REALLY bad movie written by the collaborative work of Alfred Hitchcock, Rod Serling, Stephen King & QuentinTarantino It can't get any more Bizarre or spooky. Yet, she's serious!! I hear the cuckoo bird. U too?
Putin: "I can hardly imagine he rushed to the hotel to meet our girls of liberal social irresponsibility -even though they are the best in the world."
yes, i believe theyre called honeypots. it must be a great blackmail tool. and a nasty one.suppose they drug you and put a young child with you? thats prison-time.yeah, that putin, whom the trumpites seem so enamored of, is a real nasty man.
This is just one more slap in the face of the US military by Obama. Does anyone wonder why people in the military do not like Obama? I don't. This poll taken by CNN of all things...proves the point. … al-rating/
do you know they had her in solitary confinement for trying to committ suicide? shades of abu gharib. if they are going to act like sadistic monsters, who needs their approval?
Yeah, people who want to commit suicide are not insane. We should put them all in the general population and see if they can take a few others with them when they do it..
prisoners at guantanamo do the same. i would imagine its because they have nothing to look forward to but misery, sadistic treatment, the bottom of the barrell in human experience. anyone not wanting to end it would be insane, imo.
I believe we should treat the people in Guantanamo in the same way that our soldiers are treated. They are treated much better than they deserve. LM you have no idea what these guys have done. LM have a Gitmo detainee move in with you. Okay?
why dont you volunteer to be a prisoner, then get back to me.
Awe, cmon Leslie. All you need do is have a sex change operation (you're all for those right?), blow up a bunch of innocent people (murdering babies in the womb doesn't count), maybe behead a few people&then let us know how you like Gitmo.
where do you get your news, trump tv? or is it general pizzagate flynn? MOST of those prisoners have nothing to do with terrorism. in case you missed it, we were giving people money to turn people in. anyone with a grudge could accuse someone for $$
Volunteer to be a prisoner? I'll just let that statement stand because people can see it for what it is...something that shows a total lack of understanding of the reality of the situation.
oh yeah? youve been there to tell it? all you have is second and third hand information, like me. and i really hate to break it to you, your world view no better than mine.
So in Leslie's whimsical world of liberal fantasy all you have to do is get a sex change and attempt suicide to be cleared of all criminal charges... By claiming to be a woman, he has now become a tragic hero to social justice warriors. Feminists?!?
he served 7 years. Patreus shared classifed info and so did general "lock her up" Flynn. not even any charges filed! its always the same. you people with the correct private parts get special treatment...always. That will end soon. its cosmic design.
Two Generals - one shared a schedule, the other something - neither act of sharing came close to what this guy did - like comparing WWII to a fist fight on the playground
manning was a whistleblower-- sharing with the public. patreus shared with a girlfriend who was writing a book, and he lied to the fbi. flynn shared info twice, to 2 foreign generals, and he had secret internet line into pentagon, when told not to.
Manning is not a whistleblower - he's a thief and should be left in prison
been watching the hearings? whole lotta thiefs running loose. and i know for 100%certain if trump commuted him instead if obama, hed be a hero. patreus and flynn are guilty too, but theyre the elite your crew supposedly despises. above the law.
Trump wouldn't commute him b/c he's not a radical ideologue like Obama that would do anything to wave the social justice flag. So glad we're shutting the door on this embarrassing period of US history. All his lawlessness is about to be undone...
first thing he could do is proecute flynn, then! oh wait, he did have a hearing, or something, and they determined that altho he did share classified intel, it "didnt reach the level of criminal bevavior". sound familiar? its a gang if hypocrits.
What you're saying sounds more like corrupt criminal Hillary Clinton... But oh wait, you'll turn a blind eye on that one b/c it fits the narrative, right?
no, in actual fact, it only became a crime for her...they did it special, just for the woman with the tubes to take on the patriarchal religious state. when guys do it, its a wink and a nod, as liz warren said.
Military prisons are decent, conditions are strict, but not terrible. Mr. Manning had issues not caused by incarceration
god forbid, a human being. lets robotize us all. force us all to fit into that mold somebody made. we are past that. its too late to go back. the crumbling of a stereotype is happening. we are in a new age. let go of the old, the new is here!
No, as a veteran I can tell you that the "slap in the face" is sending young men and women to die, not for freedom, but for the sake of Imperialist aggression, and to enrich the greedy Capitalists and puppet masters. But that does not trouble U.
Odd, I didn't hear about this. Let me see...what do I think?
a) Maybe he did it so when he pardons Hillarity, now no one can say Bradley is serving time and what she did was worse. lol
b) BO wants to make up for the US citizens he killed with drone attacks … es-3-were/
c) BO is married to a tranny
( and she/he so sympathized with Bradley/Chelsea BO had to do it to get her/him off his back.
(Amazing what you can find on YouTube, not that I believe it but hey, just brain storming here).
d) BO hopes he can win a second Nobel peace prize for releasing a tranny from prison.
e) there are no female bathrooms in the prison Bradley is in
Hmmmm... do I agree? let me see. Could I agree with
a) for Hillary
b) Drones
c) Michelle's a tranny
d) 2nd Nobel peace prize
e) no female bathrooms
f) All of the above, can't think of any other possible reason.
g) None of the above, there is another reason for what he did which is _____.
I'm going to pick f) if a,b,c, d and e are all the possible reasons.
I'm open to more suggestions though because as you can see looking into the mind of BO for justification of anything he says or does is an amazingly difficult task and open to myriads of conceivably possible strange interpretations of his actions based on what we already know or suspect that he has said and done.
On 2nd thought McCain says Bradley's acts caused the death of patriotic Americans serving in the field.I think the proper course of action would be for the Republicans to declare Bradley's pardon&sex change illegitimate&start protests.
It's just more hypocrisy from the Obama Administration... Why Manning, when Assange merely supplied the information that he stole or why not Snowden, who exposed the US Government's mass collection of private citizen's data?
Manning is "transitioning" is the excuse I keep hearing - from a man into, well....a man with a lot of surgery who now wears a dress and a wig
well put Ralph. At least we can hang our hats on the notion that the Obama days of social reconstruction are coming to a close.
I don't agree with what Obama did at all, but I can't see that he did it for transgender sympathies. There's got to be something else. Somebody said Assange said he would turn himself in. I don't buy that either. Why would he do that?
That pisses me off! No one gives a damn that I'm transitioning from a young, vibrant, active seductress to an old, arthritic, ornery, estrogen-void hag with hair on my chin and saggy body parts! I PROTEST! Damn it!
@ Paula ROTFL >> 'Thank you' (from a wind-whipped weather worn wench that is bitter - bitter as wormwood!)
ptosis..It's OK if U ROTFL.just B sure 2 wear spandex so U don't jiggle all over the damned place! I hate that, don't U? Old lady can't even have a good time w/o being pointed at!
Ralph, get a hold of UR emotions! Try cold water!
lot of people are different. when i saw barron trump, i was taken aback. he is different, my youngest grandson. i cant stand buffoon donald, but from this day on, i will have the back of that little boy and his mama.
Y'all are both killing me, Paula, but I'm laughing with you. All I can say is "thank god for spandex." about a race to the pun intended there either Paula...
Neither Assange nor Snowden have been convicted, and neither is in prison in the US, therefore they are not eligible for pardon.
That turns you on, Ralph, doesn't it? I suspect you like men in dresses. Especially after such a short sighted, moronic comment.
They got you good, didn't they?
There are punishments that should be commuted because the original sentence was unjustly extreme and unusual for the crime.
Obama may have been thinking about the 8th Amendment's prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment because of the solitary confinement used after each suicide attempt. 35 years in itself is unusual, just as being pumped with female hormones in a male prison is also rare.
Not the first time a President pardoned a person with an extreme sentence. In 1908, William Buwalda attended a lecture by the anarchist Emma Goldman while in uniform. After the lecture, he shook Goldman’s hand. For that he was court martialed, dishonorably discharged and sentenced to Alcatraz. Buwalda’s commanding officer, General Funston, called Buwalda’s interaction with Goldman “a great military offence, infinitely worse than desertion, a serious crime, equal to treason.” General Funston condemned William Buwalda for "shaking hands with that dangerous woman" (Goldman). Buwalda served only 10 months before he was pardoned by President Theodore Roosevelt.
But...but....but.....Obama bows to Arab Leaders......BTW....who the hell is Emma Goldman? OK, OK....I'll look it up! Never mind. You go Teddy!
Emma Goldman anarchist and feminist who was deported to Russia for her opposition to draft laws in World War I
PTOSIS...Thanks, but I read about Emma 4 hours.Quite the controversial Lady(ahead of the times(4 women) Trail blazer) Not necessarily a "Hero."..depending on what side one is on. I appreciate the intro. Another historical character 2 understand.
She was also suspected of, charged & tried for being complicit in the assassination of Loncoln...among a whole list of other little hobbies she had!!
Paula, Did you mean Abraham Lincoln? If so, that would have been quite impossible since Emma Goldman was born in 1869, and Lincoln was assassinated in 1865!
Yes, I did (?) but UR right! Damn! Now I'm wracking my old brain, becuz I read thru 1 site after another that day, til my eyes crossed. I'll go back 2 see WHO I meant. I know it was 1 of those crazy broads from history time & space. I'll BE BACK!
Yeah, she got arrested from time to time, but I think that was primarily for protesting. Back then it wasn't uncommon for women to be arrested for challenging the status quo concerning womens right to vote, workers rights, etc..
I found it. Wrote my correction under your main comment. "Mary Surrat". I get into anything about Capital punishment, bcuz yrs ago I ( & my late Husband) were neck deep involved w/ "New Yorker's Against the DP."
Yes, Mary Surrat. Even though she was a slave-owner I don't feel she should have been executed, as i don't believe in the DP. Furthermore, it's my understanding that the evidence was circumstantial.
I came back to this Q several times to decide whether to add my 4 cents (because IMHO, people over the age of 60 w/ a high IQ have opinions twice as valuable than young punks & their 2 cents, who think that simply BEING opinionated makes them right or even smart!.... It's OK to laugh.
I've decided to respond to the entire thread thus far:
Ralph, Capital O....NO, I most definitely do not agree with this ludicrous Obama pardon....nor will I pardon B.O for this pardon!
Jack. Yes, absolutely he should have pardoned Snowden. and DTMB is correct. No one calls the King a Liar, despite the fact that he is a Liar. Miz B & Ralph.....Has any POTUS chosen to pardon no one? I ask becuz I really don't know.
Wesman....Hi honey. I'm with you! I'm very happy I will never need to refer to you as Wendy.....and I promise, you will not need to call me Paul!!
Ralph.....It's not wearing a dress that even makes ME a girl! There are a few other qualifications. Can't discuss them here!
leslie, I'm sure you know that not all prisons are created equal.. There are so many and run so differently...also rank according to "security" etc. Prisons run the gamut from horrendous, hard-core, nearly inhumane to somewhat like College dorms and everything in between. None of them being a day at the beach....but then, they aren't suppose to be.
Mike...your answer is right on! If Obama has an unacceptable view of the Military, he needs to know they aren't too damned crazy about him either!! me out with the terms, "normalcy & common sense." 8 yrs of lunacy & political correctness has finally done a number on my understanding of certain words......Have mercy on me! Oh yeah, that's what Obama did...right? He blessed these people with his own rendition of mercy!! I get it. He decided when he pardoned the turkey that he digs this power!!
kind of like bush pardoning kenny boy lay, even though people lost their life savings cause of him. and like oliver north getting a pardon, even though he shredded documents and covered up crime. and bush 1..pardoning six from the iran/contra affair.
Are you impressed that Obama commuted and pardoned more people than any president in history?
yes. we could release probly 2/3 of prisoners. we should only cage violent, people who harm others. the whole system is about money and political careers...and ruining peoples lives. a whole generation wasted. we are lost. who takes glee in misery?
Well, one thing is for sure - you people who consider the past 8 years to be frustrating 'lunacy & political correctness' can go back to insulting & degrading whomever you want like your new pres while he brings back sanity, LoL! What a relie
insult herr fuher? nein, nein, nein. investigate putin? nyet nyet nyet. "its sprrringtime for trumpo and america"
america first! you know, behind vlad and bibi
Did Manning commit treason? George W. Bush committed treason by desertion during time of war, Oliver North selling arms to the enemy.
Manning was not giving the info to the enemy.
CMostly, PC never stopped the racists on Hubpages from insulting me. The fact that I am a war veteran doesn't matter to them either. I am sexy and very intelligent, and that makes those lacking either attribute very jealous.
Thank you, Leslie. I was with Paula for a moment, but that support waned quickly, once she showed her IQ may not have been as stellar as she'd first claimed.
She's really referring to the eight years of Obama like it was worse than Bush.
Of course. I support President Trump and President Trump has praised Wikileaks. Wikileaks prints the truth and it's important that people provide them with information, as President Trump has pointed out. In order for Wikileaks to print the truth, they have to be able to get information. I'm sure President Trump would agree.
omg, i cant WAIT for wikileaks tv! wait til they catch all those big bad meany democrats when they try to stop supertrump from making us white again. we'll finally get the truth every day!
Wikileaks targets corrupt people in power. Before Hillary and the Demorats, it was Bush/Cheney. In a couple of years it will be Trump... when details of all his corrupt dealings starts to get leaked. Neither party works for you; Wikileaks does.
know who he hasnt targeted? russia. selective targeting of only us presidents...
hmmmm. unless you think russia is clean, doesnt do these things? assange, snowden work for vlad. IMO
Thank you, Thomas Swan.
You, sir, are correct.
Mr. Trump will be next. He's barely literate, and horrible person.
He's exactly the type of trash Wikileaks will expose.
I think 35 years was a sentence that was too long but I don't really feel as if I have a strong opinion on this case.
Bravo! I only wish that Ed Snowden, Leonard Peltier, and Assata Shakur would have also received pardons. I served 6 years in the military, and I know first hand about the evil that goes on behind the scenes. Of course, I was very young when I joined, but after 6 years I decided that killing people, many of them innocent people, wasn't what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Chelsea Manning and Ed Snowden are both heroes. They risked their freedom and their lives to expose government corruption.
There were things I could have exposed as well. But like the majority of servicemen, I was too cowardly to defy my masters. I was more interested in preserving my future, and so today I understand that I only shamed myself. If those like me would have collectively stood against tyranny in the 70's and 80's the world would be a better place today. We were too young and naive to understand that our domestic enemies (the ones we were working for) were a much greater threat than our foreign enemies.
This is why many of us who are ex-military have dedicated our lives to exposing and tearing down this evil system. We understand how young people are manipulated, used, and turned into hired assassins to further the Imperialist ambitions of a corrupt government and their corporate overlords. God Bless Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. They are the future, and the hope of mankind.I don't need to tell anyone what I think of the Stepford Wives, Archie Bunker, or Ozzie and Harriet.
Funny, but I never heard of any other GI who spoke about any evil behind the scenes like you - I was in Many years ago and never experienced any - soldiers did their job back then, with honor and pride
Famous veterans who spoke out against evil: General Smedley Darlington Butler, a war hero of WWI, and Tomas Young, Iraq Vet.The VVAW (30,000 members)was founded in 1967 to protest the evil wars of the U.S.. U never heard cause U don't listen.
I'm back! It was "Mary Surrat" now I need 2 recall why I was nosing around about her.?? OH! yes..somewhere I got sidetracked to Capital Punishment. Mary was hanged. Duh. at my age it's one web site at a time or I just combine them all !!
Tearing down the system and replacing it with what? A nice Socialist Dictatorship like Venezuela has perhaps? Or more like Communist China where people get run over by tanks? Maybe we should go the way of Saudi Arabia and have Sharia Law?
erm...what would you call forcing women to give birth againt their will?
It must be terrible going through life with little or no imagination, or creative spark. U spent 12 years in school learning how to read and write. Now U expect me to explain a new social paradigm in 250 words? U were definitely "Made In America".
I might see calling Snowden a hero, of sorts, but not Manning. Having said that, Snowden did break the law and should be convicted and serve time. BUT, he will need to wait until a normal person becomes President.
My hat is off to you for this answer. Anyone attempting to contradict what you've said is still the victim of military brainwashing!
Ronnie - Join the Peace Corps next time. Treason, hopefully, will NOT be the future of our men and women in the military.
He has the right to do so, though it is a bad precedent to set. There were so many more deserving people of pardons.
I have a big problem with it. I think Manning is a hero. He has made the world a better place. But I think Obama pardoned him because she is transgender, it would make Assange look like a fool (did anyone really think he would turn himself in??), and it would distract the American public from some of his other pardons, like him pardoning 4 high-level Mexican drug cartel members. I'm glad he was pardoned. But I suspect there are far more complicated reasons for the pardon behind the scenes.
Interesting angle - watch this hand while something else happens with the other, has been the norm for Obama.
When it comes to former President Obama's pardoning of Chelsea Manning, I am of the opinion that it was a wise decision which was long overdue. It's important to note that the laws of war obligate actors to report war crimes.
Chelsea Manning's decision to leak the "Collateral Murder" video was therefore in many ways in line with what a legally conscious soldier would do in times of war. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that the confinement that Manning was subjected to violated US prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment.
This reality, along with the fact that Obama was essentially punishing a person alerting the public to war crimes (and not punishing the actual perpetrators of the crime), should have made this an easy decision for any executive.
Damn straight, and right on the money! It is ironic that those here who consider themselves "patriots" would call a true patriot a traitor. It follows that the macho naysayers would not have the courage to report a war crime.
The law isn't perfect and it is full of loop holes, as a result, sometime good people goes to prison, The Wikileak issue is highly controversial, but it is a situation that justify making an exception, thus, it is reasonable for President Obama to pardon him.
Frankly I am surprised at the decision of Obama to pardon Manning. Pardon means going Scot free and that's bad. Maybe Obama could have reduced the sentence to say 10 years. Complete pardon sets a bad example.
I thought President Obama just commuted Manning's sentence to time served, is that no true?
He should have not been pardoned,what he did was betray America,thats a HUGE offense in my book and it should not be taken lightly,When you give away classified documentation to the enemy you are putting everyone at risk.He gets set free and he will run back and do the same thing,if not worse!!Only someone that truly hates America would do such an act.
Only someone who hasn't taken the time to review the facts in this case would make such a comment. Read and learn. Manning is a hero and a patriot, and will be remembered for his sacrifice.
He should not be pardoned. He has betrayed the national security of the country to rogue states
He did NOT PARDON Chelsea Manning. It was not a pardon of the crime. It was a commutation of the SENTENCE.
Amy...Yes, you are correct. Thank you for clarifying.....this is a rowdy bunch, they don't take enough time to get the facts straight. One day soon I believe they'll all calm down.....I hope.
I refuse to cease my rowdiness ma'am - in fact, I might go double rowdy or triple dog rowdy.......
It was one more thing Obama was able to do that makes the US and rule of law weaker. Pres. Trump should cancel.
I don't think he can. Sadly, the boy in a dress gave Barry O flak after being released
Fortunately, #NoMandateTrump can't cancel.
He's likely wondering why he granted it now that the former private is ungratefully speaking out against him.
i dont think so.obama is not ruled by ego. i dont think what someone says about him bothers him that way.he knows himself. therefore,none of us is perfect.including him. look how proffesional he was with a guy who called him illigitimate for 8 yrs.
He's been nothing but gracious since Trump was elected. Have you noticed that Trump has a higher opinion of him, now? It would be nice if Trump's supporters would give Obama some credit - especially since he is obviously not the anti-christ, ha!
yes. trump has been very gracious, too. of course, its set on the backdrop of all that birtherism and "obama has been a disaster" crap. but now, hes been very nice. pssst: one way to get us to like you ;-)
I honestly think Trump was more impressed with Obama than he expected. He wears his emotions on his sleeve: his remarks after meeting Obama (and since) seem genuine. Its easy to rant from a distance, but get to know peeps a bit can change things.
Obama tried every trick he had to mess things up for Trump, including one of last minute new hires and money to terrorists in Palestine - Obama has no respect for anyone but himself and Trump thinks he's an idiot
I do NOT agree, but then again traitors are going to help other traitors!
Did you even study the case?. Manning did what any patriot would do. We take an oath to defend against enemies foreign and domestic. I guess you didn't know that. Read and learn, and be constructive,
Did you just now join HP just for this, LoL? Obama wasn't a traitor - he was a compromiser trying to satisfy both GOP & Dem ideals. Apparently, that isn't going to fly - its got to be one or the other. Trump is last 4 years GOP will EVER get.
leaked the largest cache of classified documents in U.S. history is being patriotic? Yea, I know about the oath. I served too.
There is a different version of patriotism today - its 'for the people' not 'for men in power'. Holding gov officials accountable for their actions has unfortunately become a public job. Manning isn't the 1st in history to expose secrets 4 integrity.
I was there to serve the people, not the War Pigs. Perhaps you should look up the definition of Stockholm Syndrome.
its also funny that republicans are giddy that the dnc was hacked by russia and info leaked! what patriotism, huh??? lol!
Leslie, the RNC was also hacked at the same time as the DNC. Not much has been made of it -- yet. So far Wikileaks has chosen not to share, but it will be shared eventually. Patience. Perhaps then the Republicans won't feel left out . . .
GOP doesn't feel left out - they are simply relieved that their stuff wasn't utilized. And since they only care about themselves and not America, in general - what does this Russian hack matter? Is over and they won. No biggie, at all.
if rnc info gets out, why then it will be an outrage worthy of war.
LoL! True dat! Then again, THEY never do anything wrong. They will find a way to blame it on the Dems - and their people who believe they are 'on the side of God and ONLY they are' will believe them, as usual.
yup. their god. their ways. their america--100% or nothing. which is fine for them. have at it! but DO NOT force me! unfortunately, they seem to think they are the man, and must decide for all of us. america means live and let live!!dont tread on me!
Catherine Mostly, I was being sarcastic. I do that a lot, so when you read things I write always be prepared for some facetiousness. It matters because Russians have shown they will hack anything. Might be something important one of these times.
No, he can not be trusted. He could be our next terrorist. I feel strongly about this.
Now sure why people use the word pardon. He was not pardoned. His sentence was shortened. Big difference. But then I find it highly funny(odd) that obama railed against russia hacking....and snowden, but let's this guy off the hook. This guy did a LOT of damage. Wikileaks used to be the darling of the Left. We have done a lot of damage in the past 16 years in foreign affairs. Obama did nothing different, even taking it to a new low. Chinese hacked millions of Americans....and nary a whimper from Obama. Nothing we have done in 16 years has made us or the world safer. Nothing. And this guy should be poster child for what is wrong with America.
I am on the fence. On one hand, it cannot be deemed "okay" to put classified military information on the web. If that were to become a normal thing we would be screwed. However, I also don't think that the government should be able to get away with being corrupt, and then punish those trying to expose that corruption.
No! Manning was a traitor. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew his actions would harm the country and possibly risk lives. Obama did more damage to this country than any previous president. His incompetence also contributed to the collapse of the Middle East.
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by Ralph Deeds 15 years ago
It appears to me that the torture issue, as Frank Rich observed in today's NY Times, is "bigger" than Obama. Rich's Op-ed provides a concise summary of where the issue currently stands. In my opinion, Obama had better get out from in front of the train! Here's a link to Frank Rich's...
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