It Seems That Ugly People Are More Anti-Social and Violent Than Good Looking People. Do You Agree?
Whether it be cops or politicians, usually it's the ugly ones who are making the news, killing people, and creating havoc. It appears there is a direct correlation between physical ugliness and mental ugliness.
If a person is rejected for their looks, then it would seem to be pretty reasonable to have a negative view of society at large. It would seem to be very reasonable, and the best thing to do to turn inward, and expand the life of the mind instead of trying to be social.
I don't think I'm especially attractive, but I don't think people ever think of me as ugly, but for the most part, I don't socialize except on the internet. I don't really like most people except for in a passing sort of way. I don't fit in, and as I get older, I don't even want to fit in. On the upside, dogs are great company, and they don't care how much money I make, or if I shout the latest in group epitaphs non stop.
People are unwilling to face the truth about ugliness.There is much hypocrisy as well . Jesus is usually depicted as a good looking white man, but many Christians would assert that looks don't matter. I say give us an ugly Jesus and prove your point!
1. The concept simply is not that simplistic.
2. While "pretty is as pretty does" is certainly a true quote, this question involves opinion about ugly and good looking so L. da Vinci's quote "The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions" definitely applies.
3. Judging people by their looks is assumptive behavior, which is rarely wise, and which reminds me of a few more quotes: "Assumptions are made up of blind spots." "Assumptions and truth dine in completely different restaurants."
4. Judging people by their looks is unfair profiling but life isn't fair and a certain amount of people have always done it based on their opinions of what is ugly or good looking.
Society, and fashion magazines like Vogue have defined beauty/ugly. Thus, the status quo is more than my opinion. My question is based on the accepted fiction. A great majority of rogue cops, politicians, and other predators fit the definition.
I cannot believe that anyone would pose such a crass and simple-minded question that is just so wrong on the face of it. It doesn't sound like a very thoughtful question to come up with for a Hub, and seems as if it was devised because the writer could think of nothing else. As someone who has written only one Hub, I know how difficult it is for some writers to think up an interesting topic, but yours sounds like one that a teenage bully who doesn't do well in school would think up. Ted Bundy was an example of a sociopath who was not unattractive at all.
Outer beauty can mask much ugliness inside of actual horrendous deeds. Please rethink such a question. It's very thoughtless and without merit. For some odd reason, I am vicariously embarrassed that anyone could even contemplate such a view.
Believe it. RW lives to post crass questions because HP lets him get away with it. He deems himself the "sexiest man in the world." Yeah, you heard me right. If that's not crass & ridiculous, I don't know what is. Report him. He needs to go.
I am an artist and a philosopher. I have written many hubs. I am on the cutting edge of a new social paradigm. We must accept truth over idealism if we R to survive. Society has given me an advantage because of my good looks. We must understand why.
Ronnie..I know & you know that U say some of the outlandish things 4 shock effect. Often, a person can't be "good-looking" enough to outweigh their ludicrous behavior & remarks. U need to ask yourself WHY you do that. Do U just enjoy the game
The path to freedom cannot be realized at a glance, but through a series of events to be considered as a whole. "Why" is found in the "Why Not?" At every turn we must expose the corruption that gives birth to confusion, fear, and the weapons of war.
+1,000,000,000,000,000 to you Nadia! Such elementary & puerile stereotyping.
When a woman has a crush on a man it is not uncommon for her to be hateful toward him. Especially if she feels he is above her station and would reject her. But I have had ugly girlfriends as well as pretty ones. Ugly women also make better wives.
Those ugly men may have been beautiful little boys before they decided to lash out in their terror of living life with their hate and greed.
I believe those who act from love make themselves beautiful, no matter how they look. The least aesthetically pleasing become precious sights through its sometimes two-way lens.
I also believe the converse is true, that fear and hate etch themselves into even the most technically lovely faces. I think sometimes it's literally the physical result of twisting their faces up in grimaces of fear and hatred of the terrifyingly unfamiliar- everything outside their own skins.
I have let go of the notion of equality. It is my physical attractiveness that has given me an advantage. Ugly men begin as ugly babies. Anger is rejection, and love denied.Young females reject ugly males, and so they grow up to be tyrants.
I was born ugly. Pretty men took my ugliness as permission to do whatever they wanted to me because women who are not pretty are not valued by their society. It didn't make me a monster to be harmed by them; they chose to become monsters.
Agreed.I was labeled as "pretty" and given an advantage, but I understand it is only an illusion. However, I have benefited from the illusion and U have suffered. Society's denial/refusal to discuss the issue will not afford any improvement.
I think that's true. I think people treat and give more good attention for pretty people than ugly people, even at school. I heard that even teachers give more attention and care to pretty children I was praying that God bless me with beautiful babie
If he does that will be one less thing to worry about. People are cruel and hypocritical. Some people have been offended that I posed this question. But I am sure those same people didn't go looking 4 the ugliest person to marry.
People love and appreciate beautiness whether they admit it or not
Of course they do. And as soon as they start to age they get a face lift if they can afford it. But they'll be the first to jump up and say looks don't matter. If that's true, then they would keep their wrinkles, thin lips, big nose, and flat chest.
It's bizarre how you are ignoring the fact that money is far, far more important than looks in regard to male acceptance. Women don't dare reject even the ugliest man if he has money unless they are willing to face the negative consequences.
No, I haven't ignored that. I have been a professional musician most of my adult life. Women ignore my poverty because I am good looking and talented. A man without money "must" have good looks, or talent, or both to attract many females.
If you haven't ignored it, why did you use a rich man for your photo? Only the rich daughters of rich men can reject a rich man without consequences, so rejection by women wouldn't be responsible for his choices to hate no matter what he looks like.
We don't know how many good looking boys in his peer group. You imagine that he has had access to lower class females. Even if true, rejection by his own class would cause pain. Such men are like a cancer. Men such as I function as antibodies.
Only men with something deeply wrong with them go amok in response to rejection. Women are people. We are not obligated to have sex with any man who asks. Look to the culture that says we owe them sex no matter what we want for your answers.
If we consider domestic violence issues, Sharia Law, and the subjugation of women based on archaic "Christian Values", we find that a great majority of men suffer from a sickness. I am your champion. I would never indulge in such an evil mentality.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Jeffrey Dahmer was not ugly, Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd was not ugly, Clyde Barrow was not ugly.
I worked with a man who was so handsome all the single women wanted him, then he was caught for rape and murder.
Question: Aren't a lot of psycopaths good looking? (If we're going by stereotypes and close minded statemens).
Most I have seen are ugly men. I know of only two accused of being good looking: Bundy and Ramirez. Also a majority of killer cops fit the popular definition of ugly.
THANK YOU! Irma Grese, an SS woman, was a sadist who tortured prisoners in Auschwitz. She was physically beautiful.Dr. Joseph Mengele also tortured & killed prisoners.He was very handsome physically.Eleanor Roosevelt, plain, was a great humanist
I would consider Irma Grese to be ugly by popular standards. Exceptions do exist. But how do you explain the abundance of ugly police officers who abuse and kill unarmed civilians? The white supremacists who have recently killed are also ugly.
Ted Bundy was a good looking guy and he was super friendly.... oh wait.
Can you think of ten others? No, you cannot. Bundy was the exception. Most serial killers have been ugly men.
Irma Grese, Joseph Mengele, & Joachim Peiper were murderers who killed innocent people, including prisoners of war in COLD blood.
Most serial killers have been average-looking just like the rest of us. But if the amount of women writing into them is anything to go by a lot must be sexy to someone!
You are focusing on serial killers, which is a very small percentage. When you do the research you find that most violent offenders in the U.S. are unattractive white males. I've done the research.
There may be a small percentage higher than normal of good looking violent people - but this would be because as a society we let good looking people get away with more. They're opportunists and we already know bad behavior is a slippery slope.
The human is a sophisticated monkey. In the military, ugly men who could not attract females usually ended up in fights on the weekend. Their violence was directly related to rejection, and the old ennui of self-gratification.
Have you considered that people who take jobs that may require them to kill for money might not be representative of the general population?
Yes I have considered. The U.S. military is sanctioned by the majority. In other words,the murder of innocents is accepted in the United States. Thus,men in the military "are" representative of the general population. Welcome to America.
I take it you are unaware that less than 0.5 percent of the population serves in the armed forces? 99.5% of the population would literally rather do anything else. Most people would literally rather die than be required to kill for money.
It appears that UR unaware that 0.5% of the pop. is not bankrolling the U.S. war machine! American taxpayers R paying 4 the weapons of war. That makes them accessories to murder. Denial doesn't alter the equation. The bombs keep falling.
This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Tracy Adams, and I base in Canada. My life is back! After 2 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr shifu who I met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace, she testified about how Dr shifu brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave Dr shifu e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Dr shifu a try. I contacted him with his via email address and explained my problem to him. In just 2 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr shifu is really a talented and gifted man and I will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful Dr...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Dr shifu today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: Thank you once again Dr shifu. Contact him for the following:
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Tracy, I had a vision about you. In my vision you fell off a ladder and broke both of your arms and both of your legs. You also went into a coma that lasted for ten years! I suggest you have your Dr Shifu cast a spell of protection around you ASAP!
I'm amazed that you are taking such a judgemental approach to your fellow human beings Ronnie. Who are you to decide on what or who is beautiful, ugly, or anywhere in between?
Society defined beauty long before I was born. I am simply making observations based on those definitions and available data. Discussing the prevailing social order is hardly judgmental. Causality can open the door to understanding violent behavior.
Lets' get on the same page Ralph. The hundreds of millions of people on this continent who subscribe to Manifest Destiny are not my "fellow human beings". If I found a relative had stolen something from someone, I would demand that he return it.
I hadn't realized the narrative had shifted to crime and punishment - is that a diversion on your part? Re-reading your question makes me more certain that it is you trying to pass judgement, not society in general.
I simply responded to your remark. There is a genetic component to the concept of beauty. This concept has been exploited and magnified especially by Capitalists for material gain. I am only observing the fallout.
Sounds like you're drinking your own kool-aid now Ronnie. I don't agree that your appraoch was akin to a societal study, else you would have worded it differently - you posted an opinion (yours) and asked if others agreed.
Tyrants smile, kiss babies, and then cultivate the killing fields. Your propensity to follow a crooked path while perceiving deception as a virtue is quite remarkable. It appears U have grown accustomed to 2 faces.
Which society defined beauty Ronnie? American, Ethiopian, Finish, Thailandian ? The concept of beauty is not a fixed value. It changes over time. Different cultures have different points of view towards beauty.
European has defined beauty! Vogue, Playboy, Penthouse, Beauty Contests. The women portrayed as beautiful have European features and a similar feature set. Black women only rate if they also have softened European features. Hypocrisy flees from me!
Interesting that you keep diverting to avoid the fact of how superficial you've revealed yourself to be. Criticizing me won't make you any better of a person, nor will it justify your negativity toward people who you deem as ugly.
I appreciate your commentary, but I suggest you refrain from lying. I don't subscribe to beauty or national borders. Exposing truth is positive. Are U suggesting that U have favored ugly women over the prettier ones?
So suddenly the "ugliness" in your theory is measured along European standards? What crap theory it is.
Besides, Beauty is a fashion thing. 50 years ago the "beauty" models in your Playboy and Vogue had completely different bodies.
Only a fact that has existed forever. All you have to do is look at a majority of models, observe beauty contests, look at which men get the most dates, and which celebrities ride more on their looks than talent.Overall, European features prevail.
Wrench, I agree with you on the ethnicity. Entertainment industry presents white women as the beauty symbols. Add botox for full lips/Blacks born w/ full lips are made fun of. There not enough space to go into detail. Big butts? No room to discus
Thank You Diane! This is a well known fact and easy to verify. Beautiful black women without European features are rarely given a chance. Mariah Carey and Halle Berry are two examples of biracial women who R considered by many to be "black".
Wrench, Hispanic people do it to themselves. The fairer skinned Hispanic kids are called "white." The beautiful shades of brown are not appreciated. The "good looks" standards impacts children more than adults. Some folk are cruel about deformiti
Yes, the lighter skin is always considered more attractive. Our land was not only stolen, but the Colonizers have attempted to destroy our own self-image: The final stage of genocide. We must resist colonialism and embrace our own heritage.
I don't think so.
But if u consider few places definitely there are
its just in our eyes to consider who is ugly or good --That should never be an opinion in my view.
We know racial abuse has been for decades , if they are not given equal
opportunity in terms of jobs and politics obviously they look for alternate
ways in making their livelihood, it may be crime or anything.
Its not ugly looking people that are making news,Killing people and creating havoc its just an opinion towards them that turned them ugly.
Idealism here=denial.Opinions don't make people physically ugly. It is understood that various factors can lead to violence. But at various levels less attractive men commonly engage in violent behavior. I witnessed this first hand in the military.
You pose two arguments, one concerning anti-social tendencies and one concerning violent tendencies. In terms of anti-socialness it is more common for those who are not considered societally beautiful to be anti-social as we are programmed to treat people who look better in a more loving manner. There was a study done years ago which showed that even parents treated children better if they were more societally pleasing in their looks. This behavior is then ingrained in children, and they learn that they will be better liked if they are “pretty” and less liked if they are not. This is why children are so concerned with wearing the right clothes, and looking a certain way. As for violent tendencies, well this one is more complicated. There are many socio-paths and psychopaths who are societally good looking as bad looking. As for cops, military, etc these jobs tend to involve more violent situations and therefore it is more likely these professions will engage in violent acts. However, that being said, I do believe that prejudice in who we believe to be ugly can affect those people to become violent and not that their looks themselves have anything to do with the act of being violent. Also, a violent act can color how we view someone. If someone is constantly put down or treated worse for their looks, then they will tend to be angrier. Also, if I know someone is a nasty person I might think they are ugly; whereas if you do not know the man personally and just saw his appearance you might think they are good looking. So I do not think that one’s physical appearance has a direct correlation to mental ugliness or lack thereof. However, one’s appearance can affect how others treat that person, and that treatment can have a direct correlation on the mental state of another. I also believe that one’s personal prejudice can result in you thinking ugly people commit crimes at a greater rate, as you already have a belief system in place which makes you determine who is ugly and who is not. This is actually common, as making prejudicial correlations makes us feel safer. If I can hold on to the believe that all killers are ugly then I can hold onto the belief that I can avoid an assault if I avoid a certain type of look.
Yes, I agree with much of your commentary. But opinions don't make people physically ugly. And I maintain that when some people are rejected based on looks they can become anti-social and even violent. Good looking people have other motivations.
This is so untrue. Stereotypical "thinking" strikes again. This is a very immature "analysis" of the issue at hand. There are physically attractive, even beautiful people who are cold-blooded murderers & psychopaths. In fact, the more beautiful among us strongly contend that because of their physical appearance, they are more free to do as they please. There are beautiful people who are cruel to others because they believe that they are somehow superior to others because of their good physical looks.
There are beautiful people who strongly contend that since they are superior physically, they can act in any way they please. After all, they maintain that they will be above suspect. It is oftentimes beautiful people who have acted the most heinous towards others because of their appeal. For example, Alex Kelly, a serial rapist, was a popular good-looking athlete; Irma Grese, sadistic SS warden who routinely tortured & killed prisoners, Joseph Mengele, a handsome doctor, who experimented on & killed prisoners, & Joachim Peiper, a war-time butcher who routinely massacred innocent civilians & POWs(remember Malmedy).
Looks HAVE NOTHING to do with the inclination to murder. Such a premise is beyond illogical. There are beautiful people who are quite satanic in scope while there are supposedly ugly people who are among the world's greatest humanitarians e.g. Eleanor Roosevelt.
I'm not just focusing on murder. Seeing is believing. In my research and personal experience I have found that ugly men are more prone to aggressive and violent acts. I am convinced that acceptance or rejection by females is a key factor here.
Good looks are very subjective.
20 of the hottest serial killers … history/3/
There are 18 more. I disagree on some of them. Handsome guys can easily lure you into a trap. Mental issues cause some people to neglect their appearance.
That's a good shot Diane. However, it appears to be a strawman. There are only 25 to 50 serial killers operating at any given time according to authorities. That means there are more ugly cops killing people than pretty serial killers.
Wrench, I was made to feel ugly as a child & had low self esteem. In my late teens I started looking pretty good. I feel I look great for my age. A student told me I was ugly & I laughed. I told him he must be looking in the mirror.
A deft response! As a child, low self-esteem produced by racism was offset by female acceptance and promiscuity.Being attractive was empowering. Consequently, I found deliverance through the illusion of beauty.
I think rejection does have a large part to play, but it's not only ugliness that causes rejection. Check this video of a college student just before he commits mass murder. He is not so ugly, but he is creepy.
Yes, the view from here is both magnificent, and at times quite frightening. I never realized as a child that the cutting edge not only offered the thrill of discovery, but that it could also rip a man to pieces and leave him to ruin.
Glenix, SPOT ON! You can't make this up! Human behavior & personalities can be quite riveting if you ask me. People are......something else!
There was a study done among elementary students in Chicago: One teacher described as "attractive" came in and taught the class. Then, another teacher described as "unattractive" came in and taught the same class. Afterwards, the kids were asked, "Which teacher was smarter?" The kids overwhelmingly chose the "attractive" teacher. I don't have an opinion about physical attraction and antisocial behavior as I've not seen any studies on the subject. However, it is an interesting theory.
I do believe, and studies have been done on it, about bias toward those who are considered physically attractive and against those who are considered physically unattractive.
It is so easy to say that we look at the person on the inside rather than the person on the outside. But is that really true? Initially, we judge by appearances.
The same bias exist regarding age. When my admin thought I was making to much money and too old, I was evaluated almost daily. I taught choir - was told not to sing until 2 wks before program? Duh? Make students take Cornell Notes while I lecture.
Correct! In real life the majority favors beauty and rejects ugly. A beauty contest says: If UR ugly we will not even consider you! Hugh Hefner says, "Only pretty women need apply!" Leading men R usually handsome, especially in romantic movies.
I have read somewhere that the good looking people are smarter than the less good look people. I think that most of killers were really ugly but I don't think we should take that as a rule. From my experience, I have met two men and the first moment I saw them were my first impressions were the first "a good looking cunning person" and the second "detailed face features" made me scared. Surprisingly after knowing them better the first was a cunning deceiving person and the second was an aggressive and scary person, so I was right. I think how people look has a somehow good correlation with attitude and personality.
That's interesting. I am an empath, perhaps you are also. I think it is the rejection many people, especially men, experience due to ugliness that causes them to become abusive. I don't think the ugliness itself is a factor.
I believe ugly happens only from a weak damaged soul which cannot rise to entertain any notion of beauty.
And that is the only reason why they will stay ugly.
Please clarify your comment. Are you suggesting that a damaged soul manifest's itself as an ugly person in the material world ? That the soul can literally affect our physical characteristics?
Dana, you are wrong. I'm ugly by accident of birth and assault by men. Genes control what I looked like before people decided to try to kill me and then they did. If souls are real and genes are not, they are the ones with weak, damaged souls.
For the record, The concept of this question is tainted, supportive comments are prejudiced. You summed up a very shallow position that is stone age, ie. reference its all based on rejection by women. IMHO, women just simply don't have that much control at large. Its presumptous to suggest this idea. This classification has many names, Most of which are not healthy or good in any respect. further, there are too many examples of improbable pairs in society.
Note: Ronnie, the last reply you wrote before mine is even contradictory of yourself and your original question. I hope you have a good day anyway..
No contradictions in my comments You have issues with reading comprehension. Women have control unless UR gay. RU gay? We R living in the stone age. My argument is based on factual data. Another ugly man just killed two in Portland.4 the record!
We are all prejudiced. Speaking from repeat experience doesn't make one wrong. I see you are a pastor. When people come to you with heavy hearts, do you listen with compassion or dismiss their concerns? Not being sarcastic. I'm a Christian.
G. Dianne. yes. compassion is a central part of my nature. sometimes God has to soften us up? Ronnie, I guess you would purge the world of ugliness? kill the frogs? like chickens, peck any flawed to death?
off with his head! was it Mad Hatter?
I do not subscribe to beauty, national borders, or white supremacy. I am simply observing what exists in society. I would purge the world of the people who perpetuate and exploit the notion that there is something wrong with being ugly.
On first read, subject may sound ridiculous; however, the purpose of dialog has been accomplished.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so many times said and true.
The heart and actions weigh more in value than fiscal features.
So many times people will talk to people on social media and have no idea of that persons fiscal looks.
But will communicate and can reach the heart before knowing the fiscal person.
I agree. But anger is love denied. The killer in the Oregon attack appears to be an ugly man; most likely not popular with females.Had he been accepted I feel he would not have done this. I attribute my non-violent nature to popularity with females.
I have notice that some ugly people think they are beautiful. And beautiful ugly .it is really how you see youself what you believe.
But the ugliness is really in your conduct not your appearance.
As a child I never judged based on looks. But I was constantly told by others, children and adults, that I was good looking. I had many girlfriends. Thus, my opinion of myself was shaped by others.
My mother-in-law told me that beauty fades away, but ugly holds it's own. So you see it doesn't have anything to do with people not looking beautiful. Because everybody is beautiful in the eyes of God.
"Beauty fades away, but ugly holds it's own". That is quite poetic. I will use that as a basis for a song one day. If the song becomes famous I will shout it to the world that your mother-in-law inspired it. You have nice teeth.
I heard, "Beauty is only skin deep. Ugliness is to the bone." Can you work with that? Just kidding!
That's another good one Diane. Yes, I can use that. Thanks!
Everyone is beautiful to someone therefore this question is not an answerable one. Each person that is alive has something of beauty whether it be in actions or physical appearance. However in society terms those deemed unattractive by a majority do seem to participate in more violent behavior but maybe that is because of the psychological aspect of not being accepted.
Yes, that is what I have observed. In the military I noticed that men who were successful with women were less likely to engage in bar room brawls and other violent behavior.
Has it occurred to you that women reject violent men out of fear of violence rather than because the men who'd probably abuse them aren't pretty? None of the "ugly" men I've dated were violent people.
Never suggested "all" ugly people are prone to violence. There are various reasons why men become violent. One is female rejection at an early age. Men, unlike women, have a profound need 4 sexual gratification, and the security of a mother figure.
I'm wondering about your use of the photo of Mike Pense. Are you saying that he is evil and ugly?
Hi Sherry.....I see a photo of Jeff Sessions but I don't see Mike Pence, unless there's something wrong with my feed..... ?
Pic is Sessions. Beauty is transitory, so I am using society's def. not mine. Society says he is ugly. Reality reveals most politicians R evil. Government is evil. We do not need criminals to tell us how to tie our shoes and extort money from us.
U decide. I'm just the guy who stirs the pot. I didn't buy or make the ingredients. Except 4 those who die young, I don't think there is a man living who won't get ugly at some point. Unless I die soon, I'll also have to swallow that bitter pill.
I am sure there are an equal number of both. I know some beautiful people who have the ugliest personalities.
If U knew me you would most likely fall in love. I have become accustomed to that over the years. Acceptance by females, beginning with my mother, is the foundation of my self-esteem. An ugly man is a very sad song.
Tend to disagree. One that comes to my mind is Kenneth Bianchi a.k.a the Hillside Strangler. He was very handsome and well-liked during the times of the killings. When he was arrested people he was close to such as co-workers were very shocked
Grace, you appear to champion the notion that looks don't matter on any level. Please tell us how many ugly men you have romantically pursued in your lifetime.
This is not true. There are plenty of good looking people who commit violent crimes, though if you are good looking and intelligent you are more likely to be a con artist or use people to get what you want.
It is true to a degree that it is harder for those outside the attractive scale to get higher paying jobs where looks are a factor. Most people treat people with good looks better than they do people with off looks, which may lead to them feeling hurt or picked on and may lead to anger and anti-social issues,
Research on gays shows that the increased rate in suicide among gay teens is largely related to whether they feel accepted or whether they feel ostracized, not so much on being gay itself, so how people treat others is a leading cause of how they react to what they see is unfair, but it does not define anyone as Stephen Hawking and President Lincoln, neither were all that great in the looks department, but both have done extraordinary things to help others.
So, no, good looks has nothing to do with criminal minds, but we are harsher to judge someone who looks "evil" than to judge someone who has charm, grace, intelligence and good looks.
If you look at the pictures of cops who have murdered innocent people recently you will see that most are ugly by the common standard. And in the military I noticed ugly men were more prone to barfights. The good looking guys had girlfriends.
Ronnie, you should have used a pic of Mitch McConnell and you would have proved you point in spades, he has got to be the ugliest man alive and his evil matches his ugliness.
There are two types of violent criminals: sociopaths and non-sociopaths. Sociopaths are usually attractive. However, they make up a very small percentage of all violent criminals. Non-sociopathic criminals are usually less-than-average in terms of physical attractiveness.
Being unattractive is one reason that kids are ridiculed in school. Being ridiculed and bullied is a stimulus to criminal behavior later in life, though such treatment must usually be paired with other issues, such as a broken home or sexual abuse.
Agreed. That's the point I am making, but the Pilgrims cannot accept the truth. Criminals don't create themselves. They R manufactured by society in various ways. Rejection and ridicule based on looks is a prime trigger.
Nature can certainly create a criminal. A sociopath is a criminal from conception. Well, you know what I mean. It's in his DNA. Nurture creates criminals, but they're usually not serial killers. They commit crimes in the heat of a moment or a fit.
Dylan Roof exhibits little masculinity, and personifies the puny guy who always get's rejected. A girl that he liked chose a black guy instead, which provided the trigger 4 mass murder. Sexual gratification and acceptance could have saved 9 lives.
That is an interesting thesis but I disagree. The idea of what is ugly is so diverse and mainly culturally linked. So what we may see as beautiful or ugly may be different from others. if we put our premise on a variable such as ugliness/beauty - which has a very diverse definition and parameters, we make our conclusion inaccurate. Plus, violence and anti-social behavior has a more psychological or pathological roots than outward appearance.
No, it is not so diverse. The models in magazines all have a similar feature set, just as women in beauty pageants. The same with men. Beauty has been clearly defined. You R an idealist. I have dated ugly women. And I knew they were ugly!
Magazines and pageants that is commercialized? Perhaps i am an idealist.LOL But it remains that violence and anti-social behavior is based on psychological and pathological's admirable you dated ugly women. why did you date them?
Pragmatic reasons. Sex and companionship.If they cook that's a bonus. I do not recognize many of the ridiculous customs of society. Ugly women need love and sex too. I am their champion.I give them the goodness they so richly deserve.
I bet they are very thankful for your contributions. Your sacrifices and efforts are recorded in annals of human history.
We should all be thankful when we receive a blessing. Kindness is no great sacrifice when we understand reciprocity, and the Law of Gravity. Perhaps U have low self-esteem. But that is your cross to bear. I am in my power. I crow like the rooster!
First Everyone is Beautiful. People who think they are ugly, Don't love themselves. A person who don't love himself can't give Love to others. They may be disappointed with themselves, therefore they get annoyed soon.
You say "Everyone Is Beautiful". Such commentary reveals that you haven't seen everyone yet. Stick around. Beauty and Capitalism are similar. If everyone was rich, great riches would have no meaning. Ugly must exist 4 Beauty to be seen.
Arslan, I am ugly, yet love is my only religion. It's very shallow to believe one must be physically beautiful to love themselves or others. The functions of your body and face are much more important than what they look like.
Do U see the double standard? U often say UR ugly. No one seems to mind. I say I'm good looking. People get mad! What's the difference? Many ugly men have been jealous of me. If they had loved themselves my looks would not have mattered.
That's just prejudice. There are quite a few good looking people who are the devil's right hand. Don't judge a book by the cover.
Yes, I agree. However, if you look at the images you will see that a majority of evil is committed by those considered ugly. That's either because they have a chip on their shoulder, or because there R more ugly people. I have seen the evidence.
Maybe doing crime and time makes you ugly.... Not the other way around. ?
No. However, this is significant evidence that women and attractive people in general get lesser sentences when they commit offenses.
I thought you were trolling, but your account looks pretty serious. heh.
Watching too many Disney movies, maybe?
No, my Disney days are over. I simply did my research and looked at images. Most of the images I reviewed of killer cops and politicians revealed people who would be considered unattractive. Anthony Weiner is a good example, but there are many.
LoL! Because I express my real personality, many people dislike and ridicule. That is not something I enjoy. Everyone wants to be accepted and liked. However, hiding my true self would make me a coward. I have chosen self-respect over popularity.
I feel you. I'm researching Baby Blue Walker, born Cherokee, named Fountain Thomas and James Thomas. I'm confused. Joining a Cherokee genealogy site to get some edumacation.
Maybe you have mentioned it before, but I was unaware that you had Aniyunwiya in your bloodline. Good luck with your search.
There is absolutely no correlation between physical ugliness and mental ugliness. People do what they want by choice. "Ugly people", are not more violent than "good looking people". I say that in quotes because who is a group of people to decide who is "ugly" and who is "good looking". Everyone has their own beauty. It does not matter what people look like on the outside it matters who they are inside. People make bad decisions everyday. I'm going to say it again, PEOPLE make bad decisions everyday. For example, one of the most infamous serial killers of all time, Jeffery Dahmer, was said to be "good looking" even charming and he was one of the most violent people recorded in history. About being anti-social, people may think society or a specific group may not accept them for what they look like or what they wear so they tend to be more guarded than the people with the bigger egos. So no, looks has nothing to do with the choices that you make and who you are inside.
Good looking serial killers R the exception. Society determines beauty.You will not see an ugly woman on the cover of Playboy. Most killer cops are ugly. If U think ugly is so great, go find an ugly man and marry him.
I just don't think anyone can really say who is ugly and who is not its all a personal opinion.
Sounds good and adhere's to popular social etiquette. But some people are born stupid, and some are beat with an ugly stick before they are born. That's just the facts of life. You are pretty now. But if U live long enough U will grow old and ugly.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work this way. It's just way too complicated. To say someone is ugly and correlate that with ugly personalities is just not fair. There are way too many factors coming into play. For one, you have to realize you are making a generalization. I am assuming you are educated, so I'm actually not even going to go there. I'm just simply stating how much of a mistake it is to suggest such an idea.
The biggest contradicting point that I could give you is as follows: there are plenty of people, which I couldn't consider ugly but a lot of people do, that won't commit crimes or be 'on the news' as you say. Just because they are unattractive doesn't mean they are more likely to cause anything of the nature you are suggesting.
Of course, what you're referring to is a completely legitimate idea. When it comes to bad looks, there will be a major reason behind it. If one stops caring about how they look, it's possible that they are going through some hardships. Thing is, you don't just see regular people going to jail or getting into some deep trouble. The correlation between cops and politicians and their bad deeds and their ugliness is not even a topic. Really, their positions are too risky. It's easy for a cop to get in trouble and, of course, I don't feel it's fair to say the ugly ones are the ones that get into trouble.
This reminds me of the argument between a fat person and a jock that we would all have as kids: who's smarter? There really isn't a right or wrong answer. Anyone could be ugly. Anyone could be smart. Instead of making a ideas, why don't you focus more on a small pond instead of the whole ocean? It's a jungle out there, and you can't possibly predict where the waves will push.
Good argument. But if U do the research the images do not lie. A majority of killer cops: men and women, would be considered physically ugly.Politicians as well. Mitch McConnell, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton.
by ngureco 11 years ago
How Do Ugly Guys Get Gorgeous Girlfriends?
by Om Paramapoonya 16 years ago
I think Sam Cassel is. lol He looks like Smeagol/E.T. I'm supposed to be working on my new hub and other stuff, but I'm too lazy, so I'm posting this silly question for fun. Hope you don't mind my silliness :-)
by dashingscorpio 7 years ago
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Would you rather be good looking or rich?
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why girl like Handsome man?
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