Hey gang, what is possibility of Trump dropping Pence as VP in 2020?

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  1. Credence2 profile image79
    Credence2posted 6 years ago

    I been hearing "things" about Pence regarding his continued usefulness for Trump and the GOP. Trump,having little loyalty, was considering Nikki Haley of South Carolina for VEEP in 2020. If Trump is nothing else, he is expedient, this might help the GOP with so many disaffected female voters. He may also find someone with a little more animation than the surrounding wall portraits.

    Is this just science fiction or is there "meat" to,this story?

    1. profile image0
      promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      There is no meat to it. If you are willing to share your paypal account with me, I will bet you $100 that Trump won't be the 2020 nominee.  smile

      1. wilderness profile image91
        wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Now that would be interesting.  Trump running for re-election as an independent.  Wouldn't that throw a monkey wrench into both parties!?

        1. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          That would hand the election to the Democrats. Trump is likely to go to jail as soon as he is no longer President. That is, if he doesn't run to Russia. However, Putin might have cut him loose. Trump isn't even a good criminal anymore. He should have never ran for President.

          It's akin to John Gotti who kept putting himself out there. Eventually law enforcement will catch up. Most of America is watching it unfold now.

          1. wilderness profile image91
            wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Why to the Democrats?  Do you think the Republicans can find no reasonable alternative?

            But if running as an independent, and winning, Trump will not face not being president and, according to you, cannot be put in jail as a result.

            1. hard sun profile image78
              hard sunposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Yeah, I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to whether active Presidents can be indicted. I think it's clear if Trump ran independently, the Republican vote would split and Democrats would win.

              1. Ewent profile image55
                Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Not really. The jury is still out on the damage Sanders did to Hillary's campaign. Sanders ran as a Democrat screaming all through is campaign, "I am NOT a Democrat." So why run as an independent? Perot did that. So did Nader and others.

                I submit that Sanders only ran as a Democrat to help Republicans. He could have run against Clinton, Bush '43 or Obama. But he ran against Hillary because he was a Republican operative.

                If the Dems allow Sanders to run from their party, they can count on another rigged election.

            2. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              The Republican brand would be tainted and the Dems would win, there is no denying that.

          2. Live to Learn profile image61
            Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            It's funny. Policy wise, Trump has been more hawkish toward Russia than any post cold war president. Even NPR has run stories supporting that. I'd think Obama would be more welcome.

            1. Ewent profile image55
              Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              More hawkish? In public to keep his fire eating base happy. Yes. In private, Putin has something on Trump, which by now Mueller has uncovered that must be a threat to national security.

              It was Trump who was in Helsinki and demanded NO US press be in on that private meeting between him and Putin. Hawkish?

              It was Trump and Putin who all too suspiciously both arrived late for the G2.

              According to sworn testimony of some of Trump's top campaign people, Trump planned in Dec. 2016 to end the Russian sanctions put in place by President Obama, Trump's arch enemy of whom Trump is so jealous he couldn't even be civil to him at GHWB's funeral.

              Putin hated Obama because Putin knew Obama and the UN allies placed sanctions on Russia for their part in takeover of Crimea and the Ukraine.

              Let's remember that it was Hillary Clinton Putin blamed for calling his 2012 election, "rigged." So Putin got his revenge by rigging the 2016 election.

              But there was much more to Putin needing Trump in the WH. Putin knew Trump was a pushover and not too bright. Putin being former KGB had all the skills at ferreting out Trump's weaknesses.

              And let's remember that before Putin became Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn was Trump's most influential mentor.

            2. profile image0
              Hxprofposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, he has.  What has many thinking otherwise is his rhetoric.  By now, folks should understand that, like it or not, Trump's rhetoric is often different from his actions.

          3. Ewent profile image55
            Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            By now, Putin realizes his fair haired boy didn't come through with the expected handover of the US government to Russia.

            So you can bet Putin is not pleased with his Donny Boy. The reality is that right now the ONLY safe place in Trump's view is the WH. The longer he can stay there, the more he avoids prison and Putin's poison.

            Even if he ended up in prison, he would have to be kept in protected solitary like Manson was. Too many people want Trump dead for ruining their lives and many of them are highly connected.

        2. profile image0
          promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Not both. Only the Repub candidate because Trump would attract more repub tha dem voters.

          1. wilderness profile image91
            wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Well, you're probably right on that.  There don't seem to be many liberal voters that are dissatisfied with a system that has become incapable of actually running the country, a system that operates on party politics, a system that rewards legislators for padding their own pockets and growing their power base rather than providing for the country.

            1. hard sun profile image78
              hard sunposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              Some voters gave our system to one of the biggest criminals in the US who won by calling his opponent a criminal. Huh. That has nothing to do with party.

              1. profile image0
                Hxprofposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                It was a tough choice, right?  You have two crooks running for office, and you're ALMOST forced to pick one or the other.  But because Trump is a mouthy crook, he was willing to call the kettle black, while Clinton was a more  traditional crook, refusing to engage in the poor manners that Trump frequently displays.

                Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.  It came down to which crook had the best policies, or seemingly so?

                1. hard sun profile image78
                  hard sunposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  So, their both criminals so we vote for the one that calls the other a criminal and tries to get her locked up? Trump is criminal through and through and a spoiled brat with no honor at all.

                  "Should be tested in courts, can't be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?"--boo hoo--No, I don't like Hillary, but not a tough choice. Besides, I don't think Trump even knows what his policy is.

                2. profile image0
                  promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  I suggest neither is a crook because both are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

                  1. hard sun profile image78
                    hard sunposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    I saw Trump ask the Russians to hack Hillary's emails. I've read him Tweeting things that are obvious attempts to obstruct justice, etc. In my book, this makes him a crook, no different than seeing a drug dealer make a deal on the corner. The dealer is a crook to me, whether he's convicted or not.

            2. Ewent profile image55
              Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              What part of WE the PEOPLE do you corporate types not get? If we wanted to be employees of YOUR corporatocracy, we'd tell you that.

              We pay federal and states taxes. Government is not supposed to a for profit corporate enterprise.

              I was a Republican for 33 years. Every Republican president since Warren Harding has had a 2nd term recession and all because of CONs like you who insist that tax dollars belong to businesses and not the people of this country. When WE are the ones paying those taxes?

              If you can't keep your syrupy mitts off our tax dollars and that's the ONLY way rip off artists can make themselves wealthy, move to Russia. You'll love the oligarchy there.

              Republicans are the ones who rig elections year after year since 2000 and 2004 when they had to try to impeach Clinton for MonicaGate. Now you put a sleaze bag in the WH who can't keeps his roving hands out of women's panties and look the other way?

              NC is already having to rerun 2 elections for their massive voter fraud and GA and WI are also going to end up with lawsuits from voters who know they tossed out valid ballots, cut polling places so voters couldn't vote or unregistered registered voters.

              That what YOU had in mind for a system that operates on party politics?

              Try country instead of ideology and party.

              1. wilderness profile image91
                wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                "all because of CONs like you"

                Suggest that if you wish to keep posting here the name calling come to a screeching halt.  I've never reported anyone for such activity, but there is always a first time and this one is coming very close to the edge.

                "When WE are the ones paying those taxes? "

                Of course!  Silly me - business and the rich pay the same amount that you do, whereupon that money belongs to you, not to them. 

                "Republicans are the ones who rig elections year after year since 2000 and 2004 when they had to try to impeach Clinton for MonicaGate."

                You might want to try a little honesty and truth; rigging elections has nothing to do with Monica.  Neither did impeachment proceedings - it was about lying to Congress.

                1. Ewent profile image55
                  Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  So when Warren Buffet told the media that his secretary pays more in taxes than he does, he was lying?

                  I did the accounting for our engineering company. Spare me the lies that businesses pay the same amount. We as individual taxpayers do not get those huge tax cuts or subsidies that any business can claim.

                  Here in NJ there was a cute little game being played by businesses. In 2003 NJ offered a $5,000 tax cut to businesses who would hire new employees for at least 18 months. Did we get a $5,000 tax cut? You bet not.

                  As usual, for every rule, some hot shot finds a way out and an excuse around the rules. Sure. They hired for 18 months and then fired to get another $5,000 tax cut.

                  And you are wrong again about rigging elections and MonicaGate. The only reason GWB was elected was because of MonicaGate. Republicans knew that by smearing Clinton's reputation, the next president HAD to be a Republican. Not election influence to rig it?

                  Oh lying to Congress? You mean like Manafort? Trump's campaign manager did not once but 3 times? You mean like Cohen lying to the SDNY 2 times?

                  Don't even go there about lying when the Liar in Chief has told more than 9,000 lies since he entered the WH under Russian influence.

                  Read the book, "American Dynasty" if you want to know how Cheney rigged that 2000 election, got the SC to rule on a winner in 2000 and why the 2004 election came down to then Gov. Jeb Bush's state of FL when he was GWB's ticket to re-election.

                  That book provides the documentation for all of the book's contents. Most of which come from government records.

                  Silly you? I agree. Another conservative ideologue whose ideas of mass authoritarianism on our tax dollars is about to crash.

                  1. wilderness profile image91
                    wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    GE paid 2.7 Billion in taxes in 2010
                    Exxon paid 21.6 Billion
                    ConocoPhillips paid 8.3 Billion
                    Chevron paid 12.9
                    Goldman Sachs paid 4.5
                    Wells Farge paid 6.3
                    WalMart paid 7.1
                    JPMorgan paid 7.5

                    The list goes on and on.  How many Billion do you pay per year?
                    https://www.forbes.com/2011/04/13/ge-ex … slide.html

              2. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I will say that this comment was "strong to last long", but is most appropriate....

            3. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              No, the system is not perfect, but I don't see Republicans as offering any solutions in the big picture, do you? Conservative voters have their own pet peeves and they are not exactly all "for the good of the country".

              1. wilderness profile image91
                wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                True on both points. 

                But Republicans at least tried, with the election of an outsider, to indicate changes are necessary to the system.  The statement was not about specific "wrongs" with the country, but with a legislative system that has become a near total failure.

                What did Democrats do?  Provide a candidate that was at the top of the power list, near the top of the corruption list, and proceeded to fix their own primary to get the results they wanted.  Whereupon the Democrats in the street voted for the status quo of politicians that are more concerned with themselves than the country.

                They aren't much dissatisfied with a system that doesn't work any more, now are they?

                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  While there were issues with Hillary, we did not see Donald Trump as this political breath of fresh air, that you people on the right do. I saw a coarse and arrogant plutocrat that takes the worse of conservative and GOP values and squares them. We on the left do not consider that "as trying"...… While we are all looking for improvement, Donald Trump is not the answer.

                  1. wilderness profile image91
                    wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    He may not be.  No question or argument there.

                    But absolutely Hillary Clinton was NOT an answer to the corruption and power hungry political arena we see today.  And that was reinforced with the shenanigans pulled by the DNC...but Democrats voted for her anyway.  One was a guess, one was absolute knowledge, and the Dem's chose the status quo that is such a failure.  A status quo that they would have entrenched even deeper.  You do not try for improvement by continuing a failed course of action.

          2. Ewent profile image55
            Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Trump will be gone before then. This past week, Mueller presented files to the judge overseeing the Russian investigation.

            There is suspicion that Mueller asked the judge to clear an entire floor of that courthouse because of the attempts at bugging the entire floor to get at the information which is apparently so highly sensitive that Mueller doesn't want it to leak even by bugging.

        3. Sharlee01 profile image87
          Sharlee01posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          It would be so sweet..

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

            You know, Sharlee, I really hope that Trump does run as a third party candidate in 2020, we can dilute the conservative/GOP vote to the point that they cannot win.

      2. Ewent profile image55
        Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        If Trump and Pence both go before 2020, that leaves the 3rd in line, Nancy Pelosi as interim president until the 2020 elections.

        Talk about a twist of fate? The Great White Male COns did all they could to make sure another pasty faced corporate male got the WH even if they had to rig that election to keep a woman from being president.

        Now there are 51 more women in Congress and Nancy could end up as interim president, All great plans of mice and men always go awry.

        1. JAKE Earthshine profile image67
          JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          The possibility of Nancy Pelosi becoming president is becoming more and more likely as the inevitable indictment of Donald Trump is upon us and the criminal investigations turn toward the "Transition Team" which I believe was led by phony Christian "Squinty" Mike Pence:

          If tough as nails Nancy P does indeed assume the presidency, at least we will finally save the planet from Trump's environmental catastrophe and get critically important things done for the PEOPLE like universal healthcare, higher minimum wage, pre-existing medical condition protection for all Americans and of course enhancement of Social Security and Medicare, ALL things Bozo Trump and republicans are fighting mightily to destroy while giving trillions of our money to the filthy rich:

          1. wilderness profile image91
            wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I think you hit the nail on the head; the only thing Pelosi would ever do is give away more of other people's money.  Not a chance she could, or would, do anything the nation needs, only what will buy her votes from the non-contributors of the country.

      3. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I would not hazard a bet, as I cannot dismiss that outcome as a realistic possibility.

    2. JAKE Earthshine profile image67
      JAKE Earthshineposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure an "un-indicted co-conspirator" or a prison inmate is prohibited from running for president here in the USA:

      And according to reports surfacing, "Squinty" Mike Pence might be in a world of legal hurt as well:

      You know you're "RADIOACTIVE" when someone like Chris Christie avoids your "Chief of Staff" position like the plague,

      1. wilderness profile image91
        wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        As usual, you are quite wrong.  Perhaps a modicum of (honest) research could turn that abysmal record around.

        1. Ewent profile image55
          Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          As usual YOU are wrong. In order for Trump to run for re-election, he would need the backing of the same weirdos whom he calls his base. As you saw in 2018 elections, even TX narrowly missed getting rid of Cruz and states that usually vote totally Republican put dozens of new Dems in the House.

          In the Senate, McConnell, Grassley, Cornyn and Hatch come up for re-election in 2020. You can almost make bet none of them will survive another election. If not for the fact that they caused the loss of healthcare insurance, a destructive passage of tariffs and loss of tens of thousands of jobs in the auto industry, for Trump's constant lying and refusal to be accountable.

          What voter will vote for Trump a 2nd term when he is collapsing the economy by adding another $16 trillion in debt our kids will have to pay?

      2. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, Jake, there is a real possibility that if Trump is indicted that the stench of this event would be all over Pence. He, too, would be considered damaged goods.

    3. Ewent profile image55
      Ewentposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Trump is already planning to make Jared his Chief WH adviser replacing Kelly. That's why he is calling it "acting."

      As for Pence, WH sources have said Trump was "enraged" when Pence didn't step in when Nancy ripped Trump a new one.

      If he chooses another VP, it will be a family member. Let's not forget that for Trump, the WH right now is the safest place he can be. Both from the fact that he believes he can commit murder and no sitting president can be held accountable and from Putin who is now making buddy buddy with the Saudi Prince.

      What's the chances Trump will orchestrate a Trump family government in order for him not to be prosecuted? Sound crazy? As crazy as Trump's tweets?

      As crazy as Trump thinking that meeting with Pelosi and Schumer should be televised so he could play Celebrity TV host and embarrass them?

      Didn't happen because Trump scan thinks everything. Which means he always misses crucial details like the fact that Pelosi took him down with facts she had proof of?

      He made a royal fool of himself and it was HE who demanded the TV cameras. So much for his "Apprentice" attempts.

      Big Man falls on his face.

  2. profile image51
    Teresa Blalockposted 6 years ago

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  3. Alphadogg16 profile image81
    Alphadogg16posted 6 years ago

    Trump better hope for a pardon from whoever is the President when he is not like Richard Nixon received. Otherwise he will be in prison and will not be able to run again.

    1. profile image0
      promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yep. For example, Trump could easily make a deal with Pence. I'll resign whenever you want to take over the Oval Office as long as you pardon me as part of the deal.

      1. wilderness profile image91
        wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        By the time Trump's second term is over it will have been over 8 years since his horrific crime of speaking to a Russian.

        What's the statute of limitations of such a vile event?


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