Has President Trump Done Enough to Prepare for the Coronavirus ?

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  1. RJ Schwartz profile image82
    RJ Schwartzposted 5 years ago

    When President Obama was faced with a crisis from the Swine Flu, he waited 6 months before any real action.  President Trump put a travel ban from nations with the virus in early January; weeks after the virus was public.  He has spoken to the American public several times remaining calm and positive while the media is playing politics.  Congress pushes through a spending package that is laden with PORK rather than only what's necessary.
    What else can the President and Congress be doing?


    1. tsadjatko profile image73
      tsadjatkoposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Ralph,Obama’s best choice was to do nothing for 6 months?

      60 million people in the US got the swine flu, 300,000 were hospitalized and 17,000 died and the media criticized no one like they have criticized Trump from calling him a xenophobe for saying it is a foreign virus to doing nothing on covid-19!?

      CNN and MSNBC called it a foreign virus for weeks and nobody called them xenophobes!

      Incomparable situations? Yeah, from the point of view Obama did nothing comparable to what Trump has done!

      I guess Obama couldn’t have done anything to prevent 60,000,000 people getting the swine flu? Why? Because they came from swine and this came from bats? I’ll have to think about that one because I can’t see any other reason why.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      In my opinion, t the H1N1 was handled very differently. However, we got through the H1N1, and we will get through this one too. No good can come over hashing over and comparing how the two presidents handled a flu outbreak. I am sure of one thing both did their best with an unexpected crisis.

    3. crankalicious profile image90
      crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Remember the Ebola outbreak in the United States? Oh, wait, that didn't happen. Go see Obama's response to Ebola.

      It's unbelievable the degree to which Trump supporters and Trump, when faced with any criticism, blame Obama. What kind of leader just blames, blames, blames whenever he gets criticism. When you work for Trump, you must give complete loyalty in exchange for zero support. Ever see him take responsibility for anything?

      What we're seeing here is just how horrible a human being President Trump truly is. And hopefully anybody who voted for him will realize it.

      What kind of person keeps sick people on a boat so his numbers won't go up? What kind of man in a health crisis, turns away from the experts and relies on his "natural ability" to understand complicated health issues? What kind of man ignores all of science and just keeps repeating that a virus he knows nothing about will just go away? What kind of man keeps insisting that testing is just fine and anybody who can get a test can get one when every other person in the world knows this isn't true? What kind of man implies that people will get free medical care to deal with this virus?

      He is a truly horrible person and a pathetic leader. Anybody can lead when things are going good, but you really find out the character of a person when there's a crisis and we've seen exactly what kind of person President Trump is.

      Woe to those who continue to support this person.

      And btw, when you support anti-government zealots and you support people who don't believe in science or that scientific inquiry is some kind of scam, you get exactly what you are seeing. I don't know, in my neck of the woods, people who don't believe in science or think science is a hoax are called morons. People who hold up snowballs to prove that climate change is a hoax are morons. When you elect morons, you can't expect government to work. It won't.

      1. GA Anderson profile image83
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        " What kind of leader just blames, blames, blames whenever he gets criticism."

        My memory fails me at times too:

        Politico - Obama's Bush Hangover

        "For the entire first term, Obama and his people blamed Bush for everything — which is another way of saying they felt Bush and the Bush years were the inescapable reference point for everything they were themselves doing,” said Elliott Abrams, a former top Bush National Security Council staffer. “Now in the second term, they still cannot get free of this shadow."

        "What kind of person keeps sick people on a boat so his numbers won't go up? "

        Most sources say it was the CDC and local health authorities, (California for one), that ordered the ships not to dock until some testing was done. Yet you say Trump personally ordered them blocked. That doesn't sound right to me.

        I would mention some of your other points, but that would just be beating a dead horse wouldn't it?


        1. crankalicious profile image90
          crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this


          I generally regard you as pretty middle-of-the-road and level-headed. However, this response is just massively disappointing.

          So you're trying to equate one President who had to deal with a massive recession with another who has to deal with a pandemic after cutting the very agencies responsible for dealing with that pandemic? You don't just wave a magic wand and make the economy better after it's been wrecked. It's a long, hard road back. Trump and his supporters believe in castrating government function and vilify science. Guess how such an outlook works during a pandemic? There's simply no way to excuse it. It's an outlook. It has an intended result. Heck, why are they even trying? Just let private industry handle it.

          Trump implied that letting that ship dock would make the numbers go up. He's worried about the numbers going up. He's the President. Do you not think that attitude filters down to every subordinate he has? He's the leader. Follow the leader.

    4. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      It is true that both right-wing and left-wing media propaganda machines are running in overdrive - just like they always do over every little thing. Why? Because it makes them BOTH more money if they can make their audiences hate each other more.

      I'll spare you all my long lecture about what the shadow governments really use media for - this time. But, maybe it will be easier for you to see it for yourself now that the topic is one that concerns us all - instead of picking at either the right or left's extreme ideals - as if they are duking things out in boxing matches while the rest of us morons seethe and fume over 'our guy'. REALLY, how profitable do you think we are?!

      Stop watching them. Stop giving them your attention. There are plenty of other places to find news that doesn't cater to their hyped, divisive garbage.

      Aside from that, my opinion about comparing everything Trump does to Obama is that its so inane and WAY overused at this point. Trump and his fans need to get a backbone and stop being such snowflakes every damn time he says or does something wrong. I don't care how much you respect him or his 'style'. That doesn't mean he deserves your blind worship.

      Trump refuses to take responsibility for anything bad that happens; and apologies are out of the question. Bringing up Obama AGAIN is beyond old - and frankly, his supporters are the only ones who put any stock in that old jerk-your-chain, diversionary propaganda trick. The rest of us are over it.

      After all that - I barely remember the swine flu. The country certainly didn't go on lockdown like it has had to - and this thing isn't over, yet. I'm not so sure we can compare these two situations until it is.

      Reminder, I live in Seattle where we have a string of senior living homes being hit HARD - so its extra NOT fun here right now. (People dying = absolutely no fun.) I have my own business and it is seriously tanking with cancellation after cancellation. Nuthin to do but ride out the wave. PLUS, no toilet paper!! JK, we are not without - but it is pretty scarce out there. wink

      I think the Chinese could have been more forthcoming earlier - but then again, we do have all kinds of things in motion against it at a much earlier stage than we usually do, and that helps alot. (See article link).

      10 reasons not to panic about the coronavirus
      https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2020/0310 … ronavirus/

      I do think that it didn't help much when Trump came out right after the first stock market dust-up to tell everyone that the virus was no big deal. Maybe alot of people didn't take him very seriously - but for at least a couple days, I bet some of his supporters were 'as sure' as he seemed to be. Too many of them believe him no matter what.

      If there would have been a pandemic team in place, maybe they could have given Trump a proper warning - although he probably still would have blown it off at first, LoL!

      I think IF (not saying he did) removed our pandemic team - that's bad; and would make me even angrier with him. Can't really prove it, so I'll drop it. The list of stuff we can see is long enough. We really don't need yet another reason to want want him out of that office, anyway.

      I also think since so many of our leaders are in the danger zone regarding age - they should all be self-quarantining themselves for awhile until the bulk of this initial runaway-spread has bypassed us. Trump included. He isn't a young rooster anymore. And, as much as I dislike him - I'd much rather vote him out than see his followers turn him into a martyr. There is nothing so important that it can't wait at this point.

  2. Kyler J Falk profile image85
    Kyler J Falkposted 5 years ago

    If I am being honest with myself whether we look at how Obama responded to swine flu and how Trump is responding to COVID-19, which I find to be two incomparable situations within the context you are using it, both individuals have made/are making the best choices they can with the knowledge and resources available to them. We must put our trust in the government, as if we have another choice, and let them do their work.

    Due to my lack of access to the same intelligence and other resources that the government has it would be ignorant of me to speak any further on whether or not Obama, or Trump, have done and are doing their jobs well.

  3. Kyler J Falk profile image85
    Kyler J Falkposted 4 years ago

    Exactly, T, the situations aren't comparable in that way. One reacted immediately, the other seemed to coast on hope, wishes, and prayers.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image60
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      And is trying to blame anyone but himself for the outbreak. Who said it would simply go away, Kyler? Was that Obama? lol

      And who said "We've stopped it."?  Was that Obama as well?

      1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
        Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        You older folks sure are bitter when you perceive someone as going against your views. Trump is a dork who should think more before he speaks, I'm not arguing that fact.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image60
          Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't claim you were going against my views, did I? My views are still the same about the cretin and not bitter at all. Not surprised either at his inactions and trying to blame others for the virus. No one's to blame as it's just a virus we can't prevent. Trump isn't helping matters with his daily lies though.

          1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
            Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I'll take your claims at face value. Personally, I'm just sitting here wondering if I want to work out or save my immune system during all this. Chances are pretty high I get sick and if I work out then I'm really lowering my immune system temporarily just to not lose my "gains". Since I have asthma I'm also a "high-risk" candidate, but if I don't work out then I'll feel bad anyways. Choices, choices, choices.

            Maybe Trump could say something useful about working out during all this, then I'd start listening more.

    2. tsadjatko profile image73
      tsadjatkoposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      As I pointed out, when Obama was the President the Swine Flu hit and “60 million people infected, 300,000 hospitalized. … We had a Democrat president by the name of Barack Obama, and the news then was how wonderfully well Obama was handling it, how expertly well Obama was dealing with it. There wasn’t any media panic. The Republican Party did not politicize it at all. They made not one single effort that anybody can find or remember to try to make political hay out of it. It was treated as a health issue from top to bottom. … Oh yeah, 17,000 died of the swine flu.”

      Compare that to what is happening today and you will see the problem isn’t Trump, it’s the media and the Democrats politicization of covid 19.

      1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
        Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        The big question: What's the solution to the media stupidity? We wouldn't want to take away the right to freedom of the press. Maybe heavy fines for the network for every blatant lie? Then how do we prove it is a lie? Hit court every time? We'd overload the justice system in seconds. I might need to explore this topic more in an article after I think about it, it is extremely irritating that I can't just get the news anymore.

        1. tsadjatko profile image73
          tsadjatkoposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Government is almost never the (best) solution, we know that from history!  The solution to the media problem is obvious!  You have faith in common sense right? Here are the some common sense solutions.

          More honest media to compete with the fake news media, namely CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WP etc.
          Better education, in critical thinking, logic and partisanship which will inhibit indoctrination by the left which virtually controls the education system and the media.
          You’re smart, I’m sure you can think of other ways society can fix the problem without handing the problem over to the government which is known to make these sort of problems worse when they “try” (so they say) to make them better.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I assume you mean Fox News as "more honest media." lol Like Sean and Rush, who aren't journalists but claim to be right all of the time?  What a joke they are, but you apparently trust them for your info as they tell you what you want to believe is true.

            1. tsadjatko profile image73
              tsadjatkoposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              There you go putting words in my mouth totally ignoring the substance of my comment, choosing it as an opportunity for a personal attack.

              So predictable! We all know your calling card.

          2. Kyler J Falk profile image85
            Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I like the idea of better education being the foundation for initial change, though I prefer to remain non-partisan. My college experience was basically radical liberalism reeducation camp and I quickly found myself not showing up to courses just so I wouldn't have to hear their hateful, ignorant spew.

            1. Randy Godwin profile image60
              Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Which college are you referring to as a "radical liberalism reeducation camp?" Does it say as much on the particular college description? Or is it simply your opinion?

              1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
                Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                I went to a myriad of different colleges for different topics. USC, UCI, Criminal Justice Academies of Santa Ana College, Saddleback College, and even Cal State for a short time to work with the baseball team. So does it say that specifically? No, and I won't speak on anyone else's behalf. However, speaking on my own experience I'll give you a quick story as one example of the many I could offer.

                Sociology teacher question: What are some human contributions to the world that have a negative impact on the environment as a whole?

                My jesting answer to get a laugh: Obama being in office *cue class laughter*

                Teacher: Get out of my class.

                Me: Woah, hold on it was a joke to get a laugh, just call it political regimes.

                Teacher: Yeah, it better be a joke, and I'd advise you avoid those kind of "jokes" in the future if you'd like to pass my class.

                I went back once after ingesting a large quantity of marijuana, and still I could not sit through the biased lecture in which she'd incessantly bring up how liberal movements are saving the planet and conservatives are evil doo doo heads.

                The only place I faced such discrimination from conservatives was in the Criminal Justice Academies when I began to bring up statistics about discretion laws leading to the increased arrest and recidivism rate of "other than white" individuals. I began to show up to those high off my gourd as well, and still could not stomach the ignorance.

                I'm all for political bias when it makes sense, but college was a darn nightmare.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Political bias is present at any college you may attend, unless of course, it's a religious Right college. It's up to the student to differentiate in what's educational and what's political. It's like this everywhere.

                  I too ran into such but I didn't let it interfere with the learning process of a particular subject.

                  1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
                    Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    I don't continue to support senseless behavior meant to hurt others, such as threatening to fail students over jokes made in innocence. If college is me having to deal with the hatred of others toward me for education, then I'd sooner seek to educate myself and sue the pants off the school. Probably why I have no college debts. Then again, you're a bitter and inflammatory individual who strives to be contrarian in every argument so that may have contributed to your alleged success in college, and in arguing you I'm going against my own views. What a conundrum, I guess just as I did with college, my best bet is to walk away and let others continue with their performative cruelty without my fanning the flames.

                    Party on, Randy.

                2. crankalicious profile image90
                  crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Kyler, just sounds like one bad teacher to me. The lower you go on the education totem pole, the more likely you are to find very low paid teachers with minimal education who are pretty damn mad they are barely making enough to live and aren't too pleased about it.

                  Anyway, to me, some student barking out some "joke" about Obama would be a teachable moment in my book. Not teachable in the sense that Obama is good, but an opportunity to offer that student a chance to back up that opinion with facts and research. No student in any class of mine would be ridiculed for their political beliefs as long as they can back it up with legitimate sources.

            2. tsadjatko profile image73
              tsadjatkoposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Tell me Kyler, was it kind of like this?
              https://www.prageru.com/video/college-m … servative/

              1. Kyler J Falk profile image85
                Kyler J Falkposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                This is definitely a great example of part of the reason I discontinued my college endeavors, yes.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Prager is a joke as far as learning institutes go.


                  PragerU is not a university or academic institution.[5][4] It does not hold classes, does not grant certifications or diplomas, and is not accredited by any recognized body.[6]

                  1. crankalicious profile image90
                    crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for that, Randy. We're going to Prager instead of Harvard, Yale; etc. That is called idiocy.

      2. Jean Bakula profile image88
        Jean Bakulaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, please. Trump called it a "Democratic hoax" and ignored it until the stock market went down so much. He is clueless. Others would have given us the needed tests to see who had the virus months ago if he wasn't obsessed with his enemies list. He holds vague press conferences. He needs to get the Army Corp of Engineers to start building hospitals, get tests, and get funds to people who have been put out of work immediately.

        He is already worried about bailing out airlines. Our restaurants and bars are closed, so owners, waiters, cooks, and others suddenly lost jobs. Schools are closed, but parents work and aren't home to watch them. They need money to live on. Trump isn't saying anything specific. The R's don't want to spend the money. Whole states are on lock down and need help.We need faster tests so we know who has the virus, and to get money to those who suddenly lost jobs. We don't have the hospital capacity for the sick. We don't have enough ventilators. Stores have empty shelves and people are panicking. State Governors are telling people to self isolate, as Trump isn't giving anyone concrete guidance. He told everyone "it would go away when the weather got warm."

        1. Live to Learn profile image59
          Live to Learnposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          How much political spin can you put on something? This entire post is laced with falsehoods.

          I can see now why Biden gets away with outright lies day after day in his campaign. The left believes anything, no matter how easily debunked.

          1. Randy Godwin profile image60
            Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            lol This from someone who voted for the biggest liar in the WH in American history. And she's complaining about Biden's honesty?

            You just can't make this sort of $#!t up, boys and girls. roll

  4. Rochelle Frank profile image93
    Rochelle Frankposted 4 years ago

    I don’t know if Trump can help individuals with unique circumstances. We all have them. I give him credit for doing what he can, especially in involving private enterprise, and in giving local jurisdictions authority to deal with local circumstances. You are right, though —we usually have choices to make... the frustration and blessing of freedom.

  5. Nathanville profile image91
    Nathanvilleposted 4 years ago

    As a Brit, I don’t want to get involved in American politics; other than the obvious that Trump is not popular in Britain:-

    •    18% Brits = Positive Opinion of Trump
    •    14% Brits = Neutral Opinion of Trump
    •    66% Brits = Negative Opinion of Trump

    In contrast, Barack Obama popularity rating by Brits is:-

    •    74% Brits = Positive Opinion of Obama
    •    14% Brits = Neutral Opinion of Obama
    •    11% Brits = Negative Opinion of Obama

    So as a Brit, I can only make an observation of how Trump is perceived over here (across the pond); and in that respect, from across the pond he comes across as being arrogant e.g. making bold claims like “We’re doing a good job” etc., and he has lied at least once (no surprise), and I’m sure others will say it’s many more times than just once. 

    But the particular incidence I refer to (where Trump made out that Drive-through test centres was his idea) is when he boasted that American has been innovative in developing the ‘drive through’ test centres; with no mention that in fact Britain rolled out the ‘Drive Through’ test centres across the country on Monday 3rd March; following successful trials; about 10 days before Trump announced that they would be rolled out across the USA.

    How the NHS is using 'drive-thru' coronavirus testing (video dated 27th Feb): https://youtu.be/5AIK_mwK4LI

    1. IslandBites profile image92
      IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, also South Korea. Since Feb too.

      1. Nathanville profile image91
        Nathanvilleposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks IslandBites, it's good to hear what other governments are doing.

  6. Valeant profile image76
    Valeantposted 4 years ago

    First off, Ralph's claim that Obama did nothing is false.  But it was likely taken straight from something Trump said, so that's understandable.
    https://www.factcheck.org/2020/03/trump … emic-spin/

    The reality is that the United States has screwed this up so far, but there is still time to avoid Italy's fate. One of our main failures has been our botched testing program. Put simply, the U.S. has scarcely tested anyone. It's hard for anyone to get a test, including frontline healthcare workers, some of whom have to be pulled out of service as a precaution, which in turn puts more strain on the system. The shortage of test kits in the eight weeks since the virus first arrived here was not unavoidable. We now know that early on, the Centers for Disease Control rejected a World Health Organization-approved test developed by German scientists, opting to develop their own—only to first come up with a flawed test.

    The proof that we could have done better is that South Korea, which experienced its first case one day before the United States did on January 21, has played things very differently.

    Around the time that the United States had tested 11,000 people total, South Korea was testing 10,000 a day. By March 4, according to Eric Topol, the South Koreans were testing 18,000 people a day. The population over there is around 51 million. In the United States, it's 327 million. That comes out to 125 tests for every million Americans, which places the U.S. behind Greece and the Czech Republic. Again: these two countries ran into this problem at almost exactly the same time.


    This is not a pretty picture for the administration run by one Donald J. Trump, who spent the lion's share of that eight-week period downplaying the threat, musing the virus could disappear miraculously, suggesting people were going to work after contracting the virus and it was no big deal, and continually declaring we were on the cusp of having a vaccine available to the public.

    None of this was true, and none of it was helpful, and none of it was the kind of thing coming out of governments—like South Korea's, or Hong Kong's, or Singapore's—that have managed this crisis well.   Instead of test kits and ventilators and masks, however, we manufactured bullshit. Less than a week ago, Trumpworld would not commit to cancelling future rallies—exactly the kind of large gathering public health experts had been saying should be called off.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Here is a link to explain what the Obama administration did during the H1N1 crisis. The CDC clearly lays out its actions from day one. If one takes the time to read it, one will see how differently the crisis was handled in regard to comparing it to how the Coronavirus is being handled.

      In regards to Trump's statement that we are on the cusp of a vaccine.  Not sure if you realize, but this morning 40 people were given the newly developed vaccine for the virus in Washington State. It has bee well debunked that Trump told people to go to work with the virus. He claimed many that may have had the virus and did not even realize it, got over it and went back to work.

      The fact is this president has set a precedence in handling a serious virus. This may be hard for you to realize, but in the end, let's compare the death rate... Staying very low is it not... Now H1N1 not so much. Obama did nothing to stop the spread or curb the death rate. Sick, sad, but true.

      Don't need a fact-checker, just need the facts the CDC put out for all to view. Facts sometimes are just the best way to go.


      1. crankalicious profile image90
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Trump has set a precedent alright. Question the people who are experts in the medical field until things get so bad you have no other choice but to agree with them. That is EXACTLY what has happened.

        The main difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama trusted his scientific advisers and scientists in general while Trump did not.

        1. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Every move Trump makes needs questioned, but he should never question anyone himself?  Even when he gets different answers from different people?

          How does that work?

          1. crankalicious profile image90
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            If you want to make excuses for people who refuse to accept basic scientific concepts and basic scientific data, then go right ahead, but I refuse to be gaslighted by people trying to excuse away people who are anti-education and anti-science and make it a habit of undermining our confidence in those institutions. Trump says climate change is a hoax, which must mean scientists are the hoaxers. He used to say there was a link between vaccines and autism. His hunches are always better than the data.

            In private, Trump should ask questions. In public, he should demonstrate leadership and encourage people to believe in the experts and not try to convince everyone he knows better because he's got some "natural ability".

            The problem is he has no curiosity to learn. He already knows everything. He knows more than the generals. He knows more than everyone. He's told us repeatedly.

            We're in the mess we're in right now because he didn't take the Corona virus seriously and said everything was fine and would be over soon. You're seeing the real-world consequences of his actions. People believed him and they're still acting accordingly. Now many more people will die as a result.

            1. Valeant profile image76
              Valeantposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Exactly how I feel.

              1. crankalicious profile image90
                crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Welcome to sanity, Valeant. I'm just starting to really notice how the vast majority of right-wingers on this site are using conspiracy theory web sites for their news and promoting that information ad nauseum. The rest of us are wasting our time discussing anything with them. They're still trying to find the child porn ring under the pizza restaurant in DC. I'm starting to realize that Randy is playing the right game. Belittle them and laugh at their responses.. Nothing else is worth our time.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  I too notice the increasing number of  Right Wing conspiracy sites many here from the Trumpsters side are using to try and prove their "facts."

                  The beginning of the end....

          2. crankalicious profile image90
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            As recently as yesterday, Wildnerness, Trump said an anti-malarial drug had been approved to treat Coronavirus. Completely untrue.

            During a press conference, he again suggested it as a solution while his main expert, Dr. Fauci, stood next to him and said there was no reason to believe it would work.

            Perhaps if our dumbass President would stop making things up we'd all be better off and people would get and believe the information they need to survive this.

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Neither tale answers the question...

              1. crankalicious profile image90
                crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Is the question about how Trump should speak when he gets different advice from different people? I think he should stick with Dr. Fauci. I imagine Trump will fire Fauci soon for not kissing his ass. And it's not like Trump is choosing between two instances of credible information. He's choosing between making crap up and the opinion of his experts.

                1. Randy Godwin profile image60
                  Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  He's choosing the best case scenario for......himself. Anyone should know this who've watched and listened to his dumbass for more than a minute or two.

  7. Valeant profile image76
    Valeantposted 4 years ago

    In the 30 days after the first case of N1H1, 1 million people were tested under the Obama Administration.  This just four months into their first term. 

    After three years of a Trump term, we're 50 days into the Coronavirus pandemic and only 50,000 people in the US have been tested.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Could you provide a link to where you got your stats? This sounds very much out of context. I got mine from the CDC site.

      H1N1 information from CDC
      "CDC Laboratories Bolster Nation’s Testing Capacity
      While initial efforts were underway to develop a safe and effective vaccine to protect people against 2009 H1N1, work also was being done at CDC to help laboratories supporting health care professionals to more quickly identify the 2009 H1N1 virus in samples from patients. The real-time PCR test developed by CDC was cleared for use by diagnostic laboratories by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on April 28, 2009, less than two weeks after identification of the new pandemic virus. Prior to the availability of this EUA, public health laboratories had been able to identify whether influenza A viruses were seasonal influenza viruses or were a novel strain, but the new diagnostic kits allowed labs to confirm a virus as 2009 H1N1. On May 1, 2009, CDC test kits began shipping to domestic and international public health laboratories. (Each test kit contained reagents to test 1,000 clinical specimens). From May 1 through September 1, 2009, more than 1,000 kits were shipped to 120 domestic and 250 international laboratories in 140 countries. Once labs had the test kits and verified that their testing was running properly, they were able to identify new cases more quickly than before and no longer needed to send samples to CDC for lab confirmation.

      The transition away from CDC lab confirmation testing didn’t happen overnight though - between April 23 and May 31, 2009, CDC influenza laboratory analyzed about 5,000 influenza virus samples, five times the number that were processed in a similar timeframe in 2008, and more than during any previous influenza season. By May 18, 2009, 40 states had been validated to conduct their own 2009 H1N1 testing, with eight states having multiple laboratories able to do their own testing. CDC alerted the public that the expansion in testing capacity would likely result in a jump in the number of 2009 H1N1 cases, but that this would actually present a more accurate picture of the true scope of 2009 H1N1 influenza in the United States."

      As you see 120 kits were sent out in the USA  between May 1st and Sept 1st. a five-month span.  Your figures don't seem to be correct. It took the CDC 30 days to even start sending the kit out.


      1. crankalicious profile image90
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        While you're waiting, here's a nice video from HuffPost of Trump responding to cutting the Pandemic Response Team.

        https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-pa … 3b6485325d

      2. Valeant profile image76
        Valeantposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        My source was the chief of staff for Biden at the time, and the guy who led the government response to the Ebola pandemic here in the United States.  Not that you would find anyone other than Trump as a credible source.  But he definitely has more inside information and expertise on the topic than most.

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I felt the CDC would be the best source to get information in regards to how H1N1 was handled. The CDC gave an acceptable, factual sequence of events on how H1N1 was dealt with.

          Not sure why you had to add a personal dig.at the tail end of your comment. I note you do that often. "Not that you would find anyone other than Trump as a credible source."  Where do you get off saying something like that? I have asked you not to address my comments on many occasions. I find such comments provoking, argumentative. I have been polite, but I would really appreciate it if you would just pass my comments by. Think what you please, but I have no wish to converse with you. I don't visit here to fend off insults.

          1. Valeant profile image76
            Valeantposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            The CDC did not lay out the figures exactly.  Yes, they gave a vague timeline between May and September.  My source gave more specifics.  And I was right, you immediately tried to undermine my source, just like you did in the other thread.  It's become your M.O. when someone posts something that doesn't fit your warped narrative of the events taking place or how you view Trump.

            I will continue to post when I find information I view credible.  You engaged me here, so follow your own suggestion and avoid me if you cannot handle hearing a different view without trying to undermine it.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I think you misunderstood my post. I may not have been clear. I was trying to point out a timeline. I was also just offering up the link for you to have a look at. It was interesting and gave a good description of how the CDC handled the H1N1 outbreak. In the end, after looking at the CDC site it was more than clear one million were tested. In a matter of three months.

              It was not me that made the comparison of how the two viruses were being handled or became argumentive.

              "VALEANT WROTE:
              In the 30 days after the first case of N1H1, 1 million people were tested under the Obama Administration.  This just four months into their first term.

              After three years of a Trump term, we're 50 days into the Coronavirus pandemic and only 50,000 people in the US have been tested."

              I understood your displeasure, but why at this point even make the comparison. I certainly never compared Obama's response to the H1N1 virus. These viruses are very different. And in my opinion, both presidents did the best they could.

              1. Valeant profile image76
                Valeantposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                And when I hear from someone within the cabinet, who was also in charge of the response to the Ebola outbreak, I find it credible.

                "...but why at this point even make the comparison."  In case you've been living in a media bubble, it's not me who made the comparison, but Trump who compared the current response to the H1N1 response by the Obama administration. 

                And many will disagree that Trump did the best he could when he dismantled the pandemic response team then lied about having the virus under control for the last month and a half.

                https://www.yahoo.com/news/virus-outbre … 48556.html

                And for someone who just begged me to avoid her posts, you seem to openly break your own requests.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Please note that I was IB.  IB addressed the conversation we were having. I made an attempt to explain the link I posted, and correct a mistake I had made in the post to you.  She had found an error in my post to you, pointed it out.

                  In regards to all the rest --- Bait just not taken... LOL

                  1. crankalicious profile image90
                    crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    Just yesterday, President Trump lied about the approval of an anti-malarial drug being approved for use against COVID-19. It's not true. Then Dr. Fauci had to explain that the evidence for its efficacy comes from a 20-person anecdotal study in France.

                    Perhaps if our idiot President would stop making stuff up, we'd be in a better place?

      3. IslandBites profile image92
        IslandBitesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        You asked him for a link of his stats. But he didn't have to, you provided it for him. You just didn't understand the info you posted.

        From your info:

        On May 1, 2009, CDC test kits began shipping to domestic and international public health laboratories. (Each test kit contained reagents to test 1,000 clinical specimens). From May 1 through September 1, 2009, more than 1,000 kits were shipped to 120 domestic and 250 international laboratories in 140 countries.

        No, it wasn't 120 kits. It was 1,000 kits to 120 domestic laboratories. Each kit contained reagents to test 1,000 clinical specimens. 1,000 x 1,000 is how much?

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          My mistake --- You are correct it was 1000 kits to 120 sites. I was pointing out the kits took longer than one month to reach testing sites as he had claimed one million were tested in one months time. And I was simply offering the CDC site for him to have a look at the progression of how the H1N1 flu was handled. At the end between May and Sept, one million were tested.

          "CDC Laboratories Bolster Nation’s Testing Capacity
          While initial efforts were underway to develop a safe and effective vaccine to protect people against 2009 H1N1, work also was being done at CDC to help laboratories supporting health care professionals to more quickly identify the 2009 H1N1 virus in samples from patients. The real-time PCR test developed by CDC was cleared for use by diagnostic laboratories by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on April 28, 2009, less than two weeks after identification of the new pandemic virus. Prior to the availability of this EUA, public health laboratories had been able to identify whether influenza A viruses were seasonal influenza viruses or were a novel strain, but the new diagnostic kits allowed labs to confirm a virus as 2009 H1N1. On May 1, 2009, CDC test kits began shipping to domestic and international public health laboratories. (Each test kit contained reagents to test 1,000 clinical specimens). From May 1 through September 1, 2009, more than 1,000 kits were shipped to 120 domestic and 250 international laboratories in 140 countries. Once labs had the test kits and verified that their testing was running properly, they were able to identify new cases more quickly than before and no longer needed to send samples to CDC for lab confirmation. The transition away from CDC lab confirmation testing didn’t happen overnight though - between April 23 and May 31, 2009, CDC influenza laboratory analyzed about 5,000 influenza virus samples, five times the number that were processed in a similar timeframe in 2008, and more than during any previous influenza season. By May 18, 2009, 40 states had been validated to conduct their own 2009 H1N1 testing, with eight states having multiple laboratories able to do their own testing. CDC alerted the public that the expansion in testing capacity would likely result in a jump in the number of 2009 H1N1 cases, but that this would actually present a more accurate picture of the true scope of 2009 H1N1 influenza in the United States"



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