End Times for America?

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  1. Ken Burgess profile image75
    Ken Burgessposted 3 years ago

    Are you aware of the hypocrisy of the past few months?

    We had lock-downs in states like CA and MN and MI where exercising any of your rights other than shopping for food was made practically illegal.

    Don't open your business, don't go to the beach, don't go to the park, its too dangerous.

    And now those very same officials that swore the world would come to an end if their draconian lock downs weren't followed... are out marching with the protesters in mobes of thousands... even tens of thousands.

    But don't you DARE go to church!  Don't you DARE arrest anyone rioting in the streets!

    Looting is OK... arresting the looters is BAD!

    This is your Liberal America... this is your Seattle, your LA, your NY City.

    This is the future of Progressive Liberal States... Defunding the Police... every citizen for themselves.

    KNEEL to the MOB or become its victim.

    Our "leaders" proved they understand this new reality.


    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      This reminds me of how my father talked during the social upheaval of the 1960s.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image75
        Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah I'm sure.

        This is exactly like the 60s ... except it isn't.

        Minorities are not excluded from colleges, they are aided in getting grants for them and acceptance into them.

        Minorities are not excluded from neighborhoods or businesses, they ae in fact protected by laws like the EEO and Fair Housing.

        There is no comparing the 60s to today... its only the uninformed or the deliberately disingenuous that would try to do so.


        The 60s didn't have politicians telling you one week you would be arrested if you went outdoors to enjoy the sun... and the next week they were out marching in the streets with protesters and rioters.

        We have done great harm to our own economy... 44 million people out of work... for what?

        So we could have riots in the streets?

        1. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          No, today is not like the 60s and the 60s were not like 20s. My dad used to say "give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile." I guess he thought they should be content with the inch?

          And, are you exaggerating about being arrested for being outdoors enjoying the sun?

          But, I get your point about the conflicting messages, though in my state, at least, they were recommendations and no one was arrested for going outside.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image75
            Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            It wouldn't take much time or research to be able to correlate the States with the most draconian Lock-Down methods, were also the states where the largest riots have taken place.

            And these would be states currently run by Democrat leadership.

            As to the question of arrests... yes such were made, for being on the beach, for opening one's business, for being in the park.  Not everywhere and not all the time, but these things did occur.

            1. profile image0
              PrettyPantherposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Well, Ken, GA assured me we would survive Trump. Perhaps he'll be along soon to assure you we will survive another progressive cultural shift.

              1. GA Anderson profile image89
                GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, you are right PrettyPanther. We will survive this cultural shift too.

                Ken's points are valid. The, (to use one of Grace's favorite terms), socioeconomic implications of this time are very important to understanding where we are as a nation.

                I believe we are at a point where we can move beyond the condemnations of the existence of overt racism. I think we are at a point, as a  society, where we can begin to understand the generational changes that must, and are, occurring.

                I agree with Ken's and Grace's points that we are at a point where victimhood must be recognized for the ball and chain that it is.

                There are a lot of very valid reasons Blacks, (minorities?), have legitimate claims against white privilege, but I think that is a false road to travel. A better road would be to return to proven values; family, integrity. personal responsibility.

                For instance; in the publisher's blurbs of a book you recently recommended, almost the entire blurb was devoted to family—associations and formative ideologies. If that is so important, how can it be denied that the lack of that familial experience negatively influences our Black generations?

                Maybe I am a victim of my own prejudices, but one of the most disheartening phrases I can imagine is one too often heard from Black mothers—"My baby's daddy . . . "

                What child can succeed when their starting point is a fractured family?

                So, Ken's implied question is a, (for you, "in my opinion"), very important and telling one. Why are Black families the least likely to be a typical nuclear family of a married mom and dad?

                Yep, you guessed it; because our Liberal-dominated social safety nets discourage Black nuclear families. "If you got a man in your house you don't need our help!" "Got no man? Here's some more money."

                Boy, that really sounded like a cliche' didn't it? But, do you doubt the truth of it?

                And to bring this back to the starting point of Ken's "Democratic leadership" point?  Who are the sponsors of the social programs that have discouraged Black nuclear families? Who are sponsors of the programs that promote a reliance on state instead of self?

                And finally, who are the leaders that promote the mentality of it isn't your fault?

                Even so, we will survive this. The pendulum has swung far right, and it is my opinion that it will swing far left in 2020, and hopefully, we will find some type of equilibrium in 2024.

                Yeh! Let's plan a 2024 celebration party.


                1. profile image0
                  PrettyPantherposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "Why are Black families the least likely to be a typical nuclear family of a married mom and dad?

                  Yep, you guessed it; because our Liberal-dominated social safety nets discourage Black nuclear families."

                  Well, now, let's think about this. If the liberal-dominated social safety net is discouraging black nuclear families, is it not also discouraging white nuclear families? If not, how is the system discouraging black nuclear families but not white ones? Also if not, what accounts for the higher proportion of single parent black families? Are you saying black single parents are more likely to prefer government money over a job than white single parents are? Or, do you think this liberal social safety net is somehow rigged to discourage black nuclear families but niot white ones? Wouldn't  that be systemic racism?

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image75
                    Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Its not the system... its cultural, racial, individual choice.

                    Over the years I have seen a good number of people who could easily receive various state benefits that chose not to do so.

                    How is it Asians and Hispanics can arrive here with nothing, face racism, suffer having to do menial or demeaning jobs often under the table and with no special social support system in place for them, and a generation later they are enjoying the "American Dream" and their kids are attending college and opening businesses?

                  2. GA Anderson profile image89
                    GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    PrettyPanther, first. consider my responses on this as just my thoughts, not proclamations of studied truth or factual reality.

                    Yes, I think those same social safety nets also discourage white nuclear families in some instances. It is proveable that there are more white folks benefitting from those programs than black folks. But it is also provable that as a percentage of population the blacks folks are the higher percentage. Meaning it is the black population that is hardest hit by the diminishing cultural norm of a nuclear family.

                    But no, I do not think the system encourages Blacks more than Whites to use the programs, and I do not think the system discourages black nuclear families more than White ones. However, I do think there are cultural aspects that encourage both.

                    And then there is the less than subtle political messages directed directly at Blacks, that I think, encourage and define those negative cultural aspects that may be part of the reason for the perception that this is only a "Black" problem.

                    An important question to ask is why do I have the impressions that formed those thoughts?

                    Contrary to what is often heard here, I don't claim to have lots of Black friends or daily conversational interactions. So where does this perception come from?

                    How about our political leaders like Joe Biden, and their messages to the Black communities. Could that be the source?

                    I think the nuclear family issue is a cultural one that Blacks have to fix. I don't think well-intentioned White folks can do it.


                2. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "There are a lot of very valid reasons Blacks, (minorities?), have legitimate claims against white privilege, but I think that is a false road to travel. A better road would be to return to proven values; family, integrity. personal responsibility."
                  The point is that both aspects and direction of the problems need to be consider, while many choose to ignore one aspect and focus on one or the other.

                  1. GA Anderson profile image89
                    GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep, I agree. Every crusader for one aspect or the other should be challenged with a; "Yeah, but, what about . . .?"


                3. gmwilliams profile image85
                  gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I see the chasm as more socioeconomically based instead of racially based.  It is the lower classes of all races who are the most vocal.  Blacks in the lower socioeconomic classes are vocal as are Caucasians in the lower socioeconomic classes.  These people feel that they are falling through the socioeconomic cracks because their jobs are being phased out.   Blacks in the lower socioeconomic rungs blame Caucasians & other non-Blacks for their falling.  Many are leaning towards Black militancy in order to assert what little power they have.  They also want more socioeconomic opportunities.  The same w/lower socioeconomic class Caucasians.  Some of these Caucasians are joining right-wing groups because they contend that their jobs are being phased out.  They are blaming immigrants particularly for the phasing out of their jobs.   These people, both Black & Caucasian, are at war.  They are angry that their livelihoods are being phased out & they will join whatever group & adopt whatever philosophy that will empower them psychologically & socioeconomically.

        2. gmwilliams profile image85
          gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Ken,  yes, the socioeconomic & educational prospects of Blacks have improved but Black people still face covert discrimination.  Blacks have to be thrice to four times as good as Caucasians to succeed in the United States.  Blacks still face discrimination in housing.  There are Caucasians who have negative stereotyping views of Black people based on their brainwashing of Blacks as the other.   Also there are some Caucasians who view Blacks in the most negative way possible as a result of projections by media.

          However, there are Blacks in the lower to lowest socioeconomic rungs who REFUSE to help & better themselves despite opportunities.  They refuse to be responsible or accountable for themselves.  They would rather blame Caucasians for their dire circumstances instead of themselves.  These Blacks have a negative mindset & outlook.  They have an inverse psychology.  They value street smarts instead of academic achievement.  They live for the moment instead of planning & strategizing for their future.  They believe in existing at the most primitive level.    These Blacks are lost & can't be saved.   These Blacks are in the lower to lowest socioeconomic rungs because of unintelligent choices.   The Blacks who are the most vocal are those in these lower socioeconomic rungs.   Blacks in the solidly middle, upper middle, & upper classes aren't that vocal.

          1. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Your comment confirms what I have been saying all along, that there are two sides to this race problem.

            Don't you think that I get tired of having to be  3 to 4 times better than my Caucasian counterpart in order to reap identical rewards for my efforts?

            Still, One side is just as significant as the other and both need to be addressed.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image75
              Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this


              I would like for you to explain, or give examples of, how in today's America this is the case.

              I am not talking about the 60s or 70s.  I am trying to address the current state of the American system, and the major components therein.

              And to clarify, I am not talking about having to deal with racists, I recognize that they are out there, and they come in all colors and creeds.

              What I am asking... if you go to a bank today for a loan... do you have to have three times the income, and three times the credit score I have to receive the same loan?

              If your son applies to a college, or goes to join the military, does he have to be three times better than my son, because of race?

              I don't see what GMWILLIAMS is trying to get at here, perhaps he could clarify.

              1. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this


                Maybe, I am not talking about today, since during my formative career years of the 1970's and 1980's such was the case. I may well be out of touch as to what happens today. Ask Grace (she) what she meant?  She and I are contemporaries. Just like the gentleman, who was an attorney told you, there are realities associated with our circumstances that you cannot really appreciate until you walk into our shoes.

                Women have said the same thing when trying to get ahead in a man's world.

                I chose the public sector over the private sector as a career path for just those reasons of insecurity where my friends and associates warned me to anticipate unjustified impediments to my progress. I did not have the time for such uncertainties from the private sector. If I did my job and did it well, I should expect to be afforded the same opportunities as everyone else. I wanted my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and was not prepared to waste time with uncertainties.

                1. gmwilliams profile image85
                  gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Credence2, my father said the same thing.  He said, "Grace working for the government provides more opportunities for Blacks than in the private sector."   Also w/my sociology degree, the public sector was easier to get into...….

              2. gmwilliams profile image85
                gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Ken, Blacks have to incessantly prove themselves to society just to be respected, even regarded as equals.   Blacks have to be better than Caucasians to even succeed at a moderate level.  Black children, especially in middle class homes, are told that they must be TWICE, THRICE, EVEN QUADRUPLE times as good to break even.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image75
                  Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  I think this is a past reality, and while some families may preach that to their children, it does not reflect our current times.

                  You've heard the "sins of the father are the sins of the son"?

                  Oppression and racism experienced by the father are being passed on to the son... but the current racism in our society is not at all the systemic oppression or wide spread cultural racism that existed.

                  What was... was.  What is now is not the same.  Pushing those experiences and beliefs onto newer generations may actually hinder their healthy integration into society and have additional negative impacts.

                  The real enemy is poverty and lack of opportunity for upward mobility, this is being caused by a shift in economic and industrial might away from America (globalism), the acceptance of millions of immigrants whom work for large companies and small which lowers wages across the board, technology which is making many jobs obsolete.

                  1. gmwilliams profile image85
                    gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, there is more classicism than racism.   Blacks who are solidly middle, upper middle, & upper class are reaping the benefits of American society.  They don't suffer the oppression of their lower class & underclass counterparts.    It is the lower class & underclass Blacks who wail about racism the most as their opportunities are shrinking.   They don't possess the skills & education to have livable careers.  They are either increasingly unemployed due to job automation or they are being relegated to low paying dead end jobs.   This not only apply to lower class  & underclass Blacks but to lower class & underclass Caucasians. This explains the rise of white nationalist groups in America- such members come from the Caucasian lower class & underclass who have little or no hope for the future.

        3. Ewent profile image67
          Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          The only the overfed, balding fat brains of bully right wing middle age know is how to make their white skin look superior. It ought to for all the ostentatious beautifying they do to their fat overfed faces.

          They hire minorities on the cheap to mow their lawns and then run to a gym to work off the fat guts.

          Time you righties learn you do not get to make the rules.

      2. Ewent profile image67
        Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Where is the risk to any big mouth right winger's freedom if THEY infect 20 other people because they are selfish pigs?

        They have NO defense for their contrarian nature when THEY are risking MY life.

        Yet these same right wing cowards were the first to demand those with AIDS who deliberately infected others be thrown in jail.

        I agree with the angry pusses on these right bossy jerks faces is one way of identifying them as the most ignorabt, self important, self centered idiots.

        There are children born with compromised immune system. But right wingers so love to cage kids don't they?

        There are adults with asthma, diabetes and Lupus, but these jerk right winger think ONLY of themselves?

        Who raised these middle aged control freak bullies? You risk my life and I sue.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image80
      Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Ken, boy did you say a mouth full. Your words ring very true to me, I don't call it progressive liberalism, because all of the left's wish list move us backward, dummy down society. So, I would be hard-pressed to call them or their topsy turvy agenda progressive.

      The lefts mentality has very quickly split the country, and one thing for sure both sides are well dug in. Both sides feeling stronger than ever before about how America should progress. My feelings have progressed from disgust to anger over the past month. Never before have I been fearful that this split is going to be very permanent.

      I must remark on the photo. Did you ever think a political party could come to performing such a banal political gesture?  They turned prayer into a sideshow, with costumes. Unbelievable.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image75
        Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I think our truest problem is that we have a growing poor class that sees little opportunity to improve their lives, which has been exacerbated by an unwarranted lockdown in many states, by power drunk Governors and Mayors... and this frustration was allowed to explode because of one brutal act of murder.

        We can become defeated by adversity or we can overcome.

        We can be fragile or we can find our fortitude.

        Most Americans have no idea what it is to have to struggle to survive, they have no idea what real combat or real brutality is all about, and this is what makes our society so fragile today.

        They become outraged over typed words, exploding in fury, drowning in micro-aggressions and devolving into divisive mob politics... baiting others and labeling those that don't share their political ideology.


        The above is written by a professor of journalism. A prime example of what is filling the heads of our youth that goes to the best Universities in the land.

        How do the views espoused in that article measure up to reality in your eyes?

        We have a growing number of young Americans that have come out of college knowing nothing more than how to be SJWs or Anarchists.

        China will graduate 8 times the number of students from STEMs this year than America.  Which nation will be leading the world in new technology and sciences?  And which nation will be examining the lint in its navel and deciding whether it is politically correct or not?

        Treating my fellow Americans with respect and dignity is not enough to allow me to have a differing opinion... we have come to a time where my right to beliefs and opinions is no longer valid because I have the wrong skin color.

        There is nothing good that is going to come from these times, there are only deluded people who are spreading their delusions as facts, news and media espousing opinions as truth, and an economy that is spiraling out of control that will lead to the poor fighting one another over political and racial poison that only benefits those who are above it all.

    3. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I am thrilled that TX and the rest of the patriot states now have increasing numbers infected with the virus.

      And why is this happening? Because ignorant bullies who are the most selfish bunch to hit planet earth think they know more than experts.

      If stupid people are too stupid to take precautions from a deadly virus, why should the rest of us suffer from their stupidity?

      I am proud to say that NJ is THE No. 1 most people congested state per square mile. And NJ is now in Phase II of this virus.

      So far the governor in NJ has lifted the stay home orders and is now also reopening some of the non-essential businesses. Why?

      Because we did what we KNEW was the right thing. How on earth can a bunch of loud mouth wusses with puffed out chests and pumped fists think they won't end up dead?

      That's okay if that's what they want, fine by me. But they better not dare infect anyone else or we sue.

      And yes. We can sue someone who knowingly infects others. Ask anyone who went to prison and got a lawsuit for infecting others with AIDS.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image75
        Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        How wonderful for you... politics over compassion!

        1. Ewent profile image67
          Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          No Intelligence over ignorance. Texas is getting exactly what it bargained for. Maybe they will also follow Dr. Trumpenstein's advice and drink bleach too to cure the virus?

          Stupid people who are too stupid to follow the rules of rational thinking do not get sympathy from me. You walk in mud, you get dirty. Don't blame me if you can't jump over the mud.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image80
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Do you read your comments? Intelligence over ignorance...

            "And yes. We can sue someone who knowingly infects others. Ask anyone who went to prison and got a lawsuit for infecting others with AIDS."

            With all your intellect please tell me how you would go about pinpointing one human being that infected another with COVID?  Do tell

            1. Ewent profile image67
              Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Why do you ask? You don't read yours. You don't like truth and facts I can prove. So you delete my comments. I should delete yours since you are so hot to stalk me. But I love it when I can educate you.

              How do you go about pinpointing one human being infected by another? How can you even ask such an ignorant question?

              It's as simple as it was when your homophobes were dancing a jig when someone infected dozens of others with AIDS and got arrested.

              Now pay attention because it is obvious your attention span is on the level of a 5 year old.

              It's called a blood test. It's how they knew which doctor in India infected dozens of patients with AIDS using a dirty syringe. It's also how they know who babies born with AIDS show DNA tracers in their blood.

              It's why I cannot donate blood because I've had Lyme disease that is passed on through the blood by titers that show up in blood tests.

              It's how you and your lover boy were proven to not be born out of incest when you took a blood test to get a marriage license to prove you are not brother and sister.

              Covid tests work in a similar fashion. It is detected through blood samples and according to my doctor, if the blood samples show the same or identical origins, it will identify where the virus is spreading and from the source.

              According to my doctor, because the virus itself still has not been proven conclusively that it was manmade, it is similar to what happens when you try to prove you are an ancestor of Varina Davis, the First Lady of the Confederacy. Unless you have the right myacondrial genes that show up in DNA tests that match hers, you are not her relative.

              Got it now? Blood tests today are infinitely more comprehensive considering how the field of toxicology has advanced.

              So if you plan to go to that OKIE Trump rally and get infected and you come in contact with someone who tested negative and infect them, you belong in jail for being so selfish as to think only of yourself and not the rest of the society YOU live in.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image80
                Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                According to a "doctor"... LOL provide a link in regards to seeing someone for passing COVID. I have no magical powers to delete your comment or I am I stalking you. I will admit some of your posts have provoked me to reply. Such as this one.  I would think all would be interested in the Doctor that claims he can prove who actually infected another with COVID and that we can sue that perpetrator.

                I am an RN I have cared for many COVID Pt's. So far so good...  Guess If one of those I cared for infected me, I could sue them. You have a really odd way of looking at ---- everything. LOL

                No need to reply with a long bit of scribble dribble.

                1. Ewent profile image67
                  Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  You do really need to have your eyes checked Ms. Contrarian. I said MY doctor. Not any doctor. He is on staff here in NJ at 2 of our top hospitals. He has received several awards and has been our family doctor for over 3 decades

                  You are stalking me because you know  I will never ever let YOU think for one minute you can post your trash opinions as fact. Not going to happen.

                  Plus from your posts, you reek of that control freakism all right wingers seem to have.

                  We have nurses here in NJ who are also front liners and have more patients than you CLAIM to have tended. They are the same front liners who tended the victims of 9/11. Want to try to compete with that too?

                  As you may not know I live in the most densely populated state per square mile. That's why the NY and NJ Metro area were hardest hit.

                  But admit it. You are a nasty woman who ha an ax to grind with any woman you know has been far more successful. Frankly, I cannot begin to imagine what kind of nurse you could be with such a nasty disposition and need to control the world. Do they call you Nurse Ratchett too?

                  No need for a dippy right winger to respond either but you do. How are you an RN and not know that DNA, blood tests and toxicology reports are all state of the art today?

                  Now stop trying to get the last word. That never happens when you are a control freak. If you respond again, I delete you.

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image75
                    Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I see no evidence of stalking, unless you consider those that present opposing views as stalking.

                    And the only thing you have offered to counter her opinion, is your own opinion.

                    Perhaps you could tone down your insults and slander and provide some actual "facts" to properly support your position?

                  2. Sharlee01 profile image80
                    Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    DNA?  There is no way to determine who passed a virus from one to another.

                    I have never been nasty to you. I suggest you read your comments. It's you that has not only called me many derogatory names but defamed my very appearance in many of your previous posts.  You won't find me conducting myself in that manner.

                    You are not only nasty, you clearly have mental problems.  Sorry to say unless you are a monitor here on HP you can't delete a comment.  This may be part of your problem, you seem to be delusional. Your comments are a good proof of that.

    4. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Must really, really freak out right wing bullies they can't join their Proud Bois, Boogaloo Bois and Real Three Percenter militias who only show off in their own blood red states.

      A gun is not a sign of penile prowess. And there are 4 of the most hated words by right wingers: Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL.

      It's that last words all that bigots hate. These are the same Aryans of the South and Midwest who sent 900,000 of their own poor white farm boys to fight for rich plantation owners to get richer with FREE slave labor they call "states" rights"

      So now they are still spoiling to get EVEN with anyone who dares oppose their vicious, violent, Wild West culture. In 2020?

      Time for bigots to face themselves. Liberty and JUSTICE for all is not Trump's version of liberty or Justice.

      He is a national disgrace all bigots love ONLY because he is as bitter, nasty, hateful and contrary as they are.

      If it's illegal, Trump legalizes. Righties love lawlessness,

      If it bad, Trump praises it and  claims it's all good. Righties are born to evil.

      If it belongs to someone else, Trump steals it. Righties love that to do that with our tax dollars. Of the 37 moocher states who get the most from federal taxes donor states pay, all but 3 are bloody red states.

      You are ONLY entitled to your opinion. You are NOT entitled to ram your narrow minded,  bigoted, twisted ideological opinions on the entire country.

  2. NayNay2124 profile image83
    NayNay2124posted 3 years ago

    Ken, I try not to comment on these discussions, but I was moved to do so because of your comments. It seems instead of people like you trying to understand the history of racism in this country against black people, you sit in your bubble and say everything is great for black people.  They can live where they want, go to the stores they want, colleges they want. The fact is, that is so far from the truth for black people in this country. A few years ago, I bought a home in a nice development and not too long after my closing, a huge monkey was painted on the fence. So there goes your theory that black people can live in any neighborhood they want. We can live there, but face constant harassment. With all that has transpired regarding George Floyd and the pandemic, you would think that most people would consider this a defining moment in American history. A time that America can finally face the issue of racism against black people in this country. THERE IS STILL SYSTEMATIC RACISM IN THIS COUNTRY! Until people start to accept that, there will be protests to fight the injustices black people have had to face for far too long. Until you walk a mile in the shoes of black people in this country, I really don't think you are qualified to tell black people how many benefits we have to living in this country. Finally, I think it is truly sad that people like you would rather divide this country and make it all about politics. Whether your Democrat or Republican, all of our goals should be to listen to each other and make the necessary changes so that we can all have the benefits that I'm quite sure you have enjoyed.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image75
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Life is a struggle.

      If you think every person walking around with white skin has an upper hand in today's America you are a delusional.

      If you don't realize that there are MORE programs, grants, quotas, etc. in our country today to aid blacks that no white person could take advantage of, you are willfully ignorant.

      If you have a business, and are a minority, are automatically preferred for any government grant or contract.   

      If you run a non-profit program and are using government funds... you often have to choose a minority run business, whether you want to or not.

      There is a wealth of benefits available based on being a minority that are not available to a white person... no matter how poor they are, no matter how qualified they may be.

      This is the way things have been for decades now.

      I know I am not in a bubble, because I have been all over the world, I have run all sorts of programs and dealt with people in the poorest neighborhoods and poorest countries.

      So I know for a fact... the problem is the people that are pushing "racial injustice"  "reparations" the rioters, the looters, the blamers.

      The people minding their damned business trying to get on with their lives are NOT the problem.  The people looking to blame others, or blame an entire race ARE the problem.

      It is you that is in a "bubble" an echo-chamber that has little to do with reality or how the world works.

      As for your "monkey" story... there ARE racists everywhere, in EVERY skin color.  There are neighborhoods that I wouldn't last a night in here in America.  I've had very nice people whom I was helping tell me: I had better have my crew out of the neighborhood before dark.  I understood clearly what they were telling me.

      That's the world we live in... deal with it, make the most of it, move on.

      1. Ewent profile image67
        Ewentposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Life is a struggle? Get over it will you? You righties act as if you own victimhood. Life is a struggle? Why? Because life isn't a pink cloud you can float on?

        Oh poor you. You grew up with every convenience known to mankind. Who struggled to create those conveniences? You?

        You grew up in the lap of luxury, your grandparents worked harder than you ever have on a fraction of the salaries. They didn't sit around on their overfed butts demanding Alexa do it all for them.

        Struggle? What would a right wing EVER know about struggle? Me, Me, Me, Me. Sorry if I am not going to allow you or anyone to play victim when you live like little princes and princesses.

        Trump is not going to get a second term. Even his own Republicans are jumping ;his control freak dictator ship.

        Say bye bye to your right wing big mouthing  and pushing your overfed weight around.

        Change is  coming and you will hate it all. There are always caves for your kind to return to.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image75
          Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          This sounds very apt to be directed at those in the CHAZ... don't you think?

    2. Ken Burgess profile image75
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Life is a struggle.

      If you think every person walking around with white skin has an upper hand in today's America you are a delusional.

      If you don't realize that there are MORE programs, grants, quotas, etc. in our country today to aid blacks that no white person could take advantage of, you are willfully ignorant.

      If you have a business, and are a minority, are automatically preferred for any government grant or contract.   

      If you run a non-profit program and are using government funds... you often have to choose a minority run business, whether you want to or not.

      There is a wealth of benefits available based on being a minority that are not available to a white person... no matter how poor they are, no matter how qualified they may be.

      This is the way things have been for decades now.

      I know I am not in a bubble, because I have been all over the world, I have run all sorts of programs and dealt with people the poorest neighborhoods and poorest countries.

      So I know for a fact... the problem is the people that are pushing "racial injustice"  "reparations" the rioters, the looters, the blamers.

      The people minding their damned business trying to get on with their lives are NOT the problem.  The people looking to blame others, or blame an entire race ARE the problem.

      It is you that is in a "bubble" and echo-chamber that has little to do with reality or how the world works.

      1. Sychophantastic profile image86
        Sychophantasticposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Minorities need to stop whining and start working.

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I have heard apologist excuses like this from the Right from the very beginning. If that is the best that you have, perhaps you should return to obscurity?

          1. Sychophantastic profile image86
            Sychophantasticposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Racism is not going away anytime soon, so we should just learn to deal with it and rise above. If minorities just complain about racism, they will get nowhere in life. That's the problem here, the Antifa movement is sparking protests, asking for government assistance - to level the playing field. This will do nothing but create more animosity and more incidents.

            The situation in the U.S. has improved dramatically since the 1960's and black people have every opportunity that white people do and more. In fact, if anything, it's the white people who are being discriminated against because they're not eligible for the same forms of assistance as black people. Black people go to college for free and white people have to pay.

            Look at George Floyd. Sean Hannity pointed out something liberals simply don't want to acknowledge - President Trump has been the victim of a completely prejudiced system of law enforcement. They've been persecuting him since day one.

            Let's get back to normalcy. Let's bring out the military and instill some law and order in people. Let's get back to work. Nothing will help people more than jobs and a thriving economy.

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Cmon, S, you can't really believe the "stuff" that you are dishing out?

              It is easy to tell others to rise above it, what is it that you have to rise above, assuming that you are white, of course?

              The more people continue to torment others, the more uncomfortable it will be for everybody.

              The brutality of the system that you herald is the reason for the protests, only Trump wants to blame Antifa

              So, we should do nothing, and we are just supposed to stay silent? I repeat the refrain of BLM, No justice, no peace.

              This idea of Black people having acquired parity with whites within this society has been shown statistically time and time again as just another "red herring" from the Right.

              I see no comparison between the circumstances surrounding Trump and the blatant murder of an unarmed man.

              The Right is under pressure from all sides and only die hard encephalitic Trumpers will choose to go down with a sinking ship. If I were you, I would have my life preserver on hand.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image80
            Sharlee01posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            This person is a far-left troll whose only purpose is to stir the pot. This person (he or she) goes overboard with the far-right jargon to work to promote more hate toward Trump and everything Trump.

            Very obvious, and very poor at the job of pulling off being a true troll.

            1. gmwilliams profile image85
              gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              +100000000000000, Sharl!!!!

            2. Sychophantastic profile image86
              Sychophantasticposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I'm so sad you feel that way because like you, I support President Trump and, like you, I accept what he says as the truth. Does that make us both trolls?

              I still love you though because you support President Trump.

        2. Ken Burgess profile image75
          Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          This is wrong.

          44 million people lost their jobs, while States like Texas and Florida minimized the shutdown and lifted it as soon as was prudent... other states like CA, MN, MI carried it on for far longer, and under much more draconian conditions.

          Right now tens of millions of people no longer have jobs to go back to, and in cities like LA, Seattle and NY they suffered under idiotic Mayor rule and lock-downs.

          Prior to this Pandemic/Protest period, the problem for the poor was as I explained above in a recent post.  Globalism, Immigration and Technology were all factoring in to the lowering of wages across the board fro "blue collar" work, as well as job loss in general.

          So this is an issue where those who are at the poverty level have little opportunity, and this is the most severe for black communities... for a variety of reasons, not all of which are due to racism.

          In general the past decade has made it more difficult for most black communities, because as Hispanic communities grow in size equal to white communities, they too, tend to discriminate.  Same will be the case for Asian communities.

          The protestors and progressive left can point the finger at "white privilege" but it is nothing more than tribalism that is inherent in every race... the issue should always be that the System is not biased, that the laws are not biased.

          In the 60s the System and the Laws WERE biased against blacks.

          That is not the case today.

          There may be racism in any community... white, black, hispanic, or asian... good luck trying to rid the world of that in our lifetimes... so long as it is not institutionalized in the State or Federal governments, so long as minorities are afforded rational and enforceable protections, this is all that one should hope for.

          What we have now, intentionally or not, is MISDIRECTION... the poor are being focused on whites as their problem (with a percentage of whites pushing this mantra with more urgency than any minority) but really it is not.

          It is a wages are lowering, jobs are requiring much more skilled training and education, global competition for "blue collar" work is at an all time high problem.

          We were actually doing quite well... and more people than ever were seeing some improvement of opportunity in many parts of the country, until the lock-down.  And here we are... sparked by a senseless murder into focusing on the misdeeds of the past and racism.

  3. profile image50
    blacksheepnationposted 3 years ago

    MAGA: see above.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image75
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The Los Angeles Police Department announced that murders increased by 250 percent last week in the wake of national unrest following the death of George Floyd, and just as Los Angeles officials announced plans to slash the city's police budget by up to $150 million -.9 hours ago

  4. profile image50
    blacksheepnationposted 3 years ago

    If you plan to write a "blog" using Trump & be White's The Elements of Style, it's going to limit your audience, if your chosen subject doesn't clearly mark you as a classic latent racist cliché.

  5. NayNay2124 profile image83
    NayNay2124posted 3 years ago

    Ken, be careful because your racism is showing for all to see. I am very well educated and so are my children. I come from a family that believed in education. My mother graduated from Yale University with her Masters degree. That doesn't mean it came without a lot of racial discrimination. I am retired from the the legal field and I can tell you there is a whole lot of racism in law firms. Don't preach to me about what it takes to make it in this country. I paid my dues and made a way for my children to be successful, but I had to put up with being discriminated against every step of the way. People like you are the reason that America will never be great. You can stay in your bubble, but understand that black people are tired of being treated unfairly and the protests taking place around the country is proof positive that people from all walks of life are protesting with black people because they see what has happened in this country, and they want to see change. The reality is change has to happen in this country or America will pay a huge price. Actually, I think that's what we're seeing now.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image75
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I disagree again.

      I think you are going to be greatly disappointed if you think anything positive is going to come out of this for America.

      I have a much broader view of the world and how all the components thread together than you, clearly.

      One that accuses others of being in a bubble, because they do not like the position they are espousing, are most likely the ones living in a bubble.

      That you had to struggle to get where you are in life, that you had to face racism is not something beholden or belonging specifically to your race.

      You sound more like someone who has lived with privilege, as your mother graduated from Yale with her Masters, and you yourself practiced law.

      I would say its most likely that my dozen years in the military, and many years overseas in foreign countries, and running of non-profit programs that served those below the poverty level leave me in a decent position to understand some of the real issues and true causes of current problems.

      So, to save you from further discourse along these lines, I do not agree with your position, and you certainly aren't going to sway me from mine, the tact of "You are racist and I know it because I have experienced it all my life" has no impact whatsoever nor does it validate your opinion or make it any more legitimate.

  6. NayNay2124 profile image83
    NayNay2124posted 3 years ago

    Ken, what makes you an authority on the components of how the world works? You sound totally ridiculous, clearly. And your sideline cheerleader sounds just as ridiculous. We will all see how this plays out in November.


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