Grow UP Please

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 4 years ago
    On Sunday, June 14, 2020 ABC "This Week" program , Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson who is also a renowned neurosurgeon asserted that America needs to stop being so offended over everything & grow up. Dr. Carson further stated on the program that America has the habit of dissecting everything & assigning nefarious meanings to it.  Dr. Carson maintained cited examples of people wanting to take down statues of people who were known for racism.  Dr. Carson proclaimed that this is oversensitivity.  Dr. Carson added that there were universities who participated in the slave trade.  Dr. Carson stated that this reaction is extreme & that Americans should stop being so sensitive. Stacy Abrams, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, countered that America isn't being overly sensitive but rightfully protesting societal injustices.  Do you agree w/Dr. Carson?  Why?  Why not?

    1. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Carson, (Uncle Ben) should stick to neurosurgery. Carson just Is sticking up for  the Trump regime.

      I will go with Ms. Abrams....

      1. Ken Burgess profile image68
        Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Indeed, we must tear down the very fabric of our society, the very roots from which it formed must be exposed, torn down, to be rebuilt anew.

        The revolution has begun, and it must be completed,

        1. gmwilliams profile image84
          gmwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this


        2. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I am for serious reform, not revolution. For those chronically problematic aspects associated with it "roots and fabric" change may well be necessary.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image68
            Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            The time for dialogue and compromise is past, normal politics will not bring the changes you seek, will not end the corruption that twists and infects every effort in Congress.

            Sometimes it takes a tidal wave to wash clean the coastline of all that had been built there, the decaying structures, the collapsing roads leading to dead ends.  Only then can something new and meaningful be built.

            “We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

            “What country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” – Thomas Jefferson

            You have accepted failure and a continuation of everything you despise most, if you choose to accept Biden as acceptable, a better alternative to Trump. 

            Biden embodies all that is wrong with Washington, the very reasons that led to Trump in the first place... he is an iconic symbol of all that was and is wrong with our government today, he is a packaged puppet put forth to the people, nothing more than a front man to cover for all the corruption pulling his strings.

      2. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        You might be right Cred, he's just another Uncle Tom, (that is what you meant wasn't it?)

        But look at some of his quotes;

        " America needs to stop being so offended over everything & grow up."

        That sure reminds me of that old adage about "Sticks and stones . . ."  Is that no longer valid either?

        It appears we have now become so fragile that a micro-trigger insult is as harmful as a punch to the face. I think Uncle Ben nailed this one.

        "America has the habit of dissecting everything & assigning nefarious meanings to it. "

        Hmm . . . that sounds like a good description of our new PC lexicon. You know, the one with micro-aggressions and micro-triggers, and dog whistles.

        "Americans should stop being so sensitive"

        Amen Brother Ben, where do I sign-up?


        1. gmwilliams profile image84
          gmwilliamsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          America has indeed become overly sensitive to the most minute slights.  It is so easy to become offended.  I agree w/Dr. Carson that America needs to be toughen up & grow up.   In part, this oversensitivity is rooted in the helicopter, microparenting syndrome where children are overly coddled & sheltered.  As a result of such parenting, people are become highly offended at things that are outside their purview.  The reaction is either retreat or crush the opposition.  Good night, Gus.

        2. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Over sensitive? We, over the past week, witnessed a murder of a man on video by law enforcement officials that has galvanized the entire planet. A. Murder which has had racial overtones and a problem that have been ignored by so many for so long. You ought to know better, I have explained to you the nature of the problem and you said that you "got it".

          There is a lot to be offended over, what did you expect Trump's handpicked lackey to say? It is more like a punch in the face that is politically being reduced to a mere micro-trigger insult.

          Being sensitive or insensitive depends on whether it is your ox being gored or not.

          The ubiquitous video camera is showing much of who we really are behind all of the "niceties"

          Yes, Carson is a weak Uncle Tom, the only black Republican( as if there are that many) that Trump could get that would have anything to do with him. Trump only used him as a way to present an impression of a racially divers cabinet. C. Rice and Colin Powell disassociated themselves early on.

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            That was a bit of extreme extrapolation, doncha think?

            Equating being upset about a tragic murder to being offended by a verbal insult?

            I guess I don't 'get it' because I don't think any of my references to Mr. Carson's statements were at all related to whether I "got it" with regards to racism.

            I spoke to specific statements Cred. You spoke to the man. Not the same thing. And speaking of understanding being offended, how offensive do you think your "Uncle Tom" slander was? Nothing 'Micro' about that is there?


            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              An "Uncle Tom" is synonymous with a "sell out" and such, I consider it a denigrating term hardly a racial slur.

              I could have misunderstood your meaning.

              His specific statements are inaccurate as to the reality of what is happening, in an attempt to mitigate its magnitude. He was the one that had to "struggle" with not agreeing with Trump's assertion that he has been the greatest president for African Americans since Abe Lincoln. Who can possibly equivocate over the absolute insanity of such a statement? My problem with white folks is that too many of them want to tell me how I should react to things, while speaking from their side of the plate glass window.

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                I apparently really don't get it. I can't see how "Uncle Tom" can be anything but a racial slur.

                I don't agree at all that his statements " are inaccurate as to the reality of what is happening." I think they exactly represent reality. They just don't represent the issue you are applying them to, and I agree with that, but that is not how I think they were meant to apply. *shrug

                And finally . . . those "white folks" . . . It was a black folk that was telling you that, and if you weren't strictly relating them to the Floyd-type tragedies I think you might see the truth in them also.

                Didn't your mom ever tell you that words can't hurt you unless you let them? Mine did.

                Don't you think we have reached a stage in our public discourse in which every word or phrase is examined for possible hidden meanings and codes? Of course, there are plenty of instances where that is the case, but I don't think there are so many instances that warrant the scrutiny, parsing, and condemnation that we see nowadays.

                It is my perception that most civil folks, (speaking for myself), now have to consider everything they say, least something in our words offend someone, somehow. Have you not experienced this?

                Hells bells, I wouldn't even think of inviting black guests to dinner and asking if they would like fried chicken for dinner—even though I cook some delicious fried chicken that rivals Col. Sanders' (OMG! He didn't really say that!) ;-)


                1. Credence2 profile image80
                  Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Didn't your mom ever tell you that words can't hurt you unless you let them? Mine did
                  Most appropriate for children, but for adults words have power and resonance whether used well or carelessly by those that want to be the leaders.

                  Don't you think we have reached a stage in our public discourse in which every word or phrase is examined for possible hidden meanings and codes?

                  GA, have you ever heard the term "dog whistle"? I have found it not difficult to avoid most of the land mines associated with being offensive to others. I often times have to to shush my Hawaiian spouse as being too indelicate and forthright in her communications with others. Using the word haeolie is not always well received by everyone in polite conversation, for example.

                  Not to question your culinary skills, GA, but Col. Sanders KFC is not a good yardstick to use. Since the old gentlemans death in 1980, standards have fallen to dismal levels. He would be turning over in his grave in disgust as to what his once great confection has become.

                  I met the gentleman as a teen at Denver's Stapleton Airport in 1971 and still have his autograph, somewhere.

                  1. GA Anderson profile image82
                    GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    What? You actually got away with shushing your wife? That gives me the shivers just thinking about it.


      3. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure where you feel you have the right to judge Ben Carson. In my opinion, he is a wonderfully accomplished human being. He certainly has more than earned the right via his education, as well as his life experience to give an opinion as a black man on racism.  You might want to read a bit about Mr. Carson's life journey, before dismissing him as Uncle Ben...  He is a very accomplished human being that certainly does not deserve a glib remark. One would think another black man would be proud of this man's accomplishments. Ben Carson is out there making a difference, not sitting home talking about making things better.  Perhaps your very attitude of wanting change yet doing nothing concrete to bring it about is part of the systemic problem of the black community. Ben, he strived to make a difference, and he has. He is a black man that should be praised for all his hard work, not called uncle Ben. … index.html

        He is doing a good job as HUD director, yet media has not covered his accomplishments. … _No_20_001

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I have every right to judge him as indirectly he works for me. I don't say that he is not accomplished man, but he is not good an everything. That in itself is a fallacy. He came to the job with not a lick of administrative experience for a cabinet level position. Surely, Sharlee, I don't have to tell you that there can well be a difference between being an accomplished neurosurgeon and a successful administrator. We are not a monolithic group, yet most of do not trust Trump and must believe that anyone he appoints is just going reflect Trump views and attitudes whether they are in blackface or not.

          I am proud of anyone, male, female, white or black that stands for the values that I stand for and what conservatives can never accept nor appreciate. So, as always, we remain at an impasse.

          He was merely placed there to preside over Trump's attempt to destroy the agency, anyway. Volunteer to be the captain of a sinking ship.

          I will read the press release, knowing already that it is propaganda from the administration and get back with you.

  2. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 4 years ago

    GA and Sharlee, perhaps I was hasty, as I don't trust Trump to not surround himself with people that would, from a rightwing standpoint, seriously address the concerns of our communities

    I was impressed with this and his doing it on his own initiative, consequently I will back off and for a time my log will remain open. … 87181.html

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you...  Dr. Carson is a hero here in Detroit, someone we all look up to. I had hoped I would be able to vote for him for president.

      I hope that Trump chose him due to all his accomplishments, and his wonderful intelligence. He is a methodical man that seems to have worked very hard to accomplish his goals. Hopefully, you will just do a bit of research on Dr. Carson. He was truly overlooked in the 2016 Republican primaries. In my view, he would have made a great president.

    2. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      See, I knew there was hope for you. ;-)

      I am going to pop over to My Esoteric's "Trump Lies etc." thread and post this blurb from your link.

      "Trump in April tasked the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council -- led by Carson -- with addressing inequities in the African American community after the number of coronavirus cases climbed in that demographic group.

      A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study of 14 states conducted in March found that African Americans were almost twice as likely to be hospitalized than other individuals who were confirmed to have the disease. The study found that 33 percent of hospitalized coronavirus patients were black.

      Carson and other black leaders the president has asked to look into the issue, including Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, are preparing recommendations to present at the White House"

      It must be a lie. Or else it was malfeasance for waiting until April when the CDC study came out in March. Or just an unfunded, under-staffed token effort. Or . . . 



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