Who watched the Town Hall on CNN where Biden said Black and Brown people didn't know how to use the Internet so that they couldn't get in line for a shot? That qualifies as a racist, rambling mess at best.
Biden has on several occasions said disparaging things in regards to black people's inteligence. It would appear if one put the different disparaging statements together one may see he mostly refers to their intelligence or stereotyping them in regards to cleanliness, using drugs, and as in regards to Obama --- he was surprised that he was articulate. Not sure if his cognitive skills are not to blame for these kinds of statements. When he is on his own he seems to slip into an unfiltered Biden. If he is on a monitor he does better.
"A lot of people don’t know how to register,” Biden said in a CNN town hall. “Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and, or inner-city districts know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens.” Joe Biden
https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-cnn- … rtnerships
Yes. That is what he said. It's racist and so un-American.
When Biden was running a did a lot of reach into his past, and he has a very long history of making a racist remark. Can a one change? Not sure, but in Biden's case, his remarks have not stopped.
Then why the f*** did he get in as president? I knew he was bad
I think people were just exhausted, beat down with everything Trump. The media dismantled every word that came out of Trump's mouth, as well as his policies. Making him the "enemy of the people". My thought voters would have drifted to anyone the Democrats ran. I think he won the primary due to having the cash to outlast the others. The majority of voters held their nose and voted against Trump, not for Biden. I don't think many knew his history or took the time to research him or they may not have voted for him. I think they wanted Trump gone, that simple.
Yeah. Same thing when people voted for Trump. To avoid Hillary.
Politics is messed up. Our choices are not good....
It is exactly the same. Some of us wanted a very new kind of president, one that was transparent, not a politician. I also liked that he was a businessman and someone that would disrupt the status quo. Now -- we have now backtracked... Go figure. Yeah, politics are messed up and getting much worse. Anything goes at this point. And it's getting downright evil.
I agree. A sad day when everything that comes out of the mouth is twisted.
Kenna, do you listen to yourself or has your account been hacked?
- Sincerely, a long-time HubPages acquaintance.
I definitely laughed out loud on this one as well. Again, the double standard is impressive.
The belief that Trump has honor, nobility, or was a truth-teller is the obvious one.
Well, I wasn't asking you. But, I never mention Trump. I was speaking in general terms. These are qualities few and far between, unfortunately.
As clearly evidenced by omitting the question Biden was asked at the Town Hall, and then interpreting his words through your own lens in the original post to mean something completely different from the relevant answer that Biden gave, and that was more than appropriate for the question he was asked.
You really can't deal with the fact tens of millions of people find him quite impressive.
Is it because you are afraid we're right?
Is it because you can handle not being in control of another person's thoughts and beliefs?
Is is because so many people believe you to be wrong?
It's just amazing how you can't handle this...typical liberal think.
You can believe whatever you want....as long as it is something I believe is correct.
The popularity of President Donald Trump remains high.
"59% of Republican respondents in Tuesday’s Morning Consult/Politico poll said Trump should “play a major role” in the future of the Republican Party, up 18 points compared to the survey taken January 6 to January 7, just after the riots"
https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieport … 2b824237e1
What I'm actually afraid of is that he has programmed people like you and Sharlee to rebel against your own government and put police in danger. Despite that, as you say, millions find being turned against your own government to be impressive.
I handle it fine, I consider it a community service trying to protect our police from people like that who are so susceptible to obvious lies and manipulation.
And those 59% willing to still follow him, I consider them an imminent threat to the United States.
Did you ever consider maybe it is YOU who have been programmed? The military LOVES President Donald Trump. So do most people in uniform. He respects them more than any previous president. Veterans love President Donald Trump. I can tell you from a personal perspective the VA improved a thousand percent after he took office. He put American first. Renegotiated important trade deals, got us out of disaster deals the democrats started. He had the courage to the Israel embassy, and so much more.
See, its not about "programming" its about his achievements, taking the huge lies and underhanded behavior of the left and keep going that makes many of us admire him so much. He didn't need to be president. He had quite a nice life, but put it all on the line because he believed in the United States.
You may not believe this but his popularity among Republicans has only increased since he left office.
Those of us who admire him have many good reasons.
I will give credit where it's due with Trump's improvements to the VA. He did a nice job there. But with everything you listed after that, you ignored the numerous slights against members of the military like McCain, the Khans, John Kelly's son, his 'stop the count' which would have disenfranchised military votes, lying about the severity of the injuries in Iraq's response to his assassination of one of that country's generals, failure to sanction the Russians in regards to the bounty story.
But saying the military loves Trump when exit polling from 2020 shows the disparity at 52% for Trump and 45% for Biden, down from a (60-34 split in 2016), isn't as certain as you claim. And according to the Military Times, Biden was favored with active duty (41% to 37%) and veterans aged 34-54 by 51% to 40%. Trump only carried veterans 55 and above.
It's not programming to rely on data for opinions, unlike your statement of making blind claims when the data says something quite different. Trump told you the military loves him, and you just believe it because it agrees with your own stance.
And again, you prove that fact by falsely claiming his popularity has only increased since he left office. His support among the GOP was in the 90's late in his term. It's down to 81% currently with many people changing their party affiliation since the election.
https://www.npr.org/2021/02/01/96224618 … heir-party
Senator Mitt Romney said that he believes former President Donald Trump would win the Republican presidential nomination if he ran for office in 2024.
"He has by far the largest voice and a big impact in my party," Romney said at a New York Times DealBook virtual event on Tuesday. "I don't know if he'll run in 2024 or not, but if he does, I'm pretty sure he will win the nomination."
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mitt-romne … can-party/
And we're all praying he does. The turnout from the Democrats would be even higher than it was in 2024. For as much as he has inspired a passionate following, he has pushed so many away from the GOP and revealed himself to be incapable of managing a crisis such as Covid, as well as being a direct threat to democracy.
I have always said that one really good result of that awful four years is that it clearly demonstrated to otherwise apathetic people that it does matter who is president.
Yeah, Biden k-harris are doing such a great job. Puh..leeze!
He will win in an election without fraud. That is something Democrats don't seem to be able to manage.
Fraud to a conservative is when Governors and Secretaries of State try and make voting safer for their constituents during a pandemic. But they ignore it when it's done in states they won and only complain about states that they lost. In essence, they want people in states where they are not as popular to risk their lives to be able to exercise their rights under the Constitution while thinking it's acceptable in the states where they are popular.
It's quite the double standard of what the right would call 'free and fair' elections.
The problem is even if the Democrats did cheat to win the election, you'll never find any proof of it because if what happened during the GameStop and Robinhood incident is any indication, big tech companies have shown they'll cover up things that make them look bad.
Not saying I believe the election was fixed. There was already an investigation of it to my understanding and they found nothing so I'm inclined to believe he won fair and square. Don't get me wrong if evidence surfaced that proved it was rigged I wouldn't be surprised but for right now, I have to assume the best man won the last election. It's as simple as that.
And even if we did assume the election was rigged, then why would you think they wouldn't do it again in 2024? Not saying it will be but I'm genuinely curious.
Guess it all depends on the news source you read.
"You really can't deal with the fact tens of millions of people find him quite impressive.
Is it because you are afraid we're right?
Is it because you can handle not being in control of another person's thoughts and beliefs?
Is is because so many people believe you to be wrong?"
Regardless, there are still those millions that are hardly impressed and many among those who are appalled. What explanation for his losing? I did not vote for him. If he was so loved and popular, I would have expected a landslide, but no, he is the first president in almost 30 years denied a second term. Quite a milestone, no?
I think that your man will be well snarled in civil suits and tax fraud matters to keep him busy for a while. I doubt that he will available in 2024 to stir up any more mischief.
When did stating an empirical fact become racist and un-American? Because you want it to be?
Biden pointed out a real problem that exists today in those communities and wants to find a way to fix it. Leave it to some to try and turn that into being racist.
Would his statement have been less offensive if he had included older and less educated white folks?
Yes, it was a gaffe as stated, but . . . is it untrue?
He could have said, folks... And not labeled anyone. You know some folks don't have a PC or internet service.
Is it untrue? No, it would not be untrue that some may not have PCs or internet service. As I pointed out this is not a new habit, Biden has said derogatory statements throughout his career. So, do you feel by pointing them out I am out of order? I will tell you the only way I became aware of his derogatory statements was due to really digging into his history during the election. I do this every presidential election.
So, it almost seems like you may feel I should have changed up Biden's words, just added that grain of salt. I actually was so taken back listening to the Townhall when he made that statement. Yeah, guess I could have replaced a few words, and wrote it off as a gaffe. However, my mind added it to a pretty long list.
I responded to the subject of the thread. I offered my opinion on the statement. Yes, I could have taken your route, but that would not be my opinion, that would be your's...
My point was about the clash between political correctness and truth. I can hear his statement without hearing racism, but I can also recognize that racism can be heard in that statement if the listener wants to hear it, simply because it is politically incorrect to say such things.
I could certainly see your point if he had no history of such statements. It would have rolled off my back. I guess I have looked too far into his past, and unearth some real ugliness. You don't find his history of such statements add to what one could perceive as these statements start piling up? Not sure I want to hear it, but I did... And I could just imagine what it would feel like to be pointed out in such a fashion. His statement was true... His words were unfiltered and pointed out blacks and Hispanics as being lesser intelligent.
"The other thing we found is -- I'm sorry to go on, but this is really important to me -- the other part -- portion is a lot of people don't know how to register. Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts know how to use -- know-how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at Walgreen's or at the particular store."
This context is very clear... He could have used words like citizens, folks, people., American's. He chose to use words that directly pointed out Blacks and Hispanics. Did he not?
The problem here is we are looking at his words differently. I am looking at the larger picture due to having gathered history on many of the statements in regard to stereotyping. So, this certainly makes me more aware of words that stand out to indicate stereotyping. Whereas you, may not be in any respect aware of some of the derogatory things he has said. I reached my opinion due to prior information.
I think Biden is on the side of the evil people who CREATED this BS covid. I knew it in my gut,,,,,day freaking one. That this is NOT AN ACCIDENT.
the evil ones want to kill the elderly and certain races who are more vulnerable to it as it was designed. I know this. It doesn't take a genius.
After doing as much research as the internet allows I have come to the conclusion Biden is in no respect presidential material. I think people flocked to him due to his calm persona, his ability to take advice, and the thought that he would have many around him to help him run the country. So far he has proved me right, he has pretty much put Obama's old band back together, and is putting his policies back in place. He is an old-time politician, tell them what they want to hear, drop your voice into a whisper for a dramatic effect, Gets them every time. He makes lots of promises and most likely will keep few. It's a shell game. And most politicians play it.
I will agree with you, I feel he is in China's back pocket. That is just my opinion. Time will tell. I think he cares little for American's as a whole, I think he is a dyed-in-the-wool politician that hopes to keep the Diem's in power. I have been following his actions closely, and the media is not really covering them well. I think the country is headed for deep trouble with Joe at the helm. Hope to be proven wrong on that.
Can you explain how you made the leap to he is a racist? That he believes he is superior to another/other races because he is white?
Here is the full quote: (Link to Town Hall at Sharlee's post)
"The other thing we found is -- I'm sorry to go on, but this is really important to me -- the other part -- portion is a lot of people don't know how to register. Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner city districts know how to use -- know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreen's or at the particular store."
Maybe he knows something many don't. A look on the web we discover a study by American Institute Research saying:
"Adults who are not digitally literate are, on average, less educated, older, and more likely to be Black, Hispanic, or foreign born, compared to digitally literate adults. Compared to digitally literate adults, adults who are not digitally literate have a lower rate of labor force participation and tend to work in lower skilled jobs."
https://www.air.org/resource/descriptio … y-literate
Should Biden perhaps consider the persona, how would be perceived by others? Was there a need to stereotype at all? His statement itself is true, but why add words that are unnecessary pointing to race?
If this was just a one-time gaffe, I know I would not have picked it up as being possibly racist. Biden is known for this type of stereotyping. He has made public statements that mirror the one I posted throughout his history in Washington.
To give him the benefit of a doubt, As I shared in a previous comment here ---, it could be a problem that he is unaware of due to cognitive problems. It does appear when he is off-script he makes gaffes. This simply does provide a look into his personality.
Individuals will judge him differently due to these gaffes. That's human nature. We all form opinions on what we observe don't we?
To put it succinctly I addressed the OP. The context was the Town Hall meeting where Biden answered a question by participant:
"AUDIENCE MEMBER: God bless you. Mr. President, hello. My name is Dr. Dessie Levy (ph). And my question to you is considering COVID 19 and its significant impact on black Americans, especially here in Milwaukee and thus, the exacerbation of our racial disparities in health care, we have seen less than three percent of blacks and less than five percent of Hispanics given the total number of vaccines that have been administered to this point.
Is this a priority for the Biden administration? And how will the disparities be addressed? And that's both locally and nationally."
So, as opinion, I felt he was addressing the question. Maybe I am wrong.
The rest of what you shared I will admit I have not studied Biden as you have, thus am ignorant to his past.
Naturally, I did see the question you posted. I did not bring it into this conversation.
"BIDEN: Well, first of all, it is a priority, number one. Number two, there's two reasons for it being the way it is. Number one, there is some history of blacks being used as guinea pigs in other experiments as I need not tell you, Doctor, over the last 50 to 75 to 100 years in America. So there is a concern about getting the vaccine whether it's available or not. But the biggest part of this is access --"
I think due to Biden's history of making stereotypic remarks I see the comment differently. I am willing to admit after reading a few of the comments that I could have been too quick to jump... Hard to not read into the remark, he really aimed directly at Blacks and Hispanics and referred to their lack of intellect.
I see your point, and it's a good one. The subject was truly put forth to Biden. I do think Biden could have used better words when addressing the subject. Maybe words like American's, folks, many people. But your point is really good, and it could set Biden's statement in the context he meant it to be.
Thank you for the reply. Yet, I was puzzled by the Biden quote only thinking it was as support for Biden making racial gaffes. Again, I don't know his history, but sometime in the future I may research it. However, I was curious why Biden may have said that.
Knowing this was a social exchange between him and Dr. Levy, I had only read the transcript, and read the question I suspected the person was Black. That was confirmed watching the Town Hall meeting video following at 13:38 learning it is a Black woman. I also noted as he said it she was shaking her head yes in agreement.
https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/202 … 16-vpx.cnn
His reply to me is in regard to the hesitancy of Blacks to get the vaccine. So, since she is an educated Black woman perhaps he thought she knew of the Tuskegee study, Henrietta Lacks case, and the feelings in general of the Black community toward the medical community. I had to do some research into that to form my opinion found at the following link for WebMD.
https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19 … ust-doubts
So, as opinion, I don't think it was a gaffe. Adding to at that WebMD article I discovered there is a Biden-Harris COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force. Maybe, again, he knows something many don't because of briefings. I dun'no. I will say he did not offer a solution at that time for how to overcome it.
I have been really thinking about my initial response and reading your very common sense analogy of Biden's statement. I watched the clip one more time. I think I see your point. I think Biden actually was giving a very descript opinion, being honest that he felt had to involve race and economic status. What he said was true.
He offered little of anything but walking back some of his previous statements, and lot's flowery words, that in the end meant nothing to hang one's hat on. I was a bit surprised not to see someone start a thread here on a few other things he said at the town hall that almost had me falling off my chair. The entire interview left me feeling --- my God this man fit in many respects is not fit to run the country. Just my Conservative opinion... LOL
I hope he proves me wrong. So, I like how you communicate, very straightforward, wonderfully polite, with no overtones you do not in any respect hide your thoughts trying to please others. So, I feel comfortable asking. What did you think about Biden's controvertible statement on China/ Uyghurs?
If one reads the entire conversation on the subject, is he once again just being brutally honest with his remark that referred to the genocide of Uighur Muslims in China's western region of Xinjiang as a “different norm”? This statement is ultimately true. The camps are now part of China's culture.
Thank you for the reply and your sentiments. But . . . I have to give warning I may shoot from the hip in the future
(Note: My PC closed my post, so I am editing at this point forward)
To be frank politics and governance overwhelms my knowledge and experience. I am learning slowly. Until 2014 I always voted Republican lock step because my dad was one. I switched to Independent because I really don't know which party I preferred and have been on a journey since. I kinda' like being Independent.
Regard your question I am not knowledgeable about what is taking place in China. I did not read/watch the whole Town Hall, so don't know what Biden said or his position. I may look into it since you asked and now curious. We'll see.
Well, that's ok too... Many here do, hell I certainly do. I just needed to point out at this point you certainly stand out as someone that comes across well versed in the subject matter, and polite when you add a comment. I actually think you shoot from the hip, but you can hit the mark, without a flurry of bullets flying all over the place.
I really like that you are a conservative who is ready to look at the facts and have a change of opinion if only more people on both sides of the aisle were open-minded.
What did Biden say about the Uighur Muslims in China? I just did some Googling and found this https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-17/ … s/13164206 There is nothing wrong with his approach from what I've seen.
Thank you. I am big on context. I have come to know one must mix in human nature traits, behaviors, and characteristics, and it can become more apparent how one comes to their opinion and how they verbalize it verbally.
Biden is a baby boomer, and being a baby boomer I am very aware of some of us have a habit of being very "wordy" so to say. And with our age, I think we can easily say we have wisdom.
Both Trump and Biden have these tendencies, they both get themselves in trouble with their words. Their words are not well filtered. Just my opinion. I think I have become so accustomed to deciphering Trump's words to put them in context, I am doing the same with Biden's words.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt on his Uighur comment. I will give him some time to see how he deals with the problem. Hopefully, Nations around the world will work together to help stop the torture of the Uighurs.
I like your thought about "filtering our words." In my Brita world, I try to filter my words to not be intentionally offensive, but it appears that in today's times we are demanding our speech adapt to a ZeroWater world.
I think when communicating online it can become a problem at times to filter one's words. I think in-person communication skills pour over into online conversations, forgetting the person on the other end just does not know you in the person, your actual personality, or character. The person on the other end does not see your facial expressions or hear the tone of your comment. It's hard to really get to know a person online. It seems filtering one's words may be the smartest way to go. Although, is one really able to share a true opinion, and is the back and forth worth it at that point? I have found forums can be different in what the majority feels is acceptable in regard to openness, boundaries. It really depends on the collection of users.
In my experience, I think baby boomers can start out with patience, using the hell out of that filter. And after a time, some of us can end up knee-deep in foggy well-water.
Your comments are always well filtered, yet you get your point across very well without your opinion suffering.
I am a very intuitive person (due to being exposed to all kinds of people as a nurse) and I at times can feel your tolerance wearing thin. I admire you have the fortitude, to step away, this is admirable, and makes for a good communicator.
Filtering words is a common practice today. It has its plus points. Since we no longer socialize in person, these forums have become the alternative. The cracker barrel or coffee shop conversations are long gone. I hope they come back because that is how you can nurture friendships. If someone says something wrong or is misunderstood, friends are more forgiving and try harder to understand. On forums or social media, forgiveness is rare because it's not about friendships.
Welll . . . . Over the years I have come to view many forum participants as friends.
I can understand that. I have several friends via forums and social media. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. These friendships are not the same as in-person friendships.
I know what you mean, but I'm trying to find out which statement you refer to. You say you give him the benefit of doubt, that's fine, but I can't seem to find the exact words that are up for debate.
Here is the entire conversation in regards to Biden's statement about cultural norms ---
"COOPER: You just talked to China's president, I believe. (referring to Bidens Phone all with Xi.)
BIDEN: Yes, for two hours.
COOPER: What about the Uyghurs? What about human rights abuses in China?
BIDEN: The Uyghurs---
We must speak up for human rights. It's who we are. We can't -- my comment to him was -- and I know him well, and he knows me well. We're -- a two-hour conversation.
COOPER: You talked about this to him?
BIDEN: I talked about this too.
And that's not so much refugee, but I talked about it. I said, look -- Chinese leaders, if you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been the time China when has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven't been unified at home.
So, the central -- to vastly overstate it, the central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united, tightly controlled China. And he uses his rationale for the things he does base on that. I point out to him, no American president can be sustained as a president if he doesn't reflect the values of the United States. --- And so the idea I'm not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uyghurs in western mountains of China, and Taiwan, trying to end the One-China policy by making it forceful, I said -- by the way, he said he gets it.
CULTURALLY, there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow. --- But my point was that when I came back from meeting with him and traveling 17,000 miles with him when I was vice president and he was the vice president -- and that's how I got to know him so well, at the request of President Hu -- not a joke -- his predecessor, President Hu, and President Obama wanted us to get to know one another, because he was going to the president." https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-cnn- … rtnerships
You would need to watch a video to really get to see the depth of his confusion, he drifted off subject and seemed very much confused at this point.
Again Biden was being truthful it has become a norm that China commit inhumane crimes against its citizens. However, Biden seemed very none compassionate, his demeaner demeanor was inappropriate. One could say he sluffed it all off very lightly, and went on to tell a story about himself and President Hu...
I will give him the benefit of the doubt due to I don't think he is cognitively sound or appropriate at times. When he is left without a script he flounders. One just never knows what he might say.
Yes, it does sum it up. I watched the Town Hall several times. Not trying to be unkind, but not about to skirt what I saw with my own eyes. He rambled on and it progressed as time went on. I noticed this happens in some of his prior interviews. Hey, this is my opinion. I am sure others may see it differently. Being a nurse I may pick up little things other would not.
I find your observations correct. We need to be aware of his health concern as citizens. After all, he is supposedly running our country.
I think if his condition were to get worse his wife and those around him will make sure to get him help, and he would step aside if need be. At this point, he has surrounded himself with qualified people that he listens to. Which is a positive quality. It is unsettling to have a president that IMO does at times appear confused. I have not been able to find any information in regard to if he has had any cognitive assessments done in the past or if he takes any form of medications to improve his cognitive state.
When I watched the Presidential debates, the only one that was demonstratively out of control and unhinged was Donald Trump. Yet conservatives say that is his "personality", right....
I certainly know which madness alternative I prefer.
Well, I think the debate you speak of was a disaster in many ways. Made me ashamed to realize this is where the country is at this point. I have mentioned before here on HP I think Trump has a personality disorder. He was in no respect confused. But I certainly can see your point. It's a shame we need to think about or choose between which man is less mad.
I agree, Sharlee. Like I posted earlier about qualities that are lacking. We need leaders.
Fair enough, i just considered that "personality disorder" more dangerous than any claims regarding Biden and dementia.
History has shown that the world had not been split asunder by those perceived to be demented but by those with "personality disorders"
I'll take the person who knows his own limitations and aims to surround himself with a diverse and experienced representation that reflects our country's makeup over the guy who thinks he's an expect at everything despite multiple examples of reading and writing at a remedial level.
Valeant, I believe that the ability to surround yourself with competent people that you actually listen to is a valued quality whether you are demented or not.
I concur with your comment.
Trump's tendency toward self-promotion and baseless obstinance against those with superior knowledge and experience made him a loose cannon and thereby far more dangerous.
So, very true... However, I have to quote Joe, from one of the Madea movies--- "Did ya die"? Just making a funny here ... We lived, he is gone.
It is true many historical dictators that were very bad people were thought to have personality disorders.
And as I have stated somewhere back in this very thread --- Biden has many very qualified people around him, and he does seem to respect other views. This is a positive.
Thanks, what you expressed is pretty much my point of view.
I only fear his being too conciliatory toward the other side to the point that gridlock prevents the successful rollout of his agenda and plan.
Now, I will be honest. In my gut, I think he will push for much of what he has promised to the left. He was supported by a good majority of American's that are expecting him to keep his progressive promises. He has many far left in his ear, and he seems to listen. I think he will try to push his agenda. Will gridlock occurs, probably, it always does. I am with you I would hope they find a way to work together.
I think it's time to work with "the one we got"... We all need to keep an eye on what's going on now in Washington. I won't be kept in the dark by becoming stagnant in the past. We need Government that does the work for the people.
You are one of the few people in this forum that generates a degree of comfort from both sides of the divide, encouraging continued communication.
But, I am sure that you have heard this before. But now it comes from the 50,000 watt voice of the American Left, as much of a polar opposite of the other side as you will find.
Kudos to you and thanks........
Today we have such political polarization, and in some respects, it has only gotten worse after the election. I thought things would get better, improve. Perhaps lead to less toxic language and less personal insults. Just is not happening. It seems we need to give each other space and understanding. Maybe that will lead to a middle ground, a coming together.
I really believe if one can balance political polarization, and uses less toxic language it can lead to having longer more meaningful debates. We can learn, and not become stuck in political mud. I have learned from our conversations, due to you being very clear, offering a form of calm honesty.
It really is difficult to have debates with some people. When you have people believing the dumbest things such as the "snow is fake" there's no debate that can be had. You did not pass 4th grade, science class. There are similar traits with many on these forums. They do not know the most basic of sciences and they argue as though they are doctorates in the subject.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Whether Biden spoke well or not is an opinion. Fake votes based on no fact but conspiracy, just like fake snow in Texas based on conspiracy has no founding. It can be hard to really debate with this.
"It really is difficult to have debates with some people. When you have people believing the dumbest things such as the "snow is fake" there's no debate that can be had. "
In most cases, your frustration is probably because you are not trying hard enough. :-0
It might even be said that if you are stymied by a "the snow is fake" rebuttal you are losing the debate. That can only mean that your arguments are ineffective. Even a "yeah but . . ." response to your argument would be a win, even if you couldn't change any minds.
'just say'n' *poke, poke*
Haha, GA you always look at the facts and at times we come to different conclusions but you look at the right facts which I respect.
But anyone, anyone who thinks the snow is fake and that Bill Gates did it does not deserve a reply from me. Why you may ask, well I am not going to give them a primary school education. If they were kids, sure, but they are not and they are steadfast in their stand that it is fake. Science would help explain what is truth and what is not, but they do not understand any science, so there's no starting point.
I am not looking to change the minds of those people. They are lost souls. All I can do is have pity on the way they view the world and the absolute lack of control they believe they possess.
I was glad to see your "Ha Ha" Brandon. You took my comment as it was intended—as a good-natured poke. I meant what I said, but I didn't say it as criticism.
It seems our reasons for participating here are different. I enjoy discussions here, not necessarily debates. Although they can many times turn into semi-debates, I rarely view them as such.
And obviously. contrary opinions make for some of the best discussions. Most times I am out to change someone's mind, but that is because I think my view is right and theirs is wrong. I almost never participate in choir room discussions because there is no benefit to either participant.
As for the rest of your comment, re. "primary school education," belief in science, etc., I don't hold such a critical stance. There are many types of education, and most science changes. I think arguing science is what makes believing in proven science such a strong position. Here is a piece of red meat to make my point; I believe climate change is real, and mostly correctly interpreted, but unlike you, (a perception), I don't believe it is settled science and that many aspects remain unproven to be settled science.
Anyway, this was a nice exchange, but we probably shouldn't hijack this thread to pursue it.
Threads are usually hijacked, but, yes, let's not do that.
Regarding my primary school education, I was referring to the fake snow issue and not climate change, vaccinations or anything else. Climate science is not primary school and there are many people who would not know about it even if they completed their schooling. Even though they are both science, one of them does not deserve interaction. Ignore the bully and he gets fed up of trying is how I deal with certain conspiracy theorists.
Well, you probably know me as anti-Trump, while that is true, I am not a fan of most of the US presidents since they have all had a part in starting in many cases unwanted wars. Trump did not begin any wars, but he was much worse in almost every other way and one of the reasons I despise him is because he put science on the back foot while propaganda was allowed to flourish. This is something that will stick on for decades, at the least.
So when I look at Biden speak now it is without any love for him because I am no democrat nor am I a US citizen. I do like the US as a country because it is one of the pillars of democracy in the world. So you can take this as a view that is unbiased to probably the greatest extent you will find on this forum.
Biden does not seem to be confused at all. He spoke very well to be honest. He first explains why the situation is the way it is and this is correct. He goes on to say that he knows the President well and that there will be repercussions. He seems to be doing things through the right diplomatic channels and not making outright threats that cannot be followed. In my opinion this is exactly the kind of response you would expect from a president.
I can see why you could be confused about this, but you have given him the benefit of doubt. Some others who have replied seem to look at this and say that sums it up. I really wonder what it sums up. If it sums up the points he made, then sure it does sum it up.
P.S: Thanks for the write-up and links. I watched him speak.
I appreciate your opinion, and how you took the time to watch the Town Hall footage. I can also appreciate the view you have of Trump, many share your assessment of the man. I found him to be a disruptor and a man that certainly was utterly unfiltered. Which I dislike in a president. He was a great target for media, due to his own doing. I liked his policies. That sums up my thoughts on Trump. I find at this point, like I do after presidents leave office they are water under the bridge.
I think my assessment of Biden may come from me spending 25 years as a nurse, and witnessing the elderly with different stages of confusion.
I feel he struggles to keep his thoughts and has a hard time staying on the direct subject due to this problem. At any rate, he has many very qualified people around him, (as Reagan did in his last days as president when he suffered cognitive problems )and it appears he has a positive trait --- he listens well to others.
I guess we can agree to disagree at this point on Biden's cognitive skills. However, I will keep an open mind, and hopefully, I am very wrong with my assessment of the new president. I really appreciate your straightforwardness, and how you communicate. Refreshing...
I agree entirely with most of your points and I think one of the perks of not being a US citizen is the fact that you cannot be accused of being from the right or the left.
Biden's struggles with his stutter is something that has already been well documented, and as a nurse of 25 years, I believe your assessment of his speech patterns should start from there before moving to question his cognitive abilities. I have watched both Biden and Trump speak. Biden is able to construct coherent sentences, what he struggles with is pronouncing certain words because of his stutter. When Biden pauses in his speech, it is not a lack of his cognitive skills, he is trying to pronounce a certain word or replace it with an easier word to pronounce. I have seen this many times with people who stutter. The next word after a stutter or a fumble is usually correct. This means his cognitive skills are functioning properly, it is the speech impediment you should be worried about.
However, Trump's cognitive skills can be questioned considering the fact that he has no documented history of any speech impediments. Trump uses safe words that disguise his broken chain of thought in his speeches and he repeats those words again and again. These safe words are common in all his speeches and they can either be interpreted as emphasis or gaslighting. They can also be interpreted as someone losing his cognitive skills that allow them to construct coherent sentences. When Biden pauses or fumbles in his speech, his next line of words is a continuation of his chain of thoughts. When Trump pauses or fumbles in his speech, his next line of words usually diverts from his original chain of thoughts. This is the reason Trump rallies are so entertaining because you do not know what he will say next. One moment he is talking about trade with China, the next moment he is telling a story of how adorable he was as a baby. ..."I feel he struggles to keep his thoughts and has a hard time staying on the direct subject due to this problem.. ". This describes Trump and not Biden.
It seems everything is upside down these days, so will just agree to disagree..
"Biden's struggles with his stutter is something that has already been well documented, and as a nurse of 25 years, I believe your assessment of his speech patterns should start from there before moving to question his cognitive abilities."
First really nice assessment in regards to how one copes with studdering.
Yes, I am aware via media reports that Bidin as a child had problems with studdering. I actually feel he is coping well with stuttering at this point. He does at times stammer a bit, but he seems to have contoured studdering. My point --- I was trying to make the point he seems to have a cognitive problem. He losses a thought mid-sentence at times, he frequently floats away from a subject and adds an inappropriate response that does not address the conversation. He often lowers his head and stops speaking, he easily becomes angry, and flustered. These are all signs of cognitive problems.
I have no idea the extent of his cognitive problems. I am just pointing out what I have witnessed when he speaks.
I don't feel Trump has any cognitive problems. I think his problems are personality disorders. I find his character flawed due to being narcissistic.
"He often lowers his head and stops speaking, he easily becomes angry, and flustered. These are all signs of cognitive problems".. I don't know if you have had any experience talking to someone that stutters. That statement consistently describes behavioral traits of someone that stutters when they are speaking and not someone lacking cognitive skills.
Judging someone's cognitive skills when they speak is problematic because you need to clarify the context of who they are speaking to and where they are speaking from. We all fumble words and lose our chain of thoughts when speaking from a public platform compared to when we are talking to our family members or peers. If someone fumbles over words when giving a presentation because they are nervous, do we question their cognitive abilities?. Speech is not a very good measure of cognitive abilities.
I agree, Trump might not have any cognitive problems either. I believe it is the issue of electing our senior citizens into office and still expect them to have to have that youthful energy and memory when they speak. I often wonder how much sleep these guys even get before standing on the spotlight to answer questions. I once slept the whole day before my presentation and still managed to botch it..
Just the latest example of some right-wingers leaving out very important context to foment hatred.
Yup! I truly think they never learned how to think for themselves.
Good catch on that link. It seems to agree with my own view that the real problem with his statement is that it clashes with today's political correctness standards.
Could you just imagine if Trump made that statement as quoted? No really... It seems like we will need to decipher Biden's every word and ignore the possible context or toss it up to make it pretty, and a nice bow on top. I have as mentioned found Biden to have a history of stereotyping with his words. I can't even guess why he stereotypes, maybe he just does not have the ability to filter his words, maybe he is being very precise with his analysis. Although that does not pan out, he constantly quotes numbers, and facts wrong, so he has no evidence of being articulate when he communicates.
So, it is kinder to look the other way, serves no purpose to put too much thought into it. I don't think he will change his habit of stereotyping. The proof is in the facts. They go back pretty far.
I don't think political correctness has much to do with how some of Biden's statements are perceived. His gaffes are pretty telling, and IMO shows a lot about his true character... He has a habit of stereotyping. " Ya ain'tblack enough"..." I will not have my children going to school in a jungle." He has offered up gems like these for years.
Yes, I can imagine the uproar if Pres. Trump had said such a thing.
Did Biden say they don't know how, or that they didn't have access? I guess it depends on what you wanted to hear him say.
Biden is an idiot and a puppet honestly. Doesn't surprise me that he'd put his foot in his own mouth again. I wouldn't be surprised if rumors are true about how Kamala Harris is the one dealing with the world leaders, while Biden stands aside. Wouldn't want him putting his foot in his own mouth again while talking to a rival country that could lead us into a war.
It seems to me that these Biden statements, (the internet usage thing and the Uighur thing), have been shown to be factually true, so are you saying he put his foot in his mouth because he spoke the truth?
Biden is a two face liar like all politicians.
Well, the Black and Brown people made their preferences and trust clear to select Biden over Trump and the Republican fascists, that is one thing for certain.
There is a certain amount of this found in most white attitudes, it just comes down to a matter of degree and extent.
Republicans are sure to use shortcomings of black and brown voters due to voter suppression and cheater gerrymandering to their advantage and unlike Biden, they need not say a word.
I agree partially (as a white person) with your view that
there is a certain amount of this form of innate racism found in not most, but some white people's attitudes.
That acknowledgement gets you the grand prize, Sharlee
It is not necessarily purposeful or deliberate it is something that is simply well weaven into American life at the fundamental level.
I do not qualify all white people, this is mostly an American attitude and perceptional problem.
Hey, I am white, so I know first-hand about innate racism. So the million-dollar question -- You are aware of many of Biden's comments. And I truly know you support him and felt he will help gets some problems solved. However, how do you feel in your gut about some of the comments he has made that would appear to be stereotyping people of color? Hey, I want to learn, the only way to learn is to ask the hard questions. The only way to teach is, tell the truth from your gut.
Our reality is that we have to always settle. The ideal is unattainable and we all know that. Even Warren and Sanders have been found wanting by the Black community for either what they have said or fail to say. And these are the folks whose viewpoints come closest to seriously addressing structural inequity issues.
Biden is full of guffaws from many years of old school. But he is willing to address our concerns and make the improvements in the right direction even if they may seem tardy.
From Trump we pick up hostility from his words and more importantly, his actions and policies.
I so appreciate your sharing your thoughts. It helps me understand and become more empathetic to the problems at hand. And, I feel it helps me get to know you a bit, and communication can only get as a result.
I hope Biden will work on systemic racism, no one should feel they have to settle.
We mustn't forget the voter fraud, which is making headway into the judicial system. Biden got the electoral vote, but not the popular vote. Hopefully, we will have accurate demographics for this election.
What do you mean that Pres. Biden didn't get the popular vote? Didn't he win by about 7 million votes?
No proof of the voter fraud, I can't be concerned about accusations without proof. If you say otherwise, I say let's see the proof.
As far as I am concerned, the official vote count of Biden exceeding Trump in the popular vote as well his winning the Electoral College has yet to be successfully challenged.
Patients, it is soon to be part of national record.
In the Supreme Court
"Supreme Court to Look Into Election Lawsuits in February"
https://visiontimes.com/2021/02/17/the- … ruary.html
In Georgia
"Georgia Election Board Hands Over 35 Voter Fraud Cases to Prosecutors"
https://visiontimes.com/2021/02/16/geor … utors.html
In Arizona
"Senate panel OKs bill requiring counties to disclose information on voting machines, systems
Sen. Warren Petersen said the legislation has one purpose: to force the hand of Maricopa County officials who have so far refused to comply with a Senate subpoena"
https://tucson.com/news/arizona_news/se … 5e8c4.html
Nobody can explain why some states violated the US constitution and their own state constitution so mail-in ballot could be counted with no time stamp or signature verification 3 days after the close of the election. THAT alone is voter fraud.
Thank you, Mike, for the links and facts.
Ok, i am well willing to wait until hell freezes over. Will Donald Trump take the oath on the old inauguration date of March 4th?
I still think that you guys are just beating a dead horse.....
Honestly, I wish we could stop talking about Trump for once, as we have way more issues in this country than worrying about him.
The MAGA desperately wants to continue to believe the lies The Former Guy continues to spew about election fraud, even though The Former Guy himself has admitted to close associates that he lost by a landslide and is only keeping the lie going for fundraising purposes.
These "close associates" are not reliable sources. Using this tactic is so old school. There are several reports within the judicial system stating fraudulent votes.
So, people who worked with Trump in the WH and are now with it at Mar-A-Lago are not reliable sources.
Funny, a lot of people, top people, experts, very smart people, stable geniuses, everybody is saying they are reliable sources. That was always good enough for you when The Former Guy said it.
The thing is...Biden is for abortion. He's for socialism and most likely communism. Only God can fix this mess. Trump was better I think.
I watched the video and saw no confusion. What I see is someone who mistakes a speech impediment for something it is not, over and over again. And in my opinion, as we all get to voice them here, another example of disgusting behavior.
But watch the video for yourselves and honestly tell us if Biden seems confused:
https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/0 … town-hall/
I do not see confusion or cognitive impairment. He tends to speak in partial sentence bits at times but it is not because he is confused. Many people do this.
It is my opinion that certain people here, and one in particular, are actively looking for ways to claim Biden is impaired, as a way to "pay back" those of us who spent the last four years accurately warning that their chosen one is a malignant narcissist who is a danger to our nation.
You'd think a nurse would understand that his speech patterns could also be how a person copes with a disability.
After willfully accepting that Trump literally fabricated his own medical reports prior to being elected to office, now you all need to be concerned. The double standard is rich.
Mike, you hit the nail on the head there are very few people who can have the courage to write what you have written. Trump was the man who could've carried America forward but a combination of circumstances and he was defeated by dubious means. But I'm sure he will rise like the Phoenix the mythical bird and in 2024 he will sweep Kamala Harris into oblivion.
Let's hope so. I believe he will come back stronger and make wiser choices by learning from his mistakes. Nobody is perfect.
First and foremost.
Sharlee01, I'm just liking you more everyday. How refreshing to engage with a died-in-the-wool conservative who can appreciate the opposite parties President because he (and his handlers....you know they all have them) surrounded himself with qualified people. And then, on top of that, to point to Reagan (who I did admire as a good man but lousy screen actor) and his later years Alzheimer's issues. If it had not been for Nancy and his well-chosen cabinet the last of his Presidency might have been entirely different. Congratulations on your willingness to lean across the fence without crossing it.
Now, lets get around to Readmikenow. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey.....is it possible that you can actually prostate yourself any lower to your adoration and fealty to a failed, bankrupted, in debt up to his ears, reality TV carnival barker con man?
You sir have descended so far down the rabbit hole that it would have been tough to worm your way out to begin with, but now that the Democrat/Liberals have called in Exxon to place a concrete pad and pump jack over the opening I fear you are buried forever. Cursed to sit at the table discussing politics with the Mad Hatter. Never able to see another's point of view. Good luck.
And now to the meat of the subject that I believe all of you may have missed.
Regardless of cognitive capacity, Joe Biden is 78 years old and born in 1942. Is anyone here of that age who could deny that, by the time I was born in 1952, Biden would have been 10 years old and, no matter family upbringing or not, had heard many slights and racial epithets?
Although my own nuclear family had a rule amongst my father and mother that there would be no racial slurs, I heard many at family reunions from relatives that were not so forgiving. !952 folks, think about it or google racial discrimination in 1952. You'll be appalled, as I am.
Things change and, with good people, their attitudes change as well.
I'm not defending Biden's tone deaf statement nor his cognitive issues. Sharlee01 has already done that for me. Honestly, it's time myself and the entire Boomer generation to let go and allow some younger, fresher minds to take over.
We need new ideas, badly.
Sincerely, to all,
The Masked Marauder.
"1952 folks, think about it or google racial discrimination in 1952. You'll be appalled, as I am."
How about 1974? That's when I accepted a job, moving from a small NE Oregon town to a small town just north of Richmond, Va. The factory, built just 2 years prior, had just remodeled it's bathrooms from 2 segregated ones to a single room. The town had one movie theater, but "don't go on the balcony; that's for blacks and you will come down the hard way". Two bars in town, but "Don't go in that one, it's for blacks and you will exit with a knife in your belly".
To a small town, Oregon, boy it was a whole different world. I think there was one black family in town and I was absolutely thrilled to get an invite to their boy's birthday party (I was maybe 8). I thought racism went out years before 1950, when I was born.
First and foremost --- I am a sucker for a man that wears a hat... Tells me a lot about his general outlook on life.
I must agree about how we are somewhat prisoners of upbringing. I have made the assessment before in regard to Biden coming in a time where it would become very easy to develop innate racism. If one is exposed to racist comments It can slowly over time become part of their thought process. I agree that over time, and life experience attitudes can change. I must say Biden has let go of some real racial stingers...
And yes, I too hope to see some younger politicians step up with some fresh sensible ideas. I love to lean across the fence, It would become very boring to be stuck in the mud on one side of a fence. An open mind is what I strive for. I do dig in when I feel there is no room to give an inch. But as a rule, I will really try to see other's points of view.
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