Good Idea?

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  1. Willowarbor profile image59
    Willowarborposted 4 weeks ago

    Trump followers seem to be ignoring this... You thought you were voting for lower gas and ground beef  prices...were you aware that territorial expansion was really a key part of this presidency?  Trump mirroring one of his heroes...Putin.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image83
      Sharlee01posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      I find the comparison between Trump’s comments about Canada and Putin’s actions in Ukraine to be overly simplistic and not entirely fair. Putin invaded Ukraine using military force, violating international law, and causing immense human suffering. In contrast, Trump’s remarks about Canada, while provocative, seem more rhetorical than actionable. It’s not unusual for Trump to make grand statements to emphasize his perspective on geopolitics, but there’s no evidence to suggest he is seriously advocating for any kind of annexation or hostile action against Canada. I find your comment hyperbolic, holding nothing of facts—only your biased conjecture. Comparing the two scenarios minimizes the gravity of Putin’s actions in Ukraine, which involve real aggression and war crimes, and stretches the interpretation of Trump’s rhetoric into an equivalence that doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

      Your claim that Trump supporters were primarily voting for lower gas and ground beef prices completely disregards the broader appeal of his policies. Many Americans voted for Trump because of his focus on strengthening the economy, reshoring manufacturing jobs, reducing burdensome regulations, and prioritizing energy independence. His policies on tax cuts, deregulation, and support for small businesses resonated with voters seeking economic growth and stability. Furthermore, his firm stance on border security, fair trade agreements like USMCA, and a foreign policy that avoided entangling the U.S. in costly conflicts were key factors. Reducing Trump’s presidency to territorial expansion and admiration for Putin is a gross oversimplification that dismisses the substantive policy goals that drew millions of Americans to support him.

      1. Willowarbor profile image59
        Willowarborposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        One can only conclude that, by floating the idea of possible wars, Trump is in some sense defrauding the public. If he’s not being serious about being willing to take military action, then his language is the kind of false bravado that depletes the United States’ credibility and makes him look like a witless bafoon. And if Trump is serious?  then he’s undermining all his talk about how America First means opposing endless war. Trump has no mandate for arbitrarily returning the United States to a new era of old-school colonialism and annexation. Nobody asked for the United States to go to war with a NATO ally, a friend of the U.S. in Central America.

        On the campaign trail, Trump promised to turn inward and wind down U.S. involvement in at least some overseas conflicts. Now, as he toys with the idea of using force to claim more land for the United States, he’s revealing he was either lying on the campaign trail or he’s lying now.

      2. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Well, Trump should learn a little tact and think before he speaks. He is dangerous as a man that can never seem to bridle his tongue. One of Trump's advocates said that his stupid utterances were due to the fact that Trump's always speaks in superlatives. I prefer Harry Truman and plain speaking. A lot lies and misconceptions are hidden behind the "superlatives"

        Why is he making such provocative statements about our Northern Neighbor and rattling sabers over Greenland and Panama?

        I will beat him to pulp is he fails to deliver on all these grandiose promises of his.

    2. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

      My initial reaction to this topic has been sufficiently covered by Sharlee.

      My second reaction was to recall the best MAGA map that I have seen thus far... the renaming of the Atlantic Ocean to:
      the Anti-European Moat.

      All in fun! wink

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        Oh, I like that!  The Anti-European Moat!  Very nice, and says it all.  I like Europe, I like Europeans...but only when kept at arms length.  Their quaint culture must not infect us.

        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          All in fun… although I thoroughly enjoyed my two visits to Europe, wouldn’t want to live there, wouldn’t want to be any closer than we are already out of a fear of bleeding into one another and quickly losing… what we have tampered with losing for some time now.

      2. DrMark1961 profile image100
        DrMark1961posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

        I was just wondering why Greenland was not included. If the leftists are so anti-colonial arent they concerned about the largest island in the world still being owned by its colonial oppressors?

        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          Doc, the guy who came up with the aforementioned map, referred to Greenland as Trumpland, or was it Trump Land, either way, nice ring....

        2. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

          What are you talking about Doc? The issue is between Denmark and the Greenlander residents to decide, and ultimately a "Real Democracy", the very antithesis of Trump, will ultimately allow the people to decide and if they do not want to be a part of the United States, who is the Rightwinger to contest that?

          He wouldn't dare carry out this bit of 19th century militarism and colonialism as myself and the Left will eat him alive for it, so he had better step lightly.

          1. DrMark1961 profile image100
            DrMark1961posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

            Why in the world do you think that Denmark should have any say in this? Should Spain be able to tell you what to do since they originally settled Florida, or should GB tell Massachusetts residents how to behave since that state was a British colony? The talking heads on the left have been telling everyone for years how bad colonialism is, and now you guys are supporiting it?
            Get real.

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

              With reasoning like yours, if I were a Greenlander, I would stay away from the United States.

              Don't go simple on me, Doc

              Yes, Colonialism is bad except from the standpoint of the Right who are more than happy to bring back the rotten corpses of those that advocated such a century or more ago.

              "However, according to Danish researcher Ulrik Pram Gad, “Greenland is talking about becoming independent from Denmark, but no Greenlanders want to just switch to a new colonial master.” Further, full autonomy would mean Greenland would lose its association with Denmark, a wealthy member of the European Union, and a country upon which Greenland relies for annual subsidies."

              Based on Economics, Greenland is not in hurry to declare independence. That where the truth lies, so you can turn off the pilot to the gaslighting operation, OK?

              1. DrMark1961 profile image100
                DrMark1961posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

                If the Greenlanders vote against joining the US that is fine. If the people of Denmark vote to keep their colony it is not fine.
                Greenland is not and has never been an American colony. I am not sure why you are trying to imply that.

                1. abwilliams profile image68
                  abwilliamsposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

                  Because Cred (and those on the left) hate America that much! So much so, they'll believe the worst about America... first!!
                  Don't take my word for it, go through and read their responses on most any forum topic.

                  1. Willowarbor profile image59
                    Willowarborposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

                    The only one who hates this country is Trump.  Said we're a" horrible country" at his living room press conference

                2. Credence2 profile image80
                  Credence2posted 4 weeks agoin reply to this


                  Just as long as there will be no annexation of Greenland without the expressed consent of the residents, neither military nor economic intimidation is permitted by Trump or the United States Government toward that end.

                  1. Willowarbor profile image59
                    Willowarborposted 4 weeks agoin reply to this

                    But what about Americans?  How many people voted for an annexation agenda?  He ran on America first, no wars, basically isolationism, grocery prices.   Now folks are to accept the change of plans?   For maga to suddenly think this shift is okay is the height of hypocrisy.

  2. Flower Child Fe profile image69
    Flower Child Feposted 4 weeks ago

    Sad response. That's unfortunate. Ignore the fact that trump backtracked, in interviews, saying that he can't bring any prices down, yet y'all still falling over yourselves trying to make him sound good. It's really a sad, and pitiful sight. Use that same energy you use to defend to ask yourself why your fighting so hard for a billionaire who: does not personally know you exist, ran his election on a bad economy where people can barely afford food, but continues to solicit sales from those same people who can't afford food. God didn't charge to pray with him, why does Trump? If you had a neighbor that you liked and she didn't have food for her kids, but there's a pair of shoes you want, would you purchase the shoes now or delay the purchase and help your neighbor get food for her family? Trump would buy those shoes, would you?

  3. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 4 weeks ago

    Since he cannot run for a third term, four years is the limit. Of course, we once thought a convicted felon would never get elected either. This generation of republicans must be so proud.

  4. Willowarbor profile image59
    Willowarborposted 4 weeks ago

    Wow, they are all in on Greenland... What happened to the maga idea of keeping our nose out of other countries business LOL... Vance says that Denmark isn't doing a good enough job with Greenland... And that we need to make sure that Greenland is properly cared for.. What on earth? 

    And according to Vance this will be easy because we already have a military presence on Greenland.  Leads to an interesting thought because we have a military presence in many other countries.  Could be next on Trump's expansionist agenda? … al-done%2F


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