It's too early to judge Obama's performance. Although he may not seem perfect, well, so are we. I still do think that he's better than Bush though, and I would never have voted for McCain unless it was between him and Hillary.
"It's too early to judge Obama's performance."
And when will it not be too early? Ever?
Since you don't know what McCain would have done with a Democratic Congress; how can you say that? Have any of your friend's lost their jobs, is anyones house worth more, is your personal wealth growing, etc.
The country CANNOT handle the defecit that Obama has balloned, and the unions are gaining control. What do unions know about running a bussiness? They know how a corporation can go broke.
I truly believe McCain would have been worse for us. Unlike Obama and his "get it done now" philosophy, McCain would have take the same steps but they would have been more gradual. History has shown that gradualism is the only way to establish Progressive policies. At least until those policies run into economic reality. Gradualism pushes that date farther into the future. That, in a nutshell, is why it's taken the Fed about a century to destroy the value of the American Dollar.
Not really. Maybe he had to get voted in so we could 'see'It is not only his stuff that has the 'USA' and the "world' see huge heap of a mess. "sin" is ramped, greed, lust, power. ego. self will, material wealth. Let this be a time to look at ourselves. This did not happen overnight. There are consequences for sin. Sorry it is true. Throw rocks, it is OK. It is truth. There is one that has all power. The Creator of the Universe. Yes he created all. He gives life and can take life. The President needs prayer. He has allot on his plate. We are told to pray for our leaders. I voted for him, Obama. I pray for him Dissapointed, Yes.
God can move mountains. This is a nation founded on BIBICAL Principals. Sin has dug a deep hole. Just what he enemy wants. To steal, kill, destroy. Do not let him. Stand up for the Principals of this nation In God we Trust. Who cares whose fault it is. Quit throwing rocks. Focus on what God can do. You can pray for the Nation. God is a just God he will work it out. Just let him. Let him in. He promises he will NEVER leave nor forsake his kids. Are you a child of the Almighty God? Do you trust in the "world' living for gain and power and throwing stones. Is there a speck in your eye? It all comes to what it has always come to Trusting the Lord. It is a choice. He twists no arms. No one person can fix this mess. A revival in the USA would be a good thing. A revival for Christ. Trust in the 'world' it will let you down. It will get worse. God owns it all. He can fix the mess at your home at my home, in my finances, in my fmaily, in my medical care, in my bank account, in my house in forclosure. I do not trust Obama, he is not for us. But he does not rule, Christ rules. It odes not mean Obama can not come around. Many sinners have come aroind There is power in prayer. I know, I am a miracle. I have hope. I have a future. It is bright. It is in the light. I do not live in the dark. My ways are led by 'him' with all power. Love John 3:16
The best description of Bush, and his term in office I've ever heard
You and I know Satan and Jesus is the same person here and nothing Obama does could be right. We all know the true reasons for this, that's why many here are blinded to Bush wrong. Whereas the president will be wrong if does and wrong if he don't. Once you understand that you'll know Sadan will be going to heaven, and the pope will be going to hell.
Lets forget the religion aspect, lets stick to reality. One has no idea of what G-D will do. Also, my religion doesn't believe in Jesus or the Devil.
People pray to different G-D's; maybe Obama is still a Muslim. He bows, he always says; the great Muslim religion and this is not a Christian country. Jesus better get here before Iran gets the Nukes, it looks like he will have to hurry.
I do believe in G-D, but please answer this. Two army's are fighting, the soldiers are in fox holes, they are both praying to Jesus for help. Both believe their cause is just. Since this hs happened many times, did Jesus chose a winner? That would mean he cndemned many to death.
I am Jewish, my people prayed during the holocaust. Still over 6 million innocent people died. As did millions of Christians and Buddists. The answer aloudes me.
I think each party is just so tired. There's no new ideas and it just seems they all want to play politics. All of Obama's hopey changey crap is such a scam.
That still makes him one person..... He may have buddies, but so does the nephew of my friend...who is former Army, by the way...
To project that the "military" all thinks the same way is an error..
Conservative individuals do what they do...and if they cluster in groups then they do as the group does....but not everyone is a conservative....
Then again...what is these terms "conservative" and "liberal" are such broad generalizations.....In terms of use of military forces, the United States is very liberal with where it spends its taxpayers money...
And many of the same social conservatives (much more precise) are economically very liberal...and love to help move American production jobs to maquiladoras lining the American/Mexican border...building populations along this line that have never existed...urging more illegal immigration...and undermining the American economy...of both Mexico and the United States...while making a few very wealthy...Canada has even moved many production jobs to has Japan, and China is on the way...
The same drives spurned by American led economically liberal policies like NAFTA have enabled social conservative organizations like Heritage (Mellon family) dictate what"conservative" policies are...Reagan and Bush were vehicles for their agenda...
The Mellons used to have oil investments in Venezuela....before the "hated" Hugo Chavez came to power...
As well as in Iran before the Shah was toppled...
Of course, the Mellons do not hold Gulf Oil anymore....
"....before the "hated" Hugo Chavez came to power..."
Let me guess: You're a fan of hugo? That would fit.
"Canada has even moved many production jobs to has Japan, and China is on the way..."
Are you upset that economics doesn't match your politics? You're in for a lot of frustration...
I just want you to know that I am a fiscal conservative only.
Nixon bowed.....
and a lot of other stuff that one of his aids, Dick Cheney, fought to keep the press from discovering.....
TK/Saddie that the only portion of my post you select for criticism?
Shall I assume that you concede the remainder?
Economics matching my politics?
I'm glad to know that sending U.S. production jobs to Mexico is political...and evidently (in your view..otherwise why say anthing at all..) a bad economic decison for the U.S.
who do you vote for?
"I'm glad to know that sending U.S. production jobs to Mexico is political..."
I'm sadly not surprised you got that backwards
...and that you are still having trouble with spelling.
Jobs are being send offshore because it's simply too expensive to hire US workers. It's the workers who really pay for things like Social Security, Medicare, Workman's Comp and all the other legacy costs that other nations don't force their labor force to pay for. So yeah, I'd question your economic intelligence too.
What caused that are the unons. They priced our companies out of markets, and were happy to close plants. How does all that help the workforce?
In part you're correct, although even in the heyday of unionism in this country they only accounted for maybe half of the workforce. The rest of the reason is that it's simply cheaper to use foreign labor than it is to use Americans. Of course the jobs being sent overseas are relatively unskilled, after all it's not hard to train someone to do a manufacturing job. If the workforce wants to make things better, they have to better themselves first. If you're an unskilled laborer, learn some skills to make yourself more competitive in the labor market.
It's a fallacy of the 20th century that you can just plateau and stop working. The truly successful are always working at making things better.
That is the line that is continually fed...and is nonsense...
If you continue to believe that, feel free....
No, actually the line that you're fed by most politicians and the media is that greedy corporations are selling out the American worker to ensure their evil profits. That's the line that is continually fed.
If you have evidence proving my previous post is wrong, by all means please share it with the rest of us. To not produce evidence is to engage in sophistry. Surely you have something more than rhetoric to back your arguments.
My proof is what I saw with my own eyes. Years ago I worked at a Smelting Plant on the South side of Chicago. Nearby was a steel plant named, Wisconsin Steel. The union was battling management for a raise. This was the mid-seventies and steel plants were closing all over the mid-west.
Management said there was NO money for a raise, so there were pickets. Meetings continued, and the pickets shouted; "Union-Union!" Management said they would have to close, Union Leaders DEMANDED more money and picketers got louder.
One day the gates were padlocked because the company went chapter seven. The workers went their union office to find out what they had coning. The door was locked, and the office was empty. In fact most of the money was missing.And to think the workers paid ther dues every month.
They tried to unionize our truck drivers, but the drivers laughed. They were well paid and would had to have taken less money.
That's about what I've come to expect from unions. At least they're not going to strip workers of the right to have secret ballots when it comes to unionizing or not. That more than anything ended the Mob's control of unions. Of course by your example, we see that not all criminals are members of the Mob.
That also proves my point that unions will eventually demand so much that businesses close or move offshore.
States that don't force unions upon the workers are doing much better, job wise. The unions still want voting to not be secret. Obama is so in with the unions, this too will keep coming to the floor. It' like health-care, but the gov't. has more control.
Unions were fantastic from the 1920's through the 1960's, then they changed.
Who is dying in Juarez?
What forces are moving people from southern Mexico and El Salvador to the border area?
Since the bulk of my comment went unchallenged...and only responded in small pieces through rhetoric...I take it that there aren't any answers of substance that can be provided...
Nice to see you're ADD and crazy as well as economically ignorant.
I just want to know when the Mexican-American War, unionization, and sugar cane will come into the discussion
Do you discriminate against people with problems Led?
This speaks volumes...
I used to work with teens who had mental illnesses. One of the first things you learn is to not feed into their nonsense. In the spirit of that let me bid you goodbye, troll.
Not at all...
I just noted that the insult only served as a way to not make an actual comment to the point that I raised...
Old Man TK-Sad.....
You and Sab can't stop arguing, this post will end! Talk about Capitalism, and what it has done to/for the country. I want a good-fair fight.
"Thanks for the non-response..."
Was that a 'yes' or a 'no'?
Ron...this comment you refered to was not directed at TK....errr..Sab.
Here are a few of President Obama accomplishments to date:
1.. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices
3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women
4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB
6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family
8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act
9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible
10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House
11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration
12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
16. New federal funding for science and research labs
17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards
18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
20. New funds for school construction
21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
22. US Auto industry rescue plan
23. Housing rescue plan
24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying
26. US financial and banking rescue plan
27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed
28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols
32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions
34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office
35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job
36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government
40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program
42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones
43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
44. Expanding vaccination programs
45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
46. Closed offshore tax safe havens
47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals
48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
49.. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry's predatory practices
50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources
51. Lower drug costs for seniors
52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
54. Improved housing for military personnel
55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses
56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals
57. Increasing student loans
58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy
60. Established a new cyber security office
61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness
64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced
66. Improving benefits for veterans
67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration
68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud
69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco
70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive
74. Making more loans available to small businesses
75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare
76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans
83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters
85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
86. Held first Seder in White House
87. Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured
88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform
Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office
All in just over a year, maybe he is not hated but envied LOL
This looks very impressive, but reality destroys it. I don't have the time to go through all 90 that you have shown, but so many of them were either, not needed, not followed and most are just meant to look good.
1- Do you really need a committee to tell you how to save money, while you spend trillions?
2- The media can cover fallen soldiers caskets, it's a good photo opp.
3- We were going to draw down troops in Iraq, but the military was to decide and they did.
4- Troops in Afghanistan: Actually McCrystal asked for 60,000 troops. Funny the media didn't report that. A Colonel in Afghanistan told me.
5- Fazed out military hardware: In most cases the pentagon asked him to do this.
6- Gitmo: Far from fazed out. Don't be surprised if KSM is tried there.
7- You think a cut in missle defense is good!
8- The Stimulus Plan: That's a good thing?
9- U.S. Auto Industry: It is nothing more than a government and union take over.
10- Being Jewish, the celebration of Passover was a joke. Unfortunately this was just a way to get my people to continue their donations to him. Has he done anything to help Israel? He has only a 4% approval rating there, but he will bow and apologize to Muslim's.
11- So many things you say are put into play, attempting, announced intentions and the swings, oh man.
His health-care plan is NOT what Americans want. Still he wants to push it through. Of course most of his plans are paid for years from now, when he will no longer be in office.
By the way, Rangle just stepped down, and Somali Pirates just captued another ship.
How far left do you want Obama to go? When the monitary system goes under, we may be leftwith anarchy. That would take us to the far right; is that your goal? Maybe you want us to fall short of that and be communists; then we'll be left. What will you be left with?
Have to go, or I would have gone through all 90. Israel is still going to get U.S. loans, but what will the money be worth?
Obama caught lip-synching! … _rss_daily
As someone who isn't an American, I'm just sorry I didnt have the legal right to vote for him.
Ralph, the reality is that dems are in control right now. Obama is having a hell of a time rallying his own troops. Granted, the dems don't have their super majority anymore, but they still have the majority. If there is any time ANY president ought to be able to get something done, it's in a situation like he's in now. So all this means is that he's an ineffective president, and that his proposals are so left leaning that he can't get the conservative democrats onboard. He will become even less effective, ultimately, when the democrats lose the elections in November.
Excellent reply! Some are just over educated and were not actually taught well.
For me, the question is not about being sorry Obama is in office. When I consider the other candidates of 2008, I'm quite certain that we would all be pissing and moaning about any of them at least as much as Obama. I think that's very real. No matter who is in office, there's going to be a metric butt-load of resistance and crying foul. If Obama's goals that he set out to obtain were agreeable to the public at large, then we have either changed our minds about his goals, or he has misrepresented himself.
It could be a combination of both. I think we are learning that "the grass is greener on the other side" is usually an illusion. What is real is here and now, and we only have the people we have right now to begin to make it better. Seems we ought to be a little more organized about getting on the same page to accomplish some good.
He misrepresented himself. He promised more transparency in government for one, yet his signature legislative accomplishment was crafted behind closed doors. He promised that the discussion of the bill would be broadcast on C-SPAN, never happened. And that doesn't even begin to cover his other falsehoods or his missteps while in office.
No, it is true. Don't let the fact that you really, really want him to do well blind you to reality. Could it be that you supported him so much from the outset that you now feel your own ego is all tangled up in it?
Don't you see his lies for yourself. Every politician lies, but Obama does it better than anyone. If allowed, he changes his answer in mid stream, and people don't understand. You're to sharp not to see this; you must approve of it. In simple English, it's called double talk.
No he doesn't. It's sad really because there is a brain in there. Rather than have a reasonable conversation, he'd rather use rhetoric and sophistry to make his points. It's too bad, because if we need anything right now, it's more people who use reason to make decisions, rather than emotion.
No. I'm sorry that people still support the Republicans after all of the damage that resulted from the past administration.
I do not understand why. Republicans mess up, Democrats repair the damage, Republicans mess up, and the cycle continues...
George H messed up, Clinton repaired the damage, George W really messed up, and Obama is tasked with repairing the damage while Republicans object.
For example, high unemployment is going to be here for a while. Since December 2007, the US has experienced 8M+ net job loss.
Even if we can return to the booming job growth period when Clinton was in office of around 220K+ monthly job gains, it is going to take 2+ years before we replace the jobs we lost and that's not including the growth of individuals entering the job market. Before you know it the next recession will be here. What will happen to the economy if the commericial real estate market collapses?
With ~2.5M jobs and ~15M+ job seekers: if we can fill those 2.5M jobs today, we will still have several million job seekers left out in the cold.
Likewise, the House Democrats want to extend unemployment benefits throughout 2010 since the last thing we need is for consumer spending to further decline; escalating the downward spiral we are currently in. Unemployed individuals spend the unemployment benefits to survive.
Republicans state that unemployment benefits is a handout that prevent job seekers from trying to find a job. However, try to live on $417 a week after earning $2500 a week when employed. Plus there are 6+ job seekers for every job...i.e... there are not not enough jobs.
However, Republican Bunning held up a 30 day unemployment benefit extension (until today). Once this 30 day unemployment extension is passed, the same problem will exist 30 days later and so on. Bunning and fellow Republicans did not use pay as you go for the futile, expensive Iraq war and expensive, unnecessary tax cuts to the wealthy when George W was the president; but when it comes to helping Americans in need he, like several other Republicans, want to play politics by pretending to be fiscal responsible.
Republicans need to realize that long term unemployment is here to stay and should reallocate funds from other places to provide aid for the unemployed in the budget.
"Republicans need to realize that long term unemployment is here to stay and should reallocate funds from other places to provide aid for the unemployed in the budget."
So in other words, stop fighting it and embrace socialism?
No, swallow their pride and take the right actions by joining the Democrats to repair the damage from their previous, horrible policies.
I guess you can call socialism the policies of Democrats that resulted in a surplus, 20M+ net job growth over 8 years, and no expensive wars.
If the alternative is a large deficit from the futile Iraq War and wealthy tax cuts, ~3M+ net job growth over 8 years, an economy on the brink of collapse (back in the Fall of 2008 that led to Bush W administration approving TARP which is the only thing to do... increase govern. spending to make up for the drop in both consumer and business spending to try to keep the economy afloat and attempt to reverse the downward spiral), and the Republicans desire to continue the same policies that resulted in these disasterous results... yes embrace socialism!
"No, swallow their pride and take the right actions by joining the Democrats"
"yes embrace socialism!"
You are aware that Clinton's economic policies are what caused the tech bubble and it's collapse, right? All the Clinton years were just the boom phase of the bubble. Total short term thinking. Just like Bush and his decision to cut the interest rate to almost zero. All that did was shift the bubble to the housing sector and we all know how that ended up. Oh speaking of the housing sector, you are aware of the CRA and how that was used to create the subprime mess aren't you? Who pushed for the CRA to be used to combat "redlining"? Clinton. Disastrous economic policies can take years to unfold. You're right, the last administration is responsible for much of our problems today, but so is the one before that and the one before that and the one before that.
The Republicans track record regarding the economy is poor compared to the Democrats. The George W presidency amplified this when he reduced revenue yet increased spending and borrowing.
“The facts are this people ............................ (1) With ONLY 1 exception (President Jimmy Carter), since January 1953, whenever an outgoing Democratic administration handed the White House over to an incoming Republican administration, the monthly National Unemployment Rate (NUR) for that inaugural month has been under 4.5%: ........
Jan 1953, Truman (D) hands White House over to Eisenhower (R); NUR = 2.9% ........
Jan 1969, Johnson (D) hands White House over to Nixon (R); NUR = 3.4% ........ J
an 2001, Clinton (D) hands White House over to G.W. Bush; NUR = 4.2% ............................
(2) On the other hand, since 1961, every single time that an outgoing Republican administration handed the White House over to an incoming Democratic administration, the monthly National Unemployment Rate (NUR) for that inaugural month has been above 6.0%: ........
Jan 1961, Eisenhower (R) hands the White House over to Kennedy (D); NUR = 6.6% ........
Jan 1977, Ford (R) hands the White House over to Carter (D); NUR = 7.5% ........
Jan 1993, G.H.W. Bush (R) hands the White House over to Clinton (D); NUR = 7.3% ........
Jan 2009, G.W. Bush (R) hands the White House over to Obama (D); NUR = 7.6% ............................
(3) If you want to see an awesome graphic that displays this relationship, Google "U.S. Misery Index" and click on the "Historical National Unemployment Rate, Monthly" on the left side.”
There's little difference between the parties in their track record on the economy. You'd do yourself a favor by not paying too much attention to the names of the parties but the policies they pursue. Nixon, for example, took us off the gold standard. FDR tried to push through the Blue Eagle.
Unemployment rate is not the only indicator of economic health. Especially when you listen to failed Keynesian economists.
Consider the fact that Clinton opened the credit tap in 1993. It took seven years to feel the effects of that decision. Consider that in 2002, Bush opened up the taps of credit and monetary creation again. It too about six years that time for the economy to collapse. In 1920, the Fed opened up the credit tap and it took 9 years for that bubble to collapse. Economic decisions can take literally years to unravel.
-Bill Clinton had a track record of economic excellence due to transforming the economy of Arkansas when he was governor
-Bill Clinton used his track record of creating jobs when he took over for George H (who was a lot smarter than George W) in 1992 when the economy was barely creating jobs and generated almost 6M jobs in his first 2 years in office or ~250K+ net monthly job gains...
-In 1993 he cut taxes on 15 million low-income families, generated tax cuts for 90% percent of small businesses, and raised taxes on just 1.2% of the wealthiest taxpayers.
-He signed into law the largest deficit reduction plan
-As a result of his sound economic policies, he generated more jobs than President Reagan and Bush H did in their three terms combined.
-92% of new jobs over Clinton's 8 year period were created in the private sector
So when the Democrats try to return to policies similar to Clinton's, the Republicans who have a horrible track record in terms of the economy cry foul and just obstruct with the same nonsense.
"Unions demand so much" because children and women in Asia, Mexico, and elsewhere demand so little, eh Led?
What this nation needs are laws that tell businesses that, if they wish to engage in our markets, that they need to ensure their products in some way shape or form are made here..
People may say that this would destroy business, but I look to Mexico as my case against this....
Mexico's markets prior to World War II were dominated by U.S. made products, which kept local industry from developing....
With World War II, and U.S. entrance, U.S. industry largely turned to internal production, and Mexican demand was met by a surge of local industry....I.S.I.---import substitution industry...
I believe the same thing would happen in the United States.....
What does that have to do with anything? He can't run again, even if he wanted to.
Did nothing I sad about the elasticity of economic policies penetrate? Let me try again. While the poor economic climate of the 1970's was due to many factors, the prime factor was the way the government chose to pay for Vietnam. The whole reason we dropped the Breton Woods agreement in the first place was because other countries, France in particular, were demanding that we exchange the dollars they held in gold. But, by inflating the monetary supply in order to pay for the war, the Treasury didn't have enough gold reserves to cover everyone that would come running if the French got paid out. So there would have been a "run" on the dollar as people tried to cash out. So Nixon applied a Gordian Knot solution to the problem and said that the dollar would no longer be exchanged for gold. The 1970's were the result. Which I might add, flew in the face of projections by Keynesian economists.
Kenrick, doesn't it bother you how many people were wiped out by the tech crash in 1999? Do you even know what caused that bubble? Do you know what causes any bubble? Clinton was a master at the schmooze. That's it. Claiming he was a great President is a joke.
Ignorance of investors (including venture capitalists) due to the novelty of the concept and financial institution reps who placed ridiculous, high valuations on these businesses...
Clinton did not make these individuals inflate the value of these businesses and did not make investors pour money into them...
Another example of why regulation is needed in our financial markets. Even if this occurs it will not prevent the next bubble due to ignorance, greed, and so on..
Actually I'd say it was ignorance by the investors of any sort of economic knowledge was why people got soaked in the dotcom bubble. You also don't know much about credit and the effects is has on an economy when you turn the taps on. In that respect it's very much like a flood. For the most part, the economy is robust enough to handle occasional floods of money, much like the levees around the Mississippi River are. But when you have massive amounts of credit created, like you did in the early Clinton and Bush administrations, sooner or later the levees are crested and you're faced with disaster. In short the money has to go somewhere.
You might also study Tulip mania. The causes and results of such a thing are readily apparent to anyone who has lived through the last few years. The one thread they have in common is that the government backed these things against all losses. When you do that, people lose their minds.
The South Seas Bubble is another example of this:
A few things you're forgetting. From '94 on Clinton fought tax cuts and limiting the budget tooth and nail. The only reason he signed them into law in the first place was due to the fact that the Republicans took over congress due to the ineptitude of the reigning Democrats and he was forced to go along because the only thing Clinton has ever cared about is his LEGACY. Oh yeah, and there's that little matter of a failed universal healthcare proposal, let's see, impeachment, lying to congress, travelgate, bimbo erruptions, etc,etc. Yep, he is definitely the ideal we should aspire to when choosing a president.
Bill Clinton economic record is solid. You know he did a good job when all the Republicans could do is take a deep dive into his personal life. I could care less who Bill Clinton slept with when he was in office.
All presidents that tried to reform healthcare have failed. At least he had the confidence to attempt to fix the broken healthcare system unlike his successor.
Hopefully the House will pass the Senate's healthcare bill version and use the majority to reform some of its provisions afterwards.
If you want to take about lies, what about George W and his WMDs claim in Iraq? That was a very costly and expensive blunder we are still paying for today.
When Clinton was in office the economy was booming and the US future was bright.
After 8 years with George W, the US future looks bleak and we are in the worst economic crisis since the 1930s.
When Clinton left office we had begun a recession. Bush got us out of it. Clinton was one of many lucky President's, the computer age.
Thankfully true. Compared to Obama, Bill was George Washington.
And you are the epitome of the conservatives with another hilarious yet ridiculous statement. George W is in the same class as Herbert Hoover.
Read history. The fact that you think Herbert Hoover did nothing to combat the Great Depression only shows that you don't know what you're talking about. You also probably don't know that FDR ran on a ballot that was going to cut spending and end the programs Hoover started. … epression/
You might profit by questioning the assumptions you seem to have.
Where did I state that Herbert Hoover did nothing to combat the Great Depression?
You are getting defensive and appear to be a closet Republican. Hoover has nothing on FDR.
I'm not a closet anything. I'm a libertarian and proud of it. Yo might want to take a good look around. Being a Republican is hardly the epithet it was only a short year ago. I wonder why htat is? You compared George W and Hoover. Apt, I suppose, if not in the way you meant it.
As to my question, all three are Ponzi Schemes. The only difference is that Madoff was only able to screw the people he got to trust him. Social Security and Medicare are going to screw us all. The only reason that is the case is because two are government programs and the third is not. So what makes Social Security and Medicare better than Madoff's scheme.
Mike, you're complaining about choice? Whose business is it but yours if you buy Rice Krispies or Krispy Rics. Is anyone holding a gun to your head to choose one over the other? If you buy Krispy Rics, does that make me a scumbag if I buy Rice Krispies?
Didn't Corning go out of buisness because of unsafe products? Didn't Enron, which could only do business because of the stupid way CA deregulated the power industry, go out of business?
Mike there is a difference between free markets and controlled markets. The guys like Bush and Cheney are for controlled markets as much as any Marxist. They could never get away with their nonsense in a free market, because there would be no avenue in which to intervene.
By the way, you also leave out companies that make medical devices that save lives or prosthetic companies which make is possible for amputees to walk again. For every crooked company there are hundreds and thousands that do business the right way. You might try considering what it could take to encourage those businesses to do an even better job than they do today.
Every major U.S. city run by Democrat's; how are things doing?
I was the individualist perspective...the "make as much as I can-even based on lies" concept....the "rugged individual" of business preying on the individual investor, who largely doesn't know what is going on....
Someone close to me has fallen into that same pattern....
Why do you assume that someone who lies will be successful in business. Don't you think someone known for lying will lose customers because his customers no longer trust him?
That's if the customers find out about the lies before they are taken to the cleaners. Bernie Madoff is an individual who comes to mind.
What do Bernie Madoff and Social Security and Medicaid have in common?
"Don't you think someone known for lying will lose customers because his customers no longer trust him?"
Where are Social Security and Medicaid in this question?
They are dying as their money has been used for other projects. The blame fallls on both Parties.
So many have been so successful......
Dupont, Mellon, Huntington...Enron.....and there are so many more examples to point to.....and then the "businessmen" of Bush and Cheney.....they find themselves in the White House...
All business is not founded on lies....but a lot of it is....
Look at breakfast cereal....I can buy the brand name Rice Crispies and pay, what, 5 dollars a box...or I can by Krispy Rics, (made by the same company, just packaged differently) and get twice the amount for half the price...
Fraud......"lets put it in a box, not a bag like Krispy Rice, and we will have commercials advertising Snap Crackle and Pop (the same sounds that come from Krispy Rice) and put the boxes on wide display, while putting the bags towards the end of the aisle, in a bunch"
I used to work for Safeway, as well as Sam's Club....I loved "developing" the marketplace....
And I'll take my Krispy Rice while misguided people pay more for less of the same thing...chasing the nonsense of brand...
Brand name.....the epitome (to a large degree) of the lies of business...
Oh no, Obama doesn't want secret ballots and for good reason. I was talking about the card check as it applies to voting yes or no to a union, sorry, I wasn't very specific was I?
Are you familiar with the history of the Taft-Hartley Labor Act?
The card check was put in that bill for the express purpose of keeping pressure tactics from being brought to bear on employees. By not using a secret ballot, unions could put pressure on employees to sign the card. By ensuring secret ballot, a person is free to vote their conscience. I have said elsewhere...all business is bad...
There are those out there who care about their consumers and their products...but I don't believe that the negative elements are "a few bad apples"......
Led, pressure can be put by a union, but more pressure can be placed by the boss...I look at Walmart alone for this example....their placement even of cameras in their parking lots to watch their employees actions as opposed to the safety of their shoppers...
Having worked for Walmart through Sam's Club and through the union side of the house through Von's/Safeway, I was better off, then, with the union...
I have some friends who still work for the grocery chain, however, and they say that it's now like Walmart....the promotion system is completely different, and the perks are gone....the health care is greatly diminished....
I'm listening to those who I know who have experience, and also my own experiences in these same areas....
And remember, all unions are not alike... Independent labor is a necessity if there is to be checks and balances in our society..which is what the Founding Fathers strove for, and which I also do...
I know the Taft-Hartley Act, and I also know its modern keeping truck drivers at the ports from unionizing..through the owner-operator clause... As if two drivers coming together could be compared to the real monopolistic powers that the original Act was intended to go after....
This same nonsense was seen in the Supreme Court ruling concerning campaign finance...the big guys using the rules established to protect the little reaffirm their status...
Come on, Mike, you know that camera placement thing is untrue. The only employees who go out in the parkinglot on a routine basis are the kids who collect the carts. Personally I like the idea of having cameras out there. They've caught lots of people stealing cars and stuff out of cars. And don't start with the cameras being out there to spy on employees. I've seen where the employees sit on their breaks and the cameras don't even cover that edge of the building, they're all pointed out at the parking lot. Seriously. Go to your local Wal-Mart and check it out for yourself.
I used to work for a grocery chain in Missouri and was a member of a union. I never really saw any benefits to membership. Now I come to find out that much of my dues went to SEIU and the crap they're pulling today. But you can believe that I would have walked had the management been abusive and stupid. Jobs for kids out of high school were plentiful back then, I could have worked wherever while I went to school. That is the ultimate sort of independent labor being able to walk if you have to.
Because you can't see past your anti-business bias, you can't see that the only way most businesses are able to be "bad apples" and stay in business is due to the intervention of the government.
By the way, the Chamber of Commerce you keep talking about is the forerunner of the LA City Government, right?
All business is bad! You have no idea how many people love their company.
It depends what you call "crap"..
There is no active, all the time, threat...but if there is any thought of potential union action, the investigative arm of Walmart has a grand panoptic view...and they will use the
"At-will" law to fire without cause, and without prior notice...
"At-will" is another thing that needs to be abolished....
I'll cite my sources, but am about to jump into the shower now....
I'll update you..
""At-will" is another thing that needs to be abolished...."
Of course, force everyone into unions.
Crap, otherwise known as BS. Are you aware that buried in the monstrosity of a bill the Dems are so hot to pass, there are provisions to force all healthcare workers into a union, whether or not they want to be in one? What purpose, exactly, does that serve and how does it make things better. Remember, unions are a big part of the reason many of our manufacturing jobs are now overseas. How does that help the average American afford health care?
Mike, you can believe that if I owned a business that employed people, I'd shut it down at the first whiff of unionization. I believe in paying people well for their work and offering benefits to get the best, but in return I demand performance. If you don't meet that standard, I'll find someone who will. You take that ability to choose away from an employer and you get companies like GM.
In the end, Mike, unions are thugs that destroy business and I'll never agree that unions are a good thing. I understand that you're in a union and think it's a good thing, after all you depend on them for your job. I'd rather not be beholden to such an entity, personally, but hey, that's my choice.
Is abolishing "At Will" forcing people into unions Professor TK/Sad?
Now, back to my day....
The goal is freedom of choice.....
The employer needs to compete for the workforce....and for their ability to organize...
There should be an open playing field....
Instead, at least in California...we have something much different..
"The goal is freedom of choice....."
For the employer as well?
Here's the goal which hasn't changed much in 100+ years--
"The interests of the working man will be protected, not by labor agitators, but by the Christian men to whom God in his infinite wisdom has entrusted the property interests in this country."
George Baer, president, Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, 1903.
And here's one on the amendment prohibiting child labor, circa 1925
"If this amendment shall be made to the constitution, pontificated Senator Stephens of Mississippi, "there is no doubt that in a few years there will be attempts made to prohibit not only work on the farm but also work of every character by children under eighteen years of age. This is a socialistic movement and has for its ends purposes far deeper and more radical than appear on the surface. It is part of a hellish scheme laid in foreign countries to destroy our government. many of the propagandists of the measure are communists and socialists...The child becomes the absolute property of the federal government."
Ldt, couldn't have said it better himself.
Unions were great up to the 1970's; what positive things have they done since then, and how many plants have they closed? I forgot,; how many businesses were forced overseas?
The unions don't close plants. The manufacturing industry in the midwest has been virtually turned over to China by our blind devotion to "free" trade. Inept management has also been a factor. Union intransigence and unreasonable work rules in some cases have also contributed to the demise of some plants, but to attribute plant closures to unions is a gross over simplification. Wages in China until recently averaged 80 cents/hour. Now they are $1.20/hour. China is no longer competitive in clothing manufacturing with Cambodia, Vietnam and other Asian countries where the hourly wage is 20 cents an hour. Unalloyed free trade has created a race to the bottom. Do you think it's reasonable for Detroit auto workers to compete with low wage workers working long hours in unsafe, unhealthful plants which are polluting the world's environment? Well, stop by your nearby WalMart and see if you can find anything in the store that's made in the United States.
The unions don't close plants. Union and non-union plants have closed and moved overseas. The manufacturing industry in the midwest has been virtually turned over to China by our blind devotion to "free" trade. Inept management has also been a factor. Union intransigence and unreasonable work rules in some cases have also contributed to the demise of some plants, but to attribute plant closures to unions is a gross over simplification. Wages in China until recently averaged 80 cents/hour. Now they are $1.20/hour. China is no longer competitive in clothing manufacturing with Cambodia, Vietnam and other Asian countries where the hourly wage is 20 cents an hour. Unalloyed free trade has created a race to the bottom. Do you think it's reasonable for Detroit auto workers to compete with low wage workers working long hours in unsafe, unhealthful plants which are polluting the world's environment? Well, stop by your nearby WalMart and see if you can find anything in the store that's made in the United States.
When you took chemistry class, did you kick and scream and cry when you read about the process of diffusion?
You know not of what you speak. I have witnessed what unions have done, and I negotiated with them. Union make demands and they close a plant. Then they claim victory!
The overseas payment can make a difference, but not all the time. Have you ever sat in on a union-management fight over pay?
Led, you may believe that, but you aren't running Walmart....
In fact, Walmart, if it is in your neighborhood, is going to make it more difficult for you to operate your business, if you in any way cross into their stream...which is expanding more and they are doing in store glasses....
What will happen to Lenscrafters? Are they going to be potentially put out?
You would, I'm sure, do whatever you could to make sure your employees were taken care of.....but my current employer doesn't....and neither did my former...
Now, this statement doesn't reflect my own treatment....I have been treated very well, and have been given far more hours and opportunity than others in my niche....but I have co-workers who have been abused....aggregiously...and they have nowhere to turn...I write letters and help represent them...and there is no avail....and this is in education...
One of the most important endeavors that any American laborer can perform........working with the youth, trying to make sure that they don't become the victims of tomorrow.... Ensuring math and language is learned...and that a sense of worth is built and nurtured...
But we are underworked, underpaid, and underrepresented....and we can be fired for no reason, so there isn't much incentive to speak out...because there are fewer and fewer jobs around....
All contrived...
Sometimes I think you'd gripe about getting hung with a golden rope. Who benefits when Wal-Mart goes into a business. How about the poor. By lowering prices, they make things affordable to people who couldn't afford them before. And you call that evil.
Now how do you compete against Wal-Mart? Simple. Wal-Mart competes on price and easy returns. You compete against Wal-Mart by offering exceptional service. Let Wal-Mart serve the masses, you can restructure you business along the lines of offering products that are more luxury and spend more time giving personal attention to your customers.
As for your concern about Lenscrafters, yes, if they can't figure out how to compete effectively then they need to fail. Why in God's name would you want a business that can effectively compete to remain in business. Wouldn't the skills and talents of the Lenscrafters employees be better utilized in a company that could remain in business?
There are fewer and fewer jobs around because of monetary policy, not because "it is contrived". You do realize that once a people become destitute enough, the revolt. What possible reason could businesses have to destroy the lives of their employees? After all every one of your employees is a potential customer. Henry Ford understood this which is why the Ford Motor Company was the first to raise the daily rate of pay for its workers to $5 an hour.
Now if you want to talk about why it's harder and harder to make a living, well that's a different discussion entirely.
"Who benefits when Wal-Mart goes into a business. How about the poor. By lowering prices, they make things affordable to people who couldn't afford them before. And you call that evil."
Absolutely wrong Led...
Goods were one made, low tech manufactures, clothing....and people were employed...we had less poor..
Walmart led the wave of retailers that reoriented the marketplace, and drove manufacturing this way free trade wouldn't improve China, per se, but would benefit Walmart...
Walmart lobbies in the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing (remember that term?) against labor rights in China, where we all know people are being abused...the same Walmart smiley face...the real one..
And jobs in America disappear.....
Small stores close....
Increase in poverty.....
Walmart lowers prices because they don't pay labor...they drive down wages elsewhere...
And they feed us the illusion that the "low prices" that we pay are real.....why don't we see who ultimately pays for "low".....
The research has already been done...
Just look up the American Chamber of Commerce over there...and then branch out..
I'm still waiting for all your experience to show itself.... Someone with as much wisdom as you claim to have would know that sharing and expanding the perceptions of others is a great thing....
C'mon..contribute something......
Anyone can quip.... You are Sab Oh now you reinvent your hubpage identity you should reinvent yourself as claim to be a teacher...
Class is in session, and I have my pen and paper...what are you going to tell me today?
I watch you well Sad....that is what is so sad about all this
Better than if the Republicans were in charge. Economy is improved, world respect is back.
Not sorry at all. Will vote for him in three years as well.
Now if we could only get rid of Harry Reid and Nancy Polosi.
i guess you could say i'm sorry he got elected.
Love your comment, evidentually a person with intelligence.
No Saddie, we shake our heads at the willingness of people like you to defend the exploitation of others...for a profit that you will never share in...
Way to identify with the usual..
You've missed so much already TK...I don't think keeping up is one of your needs...
Thanks for sharing your inteiiigence.
I'm not sorry he got erected, because I don't care about his tiny weiner!
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