This is a good response. Certainly society, via its laws, should impose certain morals, or ethical standards, on those who would not follow them otherwise. That is true. In fact, I find the whole abortion thing a little dubious (ie, I think there might be an argument for it being morally wrong), and I am in general what you would call a liberal! (I guess).
But you yourself said elsewhere that a don't ask don't tell policy on homosexuality is how you would approach the topic if you were governing.
Beyond this, you cannot muzzle people, gays included, and forbid them from participating in public discourse. This is a PRIMARY AMERICAN VALUE... FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This, beyond perhaps all other things, is what makes America different from Communist or Fascist countries... freedom to speak out, freedom of debate, freedom of association, and freedom of the press. Without these things we are all doomed. And not in the way you usually think about... instead, here, now, on earth.