Does anybody here think our U.S. congress can live on minimum wage?

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  1. JeniferD profile image61
    JeniferDposted 14 years ago

    I ask this because since the U.S. congress makes six figures a year doing essentially NOTHING for the people that voted them in and THEN denies the unemployed extended comps calling the unemployed 'lazy'.  Any jobs that paid a living wage in my state went overseas to cheap foreign labor markets.  Any jobs that are available now pay minimum wage, maybe slightly more.

    If congress thinks there are paying jobs out there that people can make a decent living on, let's see them make a go of a 40 hour week, on minimum wage.  It's called setting an example; don't make your constituents do anything YOU wouldn't do.

    1. Sunny_S profile image60
      Sunny_Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes your statement is quite true. I personally live in the U.K but i know how you feel as we have been through a rough time with our parliament members who have been caught doing stupid and naughty things with the tax payers money.
      The U.S congress could have a wage reduction but i dont think they would settle for minimum wage as the people who are chasing careers to be in the congress or anywhere similar will want a hefty pay check. The debate is ongoing but extremely annoying for citizens as we are unable to do alot really.
      I actually viewed a video on youtube about a congressman attacking a student or something like that, you should check it out.

      1. profile image50
        rbrew1019posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If congress wants to make cuts for the budget, they should start with their own wages.  I also think that if they want a raise that it should be on a vote by the people whether they get one or not.  As it stands now if they want a raise all they have to do is vote for what they want.
        Maybe they should put the money back in Social Security that has been borrowed from it, instead of cutting medicare and medicadel

    2. Jim Hunter profile image60
      Jim Hunterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think that Congress and the President should make no more than an E2 does in the military.

      As far as denying extended benefits to the unemployed I applaud them! No one seems to realize the US government has no actual money, all funds available to them come by threat against the citizens of this country, extending benefits to the unemployed would not be fiscally prudent.

      I have never waited around for government to act to make my life better, I acted on my own behalf, I am after all the best representative for my cause.

      1. Abecedarian profile image71
        Abecedarianposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You would. Is that as high as you got in the military?

      2. profile image0
        Texasbetaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hunter, it is called unemployment insurance. It is a state and federal plan. We pay into it with each check...and our employers pay into it annually. So, this money that people are taking...IS THEIR MONEY! Get a clue for once. By your logic, treating sick people isn't fiscally prudent either. You would have been a player in Berlin back in the day. Well, maybe not.

        1. Jim Hunter profile image60
          Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          How original, when confused resort to the Nazi label.

          "it is called unemployment insurance. It is a state and federal plan. We pay into it with each check...and our employers pay into it annually."

          You don't pay a dime towards unemployment, the employer does.

          1. John Holden profile image60
            John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            And where does the employer get the money from?
            Does he have a job flipping burgers to pay?

            1. dingdondingdon profile image60
              dingdondingdonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Haven't you heard? These days rich CEOs have to take jobs flipping burgers because of us greedy peons demanding things like "rights" and "minimum wage". sad

              1. Jim Hunter profile image60
                Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Join a Union.

                1. John Holden profile image60
                  John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Good advice Jim.

                2. dingdondingdon profile image60
                  dingdondingdonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  While I still can, you mean? They're doing their very best to wipe those out.

                  1. Jim Hunter profile image60
                    Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                    Who is doing their best to wipe out Unions?

                    Publicly funded Unions should be done away with..Absolutely

                    There is probably a burger flipping union for you and John to join.

            2. Jim Hunter profile image60
              Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this


              1. John Holden profile image60
                John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, reality can be pretty boring can't it!

    3. ediggity profile image59
      ediggityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mitt Romney said he would forgo the presidents salary if elected, and also did not take a salary his 4 years as Massachusetts Governor. But we didn't pick that choice.  Instead we banked on Hope and change.

      1. lovemychris profile image82
        lovemychrisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Romney didn't give that money back to the state, he got a friend a job, and gave the paycheck to him!!

      2. profile image0
        Texasbetaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe because Mitt Romney is already worth $190 million. I think he can forgo a few hundred thousands. Read between the lines.

      3. Maembe profile image60
        Maembeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        McCain ran on hope and change too?

    4. h.a.borcich profile image62
      h.a.borcichposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would like to see them try smile Maybe a trial period of this should be required prior to running for office smile

    5. dutchman1951 profile image61
      dutchman1951posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      they can not even live on the wage they get, thats why lobbyists get away with what they do!

    6. turgeo2004 profile image65
      turgeo2004posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No one can live on minimum wage in the united states

    7. manlypoetryman profile image78
      manlypoetrymanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "Yeaaaah-Whoo! Send 'em all packin'"! There is no gosh dern way that any of them could live with out all the benefits that they feel they are entitled to in Congress. Why else would you raise more in campaign funds to get a job that you could possibly make back in salary?

    8. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think they could travel and meet their constituency and do justice to the responsibility of their jobs on minimum wage.

      Wait a minute!  What the heck was I thinking...duh....They ALREADY don't do those things.

      So yeah why not make 'em live like the average person!?

      Or at least put a cap on their salary at maybe $75,000.....

    9. KFlippin profile image61
      KFlippinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like it is time to just move!  Have we who struggle in America not the cojones to travel across the ocean and seek a better life if what we find in our home country is not satisfactory in terms of economic opportunity?  Surely if one wishes to work hard and save money and live quite minimally, in time a few generations out they will find an international emerging market version of the old American Dream?  smile

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Politicians are exactly that- a representative of the people. Their individual salary should not even exist. They can earn more by making appearances at functions or events, where some are paid $20,000.00 just for being there and saying something minor.

    The fees paid to politicians should be enough for them to live on and their salary would not be an expenditure of the people's money(taxes). Granted, they would probably scheme to make more money to make up for a lack of salary, but at least it would be paid for by business and not from taxpayer's revenue.

  3. Dame Scribe profile image55
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    It would be interesting to see a gov't whether US or others -forego their salaries but doubt that would ever happen unless the people rise and revolt. hmm

  4. Rafini profile image81
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago … laries.htm

    When the US first began US senators earned $6.00 per diem. (per day in session?) in 1815 US senators earned their first annual wage of $1500.  In 1955 US senators were earning more than the minimum wage is today. (22,500 per annum)  Today, in 2010, US senators earn $174,000.

    If we can limit the number of terms a President can hold office why can't we limit the amount of money a US senator can earn?  US senators should not be earning so much more than the average American Citizen.

    1. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Why not even Limit the term a Congressman can serve? it would help tear down the "buddy system" of those who have made politics their career.

  5. JeniferD profile image61
    JeniferDposted 14 years ago

    Outstanding replies!  However, we all know the U.S. congress doesn't like to play fair, or do anything for anyone unless there is some sort of payday in it for them.  Both major parties have seemingly adopted a 'gangster' mentality that causes even the simplest of sessions to pass a simple bill into a big pissing contest, in case some of us have not noticed in the last two or three years.

    Hell, I'd love to fire them all.  Yes, our congress sucks big eggs.  Why pay them the obscene salary to do nothing, but, collect massive amounts of monetary graft when we could be outsourcing their jobs to some commercial novelty like a Magic Eight Ball?

  6. Reality Bytes profile image71
    Reality Bytesposted 14 years ago

    Congress reminds me of professional wrestling.  They put on a big show for the public but in private it is all chummy and high fives.

  7. profile image52
    blend008posted 14 years ago

    i like the magic eight ball idea

  8. IntimatEvolution profile image73
    IntimatEvolutionposted 14 years ago

    It has always been my belief that that is all they should be paid.  They are supposedly "dedicating their lives" to public service.  How many times have you heard them say that during their campaign, when they want to get started in politics, and during their retirement speeches?  Well I have heard it a lot over my 21 years of voting. 

    So it is my thinking that they should then either freely volunteer, or get paid the min.wage.  Nothing more and nothing less.  No paid vacations, no health care, just the bare min. of what they believe bare min Americans should be paid.

    It is crazy that they can become millionaires, off the blood sweat and tears of the American taxpayer.  We are all crazy as loons for allowing it.

  9. Jillian Barclay profile image72
    Jillian Barclayposted 14 years ago

    People tend to forget that US Senators also qualify for a pension with as little as 5 years of service, so we are paying for that, too. Check out:

    Until Congress actually starts participating in solutions to our problems of high unemployment, their pay should reflect the number of hours they actually work. I think that when they start talking about cutting unemployment insurance, Medicare, Social Security, etc. they should begin by cutting their own pay and benefits.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image84
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      they are too out of touch with the average American. look what happens in congress, they can't even work together. they can't perform the job they're paid very well to accomplish. those that refuse to work should get the boot and lose their benefits.  can you imagine going to your workplace and saying, NO, I'm not going to do this, I want to do it MY way.

      1. profile image50
        rbrew1019posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you.  They don't work for the people anymore it is all for them.
        They should be limited to 2 terms like the president and not be able to draw full retirement.  What makes them any better than anyone else.  I would like to have had a job with the benefits and wages they draw.  Maybe they all need to resign and we could elect some common people that would work for the common people.

    2. Abecedarian profile image71
      Abecedarianposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Great point Jillian, I think Americans should join to push pay reform on our legislators. They are quick to complain about CEO's  and their packages and our state CEO's are milking the system as well.

      They don't do this for free, they get  a salary + perks from lobbyists. If you give of yourself for your country in military service, you have to give them 20 years before you qualify for "retirement benefits", so then why is it our legislators serve a couple of terms and they get full retirement benefits.? If they lost their job, their former employer certainly wouldn't continue their benefits, so neither should the taxpayer.

  10. tritrain profile image72
    tritrainposted 14 years ago

    Maha!  Mauahaha!


    Ever watched Undercover Boss?  That's what they should be doing.

  11. JeniferD profile image61
    JeniferDposted 13 years ago

    Outstanding replies guys.  It's good to know some of us are paying attention.

  12. Greek One profile image65
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    how will they afford their whores and drugs?

    1. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      lol..."under the table." Oops, guess that part is covered with their whores.

  13. dingdondingdon profile image60
    dingdondingdonposted 13 years ago

    Politicians should be paid a low wage. Maybe then we'd get people who genuinely cared about politics and making a difference, rather than about padding their wallets.

  14. Evan G Rogers profile image59
    Evan G Rogersposted 13 years ago

    If Congressmen worked for minimum wage, then who the hell would take the job?

    1. dingdondingdon profile image60
      dingdondingdonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's a sad day for politics when we admit that the only reason anyone bothers to go into the field is for the money.

      1. Evan G Rogers profile image59
        Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        why bother doing anything if you're not going to be rewarded for it?

        You ACTUALLY think that ANYONE doesn't act out of self-interest?


        1. John Holden profile image60
          John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I wouldn't say that the world is full of people not motivated by self interest, but there are a hell of a lot who aren't.
          Just that there aren't many in politics.

    2. Moderndayslave profile image61
      Moderndayslaveposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There's always that promise of a wall st or lobbying job when they get out

  15. royalblkrose profile image60
    royalblkroseposted 13 years ago

    I think that Congress, the POTUS(president of the US) and all the tax lawyers at GE should play the poverty simulation that the United Way sponsors... it's a three hr simulation of how people live that are on minimum wage, disability, food stamps..

  16. Moderndayslave profile image61
    Moderndayslaveposted 13 years ago

    No but I think they should.

  17. Alexander Pease profile image61
    Alexander Peaseposted 13 years ago

    My fingers hurt from typing, so I will say no. I don't think they would be able to live off from minimum wage.


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