I just want to congratulate the Democrats for running such a well planned and efficient campaign.
I would also like to acknowledge the hard work Obama has put into this endeavor.
I would also like to acknowledge the incredible efforts of Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama.
Good job guys, I wish you all the same success in the future.
In all, I just think that the American people showed up in record numbers to have their voices heard.
And I would like to thank all the citizens who took part in this historic election!
Harry Reid beat Sharron Angle!
lol. I am so happy. She wouldn't even make a concession speech.
oh terrific news, hey Pelosi won also.
You must be ecstatic
So would I! Congratulations to everyone. Hopefully Obama will sweep to power in two years time as did Reagan and Clinton!
Unfortunately we ended up with a republican Governor in Michigan. And, a lot of offices went to republicans here, thanks to the one party voting platform.
But, we are so screwed here in Michigan. That I don't think it matters who our Governor is. Unless we get our manufacturing jobs back from China and Mexico, there will be little reason to celebrate for any party.
I think all of the party finger pointing is getting a bit tired. We can blame months of endless party slamming TV ads for turning off voters, and making them decide not to vote at all. Some of us are beginning to wonder if voting anyone into office is worth the effort.
Not all your jobs are going overseas, Your local prisoners are doing your jobs for nickels and dimes. Prison labor! My latest hub.
Yes, prisoners are doing some work, but not as much as the republicans would like them to do. Think back a few years ago when they were trying to push the prisons for profit idea.
It's not bad enough, that they want to send our jobs overseas, they also wanted to force our prisoners to work for GM and manufacture cars for pennies on the dollar, leaving those who never committed a crime in their lives on the unemployment line and welfare.
Eventually the government would end up paying for it all, because the only people involved in manufacturing would be prisoners, as it would leave the same domino effect as NAFTA, as companies relocate their factories into the prison's back yards.
This kind of thinking needs to stop. The goverment needs to stop pandering to the walmart's of the world, and put american's back to work.
Or at least give us the money they giving away to those companies to move our factories across the border. No More tax breaks for outsourcing!
Explain to me how government can put anyone to work.
I just hope they don't axe the film incentives; they're working, and many people I know are working because of them. I've even had a couple gigs on some of the local productions.
If they need more, let me know! I could use a couple of gigs, and I have plenty of time on my hands. I didn't realize you're from Michigan, neighbor.
Let's not forget about the incredible efforts of the GOP® and its subsidiary, the Tea Party™!
The stock market might have been climbing nicely over the past year, but the best investment of all is in the election of some Republican politicians. Can't think of a better ROI!
Great job, red elephants!
(Of course, due thanks go to the Republican SCOTUS justices, too, since without Citizens United vs FEC, all of this would have been much more difficult. And don't forget Rupert Murdoch, either!)
It is good to see that you DO support the right of free speech.
No they are "persons" the same as your government created corporation.
YOUR NAME in capital letters is a corporation.
It is not you the human being, it is the fictitious entity that allows you to engage in commerce.
Defenition of a "person" http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/person
In general usage, a human being; by statute, however, the term can include firms, labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in Bankruptcy, or receivers.
A corporation is a "person" for purposes of the constitutional guarantees of equal protection of laws and Due Process of Law.
Foreign governments otherwise eligible to sue in United States courts are "persons" entitled to institute a suit for treble damages for alleged antitrust violations under the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C.A. § 12 et seq.).
Illegitimate children are "persons" within the meaning of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Then why can't corporations and other non-human "persons" vote in elections?
Citizens vote! Not "persons"
Adult citizens of the United States who are residents of one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia may not be restrained from voting for a variety of protected reasons, stated in the aforementioned 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments.
Then why did you go through this explanation of "persons" for the purposes of commerce, when we were talking about elections?
If only citizens can vote, are corporations citizens, too?
Because "persons" engage in commerce.
Citizens are born. Corporations are created.
What I was trying to say is YOUR NAME in capital letters has the same standing under law as IBM.
It is a fiction, yet you the human being are supposed to be responsible for this strawman. You can have your strawman spend as much as you want on campaigns, as other "persons" should hold the same right. I would like nothing better then turning our Courts back to Common Law Courts instead of Maritime Jurisdiction, but for now that is what it is.
Legal definitions do not always correspond to general language definitions.
I actually appreciate knowing who is paying for the campaign ads that I see, in that way I can try and determine their motivation.
"Legal definitions do not always correspond to general language definitions."
Indeed; that's why lawyers exist. (It could also be argued that lawyers ensure that legal definitions don't always correspond to general usage so that lawyers can continue to exist. )
Joking aside, the ruling that a corporation is a "person" and enjoys the right of free speech (how can a corporation speak, exactly?) is preposterous, wrongheaded, and bad for the (actual) people.
Good question. But they have a better deal just buying votes anonymously thanks to the Supreme Court in Citizens United. That's got to be the worst decision since Dred Scott or Plessy v. Fergson.
And if they are FOREIGN corporations, they can still participate in US elections through the US Chamber of Commerce who will spend the illegal contributions on republicans friendly to outsourcing jobs..
http://thinkprogress.org/2010/10/13/cha … ded-media/
If anyone is interested in the facts?
http://www.uschamber.com/facts/myth-vs- … l-spending
Of course - if the CofC says they are innocent we can just believe them.
From www.economyincrisis.org/.../report-cham … utsourcing
"After the work that The Center for American Progress’ blog, Think Progress, has done in recent weeks uncovering the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s less than patriotic actions, perhaps the lobbying group should consider removing the “U.S.” from the front of its name and replacing it with “International” or “China.”
Think Progress’ latest allegations levied at the Chamber accusing the group of working directly with Chinese government officials to promote outsourcing among its American membership.
According to the report, Chinese branches of the Chamber have worked directly with the Chinese government to sponsor events in America promoting and even encouraging American companies to ship jobs overseas.
"The Chinese AmCham has worked closely with the U.S. Chamber and the Chinese government to sponsor a series of seminars in America to teach American businesses how to outsource jobs to China (called the China Grassroots Program)," ThinkProgress' Lee Fang wrote Tuesday.
According to the Chamber’s website, between 2006 and 2007, it hosted at least 16 such events in 14 different states. The events typically feature high-ranking Chinese officials...
Yes, you can trust the Chamber of Commerce. It's democrats who lie 100% of the time.
The AfL-CIO donates to campaigns. How much foreign member dues do they donate? They collect dues in 155 countries, be careful about throwing stones you may break a window in your own house.
International Labor Organizations
The AFL-CIO is affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)—the worldwide union network. Based in Brussels, Belgium, the ITUC represents 175 million workers in 155 countries and territories and has 311 national affiliates.
SEIU's Global Organizing program works with partner unions and global union federations to organize these workers across borders.
Our counterpart unions in other countries are also committed to arresting the decline in the power that unions have experienced around the world. We are sharing the same campaigns. We're sharing best practices, and we have committed ourselves to checking this decline.
We are sharing the same CAMPAIGNS
Be careful!!
Now that this has been settled, it will be interesting to see if policies like NAFTA are renewed...the vote will be coming up next year...
I predict a ramrod of nonsensical legislation from the House shoved through the Senate and jabbed onto Obama's desk.....and this isn't a good thing...
"Democrat" and "progressive" or "liberal" are not synonymous... Though Democrats held a 60 seat majority in the Senate..progressive legislation still struggled to move... The Employee Free Choice Act never left committee...
The Immigration debate will also be very interesting...
The new Speaker of the House speaks of the new era of spending cuts....but I still have yet to see a specific example... While he has been in the House for 20 years he tries to pass himself off as a newcomer: "I am now ready to lead".......20 years later?
We are in for very interesting times....
The Bush tax cuts are 60% of the deficit..let's see if they put their money where their mouth is.
Do what's best for America...not the wealthy only.
Also--Michelle Bachmann is gunning for a leadership position. She has said publicly she wants to investigate Democrats for UnAmerican activity...and you know they want to impeach Obama...McConnell's goal is to get rid of Obama...I have a very sinking feeling about this.
I see Kasich is back in....
This does not bode well. Another Fox commentator...like Palin, soon to be O'Donnell.
Not good. And I fear the worst for the least among us.
Nice sentiment from you Reality Bites, but I think this is the worst that could have happened. Unless Obama stands firm, we are back to the awful Bush years all over again.
And NAFTA needs to go--at least this version of it, but what chance is there now?
I have such a sinking feeling.....
Why go back to the Bush years?
Why not go back to 1994 the Clinton Years? Wasn't NAFTA a Clinton thing too?
Yes, NAFTA was a Clinton thing....
As was Welfare "Reform".
Horrible horrible policies because he had to "work with" Republicans.
"The Bush tax cuts are 60% of the deficit..let's see if they put their money where their mouth is.
Do what's best for America...not the wealthy only."
THIS is my litmus test. If they keep these...they are all phonies.
A balanced Budget also came out of the Clinton years.
Which brings me to the oppression that is now falling upon the American Citizen!
Why do WE have to tighten our belts, balance our budgets, and live within our means while the Government does exactly the opposite?
We are all equal human beings under the American Constitution regardless of the title or position that any human possesses.
Why does Congress pass Legislation that makes itself exempt? Are they an Aristocratic class that lives off the taxpayer and operates above the law?
U.S. Constitution
Article I, Section 6
They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.
That provision in the Constitution was put there so that representatives and senators could travel freely from their home state to the capitol and back. It was not beyond the realm of possibility back in the day for interstate rivalry to be intense enough that say, Pennsylvania authorities might have tried to detain the senators from, say, Georgia, to stop them from reaching New York City in time to vote on a given issue.
"Why does Congress pass Legislation that makes itself exempt?"
Don't know, and don't like it much. I can see making a sitting rep or senator exempt from, say, being searched at the airport or whatever, but once they leave office, they need to become ordinary folks again, and have to take off their shoes and go through the naked body scanner just like the rest of us.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Clinton said he hoped the agreement would encourage other nations to work toward a broader world-trade pact.
Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA bill!
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-hist … d-into-law
NAFTA, a trade pact between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, eliminated virtually all tariffs and trade restrictions between the three nations. The passage of NAFTA was one of Clinton's first major victories as the first Democratic president in 12 years--though the movement for free trade in North America had begun as a Republican initiative.
During its planning stages, NAFTA was heavily criticized by Reform Party presidential candidate Ross Perot, who argued that if NAFTA was passed, Americans would hear a "giant sucking sound" of American companies fleeing the United States for Mexico, where employees would work for less pay and without benefits. The pact, which took effect on January 1, 1994, created the world's largest free-trade zone.
I think that the women in politics lately are ruining a lot of things.
Sure, it shows steps in women's rights, but the women who are involved are nuts. (i.e. palin, o'donnell, angle)
This article says it all
http://www.beautymadefresh.net/2010/11/ … itics.html
I think there will be a female POTUS in 2012.
Condaleeza Rice! I cannot wait to read her book.
Congrats to the Democrats? For what? Losing big time in the House and narrowly holding onto the majority in the Senate (they no longer have that magical 60 votes). This is worthy of congratulations?
I was very disappointed that Harry Reid won last night. How do you win with such a low approval rating and less than 48% in every poll running up to election day? Not to mention an unemployment rate of nearly 15% in Nevada despite his claims that he was the savior of jobs across the country.
But at least Nancy Pelosi is out of the Speaker's chair. The thought of that woman being two steps away from the Presidency gave me the heebie jeebies.....
Congratulate them on their outstanding attempts. Let us try and accomodate our hubbers who hold different political views.
Some feel that everyone has a right to succeed. everyone should get a Trophy.
If they participated then they need to be told "good job" AND get a Trophy engraved "Thanks for Participating"
Yeah, I see what you mean. That trophy and a buck fifty will get you a cup of coffee!
Congratulations to President Hussein, the boxer and the botox queen on an EPIC FAIL. The most seats in the House held by republicans in years, most seats changed hands since 1932, most state legislatures won by Republicans since 1928, some state legislatures haven't been Republican since the end of Reconstruction. Biggest victory for Republicans since 1894. How could congratulations not be in order - few people can accomplish such a task in so short a period. Nancy Pelosi shortest term as Speaker. BHO was elected by 53% in 2008, now has approval ratings sliding daily toward 30%. 2012 Reelection in danger. Can you say LBJ? Hillary is circling the blood pool like a Great White. EPIC FAIL CONGRATULATIONS - maybe the video diary of this election should be released as "Jackass IV"
"I was very disappointed that Harry Reid won last night." I was relieved, considering his opponent.
And you think these Republicans are different...how?
You will see...they are not. In fact, they are worse.
We will rue the day.
Tom Delay's trial has started...illegally sending money to fund Republicans...much like Meese was fired for back in the day.
We never resolved anything from 2000-2008.
And these are coming in now talking sub-poenas and impeachment.
You may think you have saved America---I feel it is now ruined.
All the good intentions, all the good feelings, the positivity for the future...all wrecked. Sacrificed at the altar of greed.
Wrong. I have no high hopes for the GOP, except that thanks to them, for the remainder of Obama's term he will be a lame duck, unable to inflict anymore damage to our Republic and piling no more mountains of debt off on generations yet unborn.
Another two years of unchecked Obama "rule" and we would not even be able to recognize this country....
California just F-ed itself beyond all measure. Hard to wrap my head around what "we" have just done in our elections. This state was already screwed, and somehow the people of California haven't had enough yet and, apparently, are perfectly fine to have even greater deficits, higher taxes and more fees. I suppose we won't figure it out until there are 80 kids in a classroom and 80% unemployment.
Plus, they handed a huge victory to the drug cartels by voting down prop 19.
How so, Ron?
Legalization of anything unstable will only lead to the handling of it being taken advantage of and corrupted even further.
I agree with this, you are from Arizona?
Legalizing the crazy cabbage would probably lower the crime rates nationwide, it would lower the prison population at the same time.
Tax revenue, less money spent on Law enforcement and lower prison costs.
It seems like a no-brainer to legalize.
Yes, I live in AZ. We voted down medical marijuana for a fourth time.
Here where I live, drugs is a big time money-maker for our county.
The police risk their lives, arrest offenders, offenders go to jail, pay a bond, court cost, etc, get a probation, and then, get out and
well, history seems to repeat itself.
I think it's great that harry reid won.
His opponent knows nothing of the constitution, doesn't even know what her role as a senator would be. She's been quoted several times stating things that are completely against our constitution.
Hell-oooo people. Wake up.
This isn't a "christian" nation, for one thing.
also, it is a sort of victory for dems because of this simple fact:
we have the senate, and our president has a veto pen *wink*
so.. with two whole, entire levels of "democrats" above the republican house, good luck getting ANYTHING done.
uh.. and.. uh.. PWN.
I am just curious as to how this is going to turn out.
I am not feeling so great today and got my "chores" all done up, THOUGHT I would enjoy a little tv. NOPE mr potus had to talk, right then, I noticed, he didn't seem so bubbly. i don't think he was too happy.
Money is citizens. Money is God.Money is America.
Or you could substitute power.
Not for the good of Americans..for the good of their profits and their expansion over the world.
They have taken over America.
If I had the choice I would prefer food, clothing, and shelter over money anyday.
Yes, the prison-for-profit industry had a lot to do with Arizona's new law..lot of people in her admintration will profit by it.
It's all about the money with these people. No morals whatsoever.
"AZ Governor Funneling Money to Private Prison Corporation Through SB 1070
by Alex DiBranco July 27, 2010 10:23 AM (PT)"
The illusion is that there was ever a realistic "60 vote" majority...
It is wrong to paint Democrats as being united... There are conservative Democrats.....but there are no progressive or liberal Republicans....
from the Associateed Press:
SPIN METER: Foreign money in politics? Not proven
By JIM KUHNHENN (AP) – Oct 11, 2010
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration and its allies are going all out against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and GOP-leaning groups, accusing them of using foreign money to help finance political ads. Trouble is, they're providing no evidence.
The mere idea, lack of proof aside, is part of a Democratic message that tries to tie Republicans to foreign interests and to jobs shifted overseas. On Monday, the liberal group MoveOn.org began airing an ad in Illinois against Senate candidate Mark Kirk using his support from the chamber to link him to foreign corporations that, in the ad's words, "threaten American jobs."
Chicago Tribune:
Mark Kirk has vowed to be in the vanguard of a Republican bulwark against President Barack Obama's spending and tax plans. At the same time, Illinois' newly elected senator says he will be a model of conciliation and compromise in an era of sharp partisan divide.
:::The election is over:::
Excellent! NOW they will show us WHO gave the money and how much, right?
Ahahahahaha---when piggies fly...or wing-nuts, take your pick.
Anyone can make accusations without evidence to support their claims. The dishonorable part is saying that the accused must prove their innocence.
Watch::::: Obama is an Illuminati High Priest that takes part in child sacrifice ceremonies in the oval office!
Let him prove that is wrong!
Anyone can make accusations, it does not make it TRUE!
I do not believe that Obama is a high priest, Illuminati absolutely!
I do have a hub on the Illuminati?
http://sardonahighpriestess.tripod.com/ … /id25.html
We have been around for generation after generation,
Going back to the times of Solomon.
We are from around the world and there is a world wide council.We comunicate from around the Globe.Our council in the United states are in the West coast and the east coast.
We are generational Witches and Warlocks chosen From family Bloodlines as well as Lucifer himself.
As long as someone says it, it must be true. That kind of crazy talk?
Way to go people .Your lame duck is just the kinda change we needed to turn things around. Country shoots self in foot then hops to the party to drink stagnate tea.
Progress?... lol
Ya know those idiots paid tax on the tea they threw out during their gay little protest in the beginning.
by Prophecy Teacher 16 years ago
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by OLYHOOCH 13 years ago
What the HECK kind of a game is Obama playing now. Could one of you tell me what part of this picture, I don't get.I see that, WE, still do not have a voice in the issues that are ruining our country.OLYThe White House sent out a press release this morning promoting President Obama's meeting with...
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by AnnCee 14 years ago
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I'm a grampa again - Polly Olivia has just arrived to make it 12!
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