GOP now refuses to do it's job as long as Obama is in the Whitehouse

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  1. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone.

    If there was any doubt that the GOP is holding this country hostage in order to retake the Whitehouse, McConnell removed it with this statement.

    Mr. Obama says he will not sign a short-term deal, saying, "This the United States of America and, you know, we don't manage our affairs in three-month increments."

    I agree with this statement. The GOP wants to pass a short term deal and then go back to business as usual once the elections are over. They believe that by keeping this country in a state of fear and confusion they have a chance at retaking the whitehouse. Nothing is more important to them than this goal. They have made it clear they will do everything they can to keep a compromise from being reached. Screw 'em. Let the checks stop and medicare to stop, Watch how well that works for them. I know it will back fire and they have to know this as well. It's time someone in the GOP stands up and says it's time to quit pqalying at government and start doing the job they were elected to do. They seem to believe they were elected to make a change in the Whitehouse rather than work towards solving the problems they helped create. … ColumnArea

    1. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You got that right!
      And so does Obama.
      AND you are right: Screw em!

      Do you know, I heard on the radio today.....they send out 70- million SS checks every month??
      This includes military and disabled.

      Ohhhhhhhh, just let them try and not pay it.
      Simply because their friend Koch needs a tax break.......

      "the GOP is holding this country hostage in order to retake the Whitehouse"

      Quite stunning isn't it? The fangs are out.

      1. American View profile image60
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If SS is not paid it will be by Obamas choice. CBO has already come out and said there is anough money available to cover the debt with several billion left over. So like last year when Obama threatened not to pay the military if the budget shutdown. Personally, I want to see if Obama has the stones to not Pay. Oh not to mention the 2,2 Trillion dollars that Gene Spriling has claimed "is sitting on the fence for Congress to spend". That was his response a few weeks ago when asked how congress could put prople back to work. Now wthat does not mean the debt should be ignored as Dems want. It needs to be addressed and the sooner the better. Repubs need to close the loopholes, the Dems need to make serious cuts. ANd I do not mean Medicare though that needs to be addressed, but the useless things like studying the mating habits of bees-25 million per year, watching shrimp run on a tread mill, 18 million per year, Just in case you thought I made that up … re=related

        Obam, Congress, time to get serious and stop the rhetoric. Both sides got us into this Both sides better get us out!!

        1. lovemychris profile image80
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Bush policies got us here...the R's need to sd and su.

          1. American View profile image60
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Bush Policies did not get us here where we are today. I know you will not read this or believe it but all anyone has to do is look it up like I did. People need to look at reality and not listen to hype. I have posted this info before.

            When President Bush took office, the economy was already on its way down. The dot Com bust and false reporting by corperations took its toll. AS the Dow dropped from 11215.10 under his predicessor to a bottom of 9878.78 on Feb 2001. A turnaround in the next 3 months brought the Dow back to 10912.90 on May 2001. It remained steady going up and down daily until September 11, 2001. In the aftermath of 911, the Dow plummeted to 8847.56. But with a push from President Bush to instill confidence in the public, his actions worked. The Dow rose to 10403.94 on April 2002. A turn around in 7 months after one of the worst tragedies in American history The Dow once more took a downward turn as unemployment was on the rise. After 911 there was a big spike in unemployment. Dow dropped to 7591.93. on Aug 2002. The Dow  fluctuated over the next few months and closed 7891.08 on Feb 2003. In 2003 the Bush Tax Cuts take effect and have a positive effect on the economy.  The 2003 invasion of Iraq (March 19–May 1, 2003), was the start of the conflict known as the Iraq War or Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Dow began to rebound and closed 10583.92 on Feb 2004. A turn around in one year. The market was steady for the next year. Hurricane Katrina would arrive on land in the southeastern part of Louisiana on August 29, 2005 and would eventually reach Category 5 status. The devastation was enormous. The dow took a very small dip and began a long slow growth to 13930.01 on October of 2008. This was the highest close date ever in the History of the Dow. The market was steady for a short time.  October 2008, Black Monday. The Dow took a huge 2,000 point dive and continued down to 7062.93. Obama was in office for 2 months when the Dow closed at that level. The Unemployment rate was good under Bush until near the end of his term. Dems pushed for raising the Minimum wage. Despite warnings from Repubs and Economists, they passed it and the economists were right. Note in the following chart the rise in unemployment and how it rose to higher levels under Obama. Despite all the critisisim and blame Bush takes for the economy, the data from the dow shows everytime the Dow dropped, Bush made adjustments and the Dow improved. The economy was far better than it gets credit for. Seems the American people have been brainwashed to believe different. And further proof the Bush tax cuts were good for the economy is how the economy and Dow responded after they were enacted in 2003. Unemployment chart:

            2001-01     4.20     Bush
            2001-02     4.20     
            2001-03     4.30     
            2001-04     4.40     
            2001-05     4.30     
            2001-06     4.50     Tax Relief & Reconciliation Act of 2001, dec.
            2001-07     4.60     
            2001-08     4.90     
            2001-09     5.00     9/11 terrorist attack
            2001-10     5.30     US enters Afghanistan War
            2001-11     5.50     
            2001-12     5.70     
            2002-01     5.70     
            2002-02     5.70     
            2002-03     5.70     
            2002-04     5.90     
            2002-05     5.80     
            2002-06     5.80     
            2002-07     5.80     
            2002-08     5.70     
            2002-09     5.70     
            2002-10     5.70     
            2002-11     5.90     
            2002-12     6.00     
            2003-01     5.80     
            2003-02     5.90     Shuttle Columbia Disaster
            2003-03     5.90     US enters Iraq War
            2003-04     6.00     
            2003-05     6.10     Tax Relief & Reconciliation Act of 2003, dec. Bush Tax Cuts
            2003-06     6.30     
            2003-07     6.20     
            2003-08     6.10     
            2003-09     6.10     
            2003-10     6.00     
            2003-11     5.80     
            2003-12     5.70     
            2004-01     5.70     
            2004-02     5.60     
            2004-03     5.80     
            2004-04     5.60     
            2004-05     5.60     
            2004-06     5.60     
            2004-07     5.50     
            2004-08     5.40     
            2004-09     5.40     
            2004-10     5.50     
            2004-11     5.40     
            2004-12     5.40     
            2005-01     5.30     
            2005-02     5.40     
            2005-03     5.20     
            2005-04     5.20     
            2005-05     5.10     
            2005-06     5.00     
            2005-07     5.00     
            2005-08     4.90     
            2005-09     5.00     
            2005-10     5.00     
            2005-11     5.00     
            2005-12     4.90     
            2006-01     4.70     
            2006-02     4.80     
            2006-03     4.70     
            2006-04     4.70     
            2006-05     4.60     
            2006-06     4.60     
            2006-07     4.70     
            2006-08     4.70     
            2006-09     4.50     
            2006-10     4.40     
            2006-11     4.50     
            2006-12     4.40     
            2007-01     4.60     
            2007-02     4.50     
            2007-03     4.40     
            2007-04     4.50     
            2007-05     4.40     
            2007-06     4.60     
            2007-07     4.60     Min. Wage = $5.85 Dems pushed for this Despite warnings it would raise Unemployment, as you can see it did
            2007-08     4.60     
            2007-09     4.70     
            2007-10     4.70     
            2007-11     4.70     
            2007-12     5.00     
            2008-01     5.00     
            2008-02     4.80     
            2008-03     5.10     
            2008-04     5.00     
            2008-05     5.40     
            2008-06     5.50     
            2008-07     5.80     Min. Wage = $6.55
            2008-08     6.10     
            2008-09     6.20     
            2008-10     6.60     
            2008-11     6.90     
            2008-12     7.40     
            2009-01     7.80     Obama
            2009-02     8.20     
            2009-03     8.60     
            2009-04     8.90     
            2009-05     9.40     
            2009-06     9.50     
            2009-07     9.40     Min. Wage = $7.25
            2009-08     9.70     
            2009-09     9.80     
            2009-10     10.10     
            2009-11     10.00     
            2009-12     10.00     
            2010-01     9.70     
            2010-02     9.70     
            2010-03     9.70     
            2010-04     9.90     
            2010-05     9.70     
            2010-06     9.50     
            2010-07     9.50     
            2010-08     9.60     US exits Iraq War
            2010-09     9.60     
            2010-10     9.60     
            2010-11     9.80     
            2010-12     9.40     
            2011-01     9.00     
            2011-02     8.90     
            2011-03     8.80     
            2011-04     9.00     
            2011-05     9.10
            2011-06     9.20

            1. profile image0
              jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              American view,  You conveniently leave out the residual effects from the Bush administration's decisions on the economy.  Tax cuts for the wealthy, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the corporate fraud going on during that administration, the banks needing to be bailed out, the auto makers bailout, etc., etc..  You get the picture?

              All of this debt building that happened during, or immediately after GWB's stint in office.  Much of it was in fact residual carry over.  We were just servicing the interest on the debt created during the GWB years, not paying the debt off.

              The Obama administration had to incorporate GWB's debt building into his operating budget.  Where else could it go?  A Previous administration's debts do not just disappear, enabling a new administration to start with a clean slate.

              Instead of yyour partisan blame game, why not try to look for a solution?  What is your real agenda? You can put up all the charts you want to, and not accomplish a thing.   I don't think you realize who actually runs this country.  Neither party has a choice, The federal reserve and it's bankers control the politicians and this nation, and will continue to do so, until congress has the guts to make the changes necessary to take our country back.

              Both sides of the aisle are bought and paid for.  Both have to operate under the federal reserve. What would you have done differently under this debt monetary system, had you been elected president?  Enlighten us with your solution!

              This partisan bickering gets us nowhere.  If we allow their smokescreen to continue,  Both parties will continue to put us further in debt, until collapse comes.

              Wake up and help fight to get our nation to what it should be,  (of, by and for the people).

              1. American View profile image60
                American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                Perhaps before the next time you make a comment on something I wrote, you shoud have read my hubs. In fact that should be you course of action going forward. I always read the hubs of commentators because that truly shows me what the person thinks about. I notice you have not written one. Like I said.........

                If you did you would realize how silly you comments trying to tear me down or make it look like I have an agenda. I have written hubs on solutions not only here but on my other blog site and on my online radio show. What have you offered beside sarcasm? That leads me to where I feel your loyalties lie.
                The Bush tax cuts are the main cause of the budget deficit.------- FALSE!!!

                Although the cuts were large and drove revenue down sharply, they are not the main cause of the sizable deficit that exists today. In 2007, well after the tax cuts took effect, the budget deficit stood at 1.2 percent of GDP. In 2009 after Obama took office, it had increased to 9.9 percent of the economy. The Bush tax cuts didn't change between 2007 and 2009, so clearly something else is to blame.
                The main culprit was the recession -- and the responses it inspired. As the economy shrank, tax revenue plummeted. The cost of the bank bailouts and stimulus packages further added to the deficit. In fact, an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities indicates that the Bush tax cuts account for only about 20 percent of the deficit this year.( Source-CBO and CBPP) Government reports of fact, not my opinion.

                Next, the Bush tax cuts were not just for the wealthy, they were for everyone. The cuts lowered tax rates across the board on income, dividends and capital gains; eventually eliminated the estate tax; further lowered burdens on married couples, parents and the working poor; and increased tax credits for education and retirement savings. I guess you forgot about the death tax, the one Obama wants to reinstate at  a higher rate than when it was terminated. Eliminating Capital gains tax so you could sell you home and not get taxed on it, Something Obama has already address starting Dec, 2011. 38% on a sale over $250,000. The tax was not that high when Bush eliminated it. So do not claim the tax cuts were only for the rich. Go back and read the entire bill. I will poet the links to the library of Congress so you can.
       … .1836.ENR:

                The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 would amend numerous
                provisions of existing tax law. The act would accelerate to 2003 the income tax rate
                reductions scheduled for 2004 and 2006. It also would accelerate previously enacted tax
                changes to increase the child tax credit and expand the 10- and 15-percent tax brackets.
                Those changes would revert to tax law currently scheduled for 2005. In addition, H.R. 2
                would increase the exemption amount for the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT),
                decrease the tax rates for income from dividends and capital gains, modify tax law relating
                to bonus depreciation and expensing, and allow certain 2003 corporate estimated tax
                payments to be shifted into 2004. H.R. 2 also would provide $20 billion in fiscal relief to

                The tax cuts enacted by this legislation were retroactive to January 1, 2003 and first applied to taxes filed for the 2003 tax year. These individual rate reductions are scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2011 along with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 unless further legislation is enacted to extend or make permanent its changes.[2] This comparison shows how the ordinary taxable income brackets for each filing status were changed.
                Here is the tax tables showing the changes on income tax.
                Tax Year 2002[3]
                Tax Year 2003[4]

                Income level    Tax rate    Income level    Tax rate
                up to $6,000    10%    up to $7,000    10%
                $6,000 - $27,950    15%    $7,000 - $28,400    15%
                $27,950 - $67,700    27%    $28,400 - $68,800    25%
                $67,700 - $141,250    30%    $68,800 - $143,500    28%
                $141,250 - $307,050    35%    $143,500 - $311,950    33%
                over $307,050    38.6%    over $311,950    35%
                Married filing jointly or Qualifying widow(er)
                Tax Year 2002[3]
                Tax Year 2003[4]

                Income level    Tax rate    Income level    Tax rate
                up to $12,000    10%    up to $14,000    10%
                $12,000 - $46,700    15%    $14,000 - $56,800    15%
                $46,700 - $112,850    27%    $56,800 - $114,650    25%
                $112,850 - $171,950    30%    $114,650 - $174,700    28%
                $171,950 - $307,050    35%    $174,700 - $311,950    33%
                over $307,050    38.6%    over $311,950    35%
                Married filing separately
                Tax Year 2002[3]
                Tax Year 2003[4]

                Income level    Tax rate    Income level    Tax rate
                up to $6,000    10%    up to $7,000    10%
                $6,000 - $23,350    15%    $7,000 - $28,400    15%
                $23,350 - $56,425    27%    $28,400 - $57,325    25%
                $56,425 - $85,975    30%    $57,325 - $87,350    28%
                $85,975 - $153,525    35%    $87,350 - $155,975    33%
                over $153,525    38.6%    over $155,975    35%
                Head of household
                Tax Year 2002[3]
                Tax Year 2003[4]

                Income level    Tax rate    Income level    Tax rate
                up to $10,000    10%    up to $10,000    10%
                $10,000 - $37,450    15%    $10,000 - $38,050    15%
                $37,450 - $96,700    27%    $38,050 - $98,250    25%
                $96,700 - $156,600    30%    $98,250 - $159,100    28%
                $156,600 - $307,050    35%    $159,100 - $311,950    33%
                over $307,050    38.6%    over $311,950    35%

                As for the National Debt, Obama has accumulated more debt in 2 years than Bush did in 8 FACT!! And now because Bush legislation did it. If that was the case the National debt would have kept the pace it had under Bush, not severely spike as it did. That’s because of the Obama policies.
                Are you seeing where this is going? I am merely pointing out what truly happened. BOTH sides have their hands in the till. They both need to come together and fix the problem they created. They could come to a deal tomorrow if the Dems agreed to real cuts and the Repubs close the loophole. I mean really, Dems are worried about corporate jet tax. According to the CBO< that tax is only costing 30 million over 10 years. Now, do not get me wrong, it may seem a little, but every dollar helps. If you go back and read my posts, you will see how I have criticized both sides for not addressing the proper place to make cuts. Like the mating habits of bees among many others I have quoted along with the amount they receive.
                So its time for you to stop plying partisin politics. Stop blaming, speak of facts, no0t your opinion or Dems talking points. Then try to act like we are attacking. I do not take sides. I have blasted GWB when he was not right. I agree with those who post factual events he messed up on. It is easy to blame as you do then say offer a suggestion. I do, so I challenge you to write a hub on changes you believe can be made to improve things.

                1. profile image0
                  jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  American view,  I did go to read some of your hubs.

                  The following hubs speak volumes of your political bias against Obama, and your praise for people like Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann.
                  I don't believe any of them should have been or should be elected. 

                  Media bias toward Obama.

                  Another Obama broken promise

                  Obama and the war powers act.

                  Posts you made on a thread titled:  The next presidential republican field.
                  You may not have wanted those hubs to seem politically biased, but that's the way they come across to me.

                  Put up all the charts you care to.  Charts can be biased, in the way they are presented.  A word twisted here and there can accomplish a lot.

                  It's like the war between butter and margarine.   Both give stats that say the other is bad for you, but do not reveal who compiled the stats., or paid for the study.

                  Statistics drawn from both sides of the aisle on the same topic can and usually do show a completely different manipulated picture.

                  It's all smoke and mirrors, to get people to argue over which politician is better suited for office.  I don't know of any politician that has really put forth an effort to attack the real problem, Namely, our debt monetary system.The federal reserve controls our system, and indirectly runs this country.

                  Congress has the power to make changes, but won't. 
                  The media has the ability to educate the people on how this fraudulent system works, but is controlled.

                  It's a complete waste of time arguing about who spent what, when.  This cannot always be controlled by the president, and most presidents can and will be blamed by the opposing party for one thing or another. I can't think of one politician that hasn't had some pork barrell project at one time or another to look good at reelection time. 

                  Lobbyists run rampant in DC.  Congressmen and Senators have been on the dole for decades.  There are over 600 elected representatives in dc, but the blame for the economy goes mainly one person on these threads. 

                  Put the blame where it belongs!

                  The federal reserve fractional banking debt monetary system, makes it impossible for us to have a medium of exchange unless we borrow.  If everyone, including the government quit borrowing, the system collapses.
                  Money is created through loans, with no money created to pay the interest on the principle.  This added cost has to go into the cost of doing business, which is then passed on to the consumer in a higher cost of living.

                  All money is debt, and the reason that we cannot pay down our national debt, is that you cannot pay debt with debt.  Also, when tax dollars collected, do not equal the amount of money needed to pay for existing services, how can the president conjure up the balance due, in order to keep the nation running?  He can't.  Congress has to approve raising the debt ceiling.

                  Congress gave over control of our money creation to the fed in 1913.  If you do the math, you will realize that our indebtedness is due mainly to being under a debt monetary system, and has grown ever since the fed res act was passed.  One would think that after having to raise the debt ceiling so many times over the decades, it would become apparent to Congress that something is not working properly.

                  Just try to get an article on this topic printed in the news.  The media will never allow it.  I have tried.

                  You can look up my efforts at change, by looking at Minnesota senate file #65.  The MInnesota economic recovery act.  I hope that someone is tending to the computers now that the state government is shut down.

                  My friends and I have been making progress at trying to make changes to our monetary system.   It's hard to fight the concerted efforts of the bankers lobby, to table our proposed legislation each year. We are slowly gaining ground.  The shut down of the government here in Minnesota will hopefully wake some of the legislators up.
                  Have a good day.

                  1. American View profile image60
                    American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                    To start, you were not given charts, I sent you 2 links to the  actual bills, but you did not read them, to show you the claims you made were not accurate. I sent past of a government report to shows you that individual taxes DID come down. So those are FACTS, but you want to ignore them for they show you were not accurate. Sounds like a lefts viewpoint to me
                    Now the 3 hubs you cite are factual, so if you do not agree, it shows where your point of view comes from. But you left out the ones we talked about, the ones that offer solutions, that action also shows a certain point of view. But I will post some of them for you
                        State of the Economy 2011▲
                        New Idea for Health Care
                        Another Congressman Sending Picture
                        Gas Prices Rising
                        Higher Taxes Coming?
                        Undocumented Immigrant Article
                        What is Love?
                        Response to MLK day
                    Arizona Immigration Law 2011

                    Now I have 43 others on another blog site, but I think we get the point. As for my Posts on “Next President” None of them were bias
                    The first on was in response of a claim the Bachman never passed legislation ever, I just pointed out the fact she did. This post showing bills was much longer but we will get the point:
                    American View 45 hours ago
                    Stating Bachmann has not passed a single legislation ever is not quite true
                    Michele Bachmann has sponsored 38 bills since Jan 4, 2007. Bachmann has co-sponsored 506 bills during the same time period.
                    H.R. 1285: Military Health Care Affordability Act
                    H.R. 1286: Healthcare Fiscal Accountability Act of 2011
                    H.R. 1450: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to eliminate any time limitation for granting equitable innocent spouse relief.
                    H.R. 850: To facilitate a proposed project in the Lower St. Croix Wild and Scenic River, and for other purposes.
                    H.R. 86: End Tax Uncertainty Act of 2011
                    Seem no bias there as you claim Next one compliments the author on his hub and I give my thoughts on his topic by pointing out why I thought based on research would make the best Repub Ticket. I do not say anywhere I would vote for them I just say they are the best of what’s out there.
                    American View 43 hours ago
                    Very good Hub. There is no doubt the media will do all it can to get Obama another term. It has already started. The media feels Bachmann and a few others are real threats to Obama and have already started to knock them nightly, sitting on every word they say, making into something they did not say. I would be happy if the just picked on Obama and Biden for the same things. Look at all the things Pelosi says and not once was she called on the carpet.
                    I was wondering why you left Huntsman out. I think the best ticket is Huntsman/Bachmann. Huntsman has a strong foreign policy as well as having been around Washington policies for a long time. He was served under Obama as a diplomat to China. He knows the Obama administration well. And he has been a total gentleman about having served while the Obama administration is tossing rhetoric about him. Everyone knows he left because he disagrees with the Whitehouse over China and other foreign affairs. Bachman also has government experience not only on the Federal level, but the state level. I think together they complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Keep up the good hubs
                    No bias there again. And in my last hub I am sticking up for a hubber who has extreme left views who was getting into a very heated discussion with another hubber and the name calling got real rough. If you keep reading my hub had the effect I was looking for. They both came to a mutual respect for each other and apologized to each other. WOW a lot of bias there
                    American View 43 hours ago
                    Very good Hub. There is no doubt the media will do all it can to get Obama another term. It has already started. The media feels Bachmann and a few others are real threats to Obama and have already started to knock them nightly, sitting on every word they say, making into something they did not say. I would be happy if the just picked on Obama and Biden for the same things. Look at all the things Pelosi says and not once was she called on the carpet.
                    I was wondering why you left Huntsman out. I think the best ticket is Huntsman/Bachmann. Huntsman has a strong foreign policy as well as having been around Washington policies for a long time. He was served under Obama as a diplomat to China. He knows the Obama administration well. And he has been a total gentleman about having served while the Obama administration is tossing rhetoric about him. Everyone knows he left because he disagrees with the Whitehouse over China and other foreign affairs. Bachman also has government experience not only on the Federal level, but the state level. I think together they complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Keep up the good hubs
                    You said
                    “It's like the war between butter and margarine. Both give stats that say the other is bad for you, BUT DO NOT REVEAL WHO COMPILED THE STATS., OR PAID FOR THE STUDY.”
                    Really???? Did you not read or comprehend what you read? The sources I cited of the link to the ACTUAL BILL IN THR LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Wonder who pays for that??
                    No need to go further or respond to your post further. I have shown you are nothing but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Funny you seem to twist everything to a Left point of view then try to say to stop the rhetoric and find solutions. Then you try to knock those with solutions and try the same look for answers speech. Be honest with yourself. Admit who you are. You will get more respect that way. And take yourself up on your advice, write a hub offering solutions instead of not writing one and criticizing others who have ideas and offer them for debate. So, put up or shut up.

              2. Yankee Reb profile image60
                Yankee Rebposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                WOW!   You said what I have said for a LOOOONG time!

                People have become Party Line Toting puppets and totally clueless!

                We are now in the Age of Liberal Republicans (like the little Bush and his fiscal policies)

                Each President sits in the oval office and gets happy with a checkbook
                They need to relearn the spelling of a patriotic word - it is spelled Red JUSTICE and certainly not
                JUST US

                People point fingers at the other side - like today's left wing ...
                They love their OBAMA who is pretending to be an Abraham Lincoln lol

                ... but Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN?

                What is wrong with the Democrat President Kennedy?
                His understanding does NOT FIT with Obama!

                Kennedy clearly said DO OT ASK WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU!

                Consider that standing up to ObamaCare lol That's DEAL OF THE CENTURY!

                Such a wonderful deal that how many companies in Pelosi's San Fransisco got waivers already?

                .... so great they needed to be able to offer waivers?

                ... and the left is lapping up the Democrat's ObamaCare propaganda better than my can drinks milk!

                ... what is so funny is that some of them are STILL so proud!

                They are as proud as the right was when an actor did his best performance by telling our Cold War Enemy to take down that wall! 

                People STILL are in their fantasy lives ...

                WAKE UP!
                we are NO LONGER FREE
                we have more laws controlling us than people in Communist Hungary had running their lives

                Once people learn 2 things and understand what they mean - our country can get back to fixing itself:
                1 - it is spelled JUSTICE and not JUST US
                2 - You can not legislate freedom
                LEGISLATING = Making laws laws control and control is not freedom
                When a law is made to enforce the rights of one - you deny the rights of others - that is JUST US and not JUSTICE --- in more cases than not - it is not right nor good!

      2. uncorrectedvision profile image60
        uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Were you aware that Social Security is automatically paid and outside the control of the Treasury?

    2. JerryTillotson profile image60
      JerryTillotsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Stump.  As I mentioned in one of my recent hubs, and as you say as well, based on the results of the last election, in which the Republicans were rewarded in response to a declining economy, they have absolutely no incentive to work towards improving the economy.  They know the voters will take out their wrath on the president and that will help the Republicans to retake the white house in 2012.  It's that basic.

      Another thing I can't seem to figure out is how the Republicans, on the one hand, say that we're not going to default, and on the other hand, they say we need to cut spending.  Now unless they can retroactively cut a budget and stop spending before Aug. 2, which I don't believe they can, if we are not going to default, then why do we need to cut spending.  Of course, it's entirely possible I'm missing something here.

      1. lovemychris profile image80
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No, I think you have a sharp eye view! smile

    3. Evan G Rogers profile image60
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      They aren't "refusing to do their job", they're "refusing to put us more in debt".

      "Passing as much legislation as one possibly can" isn't the mark of a good law maker, "upholding the Constitution", "preserving freedom for citizens", and the sort are.

      It's almost disgusting to see people talk about  legislators as though they were in a "publish or perish" situation.

      I'm very happy that the Republican party is trying to put a limit on such ridiculous spending habits. To me, they're very much "doing their job".

      1. lovemychris profile image80
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        They are not trying to limit spending....they only want to end what they don't like!
        If they were really serious, they would end the Bush Tax cuts, end corporate tax breaks, end corporate and high-end income tax loop-holes, end oil gas and farm subsidies and cut from defense....

        All of which they balk at. They are full of crap. They LOVE spending when it's to their liking.

        1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
          Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "They only want to end what they don't like!"

          ... yeah, duh. I try to end what I don't like, and so do you.

          Also: You're very very very wrapped up in this "Bush era tax cuts" thing. Can I just point out that taxes aren't really that big of a deal to the government? The Federal Reserve is our Federal Government's b**ch, and will just print up money for the government to spend as so demanded. Hence the Trillions of dollars created out of thin air in the past 10 years.

          Taxes really aren't big potatoes - government can just "Tax" us through inflation of the money supply.

    4. Ms Dee profile image78
      Ms Deeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Here's another reason Mr. Obama also gave: He wants to increase the 'progressivity' of the current system," so won't accept Boehner's offer.

      Is it that when it came down to it, he has an ideal of progressivism that he wants to change our system to, so won't go with the GOP offer?

    5. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is all a hogwash issue anyway.
      Those in power need to be looking at ways to stop funding the research of the sex habits of warthogs and how many gnats are in the rainforest instead of reaching their grubby hands into the livelihood of the disabled and elderly.   The thing the GOP is guilty of is letting Obama distract them into delving into this issue instead of weeding out the carp.

      1. profile image0
        jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        Is Rush Limbaugh planning on retiring?  Are you practicing up for an audition to take his place?

        Come on Brenda,  you know that both parties are just as guilty as the other at playing the politics game. 

        What do you have to gain personally?  I want to see solutions and  cooperation, don't you?

        I am not saying the democrats are right about what they are proposing, but I cannot see how any progress can be made when the republicans block just about every thing that the democrats present. There has to be some compromise on both sides.  Also, both sides have to stop cowtowing to our corporate heads.

        When GWB was elected, the repubs told the demos to take it like a man and accept reality.  It's funny that they can't follow their own advice.

        Both parties are to blame for our economic condition.  The politicians are only looking out for their own welfare, and not trying to solve the real problems.  Get real.  We have to get them back to representing the people.

        1. Reality Bytes profile image71
          Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I think you have that backwards.  Show what the Democrats have presented NOTHING. 

          With control of Congress for two years they did not even attempt to pass a budget.

          They are not cowtowing to Corporations, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is a Corporation.

          1. profile image0
            jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            What do you call bailing out the bankers if not cowtowing to the corporations?

            How about baiing out the auto makers?

            As usual, it';s partisan politics out of people like you.  I am looking for solutions, not more of the same.

            How about the a$$ kissing performed when Bernanke or Greenspan spoke in front of committee?

            Now how about you telling me, exactly, under a debt monetary system, how we can avoid raising the debt ceiling, when money is only allowed to be created through indebtedness.  Keep in mind that the banks are reluctant to borrow any money out these days.  If money is not created through personal borrowing, it has to be done by government or the system will collapse. If there is no debt, there can be no dollars!!!

            1. Reality Bytes profile image71
              Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              "People like me"

              Ha, there is no one else like me.  smile

              You are non-partisan?  Really?

              What is your favorite Democratic plan to solve the debt ceiling issue.

              1. profile image0
                jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I have stated my solution many times.  That is to have congress pass laws to start creating wealth money instead of debt money, which would involve getting rid of the fed.  If we didn't use monetized debt for money, there wouldn't be a debt ceiling issue.

                Both parties are guilty of allowing this debt monetary system to keep milking the people of this nation. This plan would have to be bipartisan, or vote all of the bums out of office and get new honest blood in there to do the job.

                1. Reality Bytes profile image71
                  Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes i agree, I just think you were kind of hasty to judge me.

                  I have written a hub titled:

                  What is a Federal Reserve Note? What is a United States Dollar?

                  I have also written a hub titled:

                  The United States People Was Betrayed In 1913 By The Federal Reserve Act Manipulating The USA Money Supply

                  I am not asking you to read them, just pointing out that you are preaching to the choir.

                  1. profile image0
                    jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    RB,  Sorry for the delay in answering.  Went out for lunch with a neighbor.  I am truly sorry for misinterpreting your meaning of your earlier post. 

                    I have read about the history of the federal reserve.  All about senator Nelson Aldritch and the bankers at Jekyll Island.

                    I guess I am just used to having people who know nothing about our system try to tell me how wrong I am.  I am constantly trying to get people to go beyond the partisan bidkering and realise what is really going on.  Sorry if I offended you.

    6. GNelson profile image61
      GNelsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The GOP hasn't been doing it's job since 2000 when they blew the surplus and drove the country into debt.  Now they will not take responsibility for it.

      1. Paul Wingert profile image58
        Paul Wingertposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Their answer is to borrow billions of dollars from other countries and blame the Democrats. They hand out tax breaks like candy, even though there's no room for it in the budget.

        1. lovemychris profile image80
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          X-actly. They have no credibility whatsoever!!!
          Howard Dean: 60% of the deficit is THE BUSH ERA TAX CUTS!

          1. American View profile image60
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Actually NO Here is a copy right out of a Government report, not rhetoric

            The Bush tax cuts are the main cause of the budget deficit.------- FALSE!!!

            Although the cuts were large and drove revenue down sharply, they are not the main cause of the sizable deficit that exists today. In 2007, well after the tax cuts took effect, the budget deficit stood at 1.2 percent of GDP. In 2009 after Obama took office, it had increased to 9.9 percent of the economy. The Bush tax cuts didn't change between 2007 and 2009, so clearly something else is to blame.
            The main culprit was the recession -- and the responses it inspired. As the economy shrank, tax revenue plummeted. The cost of the bank bailouts and stimulus packages further added to the deficit. In fact, an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities indicates that the Bush tax cuts account for only about 20 percent of the deficit this year.( Source-CBO and CBPP) Government reports of fact, not my opinion.

            1. KK Trainor profile image59
              KK Trainorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Of course, when people are losing their houses they aren't paying property taxes! When they're losing their jobs they aren't paying income taxes. What do people think funds their states? Property taxes, along with income tax if your state has them, pay for the government functions, which in turn keep government employees employed.

              When the fed has to start bailing out states because their revenues are down, then the fed is spending  money it's not used to spending.

              Then of course the bailed out Fannie Mae and I think Freddie mac, which was stupid.

              Then they bailed out the banks, which was stupid.

              Then they bailed out the auto manufacturers, which was stupid.

              And last but not least, they passed the Stealfromus package that was going to stop the bleeding.

              This isn't even a partisan spending problem, it's just a spending problem that needs to be ended.

              Raising taxes on the 'rich, greedy, jet owners' will only delay job creation. I realize that none of you liberals will accept that, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

              1. lovemychris profile image80
                lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I totally disagree with everything you just wrote!

                And since we had 8 years of R way.....time to give D way a shot.

                Car industry is back up. Stimulus provided jobs. Green energy COULD be a BOON, if the oil/gas/LOBBY would just DIE already!

                Spending on the future is necessary.
                Spending on antiquated greed-barons time has come and gone.

                This is 2011, and the R's are stuck in 1860.

                Up UP and away.....SEE YA!

                1. KK Trainor profile image59
                  KK Trainorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Well then you obviously know nothing about economics.

                  1. lovemychris profile image80
                    lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Why, cause I disagree with you Repubs?

                    Like I all had your chance, and it blew.
                    So really--you can't tell me anything!

                2. lovemychris profile image80
                  lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Bernie Sanders: 10 Million Solar Roofs

                  1. American View profile image60
                    American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Poor example. If solar is so good, then why did Obama not keep his campaign promise to put solar panels on the Whitehouse? Its true, I wrote a hub on it. Obama gave a date as well as to when he would have it done.
                    But it was not.

            2. Ralph Deeds profile image65
              Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              "The main culprit was the recession -- and the responses it inspired. As the economy shrank, tax revenue plummeted. "

              Partly true. The Bush recession has resulted in significantly reduced tax revenues. I say Bush recession although he wasn't the only one responsible. There's plenty of blame to go around--the NY Banksters, the subprime mortgage bankers, Fannie and Freddie and Countrywide, Greenspan's failure to take action as the bubble grew, etc. Standard economics called for government stimulus and action by the Fed to cut interest rates to avert a depression. The stimulus did contribute to the deficit, but the alternative was much worse. Also it's worth noting that production and income lost in a recession is gone for ever, never recoverable. That's why the Fed is charged with the double goal of low inflation and low unemployment. Not an easy task. Check your Samuelson--C+I+G=GNP (C=consumption, I=investment and G=government expenditures).

              I wonder what the banksters at Goldman and JPMorganChase are saying to Obama. They must be worried by default and a double dip recession. They understand very well why default isn't an option and that moving too soon to eliminate the deficit would likely put us into a double dip recession. And as Obama agrees, longer term steps are critical to bring the deficits under control.

              1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
                Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Oh, the GNP equation -- the bane of logic.

                "Hey, let's take a bunch of numbers that measure spending and then call it production!"

                GNP isn't the goal of "the economy", nor is employment. The fact that mainstream economics (Bernanke et al.) can't figure this out is the reason why we're in a soon-to-be triple-dip recession.

    7. rhamson profile image69
      rhamsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      McConnell has had a target on Obama since day one.  It is no surprise that he is willing to put the country at risk to accomplish his mission.  Instead of Obama getting the attention for removal I think we should get this self serving individual out of there and replace him with someone who can better understand the role expected of him.  That is to work out differences and compromise where it is neccessary.

      1. American View profile image60
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No bigger than the one Obama has on all Repubs. Personally, they both need to be removed

        1. rhamson profile image69
          rhamsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Personally I think the time has come for a Constitution Convention to change the way business is conducted in Congress.

          Term Limits
          No lobbying
          Campaign Financing by the Government and no outside sources.
          Balanced Budget
          Protection for Domestic Industies

          These are just a few things that have gotten out of hand and what about the Federal Reserve Bank?

          By the way I think none of them have the answer because of their special interest handlers but some are even more outrageous than others.  McConnell is one of them.

          1. KK Trainor profile image59
            KK Trainorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            good idea, wish it could actually happen...

          2. American View profile image60
            American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


            Good points all, I agree with you

    8. Lame stream media profile image60
      Lame stream mediaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with your statements. the republicans time and time again have said they are out to make Obama a one term president. they do not have 98% of Americans in their plans for all they care they would want to dumb down the average American and spread their propaganda While sucking the life out of you !

    9. brimancandy profile image77
      brimancandyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This started the minute Obama took office. This is the same thing they attempted to do to Bill Clinton, and they failed. These bastards are proving that they care little about the American public, and more about covering their own asses, by trying to make someone else look bad.

      They started blaming our crappy economy on Obama, when he had not even been in office for a year. Do they really think America is that stupid?
      We can all go back and blame the mess that Bush got us into, but now we are all beginning to see where the real problem lies, and that is with our talk crap and do nothing senators across the board.

      They are lucky that I am not president. I would fire them all. Replace them all with gay men and lesbians. Then America would be fabulous. They know how to save a dollar, and war would be who could do the best drag, for a crown and a belt.

      There's a saying in the gay community. Ditch the bitch and make the switch. Our government is the biggest bunch of bitches on the planet.

      1. rhamson profile image69
        rhamsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        A bitch is someone who does it for fun.  Our legislators do it for money.  Oh wait what does that make them..........Um.........I got it, Whores.

    10. onuigbos profile image61
      onuigbosposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't it awfully intriguing that the GOP which gave Obama an embarrassing electoral defeat last November on account of jobs, have not moved any job-related bills ever. Stump, just like you said, the GOP is not discreet about their intention to take over the White House, and if that means walking over the carcasses of dead Americans, they would. They are that focused.

  2. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Obama has finally started to call them on their crap and they can't stand it. It's about time someone from the Dems started answering some of the crap the GOP slings about. It's a shame that the Teabaggers and Kock Suckers in this country are willing to screw everyone with in our borders. What's worse is the number of people willing to give up their SS checks in order to allow the GOP to have a free hand in ruining this country.

  3. Chaotic Chica profile image59
    Chaotic Chicaposted 13 years ago

    I consider myself an independant because I believe in closing the economic gap {something Republicans tend to fight tooth and nail} and I believe in my right to bear arms {something the Democrats want to take away}.

    In the last four presidents I have noticed a huge difference in how the house acts depending on the party of the President.  Bush, Sr sent us to war and destroyed our economy doing it.  Clinton fixed ended his reign in the black but everyone called for his impeachment for giving into his base desires as a man {something MANY men do, esp in power}.  Bush, Jr. comes along and puts us back to war {not like there wasn't reason} but destroyed our economy all to hell & nobody bothered him.  Now that another Democrat is in office the Republicans refuse to play ball and do what is best for the country.  "...a gov't for the people.."  Not anymore.

    I cannot articulate precicely how disgusted I am at the state of our country at this time and it not all on Obama.  I'm not saying he's perfect, nobody is, but it's really hard to do your job when your subbordinates are bucking your every move.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "I believe in my right to bear arms {something the Democrats want to take away}."

      The Democrats don't want to take away your right to bear arms. They just want more effective regulations and enforcement. Most Democrats support regulated sale and use of handguns and pretty much unregulated long guns for hunting and target shooting. They are opposed to military style weapons including large magazine handguns of the type used on Gifford and in other multiple shootings by nutjobs.

      1. Chaotic Chica profile image59
        Chaotic Chicaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I stand humbly corrected, kind sir.  Thank you.  Messages can get mixed  up in the delivery and I do appreciate the whole facts.

    2. American View profile image60
      American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am an Independent and your statement as one puzzled me. As an independent I see it this way, Both sides have created the mess we are in. Both sides do want to get us out of it, but I think your assesment of Repubs is not accurate. The Repubs plan is to cut spending and not to raise taxes or get rid of loopholes the rich enjoy, the Dems plan is to raise taxes on existing ones and create some new ones.

      Bush 1 sent us to a fast war, the economy did not start to slow down till much later. Clinton did not fix anything. During his first 2 years were an economic disaster, like now. Thee during the Midterms Repubs were elected and the contract for America came about( I did not agree with everything on it). But the Repubs and Clinton worked together to fix the economy. THats why you hear about Clinton moving to the center from far left after midterms. But lets be clear, Clinton never had a surplus.
      The foundation for some of this comes from policies and laws passed under Clinton. Now this will stir great debate, but the numbers do not lie. There was no surplus under the Clinton administration. Reports from the CBO clearly show that due to creative accounting, the numbers reported by the Clinton administration showed a surplus. But in reality, Clinton did not include the expenses of Social Security and Medicare. Once those figures are included, the surplus disappears. For those who argue that point just look at the national debt under Clinton. It was  4.06 Trillion dollars when he took office. It was 5.81 when he left office. If we were running surpluses in the amount the left was claiming the debt would have reduced. The claim is generally made that Clinton had a surplus of $69 billion in FY1998, $123 billion in FY1999 and $230 billion in FY2000. Clinton himself claimed that the national debt had been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years while he was in office. CBO reports as well as US Treasury reports show all those claims were false. Note the following table (Source=US Treasury):
      Year    Year
      Ending    National Debt    Deficit
      FY1993     09/30/1993     $4.411488 trillion   
      FY1994     09/30/1994     $4.692749 trillion     $281.26 billion
      FY1995     09/29/1995     $4.973982 trillion     $281.23 billion
      FY1996     09/30/1996     $5.224810 trillion     $250.83 billion
      FY1997     09/30/1997     $5.413146 trillion     $188.34 billion
      FY1998     09/30/1998     $5.526193 trillion     $113.05 billion
      FY1999     09/30/1999     $5.656270 trillion     $130.08 billion
      FY2000     09/29/2000     $5.674178 trillion     $17.91 billion
      FY2001     09/28/2001     $5.807463 trillion     $133.29 billion

      I have post the following several times. But it shows the facts about the economy under Bush. Make no mistake, Under Bush the deficit took a big increase. What no one ever says it under Obama, he added more to the debt in his 2 ½ years than Bush did in 8 years.
      When President Bush took office, the economy was already on its way down. The dot Com bust and false reporting by corporations took its toll. AS the Dow dropped from 11215.10 under his predecessor to a bottom of 9878.78 on Feb 2001. A turnaround in the next 3 months brought the Dow back to 10912.90 on May 2001. It remained steady going up and down daily until September 11, 2001. In the aftermath of 911, the Dow plummeted to 8847.56. But with a push from President Bush to instill confidence in the public, his actions worked. The Dow rose to 10403.94 on April 2002. A turn around in 7 months after one of the worst tragedies in American history The Dow once more took a downward turn as unemployment was on the rise. After 911 there was a big spike in unemployment. Dow dropped to 7591.93. on Aug 2002. The Dow fluctuated over the next few months and closed 7891.08 on Feb 2003. In 2003 the Bush Tax Cuts take effect and have a positive effect on the economy. The 2003 invasion of Iraq (March 19–May 1, 2003), was the start of the conflict known as the Iraq War or Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Dow began to rebound and closed 10583.92 on Feb 2004. A turn around in one year. The market was steady for the next year. Hurricane Katrina would arrive on land in the southeastern part of Louisiana on August 29, 2005 and would eventually reach Category 5 status. The devastation was enormous. The dow took a very small dip and began a long slow growth to 13930.01 on October of 2008. This was the highest close date ever in the History of the Dow. The market was steady for a short time. October 2008, Black Monday. The Dow took a huge 2,000 point dive and continued down to 7062.93. Obama was in office for 2 months when the Dow closed at that level. The Unemployment rate was good under Bush until near the end of his term. Despite all the criticism and blame Bush takes for the economy, the data from the Dow shows every time the Dow dropped, Bush made adjustments and the Dow improved. The economy was far better than it gets credit for. Seems the American people have been brainwashed to believe different.

      I too share your anger, gut we cannot fix anything as long as people ignore fact and history. True this is not all Obamas fault, but his policies have put us in a much huger hole than we were in.

  4. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 13 years ago

    Ok look. Entitlements aren't going to stop. Social Security will happen. Vet checks will happen. Medicare and medicaid will happen. But if you say these things it sure does scare hell out of everybody now doesn't it? I wish I could raise MY debt ceiling! Why do we even need one if all we are going to do is tax and spend? The fact is he want s more taxes. That's because he is a liberal and that's all they know. If Aug. 2 passes and the sun still comes up it will open a few eyes now won't it?

    1. Chaotic Chica profile image59
      Chaotic Chicaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      According to this afternoon's news report it's the Replublicans that are calling for more taxes.  Either way it's high time the voting community open their eyes to the whole mess and stop burying their collective heads in the sand thinking that they know what they are doing and just letting them do it.  That's half of the reason we're in this mess to begin with; citizens trusting the gov't without actually checking up on them to stop the corrupt-ness before it got out of hand.  Now it's too little, too late and nobody is working together for a unified solution.  Each party has their own agenda and neither party wants to actually reach a compromise.

    2. Ralph Deeds profile image65
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Obama and the Dems are proposing higher taxes for millionaires, hedge fund operators and an end to loophole subsidies for international oil companies and loopholes for unpatriated overseas profits. I don't think any Dem proposals would affect many of us on Hubpages.

      1. Stump Parrish profile image60
        Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ralph, I agree that these tax increases will afect very few on here and no one that I personally know. I know that too many of the proposals the GOp has put forth will affect almost everyone I know and in a negative manner. What I dont understand is why so many of these people are willing to lose everything to keep the Koch brother happy.

      2. American View profile image60
        American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Not true Ralph. Obama wants to repeal Bush tax cuts, and if reelected he will. That means a 3% tax hike for all payroll taxes, elimination of child care credits, capital gains and much more. Obama has already raised taxes and noone seems to cars, not to mention the tax increases that will start later this year and next due to Obamacare. Not to mention all Americans who will lose health care because their Company will drop them and pay the $2,000 fine. And how about all of them that will go on Medicare because the Obamacare bill will allow them to. Think Medicare is stretched now?

        1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
          Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Well, maybe everyone should be paying a bit more taxes--for public schools, fixing the holes in our roads, keeping our public libraries open, assuring the continuing viability of Social Security and Medicare, maintaining our national and state parks, making sure our food and drugs are same, and so forth.

          I don't know where you live and the conditions there, but Michigan communities are closing public schools, not fixing holes in the roads, reducing the maximum duration of unemployment benefits from 26 to 20 weeks, cutting public services right and left in order to balance the budget while giving business a tax cut. Go figure.

    3. Stump Parrish profile image60
      Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      JS, "The fact is he want s more taxes. That's because he is a liberal and that's all they know"
      Every economist out there states that getting out of the mess we're in will take spending cuts and revenue increases. This is the same thing they are saying about Greece. Only the GOP refuses to accept reality. Another reality is that the GOP claims to care about this country and the majority of their actions benefit a select few Americans. They claim the tax cuts they're fight for will create jobs and the reality is that the last 11 years have been the worst for jobs since the great depression. They have not created  any jobs and have in fact been in effect during the worst down turn in recent history. The problem is that many in this country are oblivious to this fact, and a lot of other facts about the propoganda spread by the GOP.

      1. Chaotic Chica profile image59
        Chaotic Chicaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I want to disagree with only one little thing here and that being that most are oblivious.  I do believe that if the majority of American's know anything about what is going on it's that the job market has not been sufficently affected in a positive manner.

    4. uncorrectedvision profile image60
      uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Very right.  How can it be a debt ceiling if it stops nothing.  It is more like a suggested limit than an actual one.  The Federal government will take in over $220 billion in August whether the debt limit is increased or not.  That is more than sufficient to service the debt.

      Social Security is a trust fund isn't it or is it just another welfare payment?  The revenue for August is enough to take care of all the government's obligations but not its wants.

      Perhaps the government should do what every business does when it faces a income short fall = massive lay offs and cost cutting.  Perhaps Congress and the Executive should take a 10% pay cut - much like many of us have had to do and more than once in a long work life.  Lay off 10% of their staffs and cut their operating budgets by 10%.  Once they have made these "sacrifices" perhaps I listen to a member of government talk to me about shared sacrifice.

      Why must we, the people - this includes "the rich" - pay for the capricious and reckless spending of politicians as if we were their slaves when they are our servants. Well it is time to serve.  Cut pay, staff, budgets, turn  your air conditioning off, cut your long distance bills, get a cheaper cell phone contract - DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO WHEN WE ARE TRYING TO KEEP OUR HEADS ABOVE WATER - time for government to suffer for a change!!!!

      1. lovemychris profile image80
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        How about the ceo's of companies, and banks?
        Did you know, the head of Viacom made 84.5 million in 2010?

        Are you kidding me?
        What does he pay...15% tax, or maybe none at all.

        Pulleeeeeeeeeeeeeze. Do not tell me there is no money out there!!

        We have a revenue problem. These fat cats have Waaaaaay too much revenue!

        let's see what does congress make...$174,000......PALES in comparison. I mean ghost-like.

        And Rush makes like 59 million....Hey bud! "Communism" aint the problem!

        1. American View profile image60
          American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          35% actually, before deductions of course.

        2. uncorrectedvision profile image60
          uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The Congress should show its sincerity by taking a pay cut.  I don't care how much they make.  If they are telling everyone else that taxes must rise or that debt must increase then take the lead after all it is Congressional budget (or in the case of Democrats who haven't approved a budget in nearly 3 years) policies that have spent us into near oblivion.

          It is very apparent that Art History and Mathematics are totally unrelated disciplines.  If you seized all the wealth of the 10 richest Americans all the way down to their gold commemorative Ronald Reagan thimbles you could run the government for less than a month at current spending levels.  You could run it for less than two months at 1999 spending levels(not adjusting for inflation)

          If you seized all the income of the top 400 wealthiest Americans you would not have enough money to cover the increase that Barry wants in this year debt ceiling. 
 … et_it_back
          You can only do that one time.  Whose property will you seize next year and the year after that.  How long before you run out of people to grind up to feed to the monster of government.

          The "middle class" in America only holds $30 trillion in wealth - that will not cover the Social Security and Medicare obligations that will come due over the next 20 years.

          Social Security has already begun to pay out more than it brings in.  How much worse will that be when you run out of the "rich" and the "middle class"  to grind up for your socialist utopia.  What is next the working class?

          The eventual out come of all socialist systems, whether they are the kind that slaughters the Kulaks or the kind that just grinds a proud people down to gray mediocrity, is that they reduce almost everyone to the same level of poverty.

          The ones who never suffer that fate are in the government.  Government leaders of socialist parties always exempt themselves from the system they impose on everyone.  They always do so saying it is necessary for their work on behalf of the people.  Time for our ruling class, our government party to take the hair cut!

          1. Moderndayslave profile image60
            Moderndayslaveposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Just one question I have, Where is all of the money the "Baby Boomers" and the people of my generation (paying in since 1980) have put in and how was it invested so it would grow? The average life expectancy in 1970 was about 68 for a male and roughly 80 for a woman,a lot more taking in than paying out. Where's the money?

            1. American View profile image60
              American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


              Simply it was spent. First the Repubs hit the coffers, then in later years the Dems did it. They used those monies to pay for their pet projects and we still ran up a deficit. Basically our congress on both sides of the aisle did it

              1. Yankee Reb profile image60
                Yankee Rebposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                American View - you said "First the Repubs hit the coffers" ... so why was WELFARE classified as JONHSONISM - as in LBJ a Democrat president from the 60's?

                I think that statement was rather narcissisticly stated.

                1. American View profile image60
                  American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                  I have no idea where you are going with the comment. You asked where the money went n
                  and I told you. That is where it went. Sorry if you have a problem with both sides tapping SS, but it is a fact the Repubs did it first.

                  1. Yankee Reb profile image60
                    Yankee Rebposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    What you said is basically propaganda ...

                    research the FACTS and stop listening to either side - they are both full of hoowee and they are just the opposite ends of the same coin - not for America

            2. uncorrectedvision profile image60
              uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              What money?  Do you mean Social Security?  Social Security has never been a pension program where your "investment" earned interest.  Your Social Security with holding has been used to pay current retirees.  It was set up from the beginning to be a pyramid scheme - just like Bernie Madoff.  Social Security taxes have been used as operating funds since the 1960s.  Social Security will pay out more than it takes in starting this year and increasing until it becomes the largest single expenditure in the budget.

              If you want to have money do not give it to a government.

              Though Republicans and Democrats have been spending Social Security taxes the change in the law that added those taxes to general operating funds was signed by Lyndon Johnson and passed by a Democrat Congress.

              The every effort to reform it has been demagogued by liberals.

      2. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You said something I agree with:  "Why must we, the people - this includes "the rich" - pay for the capricious and reckless spending of politicians as if we were their slaves when they are our servants. Well it is time to serve."

        We voted the fools in.  Shame on us for letting it continue.

        I must point out, though, that "government" doesn't suffer; people suffer.  The "sacrifices" you refer to would have a relatively small effect on the debt compared to the larger effect it would have on services to people who need them.  However, ensuring that people like Warren Buffet pay the same amount of taxes as their secretaries would have a much larger benefit for a very small sacrifice.

  5. profile image0
    jerrylposted 13 years ago

    Come on people. 

    What drives everything?   Money!!!

    Who controls the creation of money and our monetary system? 

    The federal reserve and it's fractional banking debt monetary system!!!! (With the blessing of Congress).

    Who bows down to emperor Bernanke when he is before the senate or the house?

    Both democrats and republicans.

    Both parties want to keep the people dumbed down as long as possible.  They want to figure out a way to crash the economy, without having to take any of the blame! In my opinion, it's misdirection ploys, one after another. Haven't you noticed that the banks are loaning out very little  money?  This is contracting the money supply, and that's how they crashed the economy in 1929. After that, they could buy up things for pennies on the dollar.

    Neither party can be trusted. All have been in office too long, and have become corporate tools, rather than our representatives.

    We have to get rid of the fed and trim the ridiculous fat and perks from the corporate heads in this nation.  They have to have their feet held to the fire.

    We have to get rid of the lobbyists!!!

    Vote the bums out.....

    1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Check out "How an economy grows, and why it crashes" -- great book explaining how monetary inflation leads to welfare, warfare, and poverty.

  6. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 13 years ago

    Greece is where it's at precisely because they followed the idiotic precepts of Keynesian economics. That's what this bunch wants and all you need do is look at Greece to see what will occur. We need no new taxes. Period.

    1. Doug Hughes profile image61
      Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The problem with Greece is not wild spending. They continue to NOT collect taxes from the rich.

  7. JSChams profile image60
    JSChamsposted 13 years ago

    The facts are that 69 percent of the voters in this nation are like me and don't want the debt ceiling raised or any new taxes. It's probably a real good idea for the administration to pay attention to that if they think there is a prayer in heaven of re election.

    1. profile image0
      jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      And if they don't get reelected, the party that does get elected will have to raise the debt ceiling anyway.  We are under a debt monetary system you know.

  8. Moderndayslave profile image60
    Moderndayslaveposted 13 years ago

    Why do they need to raise an individuals taxes when the Corporate welfare system that is in place needs to end and would yield a great amount of money? This has not been mentioned once and is complete proof of who is working for who.

    1. lovemychris profile image80
      lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, if they let loose with taxing all the hoarded money--we would not even have a problem!
      In fact...we DON'T even have a problem!

      all that money they are talking about doesn't exist. It's only numbers on a screen. But--that is only an esoteric meaning of how stupid we are. Imaginary numbers that make people important allow other not-so-important-people to go hungry, cold, sick and die.

      Corporate wealth, generational wealth, invested wealth....all immune to the hazards of working people.
      What a joke.

      One day we'll learn....maybe one day soon, who knows?

      But the Repuglies....ewwwww.
      THIS is what America wants?
      I don't think so.

    2. profile image0
      jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Mds, You are absolutely correct.  It is proof of who is working for who!

      Congress is the obedient servant of the fed and corporate America, not of the individuals who elected them.

      Things cannot get better until we change which entity creates our money, and how it gets into circulation.

      Jobs have to be created without going into debt to create the jobs.

      Money has to be  earned first, then spent into circulation, not borrowed and then spent in, as is done now!  We are forced to borrow, at interest,  in order to have a medium of exchange!

      We live under financial slavery, with the fed res and their corporate crones in charge, (Wall street at the helm).
      As long as they can benefit and have the good life at the expense of the masses, they will. Keeping the people dumbed down is part of their game, and it worked well for the wealthy since Alexander Hamilton and the boys put in the first central banking system.  A few glitches along the way, but all in all, TPTB has had it's way with what was supposed to be our money, by forced increases in the cost of living and taxation!

      Get rid of the fed and start creating money as wealth to the people, not wealth to the bankers. Money should be created by rewarding man's productivity, not by mortgaging our future productivity by taking out interest bearing loans from bankers who create money out of thin air, on our promise to pay!
      The politicians were, and are to blame for the financial condition of our nation.  They sold us down the river to the bankers back then, and they are still allowing the same fraudulent system to continue operating today!
      Looking the other way, and/or blaming the opposition party is only smoking mirrors, both parties are just as guilty of this fraud on the people, and they know it!

      Getting rid of the debt monetary system, is the only way to solve our problems!

      1. Paraglider profile image90
        Paragliderposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think everyone who studies the system impartially and who has the mathematical background to understand it, is bound to come to that conclusion. The problem is then a pragmatic one - just how do we go about dismantling the system in a controlled manner, before it crashes in a heap?

        1. profile image0
          jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Paraglider,  I posted this on another thread some time back, but here it is again.

          Laws would have to be changed by congress, to allow the treasury to gradually take away the power of money creation from the fed res.

          Both entities would have to be creating money, until the treasury could create enough wealth money, making the new system capable of handling the nation's economic needs.

          Congress would have to place gradually increasing reserve requirements on the banks.  These requirements would increase as the strength of the new money increased, until we would have no further need for the fed.

          The creation of money would be through monetizing the maintenance and construction of infrastructure, rewarding man's current productivity, not mortgaging his future labors.

          The construction projects would originate at the local community level, and be planned and put out for competitive bid.  Full livable wages and benefits would be a requirement in the bidding process.

          When the winning bid was accepted, that bid amount would be submitted by the state, to the treasury.  The treasury could set up an asset monetization account, and debit that amount out of the account, into a state infrastructure project account, who in turn could debit it out of that account, into the winning contractors business account.

          The contractor would then pay his workers, suppliers, accountants, etc., etc.,and they would spend this money into circulation, already earned, debt free, interest free.

          Every dollar created would be matched by productivity. 
          Because our infrastructure would be paid for, there would be no need for fuel or road use taxes.
          We could take millions off of unemployment and welfare, lowering our taxes even more.
          Inflation would not be a danger. Any over creation of money could be used to pay back the money borrowed from social security, and I am sure there could be other ways to adjust the amount of money in circulation.

          But nothing will happen until the people get educated about their financial slavery.  Most people think money is just out there.  They don't realize that it has to have an origin.

          This is just a brief explanation of one possible solution.

          1. Paraglider profile image90
            Paragliderposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, that all works. But I'm talking less about the mathematics of the solution than about the practicalities of getting it put in place, against the will of those who profit from the status quo. Also, it would have to be a global initiative. US is a big player, but it's not the only country with private banks and debt/interest based economies.
            Education is crucial of course, but I've met many people who simply do not have the mathematical understanding to grasp what's happening.

            1. profile image0
              jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Paraglider,  All good points.

              Congress has to be educated on this sinister system as well.  You would be surprised at how many elected officials have no idea of how the system works. 

              The eventual collapse of this system is inevitable, and congress has to be made aware of this. 
              they have to understand that what wealth they have accumulated on the backs of their constituents, can disappear very quickly, and will if change does not come.

              The masses cannot be reached through the bought and paid for main media.  The best hope it through the internet. 

              I try to teach at least 2 people each day, about this problem.

              I also recommend the following link.


              1. profile image0
                jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Paraglider,  Sorry I failed to answer your concerns about other countries with debt based economies, which is most countries.

                It is my opinion that other countries upon seeing success in another nation, would want to jump on the band wagon.

                It would be hard for any other country to stop any information on the success of another nation with todays internet.

                Just having the ability to pay off our foreign debt commitments would get tongues wagging all over the world.

                Nations like Portugal, italy, Ireland, Iceland, Greece and Spain would chomp at the bit for a better economy.

  9. Jonathan Janco profile image61
    Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years ago

    How about the President, Vp, every cabinet post holder, every Senator, U.S. Rep, Governor and big city mayor reduces their salary to zero until we're out of debt. Public service?! Put your money where your mouths are! They won't starve, they're still getting their kickbacks anyway. While we're at it, how bout weeding out these phony contractors who design planes that will never fly and so on, just to pocket the surplus.

    1. profile image0
      jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Jonathan,  Nothing changes unless we change our monetary system.
      Every cent we have, or ever will have in circulation under this system, has to be borrowed.

      1. Jonathan Janco profile image61
        Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah good luck with that. I realize in an ideal sense that is valid. However, I was thinking of a more concrete plan that our elected officials could actually wrap their little heads around.

        1. profile image0
          jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Jonathan,  please elaborate on that more concrete plan.  I am open to learning anything new that could get us out of this financial mess.

          1. Jonathan Janco profile image61
            Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Okay, well the gov't got us into this mess, right? And the elected ones give themselves pay raises every chance they get, right? You know because theyre SOOO commited to public service, right? If they all agree to stop taking gov't checks it might not put that much of a dent in the budget but it atleast would set the appropriate example. I mean sacrifce starts at the top, right? If a CEO takes no salary for a year when his/her company is failing until it is profitting again (more of an exception than a rule but it does occasionally happen) then why not the government, also?

            1. profile image0
              jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Jonathan,  Whenever someone gets paid by their emplloyer, they are being paid with the debt principle of someone elses loan principle that has been spent into circulation, and captured through commerce.

              This holds true for government employees as well.  If we don't borrow money to pay the politicians under this system, nothing changes.  The rest of the people in the economy still have to borrow, or the system would collapse. I guess the best way I can put this is:  If I don't borrow and spend my debt dollars into circulation, there would be no money to capture through commerce to pay you your wages.  If there is no debt, there are no dollars.
              Lowering the pay of politicians wouldn't put a chip in the financial debt paint job.  We have to change the system.  What matters is how money is created and how it gets into circulation. It has to be earned and then spent in, not created on someone's promise to pay, out of thin air, then loaned at interest and then spent into circulation.

              Lowering politicians wages may mean that less would have to be borrowed, but it would also mean that there would be less in circulation.

  10. Jonathan Janco profile image61
    Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years ago

    Fair enough. Certainly a plausible goal but how? I'm all for erasing the Fed from existence but I think the big X in the equation is how to do that without sending society into a tailspin? Of course, every elected official who thinks they have an answer to that gets tarred and feathered and chased out of Capitol Hill.

    1. profile image0
      jerrylposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Jonathan, I posted one possible solution about 7 hours ago on this thread. Scroll up and find it. It was in response to Paraglider.

  11. Jonathan Janco profile image61
    Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years ago

    Jerry, that is a great idea. Sad however most pols do not hav the courage to approach such a thing. JFK did and . . . well,you know the rest.

  12. Moderndayslave profile image60
    Moderndayslaveposted 13 years ago

    They didn't do their job before

  13. JON EWALL profile image61
    JON EWALLposted 13 years ago

    The debate , GOP now refuses to do it's job
    American Viewposted unemployment rates

    2000-2006  (4.5% )    Bush & Republican majority  controlled Congress
    2007-2008  (7.4% )    Bush & Democrat  majority  controlled Congress
    2009 -2010   (9.4% )     Obama & Democrat SUPER  majority controlled Congress
    2011- present  ( 9.1% )  Obama &  majority controlled Democrat Senate and Republican controlled House

    THESE  ARE THE FACTS. The Democrats have had a 2/3’s control of our government since 2007-present.

    It take 3 to tango in our government in order to get things done thru debate and in the end, a majority VOTE and the signature of the President  to make law.
    The  President hasn’t submitted a plan or budget for 2012 ( all that he has contributed is talk)
    The Senate hasn’t submitted a plan or 2012 budget    ( all that they have done was to vote down the Presidents 2012 budget (94-0 ) and the House RYAN 2012 BUDGET
    The  Republican House has  approved the 2012 budget ( which included taking away corporate loop holes ,repealing obamacare and saving Medicare ).

    FOR ONE TO SAY  that the Republicans NOW RFUSE TO DO THE JOB IS ………………….
    The Republicans took over in the House in Jan ,2011 and have fought to approve a 2010-2011 budget left from the super majority Democrat Congress. The Speaker of the House , Boehner , recently said that he has tried since Jan 2011 to meet with the President to discuss the deficits and the national debt problems.

    Hubbers, we need to get beyond the propaganda coming out of Washinington and the Whitehouse to understand where the truth is  hiding.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Jon, do you think either side should allow us to default? Is default an option?

      1. JON EWALL profile image61
        JON EWALLposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ralph Deeds

        Today , 7/15/11,  President  Obama held a press conference and took questions, a rarity only because he supposedly is taking  his case to the American people. The long and short was that previous administrations are the cause of the recession and that Republicans aren’t cooperating in solving the problems. Not once did he mention the Democrat Senate in complaining about the discussions. The President wants both parties to present a plan on Monday  to again discuss options for  coming  to a conclusion.. All bull and political nonsense, only because it is the President that hasn’t submitted his plan. The complaint is that  President Obama  talks about a plan but has yet to put it on the table. The Senate hasn’t presented a plan as yet neither.
        I have written all the leaders of both parties and requested that the issues be placed on the floor of Congress so that our elected officials can do their job. The President’s job, since he can’t seem to get the parties to agree, is to  approve or disapprove legislation. Our country is not a dictatorship and OBAMA IS NOT OUR DICTATOR.
        Stop the behind closed door sessions, put all the issues open to the public. Submit a bill, debate the bill and vote on the bill, that’s how our government is suppose to work.
        Cut out the bull and find the truth, force our elected officials in the open so that we the people can decide how that cast their votes . The people can then decide as how to vote for them in the next election.


        To answer your ?  NO SIDE WILL ALLOW A DEFAULT!

    2. Evan G Rogers profile image60
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is nonsense.


      Blaming the presidency and congress for unemployment is complete and utter nonsense. In fact, doing so only encourages the complete falsehood that our political leaders are more powerful than you or I!!

      It's utterly disgusting to hear intelligent people waste time by arguing that our federal government has any power over unemployment.

      Place blame where it should be placed: False prices of loanable money (interest rates) being generated by wanton money creation. Blame the Federal Reserve.

      1. Yankee Reb profile image60
        Yankee Rebposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        you're funny ... you are joking?  no?

        1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
          Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The president does NOT control employment.

          Neither does Congress.

          And the current bust is the result of loose interest rate policy from the federal reserve. -Google "austrian theory of the business cycle".

          Anyway, I'm dead serious. I recommend the book "Economics in One Lesson" to thoroughly destroy any ideas in your mind that Government can create wealth.

      2. JON EWALL profile image61
        JON EWALLposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Evan G Rogers


        1. The obama administration refuses to process permits to beginning oil production and exploration  -   loss of jobs
        2. A 1 year  moratorium on drilling in the gulf just recently lifted . Only 1 permit approved  -loss of jobs

        3. Added regulations on the oil, natural gas and coal industries. Higher cost to consumers
        4. Billions  granted to alternate energy companies    added jobs
        5.Billions given to states to save public service jobs    saved jobs
        6. Added regulations to the private sector industries     loss of jobs

        The stimulus money ( $ 1 trillion ) was to put the economy on  a recovery and not allow unemployment over 8%. Today it is 9.2% plus if you count all of the unemployed. THE SIZE OF GOVERNMENT INCREASED 25% SINCE Obama took office. Over 25 new agencies have been created. Obamacare cut Medicare $500 million to start a new agency that will control who and what treatments will be allowed.

        Obama says that the corporate jet write-off  depreciation  should be rescinded. The write-off is a part of the Stimulus bill that he signed.  The loss of the write-off will be  loss of 100,000 jobs.

        Obamacare took over the student loan program industry,  a cost of 55,000 jobs in the private sector and loss profits by the banking industry

        THE FACTS ARE THAT   Obama and the Democrat SUPER majority and majority controlled Congress
        having 2/3’s control of our government played a major part in today’s labor problems.

        Somehow the media forgets to report!

        1. lovemychris profile image80
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          This is disingenuous.
          The House sets the agenda...puts the bills out to be voted on, calls the shots.
          It is ruled by Republicans. If nothing gets done....blame them.
          The Senate needs a 60 vote majority for anything to pass. The Dems do not have a 60 vote majority...hence the R's can block anything they want to block.

          The R's are stalling gvt until the next election. They could care less about's all about control with them.

          And btw--Repub policies crashed America...going back to them will only make it worse.

          I for one, am sick of them, sick of their tactics, sick of their lying BS.

          Hey Repubs: this is not a game. Monopoly is for kids...grow up.

          1. JON EWALL profile image61
            JON EWALLposted 13 years agoin reply to this


            ‘’This is disingenuous.’’’The House sets the agenda...puts the bills out to be voted on’’

            The REPUBLICAN House presented the plan in Feb, the Ryan 2012 budget
            The DEMOCRAT  Senate has not presented a plan ,2012 budget
            President Obama has not presented his plan
            President Obama spoke on Saturday and  said that we are all in ballgame.

            The plan is simple, get the President back out of the negotiations, he is only 1/3 of our government.
            It is simple, let our ELECTED Representatives in Congress do the job. Each one should have an opportunity to speak and decide how they will cast a vote.
            I wrote.

            I have written all the leaders of both parties and requested that the issues be placed on the FLOOR OF CONGRESS so that our elected officials can do their job. The President’s job, since he can’t seem to get the parties to agree, is to approve or disapprove legislation. Our country is not a dictatorship and OBAMA IS NOT OUR DICTATOR. Stop the behind closed door sessions, put all the issues open to the public. Submit a bill, debate the bill and vote on the bill, that’s how our government is suppose to work.
            What you see when Obama speaks is not what you get, THAT’S A FACT.

            NOTE  the Obama administration has added $4.5 trillion  to the national debt since Jan 2009.Record unemployment 9.2%, record citizens on food stamps 43,000, record lowest money coming into the treasury and record time allowed on unemployment 99 weeks.
            Simple solution, the country needs more taxpayers not more taxes.

            1. lovemychris profile image80
              lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Funny--I didn't know you guys elected the R's to give more tax cuts for the Uber Rich.
              That's ALL they are interested in doing.
              What is the bill they presented?
              Make tax cuts PERMANENT....the destructive force they want permanent.

              Take money OUT of the system, so the system fails.
              What are we left with?
              Everything is for sale.
              You want services?
              Pay for it!
              You have no money?
              Tough sh*t.

              Gvt of by and for wealthy people. Oh, and white and Judeo-Christian too.

              No thanks....been there, done that!
              You guys are missing the boat.

              Until you realize that we all matter--you are empty suits with dollar signs in your eyes....or empty dresses, as the case may be. *cough* Bachmann *cough*

              Wealth inequality is NO was facilitated by R gvts!
              Get Back Jack...we want equality under the law! Not more highway robbery!

              1. Evan G Rogers profile image60
                Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Do you actually think that people vote for Republicans because they love rich people being more rich?

                Like, you ACTUALLY believe that?


                1. lovemychris profile image80
                  lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Did I say that?
                  Supposedly they voted for Repubs to provide jobs jobs jobs....'
                  So, where are they?? WHY is business sitting on 2.2 trillion dollars? And I know all the BS they spout. It's always Obama's fault..never anything to do with them.

                  It's the Repub leaders who only care about tax cuts for the rich....what else have they done?
                  What is their great proposal? To make the Bush cuts Permanent!

                  NO THANK YOU!

                  It's not brain surgery...actions speak louder than phony propaganda.

                  FOR INSTANCE:

                  "Cons didn't care about balancing the budget while voting for the Bush tax cuts, Iraq war, Medicare Part D and TARP"


                  1. American View profile image60
                    American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                    We all know that businesses are sitting on money, but not that much. It is a twist as to who really is sitting on money. Here is part of the interview on CNN.(souce-CNN)

                    YELLIN: Let's look at the broader economy for a minute. There is talk not much can be done to spur job growth. But we heard the president say Congress does have tools at its disposal. Would you point to one thing Congress could do when it comes back from vacation?

                    SPERLING: Yes. I'll give you two examples, which is one, we have $2.2 trillion sitting on the sideline in our economy right now for Congress to spend. If we could give those companies, those investors the confidence that America can work past its divisions and get its house in order, I have no question that will increase more confidence in people making long-term investments, which means more construction, more job creation here in the United States.

                    And, secondly, you can do a deficit reduction package the smart way, that is phase in and that has something like the payroll tax cut, which puts $1,000 in the pockets of average families, which can help not only with them to face the strains of higher food and energy prices, but it means more spending and it can give an extra kicker of growth to help this economy grow together.

                    So, a strong deficit reduction, a bipartisan plan that included something like the payroll tax cut is exactly the right type of recipe to restore confidence, get more investment and job creation and put a little bit more spending and demand in the economy and help out many hard-pressed working families at the same time.”

                  2. Evan G Rogers profile image60
                    Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    "Did I say that?"

                    Jeez, a bit defensive? Let's review your statements and I'll show you that, yes, you pretty much said that:

                    "Funny--I didn't know you guys elected the R's to give more tax cuts for the Uber Rich."

                    yeah, you wrote that.

        2. Evan G Rogers profile image60
          Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Ewall - You posted a great argument.

          You argued that the government can CREATE jobs by opening up drilling fields.

          But you failed to mention that those jobs WOULD NORMALLY EXIST if government didn't take away the power to create those jobs in the first place.

          The government originally prevented jobs from existing, but then can "create" the jobs by letting the market run properly.

          This means that, with your own argument, the government never created the jobs, it merely is allowing jobs to flourish that once were outlawed by the government.


  14. Yankee Reb profile image60
    Yankee Rebposted 13 years ago

    FACE IT -- both sides are screwing America
    and if you say the OTHER SIDE is at fault - YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM

    Don't you get it? Little Bush was Republican and fiscally liberal

    the more to the left the republicans go to appease the Democrats - the farther left the democrats go to run away from what is perceived by most as logically reasonable

    TRUE IS the left if full of the Entitlement mentality and the right needs to wipe the brown stuff off their nose from trying to make the left feel more comfortable in a less liberal world.

    As I said:

    both sides are screwing America ...

  15. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Sorry AV this one is going to hurt. Go back to your link and try and verify the story. Click on thg elinks the provide as support for this post. I tried the first 10 links and here is the results.

    Checking the references.

    1st link couldn't open file

    2nd link cato opinion piece

    3rd link, heritage site

    4th link no longer available

    5th link web site not found

    6th link 404 - File or directory not found.

    7th link windows can't open file

    8th link windows cant open file

    9th file windows cant open file.

    10th link site not found.

    I stopped here AV. none of the sites they use as a source or as a reference exist. I have come across this before with both the heritage site and the Cato institute. They often reference themselves and feel this proves what they say is fact. Most od the reference sites they list dont work and the rest go to one site or another. I have even caught them using a baseball players name and crediting him with a scientific discovery. He never said it or studied science. Truth doesn't matter to the Heritage site. You do yourself a disservice by using them to support your claims and as the basis for them. Dont believe me. take the time to try and verify the references on the link you supplied.

    1. American View profile image60
      American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I may be tired or my glasses may not be working right, but what did I miss? I went back over this thread 2 times, I do not see anywhere that I supplied 10 or more Links. I have several with one but not more.

      As for heritage, I trust them way more than Cato, but i never had a problem with their links. I read them before I use them.

      So let me know. Im am at a lose right now THanks, catch you later

  16. lovemychris profile image80
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    "Over the past four years Murdoch’s U.S.-based News Corp. has made money on income taxes. Having earned $10.4 billion in profits, News Corp. would have been expected to pay $3.6 billion at the 35 percent corporate tax rate. Instead, it actually collected $4.8 billion in income tax refunds, all or nearly all from the U.S. government."

    1. American View profile image60
      American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      I agree he needs to pay more in taxes. But he takes advantage of loopholes that all other like him take advantage of. The only problem I have with this atricle is how does he get more out than he pays in. If that is true, he is the only one, other than those who take the EIC which he could never qualify  for, that have recieved back more than he paid in. I am thinking the $ 4.8 billion is what he paid in so when his company filed their taxes, with the deductions and loopholes avfailable, he recieved all $4.8 Billion back. Under my idea of a new tax system. He would have paid the $3.6 Billion for there would be no more deductions.

  17. Moderndayslave profile image60
    Moderndayslaveposted 13 years ago
  18. junko profile image77
    junkoposted 13 years ago

    JON EWALL. Whatdid you do with Faye Paxson

    1. JON EWALL profile image61
      JON EWALLposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Can you explain the question?
      It's been a while since we had our last  seminar on the political battle field. Just joking.

      1. junko profile image77
        junkoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Jon, Faye Paxton a good left leaning writer. You questioned her writing often a few weeks ago. Now her and her writing is no longer on hubpages. I thought you might know why. Still got that suit...huh?

        1. JON EWALL profile image61
          JON EWALLposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          ‘’thought you might know why. Still got that suit...huh?’’
          Well, same old suit and same olde guy.
          Well, maybe Faye got past the propaganda and the light from heaven finally opened her eyes and cleared up some of her ideas.
          Just hoping for Congress to settle the National Debt limits. The House is scheduled to vote on a CUT,CAP AND BALANCE BILL on Tues 7/19/11.Looks like the House is not folding but making a call move on President Barak  Obama‘s position.
          Stay Tuned!

  19. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    ". . . [M]any economists believe that the Fed has unwittingly encouraged banks to sit on their cash and not lend it by paying interest on reserves."..."Economists are divided on why banks are not lending, but increasingly are focusing on a Fed policy of paying interest on reserves — a policy that began, interestingly enough, on October 9, 2008, at almost exactly the moment"

  20. lovemychris profile image80
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    DC Debbie:

    "Republicans would happily support an increase in the debt ceiling on one condition: it's proposed under a Republican President."

    I heard a talk on that cut cap and balance bill...guy said it makes Ryan look like a socialist.

    This idea of gutting the gvt--til it goes away with the bath an old goal of theirs.

    Then, people who's goal is to make money can do as they like with no oversight, no end to their greed-mongering, and no thought to the consequences of their money-lust.

    A gvt is NOT a money-making facilitator! A gvt is to CARE for its citizens--putting their welfare above all else.

    The current Publitards have forgotten what their ancestors came here for. They were ESCAPING fuedalism and plutochracy....not planning to grow another one.....were they?

    1. Yankee Reb profile image60
      Yankee Rebposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      lovemychris - You said: The current Publitards have forgotten what their ancestors came here for. They were ESCAPING fuedalism and plutochracy....not planning to grow another one.....were they?

      I can not speak for YOUR PEOPLE coming here and their reasons.
      Mine did NOT come here for that.
      Mine (my father and his parents and siblings) came for FREEDOM, for opportunity, and to get away the control freak mentality that Mussolini subjected them to.

      My wife came to get away from the socialist control of so called Communism.
      Which is currently worse HERE than communist Hungary ever was.

      As I understand it the cop's are even more dangerous and violent here!

      After reading your diatribe - your post is hypocritical to the nth degree!

      YOU SAID:
      "Republicans would happily support an increase in the debt ceiling on one condition: it's proposed under a Republican President."

      ... and the Democrats aren't at fault here TODAY with the SAME THING?
      Look at ObamaCare and how Pelosi plowed it down our throats and ran out dishing out WAIVER'S to her financial contributors because it was so bad - darn thing has not fully been implemented and waivers are ALREADY in place!  AND THAT HURT the national debt which people like me can't get out from under with a fancy waiver (my business isn't rich enough)

      YOU SAID:
      I heard a talk on that cut cap and balance bill...guy said it makes Ryan look like a socialist.

      The actual quote is (QUOTE SOURCE):
      Johnson and the Democrats of 1967 would make Paul Ryan look like a socialist by comparison.

      That is why people who know me understand why I said the little Bush was a fiscal liberal and how we now have Liberal Republicans and Socialist Democrats
      YOU SAID:
      Then, people who's goal is to make money can do as they like with no oversight, no end to their greed-mongering, and no thought to the consequences of their money-lust.

      What about the entitlement mentality of the left?
      Where they think that any successful person needs to pay more?

      THAT my dear is JUST US ...

      if they are entitled to be taken for more of their money for
      1- trying harder than poor people
      2 - making better life style choices than the less successful

      They should be entitled to more breaks.

      That makes a JUST US situation more in line with JUSTICE

      May I suggest hat before you point fingers at the problems on the other side
      Fix the politicians on YOUR side of the isle!

      IN CASE YOU HAVE NOT NOTICED - both sides
      a) are burning the same candle wick

      b) melting down the same wax

      c) The divided citizens of this country are what make up the SAME WAX that is getting burned from both ends!

    2. American View profile image60
      American Viewposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "The current Publitards"

      Sounds like hateful speech to me. A play on a word that has been the subject of being offensive to many.

      Not to worry, I am not reporting you, just wanted to point out how you do the same thing you accuse others of doing and then you report them

      1. lovemychris profile image80
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I report if it's a sustained attack on ME personally.

        Like people saying:
        lmc--you hate America
        lmc--you hate all Jews

        That is when I report.
        I don't report Libtards, Obongo, Demon-rats, Obummer...all the insulting thing said about Obama and the Dems....

        There is a big difference.

  21. JON EWALL profile image61
    JON EWALLposted 13 years ago

    The House passed a CUT, CAP and BALANCE bill that will require a Federal  balanced budget amendment. Seems like the do nothing Republicans are finally doing something to save our country.
    President Obama said that he will not sign the House bill. Somehow Obama and the Democrats don’t want the government to have to balance the federal budget. Balancing the budget did happen when President Clinton  had a majority controlled Republican Congress ( the last 6 years of the Clinton administration ).Let's not forget who took all the credit.In 2000, Bush inherited the Clinton recession,9-11 and the 2 wars ( approved by Congress).

    The REID ( IN CONTROL SINCE 2007) Senate has yet to produce a plan, wonder why? The president talks about his plan but has not yet produced the plan. Just wondering when Aug 2nd comes ,what will the Senate and the President do ?
    Will 2/3s of our government allow a US government default ?

  22. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    The only thing the house did was put on a show for their followers. They knew the bill wouldn't make it past the Senate. Rather than work towards a compromise they are satisfied to play government official. They have no intention of doing anything except demand that the DEms do everything their way. I wish the spoiled little kids would just take their ball and run home to mommy. This is not the United States of Republicans and their are two parties in DC. Both of them have spent decades destroying this country and the Repubs wont play ball  to fix the problems. They refuse to even admit they are just as responsible as the Dems are for the problems we face. They have made it clear that they will not agree to any bill that raises revenue. Screw em, shut the government down and let the Repubs squirm out of their part of the responsibility. Problem is that the government wont shut down and this is nothing more than an attempt by the GOP and Tea Party to win a few more seats.  The Tea party backed Repubs are backed into a corner, if they do the right thing and work out a compromise their voted out. How many elections will we go thru before America sees the Tea Party for what it is. A bunch of thugs who believe they can take over this country with their ignorant ravings.

    1. JON EWALL profile image61
      JON EWALLposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Stump Parrish

      LET’S NOT forget how our government works or how it suppose to work. What’s been going on is that President Obama’s idea is to work behind closed doors to  formulate legislation. His type of governing has NOT worked with 1/3 of the government ( the Republican majority controlled House ).
      The show boat Republicans are just doing what they were elected to do, ( the work of the people).I recall President Obama saying that “ the buck stops here “ and recently said “ Congress needs to do their job “ on 7/15/11.
      President Obama has failed to lead and present his plan ,all  that he has done is all talk.  REID and the Senate has yet to present a plan, don‘t you wonder why?
      The people want EACH  and every representative to be able to get on the floor and debate a bill in the public eye. Obama promised a transparency in government if elected, far from doing what he promised.

      The House didn‘t fold because of Obama‘s threats, they just made a call to the bluff. The ball is in the Senate NOW to come up with a bill. The renegade 6 Senators , that Obama praised today is not the Senate (50 senators ).They ALL HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to us, the taxpayers to do their job. Let’s hope that they will do the work for the people and not their party demands.
      DEMOCRACY is what Obama and Congress preaches, will Democracy WIN OUT ?

  23. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Jon I respect your right to an opinion as I feel you respect my right. The problem isn't the Democrats or the Republicans. The problem is the Democrats AND the Republicans. Very few on either side are working for anything other than re-election. Another part of the problem is that the American people don't get anything close to the truth about our government from our news journalists. Their parent companies sold out to the highest bidder and they spread what ever propaganda they are told to. Thomas jefferson warned about a lot of the dangers we face today and this one is right on the money...When the press is free and everyman able to read, all is safe. The press has been bought and paid for and the educational system in this country is in a tail spin. These two facts go hand in hand and neither are unitended.

    This quote goes a little deeper into his thoughts and warnings for us..."The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government. I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them."

  24. JON EWALL profile image61
    JON EWALLposted 13 years ago

    President Barack Obama and The 112TH Congress , a work in progress involving constitutional law. On Sat July,23,2011, President Barack Obama and the leaders of Congress met..... <snipped link - do not promote your Hubs in the forums>

  25. thecollecktor profile image65
    thecollecktorposted 13 years ago

    The debt question is a reason to play politics.  Both parties are guilty of working to control the people with the media and their inaction.  Who is to blame really.    We are all great at giving our opinions blaming Obama if we are a republican or tea party member, blaming the republicans if we are democrats, blaming the democrats if we are republican and so on.  We the people are caught in the middle.  Our only voice is via the polls that are being taken by the news media, social networks who identify the group to poll or those who will answer and come up with the results.  These results then become the representation of the people.   
    The polls help create an apathetic population.   They become our spokesperson, the pundits, talk show hosts repeat over and over. 
    No wonder our representatives are no longer leaders.  They believe the polls looking toward reelection not the real reason they are there to lead and respresent us.   
    This nation is further weakened by the amount of dollars flowing out of the country into the rest of the world.   It is the outflow economy taking billions of dollars out of our economy to instead grow the economies of the world.   
    I have written recently about this in my hubs.   President Obama and congress for the most part consider social security and medicare as the solution.  What a joke?  It is not a solution, building this economy is.   Our leaders don't have the guts to face the world including Americans businesses and illegal Americans (potential voters) to say enough is enough.   
    Think of all the ways we contribute to this outflow.   We buy goods made in china, we hire illegal americans, we allow illegals to assimilate into the country where we now become responsible for them, we use gas guzzling automobiles, when catastrophes around the world occur, Americans are first to respond with billions. The world looks to us first.   We let our major businesses move overseas where they spend their profits to build up other nations and their people.  All the while our country is experiencing high unemployment, higher prices for our goods we need to survive. 

    The real solution lies not in raising our debt ceiling.  It involves a real hard look beyond adding to the destruction of the middle income and establishing a huge rift between the rich and the poor.   Government must do their share.  Excuse me, Obama, Republicans and Democrats must become the leaders we elected them to be not the politicians they have become.  It is this that has weakened our nation contributing to the position we are in now.   We will all be affected no matter what their decision this late in the game.   How silly it was for us to believe this nation is in good hands with our current government.

  26. lovemychris profile image80
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Nope--I place the blame squarely on Republican policies of the past adm. and the obstructiionist, corporate-loving Baggers in there now.

    Sorry--it is not an equal blame-game. IMO

  27. Moderndayslave profile image60
    Moderndayslaveposted 13 years ago

    Corporate welfare should be eliminated, yesterday.Free market capitalism works so well ,right?
    The 1% it's on youtube in eight parts

  28. lovemychris profile image80
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Going to watch that when I get home modern...and-- you got that right!

    and Dear,

    "YOU SAID:
    I heard a talk on that cut cap and balance bill...guy said it makes Ryan look like a socialist.

    The actual quote is (QUOTE SOURCE):
    Johnson and the Democrats of 1967 would make Paul Ryan look like a socialist by comparison."

    I did not read it on quote source, I heard it on a radio show! Guy SAID it makes Ryan look like a socialist.

    And it did, didn't it? They are so keen to bankrupt the gvt, they don't care who gets hurt.....except themselves, of course!
    Like Ryan, whose family owns land in oil and timber-bearing areas.....oh we CAN'T stop the oil and timber subsidies...the business baron welfare, now can we? OHHH no no no no no

    Say----I guess Ryan IS a socialist!!
    Like Bachmann! AND a gangster....since they've both been in gvt so long!
    Ryan since 2001, I don't know about Ms Bachmann.
    But Coburn, who calls people "sucking on the system", has himself been sucking on it since 1985!
    Six-figures worth a year.

  29. thecollecktor profile image65
    thecollecktorposted 13 years ago

    The poor will always be poor.  It is difficult to get poorer.  What we find is the number of the poor increases as the rich get richer.  We have many corporate giants continuing to control the population through their pursuit of profit.   Fast food obesity occurs from offering more fats for lower prices.  Our safety depends on paying monthly or annual fees to protect what we have.  Cash used to be worth more offering discounts when used.   With debits, banks now include credit, services they charge for.  Paypal takes 10% when sales happen meaning we have to charge more for profit.  Credit card companies look for ways to increase interest charges, with most now above 10% for most people.   People are trapped.  Government can increase taxes, cut benefits, cut services, make decisions that reduce freedoms all under the guise of democracy.  Free enterprise, truly freedom will bring us out of the dilemna we face.  Free Enterprise works.  It is what has built this nation to be the greatest in the world.   There are many who want to destroy what we have.  What is worse is when it occurs from within.

  30. chaz cecil profile image61
    chaz cecilposted 13 years ago

    Its simple.....ALL governement Federal and State (Besides teachers) Take a 15% pay cut.  If the Federal worker makes above 100k, they take a 25% cut.  200k and above, 35%...This should actually get us out of debt without disturbing the WORKING CLASS alot

    1. John Holden profile image60
      John Holdenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You really think that payroll makes up such a large part of your spending?

      1. chaz cecil profile image61
        chaz cecilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Actually yes,  there are billions to be used elseware if you follow the formula I mentioned, and, its readily accesable and of course continuous.  If they can use the idea of stopping SSI and other checks, why not use thier own payroll cuts.

  31. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    The one topic that doesn't seem to get any attention is health care reform. Meaning, Medicare would not be an "entitlement" program if all Americans were covered by so-called Obamacare.

    As for "raising taxes" eliminating loopholes, cutting subsidies to corporations making billions and letting the Bush cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire as planned is not RAISING taxes. That's just GOP fearmongering and spin.


    1. Yankee Reb profile image60
      Yankee Rebposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ... what needs to be asked is why did it get rammed down America's throat?
      1 - Pelosi was dishing out waiver's soon after it was crammed through. (SOURCE)
      What? It was so bad she got her friends off the hook? ... and a lot of the ObamaCare stuff has not kicked in yet!

      2 - What About The Promises by Obama?
      *** A) Like "Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN"? (SOURCE)
      *** B) or "Allow five days of public comment before signing bills"? (SOURCE)

      1. Mighty Mom profile image75
        Mighty Momposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I've heard criticisms that Obama shouldn't have pushed HC bill so early in his term. Can't even imagine it going through the present Congress! sad

        The real question is what are Americans so frigging afraid of?  Or why are they so gullible not to understand who is funding the resistance to this plan?
        Why the blind allegiance to big pharma and big insurance????

        1. profile image59
          logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Why is Obama and the Dems afraid of letting the American people debate and vote on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution?  Why the blind allegiance to unions and left wing extremists?
          Oh and guess how many big pharma and big insurance donated to the Obama campaign the first time and will do so again.

  32. uncorrectedvision profile image60
    uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years ago

    See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. Then abolish this law without delay, for it is not only an evil itself, but also it is a fertile source for further evils because it invites reprisals."
    -Frédéric Bastiat


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