I was reading this article about Sean Loftis. He is a Miami-Dade county substitute teacher who was suspended from his job when it was discovered that he is a former gay porn actor. This situation reminds me of Tericka Dye, who was also a porn star in the past. After Dye decided to get her life together, she became a teacher. Her past always followed her and she’s had trouble keeping a teaching position because of it. I have mixed feelings about this subject. On the one hand, I think that people are free to do what they want as long as it is not criminal. People who are trying to make a positive change in their lives should get a chance to redeem themselves, without having the past thrown up in their face. Then there are many teachers on the job with clean backgrounds that have skeletons in their closets which will never come to light. On the other hand, I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of a former porn star teaching my child. It doesn’t matter to me that Sean Loftis is gay, as his sexual preference is not my business. My concern is that there is the lingering possibility that these former porn stars may say or do something inappropriate in the classroom. What do you think?
Living in Florida, I also heard about this. This is a difficult scenario. I have four children in public schools now ages, 13,10,10, and 8. I'm pretty liberal, but I don't think that I would want former porn actors teaching my children in a classroom. But, on the other hand, if that person has committed no crimes and worked legitimately in a legit industry in the past, I'm not sure how they could be kept from working as a teacher.
On what basis did they fire him? Did he lie on his application? I'm curious as to how they got rid of him.
If there were a picture of me picking my nose from 10 years ago, would that prevent you from eating any food I cooked for you today?
Ewwwh! Maggie, do you really pick your nose?
Only if you were puttin' or advocating puttin' the boogers & slime in somebody's food or other personal space.
I bet almost everyone picks their nose at some time in their life; it's a natural thing.
But not everyone engages in or advocates porn or other perversion at any time in their life, 'cause it's not a natural thing.
Huge difference there.
I would not want a porn star of any type teaching my child (if I had any.) With that said, I believe that people can change. However, we all have past and ways we use to act but do not any more.....but I for one know at times I find that I screw up and resort to my old way of thinking and acting. So do we want to take this chance when it comes to children? Maybe there is something else he can do for the school.....but then again as screwed up as our schools are and the gov they will probably have him teaching sex ed when he returns.
No kiddin'.
That's about what the liberals will do, or the schools unknowingly will do.
I'd say there's something he could do for the school-----stay away from it.
What next - will they Ban old Cowboys from running for President, or peanut farmers, or just good old fashioned lunatics
Regardless of someone's past, if we continue to hold grudges then what is the use of giving someone a chance to redeem themselves or make a better life for themselves. Everyone makes mistakes specially when young and we must learn to overcome our fears and bigotry. We are being hypocrites if we don't see beyond someone's past and learn to recognize that people can change and become better persons.
Yes, this is true. Noone is perfect, or beyond reproach. He who is without sin, should cast the first stone. I am totally sympathetic to the plight of Tericka Dye. At least she appears to sincerely want to stay on the right track with her life, but the stigma is staying with her. Mr. Loftis is different, though. I heard that he has returned to the porn industry.
I don't think it's necessarily about "grudges". People who deal with children, and particularly people who teach children, are held to (or should be held) some measure of character (or at least common sense). We've all been "young and stupid", but even with that, the majority of us never would have seen being involved with porn as an option. Our basic character and values don't change all that much in the time between when we're 20 and 50. Our preferences or thinking can change in some ways, but most of us have some line we draw according to our own common sense and character.
The line for some people may be higher. For example, if you have 2 people who are both starving and in desperate need of money; one of them may be willing to cross the line and get into porn movies. The other would rather starve to death (maybe even steal) because the bar of what he'd do or not do is different.
Even if that weren't a factor, though; and even if someone's "bar" changed between the time he was young and the present; there's always the risk that some judgments (even those made by someone young and stupid) are things that are likely to create problems for them in the future, particularly in some lines of work. Maybe the person who has changed (or at least "cleaned up his act" even if he hasn't) ends up paying for his past, and maybe that doesn't seem fair or right. It's reality, though; and I think someone needs to realize that, because of past, he may have to find work in an area in which the past won't make a difference.
Nobody knows if someone like this guy was a young person who had "lower" standards for himself as a young man but has changed; or if he hasn't changed in his own judgment about sex-related things and, instead, has simply learned to behave in a less questionable way.
Either way, parents of kids are likely to think that even if the best-case scenario, this individual's behavior was very different the behavior that reflects better judgment and character in even a young person.
So, I'm sorry - right or wrong, fair or unfair - major points off for ever being involved in that particular industry and good reason to expect better a better record of judgment (at least when it comes to people in SOME jobs and at least when it comes to some kinds of "bad judgement" used in youth). (And when I say "points off" I don't mean "in general life". I only mean in terms of what employers use as part of assessing a person and his background; but even what might cause problems for the employer if/when "customers" - or in this case, parents of students - find out about the background. I might be friends with the person. I might even make him godparent of my kids if I were good enough friends. It's not about "rejecting" as a friend. It's about the employment setting in this case.)
Your point is well taken. It can be nearly impossible to make amends for wrongs that you have done. Sometimes, your past is a permanent scar on your life.
In most cases, I try to reserve personal judgments about a person's present moral character, based soley on what they have done in past. I don't know Mr. Loftis or Mrs. Dye personally, so I don't truly know their moral character. I think that only God knows what is in our hearts and minds, no matter what our transgressions are.
When it comes to people's moral codes or standards, these people probably didn't benefit from being raised in family with strong moral values and conviction. There might not have been any person in these people's lives to mentor them and properly teach them about morals and reinforce it. Any morals that they attained were probably learned in adulthood.
I wouldn't agree with your insinuation that those working in porn have "lower standards". "Different" standards, seems more appropriate.
Gosh - Luis just scored about a dozen touchdowns with that comment - is my opinion for this thread.
Who said he considers it a mistake? Who said he's trying to make a new, better start in life? He may think it was all fine but got too old, too fat, too ugly... If he was in it for the money, is he now looking for kids to recruit into the industry for bonus money?
Why isn't porn illegal since prostitution is? My son pointed out something from an episode of the Simpsons, Homer (I think) said, "Remember, it's not illegal if you film it."
Oops, it was Family Guy, not Simpsons.
There was a high school secretary in Quebec, Canada last year who was fired because a student recognized her from a porn video. I think what a teacher has done in the past or does in their private life is their own business. As long as it doesn't affect their ability to teach, where's the harm?
This is not something that is usually detected by a criminal background check. I suspect that someone who works for the school board became curious and dug up Sean Loftis' past. Or perhaps someone with information about it put a bug in an employees ear.
first off, let me say that no one,... NO ONE gets into the porn industry on accident. no one just wakes up one morning with the realization that theyv been a porn star for the last three years,... "like wow,... i just thought i was a nude model?"
if you apear in a pornfilm or photo shoot, its going to be published for the world to see,... period. in the modern world its gona be on line,... that means forever,... its like herpies,.. its forever.
having had a career in pornography just excludes you from a few things,... and teaching,.. logicaly,... is one of those things,.... period.
(list of other professions i would like to add to the axcluded list; the priesthood, politics,southern baptist ministers, and my house keeper,... though my boyfriend would like that.)
its not because i think your going to sudenly get the overweling urge to strip naked and have hot sex on your desk with my son.(though i'm sure he'd love that)
its not becase i'm worried yur going to say something inapropriate in class. (thats my sons job))
its not because i think you will discuss sexuality with our kids in some detrimental way.(in fact, i can bet youd cover the subject better than 90% of those teaching right now)
being in the pornography industry excludes you from certain future careers such as teaching because in the difital age, our children WILL find the footage, they WILL find the photos,... and your ability to teach them from a position(uhg) of authority and respect will be blown.(pun intended)
lastly,...if you ACTUALY had a job in pornography and thought teaching was a real option in your future,.... your waaaaaay tooooo stuuupid to teach our kids.
I don't feel that being a former porn actor, automatically precludes one from being an excellent teacher, that is passionate about their work. With that said, I can definitely see where co-workers, students, and parents would lack respect for a person in that situation. It puts everyone involved in an extremely awkward place.
but I tripped, landed between her leggs and there just happend to be a camera crew around. lol
yup,... thats what happend,... and now you too can become a jr high english teacher! ha!
The school should recognize her talent and assign her to teach sex ed.
How does this fit with TMMason's constant rant about the teaching of homosexuality in schools?
Couldn't be that he's misled, could it?
Heck no he's not misled. It's America's kids that are misled. To end that, the first step that needs to be taken is to send Arne Duncan and Kevin Jennings packing.
oh I am not mis-led john.
The homo-NAZI agenda is all throughout the schools in America. The constant dumbing down and poisoning of our children's minds is a full time job for the Leant Left in America, and they revel in it.
Oh I get it... you think cause one gay guy gets fired there is no problem.
What warped logic that is.
I think gay porn is sickening... he should be fired!!
...now it we are talking lesbian porn.. that of course is a different subject
Unless the lesbians are really mannish?
I believe if it was not interfering with his ability to teach, his license should not have been revoked. There are many double-standards that come into play with this scenario. His past is just that his past there are to many people taking things to literally.
What if he took out his penis during geography class and tried to show the boys where Bangkok was!?!?
So is this a gay issue or not?
Does it matter that he was in gay porn ... or just porn?
Hell, if we ban gays from our schools there will be no gym teachers left
As to teachers having higher moral standards than the rest of us.
Yes, all my teachers were models of virtue.
I had one who was a former priest. Wonder how he snuck in.
Oh, but Hubby's experience was different.
His high school football coach and his wife were running an actual porn ring out of their house. (this was, of course, before the Internet).
lol, hmm... I didn't know that all the gym teachers were gay! lol
lol um, I think most gay people act civilized just like straight people, they just have a different gender preference.
what if he took his penis out in math class, and invited the boys to show him how 1 + 1 = 69?
what if he took his penis out during home economics, and invited the boys to make a hot dog sandwich??
Keep going, Greek One. You're really on a ROLL
ok.. since you asked...
what if he was teaching gym class, and his version of Dodge-ball involved him running around naked trying to sit on the students
I thought they banned Dodge ball in schools?
But I think they still make students climb the rope.
That could be quite interesting with this guy leading the class
um well I guess there is always that chance, but a straight teacher can do the same thing! Pedophiles can be any gender preference!
When I was a little girl, in my old country,I remember how teachers were not allowed to go to public baths, or to sell something on a Market. If you are a teacher you have to support a certain status quo. No porn involved, sorry.
what if he pulled down his pants during astronomy class, and then said "now let us explore Uranus!"
mmmmm..... So how is it a school district hired someone without doing a complete background check? How was he located? Looks to me like someone was serfing the Internet and was on a porn site, located the teacher and to avoid any type of self-incrimination pointed fingers at the teacher to deflect from themselves. mmmm..... Interesting.
(The plot thickens)
I like your thinking on this one. I'm not sure if being a porn star would show up on a background check. Use alias names or d/b/a if they paid taxes. Most background checks are to see if someone is a felon or in this case, a convicted pedophile. I think people should think real hard about their choices in previous employment, especially if they are working around children. What was this guy thinking. Doesn't he know how savvy kids are now these days with the internet?
exactly!! Brenda!.. we can't have these people showing their asteroids in class and spreading their milkyways!
It will just lead to a Big Bang.. and I know you are against that theory
I agree wholeheartedly with you Brenda, but what do our opinions matter against the world??
If it happened in my class, my mom would've left him nothing to explore!
say he got a job teaching Political Science... what if he pulled out his penis and told students that it was 'the fourth and missing branch of the government"?
Greek one, maybe you just have a fascination with penis, and teachers! lol Cause I haven't seen to many that do this personally! Just saying!
Its not me.. I'm just trying to protect the children from a gay teacher bent on infecting them with gaynessess and other gay-like behaviors.
won't someone think of the children!?!?!!?
Oh Geezzzz.......Lolololo!
Teachers are teachers it really doesn't matter what they do on their own personal time. There are many great gay teachers just like there are many great straight teachers. We shouldn't be judging what everyone does, it is there business.
What if "Teachers are teachers it really doesn't matter what they do on their own personal time. There are many great gay teachers just like there are many great straight teachers. We shouldn't be judging what everyone does, it is there business."..
what will the far right homophobes talk about then??
Would that it were only gay-ness and gay-like behaviors.
It's a homo-NAZI agenda.
Yes. The children. We must protect the innocent little tykes.
What if he got a job teaching driver's ed...
and forced kids to learn how to drive 'stick'.. but only in automatic cars?
what is he got a class teaching religion, and focused the entire curriculum on the virtues of Sodom and Gomorrah?
No I don’t think he should have been fired. If he can competently teach our children (which apparently he was able to) then that should be what matter's.
I think we shouldn't dwell on "why" he was fired or whether it is right or wrong that he was, but rather we should dwell on what does firing him "teach" our children? The reality is that it "teaches" our children that porn is "bad". -So bad in fact that you can get fired from a job that you are perfectly suited and able and competently able to perform.
I have a problem with the school teaching children that something is "bad" if it's not illegal. I don't mind the school teaching my child that stealing is bad, or killing is bad, but I'd rather them leave everything else up to me to teach my child. The same way I don't want the school to teach my child that believing in God is good, I wouldn't want them teaching that believing in God is bad. The same way I don't want the school teaching my child that sex "good", I don't want them teaching my child that sex is "bad" either. (which again, is what is really happening here).
With that said, I do understand the point that was made about the child finding the picture or video etc... and that's a good point. But what a child does off campus (finding the picture/video) is not the school's responsibility.
I think the way we have to look at these type of issues is by taking them to both extremes and then seeing what makes sense. If a teacher can get fired because of a previous job (that isn't illegal) then that means a teacher should also be able to get fired for the most "acceptable" job such as being secretary, or mechanic. Since the schools wouldn't do that, I don't feel the school should pass judgment on this particular job either.
RS for President!!
That's why most of us do not have religion at schools. Too graphic. I meant the other word...
lol well you're the one focusing on gay teachers, so maybe thought you had a prejudice against them! lol
If your calling is to show people your private parts, fill your void and don't go into teaching children, you might get them confused.
well this certainly has been a fun read from one end to the other,...
its a brave new world out there,... before the world wide web,.. a person,.. gay, strait, male or female,... could start over and hide from a past. you could move to the next town or state,.. you could not talk about your past,.. and move on.
these days, our modern tech has changed compleetly how we look at a past specificaly because we can now LOOK at someones past,... thier credit history, work history, driving record, arest record,... we can google search the name, and every alias we can assign to them,...face book them, stalk them,... learn thier shopping habits, thier income,.........
its funny realy,... we've spent 200 years of "enlightenment" trying to rid ourselves of guilt, in many instances we've thrown off the church or religion in an attempt to rid ourselves of guilt/reponsability,....
we hate the idea of a god that may know every thing we do say or even think,...
but in this inter-connected tech age,... we've exchanged a presumed loving and forgiving god that might ask us to confess what he(gender assumption, i know) knows about us,... for a hi-tech cyber memory that is never ending.
god forbid we have a single unpublished though now that we can google+, facebook, myspace, HP,... etc,... because you know the world want to know our girlfriend pissed us off,... or what were having for dinner,...
i'm sooooo glad we've enlightened ourselves out of the opression of religion,.... now we have an oppressive big brother,.. a merciless social apatite for the selatious,... and it would apear,... far less forgiveness than before.
in truth,.... i think i liked it better when god was pissed at me,.... at least only he knew knew about the wild night with the camera then.
har dee harrrrrr -jack
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