Why do women generally love shopping, and men don't?

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  1. kinnsyg profile image61
    kinnsygposted 13 years ago

    Why do women generally love shopping, and men don't?

    What is it about retail therapy that most women I know love, but men dislike so much?

  2. kimh039 profile image88
    kimh039posted 13 years ago

    i hate shopping.  my husband loves it.  sorry.  no help here!

  3. Vishaaa profile image73
    Vishaaaposted 13 years ago

    Well, we can't say men don't like shopping. But they hate going with women.

    Generally women are so choosy. They will not just take the things just because it is in trend or it comes with the discount. So they will take more time in selecting. But men are total opposite. They just pick things at ones.

    Men don't have Patience until their lady done with the shopping. I have seen my guy used to sit and fall asleep until I finish. Men prefer going alone or with his own gang.

  4. WendyU profile image59
    WendyUposted 13 years ago

    I hate shopping. All kinds of shopping. Always have. And almost every man I've ever known where the subject came up, either loved shopping or was impartial.
    I think men hate shopping WITH women who love shopping. I know I do.

  5. tribhuban profile image60
    tribhubanposted 13 years ago

    this is not true, i like shopping.............more  and more.........

  6. ezzy1512 profile image60
    ezzy1512posted 13 years ago

    Women are good at shopping, while men are not good at shopping.

  7. Ms. Butterfly profile image60
    Ms. Butterflyposted 13 years ago

    There is an interesting evolutionary answer to that question.

    First of all, what men hate about shopping is spending lots of time choosing items to buy. Women usually either like it or don't find it so much annoying as men.

    The reason for those two types of reactions is that women for many ages were gathering herbs and fruits, and men were hunting.

    For a gatherer it is important to examine if fruit is ripe enough and not poisonous. You need to take your time smile Contrary, hunter has to react fast, or the beast will run away. So even if an iPod is not likely to run away from shelf, men still tend to make decisions to buy faster than women

  8. perfectperception profile image60
    perfectperceptionposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure but I do love to shop.  I'm told I take too long in the stores! Maybe that's why most men hate shopping with us.

  9. justanotherteen profile image57
    justanotherteenposted 13 years ago

    I dont think guys actually hate shopping, it's just the fact its effort. You cant tell me that when you're shopping for them they dont actually enjoy it? It's just the fact that girl's generally take a lot more consideration and time and effort when shopping because quite frankly we get judged more for what we wear and what we own wheras guy's can get away with the whole carefree attitude and thats why they dont bother with shopping as much. Also, to be honest I dont think women really do enjoy shopping itself they just enjoy spoiling themselves and thats just a side effect of dragging themselvces out to the high street...

  10. kinnsyg profile image61
    kinnsygposted 13 years ago

    Some interesting answers so far. A lot of you disagreeing with the generalization it seems. I don't mind shopping as long as I can be in and out. Perhaps its the crowds not the actual shopping.

  11. manuspohr profile image59
    manuspohrposted 13 years ago

    because women are compulsive, they can not sit still, need some activity, and what better activity than hanging around, moving goods in and experimenting

  12. Vicki.Pierce profile image69
    Vicki.Pierceposted 13 years ago

    I guess I am not in the category of 'most women'.  I hate shopping!

  13. webguyonline profile image58
    webguyonlineposted 13 years ago

    maybe it's because majority of women love fashion. they need to buy new dresses, shoes, bags and other stuff.

  14. Bronson_Hub profile image59
    Bronson_Hubposted 13 years ago

    Depends on a few things... such as who's spending whose money?

  15. sadidas profile image54
    sadidasposted 13 years ago

    ..............ummm..i guess its in their genes!

  16. johnnymission profile image61
    johnnymissionposted 13 years ago

    It's not that guys dislike shopping, its that we do it differently. To guys its like we are going hunting. We know what we want. We get in, we get out, we get fed. Same thing applies in shopping. we get to the store, grab the clothes we need and grab a hot dog on the way out of Wal Mart.

  17. Edoka Writes profile image60
    Edoka Writesposted 13 years ago

    I don't know for certain; I'm not every woman, but I think  for 'some' looking great is a priority, because women are judged by appearance more than men; which isn't fair.

  18. Cory J. Clark profile image60
    Cory J. Clarkposted 13 years ago

    I don't know who told you that, but I actually disagree.  I like going shopping more than my girlfriend does...

  19. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    most men know exactly what they want or need, know exactly what store to find it in, will buy it and be out of the store in 10 minutes tops, unless there is a long line at the cash.

    A woman will spend hours looking for just the right thing and price shopping, and will end up with about ten other items that she never entered the store for.

  20. profile image0
    ssaulposted 13 years ago

    I love shopping and the idea of shopping, just keeps my adrenaline pumping. Happy to say, even if, I take long in the stores, my husband love shopping with me, he is the best!

  21. philirodje profile image59
    philirodjeposted 13 years ago

    Not every woman likes shopping, so the question should not be generalized... some men like shopping as well as women.

    on this planet, we all like to have new stuffs too much of everything is bad.

  22. TimeToGoBeyond profile image61
    TimeToGoBeyondposted 13 years ago

    Woman like to look good, so they feel good about themselves...men....could care less

  23. LoisRyan13903 profile image60
    LoisRyan13903posted 11 years ago

    I think it is because it is a fashion thing women buying the latest trends and men not as picky-since most men are not into dresses, bras, skirts.  I'm sure men like to shop but at different stores than women, looking for the latest handy man gadget.
    Still my husband does the majority of the grocery shopping.  If I go with him, I get impatient because he has to go down each and every aisle..  When I go I want to get what I need and get out of the store.  Sighs  Now I want to go to the mall but don't have any money.

  24. padmendra profile image49
    padmendraposted 10 years ago

    Women love shopping because they view it as a fun and a recreational activity. They also feel; they are the best shoppers than men. Men feel shopping as a necessity and they only do it when absolutely necessary like attending some special events or ceremony.

    Men cannot spend time in going from one place to another for shopping and rather they prefer sitting at one place.


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