Why Do Men Think Women With Bigger Lips Are More Beautiful?

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  1. ngureco profile image79
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    Why Do Men Think Women With Bigger Lips Are More Beautiful?

  2. profile image58
    MrSmileyposted 15 years ago

    I think it has something to do with male oral fixation.

    As a guy you probably think a lot about the usage of the lips (kissing etc.), and big lips make better tools for these kind of tasks...

  3. Hilly Chism profile image61
    Hilly Chismposted 15 years ago

    because inflammation of the lips is a sign of sexual arousal and instinctively attracts men.

  4. profile image0
    surfgatinhoposted 15 years ago

    You'd have to consult Desmond Morris on this one. I believe he claims something along the lines that they reflect other parts of the anatomy.

    ...but then he claims that about everything!

  5. dabeaner profile image61
    dabeanerposted 15 years ago

    Not all men do. Some think they are grotesque (e.g. Angelina Jolie -- smokin' bod, grotesque lips).  Others just think they are funny.  But I guess we all like them when they make a tight little "O" surrounding our "P".

  6. holidaymaine profile image59
    holidaymaineposted 15 years ago

    while women are very emotional and love to be touched men are very visual. Men get aroused by what they see. Just think about all the things that turn men on. Big breast, sexy walks, big plump lips, lingerie, porn all these things are visual.
    To answer your question they can imagine more about it because it more visible.

  7. Danerobb profile image59
    Danerobbposted 14 years ago

    ... because almost every man is in love with Angelina Jolie, even tho he's likely not aware of it...joke lang.
    I think that their large voluptuous lips suggest things about other parts of the female anatomy, like pert nipples, full lipt labia, a lovely  belly button.
    But maybe, just maybe, that large-lipped women have large hearts, and offer men more of the mystical woman allure that we can't help but adore...?

  8. stricktlydating profile image83
    stricktlydatingposted 14 years ago

    Because you will better notice she looks kissable!

  9. VampireAlice profile image60
    VampireAliceposted 14 years ago

    Because a girl with big lips has a big mouth and the man likes it.
    He thinks she gives a better BJ

  10. Dollhex profile image68
    Dollhexposted 14 years ago

    I'm not sure..but thin lips are not attractive on a guy either. I have very full lips, I'm proud of them and I get many compliments about them.

  11. profile image0
    Dog On A Missionposted 14 years ago

    I'm a white guy with pretty big lips. My girlfriend has thin lips. I think we are talking about the individual preferences of particular guys rather than a general rule here.

  12. kenu12maller profile image39
    kenu12mallerposted 13 years ago

    Bigger lips is symbol of a women who know many things about love and how to kill thatch why men attract.

  13. Asher Fallen profile image61
    Asher Fallenposted 13 years ago

    Usually, larger lips are more asthetically pleasing, filling out the features of the face in a way that forces us to take notice.  Also, larger, softer lips would be more pleasant in a "behind closed doors" setting.  Since men can't go more than ten seconds without thinking about being in that setting with a woman, it tends to affect our judgement on a general basis.

  14. profile image52
    joyce.blueposted 13 years ago

    Not all men, from what I see is it looks sexy but it depends on the woman.

  15. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 13 years ago

    An Observer of human nature , I think women are as much concerned with what other women think as what a man thinks.

  16. akuigla profile image60
    akuiglaposted 13 years ago

    Because we like to be kissed everywhere.And full lips are mmmm.....

  17. yazoogal43 profile image38
    yazoogal43posted 13 years ago


  18. Fareehaarif profile image58
    Fareehaarifposted 13 years ago

    Because, lips indicate romance and women with bigger lips looks more romantic, this enhance the love as well as beauty...
    This is authentic one...

  19. rishi-bhrigu profile image59
    rishi-bhriguposted 13 years ago

    its a matter of preference really.It's different in western and eastern cultures where women with big lips are considered quite literally big mouths and so not suitable as marriage material.

  20. PR Morgan profile image60
    PR Morganposted 13 years ago

    I think a lot of it has to do with the color of the lips, not just the size.  Maybe when they stand out more a man can notice this female characteristic from a distance.   Red lips may be a sign of good health or it may signify a woman is ready for child rearing.  I also think it is a cultural thing...

  21. Angel McGee profile image60
    Angel McGeeposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure that is a good question. Well, I think its just the appeal that bigger lips on a woman is more exciting then really thin lips. They see that as something to kiss and bite on or whatever. They stand out. Some men like a girl with a pretty mouth.

  22. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image80
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    You are generalizing.  There is a whole lot more beauty to Angelina Jolie than "just" those lips.

  23. masakosato profile image60
    masakosatoposted 13 years ago

    I don't know ,. maybe because women with bigger lips is much KISSABLE ..

  24. ii3rittles profile image83
    ii3rittlesposted 13 years ago

    I don't think its a matter of more beautiful because some women look sooo silly with big lips! I have seen very beautiful women with thin lips that went with their face. It depends on the face. You can't focus on one thing on a woman. Most men don't focus on one part, but the whole package and if the lips fit, she is deemed beautiful.

  25. profile image51
    deacharliebrownposted 13 years ago

    possibly because bigger lips look more kissable than smaller lips... I don't know.

  26. profile image49
    mishelrobertson12posted 12 years ago

    Lots of people think that if perhaps they were actually in any different spot, or had gotten another kind of employment, they could be content. Okay, that is certainly improbable. So have the most contentment away from everything that you happen to be doing and also don't put out truly being delighted until any potential future day.

  27. profile image58
    Brianna Stuartposted 12 years ago

    Some men prefer big lips, others don't. It all depends on the man and his personal likes on a woman.

  28. beatmakersnet profile image60
    beatmakersnetposted 10 years ago

    because big lips are attractive sometimes? but not always. also it could be because big lips are a sign of sexual fertility.

  29. Mary Florence profile image69
    Mary Florenceposted 6 years ago

    Maybe lips remind them of the other 'lips' and the more prominent they are the more attractive a woman seems. She's therefore (sexually) attractive because she constantly reminds those men of something else that looks just like that.

  30. profile image49
    great293xposted 6 years ago

    The figure can't explain a Women...... The perfect explanation of a women can be by heart and by kind character.
    The other 2 things which we are not aware of much are Character and Reputation

    Remember that the Reputation is something for temporary or explain what merely you are but Character is what really you are by heart.

    Respect women
    stay positive and always smile

  31. realtalk247 profile image74
    realtalk247posted 6 years ago

    Different strokes for different folks, not all men like the same lips. I will say this generally speaking fuller lips are less cold/mean feature if that makes sense. When you look at thin lips it takes a softness or sensuality from a woman's features. Think of the cold, mean, sharp perception of the cold thin lip versus the sensuality and inviting presence of a fuller lip. Perception -not necessarily reality.

  32. PantherGoody profile image66
    PantherGoodyposted 6 years ago

    Most likely it is by imagining what exactly those lips can do and/or would feel like.  Wait a minute...which lips.../  Just joking!  But yes.  For me personally. it hasn't been lips that got the most attention.  It could also just be a personal preference like a big butt or big boobs.


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