Do You Follow Instructions Better from Women or Men? And Why?

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  1. Ann810 profile image46
    Ann810posted 12 years ago

    Do You Follow Instructions Better from Women or Men? And Why?

  2. padmendra profile image47
    padmendraposted 12 years ago

    There are some  men and women  who by birth are intellectual and capable of commanding and instructing people effectively. On the other hand, men or women who are experienced with their dynamic personality can instruct or pass instructions to follow without insisting or hurting anybody's feeling. No matter whether a  man or a woman is there but only thing is that expressing order of command or instructions should  be of high order and tactfully.

  3. anupma profile image65
    anupmaposted 12 years ago

    For me Instructions are important, not who gives it. We must try to remove this discrimination of male or female. The thing only matters is instruction.

  4. austinhealy profile image82
    austinhealyposted 12 years ago

    If I am following any instructions at all, it's probably because I asked for them. So, it doesn't matter to me if they come from a woman or a man, provided they are useful and I can understand them. This being said, and depending on the topic, I have found easier to understand explanations from men, especially on technical stuff. But I would never rule out following instructions given by a woman, especially if they are the only ones available at the time.

  5. Imogen French profile image88
    Imogen Frenchposted 12 years ago

    Gender doesn't make any difference, so long as the instructions are given clearly, with good reason, and in a non-patronising way.

  6. profile image0
    belleartposted 12 years ago

    To be honest, I follow peoples instructions when they know what they're talking about and they're explaining in a way that I understand, if they cant do that, whether male or female, then I wont listen. 

    I think it shouldnt matter but I know it does for some people.  some women find it more comfortable taking instructions from other women, because they relate to women, not men.  And vice versa.  It doesnt mean that either sex has the upper hand but its a fact that you associate better with your with your own sex.

  7. wheelinallover profile image75
    wheelinalloverposted 12 years ago

    Gender has never mattered. In the military the one with the bars or stripes gave instructions. You never bothered to pay attention to gender just the stripes or bars. Before that I would have to say women. My father was in my life as a child barely. My mother and grandmother were the instructors. I was taught with love, not with physical violence. Until my marriage I had no idea there was another way. What I learned, not by instruction, is that violence doesn't work.

    Those times when I am the student; the thing that matters most is does the person know what I need to learn. Still if they make it feel more like orders than instruction I will look elsewhere.

    Both my parents were teachers. They didn't force me to "be like them." I guess a little of them did rub off though. I have had a life time love of learning. There has always been a will to learn. Instructions have been accepted by anyone who knew what I wanted to absorb.

  8. Alexander Mark profile image80
    Alexander Markposted 12 years ago

    Sometimes I find that women add superfluous information, and sometimes men don't give enough information, but generally, I understand directions from men more, as some women (not all) tend to drift around the subject matter, sprinkling possibly important information that does not always pertain to the present point but is important in other contexts. I like the direct approach and honestly some women are even better at that than men. Generally though, men are more direct and I follow instructions from men better.
    HOWEVER, when it comes to literary rules, I find women much more knowledgeable and also consistent about explaining what is proper. I also have a friend in IT, and I would prefer to take instruction from her than most men in that field because she knows the correct way to do things. Men tend to own what they're doing and insert their personality into things that are technical.

  9. DDE profile image46
    DDEposted 12 years ago

    I find it easy following instructions from men and women

  10. JanTutor profile image63
    JanTutorposted 12 years ago

    It's the tone and timbre of voice that first grasps me, not whether they're male or female. But if they sound like the late Barry White I might be more likely to listen - ain't I a woman?

  11. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    Gender doesn't matter as much as tone or attitude.
    No one wants to deal with a person who comes off as bossy or demanding. It also helps if the person giving the instructions is good at explaining how to do things and is patient when being asked questions. Clarity reduces frustration on both sides.

  12. penlady profile image60
    penladyposted 12 years ago

    Gender doesn't matter with me. As long as someone is giving me good instructions, I'm all ears!

  13. Nell Rose profile image87
    Nell Roseposted 12 years ago

    If I know for a fact that someone knows what they are talking about then I will listen to them. It really doesn't matter whether they are men or women. Saying that, after working for years in an office environment I tend to take more notice of a male boss that a female. The reason being that women that I have worked with tend to get slightly bossy whereas men just give the instructions and always say thank you. Maybe it was just my office! lol!

    1. Alexander Mark profile image80
      Alexander Markposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      no one says thank you in my office!

  14. kenroy347 profile image61
    kenroy347posted 12 years ago

    "TAKE UP THAT CUP" This is a command given by both men and women. Meet me at five o'clock at the market. Be sure that you follow all the instruction provided so as to ensure maximum results. These instructions are provided by both men and women and are followed differently by different people. What causes me to react to and obey instructions given by either men or women.?I will state three grounds on which i follow instructions from both men and women.
    They are one, the objective of the instructions given,
    the authority invested in the person and
    the condition under which such instructions are given.
    The objective of the given instructions. The question that I want to find out is what is at stake here?. What will happen if I follow this instruction? What will happen if I do not accept this? Could this be an opportunity for which I have been seeking? what if following means that I will improve my status in a group, or in an environment, or get a job. In other words, what was intended when the instruction was given?
    E should remember that objectives are our base for achievement. Objectives are guides to help us achieve  goals. Objectives provides us with directions, the power of choice and the will to fight.  objective becomes the glue to foster production. Every entity that wish to be successful must follow objectives.
    In this light, the objectives for the instructions would help us to understand what is at stake. This is a most important point in my various choices.
    The second principle i follow in deciding to follow instructions is the kind of authority invested in the person. How powerful is the person? Is the person the president of the organization or is the person the cleaning agent?  Can that person's voice and decision affect the out come of a meeting such as a raise in pay or a promotion? if were to find a job would I need that person's recommendation to change? what is the person's reach? without doubt, I do not want a situation when I am ready to move on, I am held back because of a decision I made in the past.
    The third principle on which I make decisions is the condition under which the decision is made.  How far reaching is the outcome? How many lives will be affected? whose lives are at stake at this moment? What changes will result in the process/ Is the decision a political, religious or a social one?
    These are principles on which i based decisions not on sexes.

  15. Esther  Strong profile image74
    Esther Strongposted 12 years ago

    the gender does'nt really matter.  More important is the ability of the person to express things succinctly and logically. 

    Sometimes the most knowledgeable person is not the best instructor or teacher - as they do not have the knack of being able to impart that knowledge in a way that others can relate to.

  16. LovebianDesigns profile image33
    LovebianDesignsposted 12 years ago

    Neither that's why I have to be my own boss although in college I did get along with my older male teachers far better than woman teachers except the ones in the sciences.  I loved them.  So as instruction goes.... If it's in a school atmosphere and scientifically natured I already have a respect for both genders as my teachers.

  17. Laurinzo Scott profile image64
    Laurinzo Scottposted 12 years ago

    I feel that good communication skills are not gender specific... and as long as that person explains what they want or are teaching, and communicate it effectively. That is what is most important.

  18. fpherj48 profile image59
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    I follow instructions better from the individual who knows what they're talking about, displays confidence and genuine interest in being clear and explicit with me......regardless of their sex.  If they are patient and knowledgeable, they have my attention.  As a bonus, anyone who responds to my questions and does not mind possibly repeating something to me......they are the best!

  19. Goody5 profile image61
    Goody5posted 12 years ago

    It really doesn't make any difference to me, as long as they are respectful.

  20. profile image52
    klevaguyposted 12 years ago

    honestly for me it'd have to be man. Specifically me because the way I comprehend, interpret, and execute something will be 99.99% on me so if I'm gonna do something ill make sure the instructions given are logical and relevant to the task at hand. If not id exercise my own judgement to complete a task.

  21. Aisha Jilani profile image60
    Aisha Jilaniposted 12 years ago

    being a female i would follow instructions better from men as i think girls wont like to take girls very serious as they know all about them where as for men we cant judge much...

  22. greeneryday profile image71
    greenerydayposted 12 years ago

    This kind of things happen in workplaces, to be honest I had bad experiences taking instruction from women but that never mean I am going to generalize everything just from those examples.

    The most important thing when giving instruction that people are don't mind being instructed by a person whether men or women because they respect the instructors for their leadership  qualities, experiences, skills, and how they approach in a more positive friendly atmosphere without being too bossy or too close personally.

    Because when you get too close people will treat you as their friend and it will be quite challenging to instruct your friends because of the equality status mindset. Too bossy the instructors will lose their respect as simple as it is.

    Above all I think the instructor, man or woman should be a wise person.

  23. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Whether man or woman does not matter to me as I will analyze before acting upon it. So, all it matters is whether the instruction given is accurate or not to carry out.

  24. calynbana profile image77
    calynbanaposted 12 years ago

    I take instruction better from men. I find their voices more commanding and authoritative. I also have realized that I am slightly sexist towards women (I am a woman by the way) due to the women I have been exposed to my whole life. I have known women that gossip, argue, are irrational and petty. This makes it really hard for me to take instruction from women without questioning their motives.

    I have known many men that are intelligent and fair which is why I am a lot more trusting of men and do not really even consider their motives.

  25. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 12 years ago

    It does not really matter, whether the person giving instructions is male or female. I should have regards for that person. The  motive or intention for which the instruction is given is also very important.

  26. melbelle profile image59
    melbelleposted 12 years ago

    It depends on who is giving the instructions.  If they give good instructions, it does not matter what their gender is.  I have been given instructions from both men and women.  Some people know how to give good and clear instructions, and other people do not.


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