I tell you reality Tv has really gone beyond madness..
I was watching this show entitled "Break Point". Its about a 44 year old man who claims to be a complete virgin to the point that he has never even kissed a girl or hugged one (apart from his sister and mum) in his entire life. So he is locked in a big house filled with 44 women and the task of the women is to break his virginity and he is suppose to resist and prove to us that men can live without sex. This guy was actually a good looking bloke.
The first girl that manages to break his virginity walks off with a million dollars cash. If nobody breaks his virginity, he keeps the cash..
Now I usually hate reality Tv but this got my attention. I've never met a 44 year old virgin before and from the short time I've lived on planet earth I have never met a man who can resist a woman (even the gay guys too sometimes fall prey to us! )
So guys (I know NONE of you are virgins)but can you keep your cool in a house filled with 44 gorgeous sexy women? If that was you what is the chance that you would resist these women and walk off with the million dollars?
wow, how hot are these women though? are they like just average, girl next door hot? or super model hot/playboy type of hot? im just asking as im kind of curious. for me, i don't think it would be much of a problem since most girls usually avoid me in real life anyway, and the ones that don't always find something wrong about me to only like me as a friend. lol. therefore, I think i could easily win that reality show, despite being under age at 29 and no longer being a virgin, without even trying at all. I'm sure I could have a lot of will power to resist when money is involved. not to sound greedy, but im sure the women on that show could give a damn either way about the guy as they just want the money....or most of them do on those types of shows. therefore, i expect no less when it comes to me.
however, with a million dollars prize money though, that might be a bit of a problem then. as i found some girls can be so seductive(which leads me back to why I asked how hot these girls are), i might be too overly tempted, that i might lose the prize money. lol. i guess it's a toss up for me. although it would be fun watching a bunch of girls fighting over me and teasing me, but I'm sure I could think of a way to keep my mind set on the prize. lol.
I've been celibate, by choice, for about 12 years. For a million bucks, I could last another few weeks.
I'm curious to know why you would torture yourself like that?
The real answer is quite complex ... the short version, I guess, is that I'm just very, very picky. It takes the right combination of body mind and spirit to get and keep my attention.
Or you are just scared to put yourself out there
LOL if you knew me you'd know how silly that is.
For how long? Is self devirginization off limits?
For a million bucks I could do anything.
Plus, after the show the women would be all over you because you're rich - that and often people want what they can't have.
It's a win, win situation if you succeed.
He should stay hunched in a corner when the women are around, then a bird in the hand...., collect the money and buy a GREAT looking hooker. It's a thought!
I would do the whole house, and call them all liars. Nah, I would never be in that position.
Ever hear the joke about Zachery? That will answer the question.
Why is this under my name, on google? H
I have never heard of this show, but I have to commend the producers for coming up with a new low in reality television. Given that the woman who succeeds in having sex with this guy is going to get a lot of money, this sounds a lot like prostitution. For the guy, it means that none of these women is interested in him, and is just looking for a pay off. How sad for both the women and this poor man.
Wow - they really are stooping lower and lower eh!
As I am married I'd definately be able to resist - I like all my bits entact thank you very much.
Also, if I wasn't married and I was 44 and a virgin and my reasons for waiting to be a non-virgin were because I was waiting for the right women, then I highly doubt 44 sexy women would tempt me as I'd want to find the 'special one' and I know I would not find her in a few months.
Now of course I'm willing to experiment, so if anyone has a spare million and wants to see if I'd break...bring it on! LOL
My first question is....how long would I have to spend in the house with 44 women, before I walk away with the money?
If you're only talking about 30 days? Then, sure. It would be quite easy.
If you're talking about staying longer than 30 day? Then, it would become increasing difficult the longer I'm there.
The be completely honest, my preference, what I personally enjoy, would then become a factor, as a way to focus my energy to complete the task.
If the producers do not ask my type or what I prefer, then they could in theory, stick me in a house with 44 women I would not want to have sexual relations with.
If they asked- then I could be in serious trouble.
I couldn't wait it out, hell I got some while reading the initial post!
I don't think most people could resist. I'm pretty sure I couldn't. However, for the record I was a virgin till I was married at 24 yrs. Lots of reasons why. It wasn't about proving anything.
...I have another question: for a million dollars, don't you think the guy could exhaust himself on the side (if you know what I mean) so that even when he was with all these women, he couldn't be bothered!
Besides, all those cameras 24/7 should keep anyone's sexual drive in check anyway!
On second thoughts, maybe not....
I actually have not been with a girl for almost 2 years, so my will power would not be very good! Of course if they were all non-English speaking Vietnamese ladies then It would be over the first day.
How will they know for sure if he really has sex? Must be they have someone who will watch if he does? Strange!!
I wouldn't recommend you for the show.. hell your eyes (and something else) pops up just by me saying "My boobies are itchy, need a scratch!"
Well the women there are really beautiful gals.. multi racial mixture of blondes, brunets, ginger, black, Latino, Asian. Most of them are slim and tender (no size zeros).. Although one of them had plastic tits so I doubt she will win.
It's a five week show so by the end of five weeks either poor lad loses his virginity or goes home a million dollars healthier
My fourteen year old cousin took away my chance of that prize when I was 12....but thanks to her....I became a man
Hokey, good luck.....some real nice ladies out there just waiting to show a young man some hubtivity
If you lose any air in the process make sure they blow you right up
If in 44 years he has never kissed a girl or hugged one apart from his sister and mum then I'd say he's a closet freak.
No, not a homosexual.
The man is a freak.
Ok. I am worried about my Kharma. I lied. I am not a virgin. But I do like to roll play. Ladies?
Okay, just from your statement....It begs to ask a question...
What in the world would make you think that a women would now want to spend any time with you at all?
Just a thought?
line up girls you now have an experienced Hokey to pokey
Surely he could win the money and then go and round up 44 prostitutes to relieve himself afterwards lol
The law of supply and demand.. if you got it and they want it, it sells! Oh well
all i can say is, for the guy's sake, i hope he doesn't get seduced by one of them fine ladies. because i know for a fact, NONE of them care about him, and only want to sleep with him to get the money. why else would they be on the show? i always said a first time, should always be special between both partners involved, so I hope for the guy's sake (assuming this premise is true) he stays a virgin after the month, and takes the money.
besides, he shouldn't lose his virginity to a woman that doesn't give a rat's ass about him emotionally. heck, i should know because i lost my virginity to a girl that didn't give a damn about me. that's why i think for his sake (assuming it's real), that he does the right thing. otherwise, he's a dumbass. plain and simple. I don't care how good a girl is in bed; there's no way in hell you can tell me any woman is worth losing a million dollars for. unless of course your in love with her, but that's an entirely different story put together.
“Sex is more than an act of pleasure, its' the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it's almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you're a part of them.”
Right! Thus, my requirement for the right combination of body, mind and spirit.
I have no problem with that. I myself am a one woman man.
I always raise an eyebrow every time I hear a bloke use that statement
Are you saying you don't think it's possible or that if a guy has to say it, it's not true?
well one hubber claimed he was a woman man but later we discovered that he has a fondness of girls who can say "hotel!"
But on a serious note, I've never met a bloke who's actually honored the words "I'm a one woman man"
maybe you just haven't been looking for guys in the right places or met the right one yet. trust me, not all guys are like that.
Then where the hell are these so called one woman men hiding? I mean how in God's name do we know you're out there when you're hiding?
I think that is the real million dollar question ... for both men and women. People worth knowing are "out there" but where to find them?
that's true. i think you just hit the nail right on the head bdazzler with that one.
Hey, we're out here. Maybe it's just a matter of being in the right place??? But, then again, what do I know, I'm a guy.
The men I know who are, don't usually have to say it. It's a discipline, just like anything else worth achieving. I don't know of anybody it comes naturally to.
If it's a discipline then you are twisted in the head. It should come natural. What do you do go to cheaters anonymous? You have to discipline yourself to be with only one woman?
Jokes aside, I can honestly say I have always gone out with just one woman at a time. Once I'm dating a girl, that is it. I only go with that one until something happens between us.
Then it usually takes a damn year or so before I ever get another date!
Well I for one love to be in love. Not just sex. You can get that anywhere. I like to have someone to share EVERYTHING with.
or maybe it could be that most decent guys out there are often shy. in fact, not to brag or anything but including myself, I know all the truly great guys, that I met in life, are usually often shy since they don't have much experience with girls. idk, just a theory. lol.
we don't bite you know.. Us girls are fairly wonderful creatures and if you just say hello we will talk to you
True ... I had a good friend, very shy, very little experience etc. I introduced him to one of my business partners a few years back and maybe nudged him along just a little bit, encouraging, advising etc.. ( I knew them both pretty well, and I was sure this was "right" )
They are now married, crazy for each other, have two kids ... he truly IS a one woman man.
What was funny was not long before the wedding she cornered me ... "OK, this guy is too perfect ... what's wrong with him ... is he secretly gay? .. tell me, if he's not really for real I'm gonna kill you."
Some people are just ackward socially. I am one of them. I`m 42 and I never dated hugged or kissed anyone. ITs just too much anxiety to meet people, so I remain in my comfort zone. I am short and have too may other physical flaws, so why do I want to get shot down? I have my own hobbies and activities that take up my time. I work, own a home, but never had a sex life. thats not as bad as it sounds though. I am contented!
For some, I guy who is a 42 yr old virgin, seems extreme. But really, as good as a person as you are,you just dont have those attractive qualties that people are looking for --Thats my situation. Its not something I want to be in, but I have to cope with it.I never give up hope though. Maybe I will find someone who sees something that is attractive in me. If not, I will still life to the fullest!
Well I am an actually 36 year old male virgin and yes I do find thin women very physically attractive. I am also socially awkward, people always tell me I am a nice guy, the women usually say I am almost the perfect guy except I could lose a few pounds.
Once I lose 40 lbs, since I have a good job, a house, and am a nice person hopefully I can find an attractive single women. I work as an electrical engineer. I find it common in the technical fields that there are a lot of people with little sexual experience. It takes so much mental effort to build our skills that we lose touch with all the social experience that others develop during their teenage and college years.
At times it can be lonely without a women to share your experience in life.
I think part of my issue socially is that women can sense a desperate or guy who isn't very self confident.
It is hard to be self confident when you most of the time the women say they just want to be friends. Then the next day the have sex with almost any guy and come back crying to you later about how they were treated. This is part of the reason I removed myself from the dating pool. It hurts me emotionally to have women coming to me for advice but never to date me.
I have had only a few girlfriends and never had anytime type of sex. I have never open mouth kissed a women, It was always nice to hug and hold hands. Doesn't that seem weird at 36 years old I would be just happy cuddling with an attractive women then having sex.
If after getting in good shape this year and I can't find anyone women to date long term by the time I hit 40 I will give up all hope and permanently remove myself from the dating pool forever.
by Stevennix2001 14 years ago
Ladies, would you ever sell your virginity for money? And if so, for what price would it be worth it to lose your virginity to someone that you don't even know or love? Do you find it empowering to women to have this kind of control, even knowing that it could make you as much as 4...
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How would you use the money?
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If you received an unexpected inheritance of one million dollars what would you with the money?Oh and by the way the taxes have already been paid :-)
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