OMG I am amazed someone understands this, I was adopted two times , once by my real mothers sister , o.k - so I come back thirty years later to take care of my real mother who , passed away soon after I came home , any way , to make a long story short , my mother had only male friends, she was actually evicted from a womens home and passed away in a mens home , same owner evicted her from the womens home and then allowed her to live in the mens home where, she was very happy had great relationships (all platonic of course) and it was funny that her and I felt the same way because we had not spent any time together as I was growing up, now, my daughter has a problem with "chicks" as she calls them , and her friends are boys, funny , but true, o.k and another story is I was working in a tax office, all women , go figure , o.k , I need to learn a schedule A (at the time anyway) so Im all studying and stuff and the women are huddled in a corner all wispering and stuff, then, one comes up to me and I was in a tough spot of understanding this schedule A , expecting some help , I look up and guess what she says .... come on .. guess.. o.k well... she didnt say anything... she jus asked if my eyelashes were real.... I'm like ... what the hell?.... um.... I'm like really needing to understand this schedule A and your asking what? Well no , they are not real , I like ..... um painted them on or something... (o.k so, thats what I thought anyway). Now , a man, see , he would have asked what help I needed, and helped me , then , if he wanted to know about my eyelashes , or wanted to make a pass at me or something, he would have delt with that part , like .... after the business transaction was done, then I could have turned him down, accepted his pass , or whatever, see, women are impractical and really not so smart , most, anyway , tend to focus their attention on stupid things like eyelashes, thats how come most are in search of a rich man LOL , cause they cant figure anything out