Does anyone have any interesting UFO/abduction stories?

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  1. andrew savage profile image59
    andrew savageposted 11 years ago

    Have you, or anyone you know of, ever had a close encounter? When did it take place? Were there any drugs involved? Did you tell the authorities? What race of aliens were involved? Was the experience angelic or demonic in nature? Did the ones who made contact with you seem good or evil? Did you experience any flash backs of suppressed memories? Do you remember it clearly and almost entirely or vaguely and fragmentedly? Did you tell anyone else? Are you comfortable talking about it? What do you think they wanted? Did they leave you with a message? Did they undress you and examine you? Did they feed you anything? Did they claim to be god(s)? Did you communicate through speech, telepathy, writing, signals or through some other means?

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, yesterday I was abducted by a UFO. Drugs were involved... I was on them. They performed many surgeries on me. I kept asking them to fix my deviated septum, but they refused. (B*stards!) When I came down off my high, I found myself back in my own bedroom without a mark on me. Spooky eh?

      1. andrew savage profile image59
        andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        What type of drugs were you on? Were they prescribed or illicit?

        1. profile image0
          Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          My doctor prescribed heroine as a weight loss aide. I thought that seemed a bit extreme, but the aliens told me that becomes the norm in the future.

    2. profile image0
      markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Andrew oh boy you sure know how to compress a question that is usually to big to fit into a book to read, smile

      Yes I have had a passing encounter with a tall blond extraterrestrial female, a very beautiful lady that was extraordinary beyond my earthly perceptions.  And no it wasn’t just a young mans extreme reaction upon seeing a beautiful female, as most might gather from the outset.

      In fact there is, as always, so much more to this story but I don’t have the gift as you do for condensing all the information and emotional memories into one comment smile

      But this is my interpretation in brief:

      From the moment she turned the corner ahead of me some 40 to 50 yards, I had an overwhelming connection with her, a powerful connection.  Which I could try and describe briefly as very spiritual, emotional and physical, a deep knowing that has remained with me to this day.  When I say I believe I am very connected to her it just doesn’t describe in full the nature of that encounter or the whole experience.  I am jumping to the end now, but I will say this, she was no demon, I sensed nothing that was evil, negative but the total opposite.

      After all my synchronistic experiences before and after that day I can only try to describe her as either being known as? 

      A Tall Blond, Nordic, SAM Nordic or Annunaki.

      After all my time researching and trying to understand more from that encounter I still cannot find the correct title to classify her with, its annoying only because I would really like to know and obviously use the correct title, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it maybe interpreted by those titles as seen above or more correctly by one of them.

      This all happened in Hayes, London UK around I don’t know 3 – 4 years ago, I am terrible with dates and names at the best of times, but if I said not long before that encounter I had been illuminated by a white laser light from the sky which focused just on my right eye?  Well, that would need a further explanation which I just don’t have the patients to go through all again, if you can understand.

      But I am not alone with such experiences and if you would like to know other Hubbers that have had some very interesting experiences of there own?  Then check out Sparkster and Bard of Ely, you won’t be disappointed. 

      All the best,
      A very convincing likeness to say the least

      1. andrew savage profile image59
        andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you Mark, I have heard other similar stories, so do not feel alone.

      2. sparkster profile image83
        sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Mark, don't you find it odd how Bard Of Ely claims to have had this encounter, underwent regressional hypnosis, etc then recently turned into a non-believer and started slating conspiracy theorists??

        1. profile image0
          markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hello Sparkster,

          To be honest I never knew that about Bard of Ely and then again, it has been quite a while since I frequented myself with the goings on at HP.  It’s a strange turnaround if true Sparkster and I am not saying you’re lying or anything like that, it’s just that I don’t really know what has happened with the Hubpages community as a whole?

          But if that be true it is a very curious turnabout for sure as I have read much of his work in the past and I would say he is a man who has learned much by his research.  Also after watching his very interesting documentary where he underwent regressive hypnosis, which has prompted me to try and do the same for my stories, well what can I say?

          I am shocked, surprised and well, cant comment really…

          Oh boy I am so out dated.  ):

          1. profile image0
            markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            You know, I had an intuitive moment when considering the above proposed turnabout of our very own Bard of Ely, A very intuitive moment which I unknowingly had gone looking over again for the great works of the Bard.  Short story long I stumbled across one of his very own MP3 music recordings which he wrote and sung himself with great lyrics I must say, listen to the words of his song…

            Titled:  One To Three.mp4 by Bard of Ely

            Youtube Video Link: … SR9vxO5ovQ

            In my humbled opinion, he is not against truth seekers AKA, ‘conspiracy theorist’ no.  As I felt intuitively, he firmly knows and believes what the seekers for truth are trying to discover, he just doesn’t believe in the main force directing that movement. It’s become sinister, disillusioned, negative, and maybe in most cases another vessel that is slowly leading us away from the truth which is in Love, deep within, our hearts and the frequency at which truth really does exist.

            I mean, we all want to know the truth and in that mixing bowl grows an uprising of hatred, suspicion, anxiety and disappointment.  In essence we have been lead away from really finding the truth, and in turn the answers to what it is we are seeking by falling away from the true positive direction we started out with. 

            It’s a vicious circle and one that at the end of a cycle which we all will meet, will really bring it home to us, what have we learned, do we feel that we have accomplished what it is we set out to discover?

            If the bad out ways the good, then you could say this journey has not been fruitful or another waste of time!

            Just my opinion and no I don’t believe I was abducted twenty minutes ago, just had a nice glass of red wine and resonated over this particular situation… peace smile

  2. seanorjohn profile image72
    seanorjohnposted 11 years ago

    How weird. I had a similar experience to Beth. I arrived home late on Saturday night and my wife said I could hardly stand up and was talking gibberish. I remember seeing stars and collapsing in the hallway.When I thought this over in the morning I was able to explain to my wife that I had been abducted by aliens and injected with some mind altering substance. The pair of black silk panties in my coat pocket was obviously planted by some malicious entity. My wife has told me to keep away from evil spirits. So she too believes something paranormal took place. It's no fun being abducted by aliens.

    1. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds as if they gave you alcohol.

    2. profile image0
      Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Weird, Im missing a pair of black, silk panties.

  3. sparkster profile image83
    sparksterposted 11 years ago

    * Thanks for the nod Mark.

    Yes, I have had one peculiar encounter in July 2008.  It was in broad daylight and in the middle of a fairly busy town.  My family and I were about to walk across the street and I looked up towards a crowd of people heading towards us.  Tucked neatly in the midst of this crowd I noticed a pair of eyes on someone which looked huge.  I had to look away to get across the road and after we'd crossed I kept looking back to see if I could see this guy with the huge eyes again.  It took a bit of looking around but eventually I spotted him, he was walking adjacent to us on the opposite side of the street and I just stared at him as he got closer.  As his eyes came into focus more clearly they were absolutely outstanding - two to three times bigger than any normal person, quite pointy at the top and they almost wrapped around the side of his had.  The eyes gave him an oriental look but he also looked kind of bug-like, like an ant or something.

    He must have sensed me watching him because he turned to look directly at me and held eye contact with me, he just stared back.  I felt a bit intimidated at first so looked away but when I looked back at him again I realized it wasn't just his eyes, his ears seemed to have no lobes and as he got closer the more peculiar he looked.  My dad was walking alongside me at the time this was happening but he was more focused on what he wanted to do.  I tried to get his attention by subtly giving him a nudge and pointing out this weird guy with huge eyes and strange ears but arm just wouldn't move, it was stuck.  The 'alien' looking guy was still staring at me therefore I believe he had some kind of telepathic control over me and was preventing me from diverting any attention towards him. What's even stranger though, is that I could feel his feelings - he was nervous, anxious, scared and there didn't seem to be any hostility whatsoever - I just know somehow that he was stranded and was not meant to be "on surface" - I didn't receive this information in words, I just have an odd feeling of just knowing.

    After this 'alien' guy had gone and we continued shopping around town, I was simply dumbfounded.  Questions and questions were flooding into my mind trying to rationalize what I had just seen but there was no logical explanation (not even genetic disorders which I have looked into).  Since this event I have now also sighted several UFO's (I had never seen any before) and have had many more paranormal experiences but I haven't had any abduction experiences or anything similar.  What's really strange now though, is that whenever I research the UFO subject (which I had never properly researched before), it seems like I already know the information - even though much of it is only now just being released... but it's there in my mind, I already know it!  sometimes this gives me the feeling that I have lived this life before somehow.

    1. profile image0
      markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Sparkster, you have definitely been chosen for some great works, advanced works, such experiences will some day soon I might add, be a marvel and fruit for learning, the truth in ones words never wavers nor its brilliance ever dim.

  4. healthyfitness profile image70
    healthyfitnessposted 11 years ago

    There is no way anyone could reach earth. The speed needed to accomplish that is beyond reasonable

    1. profile image0
      markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Healthyfitness, are you proposing that in your infinite wisdom you are convinced beyond all probabilities that there is no probability in this universe or other that there is no way other life forms could reach Earth?

    2. sparkster profile image83
      sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not true healthyfitness (and thank you Mark!),

      Given our current understanding of astrophysics a round trip of 40 lightyears can be accomplished in six months - astrophysicists acknowledge this.  Additionally, it's not about the speed of light, it's about bending the fabric of space-time to bring point A closer to point B.  Colonel Corso explains this particularly well in his book, just as he explains how the EBE's become a part of the circuitry of their craft, they ride the current!  By creating a gravity force around the craft it allows for nil intertia inside the craft therefore the occupants are unaffected by G-force.

      1. profile image0
        markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I couldn’t have put better myself Sparkster smile

    3. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I suppose the world is flat too.

      1. sparkster profile image83
        sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        What's that got to do with astrophysics?  You mean you started this thread just so you could ridicule those who repsonded??  Nice!

        1. sparkster profile image83
          sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          * what a f**kin' waste of time this thread was.

          1. profile image0
            markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            And they think we are insane?  WTF…

            1. profile image0
              Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              And who thinks who are insane? What kind of group are you hanging out in that ppl are calling you crazy?

        2. andrew savage profile image59
          andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I was not ridiculing YOU.

      2. sparkster profile image83
        sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        And by the way, back when people believed the Earth was flat was the same time humanity believed they were the centre of the universe, that aliens didn't exist and that the sun orbited the Earth - just goes to show how outdated your logic is.

        1. andrew savage profile image59
          andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Please be respectful and leave this thread open to those who have UFO and abduction stories.
          My response of "I suppose that the world is flat too," was to: [healthyfitnessposted 5 days ago]
          "There is no way anyone could reach earth. The speed needed to accomplish that is beyond reasonable"
          No educated person can make such a statement. The speed needed to accomplish such a feat is not beyond reasonable, it is beyond the speed of light- The speed of light is a barrier, nothing more. Of course there are officials who would say otherwise, but most of them are the same people who are not able to explain what dark matter is.

          I think it is time for someone to get the answers he is seeking when he asks a question and opens forumn. I am afterall the one who asked the question, and I will not tolerate people who decide to become trolls and get in the way of inquiry and investigation.

          1. sparkster profile image83
            sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Apologies Andrew, I was a bit hasty there, it seemed as though your post was an answer to my comment (which it wasn't) - I thought it was a little odd but now realize it wasn't directed at me.

          2. sparkster profile image83
            sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Andrew, is reaching the speed of light really necessary?  Wouldn't 50% of that speed be sufficient enough?  For example, if a sturdy craft can be built which survives the bombardment of charged particles from space travel, what's to say that craft cannot be self regulating and can travel through space for thousands of years while being colonized?  If this can be done then speed of light travel wouldn't be necessary.

            1. Jerami profile image58
              Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I've got a stupid question.
              Do you think that science is aware of or can detect every element or charistic of light rays?  Could there be such elements that are traveling faster and/or slower than the range that we are able to detect. Kinda like sound waves. I can not even hear some sounds that drives my dog crazy, and some people for that matter.
              If there are light rays or properties there of, that are undectable to us and all of our scientific gadgets, would this not mean that these are in a dimension other than our own?   
                 Would this also indicate that if we could break the speed of light barrier, we would enter a dimension other than our own where our laws of physics would not necessarily apply.
                   No knowledge applies to this statement ...  just a thought.

              1. sparkster profile image83
                sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                You're right, NASA explicitly acknowledges that are light waves that are not perceptible to us.

                1. Jerami profile image58
                  Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I do now remember something about one particular element which has been detected  only a hand full of times that actually travels all the way through the earth.(I think)

                       I would think that if we were able to broaden our awareness and knowledge of these unknown elements of sun rays we would learn much many of them do travel faster than those that we do know about creating a potential for shifting into another dimension revolutionizing  space travel, and much, much more. 
                    I've had this crazy idea sinse I was a child.  Even before I was aware that a thing called a television existed.

                  1. sparkster profile image83
                    sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Here's some official modern info from NASA you may be interested in, it talks about the light spectrum, zero-point energy, etc:
           … sible.html

            2. andrew savage profile image59
              andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I suppose you could travel for hundreds or thousands of years in incredibly large ark-like space vehicles, but there are always the possibilities of non friendly intelligent life pirating or abducting the ship and crew. If we were to wait until we have faster than light (FTL) propulsion and more advanced weapons we would then be ready to begin the colonization of the galaxy. The downside of traveling in a slower than light vehicle is that it is easier for any potential threats to catch up to you, track you and find your point of origin.
              However, I do believe that our species is very close to discovering how to make such craft faster than light- and we may one day witness a break away civilization on our planet take to the stars.
              Finally, there is always the possibility that there are very human ETs that have already colonized space. And many of the old world tales of creation tell of beings from the heavens and/or other planets having created us- for purposes such as a divine and hidden reason and others say for slavery.

              1. profile image0
                markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                So in essence the galaxy could be already heavily contained by other advanced ET races who may or not be in alliance with each other or with factions of therefore?  So could our next step of finding a way to travel to the nearest stars be a futile expedition or one that has to be negotiated by the superior races who may have territorial rights of passage to and from certain sections of space and time?  Now we are talking…

                1. Daddio Hepcat profile image60
                  Daddio Hepcatposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                  1. profile image0
                    markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Sorry but what is the SEC in football?

  5. cheaptrick profile image75
    cheaptrickposted 11 years ago

    I'm an alien...I came from Uranus...I'm the one who does the anal probes...I Love my job...

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You're not right.

      1. profile image0
        markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I second that one Beth37…Not right indeed wink

      2. cheaptrick profile image75
        cheaptrickposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        HEY!Watch it now!I have my portable anal probe holstered and I'm zeroing in on your location as,anyway...

    2. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What made you decide to be an interstellar analyst?

  6. crazyhorsesghost profile image71
    crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years ago

    Anyone who does not think we are being visited by aliens from other worlds is sadly confused, lying to themselves or part of the government cover up.

    To my knowledge I've never been abducted by aliens but I have seen alien space craft that were not from this earth.

    I believe that the US Government covered up the crash at Roswell and are continuing to cover up alien activity on this planet. They don't want you to know that aliens are real or they can no longer control the population.

    I have at several times in my life seen alien space craft that I know did not come from the earth. At one point I and another man a friend of mine saw alien space craft in a remote southeastern US area come out of the ocean in a deep hole area and then later return to that same place. And no these were not craft from the earth.

    US astronauts have many times seen alien space craft when leaving or returning to the earth.

    If there are aliens out there and I believe there are I think they may be a million or more years ahead of us in technology. They may make use of worm holes or black holes in space.

    I think one day a alien space craft not from this earth will crash and the government will not be able to cover it up. On that day the world will change forever.

    If you just add it up we would all have to be fools not to believe that aliens are out there. And other inhabited worlds. If they are so much more technologically advanced than us we may be in for some real surprises some day. I hope I'm around for it.

    1. profile image0
      markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hello crazyhorsesghost, oh they sure are real, that’s for sure smile

    2. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting. What caused you to chose such a demonic looking creature as an intelligent ET?
      Is this a portrait of a grey? Do you think that grays come from other planets?

  7. sparkster profile image83
    sparksterposted 11 years ago

    Just wanted to point out that there has been recent attention drawn to the FBI document which confirms that UFO exploded over Utah: … 13900.html

    1. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the post. What do you think happens to crashed UFOs and ET bodies?

      1. sparkster profile image83
        sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know if you're familiar with Sergeant First Class (ret.) Clifford Stone, claims he was on a UFO crash retrieval team that retrieved extraterrestrial vehicles and bodies.  I don't think he has gone into details about where they go from there but he does also claim that the US military had catalogued 57 species of humanoid extraterrestrial by 1989.  Also, in The Day After Roswell (book) by Lt. Colonel Philip J Corso, Corso claims he distributed alien technology (fiber optics, kevlar, microchip, particle beams & more) that had been retrieved from UFO crashes to corporations who were permitted to register the patents (Alien Technology is a company in California that manufaturer RFID chips!).  Corso was the head of the Foreign Technology desk, R&D at the Pentagon.  He also claims that he saw an alien grey which had been stored inside a crate which was being transported from Roswell, whilst he was stationed at Fort Riley.

        1. andrew savage profile image59
          andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Very interesting.
          On a similar note, I have heard that the greys do not actually come from another planet but live on ours in a different dimension or alternate reality... that they cross over to our world through portals that make eerie multi colored spiral shaped cloud patterns. But whose to say it is true. Others say that they come from (from my knowledge) Zeti Reticula.

    2. profile image0
      markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this


      What a very interesting addition to the new approach to discloser, great find mate.  It’s becoming more and more clearer that the governments are slowly, excuse me sir but I mean quickly releasing more valuable directive information to the discovery of ET facts then ever before, exciting times for sure.  Nice one mate this is another positive move that is heading in the right direction…

      Disclosure is speeding ahead more and more these days especially for the governments, so good on them and good for every Sparkster in the world that has made this happen, truly!…  cool

      1. sparkster profile image83
        sparksterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It does seem to be gaining momentum, though I've actually found out a LOT more than this Mark!  I've actually started writing a book about what I've discovered - it's absolutely fascinating!

        1. profile image0
          markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Get it to print mate ASAP, these are the very decades which disclosure will happen at this rate so do not hesitate and go for the publication, the sooner the better smile

  8. Chip Shirley profile image60
    Chip Shirleyposted 11 years ago

    When I was 7 years old I said the Lords Prayer every night as I went to bed and asked God to 'let me be superman' and I promised to do only good if I could be... One night I hear a voice and (I swear) it said..."You cannot have super powers, but if you try, you can learn how things work in this world..." That is a true story and I still remember it and I believe that that is an offer that God makes to all of us...I mean it.

    1. profile image0
      markbennisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting story Chip and one to ponder over, much to discover and learn for sure…

    2. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I believe your story- I cannot say that I have ever heard the old man speak, but I believe he does speak to those who truly affirm to their covenant with him.

  9. DoloresDelMachio profile image60
    DoloresDelMachioposted 11 years ago

    My odd experience was in Colorado Springs,on the Air Force Base, around 1992.I went to my parents house for a family reunion.As we were all talking, my Grandfather W. told me the last time he stayed in the guest bedroom, he awoke in the middle of the night, looking out the bedroom window.Staring back at him with massive black eyes was a deer.He said it just stood there staring at him and its eyes were much larger than ordinary deer.Then he went back to sleep.At the time,I thought nothing of it..
    Until  I spent the night in that same bedroom.I had not been drinking,no drugs, nothing..I awoke in the middle of the night and needed to go to the bathroom.The room had a very intense vibration to it.I felt like I could almost hear a hum.The light in the room was a blue white light and it was very bright,shining in from outside the window.In my sleepy state, I was grateful for the light because I was able to find the bathroom down the hall.Then I went back to bed and went to sleep.
    When I woke up the next morning, I remembered the odd experience and asked my boyfriend if he woke up at all,since the hum was loud and the light was bright.He said he did not.I walked outside and looked at the area near my bedroom window.There was a slight hill, a street lamp was over the hill, but nothing else.That night, when I went to bed,I noticed it was really really dark in the house.There were no lights shining in at all.The hallway to the bathroom was completely dark..Then I remembered my Grandfather's experience...So I shut the curtains to the window and came to the conclusion that something not of this world had happened outside my window.It was very very strange..

    1. andrew savage profile image59
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very eerie.


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