Are night terrors from the devil?

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  1. Claire Evans profile image65
    Claire Evansposted 11 years ago

    Some say it is psychological and some say it is from devil, like me.   Hitler was a devil worshiper and he suffered from night terrors.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have posted a similar thread.  However, there are MANY interpretations regarding the issue of night terrors.  There are those who interpret it to be a state between being awake and sleeping.    There are others who strongly insist that night terrors are psychological in origin, stemming from issues of the subconscious. 

      There are some who interpret the event of night terrors from a solely religious viewpoint.  These proponents assert that there is some sort of demoniac influences as to why a person is undergoing night terrors.   A few adopt a more metaphysical view, believing that night terrors are a result of whatever negativity is in that particular person's life.   Yes, the interpretation of night terrors is as varied as the number of people.  No one interprets night terrors alike.

    2. profile image0
      Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Assuming night terrors are from Satan is like assuming every illness is brought on by Satan. Most illnesses are very well understood and curable as well as preventable. I can understand why people think these things were evil before they were understood, but understand the illnesses takes the mystery out of them, not to mention the guilt and stress. I know a 7 year old who's parents were very recently told that their son will lose his battle with cancer. Do we assume he or his parents did something wrong that let Satan in or do we assume he was simply unlucky? In the case of night terrors I've seen my kids suffer through them and what I've been told is they happen at a transition time in sleep. No need to include Satan.

      1. profile image0
        Deepes Mindposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        This always has disgusted me when people tell other people that their child died or they are dying because their faith was not strong enough to save them. That's the lowest thing you could ever tell someone in this situation...

      2. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        If Satan can put evil thoughts into people's heads then I hardly believe night terrors are difficult for him.  It is true that stress brings on night terrors and it is also genetic.  That is why not everyone gets them.  Stress feeds Satan and thus night terrors get worse with that.  Science and the supernatural are not necessarily mutually exclusive. 

        I was contemplating suicide when my night terrors were at its worse.   And I know God will not give me more than I can take.  So I got a deep sedative that broke the cycle of fear.  I don't get night terrors anymore despite me no longer being sedated. 

        If it is psychological why have do I not have them again?

        1. getitrite profile image72
          getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          What I don't understand is why does God NOT protect you completely from this horrible entity called Satan?  Your God should know how dangerous it is to leave you unprotected....even for just a moment, from an all EVIL being like Satan.  So why would you depend on such an incompetent all mighty God who leaves you on your own, while you slavishly worship and give Him credit....for doing nothing?!

          1. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            It's because I live in a world owned by Satan.  To be completely protected I can't get involved in everyday life.  Jesus definitely wasn't protected from Satan when He died.

            1. JMcFarland profile image69
              JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Jesus wasn't protected from Satan when he died?  Wasn't it god's master plan for Jesus to die in order to sacrifice himself in the final blood offering for the sins of mankind?  Had he not died, the sins of the world would not have been atoned for, would they not?  So in which aspect was Satan present to screw up god's master plan?  It sounds like he helped out.

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                He actually tried to thwart God's plan by saying it is not possible for one man to take on the sin of the world in the garden of Gethsemane.  Then Jesus said with God all things were possible.  When that didn't work Satan made sure Jesus suffered the worst suffering possible for a human being.

            2. profile image0
              Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              What part of everyday life are you not involved in?

            3. getitrite profile image72
              getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              The world(Earth) is part of the solar system, which is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is suspended in an infinite universe.  It can't be owned by some ancient mythological character.  Do you see how deluded and downright primitive this view is?

                Have you heard of a condition called Paranoid Schizophrenia?

              These are some of the warnings:

              ◦Becoming socially withdrawn
              ◦Mood swings 
              ◦Being obsessed with death, dying or violence
              ◦Feeling trapped or desperate
              ◦Increased consumption of drugs (including illegal ones) and alcohol
              ◦Changing eating or sleeping patterns
              ◦Starting to get their affairs in order and giving away belongings
              ◦Saying goodbye to people in a specific way (as if they are never going to see them again)

              Yet you claim He is the God of the universe?  So it appears that the universe doesn't need God after all, as it was still running while He was dead, and unprotected from Satan.  I feel sorry that you have become a victim of this scam, as religion preys on the minds of people like you and me, who are already suffering from emotional trauma.

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                The world would not be owned by Satan if humanity didn't give him power.  When I say owned I don't mean the planet was made for Him.  He was chosen to be the world's leader. 

                I don't recall saying He is God of the universe.  I believe the universe came into fruition because of the fight between good and evil.  In other words, God and Satan are the cause of the universe together.  I compare it to the atom.  It cannot exist without the proton, which is positive, and the electron which is negative.  God wasn't dead when Jesus died.  God's existence was never threatened by Jesus being unprotected by Satan. 

                Do not feel sorry for me.  I have the most precious gift anyone could ask for.  I'm not meaning to be condescending but I feel sorry for you not to know the God of love and that you cannot seem to get over your emotional trauma.

                1. getitrite profile image72
                  getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Just one small problem with your explanation:  Atoms are real....your God is a childish superstition made up by ignorant, ancient goat herders.  Of course you must know that? 

                  However they are the same person....Gotcha!

                  That's probably because He never existed in the first place. 

                  Who is more pathetic....the one who think he sees monsters under the bed, but knows that there are no such things as monsters?  Or the person who sees monsters under the bed and thinks that the monsters are really there?  Who is more likely to have a fighting chance for recovery?  Honestly!

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                    The evidence of God goes right over your head because you don't know how to interpret it. 

                    Didn't I explain this? In the form of the Holy Spirit they are one but God was separate from Jesus, as in two entities, while in the flesh.  Why else did Jesus give all the credit to God and not Himself? God can never die.  He has no flesh to experience death.


                    Probably? Are you saying that there is a chance to you that God exists?

                    Think what you like.

    3. Zelkiiro profile image61
      Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If by "devil worshiper" you mean "devout Catholic."

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Catholicism was a cover for him.

        1. Zelkiiro profile image61
          Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          And he needed a cover...why? He was a dictator. He didn't have to explain nothin' to nobody.

          And he was very much Catholic.

          1. profile image0
            Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            What does "very much Catholic" mean?

            1. Zelkiiro profile image61
              Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Guess who painted this delightful little scene:


              (On a side note, really? That's not good enough to get you into German art school? I couldn't paint that if my life depended on it!)

              1. profile image0
                Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                So painting a picture of a woman and her child makes you Catholic?  I was a nun and can't paint a thing.  Obviously my faith must be counterfeit.


                1. Zelkiiro profile image61
                  Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  You're not fooling anyone. Especially anyone familiar with TVTropes.

         … gStupidity

                  1. profile image0
                    Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    It is true that some of us hide our ignorance and stupidity far better than others.  Or at least you, I mean we, think we do.

                2. profile image0
                  BuddyNSenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  That women certainly is not dressed German.

                  1. wilderness profile image96
                    wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this
          2. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            How many dictators come out and say they worship the devil?  He was a member of the Vril Society, an occult group.  They performed human sacrifices there.

            1. Disappearinghead profile image59
              Disappearingheadposted 11 years agoin reply to this


              1. wilderness profile image96
                wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                The Vril society was founded by female mediums who were talking to aliens that had settled in Sumeria and were living on Alpha Cen Tauri in the Aldebaran system.  Hitler was part of the society.

       … ociety.htm

                It's all on the web, so it has to be true.

              2. profile image0
                riddle666posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                You mean, the conspiracy sites are not evidence?

              3. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                It is a fact that Hitler believed in the Aryan race.  He had this thing about blonde, blue-eyed people.   The Thule Society, which shares the same belief as the Vril Society (a German secret society), claimed the origin of the Aryan race.

       … 44508.html


                You've got to ask yourself why did Hitler not use the crucifix as a symbol for the Nazi party if he was a devout Catholic?

                1. EncephaloiDead profile image56
                  EncephaloiDeadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  The Swastika IS a cross with the four arms bent 90 degrees. it is also a symbol that was used widely in various religions, it's meaning is translated as "higher self" or "to be good".

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm not talking about a cross.  I'm talking about a crucifix with the figure of Jesus on.

    4. Disappearinghead profile image59
      Disappearingheadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Considering the millions of people who suffer night terrors then the devil must be a very busy guy; rushing hither and thither across the world saying "Boo" to all those people whilst they sleep. It's a marvel how he manages to fit it all into his day besides all the things he gets up to like causing cars to break down; mutating DNA in individual cells in people's bodies to induce cancer; raiding bank accounts; stealing prosperity from hard working church goers; being the voice inside millions of people's heads telling them to be naughty; and flying about the sky pretending to be a UFO. I think he deserves a break don't you Claire?

    5. Peggasuse profile image84
      Peggasuseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, anything is possible.  Perhaps they do come from negative beings, on occasion.  It's difficult to say because there could be a number of reasons.  The person could be merely having a nightmare or they might have a fever and be hallucinating.  One would have to know all the details of the incident before a conclusion could be formed.

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Anything that induces fear is from Satan.

        1. profile image0
          riddle666posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          roll Are you getting any ecstasy while using the name "satan"? It appears you enjoy having depression and night terrors and enjoy telling that to everyone and enjoy saying that you have some special relationship with satan that he is out there giving you his gifts.

    6. profile image0
      BuddyNSenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It is from the angel whom you call god.
      If he was a devil worshipper why would the devil trouble him with night terrors? He was a Catholic. If he did worship the true god instead of either of the angels he would have had more sense. So what do you say, people with night terrors are worshippers of satan or do you say that they are psychotic like Hitler?

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The devil is an angel could God?

        Why would he trouble Hitler with night terrors? It's because he hates everyone.  He hates those who love Jesus more but he still hates the evil.   In the case of Hitler, I think his night terrors were induced by possession. 

        Anyone can call themselves Catholic.  I can call myself the Pope but does it make it so? It is how people BEHAVE that counts.  Since when could he be a follower of Jesus when Jesus said those who live by the sword die by the sword.  Hitler was into theosophy and that most certainly is not Christian.

        1. gmwilliams profile image83
          gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Good morning dear Claire.   I am now going to offer a completely reasonable, yes logical explanation as to why Hitler had night terrors or as we should say nightmares.  Adolf Hitler was a person totally bereft of conscious for humanity.   He have admitted this ideology and philosophy ad infinitum. 

          He more than discriminated against those whom he considered to be his "unequals" be they Jews, Roma, Slavs, the LGBT community, and the challenged whether they be physical, emotionally, and/or mentally so.  He also convertly discriminated against those who did not agree with his National Socialist construct.   Yes, I am disgressing a bit.  Hitler instituted extremely Draconian practices in Germany and in territories his regime occupied.   Although many Europeans suffered under Hitler's regime, the ones who are the most adversely affected were the Jews, Roma(Gypsies), and Slavs.  Hitler considered them to be so-called untermenschen, inferiors, and/or subhumans.   

          He instituted heinous and horrendous concentration and extermination camps in order to instill fear into the German population and to contain, eventually exterminate the Jews, Roma, and Slavs.   According to your premise, Hitler had night terrors or nightmares because of an imaginary phantomic devil.  If he had night terrors or nightmares, it was because of the heinous and horrifically destructive policies he instituted against humanity.  It was his subconscious telling him that what he was doing was wrong and evil, nothing more, nothing less.   There is no devil except for us humans.  WE are the TRUE DEVILS of the world. Hitler was THE DEVIL if there was one.

          1. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this
        2. profile image0
          BuddyNSenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          The one whom you call god is just the first angel and as he thrives on fear and worship he could be the one who give night terrors.
             Who hates everyone? Hitler had a wife and child, so he couldn't be hating everyone.   
          You mean satan? Then why should he hate "evil"? You appear to be deceived by the followers of the authority. Whom you call satan - Lucifer is just an angel, a wise angel. He do not give night terrors, he teach wisdom. It is the followers of the authority who bring bad things because he survives on people's fears.
          And if night terrors is what anybody is going to get for worshipping him, why should anybody worship him? You say you have night terrors, so are you possessed?

          Pope is a position, while catholic is just having a belief.
          People of another denomination can say you are not a true christian, does that make you not christian? People behave based on what they interpret. Hitler believed his bible and thought that jews(by saying "His blood be on us, and on our children") needs to be punished and set about doing that, a simple mistake for anyone who believes the authority. See the authority is bent on creating strife and division among humans, it is only by making people sad and fearful that they worship him and only by their worship that he can live.

          1. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this


            Who has fed you this nonsense? What wisdom has Lucifer imparted to mankind?  So you are saying Lucifer thrives on people's fears but he is just a wise angel?

            As I said, Satan hates the good and evil and won't be hesitate to try and torment both.  Those who sell their souls to the devil really don't fully know what they are getting themselves into.   They get tormented afterwards and don't know the way out.  Of course people wouldn't follow Satan if they knew they would be tormented.

            What I'm trying to say is that people can call themselves anything but it doesn't always make it so.

            Hitler didn't believe such things.  He was a Satanist.  Since when would Jesus require the deaths of Jews to atone for their rejection of Him? Hitler didn't just hate Jews.  He hated gypsies, homosexuals and the physically and mentally disabled.

            Anyway, here's a quote from Hitler:

            “It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 61

            1. JMcFarland profile image69
              JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."  Hitler

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Is the will of the Almighty Creator to live by the sword? What Jews threatened Hitler?

                Do you believe what that liar says in public? It's called propaganda.

                1. profile image0
                  Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Well, I guess you have all the inside scoop. We'll ignore everything he said and did and go with what you think then as you have such a great track record of being correct.

                2. wilderness profile image96
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Propaganda.  As in stories of turning water to wine, walking on water or living inside a fish for days at a time?  It makes great propaganda, but that's about all...

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Don't change the subject. Do you believe everything Hitler said especially when his actions contradicted his words?

            2. BuddiNsense profile image60
              BuddiNsenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Whom you call god is not god but an angel, simple.

              Who fed "you" the nonsense? You believe what you believe because of propaganda. All the major religions and religious books are from satan, god do not write books. If you take the time to be with god, this will be revealed to you.

              Lucifer taught mankind to think, didn't "impart" wisdom. It is not Lucifer that thrives on people's fear, it is the one whom you call god. And he is not actually living on people's fear but derive his power from people's fear. He got the majority of the world to work for him. Lucifer is just an angel, a wise angel. He do not need the people to survive.

              How can any one hate "good and evil", either one hate good or one hate evil or one has no feelings toward either. They can stop following satan once they are tormented, but why don't they do so? If Hitler is possessed because he has night terrors then so are you as you too have night terrors, see how that logic is faulty. Those who sell their souls do not know what they are getting into. They thgink they are worshiping god. Satan, or the evil one certainly is not Lucifer. It is the one who brings volcano, earth quake, tornados.... and he is called god.

              Exactly, calling oneself god(and the only god) won't make it god.

              The so called god is the one who brings all the natural calamities, we should judge him by his character, shouldn't we?

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                What makes you think this?

                Who said that God wrote books?

                Lucifer taught mankind to believe his lies.  He perpetuates misery on the world pretending to be you liberator from a so-called oppressive God.

                As I said, Satan hates the good and evil and won't be hesitate to try and torment both. 

                Who said only God has powers like omniscience?

                1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                  BuddiNsenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  God is universal consciousness not a deity. Deities are angels who like us can be good or bad. The most powerful one controls the earth and is worshipped by people as god. He brings all the natural disasters and other evils to this world.

                  Aren’t you reading what is written? What you know about god is from books written by followers of satan.

                  No. Lucifer only taught mankind to think. He made man think instead of being robots. Misery is perpetuated by the so called god and his followers  so that people would worship him.

                  Yes the so called god – Satan does that, Lucifer do not. He is just a wise angel not a powerful angel.

                  God does not “set off”.  Then “evil” is just a product of human interactions and nature, nothing to do with God or Satan. Your god sets off disasters (irrespective of natural or supernatural) because that makes people worship him. His propaganda makes people believe that disasters are from Satan, Lucifer. So whenever disasters strike he gets more followers.

                  Who is talking about omniscience?

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    You're clearly a New Ager.  So you are saying is that evil angels cause natural disasters and evil? Then it's not my God you are talking about.

                    Give me an example of God being written about by Satanists in the Bible? Books written by followers of Satan does not mean God wrote books.

                    Since you don't believe deities are intelligent beings then who is Satan? Are Satan and God both the universal consciousness? Then how can Satan torment?

                    You just agreed with my statement that Satan torments so how can you say evil now has nothing to do with Satan? Now you are saying that God is intelligent in that He can make disasters to trick people into worshiping Him.  So how can He just be a universal consciousness??  You are now saying that there is war between Lucifer and God?

                    Sorry, I don't know why I mentioned that.

    7. Paul K Francis profile image85
      Paul K Francisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Night terrors are purely biological. They may not be totally understood but they are common mostly in children during deep sleep and differ from nightmares which occur in different age groups during REM sleep. The children usually do not remember these terrors in the morning. Sorry, no religion here; there is no devil in sleeping children. Hitler committed his evil acts of his own choice and free will. Have a nice day, God bless the children.

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        There do not have to be devils in children for them to get night terrors.   Satan can attempt to terrorize anybody.   It cannot be proven that night terrors are from the devil but it being a biological thing does not mean the devil is cancelled out.  They don't have to be mutually exclusive.

    8. pennyofheaven profile image80
      pennyofheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The mind is a very powerful thing.

    9. Titen-Sxull profile image70
      Titen-Sxullposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Let's be clear here, Hitler was not a devil worshiper.

      Hitler was a member of the Catholic church and speaks of his belief in God in Mein Kampf. Hitler did, however, incorporate pagan traditions and the occult into the cult-like symbolism and atmosphere of the Nazi party. His beliefs may have been strange but he was not a Satanist.

      I see no reason to think that frightening dreams, however vivid, are of supernatural origins. As a child I experienced several night terrors, but then I also went sleep-walking on several occasions as well. While sleep walking I would get dressed into my clothes for the day, like start getting ready for school, despite it still being the middle of the night.

      We all have a wide array of different dreams, flying dreams, social anxiety dreams, violent dreams, sexual dreams, and yes the occasional nightmare. For some it goes farther than that, with various disorders and anxieties that can cause dreams to become very vivid or even take place while partially awake (night terrors, sleep paralysis, etc). I see no reason to believe that these are supernatural events, or that those who report alien abductions are actually being abducted by aliens. As someone else said the mind is a powerful thing.

      1. profile image0
        Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hitler may have claimed to have been a Christian, but of course he did not know Christ at all.  Most likely Jesus said to him, "Depart from me, Sinner."  Or he was such an evil man that most likely he was instantly dragged down to hell.

        I definately think that night terrors can come as attacks from Satan.  I also get attacked in my sleep quite often by succubi.

        1. JMcFarland profile image69
          JMcFarlandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Of course.  The "No True Scottsman" fallacy because Hitler wasn't someone you wanted to be associated with. 

          So you can prove, then, that succubi exist?  We wait with baited breath.

          1. profile image0
            Rad Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Voldemort is back.

          2. profile image0
            Lybrahposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, I can honestly say that in my sleep I have felt a presence come very close to my skin.  I usually have a dream that I am somewhere else, like in the room I slept in while growing up.  It's kind of freaky.  I'll wake up not knowing where I am.  But the presence is real.  Many other times I've had to plead the blood of Jesus to get the presence away.  It can be scary.

            1. profile image0
              Rad Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Don't confuse your dreams with reality. The moment at which you are awaking and still dreaming can be scary, but understand that it's only a dream.

        2. Claire Evans profile image65
          Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          If you are attacked by a succubi, you need to see a priest.  That is very serious.

          1. BuddiNsense profile image60
            BuddiNsenseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            What is the point in replacing one blood sucker with another?

      2. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hitler not a Satanist? His acts sure reflected his Satanism.  The occult is from the devil.

        1. Zelkiiro profile image61
          Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Sir Isaac Newton was heavy into the occult as well, yet he always maintained that he was a good little Christian boy.

          Just because one was a benevolent scientist and the other a genocidal dictator doesn't make one's claim more valid than the other's.

          Once again, the No True Scotsman fallacy comes into play (and trust me, you would have a heart attack if you read up on the Crusades, as every atrocity committed therein was done so by a devoted Christian).

          1. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            If Isaac Newton was into the occult then he was a Satanist.  Most Satanists don't go parading their Satanism.  They had be doctors, lawyers, etc.

            What is it with this devoted Christian stuff? I can claim I'm all sorts of things but if I act contrary to it then I'm not really want I claim to be.  The Crusaders were Satanists hiding behind the guise of Christianity.  It goes for the Vatican, too.

            1. BuddiNsense profile image60
              BuddiNsenseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              That means they were true christians.

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                So you believe that Satanists obey Jesus' commandments and that they love Him?

                1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                  BuddiNsenseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Depends on what you mean by satanist. Your "god" is the real satan so whoever follow him is a satanist but they are not called satanist but 'devout'.
                  Who is "following" jesus? What is there to follow? Jesus represents a Kingdom ("god's" Kingdom), a tyranny where only one voice(his praises) is allowed while Lucifer represents democracy and freedom of speech.  All jesus and his followers did was make more worshippers for your "god", obedient slaves not fellow citizens, the "commandments" were just a bait.

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I thought there are no such thing as deities to you so how can there be a Satan? I think if Jesus did not love us He'd hardly allow us to have free will on earth.  He'd be forcing us to worship Him.  Dictators tend to force people. 

                    Have you ever met this Lucifer thing? Those who worship Lucifer, like those in Freemasonry for example, have a plan to form a New World Order where no one has free will and rights.  For heaven's sake, Lucifer is a liar.  Just think for a moment you could be lied to. 

                    Jesus came into contact with gentiles quite a lot.  He did not say to them, "You are a gentile therefore you are going to hell!"  I think if Jesus wanted to be a dictator, God would have given Him power to overthrow the Roman empire.  Instead He died like a criminal on the cross.

                2. wilderness profile image96
                  wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  That does seem to be the problem here - no two are agreeing on what a "Satanist" is.  Can you give your definition so that the discussion can make sense?

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Simple.  A Satanist is someone who worships Satan, the enemy of Jesus and the author of all evil.

            2. Zelkiiro profile image61
              Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this


              It's a fallacy. That means it's fundamentally incorrect. It will never be the right answer. Stop using it.

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I'm sorry that you cannot understand what I'm trying to say to you.

    10. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Claire Evans,
      I read the article you posted about Hitler. There is no question that he was a depraved man , the scum of the earth, only worse. Stalin, too, was a man who also lived in constant fear...
      The only book I have read which discusses night terrors (or something seemingly identical to them) as having come from an evil source is, "Shouting at The Wolf." I have mentioned this book before to other readers who are interested in the phenomenon of evil. At any rate, the story is a true life account of a woman who, by the way, is involved in the esoteric arts, having been a psychic for nearly all of her adult life. This alone may cause a more traditional Christian to take umbrage at the book. Nevertheless, I've chosen to mention it, as the author did not believe in evil as being something outside of our minds, or as an  organized force that exists, that is, until evil attacked her - almost nightly. At the time of the attacks, she wondered is she was going crazy. The author, Anderson Reed, writes with a high degree of experience and intelligence. Her book is primarily a warning against New Age beliefs, which are fond of embracing "the light," and ignoring darkness, which the author states is very real, and very organized, although not always as intelligent as one might think, unlike what many New Age believers have come to assume.
      Anyway, I offer this information up for you or anyone who may wish to read about evil from an esoteric point of view. I have yet to hear of anyone else on this forum who has any information that may be of use to you in addressing this particular situation, although at this point, it seems that you have this condition under control.
      You're a strong woman to be able to withstand the constant criticism and the poking fun of Christianity, (a lower form of communication, if you ask me.) and then going so far as to say that evil is actually a Being of light. That is a rather naive way of looking at that which rapes, murders, lies,  and degrades. How that which destroys can be construed as another side of good, is beyond me. This is where some of the New Age thinking has fooled people, says the author, into becoming quite susceptible to evil's lies... as evil has the ability to make it's appearance in the form of "lofty words and ideals." It is anything but.
      Long story short, anyone can be attacked by evil; though some people are more vulnerable; thus, the author discusses methods of protection from evil.
      Keep up your good work. Your faith is apparently quite strong!

      1. getitrite profile image72
        getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        As a person who suffers from night terrors, I think you are just encouraging us, who suffer from this frightening disorder, to abdicate reason, and pursue useless superstition and psychotic nonsense to deal with a REAL and serious problem.

        I would never think that my night terrors are anything more than a chemical imbalance, that can be treated only by sleep professionals and other medical professionals and scientist who are researching this condition.  All this other stuff about devils and evil entities attacking people seems just downright primitive. and disturbing.

        1. wilderness profile image96
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          "Disturbing" is hardly the word for such medieval and ignorant concepts.

 … -1.1362674

          1. getitrite profile image72
            getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            That's downright tragic.  And to think, this person is not alone in his beliefs.  Mentally ill people should not be exposed to this deadly ignorant programming.  It just validates their  insanity....making them think they are being pious when, in actuality, they are in the grips of psychosis.

        2. profile image0
          savvydatingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Of course night terrors are real and serious, although they are quite rare in adults.I did not say there is not a medical explanation for them. Any reasonable person would see a medical professional before making assumptions about the supernatural, as well they should. Nonetheless, evil exists, whether you believe it does or not. To rule out evils existence is foolish, and only makes people more vulnerable. Words like primitive, medieval, and superstitious are interesting adjectives, but, in this context, they merely show a lack of  knowledge about the reality of evil and it's capacity to harm and destroy.
          I mention the book, previously,  for anyone who may be delving into the occult, without having knowledge about means of protection. As the author says, " When the door to the occult is opened, light and darkness spill out together. The idea that as long as we don't believe in evil it cannot harm us is disastrously wrong."
          I am not talking here about a guy with a pitchfork. I am talking about a pervasive energy and organized force. Evil exists. Hitler is just one of many examples of someone who gave himself over to evil. He became evils face, but don't forget - he began his career with a message of hope during Germany's financial difficulties. In other words, his initial message was quite lofty, but his intent and actions were not.

          1. A Troubled Man profile image58
            A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Well, it would appear every scientist on the planet is foolish and you are not considering no such "pervasive energy and organized force" has ever been discovered. You should present your findings to the world, you would win the Nobel Prize. lol

            1. gmwilliams profile image83
              gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Nice to see YOU back in the religious forums, what happened?  We missed your presence!

              1. A Troubled Man profile image58
                A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Our latest Islamic propagandist had me banned for calling Muhammad a liar. Go figure.

                1. profile image0
                  Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Good thing you didn't draw a picture of him lying!!!!!!!!!!!

                  1. A Troubled Man profile image58
                    A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this


          2. getitrite profile image72
            getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Then that's should be final.  It is the unreasonable person who pursues irrational superstitious "answers"

            Evil is only a concept that can only be perceived by living organisms.  Therefore there is nothing that a rock could perceive as evil.  It is the things that an organism sees as harmful, that they erroneously apply the term evil.  Nothing would ever happen without stars and planets continuously exploding, and there is no sense of evil perceived, because the stars are not living organisms.

            There are natural things here in the universe that are harmful to human beings.  We wish to, and endeavor to, avoid those things.  There is no need to add to that.

            This is were those adjective, that you mentioned before, come into context.  This is not based on anything except primitive superstition, unless you have some new data.  If so, post a link...or better yet, contact James Randi.  He's offering 1 million dollars to anyone who can prove the supernatural exists.

            As I said before, there are things that are harmful to human beings, just as there are things harmful to other organisms--natural things!.  To a virus, your immune system is EVIL. 


      2. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks very much for the kind words.   Have you heard of the book, "Inside the New Age Nightmare" by Randall N. Baer?  It shows that New Age is from the devil and you can get possessed by demons practising it.

        1. profile image0
          savvydatingposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Claire, I had not heard of this book. Thank you for mentioning it.. .I've just looked up the reviews in Amazon, and they are quite good.

          Your knowledge of Bible History is already quite extensive. Nonetheless, I'll recommend a better book than the one I mentioned before. It is, Fabricating Jesus, How Modern Scholars Distort the Bible, by Craig A. Evans, who is a serious historical scholar - one of the best in the world..

          Actually, all of your critics should read the book, but of course, they won't, as their minds are fixed on believing untruths that have no basis in serious scholarship. However, if you are interested, here is a link where the author discusses his book in depth..

          1. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks, Savvydating!

    11. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Claire.  My pedantic persona is coming in here.... your sentence read:  "Some say it is psychological and some say it is from devil, like me."
      If I could just rephrase that for you:  "Some, like me, say it is psychological and some say it is from devil."
      Do you see the difference in meaning?  Maybe you meant to say the latter?

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Come on, you know what I meant to say.

    12. Oztinato profile image75
      Oztinatoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Night terrors (nightmares) often have digestive causes. Eating pizza at night for example!!
      Some poor souls also suffer from post traumatic stress which can give nightmares.
      I am a believer. I can assure you the only devils are (d)evil people.

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        It is true that there are factors like stress, etc. Nightmares can be the result of indigestion.  However, night terrors aren't quite the same as nightmares.  Night terrors happen during non REM sleep and nightmares during the REM stage.  People tend not to remember the contents of a night terror.

        Night terrors in my family are genetic.  My poor aunt was plagued by them and once, in her sleep, ran out the house in terror.

        I suffered from a combination of night terrors and nightmares which almost ruined by life.   The reason why night terrors get worse over time is because demons feed off the fear and stress.   I actually got my room blessed by my uncle priest which made the terrors abate for a week.  Then it came back worse.  When I said to God I could not take it anymore, I was delivered.  I was put on medication that knocked me out and thus stopped the cycle of fear.

        I can tell you that there are evil spirits who influence evil people.

        1. Disappearinghead profile image59
          Disappearingheadposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          My son used to suffer from night terrors. I don't know the psychological, brain chemical, dietry, reasons behind them as I've not looked into it. But he doesn't get them anymore. He received no treatment for them and neither did we seek any. They just stopped. No demons required.

          1. Claire Evans profile image65
            Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Anything that invokes terror is from demons.  I'm pleased to hear that your son outgrew them.  Was he a child? It is rare for an adult to get night terrors. 

            Having said that, I would not say in your son's case they were a direct result of demons like in my case.   Children don't usually have demonic content in their night terrors.  Usually people don't remember their night terrors.  I think the ones that are demonic are the ones people remember that has supernatural evil in it.

            1. BuddiNsense profile image60
              BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              The only problem is, according to you, it was the Jews who wanted Jesus dead, not Romans. So Romans didn’t need a 100% surety.

              There is NO negative and positive, it is merely an explanation of two complementary phenomena.
              You are the one who said genetic manipulation; I didn’t say any such nonsense.  You said that saying about our urge to eat and procreate make us less worthy, but saying that that we are genetically manipulated and robots of satan doesn’t make as more worthy, it was that statement I was contending.
              So according to you yourself, your god doesn’t know how to correct the genetic manipulation, so he is less powerful.
              “And if the devil was more powerful, why didn't he manage to make all of mankind evil and serve him? And so ironically with mankind, the amount of influence Satan and God have got over the earth is due to how much power they have respectively on this planet. “
              So there is no god or satan as you say it.
              “Having said that, the power of love is powerful”
              There is no love as you describe it, only political manipulation.

              Again a lie. There are no kids in Vatican, what is verified is some catholic priests did practice that crime of pedophilia. In a large organization there is bound to be some bad apples, but that doesn’t make the whole organization or its head guilty. By your logic, Obama is guilty of the silly theft that happened in your neoghbourhood.

              As I said, some clergy and nuns won’t make all clergy or its headquarters.

              Extreme evil, is done by psychopaths, those people who genetically cannot empathize. And is it their crime? According to you, there genes are manipulated. It is not with their consent it is done, their genes are like that from birth. So whoever did it is guilty, not them and god should forgive them irrespective of whether they believe the nonsense.

              “There are some who aren't even human” this is what you said. If they are not humans, then who created them? If they are programmed, what is their fault? If a robot that is programmed to kill humans killed, then it is the programmer that is responsible not the robot.

              I think I have answered this question multiple times, don’t you read any of what I write? It is you who say Jesus is real, it is you who say he is god. So we are ASSUMING that Jesus is real and it is as WRITTEN in gospels and the analyzing whether he can be what he (and you) claim himself to be and can it really happen as is in gospel.

              And yet god didn’t get satan alone? According to you your god is powerful only in boasting? And who gave more power to this “puny” satan on earth?

              Can you write this in a way that make sense?
              What I understood is
              1)    God allow suffering, so he doesn’t prevent it even if he can.
              2)    People do not do god’s will because satan programmed them.
              3)    Even if satan programmed them somehow some humans are deprogrammed.
              4)    Satan put sin inside Jesus so that Jesus can redeem humans.
              5)    Even though satan cannot come in presence of holy god, he managed to put sin in god himself.
              6)    Satan is satisfied by Jesus acting dead.
              7)    Satan manipulated humans but he failed.
              8)    God do not know how to forgive, he need to do drama.

              What I understood is satan is trying to get me through you. God don’t speak nonsense. And God cannot give opportunity without drama? Getting up after three days is not death and according to you yourself, he was not dead he just paid a visit to hell. Why the spirit didn’t came before Jesus. What prevented it? After all it is God and Jesus together, what prevented god from coming along with Jesus?

              It is easily possible, they do not need any hypothesis just put one stone over the other.

              Permissive will, means he allowed.

              With evolution we are immune to most diseases. Even without medicine there are minimum epidemics, there are no pandemics like the plague. Even the modern pandemics like ebola or swine flu could kill only a negligible percentage, and of course neither of those disease have any effective drug.
              A clear example is the decimation of population of America with disease when the white man got there, the whites were immune the natives were not.

              But you chose to pick what is useful to you from OT and ignore the rest just like you are doing for NT. Only you reject OT almost completely while accepting NT almost fully, based on “spirit” guide.

              1. Claire Evans profile image65
                Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, but if the Jews were upset to the extent they would threaten a riot, then the Romans would cooperate. 

                What I'm trying to say is that you cannot have an atom if either a protons or electrons don't exist, which obviously are positively charged or negatively charged respectively.  Likewise, we can't have positive numbers without the concept of negative numbers.  There are opposites in life.  Can we say there is love without hate? How would we know the difference if we had not experienced it?

                I never said that our urge to eat and procreate make us less worthy.  That doesn't make sense.  We need to eat and procreate for humanity to survive.  Why do you see evil in that? In my theory, genetic manipulation introduced humanity into evil.  Now you saying that it is only because we need to eat and procreate that makes us unworthy.  We just have different concepts, yours not making any sense.

                If God genetically modified Satan's creation to make them all good, what could Satan do? Perhaps you can say God could take us back and get angels to reverse that manipulation to get back to being only good.  However, that would mean Satan could come back and manipulate all over again.  That is not the answer to defeating evil.  The only answer is Jesus Who tipped the scales.

                I don't know how you came to this conclusion.  I have never described God and Satan otherwise.

                God sacrificing His Son for mankind's salvation is an act of extreme love.   Laying down your life for your friends is act of love.

                That's just the tip of the iceberg.

                Extreme evil, is done by psychopaths, those people who genetically cannot empathize. And is it their crime? According to you, there genes are manipulated. It is not with their consent it is done, their genes are like that from birth. So whoever did it is guilty, not them and god should forgive them irrespective of whether they believe the nonsense.

                The devil himself.  First of all, we don't know whether they are programmed or not.  Those who know what they are doing are going straight to hell.  But there must be some who are just possessed.  That is why it is left to God to judge because He knows all. 

                Okay, so He didn't really ask woman to beg or go whipping in the temple.  So you should say, "Jesus would be evil if He did exist."  And you can't know for a fact Jesus doesn't exist.  You aren't even an historian or biblical scholar.

                Well, how could He if Satan won't go anywhere near God? However, Jesus desended into hell taking on the sin of the world.  He was in Satan's territory and even then He conquered Satan.  So that's the decimation I'm talking about.  It was then that Satan was defeated.  Now, one could ask, "Why is Satan still around causing evil if He has been defeated?" My view is that because what we are experiencing now has actually happened before in another dimension.  After all, how can Revelation be right if it hasn't happened already? I think that what we are experiencing now is like watching a video that was recorded back in the 80's.  It was broadcasting decades ago but it feels like now when we watch it again. 

                And, no, God did not give Satan power if that is what you are insinuating.

                God may allow suffering in the lives of those who love Him and obey Him if it will spiritually refine a person.  As in the case of those who don't love and obey Him, He cannot prevent that suffering because they have not given their lives to Him.  Unfortunately, children suffer because they are under the auspices of those who have not used their free will to give their lives over to God. 

                We all have been manipulated but that doesn't mean all don't do God's will.   As much as Satan has genetically modified humans, he has not managed to remove the potential of people to love God and choose to follow Jesus.    So being genetically manipulated does not mean one doesn't have the capability to choose between good and evil. 

                See above.

                No.  How can Satan set sin aside? It is because we will never ever not have innate evil in us because of our makeup that Jesus had to take on the penalty of our sin in order to redeem us.  Any evil we have done that we truly repent for will be erased.  That is the only way we can break away from Satan. 

                Since when does God have sin? That's like saying God put good in Satan.  It's impossible.

                I'd think He'd prefer it if Jesus hadn't died.  Although it delighted him to torment Jesus in hell, it still meant that Jesus would defeat Him by resurrecting from the dead.  In the Garden of Gethsemane, Satan tried to talk Jesus out of the crucifixion. 

                He failed to remove the potential for us to have God-like characteristics like being loving, compassionate, etc.

                Battling evil does require "drama". 

                That doesn't make sense.  Why would Satan want me to lead you to Christ, His arch enemy? You said you didn't know who God is but you say God doesn't speak nonsense.  How is me corresponding with you dramatic? When did I say Jesus was not dead? He died on the cross.  In death, He took on the sin of man which made Him go to hell.  The Holy spirit has always been on earth (John 1:1).  God had to wait for the right time to send His Son.   That time set up the circumstances where Jesus could die publicly so people could believe in the resurrection. 

                As I've said may times, God and Jesus took on separate roles when Jesus was on earth.  Jesus couldn't pray to Himself and He could not have said, "Father, why have you forsaken me?"

                You know that is ridiculous.  Anyway, I'm not going to go into these subject. 

                Permissive will in the lives of those who love Jesus.  Not in the case of earthly affairs. 

                Evolution has nothing to do with a lack of medical care.  Evolution should mean we should all be immune no matter what medication we have.  We have things like vaccination that prevent the spread of many diseases.  It is man made intervention and nothing natural. 

                There is medication to help with swine flu like Tamiflu.  Ebola tends to be restricted to third world countries.    With ebola, a healthy immune system will give one a chance to beat Ebola but in the majority of cases, people die. 

                Clarify, please?

                Well, by dismissing what I know is false means the opposite is more credible.  See that as subjective, but whatever.

                1. BuddiNsense profile image60
                  BuddiNsenseposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  They would, then they only have to get the man whom the jew’s show, never have to bother about the identity. You are agreeinmg with me that Romans didn’t need 100% surety.

                  This negative and positive is a mere assumption. We have electrons and protons which display some characteristics. We arbitrarily gave the name negative and positive, for the ease of discussion. Numbers are again concepts; there is no negative number in the universe. We can say two rods, is there negative two rods? 

                  Interesting, it was you who said it make us less worthy, now you are accusing me? What I said is saying we are genetically manipulated robots make us less worthy than saying we have urges.
                  You earlier said said god and jesus are one, but is now talking as if they are two. If we are genetically manipulated we can’t do otherwise. It is not our fault. God can take us back and correct and keep a bette vigil with or without the help of Jesus instead of writing dramas.

                  lol Jesus, according to you got up after two days, is letting someone sleep ‘sacrifice’? God and satan together are doing drama. God let satan manipulate so that people will worship god. God didn’t move a finger to help mankind but wrote a play making himself as his son who will “act” dead, and if someone is idiotic enough to believe that (defy one’s own genetics, how pray?) he will correct the manipulation otherwise he won’t!

                  That is simply a wild assertion, just like saying as there are some murderers in America, all America or Obama is a murderer.

                  It is according to you their (and everybody’s) genes are manipulated; I didn’t say any such nonsense.
                  If people are “programmed to sin” then it is the programmer who is guilty not the programmed. If I make a robot who kill people, it is I who should be punished not the robot. The program should be removed from the robot, not punished.

                  If you do not know then why do you repeatedly assert that humans are genetically manipulated to do sin?
                  The devil  himself? You mean there are some humans who belong to another species?

                  Yes, if jesus really existed and if the stories given in bible is true he is evil. Yes I know for a fact that jesus didn’t exist. Unlike you I don’t need argmentum ad veracundium, so I can analyse facts for myself.

                  Do you dream regularly? How do you know jesus went to satan’s territory and conquered him? According to you hell is just a separation from god which jesus obviously can’t do as he is god. Yo said satan is puny even to come near god but he can easily fool god and manipulate human genes, even if god correct it. Ssatan won’t listen even if such a powerful  god comment as if satn is the most idiotic fellow existing. If I go one describing all the contradictions you have written I will laugh to death.
                  What is a dimension?
                  If god didn’t gave power, how did satan become so influencing on earth?

                  So it means even if he can, god will not prevent suffering.

                  1)    Satan modified humans to select evil
                  2)    But he couldn’t remove the capability to do good.
                  What does it matter, satan manipulated human to select evil, they can’t do otherwise.

                  If repentence is all that is needed what is jesus doing here? If I sin, will beating you redeem me of that? If not how can jesus do that, especially considering he didn’t do anything?

                  jesus didn’t die, he got up after two days. And you were in the garden?

                  And telling everyone that it was real and not drama?


                  It is you who say satan and jesus are arch enemies, it may not be so.
                  “You said you didn't know who God is but you say God doesn't speak nonsense. “
                  I said I can’t tell you, you will have to find. Only idiots speak nonsense, I don’t think god is an idiot.
                  “When did I say Jesus was not dead? He died on the cross”
                  If he died on cross, how then he went to hell?
                  “In death, He took on the sin of man which made Him go to hell. “
                  He cannot touch sin, then how did he ‘took’ sin? In a container?
                  “The Holy spirit has always been on earth (John 1:1). “
                  But you said, ‘It is due to the death and resurrection of Christ that the Holy Spirit entered the world’, if holy spirit was always here, how is that possible? So which is correct, was the spirit always here or only came with resurrection?
                  “ That time set up the circumstances where Jesus could die publicly so people could believe in the resurrection.  “
                  Anytime he could die publicly then why didn’t he do so before? Why didn’t he made his resurrection public then?
                  “As I've said may times, God and Jesus took on separate roles when Jesus”
                  Are they different persons or are they one person acting as in a movie? Say Hugh Jackman is wolverine, wolverine can pray to Jackman, is it like that?

                  I know it is hard work, not ridiculous. This is the way they worked in easter  islands and any of the monuments.  You just are not willing to give humans the glory you yourself can’t achieve.

                  He allowed!

                  It is not any vaccinations that prevented the epidemics that occurred before the present century. The swine flu got controlled even before any vaccine was developed. The plague of Europe (or influenza pandemic) killed quarter to half the population while swine flue didn’t even kill a tiny percentage.  If we couldn’t develop immunity there would be none left in the world alive. With medicines we control diseases faster, that is all.

                  The local population was not immune to the diseases pf white man to which he was immune, but that didn’t wipe of all the native community. Some people acquired immunity and prospered.

                  You are not a scholar!!!!
                  You contradict yourself, hence most of what you say are nonsense. You don’t apply reason or logic but simply copy conspiracy sites.

                  1. Claire Evans profile image65
                    Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    We aren't robots.

                    I don't know who is programmed and who is not.  Just because we have genetic manipulation doesn't mean we are robots.  Yes, I do believe there are other species with the facades of humans. 

                    That's ridiculous.  Jesus is a known historical figure.  Even most atheists think He existed. 

                    Well, I know how powerless Satan is against God.  He is terrified of Him.   That is the sign of a creature defeated.  I have explained the Holy Spirit over and over again with you and I won't do it again.  How do you believe Satan fooled God? Make no mistake, Satan isn't puny.  It is well in his capacity to manipulate the genes of humans. 

                    Satan is not a creation or subordinate to God.  He is a deity in his own right.  He has power just like God.  However with Satan, the power is given to him through the sin of man.  Unfortunately, the world is sold to Satan.  Give him the power and he will use it. 

                    Depends on what can come out of that suffering.  God didn't prevent Jesus' suffering. 

                    Of course you can.  You right now can choose to do good or evil.  We can never get rid of our sinful nature but we can overcome sin with the grace of Jesus.  There is no excuse for people to do evil.

                    I don't understand your analogy. 

                    Satan certainly behaves as the arch enemy.

                    But you have no idea who God is.  Can't you see how silly that is?

                    “When did I say Jesus was not dead? He died on the cross”

                    It was His soul.  We know hell comes with death.

                    Being responsible for all the sin in the world would make one possessed and full of the devil.  That is why Jesus went to hell.  He could never in His perfect state.

                    The Holy Spirit has been here from the start but it was only on Pentecost that people could have a personal relationship with Him.  He gives strength, He teaches, etc.  The Holy Spirit can work through people who love Him.  Before that, the world didn't truly know the Holy Spirit. 

                    The political situation had to be right.  The OT had to have had prophecies in order for Jesus to fulfill them.  People had to have the ability to write down the gospels.  God chose the right time.  The risen Christ was seen by many people. 

                    What is a told you that there are diseases that will manufactured to purposely infect humanity? You know, it's just funny how some diseases come about and then just disappear without vaccines when the whole world was screaming for vaccines.  Take Ebola, for example.  Funny how there were certain cases that killed a few in America and then is just went away.  Suddenly Ebola just went away.  It was supposed to be this crisis around the world and just became a damp squib.  Wouldn't be surprised if this won't happen with the Zeka virus. 

                    No one claims that humans can't get stronger immune systems.  There are some diseases that are contracted once and then we become immune.  However, that is not the case with all diseases.

                    No one can argue with that.  A stronger immune system means one's body can better fight off diseases, not prevent it entirely.

    13. SpiritusShepherd profile image60
      SpiritusShepherdposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I have been a Christian since I was 9 and I have experienced nightmares and night terrors for just as long, I have also seen demons. It can be hard to tell sometimes, but I have learned to tell the difference between regular night terrors and demonic attacks. Usually the nightmares are just bad dreams and the night terrors are Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis, if it is a demonic attack the nightmare has demons in, or I wake up and see a demon, the nightmare ends or the demon disappears after I tell it to leave in the name of Jesus.  I usually say a prayer after or sing worship songs after to help me fall back asleep.

      1. Claire Evans profile image65
        Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        So sorry you have had these night terrors.  I'm glad your faith is able to keep them under control.  I agree with your take completely.

  2. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 11 years ago

    I would think assuming night terrors were caused by the devil would be the worst assumption you could make. That would create unbearable stress during waking hours and probably ensure the night terrors continued. I would exhaust all other avenues of research prior to claiming them caused by supernatural sources.

  3. Mai-Kera profile image59
    Mai-Keraposted 11 years ago


    Most of the time, I agree with you, but this one is too far-fetched even for me. Hitler wasn't a demon, he didn't practice anything but Catholicism. Saying he was in a cult, is a conspiracy theory. A lie to make people feel as if he was some super demon to have killed millions. It was the cultural norm at the time, blaming the Jews for all of their problems, much like you're doing with demons and Satan.

    I've got a degree in psychology. Night terrors do NOT come from the devil. They are projections of your own mind about your stress levels, and the things that you are dealing with. Carl Jung, a respected dream analysis has this to say about dreams, "The dream is a fragment of involuntary psychic activity, just conscious enough to be reproducible in the waking state. Of all psychic phenomena the dream presents perhaps the largest number of 'irrational' factors. It seems to possess a minimum of that logical coherence and that hierarchy of values shown by the other contents of consciousness, and is therefore less transparent and understandable. Even though dreams refer to a definite attitude of consciousness and a definite psychic situation, their roots lie deep in the unfathomably dark recesses of the conscious mind. For want of a more descriptive term we call this unknown background the unconscious. We do not know its nature in and for itself, but we observe certain effects from whose qualities we venture certain conclusions in regard to the nature of the unconscious psyche. Because dreams are the most common and most normal expression of the unconscious psyche, they provide the bulk of the material for its investigation. The symbols of the process of individuation that appear in dreams are images of an archetypal nature which depict the centralizing process or the production of a new centre of personality....I call this centre the 'self,' which should be understood as the totality of the psyche. The self is not only the centre, but also the whole circumference which embraces both conscious and unconscious; it is the centre of this totality, just as the ego is the centre of consciousness."

    If you're having these nightmares/ terrors on a regular basis, it is your SELF that is creating them, not Satan. You need to view, in your life what is making these visions appear to you. What is unbalanced in your life to make you believe this is happening.

    As for demons, Satan's greatest achievement is the fact that 90% of religious faiths don't believe he exists. In saying that, why would this extreme evil, this ultimate terror, care what you were doing? One blogger, having nightmares, how would that ripple the pond between good and evil? What are you doing to have this entity in your life terrorizing you? Are you losing your faith? Joining his side? Why would he CARE so much about you?

    1. profile image0
      BuddyNSenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Satan's greatest achievement is the fact that 90% of religious faiths believe him to be God and not that they "don't believe he exists".

      1. Zelkiiro profile image61
        Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Satan's greatest achievement is being a fictional character that's so...bland and one-dimensional that many people seem to think he exists.

        We really couldn't pick a more interesting made-up evil deity to be afraid of? Seth, anyone? Loki? Baphomet? Moloch? Izanami?! Really, guys?!

  4. squeak2012 profile image61
    squeak2012posted 11 years ago

    nightmares in children are usually caused by ignorant parents use in scaring tacts to control them and besides that be careful what you let your kids watch on tv, no scary movies or violent ones are allowed in my house.its all about how you bring kids up, and terror is allways of the devil. he tries show his ugly face round my home at times. and of course we rebuke him in name of jesus and he flee;s

    1. profile image0
      Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your comment is incredible ignorant of the facts and most likely have embarrassed many Christians.

      1. profile image0
        Deepes Mindposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry.. No embarrassment here.. Sometimes people have to go out on that limb alone.

        1. profile image0
          Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Thinking of you, I did say many and not all.

          1. profile image0
            Deepes Mindposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            AWWw Thank you for thinking of me..

    2. profile image0
      Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Scare tactics... Like telling your children that the devil is real and you will spend eternity burning in hell.

      1. JMcFarland profile image69
        JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        if the proto-orthodox had never stolen the idea of Hell from their pagan counterparts (which they liked to do a LOT for almost every aspect of Christianity) then they would never have gained the power and the ability to assert and afflict their will over the masses indiscriminately.  Hell was a great way to ensure that people did what you wanted - and those "heretics" that spoke out against it were simply dispatched.  It seems the christian church didn't learn much from their persecution at the hand of the pagan Romans - except how to inflict it when it was their turn.

        1. gmwilliams profile image83
          gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 CORRECT!   WHOEVER is in POWER, MAKES THE RULES and OWNS it!

  5. Rain Defence profile image82
    Rain Defenceposted 11 years ago

    Night terrors are just dreams.

    I have never really understood why people would be worried about 'The Devil'. To me the whole concept is flawed. If satan's job is to punish bad people, who are supposedly the people that go to hell to be entertained by him, then that must make him a good guy. Whoever came up with the concept in the first place should have thought it through a bit more really.

    Anyway, I suffer sometimes from nightmares. Probably comes from enjoying rich and delicious food. I know they are just dreams though, so don't let them bother my normal life in any way.

  6. stclairjack profile image74
    stclairjackposted 11 years ago

    i'm still trying to wrap my mind around the notion the "bad dream" has been given a much more official and more marketable name,... "night terrors"..... sounds like a B movie title

    Hitler was raised a catholic, alter boy, once thought he might want to become a priest,.. was told his aptitude was too low,.. promtly wiped his ass with his report card i think and was expelled,... had little to no use for the catholic church after that, other than to co-opt an old symbol he saw in a church growing up,... it was called a swastika.... he was turned down by art school because he suposedly had no tallent for the human form,... what he lacked in tallent for the human form he more than made up for in poor attitude and grandiose ideas and delusions of grandure,... all while being lost,... he was turned down for promotion in the german army durring WW1 because he "lacked leadership skills"....

    all around missfit who bore grudges against those he felt wronged him,.. and on the other hand helped those who he felt affection for years later, including helping his JEWISH childhood doctor to quietly leave the country before the war,.. the same doctor who's interview info helped american psycologists profile Hitler for the US government,.. the same doctore who treated his mother for cancer in vain,.. who described Hitler as "the most devoted son i had ever seen, i had never seen a boy more utterly crushed by his mothers death,...

    he ate little meat, claimed to love children though had none of his own, adored his dogs,.. very seldom drank, and then only a beer on ocasion,.... he was proud and insecure,... he was a powerful speaker and communicator who had an emotionaly stunted personal life,...

    he was EVERY MAN,... and what makes that a true nightmare is that he is indeed every one of us,... there was NOTHING demonic about him as a man or a soul,... he was just a man,... who when pushed to the edge,.. became something else, but that something else,... was STILL just a living breathing human being,.... thats scarry because each and every one of us has the potential to become HITLER in one version/sense or another.

    not all of us will rule half of a continant and wipe 6 million jews along with 8 million other persecuted people off the earth in a few short years,.... but ALL OF US have been in that moment and become the person that willfully knowingly destroyed someone else in one way or another, to one degree or another.

    thats what  is scarry,.... we are all him,... we like to demonize this ONE exceptional example because if we can creat enough seperation from him and us then we can fool ourselves into thinking that we are different,... when just arent much at all,... and THAT is scarry

    1. Zelkiiro profile image61
      Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Night terrors are a little more intense than a mere nightmare.

      A nightmare is over once consciousness is regained and the brain registers what happened. Night terrors are overwhelming, suffocating lucid dreams that persist once consciousness has returned, often also accompanied by temporary paralysis and auditory hallucinations, and they can last for hours.

      1. stclairjack profile image74
        stclairjackposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        did you miss my point entirely or are you being obtuse?... i was addressing the OP's linking of Hitler with devil worship and presuposed demonic influences via aledged night terrors,... defining a night terror? really?

        i suppose that if one asserts anything they can find even the most outlandish blue print link to substantiate then the assertion will go unchallenged?

        out of all that i posted you chose to give the deffinition of a night terror,... smsh,... smacks self in head,... goes to bed in disgust.

    2. Claire Evans profile image65
      Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Or you can entertain the idea that Hitler was possessed because of his membership of the occult society, the Vril Society

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Let us say that Hitler was "possessed" because he chose to take the low road of consciousness instead of the higher, more evolved road.  Hitler was evil, pure and simple.   He succumbed to the lowest element of himself instead of the highest element.   No so-called demon or devil was involved.  Hitler had FULL RESPONSIBILITY for his actions.

        1. Claire Evans profile image65
          Claire Evansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          How do you know demons weren't involved?

        2. auspicious12day profile image61
          auspicious12dayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I agree.  Ego, hatred and control appeared to be a dominant factor in his choices.

    3. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very intuitive post. I agree wholeheartedly.

  7. Paul Wingert profile image60
    Paul Wingertposted 11 years ago

    Wow, believing in man-made devils and gods in this day and age. What are you all, a bunch of 3rd grade dropouts?

    1. getitrite profile image72
      getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Apparently, it's a fact that those brainwashing techniques still work, despite the fact that we are a much more advanced society than we were thousands of years ago, when these silly stories were written.  It seems that evolution is spinning ever so slowly for the human species.

      1. profile image0
        Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        My 14 year old comes home from grade 9 religion class and says they asked the class to write a comment about the scientific significance of Genesis 1. I said "cool". He says "but Dad they only left 2 lines for space for my comment".

        1. getitrite profile image72
          getitriteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          He only needs enough room to write  "get real"  lol

        2. Zelkiiro profile image61
          Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this


          Backward, primitive people could not comprehend the extent of the universe, let alone its inception. So they made up a fairy tale with a nice little moral to keep the populace tamed and content.

          EDIT: Crap, that's 3 lines. :{

  8. auspicious12day profile image61
    auspicious12dayposted 11 years ago

    Night Terrors can be attributed to unresolved stress, digestive disturbances, certain medications, and a creative mind.  Training ourselves to relax through meditation, and exercise will deplete the excessive  negative energy that is stored up in our bodies that needs to be balanced. All this can lead to peaceful sleep.

    1. profile image0
      Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So can a few beers.

  9. mickshaw555 profile image62
    mickshaw555posted 10 years ago

    Maybe bad lifestyle?

  10. Rain Defence profile image82
    Rain Defenceposted 10 years ago

    If Hitler worshipped the devil, why would the devil bother him? What would be the point of bothering someone who worshipped you, wouldn't it make more sense for the devil to be bothering the people that didn't worship him? You're saying the devil bothers people that do and people that don't worship him. Does that make sense really?

    Satan doesn't exist, your night terrors are just your mind working overtime. Don't start believing crazy things like the devil exists and visits you. It's a road to worry and too much stress. It isn't real, it doesn't exist, it's just you having nightmares. That's it. Now breathe and relax, go and have a cup of tea and stop worrying.

    1. Claire Evans profile image65
      Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      He bothers the evil when he knows there is no way out for them.  What could Hitler do against the devil? It's not as if Hitler had a choice once he was possessed by the devil.  He hates the good and evil.  The devil is not rational.

      The biggest trick Satan ever pulled off was making people believe he doesn't exist.

      1. getitrite profile image72
        getitriteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Did you just make this up on the spot?  Wow!

        Maybe the Devil should seek therapy.  This sounds like a case for Anger Management.  They have accomplished amazing things by redirecting anger.  Remember....understanding and rehab, not punishment.

        He is no more irrational than the people who believe in him, because they write the script.

        So why is it that God is pulling the same trick?  Is God evil too, as He has provided no evidence for His existence at all, thereby, making us think that He doesn't exist.  Seems God and Satan could be the same person?

        1. gmwilliams profile image83
          gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Getitrite, PLEASE don't argue with Claire, it's pointless.  Claire is CLAIRE; she is in HER world and no logical explanation and teaching will change her.

        2. Claire Evans profile image65
          Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Why would God make a concerted effort to conceal His existence? He made Himself known in the form of Jesus.  He makes Himself known to people today.  They just know how to interpret the evidence.

  11. BuddiNsense profile image60
    BuddiNsenseposted 10 years ago

    How did your god taught you?
    How do you know Lucifer is evil?
    What evil did Lucifer do?
    If natural disasters are from nature and good and evil are from human interaction and as Lucifer cannot communicate with humans,  how is Lucifer responsible for anything man does?
    Did Lucifer get angry when he found that humans are clothed?
    Did Lucifer ask sacrifice? 
    Did Lucifer let his "son"(who is himself- a pure lie for one is not his own son) killed even though he could prevent it?
    Did Lucifer spread the lie that his son who couldn't be killed is dead?
    Did Lucifer claim himself as the way and truth?
    Did Lucifer ask anybody to worship him?
    Did Lucifer drowned humans?
    Did anyone worship Lucifer because of good or bad happening to oneself? (But your god get worshipped for both good and bad especially bad though you say he is not responsible).
    Really, what is evil if none of the above is evil?

    1. Claire Evans profile image65
      Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      He taught me through the Holy Spirit.  I had to be taught as a child about the Bible and the Bible is a good reference but it is my personal relationship that teaches me.  Whenever I am in a bad situation I hand it over to God and ask for His will to be done.  Whatever happens next is from God and you can then see how God delivers us.

      The world powers worship Lucifer and they are evil to the core.  Lucifer is in direct opposite to Jesus who personifies all that is good and holy.  Satan also makes his presence known to those who love Jesus.

      Where to start??!! Bad things in my life cause extreme stress.  Wanting people to suffer is what makes Lucifer evil.  My night terrors is an example.  Where does the demonic content in my night terrors come from?

      You are assuming Lucifer can't communicate with humans.  He is a spiritual entity.  He can do these things.   If he can't communicate with humans then he cannot teach us wisdom now can he?

      Nope, but neither did God.

      He demands it, yes. 

      God could have prevented Jesus' death but then how could Jesus die for our sins then and defeat death by resurrected? How else would His followers be inspired to evangelize. 

      Of course Jesus could be killed.  He was made of flesh and blood.

      He claims that he is here to liberate us from an evil god.  That is not the way and truth.

      Lucifer would love nothing better than the entire world to worship him.   That is why a New World Order is in the works.  One will then have to worship Lucifer.  For example, did you know it is the eye of Lucifer on the United States dollar bill?

      Consider this quote:

      "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."  -David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

      Revelation speaks of the Anti-Christ forcing people to worship him.  People need to be chipped in order to buy and sell.

      Aliens did and they serve the devil.   Genesis is not a Jewish story or Christian one.  It is a pagan one that comes from the Sumerian Tablets.

      People worship Lucifer because they think they may achieve mortality and complete global power.  It is evil to worship God for bad.  Then again, they aren't worshiping God.  They are just hiding behind the guise of God.  Like the Nazis and Crusaders.

      1. BuddiNsense profile image60
        BuddiNsenseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Being Satan you expect him to be truthful to you?
        Which world power is “evil” to the core? A society gets leaders like themselves, so are all human societies evil? What good did Jesus do? Is lambasting the rich, preaching and glorifying himself “good and holy”? And you expect them to say good things about their archrival?
        From your god, where else? Who gets benefited by evils? When evil happen do all people, including you, pray to Lucifer or your god? What good Lucifer gets by giving night terrors to you or any other people?
        He was once able to do that doesn’t mean he can always do that? He is less powerful and your god and his angels make sure that he cannot get back. He gave us the means, now it is our job to use it.
        And Lucifer is not a spirit but an angel. A spirit is part of the consciousness that make living beings conscious.
        According to the bible your god(genesis) got angry.

        Then why it is known to none except the followers of your god?
        If your god is powerful then he didn’t need to kill neither a human nor a god to defeat death, but if he is trying to create discord and make followers then, yes he should.
        He was a mere human, if he were!!
        That is the truth. Your god brought all the evil to the world and Lucifer gave us the wisdom to tide over the evil.
        Wouldn’t it be more correct if it is “god would love nothing better than the entire world to worship him”? The rest are from the followers of your god. It is the followers of your god who were trying to create a one world order, whether new or old. It is your gods followers who preach and evangelize. It is your god‘s followers who spread lies and does any tricks up their sleeve, including blaming Lucifer and creating sham organizations in the name of Lucifer, to create the New World order.
        A few days before you were telling me that natural evils are from nature, now you say it is from devil so which is it? If genesis is from Sumerian then new testament is from Greek and old testament, not original, if the same reasoning is used.
        Yea, it is Lucifer who promise heaven and eternal life, if one just eat Lucifer’s flesh or was it wine??!!

        Unfortunately you are not consistent. Either your god is responsible for all or he is not responsible for nothing. Either he should be worshipped for everything or he should not be worshipped at all. Anyway people worship irrespective of good or bad and people think more about god if bad happens and it is your god who benefit from bad happening.
        But you are right on one count, your god the angel is acting god but is not god and the true god do not need worship. He is not a trader to exchange goods for worship.

        1. Claire Evans profile image65
          Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Those who start war, etc, and are involved in the drug trade like the US government.  And quite frankly, I do not believe all of them are human.  Jesus treated women and gentiles with respect which is something that most Jewish men would not do.  He showed compassion by healing the sick. And what is so bad about preaching the truth? He wants us to be saved from the devil by us loving Him.  Arch-rival?

          What good does Lucifer get by giving me night terrors? How about fear that he feeds on and how about trying to get me to forsake my God. 

          Why can't Lucifer communicate with us any more? Does he no longer care? Why not teach wisdom to our world leaders and tell them to stop doing evil?  Who teaches you that Lucifer can't come back because of God? If He had that sort of power then I think He'd force the world to worship Him.  How did Lucifer impart wisdom in the first place?

          No, according to pagan stories that appears as Genesis in the Bible.

          He demands it, yes.

          So you think the world leaders are going to come out and say, "Hey, we sacrifice babies!"? Satanists are among us but most of the time you wouldn't know it.

          Jesus had to come to earth to witness to the truth.  People who hate the truth and are threatened by someone who is undermining their power like the Pharisees would want Jesus dead.  It was God's permissive will.

          In your opinion.

          Lucifer failed miserably, obviously.  Why can't the lay person access this wisdom?

          Then why doesn't God force the world to worship Him? Why rely on mere human followers?  Christians hardly can bring in a New World Order.   It has been 2000 years now.

          Natural disasters occur because the earth is volatile.  However, technology exists that can induce natural disasters artificially.  Heard of HAARP? Not the whole of the Old Testament is negated although I see very little truth in it.  Jesus actually changed the order that happened in the Old Testament. 

          What power does he have to give us heaven and eternal life if he just an angel? He can't even communicate with us anymore let alone give us eternal life.  I don't know anything about claims that we ought to eat his flesh. 

          You are not consistent.  Why should God be responsible for everything? Who made that rule? God loves us so much that He gave us free will and some with that free will have chosen Him and others have chosen the devil.  So now my god is an angel?? If He is all powerful as an angel then why isn't Lucifer also as an angel all powerful, too?

          1. BuddiNsense profile image60
            BuddiNsenseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You haven’t read the passages where Jesus encouraging blind faith in him, where he scolds ‘the lack of faith’ that is utter submission and where he couldn’t perform miracles because his villagers thought him one among them or where 'he intended to pass them by' even though they were in danger?

            Hasn’t history taught you anything? Though initially people subject to power they eventually revolt. It is not he who gave free will but Lucifer, the genesis metaphor of snake and apple makes it more than clear. Do you think “daily bread” is all that humans want? And people will simply stand and say ‘hallelujah’ and “anoint the feet’ just for that?

            Not it is because your god is evil. World is not evil, evil is created by your god so that people will worship him.
            Lucifer “plans”? Don’t make me laugh. When powerful angels of your god are watching over earth Lucifer has no chance. The only chance he got, he made humans human instead of the ‘blind faithful robots’ your god envisioned.  And for that he is eternally vilified. Even the beneficiaries of his kind act, us, hate him and praise and worship our enemy. What more can he do? And all the evidences show that it is the followers of your god who tries to make a one world order.

            You see I am not an angel to know the ways of angels but I can see that many followers of your god abandon all logic and reason and use ridiculous arguments to support your god.

            ?? How on the deuce you made out that I said earth is 4000 years old? I said human “civilization” is 4000 years old. That is humans began to build cities and to have literature 4000 years before.
            A new world order is here for the last 2000 years and yes it is horrific and though it has lost its teeth its followers are trying to bring it back.
            Propaganda by the followers of your god. Any evil attribute it to Lucifer and make your god a saint.

            Not with power.

            The Roman Empire did collapse all powers will eventually collapse. No aliens who can think have visited the earth in the last two thousand years except may be the angels of your god. Without their permission not even a bacteria can get into the earth. So if any “aliens” wanted Constantine then it is the followers of your god. [it is quite simple, who benefitted by Constantine but your god?]

            If people are suspicious, why millions are cheated of their money every year by one or other schemes?  People are not suspicious, they are believers. A few people who pointed out the foolishness where eradicated by the followers of your god.
            Romans were not happy, then why did Pilate try to save him?

            Another lie by your god. Sin need forgiveness and atonement and not death. It need to be forgiven by the one who the sin is committed against. The rest are created by your god to make followers.

            So Jesus spiritual domain was intact and it was with god? So what is this separation? Our bodies are nothing but mud; it is our spirit that makes us. You admit it to be nonsense and yes it is nonsense but the followers of your go to such ridiculous ends to create more followers and create a new world order. The twist the meanings of words and use convoluted language to mislead people into believing them there by creating a new world order, the satanic world order.

            People believe first and ask proof later if at all they ask; by that time it is too late. They will start create reasons and rationalize their accepted believe just like you are doing now. You know what you say sound like nonsense to anyone who is not indoctrinated, but you use ambiguous words to obfuscate the meaning even to yourself to justify the belief. It is just another Ponzy scheme by your god and you are taken in and you will believe till you are swindled of your last penny no matter what others say.

            Paul initially didn’t realize that Jesus was your god’s toy, when he realized he changed track.

            What was Judas doing?

            He treated them with respect so long they serve his purpose. He did what the present preachers do; stage acted healing to get followers. A government is the representation of its people. If the politicians are corrupt, it is because the people are corrupt.

            Lucifer should have some common sense even after all these years to know that sufferings make people turn towards their god (though stories sometime say the contrary), don’t you think? It is your god who benefit by your terrors, it is the reaper who sow.

            Lucifer is less powerful than your lord hence he cannot communicate with humans, your god who is the most powerful wouldn’t allow it. Lucifer brought alien DNA to mix with immediate ancestors of Humans.

            Satanist are the followers of your god, he is the one who need sacrifice. According to you he sacrificed his own son, didn’t he? If that is not the most gruesome crime then I do not know what is.

            Again you are using false language. God wanted jesus killed so that he could get followers.

            No, in your opinion. If jesus could be killed he was a mere Human. If jesus is god then he couldn’t be killed, clear?

            Because your god has the upper hand. Your god want obedient people not thinking people.

              Simple force can’t make people worship for eternity.
            So the followers of Lucifer are going to bring it in a few years where your “most powerful god” and his followers failed!!!

            What is it, natural disasters natural or artificial? If it is natural, then similarly disease including night terrors is because of deviation in human anatomy and natural agents or a combination of both, no one is responsible. If it artificial then your god being the most powerful and as the one behind every change in earth, is responsible for natural disasters and terrors.
            If OT is negated because of “little truth” so is NT. OT contains just as much truth as NT.

            Do not understand sarcasm? It is not Lucifer but your god who promised eternal life not Lucifer. Or doesn’t your god promise eternal life? Reason? I already explained –followers.

            God is responsible for all things or he is NOT responsible for anything, you cannot simply say ‘those things I like (good) hence my god is responsible and the other things I do not like (bad) hence Lucifer is responsible’.  God didn’t give free will that is a false propaganda by your god. And all the crimes you accuse Lucifer is done by your god including sacrifice, why do he need it?
              Why Lucifer is not as powerful as your god, the same reason why one human is different from another, do you think you are as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger?

            1. Claire Evans profile image65
              Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Give me the exact verses so I can give the right context.

              In the case of Jesus, He did not force people to worship Him so why should His followers revolt? Why would Jesus have bothered to have a following when He knows in the end it will flop?  Again, that genesis story is lifted off other pagan stories.  It has nothing to do with God.  In the literal translation of the Old Testament, people rebel against the aliens that have captured them and not God. 

              As for daily bread, it means He gives us enough.  We will not be in want.  If we love Him we would not covet things that are more that corrupts us.  It doesn't mean I have to live on the bare minimum.  We must not ask, "How will I pay the bill? How will I put food on the table for my family?" God will provide for those needs.  He will not provide for our greed though.

              So you think that someone who rapes automatically must worship God? Let me give you an example of how evil Lucifer is:

              "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
              "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

              "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

              Pike, a Freemason and worshiper of Lucifer, held the office of Chief Justice of the KKK .
              That was an extremely evil organization.  Freemasonry is about Lucifer worshiper and they rule the world.  See how evil governments are.

              Poor, poor Lucifer.  How hard he is done by! A powerless being would not be appealing to Freemasons.

              So now you are not sure how God communicates with humans but you think the followers are in cahoots with a God to deceive people?

              But you seem to know the ways of Lucifer.

              Sorry, I misread but human civilization is way older.  It can be as old as 44 000 years because German flutes were found to be that old.  The Chinese civilization is dated back 5000 years.   There are structures made that are way older that 4000 years old. 

              Nope, the New World Order is when one needs to accept a microchip in order to buy or sell and be recognized as a legal entity.

              As the Son of God I do not believe it would be so hard to make gentiles follow Him.  Eventually gentiles did follow Him but He could have been the head of the world and made everyone worship Him. 

              What?? Bacteria doesn't need permission from anyone.  It doesn't obey instructions.  There is such thing as permissive will.  Yes, it would serve His purpose to allow Christianity to become worldwide.  God wants to reach us to all of us.  But on the flipside there is the Vatican that is the Whore of Babylon.  The false prophet will come from the Vatican.

              You are suspicious of a Ponzy scheme right? Why? Because you have heard of the stories of scams.  The truth of the matter is that people have heard of Ponzy schemes because they are advertised.  The resurrection was not advertised and people knew no one else that was resurrected.  People didn't know that there was a chance they could benefit unlike those who take chances with a Ponzy Scheme. 

              You mean, why did Pilate try to save Jesus? He could have been touched by Jesus and not think He deserved death and he could not have appreciated being backed into a corner by the Jews and tried everything to undermine the Jewish authorities.  Could have been an ego thing.

              As I said, sin leads to eternal death.  Jesus took on our sin so that we could be forgiven if we truly repent.  For Jesus to have conquered evil then it means we can be saved from hell because God can forgive the worse kind of evil.  If God couldn't, Jesus would have been lost in hell forever as well as us.

              Let's put it to you this way.  If someone told you that your neighbour had risen from the dead and you witnessed the death  and there was a prophecy he would rise from the dead, would you not try and see him for yourself or would you just accept it as true and follow a new religion based on his death and resurrection?

              What was in it for Paul?

              I don't understand what you mean.

              Out of interest sake, where is your proof that Jesus was a con artist? Where did you get your beliefs from?

              Actually many people who suffer blame God for their troubles and abandon Him.  Many atheists say they cannot appreciate a God who does nothing about suffering in the world. 

              He cannot communicate with humans but teaches us wisdom, right? That's a contradiction.  I do agree with Lucifer brought aliens DNA to mingle with our own.

              There is a difference between laying down your life for people like Jesus did and sacrificing to appease the gods. 


              You aren't listening to what I am saying.  If God took on the role of the Son who came in the flesh then He can die.  All flesh dies.  But God as the Holy Spirit can never die.

              Lucifer sounds like a pathetic creature to me.


              Then why does God bother? Why get followers just so that they desert him later on.  He is a powerful entity.  He doesn't need covert means to get followers.  He can just take over the human brain and force us to worship Him.

              Who is the prince of this world? Lucifer.  Therefore powerful people who follow him have the means to usher in this world order.  The followers of Jesus do not have the power to take over world governments.

              They are both natural and "artificial".  Satanists have concocted diseases in their laboratories.  In ancient times aliens did.  Disease is a form of population control.  God is not behind every change of earth.  Both God and Satan have power on this earth.  They most likely were co-creators of the universe.  It's your opinion that the NT has little truth.

              If God is a god of love and holiness then it would be so fitting to link good with him.  Satan is a deity of evil so it is logical to associate all things bad with him.  If Lucifer was a pathetic helpless angel then he would not be worshiped as a god.

  12. skellie profile image74
    skellieposted 10 years ago

    There have been so many great responses already but no one can truly say for sure. It is impossible!
    I will tell you that my young son had night terrors for a very long time. At was at my wits end and did not know what to do for him.

    My hubby is from a Greek Orthodox background and he placed a St George Icon above my sons bed.
    It has now been nearly 2 months and my son has not had one night terror!

    Is it a coincidence?   I was very skeptical at first but it did and continues to work. I am starting to believe that a higher power made this happen.

    1. Claire Evans profile image65
      Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is no coincidence.  I'm happy your son has found peace.

  13. shaguftah4315 profile image58
    shaguftah4315posted 10 years ago

    It has another meanings. They don't have time bit still want to appreciate you. m i right claire?

    1. Claire Evans profile image65
      Claire Evansposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  14. profile image49
    griffinbposted 10 years ago


  15. profile image49
    griffinbposted 10 years ago


  16. mtariqsattar profile image78
    mtariqsattarposted 8 years ago

    That is an interesting question and makes me think deep hard on my visions that are nightmarish at times.
    Nonetheless, devil continuously is in work to perturb human beings. His army of darkness would do anything to do that. Our pain is his happiness, remember!

  17. profile image0
    True Havenposted 8 years ago

    there's someone by the name 'sue brinkmann,' who knows a think or two about such stuff. perhaps you could look her up online; there are interviews of her on youtube

    1. Claire Evans profile image65
      Claire Evansposted 8 years agoin reply to this



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