Is Halloween a celebration of Satan and his demons?

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  1. Angelladywriter profile image65
    Angelladywriterposted 11 years ago

    "Celebrations like Halloween are in conflict with Bible teachings. The Bible warns: 'There must never be anyone among you who . . .practices divination, who is soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.'" Deteronomy 18:10,11, The New Jerusalem Bible; see also Leviticus 19:31; Galatians 5:19-21. (Awake, September 2013)

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not recall ever seeing a child with a bag of candy on that night calling up ghosts.  (As such a thing cannot be done, neither has anyone else, for that matter)

      I have never seen any costumed (or not) person at a Halloween party trying to foretell the future or call up the dead.  Such acts, including "...divination, who is soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead" have not been a part of any celebration I have ever seen or been a part of.  If your parties differ, I would question just what kind of people you associate with.

      So to answer your question, no.  The only people that ever associated Halloween with Demons or Satan are Christians; those that originated the festivities had no such beliefs at all.  They DID use divination (as does every scientist in the world) and they DID consult ghosts and call up the dead, but not on Halloween.  Those practices died out long ago, though, as people educated themselves about the world around them.

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
        MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Anyone who has never associated Halloween with demons has obviously never led charge of a group of four year olds hyped up on sugar and up way past their bedtime.

        Demons are real... holy water doesn't work on them... Benedryl might though.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hmm.  Good point - I go out with my grandkids trick or treating, and it is just as you say.  Perhaps if you carry a cross on the quest for candy? big_smile

      2. Angelladywriter profile image65
        Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your response. Please remember, whether they are conjuring up spirits or not during a Halloween party, is not the point. There have been a tremendous amount of research completed regarding the fact that "Halloween is steeped in paganism." You may view it as innocent but how does your "Grand Creator" view it, when you are dressed up as the walking dead? God wants us to be happy and celebrate life, not death which causes billions of people today to be sad when they lose a loved one. Death has never made anyone happy but the birth of a child, can bring happiness and a celebration.   

        It is up to each individual to make their own decisions because we all have free will, given to us by Jehovah God. Being informed and not a follower of what everyone else is doing, can be a true source of freedom. I have been free for many years of having the pressure of holidays such as Halloween because knowing its origin and explaining that to my children, gave them the freedom of choice. They do not have to wait until October to eat candy or wear costumes. This can be accomplished anytime, as they celebrate life daily.

        1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
          MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          LOL, most Christian holidays are steeped in Paganism.

          I would suggest you don't celebrate any of them.

        2. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          My "grand Creator" has no view at all on Halloween, probably because it does not exist.

          Halloween originally celebrated the end of the life giving harvest, not death.  It did have to do with their beloved ancestors, just as our memorial day does, but that is hardly a celebration of death.

          Absolutely being informed is important.  You might start by informing yourself on the history of Halloween before writing it off as evil: I strongly suspect that your "knowledge" of Halloween comes from your pastor (or equivalent) and not from a study of history. 

          Nearly all the parts of Halloween that you find evil comes directly from Christian influence, not the pagans.  Witches, black cats, demons, devil worship - all of these come from the twisted minds of ancient Christians, not the nature loving pagans.  Even the costumes and asking for treats came from the Christian community in the form of "souling" and later "guising".  Certainly the mischief of Halloween originated with Christians long after they had stamped out the competing religion of Paganism.  Even the dreaded Jack-O-Lantern comes from Ireland, long after the druids had vanished.

          If you are interested in learning the actual history of Halloween rather than Christian propaganda designed to vilify it, I wrote a hub on it last year.

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
            MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I always adored the conversations with JW's I had about satan and pagans.

            No one ever had an answer as to how those who don't believe in the Bible can believe in a figure who is mentioned ONLY in the Bible.

            Pagans were nice and happy worshiping their trees and the cycles of the season. Such a creature as Satan never crossed their mind.

            I wonder if they realize that in order to worship Satan, you must first believe in him.  Only Christians believe in him...

            So yes, we have Christianity to thank for devil worshippers.


            As an aside, I consider the association between pagans and evil to be very very close to hate speech.

            1. profile image0
              MysticMoonlightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Standing ovation, Melissa. +111111111111111......No disrespect to any Christian, but I sure wish they all could be more like you, Deepes, and Mo. The world would be a better place. Sincerest thanks to you.

            2. Angelladywriter profile image65
              Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              No matter how we try to dismiss evil, whether we call it Satan or paganism, it still exist. I would love to live in a world without hatred but unfortunately that is why we still have to acknowledge 9/11. When we become informed, then we can prepare to be on the defense in any scenario. Pretending it does not exist, does not cause evil to go away. Please become informed, it can be lifesaving.

              1. EncephaloiDead profile image55
                EncephaloiDeadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                The "informed" who vilify events such as Halloween should only be too happy to see others vilify Christmas, as well.

            3. PhoenixV profile image67
              PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              This is about one of the most stupid rationales I ever heard in my life .

              1. Angelladywriter profile image65
                Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I apologize for your rationale because obviously you have not done the research. If you have children or family members, they deserve the time you can take for research and prayer. How sad it is when we just follow the crowd and don't ask questions. We can end up being taken for ridiculous money that we do not have to spend or jeopardize our family and ourselves spiritually. So often, we try to figure out why we have been manipulated by politicians or corrupt individuals, when we should have just asked "why and for what purpose" are we doing certain things.

                1. PhoenixV profile image67
                  PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  My response was to someone else that basically said that Christians were culpable for devil worshipers.

                  Kind of like driving my Nissan over someone and blaming Japan.

                  1. wilderness profile image89
                    wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    No, more like hearing 10th hand that someone else intentionally drove Nissan over someone and blaming Japan.

                2. MelissaBarrett profile image60
                  MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                  I do my research OUTSIDE of reading a Watchtower.

                  Although following the crowd comment was hilarious, all things considered.

                  Why are you so upset about death anyway? It's my understanding that the dead are only sleeping in your faith.

                  My kids are quite well taken care... they are also pretty psychologically healthy... at least healthy enough to know that eating some candy corn doesn't mean they worship the devil.

                  1. PhoenixV profile image67
                    PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Maybe you should try reading the Watchtower. Might do you some good?

                    I am not really any denomination but I am descended from a famous Methodist but I have a lot of respect for JW. I like some of their basic tenets and they have an amazing story to tell regarding WW2 and the little holocaust they went though.

              2. MelissaBarrett profile image60
                MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                You must not proofread your own posts then...

                That explains quite a bit.

          2. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
            DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Well said, wilderness, well said.

            That said...many "Christian" traditions...including Christmas...were originally Pagan... (Winter solstice/Yule/Saturnalia) were all at that time of year.. they were simply "baptized" and yes, twisted, by the early church in their evil quest to convert everyone to THEIR way of thinking and worshipping--so they figured by absorbing the existing customs, it would make it easier to trick the Pagans into compliance....
            Otherwise, they resorted to torture, murder, mayhem and other heinous, and decidedly UN-christian acts (The Crusades; The Spanish Inquisition; the slaughter of the Aztec and Mayan cultures, etc.) in order to FORCE their beliefs onto others.
            Sadly, the lesson has not been learned, and even here, in our FREE country with FREEDOM of religion (by extension=freedom FROM religion), we are still besieged by those who would force THEIR beliefs into the laws of the land for the rest of us, despite our constitutional guarantee of separation of church and state.  (This ploy is an attempt at an end-run around the Constitution, and should be treated as treasonous.)
            And did you know that at the Council of Nicea, in about the year 325 or so--there were removed from the 'bible' more books than now currently exist within that tome??!!   Among those books was the book of Massachai, which instructed priests, etc. in the details of how to murder, torture, rape, pillage, and otherwise violently intimidate others into "believing" as the church wanted them to? Yes, it is true--and what remains of that book is its contribution as the root of our modern word, "massacre." 
            How do I know?  Because my husband is a licensed minister, and they teach all of these things in seminary school.  After learning all of this, he refuses to practice, as he could not live with his conscience preaching what he knows to be lies.
            Spare me from religions of all stripes!  I've no use for any of them.  They are all about control and power, nothing more.  If you believe in a creator, and feel the need to worship, you don't need a church for that--a grove of redwood trees or a flowing stream will do just fine....

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              All true.  In the very early days, Christianity HAD no holidays or celebrations.  For the most part they came about as a method of gaining converts; set up a new holiday that conveniently coincides with one the people already have and conversion becomes a little easier.  The idea was to keep the date as a holiday, just conscript the meaning to something Christianity found "good".  The people are happy as they still have their celebration and the Church is happy as they are celebrating in a "good" way.

              Early Christians knew this principle well, and most of their holidays were made for that very reason.  Christmas, Halloween (All Saint's Day to Christians) and, to a lesser extent, even Easter were all designed specifically to make conversion of pagans easier.

              1. profile image0
                Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Not to be nitpicky...but November 1 is All Saints' Day.  October 31 is considered the EVE of All Saints Day, All Hallows' Eve, hence Halloween.


                1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
                  MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this



                  1. Zelkiiro profile image59
                    Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    A thread about Halloween is never quite complete without some King Diamond in it:

                    The Trial (Chambre Ardente) (CONFESS, WITCH!!)
                    Black Horsemen
                    The Invisible Guests
                    The Portrait

                2. wilderness profile image89
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  That is correct - the days were specifically chosen to coincide with Samhain, the pagan festival of harvest end/ winter beginning.  Samhain (because of a different concept of what a "day" is) began sundown Oct 31 and continued through sundown Nov. 1.  Note that Halloween, being celebrated after sundown, technically falls mostly on what we consider the next day, or All Saints Day.  A little confusing because we figure a day from midnight to midnight, not sundown to sundown.

                  All of which pretty plainly tells us that Christianity inevitably had a part in creating our modern Halloween customs, as did the Pagans.

                  1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
                    MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Nope... Christians that were sinners caused Halloween... Christians that weren't sinners built schools and churches.

                    It was a busy Christian... considering there was only one of all history.

            2. PhoenixV profile image67
              PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              The book of Massachai? Never heard of it.  I am looking at the etymology of the word massacre and your post does not make sense. Books canonized for the NT would not be instructing priests anyway.

              I think your whole post is nonsense and a deliberate smear.

              1. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
                DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry you feel that way, PhoenixV, but it IS true.  Naturally, since this was a 'secret' council of sorts; something the then powers-that-be did not want the average person to know, it was buried in the church archives, and not put into common dictionaries, so of course the etymology would seem to not match.
                However, and I re-emphasize--these are things my husband learned IN SEMINARY SCHOOL....things that they don't speak of to their congregations. 
                It is not a smear--it is merely the truth of the matter--and sadly, the truth is often uncomfortable to hear.

                1. PhoenixV profile image67
                  PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Was it an online seminary school? The Council didnt canonize any books. It is BS that you cannot back up.

                  1. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
                    DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    No, it was NOT an online school.  It is located in San Jose, CA, and is reputable. 
                    Canonization is what is done to PEOPLE to turn them into "saints" not to books.  They DELETED books, not "sainted" them. 
                    It is only BS to those who do not want to acknowledge the truth.  And that truth is, that FOR THE MOST PART religion over the centuries HAS been used as a tool of power and control over the masses.  After all, bottom line, churches are businesses--their 'tax exempt' status not withstanding.  They are businesses--and if they can't keep people cowed and coming to church and donating, then, they are out of business...and what a business--to build fine buildings instead of doing what they preach...empty words.

                2. PhoenixV profile image67
                  PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  The Truth lady, is that many Christians give their time and money their clothes and their food to people in need every single day.

                  So you can keep your lies.

                  1. wilderness profile image89
                    wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Christians, like everyone else, donate to the poor so that means the council of Nicaea never met?

                  2. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
                    DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Just because "many Christians" do the right thing, does not mean they all do...or that no of from some other sect does not.  That is beside the point...the point is...religion IS AND HAS BEEN the cause of more wars, disharmony and mass deaths than nearly any other cause.

                  3. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
                    DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    "The truth is,"....that the bible was written many, many years AFTER the time of the man Jesus on is a collection of many different writings, some done as many as centuries later.  It is, in full a work of HUMANS, not some diety...and its purpose is control...and, you might notice, male chauvinism...
                    (Look up some of the books yourself, and see how they condemn, disrespect and devalue women!)
                    The TRUTH is, if this tome were to be held up to the rules of evidence in a court of law, the entire collection would be dismissed as hearsay! 

                    And with that, I'm done and out of here, because SOME people apparently cannot listen to truth without calling someone else names either directly or by implication.  This has turned into a flame war, and I'm done.

            3. oceansnsunsets profile image82
              oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              That last comment makes me think of Jesus, ironically.  His message was simple, and to the point.  About freedom and life, and he is the person Christians are supposedly supposed to be following. 

              Also, if his message is true, it makes sense others came along and distorted it.  Using it for power, and using what turned out to be often anti Christ like means to do so.  I find in times like this, the good tool for measurement is Jesus himself.  Otherwise you can pull out of a "goody bag" all kinds of anti Christian thing to try and demonize it.  Same is true for whichever religion is in question.

    2. PhoenixV profile image67
      PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Let the kids celebrate it. Think of it as a "going away party" for those that support evil.


    3. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Quite a few churches these days (host) Halloween parties to provide a safe environment for their member's children. Most people don't confuse dressing up in costumes and seeking "free candy" or going out to a party with devil worship! This is especially true of young children.

      Last but not least not everyone believes what was written in the bible is the "gospel truth". No pun intended. Nevertheless in a free society each of us has the "choice" to participate or not. Thank God! :-)

  2. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Anyone who "practices divination, who is soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead" is having a very different Halloween from me.

    What does the Bible say about costumes and candy bars?

    1. Angelladywriter profile image65
      Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your response. When you carefully consider how the costumes and candy are part of the "event marketing," to Halloween. That is why the apostle Paul stated, "I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. (1 Corinthians 10:20-22, New International Version) Paul also asked, "What common interest can there be between goodness and evil?" Numerous researchers as well as a spokesman for France's Conference of Catholic Bishops stated, "Halloween 'distorts the meaning of life and death.'" The majority of mankind enjoys the celebration of life. Anything that has to do with the celebration of death, I personally try to avoid because it brings too much sadness. For additional information on "The Truth About Popular Celebrations" go to

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Souling, the history of our candy, was children asking for "soul cakes" in return for offering a prayer the next day (All Souls Day) for the givers ancestors.

        Guilsing, the next development, was children in costume visiting homes asking for coins, cakes or fruits, often carrying hollowed out turnips with candles in them.  The first recorded Guising was in 1895 Scotland - a bastion of Christianity.

        Can you explain what either one of these has to do with demons?  Outside, of course, that all are connected to Christianity and none of them have anything to do with Paganism?

        1. Angelladywriter profile image65
          Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Interesting response. Please consider, that even if you did not consider Christianity in the picture, why would we make a mockery of our precious ancestors by dressing up in costumes of witches, devils or ghosts? We should want to celebrate the life they lived and not find a holiday such as Halloween, to remember them by. I think, they deserve better.

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Why in the world would you find such things to be a mockery?  People, particularly children, have fun "dressing up" and there is no more mockery intended during Halloween than there is in a movie or play script.  Should you or anyone else take offense it HAS to be because you are looking and trying hard to find something to be offended about.

            Are you trying to say that modern Halloween celebrations are about our ancestors?  Because the ghosts of Halloween, the ancestors, were left behind mellenia ago.  They no long play a part at all; just playing, dressing up as a general "scary" ghost and not anyone's specific ancestor at all. 

            Truly, setting aside carefully designed and built up excuses, do you have ANY reason to hate the holiday so much?  Outside of a tiny handful of people making up their own rules, Halloween has absolutely nothing to do with religion anymore.  It's not about death, demons, the devil, ghosts or any other supernatural superstition - it's about kids trick or treating, laughter and excitement.  As with all celebrations, it's about party time and enjoying yourself with other people.  Had you given your children the chance to participate and watched as they charged up to a house (pausing to make sure that pumpkin wasn't a monster) and, giving the homeowner a cheerful and excited "Tank OOO!" as they ran off with their "plunder", you would have a much better understanding of what Halloween is today.  For it really is not what that small handful wish to turn it into  and you really have turned a child's playground into something evil, something it never was even in Pagan times.

            Christians have a very long (2,000 year) history of vilify the celebrations of other belief systems regardless of what form they took.  It was a very carefully designed and orchestrated effort to promote conversion, and it is long past time that such activity died.  Come, join the 21st century and leave the evils that Christianity promoted to history.  Take Christ as your savior, and God as your personal god, as you see fit, but leave the evils the organized church did in the past where they belong.

            1. PhoenixV profile image67
              PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              What a load of garbage.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Ignore it then.  Whether you choose to learn and improve yourself, or not, is totally up to you.

                1. PhoenixV profile image67
                  PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Lies and distortion is not improving oneself.

    2. Zelkiiro profile image59
      Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's not to mention the fact that magic and divination are fictional ramblings of ancient madmen, and those people who actually believe them to be real should probably be checked into an insane asylum.

      1. Angelladywriter profile image65
        Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I am so sorry you feel that way. If evil, magic and divination does not exist, what do you think causes people to walk into schools and kill innocent children? What causes people to walk with a facility and just kill innocent men, women and children just for the thrill of it. Sure, some do have mental issues. But what caused even the mentally challenged to experience this type of imperfection.  I would love to live in a world where evil things did not occur but everyday we see unexplained violence everywhere. Humans were created in God's image and that is why we are compassionate, loving and merciful. From the Garden of Eden where Satan caused Adam and Eve to disobey Jehovah God based on Genesis Chapter three, down to our day; all mankind continues to be sinful and experience problems with the wicked one trying to get us to disobey God as well. Pretending that evil does not exist, will never cause it to go away. Check your daily news stories. Mankind is just not that wicked, something influences them to do wicked acts just as Satan influenced Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
        Please pray for direction and do your research. It is a trick by Satan, that you don't believe he exist. Good and evil has always existed from the beginning of time.
        If you want to do some additional research, please obtain a free copy of a publication entitled, "What Does The Bible Really Teach?" Chapter ten explains, "Spirit Creatures-How They Affect Us?" This publication can be obtained at

        1. A Troubled Man profile image60
          A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You have already provided the answer to those questions...

          Now, you know. smile

        2. MelissaBarrett profile image60
          MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          One more link to the website, I'm considering it spamming and reporting it. Religions conversation is one thing, but the forums are not the place for blatant spamming to your religion's website.

          Show some tact.

          Secondly, mental illness is not caused by Satan. That's ALSO hate speech. You've successfully managed to spread both lies and vile hatred against a religious group and a disabled group by implying that both were evil and suggesting a disability was caused by evil spirits.

          Thirdly, you talk about children's deaths nonchalantly to prove a religious point. That's pretty reprehensible.  If your faith was really the correct one, it is unlikely that you would need to attempt to convert by using dead children as your soapbox.

          Jesus wouldn't use such uncaring, hurtful tactics just to gain members to fill the collection plates.

          Your posts read like I would guess a town meeting in Salem sounded. Next thing you know, someone is going to suggest burning a bi-polar person or someone with autism at the stake to rid him of his demonic possession.

        3. aliasis profile image72
          aliasisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          The problem is that you don't believe in the true religion - Pastafarians. Until you accept the Flying Spaghetti Monster as the One True God and are touched by his noodly appendage, you will never be spiritually complete. I strongly urge you to accept the truth and the gospel. I am happy to refer to the appropriate religious texts and resources.

  3. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
    DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years ago

    Oh, please!   (Shaking my head)

    1. Angelladywriter profile image65
      Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi DzyMsLizzy,
      Sorry, you feel that way. Do you really think that anything associated with death, should be celebrated? Death causes too much sadness no matter how or what package it is wrapped in. Even if it is called, "Halloween."  I just try to stay informed and not follow the crowd because millions try to say it is ok. If you do some additional research, your opinion might be different. Remember, we all have "free will."

      1. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
        DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It isn't ABOUT death, for pity sakes.  It's about having fun. 
        Besides, even if it were a "celebration" of what?  It's not like folks are saying they are happy someone has died--they are merely re-affirming and acknowledging that death is but a part of life, given that you don't get out of life alive.  The modern "taboo" on speaking about death, and all its euphemisms is rather ridiculous.  We no longer die;  we "kick the bucket; buy the farm; pass on; go to one's reward; shuffle off this mortal coil (Shakespeare); pass away; cross to the other side,"  and any number of other silly expressions to avoid saying simply that someone died.

        1. Angelladywriter profile image65
          Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Please explain the death of children, the way you expressed it to parents or siblings, who have lost someone, poisoned by candy on Halloween. Every year, somewhere in the world, this occurs during this celebration that you explained as, "It isn't ABOUT death, for pity sakes. It's about having fun." Why is it necessary, for parents every year to pick certain homes that their children can obtain candy from? Even after some parents do this, they still go through the candy their children obtained, to make sure it is safe. I pray that we do not lose another child on these type of celebrations and then explain to their loved ones, "simply that someone died."

          1. psycheskinner profile image77
            psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Um, you think the existence of a few child hating freaks means Halloween is "about" death>

            No, it isn't.

            No more than roller-costers, or riding ponies, or giving birth, or a million others things that occassionally have mortalities are.

          2. A Troubled Man profile image60
            A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Based on your logic, we need to stop doing absolutely everything in which "somewhere in the world... who have lost someone".

            We better stop using cars, taking showers, having bath, walking on floors, running, breathing, etc.

          3. aliasis profile image72
            aliasisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Poisoned candy is actually a grossly exaggerated urban myth. Real instances of it are very few and far between - if they are there at all.

            Also, people committing horrible acts doesn't have anything to do with Halloween. Horrible things happen every day. That's life, not demons. I mean, I could say church is about religious leaders raping children by your logic, just because it has happened, that is clearly what Christianity is about, right? Raping kids?

    2. FatFreddysCat profile image61
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ^^ What they said.

    3. gmwilliams profile image84
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, here WE go again with ANOTHER SUCH THREAD.  The ever continuing saga..................

      1. aliasis profile image72
        aliasisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        lol is that Darth Maul? Gotta love these stupid "ahhh! Demons! Pagans! praise Jesus and shun the non-believers!" threads. The only real worthy response is trolling them.

        1. gmwilliams profile image84
          gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Better yet, ATTACK and go for the JUGULAR, HE HE HE..........

          1. Cardisa profile image90
            Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            lol lol lol. Been watching this thread and was waiting for someone to lighten the

            1. gmwilliams profile image84
              gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks Cardisa, lighten the thread but in a DARK way...........ooooooooh, boogety, boogety, boogety boooooooooooo.
              Hellllllooooo.............Let's have some.....FUN........shall WE.........(demonic laughter)
              I'm GAME................YOU know ME......................
              Hmmmmm............................ Who shall YOU invite to this dark fest, my dear?
              I'M on board, of course........
              Don't you DARE forget me, MY REPUTATION precedes ME, EVERYONE knows who I AM......

              1. Cardisa profile image90
                Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Nice adding Vanessa Williams in's such a Diva, I love her!

                1. gmwilliams profile image84
                  gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  That is her portraying Wihelmina Slater. I simply LOVE VILHELMINA................

  4. oceansnsunsets profile image82
    oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years ago

    To the OP, I think what matters is your intent on Halloween, when people take their little kids trick or treating.  Personally, I don't find the things listed in your verses to be the same as when kids dress up to go say trick or treat for candy.  That said, I respect anyone's right to not do so if they felt they were to be doing something along the lines of divination, sorcery and witchcraft, etc.

  5. aliasis profile image72
    aliasisposted 11 years ago

    Um... wow, what a question, let me try to answer with a straight face, haha. Halloween, as Samhain, existed before Christianity existed. Back to the Celtic pagans, it was a day of remembering the dead, and believed that spirits were closer to the human world on that day than any other day in the year. Halloween basically existed before the idea of Satan even existed, so no, this holiday has nothing to do with Christian mythology. Not to mention, today, only New Age Pagans, such as Wiccans, actually hold any kind of "ancient" significance to it, it's today basically just a fun holiday to celebrate spooky stuff, wear costumes and eat candy.

    1. Angelladywriter profile image65
      Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      interesting reply. Please remember that Satan existed in the Garden of Eden. He tricked Eve into believing that, "You positively will not die," if she disobeyed God. (Genesis 3:4) The garden of Eden was definitely before any man made holiday. Satan continues to use the same tactics today, by tricking us to believe that certain holidays such as Halloween are just fun and he has nothing to do with him and his demons. Please do more  research and just learn to ask questions about what you get involved in.

      1. aliasis profile image72
        aliasisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, but I'm not a Christian. My answer is based on history, not mythology. I actually love Halloween,  it's very spiritual for me personally, a good day to meditate. If you don't like it, more candy for the rest of us, right? wink

  6. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 11 years ago

    ..celebrating death is a good thing for some....i wish i could have experienced the day of the dead when i was in's a celebration....remembering those who have passed.....celebrating loved ones who have died and who they were and remembering...not quite Oct 31 but Nov 1/2....which with catholics is/was all saints day - Nov 1 - a holy day.......and then there is the fun stuff around halloween in NA for kids to have some fun....more a catholic kid growing up...we had Nov 1 off to sleep in and eat some of our candy from the previous night's 'trick/treating' - Oct. was a fun time

    ...believe in the devil/evil shyte all you want OP ....glad i do not walk through life thinking about that....and fearing something that doesn't exist but in one's mind.....relax OP...find the more positive side of life....and it will be good....don't try to define it ....just take it one day at a time....and happy

  7. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
    crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years ago

    Halloween which happens to be one of my favorite holidays is not about Satan Worship. Some really uptight Christians claim it is but that's just not so.

    Halloween was taken from All Hallows Eve which is the day before The Feast of all Saints which is on November 1.

    A lot of the Halloween Traditions are from the Celtic Samhain which was a holiday celebrating the end of summer and the harvest.

    The first Jack O' Lanterns were hand carved turnips with a candle inside. It was not until the custom came to America that a pumpkin was used.

    I was raised a Catholic and at one point in my life I was ordained a Catholic Priest. I have returned to my Native American religion and have come full circle. So many people who profess to be Christians would probably run Jesus off if he came to their church in a robe and sandals. I resigned years ago from the Catholic church because of my beliefs and because I was madly in love with a woman who is the greatest woman I ever knew. I'm still with her today and I am very happy. I was 63 in May and I love life. Halloween makes children happy and that makes it fine for me. I will be carving pumpkins and decorating my yard.

    I get angry at churches who have Halloween Carnivals and then push religion on the children and parents who come to the events. It is cruel to do that to little children with developing minds. Allow them time to figure out who they are and what they want to be.

    I guess you could say I'm now a Pagan. And I am happier than I have ever been in my life. You know what I think Jesus would have approved of Halloween.

    1. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
      crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years ago

      Exactly. I loved your reply PhoenixV. Christian missionaries stole my grandmother from the Pine Ridge reservation when she was 9. Her parents who were Sioux had both died in the 1917 Flu pandemic. They brought her to North Carolina and raised her as a Christian but it never worked. She always remembered the traditions of her people. She never got to return to the Pine Ridge reservation and she died while I was overseas in service. I have since returned her ashes to the Pine Ridge Reservation.

      In my mind Colombus discovered nothing in 1492 and the Christian Monks hurt more people and spread more hate than any other people. The Native American people were made to become Christians in order to eat and even then they were barely given enough rations to keep them alive. I have to be careful because even today I have a lot of anger at those Christians. Millions of Native Americans were wiped out and killed in the name of Christianity. I don't  think Jesus would have agreed with it and I don't think he would agree with what is done in his name today.

      Satan was once the most beautiful of Angels according to the Christian Bible. But much of that Bible has been cleaned up and changed over the years from what was once there. Read an English Translation of a 1535 Gutenburg and you would think you are reading another book. Building a building bigger and bigger each year is not what Jesus was talking about. The questions he asks according to the KJV Bible which is the most accepted version is

      1. Did you feed my sheep.
      2. Did you visit those sick and in prison.
      3. Did you give shelter to your fellow man.
      Its all in Matthew 25:31-46.

      You know its rare for preachers to preach from those verses.

      I like to ask practicing Christians if they are living up to those verses. If not then you better. And stop building bigger and bigger churches. Instead use the money to clothe the naked, to feed the hungry and to shelter the homeless.

      I fear many Christians are in danger of hell fire and brimstone. Its not me saying it its Jesus in those verses in Matthew.

      Depart from me you cursed would be scary words to hear. Christanity should never be about buildings or dressing up fine on Sunday morning. If you really want to practice true Christian faith take a few gallons of milk to a homeless shelter or take sandwiches to the park next Sunday morning instead of dressing up and setting among the other sinners who don't get it either.

      If you are a Christian be careful and know what your preaching. Jesus never dressed up in a suit and tie. He hung out with the poor and prostitutes. He fed the multitudes. Have you ever fed a hungry child. Ask yourself that age old question, What Would Jesus Do.

      I hope the Great Spirit brings you peace and understanding.

      1. PhoenixV profile image67
        PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        So they should have just left a child with two dead parents?

        Or are you blaming influenza on Jesus?

        I am part Cherokee. My best friend is the son and brother of a Chief. His uncle is full blood and all Christian. He loves Jesus.


        1. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
          crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          No they should have left the children with the live relatives which were still there. Many Native American children were removed this way. They cut their hair and put them in white mans clothes.They forbid them to speak Sioux and beat them when they did. They tried to make them into white people. Which they were not.

          No the Flu was spread by people. Not Jesus , God, or the Great Spirit.

          I am saying that Christianity should never have been forced on anyone. And they are still doing it today. Just like the churches that have Halloween parties to spread their faith on the children and parents who come to the party. This is wrong in so many ways.

          The Cherokee were and are one of the most civilized of all the Native American People. Many of them were forced to convert to Christianity early on. Children become what their parents are. I myself think the Cherokee should stand up for their rights and refuse to be ruled by decisions of North Carolina or the Federal Government. The U.S. Government has always had a strangle hold on the Eastern Band of the Cherokee. They should demand more independence. They should be alloweed to rule themselves with out having to ask North Carolina, " may I ". I speak often at meetings on and around the Cherokee Reservation.

          But they should never forget what was done to them. Search for the Trail of Tears. Or go to the Eastern Band Cherokee Reservation and watch the play that is put on nightly.

          I am a proud member of A.I.M. and support the rights of the Native American People. Much of the land that was stolen mostly in the name of turning the heathen savages into Christians should have to be returned. Or the Federal Government should have to pay for what was done.

          Do you know how many treaties the US Government kept that they made with the Native Americans. Not a single one. Not even one. That its self is sad enough but then they starved the Native Americans and forced them onto lands that were worthless.

          I don't hate Jesus I just think a lot of Christians are confused about who he is. I don't think Jesus would have supported the destruction of the Native American tribes in the name of Christianity. Much has been done in the name of religion that was so wrong.

          I don't think Jesus would dress everyone up on Sunday and try to collect money to build the church just a little bigger. I think he would ask that the money be used for the poor. The church that Jesus spoke of building was the people. Not a multi million dollar building.

          I believe that America is dying from with in because of all the bad things that the U.S. Government has done. Mostly in the name of religion. Some day maybe people will wake up and realize what religion has done to them. Think of all the millions of people who have died because of religion. It is sad indeed. Would Jesus approve of this. I think not.

          1. PhoenixV profile image67
            PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Every man woman and child that got off the mayflower was a preacher and every native american was kind of like Gandhi with a headdress? Kind of like Dances with Wolves World? I have Indian friends.

            Real Indians.

            1. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
              crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I don't understand your bitterness. Its sad and situations like this that people can't get along. I 'm not going to argue with you. I hope you find peace some day. The people on the Mayflower came here to America to escape religious persecution.

              Christians fight Muslims and various sects of Muslims fight each other. The world would be a lot better place with no religion at all.

              1. PhoenixV profile image67
                PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I hope you find honesty and peace.

              2. PhoenixV profile image67
                PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Mass Murdering Atheist Regimes Have Tried.

                But what does that have to do with Halloween? Hmmmm?

    2. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

      Some people just don't know how to have fun

    3. Cardisa profile image90
      Cardisaposted 11 years ago

      As a Christian myself....I really hate these kinds of bible thumping threads!

    4. oceansnsunsets profile image82
      oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years ago

      With all due respect to the anti religious and specifically the anti Christians here....

      My observation over the years is that there is often a topic like this (Could be really any topic on hubpages, especially religion though) where people take and make it about putting down Christians and Christianity. 

      Any one of us can go back and look in the thread to see who took it to something OTHER than the topic at hand.  This thread is the perfect example. Then the taking of that and putting that also on a Christian is quite amazing to me.  I have seen it countless times, the blaming of the very thing the person is engaging in or defending themselves.

      I think it is something that is meant to be a clue to us, not something that turns into wasted time and efforts in our lives.  Why do people do that?  Why do people engage in what really is strange behavior as it turns out?  I mean, to demonize a whole group of people and world view for what turns out to non factual things?  It is tiresome, and actually hurts HubPages and its credibility besides the people. 

      Facts matter. Reason and logic are valuable and prevent a lot of hurt and pain in our lives.

    5. oceansnsunsets profile image82
      oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years ago

      Some obvious facts that need to be pointed out and remembered at times like this.

      Having to do with Christ and Christians in particular:

      1.Jesus Christ didn't teach anyone to kill, maim, torture or spread diseases on purpose or starve people. 

      2.Jesus didn't teach anyone to use use their beliefs and religion to hurt others by exerting power over them or to rule them.  He actually condemned religious leaders abusing their powers for some other kind of gain.

      3.  Jesus' teachings would IRONICALLY be in line with even many anti Christians beliefs and thoughts as posed here, if they really are more about loving others and even enemies than hurting others as anyone can find examples of in history.

      4.  Christ and Christianity didn't and doesn't teach us these things, so SOMETHING ELSE is to blame, like the people themselves, or OTHER teachings or beliefs.  Christianity even touches on hypocrites and their actions and what happens to people in the long run that cause others to stumble, etc.

      So, we have to ask ourselves what would possibly explain this strange behavior of demonizing Jesus' teachings and that whole worldview AS IF IT were to blame for the many examples given here that the anti Christians and anti religious are against.  What would explain demonizing it to the degree we see, when the teachings themselves are actually amazingly good and seem like a good way to go for societies everywhere and for all time?  Not much explains it, except that Jesus was absolutely right on the money about all he said and taught.  It is heartbreaking to me that people won't or don't want to see this clue. 

      Jesus Christ would be first to say, "don't starve, don't try to force or control people, love them, help them." 

      Demonize the right things.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        For the most part, the primary damage done by Christianity has been done by the Church.  Not individual Christians, but by the organized Church that seeks, always, to control others.

        That doesn't, unfortunately, mean that individuals are not guilty as well.  The OP, reading into the actions of others things that simply are...not...there in an effort to demonize the people or their behavior, is as guilty as anyone.  Others as well have openly declared that anyone not agreeing with every detail of their personal myth are demonic somehow and there is desperate need of control there, too.

        Neither of which has anything at all to do with Jesus or his teachings.  They are, at the root, an interpretation of those teachings that fit with the desires and attitudes of the individual; an interpretation whose "truth" is more about personal ideology and control than reality or truth.

        1. oceansnsunsets profile image82
          oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I think you helped to make the point by mentioning the Church, and I have a feeling which you are alluding to.  Any brutality and control like what has been discussed is counter to the teachings of Jesus, and part of my point is just that.  Why not go after those that deserve "going after" rather than lumping the whole worldview, as if Christianity itself ever could be blamed.  It would be fair, and logical and make sense then.

          Instead we see all of religion as being bashed, when there are plenty of examples in even recent history like the last century where the biggest amount of atrocities committed were by those that did not subscribe to any religion at all.  My point being, it isn't the religion or the lack of that is the problem.  IF it truly is being suggested that the belief or worldview is to blame, then those people over the last century that were non religious and their worldview is in the biggest "trouble" of all.  I suspect some here would balk at that if we played with the same reasoning on all sides.   

          If we want our arguments to make sense, hold water, and be fair, we need to be consistent, factual and reasonable people when we engage each other.   We would all be better off and enjoy the discussions and debates more.  I appreciate your comment.

          1. PhoenixV profile image67
            PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Wouldnt the world be so much better off without NON-religion? 60-100 million dead and counting! Thats not counting the secular governments either.

    6. oceansnsunsets profile image82
      oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years ago

      It is a fact that cults of Christianity, and people that use it for personal gain cause a great deal of harm to Christianity's real message from Jesus which can be found in the Gospel Writings.

      It is a fact that anti Christians love to point to those people and cults of Christianity, or to those that break the teachings of Christ, and use them AS the way to define and then condemn Christians and Christianity.   It isn't really different from cheating to win in a game or sport.  Only in this case it is like cheating to win in a discussion of ideas, or a debate.  It is not satisfying, and that is why I think many keep using the repetitive behavior in these forums hoping to achieve something they never can. The best ideas and truths stand on their own, no games needed to "win."

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        All true.  As is the recognized fact that those cults and individuals are Christian and a part of Christianity.  Other Christians will try to disavow them, saying they aren't "real" Christians, but that is just as false as acting as the cults were all there was to Christianity.

        It works both ways, you see.

        1. oceansnsunsets profile image82
          oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Ah, now this is very interesting and you key on some main things here.  You are sharing with us all how you define Christianity, and that includes the cults of Christianity and those that do anti Christian things if I am understanding you correctly as you responded to my prior post there. 

          If you define it in such ways, then Christianity really isn't anything at all, and everything all at once. It is all good, and all bad, and that would be illogical.  I respectfully disagree with you and not for the reasons you may think, but for the reasons I just gave. 

          You don't find people doing this kind of playing around with the meaning of something in other areas of life, but you see it strongly with people about Christianity, and it is those that are against it that do it.  My point in part is that Christianity is a great thing, and can be defined by what it actually is, or by what others want it to be, which is something that is often anti-Christianity.

          Another way to put it is this.  If you are against Christianity for reasons that turn out to be things that are examples of anti Christian teachings, then really aren't you rooting for the teachings of Jesus, just in a backwards kind of way?  I am trying to point out the openly seen irony there so people might care and think a little bit more before they lump on the demonization bandwagon. 

          If you or others want to paint Christianity with the brush of what its heretics do, for whatever personal reasons go with that, then that is fine but its fautly reasoning and logic.  It is sad it has to be put so plainly (not necessarily to you, but to any that do it), but this is actually key to what I see too often in these forums.  It is why I don't debate or discuss here too often.   There sometimes doesn't seem to be combined respect for truth, reason, logic and fair debate.  Without that, the "cheaters" will win by default (by below the belt tactics and other stuff we see) , but  never by merit.

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Christianity, like it or not, is painted with many brushes.  It is painted with the black of evil, the white of good and every other color of the rainbow, filling in between the two.

            You see, you can claim that you have interpreted the holy scriptures correctly, and know what Jesus said while others have not, but you have exactly zero knowledge that such a statement is true.  At best we have writings of men living hundreds of years after Christ, repeating what was passed down verbally through a dozen generations.  At worst, Jesus was a fabrication, made up by either Jews or Romans as a political move to control people.

            We shall never know for sure what Jesus said, and that most definitely includes whatever it is you personally ascribe to Him.  So yes, there are a great many people that deserve the "Christian" title - people that are far from your own beliefs.  It is all a part of the overall "Christian" group, just as the radically differing sects of Islam are all a part of it.  The "You're not a real Christian" just doesn't wash.

            That is the faulty reasoning then; the belief that you, along with a select few others that share your beliefs, know the truth of what Jesus said or wants.  You cannot truthfully make such a claim.

            1. oceansnsunsets profile image82
              oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Ok, as an example, Loving your neighbor as yourself, cannot be interpreted to starve and control others and kill them.  You are keying on something that makes no sense in light of the discussion or what we know.   What else would YOU suggest we go by, if not the writings of the gospels?  Please do offer up something better than that, that would weigh in more heavily in this discussions?   

              Please offer up another way to take, "love your enemies, pray for them that persecute you", etc. 

              I do understand that taking away the actions of the heretics of Christianity could be deeply disturbing to someone that has grown accustomed to needing them to make a case against Christianity.  That you say that radically differeing sects of Islam are all also a part of Christianity makes me realize my efforts with you are indeed going to be futile.  That is just an error in facts, logic, and reasoning ability. 

              Another thing he said, is that it would be just like this.  People treating his followers the way they treated him.  The need for lies and deception is the only way to pull it off. It takes guts for people to look at Christianity honestly, and not all are up for it.

              As for you, Jesus, and myself, we would all agree the things that people did bad in history are bad, that is the point.  Where is the disconnect?  Each and every atrocity cannot be traced to a teaching of Jesus.  His teachings are opposite, and also hold warnings for those that say one thing yet do another.  If you could trace atrocities to a teaching of Jesus, then you and I both could fairly demonize Christianity.   I am asking you to be fair to each and every religion.  Test them all out the same way. 

              I am asking also, that when you cannot treat Christianity fairly yet seem to be more fair minded with other things, ask yourself why that strange observance is the case?  Nothing explains it....well except the worldview that Jesus had.  That is a clue for people that actually are searching for real truth and care about the biggest issues in life. Not all want that, and I get that. You can't just choose to paint Christianity evil, without proving how it is.  Pointing to those that go against Christianity's teachings only scores a goal with the Christians, and that is my main point.  If you are fair, you will see this, and or you can also point to other sources that are better than the gospels that I ought to be looking at to see what Jesus taught.  Thanks.

    7. oceansnsunsets profile image82
      oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years ago

      Was checking back to see if we have any new information on the secret book that was smuggled out by the Council of Nicea,  that was instructing priests to various sorts of horrifying crimes to people?

      I have personally never heard of said book, and been studying this stuff for a lot of my life and even at Seminary level myself for a while.  So this was new news to me.  Willing to learn new things anytime, so was looking for that.

      1. PhoenixV profile image67
        PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Can you imagine the late fees on that book? Been missing all this time? Nonsense.

        Heads up here comes some red herrings. Its a waste of time to debate dishonest people. All they can do is distort and play dishonest games.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I agree.

          "Can you imagine the late fees on that book"

          Kind of like Dances with Wolves World"

          "What a load of garbage"

          "You and Wilderness , Crazyhorse and Melissa and many others here at Hubpages forums, think you can smear Christianity and Christians with your lies and distortions?"  (No one has tried to smear the religion - just discuss known history).

          "Maybe you should try reading the Watchtower"

          "Was it an online seminary school?"

          "Want to talk about mass murdering atheist regimes? How about the spread of syphilis all over Europe."  (Great response to discussion of the Council of Nicaea).

          "Book of Mass-a-chewy"

          Yeah - all that some can do is play dishonest games. roll

          1. PhoenixV profile image67
            PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Can you source that book? Why should hubpages anti-Christians whine when they are called on their smears?

            hubpages anti-Christians shovel it out then cry like babies when called on it.

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              What book is that?  The one Dzy mentioned, that you tried to ridicule?

              No, that's the first I had heard about it.  Can I cry anyway?

              1. oceansnsunsets profile image82
                oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                People caring more about the supposed ridiculing of a title of an unknown secret book than whether or not it ever existed or not and how we can know it?  It had been asked about several times...

                Why not be upset at the putting down of whole groups of people for what turns out to be really bad reasoning?  This is part of what is wrong in our world, some not being consistent in the maltreatment of others, yet capitalizing on a very small thing when done against a wrong "side."  In this case, a goofy play on phonetic mispronunciation of an unknown book? Was that mean?  Should he apologize? If so, is everyone else that did far worse going to get in line to really profusely apologize? See, I highly doubt that.  Such extreme inconsistency shows there is a problem, some reason to have to play such games.  You have to do that when defending something that begins to be indefensible. That is just a fact of life and is repeatable and observable to any of us.  If I ever do that, I ask someone call me on it as well. 

                It is truly crazy for me to observe what I see in here sometimes.  Not just here either, sadly. 

                With all due respect to those that engage in such ways, it is very possible those that point out the possible dishonesty are doing a kind thing, even if it doesn't feel like it.  It isn't about answering genuine questions, or uncovering truths of matters.  This world is getting worse and worse too in this regard.  It is wrecking a lot as well, and it will continue to.

                1. wilderness profile image89
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Well you see, Ocean, I don't care one iota if the book is real or not.  So its existence is irrelevant to me.

                  What IS relevant is that this one has, over 90% of his posts, ridiculed or otherwise made rude comments to anyone posting.  Whether his post had anything to do with what he was replying to or not (usually not) he has accused nearly everyone here of smearing his religion although no one has even begun to do so. 

                  Yes, it's rather sad, but it is also something we all see at one time or another.  Not everyone is pleasant, not everyone is looking for truth.  There are trolls everywhere.

                  1. PhoenixV profile image67
                    PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    You admit you don't know if the book is real or not, yet you replied "all true".  You dont think its relevant?

                    You just went along with smearing the beliefs of a billion or so people and you have no idea if the smear was true or not. And you dont think its relevant, but you are the victim?

                    1. wilderness profile image89
                      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                      Guilty as charged - my bad and I apologize. 

                      For not catching the title of the book as not being recognized when typing that "all true".  Because there WERE more books left out than included.  Because torture and mayhem WAS a mainstay of the conversion process.  Because they DID force their beliefs onto others.

                      So basically, everything Dzy said was true with the possible exception of that specific book.  It was not, however, a smear of Christianity, just history.  History that you may not want to accept as it puts ancient Christianity in a very poor light, but it was what it was and all your protestations to the contrary won't change that.

                  2. oceansnsunsets profile image82
                    oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    It does  matter if the book is real or not, and how others here put down Christians, and not just in this thread, but over and over.  It matters, the book, and all the other reasons for supposedly justifying the ongoing smears.

                    If you care about real put downs and bad treatment, please look at all posts fairly and equally, applying the same judgement.  Then your eyes will be opened to maybe why not just one person is totally fed up with this ongoing bad treatment that is allowed here towards Christians in particular, and people of religion in general.

                    It isn't fun being called on lies, asking for back up.  That isn't the same as trolling.  You can't blame someone for asking others to stop putting people down over and over and over.   I am sure you have seen it if you are fair at all, on many of these threads.   I do observe that people are quick to pounce on people of religion and Christians in particular if they show one ounce of tone or frustration.  They are expected to take the junk laying down, and I don't personally think that is right. 

                    I wish for all of us peace, and truth and the true desire for both.

                    1. wilderness profile image89
                      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                      I absolutely see put downs on other threads.  Just not much here, except for the posts of Phoenix.

                      The book; would you rather believe that early Christians were fooled into thinking a book from the devil was from God or believe that they came up with the inquisition and it's tortures all by themselves?  Which puts early Christians in the worst light?

                      Other "lies" - I haven't noticed any denigrating Christians.  There have been quite a few going the other way, though.

              2. PhoenixV profile image67
                PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                What book is that?

                You said QUOTE:  All true.

                But now you say :  its the first you heard about it?

                Now the stories are changing.   Well, which is it?  It's all true or yall don't know what yall are talking about?

          2. PhoenixV profile image67
            PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this


            And did you know that at the Council of Nicea, in about the year 325 or so--there were removed from the 'bible' more books than now currently exist within that tome??!!   Among those books was the book of Massachai, which instructed priests, etc. in the details of how to murder, torture, rape, pillage, and otherwise violently intimidate others into "believing" as the church wanted them to? Yes, it is true--and what remains of that book is its contribution as the root of our modern word, "massacre."
            How do I know?  Because my husband is a licensed minister,

            Back it up. Or shut up

          3. PhoenixV profile image67
            PhoenixVposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Are you going to be okay Wilderness? Need a whaaambulance? Maybe yall should have thought twice about mocking a Jehovahs Witness?

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              It must be rather sad to live in the world of a paranoid.

              Although you have consistently ridiculed and mocked everyone else, not a soul has mocked you OR your mythology.

              The idea that pagans celebrated demons and the devil maybe, but then anyone that thinks a pagan worshiped something they've never heard of deserves a little mocking.

    8. jhendor profile image68
      jhendorposted 11 years ago

      its not calling up the dead. It just another celebration

      1. oceansnsunsets profile image82
        oceansnsunsetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I would tend to agree with that.  That is kind of how I have come to look at it.  That said, Halloween, if it WERE to be a calling out of the dead, or some kind of divination or any kind of "truly bad thing" , TO a particular person..... THEN to them it perhaps would be bad to be involved in that thing.  I am meaning to be sensitive to people that might really think those things.  So I would respect their right to say no to Halloween for both them and their families.

        Like for me, when my kids used to dress up, I likely wouldn't have let them dress up with masks that look like blood is pouring over it, or an ax murderer, or something very evil. Its tough for kids in a way, as being allowed to dress up as a doctor or policeman, or even a ghost in a sheet wouldn't be so bad.  They have kids coming to their door knocking for candy, and they don't get to participate in it.   I think there is a middle ground. 

        I have heard of people kind of almost scaring kids a little by trying to explain a fairly serious concept about Halloween and how evil it can be, etc.  I also always wanted to be cautious and safe, since there are truly some cooks out on Halloween.

    9. Uninvited Writer profile image76
      Uninvited Writerposted 11 years ago

      Halloween began in Scotland as a way to chase away evil spirits, not to celebrate them.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        While the people that lived in Scotland before Christ had a celebration (Samhain) on or about that date, it wasn't about chasing away evil spirits.  It was about helping the newly dead that year cross over into the spirit world.  It was about the end of the harvest season and the end of the year as well (they didn't use the Roman calendar), and that's when the doorway between worlds is open, allowing the dead to cross.

        It was other things, too, but chasing away evil spirits was not one of them. 

        Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon on May 13, 609 and the anniversary of that day was declared to be in remembrance of the churches martyrs; it became "All Saints Day". In the next century Pope Gregory III took note of the problem with Celts (Samhain and dragging their feet in converting to Christianity) and changed the date of celebration to Nov. 1. and the evening prior to All Saints Day became "Hallow's Eve". In the 10th century Abbot Odela added Nov. 2 as "All Souls Day" and the transformation was complete, even providing a name; "Hallow's Even" became "Halloween" over the centuries.  Halloween thus "began" in the halls of the Catholic Church in response to Pagans that liked their Samhain celebration.

    10. pinkydoo profile image64
      pinkydooposted 11 years ago

      I don't over think this stuff.  To me, Halloween is just about pumpkins, cool lighting, costumes, fun and candy.  When I was a kid, it was definitely about the CANDY!  Lots of people like dressing's just fun...Halloween parties are also fun to plan....I'd rather focus on the positives and not get all weird over stuff.

    11. WiccanSage profile image84
      WiccanSageposted 11 years ago

      Halloween has many roots-- some of them are about fearing/warding off evil spirits, others are about simply celebrating and having fun. The origins (not the many roots, but the actual origins) of Halloween as we know it today is America in the 1800s, it was a considered a fun time for spooky stories and partying.

      Any celebration is what you make of it-- it's pretty apparent that 99% of Halloween revelers have nothing to do with devils or demons, and are just having fun, dressing up and getting candy, having parties, or watching horror movies, etc. Seems to me to accuse them of 'evil' and 'devil/demon worship' is an unfair accusation, totally misrepresenting both what they do and their intentions. That's dishonest.

      1. gmwilliams profile image84
        gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-Halloween is just a fun-filled, harmless holiday, c'mon now.  Thank you, Wiccansage.

    12. gmwilliams profile image84
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

      Halloween is INDEED one of my FAVORITE holidays.  What is better than to stay home and cuddle up with some, nice, and utterly lovely horror fiction or horror movies to watch while drinking a hot Black Russian and having steak tartare garnished with horseradish sauce and arugula salad.
      Better yet, instead of a horror movie, let's listen to some Nox Arcana or Midnight Syndicate. They have LOVELY horror themed music for all to enjoy on HALLOWS NIGHT...............

    13. profile image51
      Matthew518posted 11 years ago

      Actually, the day known as Halloween originated long before Christianity, in the ancient pagan world. They used divination because the veils between this world and the afterlife is much thinner then, so it's easier for communication purposes.

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
        MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        What an interesting statement... Could you link that please? I'd love to read the original source.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          It's true.  During the period at the end of the year (Oct 31) the veil between the worlds thins and crossing between the worlds is much easier.  People expected their ancestors that had died during the year to finally be able to cross over, but there was also some trouble as less desirable...ghosts... came out to cause mischief.

          The Druids (Pagan priests) used the period to facilitate communication with the dead, which included learning what the future held.

          Much later the divination was transformed to such things as tossing apple peels on the floor (they might spell out the name of your future husband) or hazlenuts into the fire (write names on each nut; the one that burned rather than popped would be that future husband.) 

          Giant bonfires were lit and home hearth fires put out - a big deal without matches.  Coals from the bonfire were carried home to relight the home fire, sometimes in hollowed out turnips or other vegetables.

          It was actually the Church that formed "Halloween", though - a modification of "Hallows Eve".  The pagans celebrated Samhain.

          I did a lot of research for a hub I wrote on Halloween last year - it was most interesting.

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
            MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I always thought of Samhainn as a day of communication rather than a day of divination. I'm not sure the dead know any more of the future than the living. Divination, imho, was always more of a Beltane thing.. Beltane looked forward... Samhainn looked backwards.

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              *shrug*  There is little in modern religion that makes sense, either - why would you expect the worship of Druids to?

              Presumably the dead exist outside of time; that visit the future as easily as the past and present.  Or maybe they had other ideas - who knows?

        2. Angelladywriter profile image65
          Angelladywriterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Danise, who is a guess on my page, agrees that Halloween was not created by Christians. She went on to state, "History, proves that Halloween had its beginning long before Christianity came into existence. Halloween, has been traced back to 600 BCE, to the Ancient Celts of Britain and Ireland. The Halloween holiday has perpetuated a tradition that is displeasing to God. Holidays such as Halloween and numerous other holidays like it, have close connections with the occult, throughout the centuries."

          Danise, concluded that, "Many have tried to put a Christian mask on this pagan religion, pagan rites or tradition. Based on Psalms 97:10, true followers of Christ have nothing in common with darkness. We are admonished, "O you lovers of Jehovah, hate what is bad."' (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures) To obtain a free copy of the Awake magazine entitled, "The Truth About Halloween," go to

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image60
            MelissaBarrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            fifth link to that website in one thread... reported as spam.

          2. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Halloween > All Hallow's Eve > the night before All Hallow's > the night before All Saints Day.

            All Saints Day was created in the year 609 by Pope Boniface IV as a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church.  The date matched the date of the consecration of the Pantheon and was very carefully chosen to fall on the day of Samhain, the traditional New Years Day of the pagans.

            So tell us again how "Halloween" (as opposed to "Samhain") is not a Christian holiday?

    14. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 11 years ago

      I had a Jehovah witness explain Halloween to me. They claim it started as a festival to mourn the dead lost in the flood.  Silly.

      If you don't celebrate satan and his demons, then it isn't about them. If you do celebrate them, I suppose it is.

      Life is what you make of it.

    15. Angelladywriter profile image65
      Angelladywriterposted 11 years ago

      Danise, responded to the discussion whether Christians created Halloween?
      No. In fact scholars say Halloween's roots go back to a time long before Christianity. The era when ancient Celts inhabited Britain and Ireland on the full moon, was closer to November 1st. They celebrated the festival Samhain meaning summer's end. They also believed that during Samhain, the veil between human and the supernatural world was parted and that spirits both good and evil roamed the earth to their homes and families. They would put food and drink out for their ghostly visitors in hopes of appeasing them and warding off misfortune. Celebrations like Halloween, are in conflict with what the Bible teaches based on James 1:13 which says, "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: (The New Testament And The Book of Psalms, King James Version)

    16. Disappearinghead profile image60
      Disappearingheadposted 11 years ago

      It seems to me many Christians are in personal conflict. Their church tells them that Satan and his demons are out to steal from them, kill them and destroy them. Thus they are taught to live in fear. But then they also have drummed into them that 'he that is in them is greater than he that is in the World'. Still others tell them that they can command demons to do this or that in Jesus name. So they walk a fine balance of fear and courage, and spend much of their lives trying to work out if misfortune came from satan. If they conclude it did then much wailing, binding and loosening helps them to cope with the fear and feel a bit better. Of course when events are looked at logically then they can see this ideology makes no sense. Nevertheless they've been told what they've been told and so they concoct convoluted arguments about free will, satan's boundaries, blah blah blah.

      What wretched lives.

      The church continues to sow fear about Satan at such times as Halloween. The church perpetuates ignorance about this pagan festival with myths and stories and despite Christians being directed to historical sources to the contrary, they prefer to cling to the myths rather than embrace the facts.

      I've also never understood the preference to fear Celtic paganism as opposed to say Ancient Greek or Roman. Many Christians have no fear of Zeus or Apollo, regarding these things a silly ideas, yet there seems to be a fear that real demons populate Celtic paganism. I'm also not aware of them fearing Native American or Australian Aboriginal belief systems, but they do fear African shamanism. Perhaps the differences are due to Church propaganda; where the Church historically sought to convert and spread its empire, the native beliefs were demonised all the more. Romans and Greeks were embraced and their practices and festivals assimilated, thus the absence of fear.

      So to answer the question; no there are no demons involved except in the imagination of the Church. Halloween is nothing more than a cynical American corporate style marketing opportunity to relieve parents of their hard earned cash.


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