Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison

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  1. Kebennett1 profile image62
    Kebennett1posted 15 years ago

    Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?

    Prison may just be a little too late!!!

  2. svencill profile image61
    svencillposted 15 years ago

    Well when I was in school they had no problem with reading a bible there. As a matter of fact they had christian clubs at my school.

  3. sarovai profile image77
    sarovaiposted 15 years ago

    May be there is not much activities in prison. so, they like to read bible.

  4. dabeaner profile image59
    dabeanerposted 15 years ago

    Children shouldn't be exposed to such rubbish.  But it's too late for those in prison, so what the hey.

    1. CynthiAnn profile image60
      CynthiAnnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't understand why people keep saying "it's too late" for those in prison.Does this mean that Satan won them over if they are there?Salvation is between God and each individual. Just because society is through with them doesn't mean God is.

  5. questiongirl profile image60
    questiongirlposted 15 years ago

    Are children not allowed to carry a Bible at school and read it on their own accord? Or is it just that the school cannot encourage the reading of the Bible?

    I am unclear on what the actual situation is, but it seems to me that if children are not permitted to be in possession of a Bible while on school grounds (as if it were a weapon or illegal substance), then their religious freedoms are being impeded. If a kid has a great desire to memorize Proverbs over lunch, why shouldn’t he be allowed to?

    However, a public school, as a government-funded institution, must acknowledge the religious freedom of all of its students. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to incorporate Bible-reading into the curriculum, just as it would be to incorporate the reading of the texts of other religions.

    In my opinion, schools should allow religious clubs if the students desire to charter them, but they should fund themselves. I believe school libraries should have religious texts of all sorts available in equal numbers for any student to check out at his or her own will—after all, these texts are all important cultural documents that give great insight into the history, traditions, social norms and conventional wisdom of the diverse groups that lend their collective flavors to the delicious melting pot that is our great country.

    But these are just one girl’s opinions….

  6. pageantgirl31413 profile image74
    pageantgirl31413posted 15 years ago

    This has been a problem for years. A Bible teaches morals and for those in prison, they are hoping they will change and sometimes the best way to do it is reading the Bible. Separation of Church and State is what causes the issues at school. I was almost suspended in middle school for praying with a friend at lunch. For the remainder of the year, I could only lower my head and close my eyes. I could not fold my hands nor pray with another student. This eventually cause my praying problems that I have today.

    Too bad people don't really know where the whole 'separation of church and state' came from and how it was taken out of context at the original trial.

    1. CynthiAnn profile image60
      CynthiAnnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      At my high school, some other students complained about us holding our FCA meetings in the hallway, so one of the teachers volunteered her classroom for our morning meetings. Freedom of speech and religion must be addressed by each school.

  7. EdG. profile image60
    EdG.posted 15 years ago

    This is a common misconception that even educators sometimes misconstrue. Praying in school with a bible is perfectly acceptable under the constitution, children simply can't be mandated to do so. In fact, I am fairly certain that the public high school in my town has an after school bible club. I believe there's even a room set aside for muslim students should they need to pray during school hours. If the principal were forcing all students to pray, it would be a different story, but praying is certainly allowed in school on a voluntary individual or group basis. That being said, your point about prison seems null.

    That and unless your "child" commits a very severe crime he/she will not be sent to prison anyway. While some criminals may seem like children on account of their intellect, they are in fact adults.

  8. RomerianReptile profile image67
    RomerianReptileposted 15 years ago

    This is completely silly! When I was in grade school and was still of a religious persuasion, I was NEVER stopped at any point from reading the Bible during free time.

    This is one of those silly claims that people throw out there so they can cry religious persecution.

  9. H P Roychoudhury profile image41
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 15 years ago

    Reading of Bible is a sacred teaching for every body. It is immaterial where the teaching of Bible is carried out. It may be in school, Church or in prison. But for the sake of convenience teachings of Bible is rested with Churches while teachings of fundamentals are kept in schools. Jails are the places where an accused is required to be taught both in fundamentals and the ethics and morals of bible. As the division of departments increases the administrative efficiency, similarly divisions of teachings in Schools, Churches and Jails increases the academic efficiency.

  10. Kebennett1 profile image62
    Kebennett1posted 15 years ago

    Joanne Lowe, deputy general counsel for the California Department of Education, said Students are allowed to meet in Bible clubs or other religious groups on campus, but the clubs must be run by students without an adviser (Adult of any particular religion). Therefore, on further research I must conclude that they are indeed allowed to have bibles on campus and the information I was given was in err. I am happy to hear that bibles are allowed in both places. Thank you for your responses.

  11. topgunjager profile image61
    topgunjagerposted 15 years ago

    Because people in prison do not have lives of their own, they would need to imagine a lot of things to ease the pain.

  12. terced ojos profile image62
    terced ojosposted 14 years ago

    Shhhhh....don't say that...someone will hear you and soon no bibles will be allowed in prisons either.

    The truth is Kebennett1 is that Christianity has used force in this country to establish itself.  Historically Christianity has used every means at its disposal to enforce its superiority, economic sanction, violence.  You name it the Christian church has done it to sustain its "dominion."

    What you are witnessing in the society at large is a backlash of people who were forced to accept Christianity through whatever negative consequences might befall them.

    Now in the beginning of the Post-Christian history of the United States people are choosing to worship as they wish and they have not forgotten how Christianity treated them.  They view Christianity from the perspective of the oppressed which is by an large how Christianity was expressed in the United States.

    It's not persecution you're feeling it's retribution.

    1. CynthiAnn profile image60
      CynthiAnnposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The impact of Christianity has been prominent in US history, but I wouldn't say that it's all been bad.The minds that abolished slavery and many of the negative things of the US were based on Christian morals.

  13. profile image0
    vinsanityposted 13 years ago

    I believe that you can read the Bible in school, but the school cannot say that all students have to read the Bible.

  14. Borsia profile image37
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    In both cases they are allowed to read a bible on their own time, just as they are allowed to pray on their own time so long as they don't annoy others or disrupt class.
    The only real difference is the amount of time they have.

  15. 3amart profile image87
    3amartposted 11 years ago

    Actually, there's nothing that says a child can't read a bible in school. However, the bible is not a science book nor a history book, so it should not be used in classes a a teaching aid.

  16. mintinfo profile image64
    mintinfoposted 11 years ago

    You are right but in order for the bible to be thought in schools it has to be determined to be a work of fiction. Religious people will not allow that hence the problem. Although I am not religious I believe that the bible is an essential work of insight into the basics of human nature. Many people may say the bible deals with 2000 year old society but human nature has not and will never change. What is essential to a just and peaceful society is a thorough understanding of self.

  17. B M Gunn profile image60
    B M Gunnposted 8 years ago

    Children CAN read the bible in school. That is called freedom of religion. However, schools cannot FORCE children to read the bible. That is a breach on freedom of religion.


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