If we learn from our mistakes, then why are we always so afraid to make a mistak

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  1. Jangaplanet profile image61
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    If we learn from our mistakes, then why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

  2. nifty@50 profile image70
    nifty@50posted 13 years ago

    My job is pretty dangerous, sometimes even a small mistake could be dire, or could have fatal consequences. Granted most of the time, as mistake is  "no biggie!"

  3. emdi profile image60
    emdiposted 13 years ago

    fear of failure. Fear of disappointment.

  4. Debby Bruck profile image66
    Debby Bruckposted 13 years ago

    Great question. People have different personalities and different responses to their mistakes. Mistakes can be small or large, happen once in a while or constantly. Depending upon the circumstances and the psychological effect, a person could be looking out for mistakes in which to have a serendipitous discovery, or on the other hand, every mistake could remind them of a horrible accident or belittling of their spirit.

    Those who have been hurt over and over again from each little mistake will have the emotional fear response. Those who have been praised for discovering something new will look forward to future mistakes.

    Don't spill the beans!

  5. Claudin_Dayo profile image60
    Claudin_Dayoposted 13 years ago

    because when we don't get the 'lesson' from that mistake, it'll surely repeat itself until we really learn from it smile

  6. Beege215e profile image57
    Beege215eposted 13 years ago

    all actions have consequences, both positive and negative. The negativity of a mistake therefore brings negative consequences. If you make a mistake at work, you could get fired. You may learn from your mistake while you sit at home and try to find another job. So you naturally don't want to make a mistake at work.  Just one example. We all want to avoid the negative consequences involved.  If we survive those, then we can take the time to learn from the error.

  7. twobmad profile image61
    twobmadposted 13 years ago

    The purpose of learning from our past mistakes is----- so that we won't make the same mistake again. And it is also a kind of prevention from making a bigger or more serious mistake.

  8. dianne143 profile image38
    dianne143posted 13 years ago

    we always afraid of mistake by the fear of judgments and rejections. For me I am not afraid to have mistakes in life cos that makes me a better person and nobody is perfect.

  9. Edoka Writes profile image58
    Edoka Writesposted 13 years ago

    In most cases, I believe, we're afraid, not of the mistake, but of the persecution from our peers.

  10. Ruchira profile image77
    Ruchiraposted 13 years ago

    We sure do learn from our mistakes but to commit a mistake means to be facing failure and in this competitive world...failure can make others feel very judgmental about you and that is not accepted!

    However, as Time goes by we learn from our mistakes and are not ashamed anymore.

  11. Alya rose profile image61
    Alya roseposted 13 years ago

    I agree,fear of consequences to a mistake is usually why people don't want to make mistakes

  12. Mayaanjali profile image67
    Mayaanjaliposted 13 years ago

    your answer...Probably for the fear of embarrassment as also more time is lost in understanding the mistake.  Sometimes when the stakes are high you might as well forget making any mistake!

  13. profile image0
    wilbury4posted 13 years ago

    ... were naturally afraid of making mistakes because mistakes can cause hurt/pain, loss, grief, change, etc etc. So it becomes essential that when we do make any mistake that we learn and act on it! None of us are perfect - we all make them.

  14. Abbasangel profile image67
    Abbasangelposted 13 years ago

    I like to learn from other people's mistakes because some mistakes hurt people and others hurt me... If I can learn from somebody else I would prefer that.

  15. JayDee Sterling profile image61
    JayDee Sterlingposted 13 years ago

    Possibly because people know they will have to listen to a ton of "I told you so" which would most likely be worse than the mistake itself.

  16. Ashantina profile image59
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    Because mistakes can change a life! For better or worse. If the mistake was particularly traumatic, then it would then subsequently be equated with fear. Even computers make mistakes, lol, its ok - just be honest about 'em.

  17. mattmilamii profile image60
    mattmilamiiposted 13 years ago

    As scripture has pointed out… we all fall short.  Funny thing is even with that being pointed out we are reluctant to accept it.  Aside from the judgmental aspects and condemnation that may arise from others; mistakes compel us to face our own lack of superiority.  They force us to deal with inadequacies, and the idea of humility.  To admit our fallacy is to also admit that help and assistance is needed, and that makes us open to vulnerability.  For most of us that’s a scary situation that creates fear.  Mistakes also attack the complacency of our routine.  When what we do doesn’t adequately sustain the desired outcome; we must make changes that alter the routine.  This destroys our level of comfort and again invites fear.  If we start from the basis of truth and seek to follow it, mistakes can be held to a minimum, if not eliminated altogether.  Creating and holding fast to falsehood is the biggest mistake of all that follow.  Again I borrow from scripture… “Know the truth and the truth will make you free.” 


  18. Godlike profile image60
    Godlikeposted 13 years ago

    Because when we make mistakes we have to take a step back and redo it again, and everyone nows that humans are lazy. tongue

    It also depends on when and where we make them. Sometimes they can change our whole life to the better or words, sometimes they don't even matter.

  19. KatieCohen profile image59
    KatieCohenposted 13 years ago

    Because people like to rub our noses in our mistakes.

  20. profile image51
    lovelylovergirlposted 12 years ago

    It is embarrassing. Some people use your mistakes and rub it in your face.

  21. Darrell Roberts profile image71
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    We are afraid to make mistakes because it hurts our ego.

    Best wishes.


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