If you believe Judas was forgiven by God -as I do- and Angels alike, why don't p

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  1. days leaper profile image60
    days leaperposted 13 years ago

    If you believe Judas was forgiven by God -as I do- and Angels alike, why don't people forgive him?

    It seems people like to hate but doesn't this make them more like the cruel Roman soldiers than make them akin to The most high, God of all creation and munificent forgiveness,  and if he needed forgiving does that mean it was still a bad thing to do, and why?

  2. simonpeter35 profile image60
    simonpeter35posted 13 years ago

    I had forgiven him. Beside, I also feel sorry for him. If we were in his time, in his situation, we might have done the same thing. We're confidently criticised him because we are not in his situation. Sometimes, we are like Simon, he was so confident from the started but then he was so weak at the end.

  3. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 13 years ago

    Most people seem not to understand what true forgiveness is all about. Forgiveness is a clean break with the bonds which tie one to the resentment of the past.

    For many, Judas was the enemy -- the betrayer. Many Christians have mistreated Jews for the same reason. They forget that we must not judge others.

    Yehoshua needed a betrayer to facilitate his mission. He needed someone full of ego. All of his disciples had a measure of ego (the original sin); that's why he was here.

    But Judas did the ultimate in ego -- suicide -- the ultimate in separation of self from everyone and everything, just as ego was the separation of Adam from God in the Garden of Heaven.

    I wish Judas well. May he awaken to God, if that is even possible.

  4. www.lookseenow profile image60
    www.lookseenowposted 13 years ago

    There goes another opinion, but where did you read that? God, and angels forgiving Judas is out of harmony with divine justice, because if it were so, then Jesus, and God are in disagreement.

    According to Jesus’ comment:

          “Woe to that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been finer for that man if he had not been born.”

    From henceforth following Jesus’ last night Satan enters Judas, taking advantage of the opening in his heart, because his heart was bad.  He was a thief while he is serving Jesus.  He had the contribution box, and he would steal money from it. According to this Jesus had no intention to forgive one who betrayed him. Later that night, Jesus fittingly calls Judas “the son of destruction.”

    I see no references to angels getting involved, or making any comment about Judas, but Peter certainly did when Judas took his own life Peter described it: 

    This very man, (Judas) purchased a field with the wages for unrighteousness, and pitching head foremost he noisily burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out. (Acts 1:18)

    Was he forgiven, not according to the Psalms, because don’t forget he was one of the apostles, he was a thief, and he betrayed Jesus. Here’s what is written in the book of Psalms:

          “Let his lodging place become desolate, and let there be no dweller in it, and, his office of oversight let someone else take.”

  5. 1kmjs profile image64
    1kmjsposted 13 years ago

    I think its because jesus represented a total and complete good, anyone whom would sell him out and contribute to his torturous death would be concidered an absolute evil. Hard to let evil that destroyed the king of kings just brush off the shoulder.
    But, without the betrayal, there would have been no death of jesus, and the glorious but brutal story would have gone a much different way. The passing by betrayal left us all with a very wonderful story of our kings last days, pry wouldnt have emotionally grabbed us as much if Jesus died of old age, or just disappeared after a wonderfull speach.
    So I guess even though he sold out Jesus, we can thank judas for starting one of the greatest death and ressurection stories ever written and told.

    Me personally, the only anger I harbor is the amount of silver he got for the information he gave. 30 pieces of silver was a total lowball, I think he could have gotten much more.

  6. days leaper profile image60
    days leaperposted 13 years ago

    All miss the point of the reason for Jesus Christ' life.  If you look on sites here like by Dave Mathews; you might get it.  Also my own blog actually answers the question to some extent.  I wrote this question as a guide for those even more lost than I am!    The answer is Jesus' death showed those of that day that man may rise to life and ascend to The Heaven World.  Judas' whole reason for being there seems to have been to make the necessary arrangements.  So the people of that day would write a lasting testament to it for all to see -if they want.

  7. Doc Snow profile image85
    Doc Snowposted 12 years ago

    Traditional theology did not see Judas as forgiven.  Not only had he betrayed Christ, he despaired and took his own life--responding to mortal sin, not by turning to God with repentance, but by committing another mortal sin.

    To me, Scripture suggests that perhaps Christ forgave Judas, as He forgave the Roman soldiers even as they nailed Him to the cross.  But then, I don't think like most other people, I've noticed.

    "...if he needed forgiving does that mean it was still a bad thing to do, and why?"

    Sorry, can't parse that question--I don't know what you mean to ask.

    But I will say that the whole story of Judas is a paradoxical one:  God's plan of redemptive sacrifice seems to turn on an act of depraved evil.  It's challenging to know what to make of that.  Was Judas 'predestined' to act this way?  Which begs the question, was he 'predestined' for Hell?  Presumably Calvin (and like-minded theologians) thought so.



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