What do you think an angel's purpose is?

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  1. H.C Porter profile image76
    H.C Porterposted 15 years ago

    When we say we have an angel watching over us, what does that mean? What do you expect the angel does for you? I believe in angels-as many people do, and I have my own beliefs in who my angel is and what he is watching out for-but I would like to know what other people’s perception of an angel is?

    1. profile image0
      Marc Salyerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The word "angel" is Greek (angellos) and it means - messenger. We get it from the Newer Testament. We use this term out of convenience. The Bible doesn't reveal as much about angels as many people claim to know. It does say that angels were created to serve God and His creation. It also tells of the moral defeat of some angels. Oddly, even the rebellious angels such as Satan (it seems - Job 1 and 2) still answer to and often serve God.

      The Bible describes what seems to be two kinds of angels:  Keruvim (pronounced Kare-oo-veem [pl]) and Seraphim (Prn. Sare-a-feem [pl])

      Ezekiel 1 and 10 describe the Keruv and Isaiah 6 describes Seraphim. Some think that a single Keruv is a combination of four Seraphim. That might make sense if you analyze these two passages.

      Hebrews 1 and 2, 12:22 and 13:2 tell us a great deal of first century Israeli thought on angels.

    2. Make  Money profile image68
      Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the purpose of the angels is to do God's will which includes being God's messengers to humans and to watch out for and help God's people.  Many believe we all have our own guardian angel which I think is a comforting thought.  Some angels have fallen so they are to be avoided.  Here's some Angel prayers.

    3. profile image0
      Ken R. Abellposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good discussion opener.

      Here's what I THINK I know about angels & I emphasize the word think because there is great mystery in the realm of the supernatural.

      Angels are created beings.  They are not omniscient or omnipotent; they are servants & guardians, surrounding the throne of God.  There are some incredibly vivid Biblical passages describing angels worshiping God: "Holy, holy, holy..." 

      Lucifer was one of these created beings known as angels; he was actually an arch-angel, which I suppose means he was higher up the chain of command.  He rebelled against God, deciding that he could become God & was cast out of heaven taking along one third of the angels with him. 

      As a little boy I as taught that meant that for every demon/fallen angel there were two good guardian angels who remained faithful.  Not sure if that is settled theology but it made sense to a little child & in extreme times still provides comfort.

      Anyway, there's some thoughts...

      1. AnythingArtzy profile image68
        AnythingArtzyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Actually Satan/Lucifer was created as a musical being.

    4. yeah yeah profile image60
      yeah yeahposted 15 years agoin reply to this
    5. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      angels are creation of the mind like for example what the teddy do to a child when they sleep, comforter, someone---somebody to comfort you and become your angel, it is a concept, coping mechanism concept

    6. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      To protect us from harm and to guide us but some of us never listen and that is what gets usinto trouble. smile

      1. earnestshub profile image70
        earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I sort of agree with this, only to me it is a part of my being that steers me when I am aware enough to listen to it. Sort of like a guardian angel. smile

        1. SparklingJewel profile image68
          SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          that sounds close to my belief...that we have a divine portion of our individual being, a highest conscience, a portion of the Christ Mind, that because it is divine, it connects with all other divinity such as the angels and the ascended souls (saints  of heaven)that guide us through that connection...they support us and give us strength when we have human weaknesses.

    7. seyiari profile image60
      seyiariposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      the ministry of angels have been i existence ever since God created the world . when man was made the psalmist says he was made a little lower than an angel Psa 8:5  For thou hast made him but little lower than God, And crownest him with glory and honor.
      that means angel occupy a higher realm of being in terms of strenght , intelligence , vigour , power and might than man. the wonderful news is that thier higher realm of operation is for the liberty and comfort of the saint. Heb 1:14  Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation?

    8. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      My angel protects me and keeps me out of harms way.smile

    9. goldenpath profile image66
      goldenpathposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      There are those sent from on High with a specific mission or purpose.  At the same time there are also those who are summoned to stay back the imps who serve to temp those in life who have proven themselves worthy of such protection.  Also, deceased family members can serve as angels to strengthen their kin in life.  Children who die are angels by original designation and will one day rise with a perfected knowledge.

      Yes, the term "angels" covers a wide spectrum of posts.

    10. christ4ever profile image66
      christ4everposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Here's some good resources to look at:

      A few men became followers of Paul and believed. Among them was Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus...

      (Acts 17:34 NIV)

      Dionysius' book "The Celestial Hierarchy" exerted great influence on scholars and it treated at great length the hierarchies of Angels. Together with other works like the Summa Theologica written by Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–1274), these drew from comparative studies of the Old Testament and New Testament, detailing the descending celestial order and divine rank.

      I have an article that also mentions this topic to some extent at:

      <snipped link>

      *SEE the section under "ANGELS from PARADISE"

    11. profile image49
      paarsurreyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Belief in Angels is Second Pillar of beliefs in Quran/Islam; they are assigned different duties by the Creator-God in service of human beings to help them in the virtuous Way of Allah-The Creator-God.

    12. Dave Mathews profile image60
      Dave Mathewsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Angels are spiritual beings on earth to watchover us and protect us. They also serve as guides to steer us in a certain path or direction.

    13. ceciliabeltran profile image67
      ceciliabeltranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      angels are symbolic of our innate ability to rise above trying times. I have angel cards and they represent human qualities.

      for example Rafael, the angel of healing. everybody has this ability to heal. when you call on the angel Rafael. you call on the power of the self to regenerate. Sometimes you need to call out Rafael, at other times you just need to recognize you have it in you. A person who refuses to heal will conjure the name of of a demon named Beelze---.  Which is lord of the flies, but also a pagan god of healing. Meaning, the healing energy becomes a demonic energy, a coping energy. You cope instead of heal. And coping mechanisms become distorted in time because you don't go to the root.

      when angels are watching over you, you subconsciously feel that life takes care of life and you have within you the power to rise above adversity.

      1. Beelzedad profile image58
        Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Until a piano falls on your head. LOL! smile

        1. ceciliabeltran profile image67
          ceciliabeltranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          you really sometimes just miss the point by a mile.

  2. UPStar profile image61
    UPStarposted 15 years ago

    I plan to post a hub in the near future about angels. I had one buy cookies for me once! seriously! Angels feel, care, and love, but exist to do Gods will. They wait eagerly for assignments from the throne and then rush off faster than the speed of light to accomplish what God sent them to do.
    What is particularly sad is that they are waiting to work in our behalf, but we do not Pray enough to really see them work!
    Angels are so cool.

  3. Make  Money profile image68
    Make Moneyposted 15 years ago

    Yeah Ken I remember something similar.  A third of the angels had fallen so that means there are twice as many good angels, comforting.  Both Revelation 8:12 and Revelation 12:4 speak of "the third part of the stars".

    1. chambersgirl21 profile image60
      chambersgirl21posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That is comforting, but also that means their are 1/3 of Satans angels down here with us. :{

      1. Make  Money profile image68
        Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Or locked in the bottomless pit.  I don't know for sure but it seems they are out numbered two to one by good angels.

  4. Marcus D Mays profile image60
    Marcus D Maysposted 15 years ago

    The purpose of angels are to inform us of messages from GOD. To guard over us for good or bad. And to write down our every decision and or acts whether good or bad.

  5. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    They are to guide and minister.

  6. yeah yeah profile image60
    yeah yeahposted 15 years ago

    angels, in my opinion are dead people who are stuck in limbo (purgatory) that god had sent from whereever to start they're redemption (because heaven has a two month waiting list,FYI) so the phase is born here "angels need to earn they're "wings" so to speak. i'm just joshing
    angels are made not born by the lord

    -yeah yeah

  7. yeah yeah profile image60
    yeah yeahposted 15 years ago

    angels, in my opinion are dead people who are stuck in limbo (purgatory) that god had sent from whereever to start they're redemption (because heaven has a two month waiting list,FYI) so the phase is born here "angels need to earn they're "wings" so to speak. i'm just joshing
    angels are made not born by the lord

    -yeah yeah

  8. H.C Porter profile image76
    H.C Porterposted 15 years ago

    So the idea of our loved ones being our angels when they pass away is nothing more than a beautiful idea/based on the responses on this subject?

    1. rebekahELLE profile image84
      rebekahELLEposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think anyone could honestly, accurately answer that question.  I do believe in angels, but can't say who or what they do. I know the biblical definition is one of messengers.
      I have felt my loved one's presence at times, but don't believe they are angels.  angels are believed to come in time of need.

  9. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 15 years ago

    Are there not ministering spirits who are sent to them who are heirs of salvation? Since Jesus Christ died so that all may be heirs of salvation [John 3;16,17] I know that all mankind have ministering spirits who are sent to them. The messages these angels bring vary according to need and the will of God.

    As a college student, I worked  as an evangelist one summer in New York state. While in Syracuse,outside Sibley's, I spoke with a young man. He questioned me about my beliefs then asked if I would like him to pray with me. He had purchased some literature before we prayed. After we prayed I found the literature; but he was nowhere to be seen. The streets were empty! With the contribution he gave, I was able to find a ski jacket[winter coat] for ten dollars!

    Another time I was in Denver. I took a taxi from the bus station to a hotel and paid twenty dollars. On the return trip to the bus terminal, the meter read three dollars! The driver, a female, refused to keep the change. After a hearty breakfast, I sat in the terminal reading my Bible - Isaiah.As soon as I began reading, a young man came and sat beside me. Eventually, we began to talk. I discovered that he was on a mission for the King and went wherever he was sent.From our conversation,he made it clear that everything [any concerns,petitions] is in Jesus, take it to Jesus, take it through Jesus and let it be according to the will of God.He prayed, there was a distraction behind me, I looked around  and he was gone- disappearing into the crowd.

    Maybe these were not angels -just ordinary people- but after each experience,I encountered extraordinary events. I believe they were orchestrated by angels, especially the taxi fare!

  10. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 15 years ago

    Are there not ministering spirits who are sent to them who are heirs of salvation? Since Jesus Christ died so that all may be heirs of salvation [John 3;16,17] I know that all mankind have ministering spirits who are sent to them. The messages these angels bring vary according to need and the will of God.

    As a college student, I worked  as an evangelist one summer in New York state. While in Syracuse,outside Sibley's, I spoke with a young man. He questioned me about my beliefs then asked if I would like him to pray with me. He had purchased some literature before we prayed. After we prayed I found the literature; but he was nowhere to be seen. The streets were empty! With the contribution he gave, I was able to find a ski jacket[winter coat] for ten dollars!

    Another time I was in Denver. I took a taxi from the bus station to a hotel and paid twenty dollars. On the return trip to the bus terminal, the meter read three dollars! The driver, a female, refused to keep the change. After a hearty breakfast, I sat in the terminal reading my Bible - Isaiah.As soon as I began reading, a young man came and sat beside me. Eventually, we began to talk. I discovered that he was on a mission for the King and went wherever he was sent.From our conversation,he made it clear that everything [any concerns,petitions] is in Jesus, take it to Jesus, take it through Jesus and let it be according to the will of God.He prayed, there was a distraction behind me, I looked around  and he was gone- disappearing into the crowd.

    Maybe these were not angels -just ordinary people- but after each experience,I encountered extraordinary events. I believe they were orchestrated by angels, especially the taxi fare!

  11. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 15 years ago

    Are there not ministering spirits who are sent to them who are heirs of salvation? Since Jesus Christ died so that all may be heirs of salvation [John 3;16,17] I know that all mankind have ministering spirits who are sent to them. The messages these angels bring vary according to need and the will of God.

    As a college student, I worked  as an evangelist one summer in New York state. While in Syracuse,outside Sibley's, I spoke with a young man. He questioned me about my beliefs then asked if I would like him to pray with me. He had purchased some literature before we prayed. After we prayed I found the literature; but he was nowhere to be seen. The streets were empty! With the contribution he gave, I was able to find a ski jacket[winter coat] for ten dollars!

    Another time I was in Denver. I took a taxi from the bus station to a hotel and paid twenty dollars. On the return trip to the bus terminal, the meter read three dollars! The driver, a female, refused to keep the change. After a hearty breakfast, I sat in the terminal reading my Bible - Isaiah.As soon as I began reading, a young man came and sat beside me. Eventually, we began to talk. I discovered that he was on a mission for the King and went wherever he was sent.From our conversation,he made it clear that everything [any concerns,petitions] is in Jesus, take it to Jesus, take it through Jesus and let it be according to the will of God.He prayed, there was a distraction behind me, I looked around  and he was gone- disappearing into the crowd.

    Maybe these were not angels -just ordinary people- but after each experience,I encountered extraordinary events. I believe they were orchestrated by angels, especially the taxi fare!

    1. CarolineVABC profile image68
      CarolineVABCposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      To aoiffe379: Those were extraordinary events that you've experienced! I do believe that "angels" come in many forms.  They may look like any other human, but they may be very well be angels and/or like you've mentioned, the things that you've experienced were probably orchestrated by the angels through other humans-either way, they were, for sure, extraordinary events and gave me goosebumps!!

      Another note: I do believe that when a person is really reaching out to God, extraordinary things happen to them such as what you've experienced because God reveals Himself to people who truly want to reach out to Him. Thank you for sharing your experiences!!!:-)

      1. Woman Of Courage profile image61
        Woman Of Courageposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Caroline, I agree also. Angels come in many forms. It's awesome how God send angels to protect us. smile

        1. CarolineVABC profile image68
          CarolineVABCposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for the support, Woman of Courage-it's great to see like minded individuals/writers here on HubPages!:-)

          1. Woman Of Courage profile image61
            Woman Of Courageposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You are welcome Caroline.

            1. fits3x100 profile image59
              fits3x100posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              There are some very well thought out responses on this thread! It's so interesting that this popped up today. My 15 year old and I are discussing the role of Angels, after the First  (post resurrection) Pentecost.  Like minds, like Spirit!

              1. Woman Of Courage profile image61
                Woman Of Courageposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                fits3x100, You are absolutely right. smile This is a very good and refreshing thread topic. I love to read and hear about true encounters with angels. God bless you!

  12. dreamer32 profile image67
    dreamer32posted 15 years ago

    I think God created angels for different purposes. I think that angels are sent as messengers of God. There is biblical sciputure where Gabriel is sent as messengers of God. They are sent as meseengers to deliver us messages from him.As it was spoken in daniel, Gabriel was try to send a message, but there was a princility in the air trying to stop him! In addition, God sends warrior angels to protect us on our behalf in order to not to satan's dark angels harm us!  For example,at the beggining of job! satn could not touch job, nor anything he had! It talked about a wedge being over him! That wedge meant warrior angels that were protecting him from harm of dark angels.

  13. Frank Menchise profile image54
    Frank Menchiseposted 15 years ago

    Angels are supposed to be everywhere and we all are supposed to have our own guardian angel, although we physically never see one, but it is good to think that there is a sort of protective positive life force that looks after us at all times.
    But most of the angels are supposed to be surrounding God life force, and if you wonder what they do, this is the beginning of a poem which says:

    Angels of the realm of glory,
    You tell forever the eternal story,
    You sing about the creator glory,
    You tell the wonders of God's creation.

    May God bless you all.

  14. Henrietta Chloe profile image58
    Henrietta Chloeposted 15 years ago

    I was baptized Roman Catholic as a kid and my earliest memories of angels were through a bedtime prayer.

    "Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."

    I've always thought of them as our personal guardians, though their appearances in the bible show more of a messenger role than anything.

  15. viryabo profile image84
    viryaboposted 15 years ago

    I believe in angels. I also believe they are God's special messengers. I feel there are angels assigned to each and every person in life. I also go a step further...believing they are my own personal messengers to God, to intercede on my behalf when God seems not to answer me on time.
    I pray to them sometimes to help me plead to God. I also chide them sometimes like....'you saw me walking into danger, and you did 'jack' about it. What were you thinking? When i get to heaven, i'll be really cross with you!'
    This is my opinion. smile

  16. bojanglesk8 profile image61
    bojanglesk8posted 15 years ago

    Angels protect us from the dangers of life and from evil people.

  17. profile image0
    Marliza Gunterposted 15 years ago


  18. jill-of-all trade profile image57
    jill-of-all tradeposted 15 years ago

    I believe in angels, and believe that their purpose are as messengers from God. I had a vision or some would say a dream of 3 Archangels which came to me after the unexpected death of a loved one...I questioned it at the time, but as many have said that I have been blessed.

    Everyone has a spirit guide/or gardian angel if you will, and some have those loved ones they have lost surrounding you at all times.

    Many do not believe in that they cannot see or touch, but what about that you can see and touch is that also believeable?

    Just my 2 cents wink

  19. Flightkeeper profile image68
    Flightkeeperposted 15 years ago

    I've never seen an angel, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.  I think I'd be nervous if I did see one.  Other than that I've never really thought about it.

  20. pylos26 profile image70
    pylos26posted 15 years ago

    Have read some of your stuff Porter and you might have a problem convincing me that you are not an Angel.

  21. dragonbear profile image78
    dragonbearposted 15 years ago

    An Angel - the soft touch of comfort; the firm hand of guidance; the strength to carry; the joy of their presence in times of sadness; all these things and more are Angels.

  22. profile image53
    misstoya45posted 15 years ago

    i think an angel purposes is to guide us in life to protect us against any harm to be there when we are going through trials

  23. aware profile image63
    awareposted 15 years ago

    to out source gods odd jobs?

  24. profile image0
    cosetteposted 15 years ago

    i think we humans are our own "guardian angels". i don't believe in spiritual angels protecting humans because if they did, they would protect the ones who needed it the most, like abused/molested/murdered children, puppies in puppy mills, etc. not people who need someone to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies.

  25. earnestshub profile image70
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    No angels, no tooth fairy, no little people living in the garden, Obama is not a Muslim, no sin, snake charming does not save your soul, religion is a farce. smile

  26. Flightkeeper profile image68
    Flightkeeperposted 15 years ago

    Okay, I don't think about what an angel's purpose was before because I don't really know what angels do.  Are they guardians or are they warriors of God.  I figure there are a lot of angels with specific jobs, you know cherubim and seraphim and all that.  So whatever it is they're doing, they should keep doing it.

    1. CarolineVABC profile image68
      CarolineVABCposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      To Flightkeeper: I agree with all of the postings here.  You are also correct: Angels are both guardians as well as warriors of God.  They relay messages to people, guide and protect God's people, but on the other hand, they also "fight" for God and do whatever task was assigned to them by the Lord Almighty.  Anyone who was there to comfort you in your deepest sorrow or time of need, are people who have been touched by angels to come to your aid and make you feel better.  Therefore, angels can be "anyone"-a relative, a friend or sometimes, even a stranger! Hope this helps!:-)

  27. Writelady22 profile image60
    Writelady22posted 14 years ago

    The Bible says in Psalm 91 that God sends His angels to watch over us, lest we fall.  Illustrations of angels are everywhere in the Bible, The Angel Gabriel announcing God's plans to Mary; the angels that ministering to Jesus in His agony; the Angel Raphael who brought healing and a spouse to Tobit and St. Michael who defends us in battle.  Angels have many purposes, sometimes we get to see them in the flesh,(St. Paul says "remember to entertain strangers because you may be entertaining angels unaware.") and sometimes we just see the results of their protection, like leaving for work late one day and just missing a fatal accident.

  28. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image61
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Whatever the purpose of the angel is, I think, according to my knowledge, all gods experienced a lot of hardships from their birth to death. All the gods' stories, be it Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohamed, etc., are filled with blood, pain, and death. In such a tragic scene, they would have thought of introducing some entertaining beautiful and cool-to-see personality in the story... and that may be the angel.

  29. lindatymensky profile image68
    lindatymenskyposted 14 years ago

    The purpose of angels is to praise and serve God, like all created creatures, including us.

  30. profile image0
    just_curiousposted 14 years ago

    To be honest, I've never thought of it. The idea of something watching me would creep me out, no matter what their purpose. I hope they've got better things to do.

    1. pylos26 profile image70
      pylos26posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Some refer to angels as peeping toms. lol.

  31. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 14 years ago

    Hebrews 1:13 "But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool"?
      Hebrews 1:14 "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation"?

    angels have purpose. In revelations angels sound the last trumpet blast. When jesus was in the wilderness angels would not let him dash his foot against a stone. There were angels in the tomb after jesus resurrection and they enlightened the ones who came looking. Before jesus crucifixion, in the garden he said.. stay your sword peter could i not implore the father (god) to send me a thousand legions of angels.

  32. ii3rittles profile image84
    ii3rittlesposted 14 years ago

    I believe angels are messengers of God. They have the ability to come to us spiritually and physically and even be invisible to the naked eye. They are gifted the ability, if they chose, to become physical in this realm, by means of they can touch us and we can touch them, and they can eat and drink with us, ect. ***Which is how fallen angels slept with humans*** They also can come and go threw the physical realm and the spiritual realm as they please, or by the needs of God. Each angel, much like each demon, has its own personal preferences on what they love to do most. Some like to come in the flesh and test our will, some like to watch over children, and some like to create signs for people. There are also fallen angels and much like heavenly angels, they to can go between realms but their "loves" are displeasing to God. They can torment us sexually, physically, mentally and emotionally. For obvious reasons, I believe they work for Satan! (LOL) We all have an angel counter part and a demon counter part (usually in cartoons you will see the angel on the right and the devilish figure on the left). The devilish figure is always on the left as in is believed by many to be the evil side of man. The evil is our flesh and the good is our spirit. While we may have angels assigned to us to protect us, it is still uncertain as to if we personally know/knew them, i.e. a lost family member. Some find comfort in this, which I don't think God would find displeasing at all. Thats just part of my take on angels.

    1. ii3rittles profile image84
      ii3rittlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Let me add too, that some angels work only by the side of God himself. Each angel has its own purpose just like us! Some angels will play a big role in the final battle against Satan. Such as the arch angel Micheal. He seems to me, to be the general of God's army. Thats the best way I can describe it! lol

  33. profile image49
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    What do you think an angel's purpose is?

    The purpose of an angel is to help human beings to walk on the virtuous straight path.


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