Have you ever felt the love of lord in your heart?

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  1. Iamsam profile image60
    Iamsamposted 11 years ago

    Have you ever felt the love of lord in your heart?

    Please explain

  2. SwordofManticorE profile image69
    SwordofManticorEposted 11 years ago

    I felt His love once I discovered His plan for all and gave Him gratitude. With this love I first felt, all fear was removed from me.

  3. CoauthorU profile image72
    CoauthorUposted 11 years ago

    Daily, sometimes too, in my sleep. He neither leaves us nor forsakes us, and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit is our teacher of all things, and is with us always.

  4. RichieMogwai profile image61
    RichieMogwaiposted 11 years ago

    I always do, I guess that is what happens when you walk with Him. There is a passage in the Bible about how the Lord loved to walk with Adam in the cold of the night. And also there was Enoch, who in his lifetime did nothing but talk and walk with God. He had the easiest ministry of them all. He did not have to work as hard as Moses or Abraham did.

    All Enoch did was wait on the Lord and talk to him all day. When Enoch died his body was never found. It was said that he went straight to heaven, like Elijah on a chariot of fire. I guess the Lord knows how to reward those who love to keep His company.

  5. profile image0
    Lybrahposted 11 years ago

    Yes, I have felt the love of the Lord in my heart.

  6. d.william profile image74
    d.williamposted 11 years ago

    When i was 7 i died, during emergency surgery, and entered the peaceful light we came from and will return to.  I was told i had to return to fulfill my life's lessons and felt myself returning to the body.  I have never forgotten that experience and it has guided me through my entire life.  I was told then that "God is not a Religion" but a way of life in universal love.  I never knew what that meant until i got older and saw all the fighting around the globe by so called 'religious' groups and was compelled to write as i do.
    Universal love is present all around us, but few actually feel it with the distractions of every day life activities.  We tend to confuse this universal love with religious affiliations, but when that affiliation is corrupted by teaching hatred and intolerance, it is lost from our hearts.  If more people consciously allowed that universal love to enter our hearts, there would be less fighting, judging, intolerance, hatred and bigotry influencing our lives and affecting (and infecting) those around us.

    1. berghianl profile image63
      berghianlposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      what is this universal love d.?? and how is one finding it?? how does one get a hold of it? Do you just believe that IT exists and IT calls you?? I agree that there is a universal love, but I am afraid I don't understand what you mean by that!

    2. d.william profile image74
      d.williamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      God is that love.  Ask & you shall receive it. God is not a religion & we as individuals have access 2 that love without restrictions.  It is available 2 all who desire 2 B part of it.   No mystery here.

    3. berghianl profile image63
      berghianlposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      OK, so God is that love, and "it's available to all who desire to be a part of it".  Nothing new there! However, since love is something radically relational, let's not confuse "feeling" God's love with being made right with God.

    4. d.william profile image74
      d.williamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      b: that is amusing.  there is no differentiation between what is one's awareness & what is 'felt'.  They're 1& the same. U R grasping at straws 2 try 2 seem more knowledgeable than someone else.  There is no contest here.  Universal love is 4

    5. berghianl profile image63
      berghianlposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are right, no difference between awareness and feeling.  Did not say otherwise. No contest either, here! I was merely making a difference between experiencing someone's affection and being in a loving relationship with that person.  End of story!

  7. abbaelijah profile image73
    abbaelijahposted 11 years ago

    Yes, i do feel his mercy, love, and his unspeakable kindness every day.

  8. Marina7 profile image59
    Marina7posted 11 years ago

    Yes I feel the love of the Lord in my heart daily.

  9. berghianl profile image63
    berghianlposted 11 years ago

    Iamsam, I suspect you do not need a YES or a NO, but an opinion. So here it is:

    I don't know where you are on your walk with God... however, God's love can only be described as a river... a mighty river, as such.  One that is frightening and adventurous; powerful and deep.  While feeling God's love can be a little tricky, one can only be in God's love if and when one jumps right into it.
    You guessed it... one needs courage and faith in order to do that. Courage to make the step into it and faith to believe that it is love itself that will sustain you while in this river:)))
    The hardest thing for anyone is to pretend that one is swimming down this river while not having the courage and the faith necessary to let go of oneself. 

    God Bless you on your journey!!!

  10. EmVeeT profile image70
    EmVeeTposted 11 years ago

    If the question is meant to point to THE LORD of Lords, known as JESUS in the Greek, or YESHUA in Hebrew, then the answer is YES. HE has made me aware of HIS Existence and HIS LOVE for me. The power of HIS Presence is an exquisite confirmation that we are alive for a reason. HE Created each of us with a purpose, particular and exclusive, just as HIS LOVE is unique to each of us. Amazing.

  11. Michael Adams1959 profile image78
    Michael Adams1959posted 11 years ago

    Every day He makes known the love He has for us, me, in my heart.

  12. Nikki Major profile image64
    Nikki Majorposted 11 years ago

    Yes!!....all the time. It feels me with such a joy and zest for life, others, and most of all Christ.


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