The curious and adventurous Ikem as he discovers a hidden book and embarks on a mystical journey with his wise guide, Ochanya. Through overcoming obstacles and facing his fears, Ikem learns to believe in himself, inspiring his village to embrace their own inner strength...
The poem is a tribute to a person's inner voice or guiding force, which they consider to be their "Principal." It describes how this inner voice helps the person navigate their life and offers them comfort, support, and guidance.
The poem is written in a positive and uplifting tone, and uses vivid imagery to convey the beauty and power of blood. Overall, this poem is a tribute to the life-giving and transformative properties of blood.
The journey to self-discovery is a process of self-exploration and growth. It involves facing challenges, seeking guidance, practicing self-love, and considering the impact of relationships and culture. It also involves letting go of negative beliefs and finding one's passions and purpose.
Pope Benedict XVI was a man of great faith who dedicated his life to spreading the word of the Lord and spreading a message of love and peace. He was a leader of the Catholic Church and traveled to many countries during his time as Pope.
By providing services to companies and people that require assistance with their data management, such as data input, data cleanup, database maintenance, custom integrations, training and consultation, or template design, freelancers can make money using Airtable.
Pope Benedict XVI, also known as Joseph Ratzinger, was the Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. He was the first pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, and the first to do so of his own accord since Pope Celestine V in 1294.
“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.” – Bob Proctor
We must learn to take action if only we want to success in this life .
“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us;still will she cling to us.." Washington Irving
Life is a course of study of its own, we must continue to acquire what we think is needful for us at every point of our what do you want from where you are right now ?
Get Up and change your world
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. "Christopher Reeve"
You would never know te benefit of a Father not untill you lose one
Through experience we have come to understand that there are benefits that are apportion to us just because we are alive... this too must be acknowledged and appreciated.
A well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one. "Thomas Carlyle"
No container is Big enough to contain my thanks....
Don't be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. "Richard Bach"
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.' "Erich Fromm"
There is more to life than increasing its speed. "Mahatma Gandhi"
Love ! Love !! Love !!!
Celebrating a conquerors. Happy Birthday !
knowing a love and defining it !
How the day called "Birthday" was born...
Completely free Unstoppable MTN Browsing
Welcome to the Month of Divine help
I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great. "Russell Wilson"
I abhor averages. I like the individual case. A man may have six meals one day and none the next, making an average of three meals per day, but that is not a good way to live. Louis D. Brandeis Read more at
The search that brings or make a man favorable and worthy of living....
A Scene of an Unforgettable Sound spur from a Voice !
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. "Jawaharlal Nehru"
Moment of love sharing !
A poem of love !
The love entrapped in sound
Joining worlds, life and love....
Understanding Daniel Chapter 7 & 8
The book of Daniel is one of the Major Prophetic books in the Old Testament and is named after the Author Prophet Daniel (8:1; 9:2; 10:2)
Apparently, it is uncontroversial that Nigeria is repulsively saddled with gross challenges that are better imagined than experienced.
onth of April
At a certain point of our lives we tend to experience event that we celebrate as memorials. Yours will not be different in Jesus name !
There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. Malcolm X
To moms for there love and care
To those who escaped the Nyanya bomb blast
Applying the Inductive Bible Study
Old but wonderful and beautiful praise and worship songs
Bible study and observation of the scripture context.
The Freshness of a morning we all need....
Revealing a hidden nature in Man
If one must know how to maximize the strength in anything he desires, be it abstracted or visual then he/she should do all it takes to have the full knowledge of such thing.
Who can stop you oh....
Oil and gas exploration in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria poses a great challenge to the preservation of freshwater ecosystem
Nigeria has a coastline of approximately 853 km2 bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the Gulf of Guinea.
Happiness is a sense or feeling of pleasure, contentment, joy and enthusiasm about an event.Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness. William E. Gladstone
Christ has paid the prize for Man's redemption (Luke 19 1:30)
"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? " Matthew 6 :27. Calmness can be a weapon that bring about success
The Nigerian electricity sector is vertically integrated and 98 percent government owned.
This Life should be leaved giving out our best to everyone that crosses our path. This is the only mean by which we can cause impart to our world. But where should we pour my blood ? (Matt.14:24)
Quit Time should be nurtured in every person because its effectiveness can not be overlook.
Welcome to March !. Check out what this month holds for us as we journey through the year 2014. hey! Happy Birthday to all MARCH BABIES !
The struggle of life can be crown with Joy and sense of fulfillment when its peak is obtained. Will you attain your peak to create another history ?
The Joy and sense of fulfillment is the worth of all destiny, but sometimes it is been washed away by our most desired future or ambition.
The display with tenacity of a body to a goal worth daring as a people of great mind, Which is to bring about a better life to all that abide by the instruction and set regulation.
There are stages were things that were presented as sweet or sweeten in all it features suddenly become a plague in the end.
Bringing a badly painted future into a glorious existence. The pride of a living even into manifestation
The attributes that makes a man the successful being that is admirable by the unreached from edges to edges....
Sometimes, life becomes very hard that our strength is lost in the obscurity but there is always a call back to strength from yester year that propels one against all that opposes him.
We are all here on planet earth to fill a gap. The design to accomplish the plan of our creator in making the world a paradise for all. This is the prize for a life !
In this life, Is there a place of total satisfaction? should there be a final peak in achievement? should one always accept more form life!A question we should always ask after every success in life.
Everyone desire to be loved and blessed by God and Man but how can we obtain mercy and favor to be the blessed and beloved
A poetic story of how cycling even mono-cycle was born and how it has metamorphism over the years
Everything in this world rest on an infinite strength which when it comes, both complex and abstract becomes dominated.
Everyone desires a relief, where else can one find it if not in a place of comfort. we desires a journey to our comfort
Getting to a desired end is the dream of all mankind. obstacles and opposition must be comprehended for our morning (Desired end) to come true.
We all desire to get a strong and irresistible ability to perform a task. But if i may ask- what are the values that can gave such strength ?
Everything in this world have its opposite side,they may be presented as negative, but it is really another face of same object
How many will we have to send ahead of us to cause a change positively to our lives.We have expected so many to cause a change but they all, if not some have all failed us.
For man to explore his divine capabilities, he himself must be rebirth in totality.
Being trapped in the ordeals of life which was intentionally/undesirably engaged could drain life from a person but if we can Get-out, The world will gladly share our story.
Have you always wonder why some people are greater than the other, why desire backup with hard-work sometime don't come true ? then you have to read this poem.
The places and things man is made to fulfill and execute are strange even to the carrier, finding it is one thing and embracing it does not mean it will end in the way we have planned.
A poem I've written from my life experience. Can facts or Nature be altered because we are the last born of creation?
Oh Mother ! A Poem that describes mother's love which is precious than silver or Gold. the value of mothers and how they can help in fashioning the world for the best .
Poem about our needs and why they don't come true....
Writings about the use of poem.
I discovered that for a man to succeed in this life there are two basic ingredient he needs, one of them is a STEP and the other is a PUSH. But sometime they both work together for our success.
The lesson of this nature is a lesson that teaches how a believer may suffer in course of faith. A believer needs to emulate the life of our dear Savior. Agony means great pains, suffering or grief. Compare a man who is beaten by robbers who...
I discovered that in this life, at one point or the other one must feel depress, frustrated, rejected, discouraged, not wanted,not needed, not capable; no matter who and where we are. but at this time; how and what will you use to motivate, encourage, boost, energize yourself to be spirited to...
I've discovered that for every favor, mercy, grace, opportunity, desire or even goal that must be fulfilled we must have desirable attitude for them to come us.
I've discovered that our world is created by us through what we think. If you can image what you are a big and wealth man. that is what you will be.
As a child, I've wondered if there is a God. As a man, thinking I've known much about everything in these planet earth, yet i still don't understand the God Figure used everyday and in everywhere. And i ask, is there a God? A poem i wrote about my understanding of God.
A poem i wrote about my discovery of how everything in this world seems to be conflicting and contradicting to each other. None should or must be discarded, because they are all as important and as useless as they can be.
Where is the massive strength to process divine information and achieve the unthinkable inspiration with the unique ideas that is sent from heaven to man?
Sanctification is one of the prominent doctrines of the scripture. It is the glory of our salvation. Salvation without sanctification is worthless. To be justified without a sanctified life is an incomplete experience. Though there are many uprising problems about this subject among the believers,...
Every Failure or disappointment makes one feel useless,not needed or valueless, but the truth is that, failure can be one of man's greatness strength, cause without failure so many good and worth while invention would have not been created. i wrote this song to encourage myself when i witness my...
The Church is originally the gathering of believers but now it is the gathering of believers and unbelievers with the hope that someday the unbelievers will repent
The name of Jesus is a powerful name that the devil can not stand
A poem i wrote on how man can call the invisible to the visible,cause we all come from the invisible and we now live in the visible. remember God own's the invisible and visible things.
The spoken word is very powerful. one can use it to call the invisible into the visible.
The question why the bible should be read at all times is a wise and good question, before now. History has it that the Bible was written by various Authors, at various times and season but were led by the Holy spirit of God.
Faith is the confirmation of our hope, without faith our hope cannot be actualized being the proof of things we do not see and conviction of their reality. Faith does perceive as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.
The name Saul is borne by three men in the Old Testament and one man in the New Testament . The best known Old Testament figure called Saul is the first king of Israel. Saul whose father is Kish was a man of Benjamin, handsome, who stood head and shoulders above other men.
A poem i wrote about my understanding of life, the body , the sprit and the soul of Man linked to passion,strength,action and how they all can bring about revealing the God in us. for we are not here for nothing but to fufill the reason for our creation. For ye are gods,the sons of the living God
Base on Microsoft Encarta Dictionary Evangelism is a Protestant movement of the Christian Church whose members believe in the authority of the Bible and salvation through the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ. But i will say, Evangelism is a divine assignment mandated to us as our daily...
A double standard person is one who is unstable in his ways. HE changes as the tide of the sea. He is a person who eats from the table of the lord and that of idols.
If we must please God, We must learn how to walk by faith. The bible says without faith it is impossible to please God for he that comes to God must believe that God is, and that he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrew 11:6) There must be an act of foolishness in human sense...
Attitude is the way and manner a person think, this has a whole lot to do with who or what you will become in life. Your action in life is driven by your thought; though: thoughts are the introduction of possibilities, if you can think then you can act it. Your Attitude determines your altitude.