I see a window: no, it is not a window of opportunity for our pleasures, wants needs or desires. This window is more of a vision God has laid on my heart this week. An allowance to share this morning what God has allowed me to see over the last two years.
Mother's Day May 13, 2018 sermon. My first Mother's Day message as a pastor.
Romans 10:1-4, Brethren My heart's desire and prayer for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to...
This is the sermon notes of the message The Red Heifer, Jesus and the Colt as presented by Evangelist Michael Adams at South Dayton Baptist Church.
It is time as Christians we take those heart throbbing convictions and put them to action. It is time to answer the call of God.
The question is have you been converted or have you conformed to fit in? The church is full of conformist that are gradually pulling the church down and ushering in the apostate church.
This poem was written when I was a freshman in high school. It is written about children being forced to grow up way too soon. I took the liberty to use the seasons of the year as to the cycles of life.
I recently spoke in a revival meeting in Bellefonte, Pa. It was a challenge for me as I have never spoken for an hour. I was quite intimidated as I have two years of online Bible College compared to three other seminary taught preachers. All four of...
Sunday, July 3, 2011 The Great American Fast was held at Lifegate Baptist Church in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. During the weekend we observed several hours of fasting, prayer, praises, and preaching. It is my ernest plea that the lives of all those...
A few thoughts on how some of our presidents followed the Bible
The time has come for Christians to stan up and be accountable. The time has come we spread the true Word of God to a lost country here in the U.S.A. It is time we spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ that those who do not know His Word will see the Truth. Lest ones like Camping be heard.
A fellow cross walker with an amazing message.
Man I hate being home, laid up not able to work. Though the remote works well and I have a kajillion channels to choose from it all seems the same sometimes. Of course there is MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS, etc, plus all the local news it all seems the...
"You are one of them aren't you? I mean, are you really a true Christian? I don't know that I have ever met someone who truly is a Christian." This is the words of an alcoholic, drug addict, drug dealer. I went to talk to him about Jesus, giving him...
Many may have seen comments on some of my hubs by The Lord's Lamb Tam. A few that have followed onto The Great American Fast website will see her listed there under this same name, The Lord's Lamb Tam. I must write a hub here on her and try to...
Sin in our churches has been running rampant. I am not talking of the sinner coming to be saved, but, rather the intentional living in sin that has become acceptable in our churchesJesus said come out from among them and be ye separate. Here I stand! Where will you the CALLED OUT CHILD OF GOD...
We are called with a holy calling of Jesus Christ to take His Gospel to the streets. Jesus said,"Go ye into all the world teaching and preaching in my name."
What will you do to show your life in Christ? Will you truly live for Him?
The Great American Fast is a project of Pastor William Kovacic from Bellefonte, Pa. His church is Lifegate Baptist Church. The desire is to see another great awakening in the United States of America. Join the fast at www.thegreatamericanfast.org
The days of apostasy (falling away from the truth of God) are upon us. It is time for our churches to make a stand.
I Saw the Cross Today is a short poem of what Jesus did for my sin.
I saw the church filled today For some dear soul had passed away cars parked in the lot and streets People standing in the church for there were no seats Friends came from far and near this way to see their friend this one...
The Bible in the book of Acts states a few times that as Christians we need to be of one accord. This is a look of Christians working together for the Glory of God.
What God revealed to Ezekiel
Are you ashamed of the Gospel? Do you have the love of Christ in you to spread His precious Word? Give it all to Him, your life, your praise, your time.
This is a short message on the last sayings of Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross. I cannot even begin to explain the finishing work of Calvary, I just hope this work helps all who read .
Seeking revival in America. Our churches need to repent and turn back to God. Revival must start in our American churches. Let it begin with you.
Where does your faith stand? Do people think it is radical? Well, maybe they should. We as Christians need to stick out from the world.
This is a simple look at God telling us fear not. It was said several times by the angel as Jesus was about to be born.
Just what do we honor? The following is a short look at a drug dealer that was shot to death, yet being "honored" as a great guy.
REGENERATION "Behold all things become new,". That is our regeneration promise. We become new creatures in Christ when we accept His love and grace and call upon Him as our Saviour. The Apostle Paul wrote about how through Christ we are become as new and former things are passed away.
Just what qualifies a man to be a pastor? I pray this hub will open that up to you all.
This is an exhortation for the young Christian as well as the mature Christian. For the young it is how to get grounded. For the mature Christian it is for helping to disciple the new Christian.
This is a short poem of just what Jesus did for our sin on His cross. Tetelasti, it is finished our sin debt is gone because of Jesus, His life, His death, His resurrection.
This is a simple prayer to God acknowledging we are just simple men
Another look at preaching in the streets or as some say open air preaching. This is my follow up to Street preaching 101
Jesus said,"If I be lifted up". This is His way of saying if He were put up on the cross then forgiveness through His sacrifice would be for all who believe.
A small poem on grace
A message to me from an old preacher
What are you carrying that you need to give up? This short message is one of total surrender to God. Don't tell God how big the storm is but tell the storm how big God is.
A love letter written for my dad after his passing.
A look at the ideologies of being a man, this short message explains the difference men see in nurturing and mothering. Men starve for the nurturing of their wife but despise "mothering" from the same wife. They want the love and respect and nurturing but they don't like being treated like a little...
A Big Mac and a sermon please is a story written on a talk in MacDonald's one day. An old man recognized the Voice of Martyrs t-shirt I was wearing. He thanked my for wearing a shirt that said I am not ashamed of the Gospel.
Fire leaves eight families searching, Shawnee, Oklahoma tornado
A few words about the love of my life.
I had a dream one night I will never forget. The power of God was displayed in me in a way that is truly miraculous. But it was real not just a dream, I was wide awake.
A composition of the duties of each and every Christian believer to warn the lost. God has commissioned us to peak His Word. That Word is the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the atonement of the Cross.
I took the Beatitudes of Jesus and wrote as if I had been there.