Why do those who routinely ask questions to provoke atheists/agnostics do so?
Some people here and elsewhere seem to constantly need to question atheists, only to not listen to the answers and belittle the very people they are asking questions of. Is that because they feel threatened by atheists? Shaky in their own faith so they need to demonize? What is the reason people can't just live and let live?
I don't go out of my way to ask religious people questions only to put them down, why not show some respect? Yes I know it goes both ways and both sides need to not ask only to provoke. Ask questions if you are interested only. Is that unreasonable to expect?
Honestly, I think that there are many answers to this question, but the main answer in my mind is that there are too many people in this world that are closed minded. Many people believe that their beliefs are the only right answers and there is no room for other options. I think the closed minded part adds to people not being able to respect others beliefs because they end up wanting to prove who is right through a debate, but with religions/ atheists everyone believes in what they believe in because of their own rezoning's along with whatever they may have been taught.
Now you also mentioned the individuals feeling "belittled" or "shaky in their own faith". That could definitely be possible, but also certain religions the leader of the group constantly tells "his" people to "spread the word" and "help save the heathens". Now to them heathens are anyone that is "ungodly or unsaved, and possible Atheists".
Lets just say I was brought up in a colt that had a very controlling preacher. Because of this man I have my own views on religion and my beliefs, and I like to listen to others and learn about their beliefs as well because I find it very interesting. I hope my response helped.
A very well-reasoned response. I agree with your points. I just can't see the benefit of seeking out a fight with those you disagree with, but I value learning/listening to the experiences of others.
The righteous do not feel belittled or shaky. The truth of the Creator will always lead the righteous to an honorable destiny. Wickedness and support for it will always lead to confrontation and despair. This is where the complainer sits.
Completely agree with you TA. Those who have not accepted Christ will never see the truth until they seek the truth. The truth is unfathomable to them.
Your version of the truth will never be fathomable to me, you're absolutely right. Fortunately, more than one path leads to the truth as you will one day hopefully see. My path is right for me.
I'm starting to wonder if this trend to spark religious debate on HP is beneficial to the member who's asked the question. I think it's just a hot topic that gets people a lot of views and attention here. So - maybe it's purely marketing.
Digging a bit deeper into possible motivators, I think they feel the same way we do about the way we see the world and the things in it. I learned once, "you cannot perceive chaos from within chaos." So while these members know what they've been taught to BELIEVE, and we know what we KNOW from experience, we just end up staring at each other going, "huh?!"
The difference is once you make the transition from seeing life through beliefs to seeing life through the lessons of your own experiences, you'll never go back. Call it the awakening...the age of information is starting to eclipse the age of belief.
[interesting corresponding tidbit: Over past 2000 years or so the earth has been oriented towards the constellation of "Pisces", the two fish, and the being (the son, but really just the sun) that fed the masses with them. The key idea associated with Pisces is "I believe". As the earth begins to orient itself more towards the next constellation, "Aquarius" or the water bearer, we've witnessed the birth of an information exchange humanity has never seen before. Aquarius' key idea is "I know". That's why the stories say Jesus told us to follow the man bearing a pitcher of water. The age of belief is coming to an end, and we are right now witnessing the dawning of the age of knowledge - both "here on earth" with the internet, and "in the heavens" as the earth (it's equatorial plane) aligns with constellation Aquarius. I suppose any great beast puts up one last great fight before it is finally put to rest. I agree it's aggravating. Don't take it personally. "They know not what they do" ... and they're just trying to be good people the best way they know how - by being more right that you lol ]
I agree. It's not that I take it personally, but I find it perplexing as to "why" - what compels someone to do it over and over and over. It's like the definition of insanity expecting different results? or just want to stir the pot? lol
"What compels you to rephrase this question 1,000 times to get the same ego-satisfying response?" is something I post on these kinds of questions a LOT lol. I've started calling it the HP circle jerk...
When evil exists, moral individuals seek correction. Those who question that action are willing to let evil gain more ground in society. The righteous continue to spread the truth as those that are complacent complain. Truth stands above.
We ALL are ALL where we are supposed to be right now in the consciousness scheme of things.Some are traditionally/orthodox religious, others are atheists/agnostics, and still some are spiritual. NONE is better and/or worse than the other.ALL r ONE.
I just went to topics just for giggles. LOL There have been 240 questions about on the topic of Atheists and 2,200 questions about Christianity.
I agree with Lee Tea, for some (not all) it's intentional stirring of the pot because it gets attention.
This place is a venue with some very special people. I haven't seen such a great community all in one place before. Everyone is unique, creative, and has feelings. I think writers forget how powerful words are.
I agree I love this community always have, but there are a couple here who seem to do this routinely and I can't help but wonder is there a point to it? It's not like it leads to discourse (a good thing) but to disparage the very answers they ask for
Most of the times they don't make even sense--Just now, a woman answered a question about guns, saying:
"My only question for folks who want to take guns to church would be, "Do you think Jesus would have a gun strapped to his thigh if he came in to your church?" Or, if He came to you in church and asked you, "In whom do you put your faith, your gun or Me?" How would you answer?"
Like those who put faith in Jesus never get shot!
I respect that they have faith, and never make fun of it or insult them, but it's not good to have blind faith.
Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.
- Albert Einstein
All thinking men are atheists.
- Ernest Hemingway
Albert Einstein's quote is good. I must completely disagree with Enerst Hemingway. ALL think men? bit of a stretch
Blindly believing in something is not what thinking men do. Just believing in the theory that God magically created this world is an excuse for not being able to think. Just because you don't know how a magic trick is done,doesn't mean it's real!
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein
Amazing thinker... What you say is blindly believing in something is called faith. Something that you cannot out think or out reason. God is in control.. whether you want to accept it or not
That's been always the best excuse for not being able to answer.
May be you mistook faith for ignorance.
I think you are mistaking your fairy tales for intelligence.. in which you are not showing
Your commenting of mere men. You should read what Jesus has commented to see the light. Choices are very important, let us hope you all make he right one before it i to late
amazing thinker
first of all i love your name. second of all your blindly beleiving statement is bold, considering you didnt even ask or know why i beleive what i do. you just assume i dont have reasons because im christian. I assure you i do.
I was not trying to judge you; I was not referring to you when I made that statement, but now that I read it again, It sounds totally wrong!
Actually, I couldn't write my whole message cause of the word limit for comments, and it sounds wrong! Sorry!
i know i hate the word limit thing. i even asked a question about that a while back because i was so frustrated with it. it makes it very difficult to be clear and make your point.
evil thrives on ignorance. that is why many evil ones demand that truth be omitted from daily life. society is at risk because good people do nothing to counter the ignorance. faith is not blind because it provides a truthful path to righteousness
I ask a lot of questions to learn. I also ask at times even when i know (or think i know) what the response may be to try and make a point. I also think asking a lot of question helps myself and others to maybe think through things a little more clearly and just to keep the conversation going. I know I do this to a fault sometimes. My wife and kid will even say "oh here we go" when I ask my first question about something, lol. I never mean to belittle, insult, or provoke atheists/agnostics. I do this to other christians as well. I apologize in advance if anyone ever feels like im only trolling or trying to insult. that is never my intent.
You don't actually. You have interesting questions and thought provoking dialogue. You are NOT who I am referring to at all. I enjoy your questions/answers.
I agree with ChristinS, your responses are always very thoughtful and productive, christiananrkist.
thank you both for your kind words. you both make a lot of great points as well that i sometimes think of out of the blue during the day, lol.
Atheists/Agnostics are only belittled, insulted, and provoked because their spiritless undertaking delivers them into evil. Otherwise, all the truthful comments and questions would mean nothing.
more diatribes and drivel by TA there's a surprise.
being told we are evil gets tiresome JThomp and that's all some seem to be able to come up with.
TA is in THE HABIT of denigrating those with different spiritual/ethical beliefs. It is OBVIOUS in his post. JT, Christin was not belittling TA, she was TELLING THE TRUTH. It is TA who is being belittling & adopting a superior attitude!
I have not once told anyone they are evil. But, there is a way to portray one's self as not to offend.
has anyone here been to the should christians and atheists segregate question recently? i was against it, but i understand the desire for the suggestion. Yikes!
It is based upon insecurity and fear. Many religious people are so inculcated in the premise of God and religion from early childhood. They were thoroughly indoctrinated by parents, family, and other religious teachers that having a religion and belief in God is the only legitimately moral way to be. They view those who do not believe as they do as "the other" and "lesser."
So many religious people being thus indoctrinated and ensconced in their belief systems view atheists with suspicion and fear. Part of this is insecurity. Many atheists question religious concepts and precepts. They based their beliefs upon sound logic and reason. They refuse to accept things because some religious book, dogma, canon, and/or authority says such. This makes many religious people insecure. They have so blindly accepted the precepts of their particular dogmatic system that it is difficult for them to question their religion even though THEY may be QUITE UNCOMFORTABLE with it.
Many religious people believe in their religion because of fear of disapproval from their families, neighbors, and fear of going to hell if they DON'T believe. Also they do not want to leave the purported comfort zone of their religion. Religion to some people is an escapism from the issues they DON'T want to face. Religion=comfort to such people and the atheist represents a zone of the unfamilar and discomfort to them. Yes, the atheist THREATENS the foundations of these people's beliefs because it is different and unfamiliar and THEY go into attack mode.
Atheists represent the different in religious societies. People do not like the different. Difference unhinges many people who prefer the comfort and security of homogeneity. People tend to demonize differences because they FEAR it. Again, this FEAR is based upon insecurity. If one is secure in one's beliefs, he/she does not consider atheists to be an affront.
I wrote a hub about this: Science vs religion.
Thought you'd be interested!
Spreading truth is not fear. Fear is supported by falsity generated by evil. Wickedness breeds while men do nothing to support the truth. Comfort comes from truth, not immoral actions.
"He who jealously guards his fears quietly yearns to bring them about."
May be JThomp42 is trying to win the hubby award for "most religious hubber."
Good Luck Bro!
I remember during the last election cycle, I used facebook as a means to get information out about my candidate of choice. As we all know, a lot of lies get thrown around and my way of trying to combat it was sharing articles and infographics to my friends and family. It was kind of a placebo effect, as everyone on my friends list had more-or-less already made up their minds, but I did it anyway to make myself feel better. And I suspect these atheist questions are very similar.
Those who ask them dislike the idea of atheism and want to work against it. But, they don't necessarily want to get out and actively campaign against atheism, so instead they come here and try to find ways to make atheists look bad. Whether they're trying to invoke got-ya style questions, or they're trying to paint atheists as the bad guys; they believe that what they are doing is helping. Even though, like with my political posts, everyone here already has their mind made up.
Just love to here their own pointless answers is my guess. They definitely aren't interested in meaningful conversation.
wasnt the question, why do christians ask questions? so how do they hear their own answers? isnt the question to hear the atheists answer? i also consider myself wanting to engage in meaningful conversation. i know there are those who dont though
"...how do they hear their own answers?"
They spend their conversations here just waiting for their chance to talk, er, type.
lol, I always say talk and hear too. i think everyone here is just waiting to express their opinion on something though. i ask lots of question to learn and other things, but this isnt strictly reading for me.
Yes that was the question, and my answer. I've met very few Christians who want to hear any answer but their own.
The backing for their answers never changes and they hate / avoid hard questions. They ignore known science and logic.
its very unfortunate those are the majority of christians you know. I know a good amount of "just have faith" christians myself. in the christian apologetic circles though, science isnt ignored and love the harder questions. its good to be humbled.
Truth shall triumph because it never has to be defended, only spread by those who morally support the society. The major complainers continue to be those who lack the truth because they must always seek false information to spread. Truth is advancing
That's why atheism is the fastest growing belief world wide. America is catching up all be it slowly.
I find your view of this topic to be quite one-sided. Haven't you read forums and questions in HubPages lately? You will also see that some atheists question Christians only to belittle and chastise them for their Biblical beliefs. Such posts are just as frequent from both sides of the fence, by certain antagonistic and sometimes twisted people, so I simply can't see how only your side of the fence ends up being disrespected. Even though I may be on the other side of the fence from you, it's quite obvious to me that some people on both sides are overly aggressive, and some people on both sides are overly sensitive... it's just how it is.
ChristinS then there's this - where someone misquotes what you've said and then unleashes a rebuttal against it.
Dellea no where does she claim this is ONLY happening to her - just that it is.
Apparently you did not read my full question before answering. You were not a part of the original exchange that inspired the question so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
For one, it is a deep seeded human knee-jerk reaction to attack that which we don't understand. For may people who are religious, folks like me who don't believe are foreign, less "something," different... other. And it's much easier to attack that state of difference than to try to understand it. Personally, I believe that trying to understand why we don't believe violates the general core principles of religion. To accept it could be even worse.
On HubPages especially, there are people on both sides of the fence who do ask questions designed to either provoke an argument or to get that "atta boy" or the "YOU ARE SO RIGHT" comments. I try to avoid those people, regardless of their religious beliefs.
One one hand, I don't think it's because their own beliefs are "shaky." I think it's because they really do get off on that verbal punch in the face they think they're giving when they insult someone or their beliefs (or lack of them).
Spreading truth is very easy for the righteous. But it causes the wicked to complain because they must continually spread falsities in order to sway the complacent.
Georgle, you are succinctly correct in your premise. The religious forums are a hoot, you see THIS ACTION constantly! It is analogous to a gladitorial battle!
I agree, but it begs the original question - WHY, what is the purpose. I guess it just seems like a colossal waste of time to me to seek people out I don't agree with to antagonize them lol.
Why do you and your friends try and single out those who; God forbid, disagree with you? You are becoming more and more laughable Christin. Your weakness is shining brightly
OK JThomp whatever ... If not being beat down by dogma and a need to blindly believe in something makes me weak, I accept.
JThomp, either you are totally clueless or the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. That is EXACTLY what you do with every religious question you ask. Christin, this is why. So they can behave like this in these kinds of forums.
Georgie I had the thought of JThomp being an "atta boy" commenter yesterday as well. It seems to verify his need to belong, as do his religious beliefs. He attacks the person, not the question.
Georgie.......... I did not ask this question. Why do you only point out my comments and not the one's directed to me?
Different people have different issues and that is why they do what they do.
I do not think that most people on Hub ages ask questions to provoke others on either side of the fence. I know I have no personal issues about Atheists, I have some friends who are atheists, but they are really nice how could I not like them.
I ma believe in religion, but that a belief, I have no concrete evidence about God the creator existing, just my own personal experiences.
I think that people who put others down because of they do not believe in religion are insecure. I also think that people who question religious people to insult their intelligence also have issues to work out.
I ask atheists questions about religion because I honestly want to know why they think the way they do. It is about sharing ideas not fighting. I think that some people get over emotional and should learn to take a step back and just respect that people have the right to disagree.
In the end we will all die and that is a fact, where we will go, who really can tell. Death is the great equalizer, so I guess no one is really better than the other in that respect.
Best wishes.
I really think some people ask questions just to advance their own agenda. That may include attacking the view opposite theirs. I also believe, however, that some ask questions to promote a real dialogue, learn and share. Once you read the question and the writer’s response to any comments received, it become fairly easy to tell what the questioner’s motives are. In those cases, I don’t bother to add my two cents and hope other will do the same. That way, the question will just wither away . . .
I agree with you so much. I've seen questions asked by the clearly devout who only want to attack anyone that answers with a different line of thought and say, "But, ah-HA [insert smarmy response here that basically says "You're WRONG-god did it"].
I am a lifelong atheist and I don't debate religion. I'm extremely comfortable in my own skin and I have no doubts the world is amazing without the supernatural. There's been no proof in thousands of years beyond some special appearances on toast, and quite frankly I find it a huge waste of my time and resources. On the same tip, I'll fight to the death for the right for anyone to believe whatever they like. They don't get that I totally support their right to do that.
I really love HubPages but certain individuals I just skip over the news feed they become so toxic in their own questions.
Thanks for the compelling question!
The most arrogant persons I've encountered online are atheist, atheist are often also the least intelligent, least observant, most bigoted, and most aggressive. They love to pretend they've some sort of moral high ground, while also claiming to know all sorts of things about various and sundry scriptures, while never using any of them in context.
Neil deGrass Tyson refuses to associate with atheism for this reason.
Oh the Christians are often rather bad too, the Muslims, almost unspeakable, but I don't think anyone is as bad as are the atheists. Just my opinion and observations.
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