How do I get myself to be able to listen to God's voice? I want to hear I just can't.
Prayer is important to hearing from God, and for us to talk to him. God wants us to pray about everything and everyone.
It is very important to read God's word, the bible. Like anything else, we need to know what Jesus wants from us to follow Him in love and integrity.
The Bible, our manual for living our lives here on planet earth is God's word. It is all in there. So much treasure and life in one book! This is the measure against all of what God is saying to us is tested and confirmed.
Words of knowledge are spoken from other people, sometimes, when God wants us to know something, he will speak through someone. It could be through a dream, a song, a thought, or anything else. Sometimes the answer you seek is in the Bible...and God want's you to research and find it.
." My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." John 10:27.
There are so many ways for us to hear God . the questions is....Are we listening?
Funny seeing God and Atheist listed thread on top.
Isn't there many ways to God or to be Godlike?
libby, You have some great answers. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of the various ways God speaks to us.
It's very easy.
All you need is 2 bottles of Whiskey and an empty stomach!
Not only will you hear God....but you'll see Him too.
Sounds like ever drunk is a believer.
Not sure your approach is all that correct.
Oh, I see, you are being cynical. Now that I can understand.
No, not being cynical, dj.
You still don't understand existence. Here, let me remind you again:
God exists or not, whether one claims to be a believer or not....right?
I mean, God doesn't just begin to exist when one has an epiphany and becomes a believer, right?
And God doesn't magically cease to exist when one loses their faith, right?
Clearly, existence has nothing to do with what you believe, or claim to know, or what authority you can reference on this issue.
What is it that you don't understand about this?
Think about it and we can discuss. This is basic stuff.
Well you certainly make the point clearly enough.
I thought you DON'T believe that He exists. Now, you affirm that our faith, or lack of changes nothing. A point I've been making in one form or another in all I post.
I just don't believe alcohol, or drugs are needed for one to have that "epiphany". It falls outside of what God considers an acceptable means of approaching Him
BTW, I appreciate your tone.
"Well you certainly make the point clearly enough."
Well, by what you post below, I obviously didn't.
"I thought you DON'T believe that He exists."
Let's try again...
Belief has nothing to do with existence. If one believes object A exists, it accomplishes nothing. It is irrational to "believe" that God exists, or to "not believe".
Existence is only a hypothesis, never a theory. You cannot theorize (explain WHY) that God exists. Just like ancient and modern theologians do, you hypothesize (assume) that God exists. With your God hypothesis, you "theorize" that God created the Universe, by waving His hand, speaking it into existence, from a state of chaos, or whatever...
dj, the BEST you can do is to rationally explain whether it is POSSIBLE that God created the Universe.
So really, it is irrational to "believe" or "not believe" whether God exists. At best, one can "believe" or "not believe" your Theory of Creation (explanation)....but that is one's personal business and it doesn't concern reality.
As you can see, there is no provision for belief, knowledge, truth, proof, opinion, or authority when it comes to the claim of the existence of God (the creator).
"Now, you affirm that our faith, or lack of changes nothing."
Yes indeed! It changes nothing. Your faith (or lack of) has nothing to do with reality, nor does it affect it in any way. The best you can do, is to explain why God "may" exist. And you can only do that by rationally explaining that God "could have" been the creator of space & matter.
"BTW, I appreciate your tone."
Despite the dead bodies in the trunk of my car....I don't bite!
Scientologists keep asking me...."What are you afraid of?....what are your crimes?" … re=related
Oh, I think I get it.
God DOES exist, just outside of our natural material world.
You choose to believe that, because of a lack of proof, that He does not.
I choose to believe that He does, even though I cannot prove it. So, whether I believe and you don't believe, He still exists (out there...somewhere).
Conversely, If nobody chooses to believe, He could still be "there".
And again, if everyone ever living, or dead, was a believer, it could be that He's NOT out there.
It's very clear to me!!
God just IS.
well if god exist , whether one believes or exist..if it doesnot exist even if 6.8 billion people believe in that , it doesnot matter...believe and existence are not related....
"Oh, I think I get it."
Sadly, you haven't.
"You choose to believe that, because of a lack of proof"
This is your issue, make use of strawman arguments to justify your position by misrepresenting what I say. You fool no one!
Existence has nothing to do with your opinions of belief or proof. If it did, then God would come IN and OUT of existence once a person believes/proves God, and then disbelieves/disproves God.
You have hypothesized/assumed God to exist. But with your assumption, you cannot explain if the creation of space & matter is even a remote possibility.....never mind proof. The word "proof" is not even part of your vocabulary here.
Try using the word "explain" in your vocabulary first. Once you've given an explanation for creation of space & matter as a "possibility", then we can talk about other issues. But until then, you can claim that you "believe", have "faith", or can "prove" God exists, or God just IS.....but all you've said is nothing.
"He still exists (out there...somewhere)"
That is your assumption and the assumption of all theologians.
It is no different than the assumption that Cinderella exists out there somewhere. Only a non-contradictory explanation can make that statement a possibility.
Here we go again.
Now we are talking semantics.
I made a statement that "GOD JUST IS"
Our belief or disbelief is meaningless and useless.
It simply puts us on opposite ends of the faith/doubt continuum.
The proof you, and all unbelieving rationalists seek is (for the moment) IMPOSSIBLE. You rightly point out that I have no proof, (of His existence), and I don't expect you to prove His NON-existence, because you can't.
The big point you seem to either NOT comprehend, or you duck, is that He can be known by revelation. IF God chooses to reveal Himself to someone, then that someone will KNOW that God exists. They will KNOW Him.
IF you have read a Bible, you will note that it is a FAITH book. In fact, it says that WITHOUT faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him. So, faith may be a dispensable thing to you, but it's not to God, nor those who follow Him.
Quantum research is trying to divide the smallest components of what we call matter, and they are coming to a dead end, because they can only divide down to a certain point, and no more. What does that mean, it means that we can only research SO FAR, and we come to an impassable barrier. That barrier can only be explored by thought, hypothesis and conjecture. Each requiring faith.
I say, what if God is beyond that barrier? And I believe that He is.
Example; Jesus appeared to the 11 disciples who were held up in a locked room. One moment He was not there, the next he was. Then they spoke to Him, ate with him, and (And the infamous doubting Thomas) touched Him. Physically. Then? He disappeared.
I can't prove the event ever happened. Neither can you, that it didn't. I believe it did, you don't believe it did. Faith vs doubt.
The Bible says that He is the One Who inhabits Eternity.
Also, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him, must worship Him is spirit and in truth". Just how do you suppose science will experiment on the spirit world? How can they discover "proof"? Besides, if I see something, touch it, smell it, taste it etc, what need to I have for FAITH. I don't need to "believe" it exists. It's right there in my hand. That, my friend is your limitation.
Please address your own assumptions before you call mine a straw-man argument.
what you say has a point...but we need to go beyond limiting just to jesus and understand holistically...because jesus is limited just to christians...we need to see how many people see muhammad or sufi same way many people claim to have seen their version of for those 11 disciples what they saw was real...for these people what they see is real and no one can argue that x is right or y is right...we need to believe everyone who claims or reject what i see is more to do with faith and human brain ...we need to research on this line further....
Dj: “The proof you, and all unbelieving rationalists seek”
Outside a tautologous system of logic, proof is in the eye of the beholder, dj. Are you suggesting your God is a TAUTOLOGY, a mere rule you made up?
Dj: “proof is (for the moment) IMPOSSIBLE”
More succinctly...proof is always impossible outside a tautologous system. So you can drop the strawman arguments.
Dj: “You rightly point out that I have no proof”
No! I did not! Your problem, dj, is that you can’t read, or you outright refuse to. Only people who don’t know the basics ask for proof. I only asked you for a rational explanation as to WHY God could be the creator of space & matter. You decided to invent your own strawman arguments so you can argue with the mirror. Sorry, to be so blunt, no disrespect intended....just calling it as it is.
Dj: “I don't expect you to prove His NON-existence, because you can't”
Proof is in the eye of the beholder. What is it that you don’t understand? It is irrational to prove the existence of the Sun. The Sun exists or not, irrespective of any life arising on the planet to give an opinion (which YOU call proof) about it. Existence is not dependent on your opinions of proof, belief, faith, knowledge, wisdom, or authority. Got it?
Dj: “He can be known by revelation.”
So the Sun doesn’t exist unless one performs a subjective activity called “knowing” or “revelation”? If a baby was born in an underground hidden society, and spent all his life there without “knowing” about the Sun.....does the Sun not exist?
That’s essentially your childish argument, dj.......God only exists for those with subjective “knowledge”, but doesn’t exist for those without subjective “knowledge”. Read what I said earlier about existence and learn the basics.
Dj: “then that someone will KNOW”
What you subjectively claim to “know” is your opinion, and an IRRELEVANT one! The theologian hypothesis is that “God is ASSUMED to exist”......remember? So when you come here, you are expected to explain your God Theory, of whether it is even remotely possible for God to create space & matter, i.e. to be a creator. Only then will your God Hypothesis be valid, and your Theory, possible.
Dj: “Bible, you will note that it is a FAITH book”
Great! So now you admit that God is a subjective entity that based on OPINION alone! So please, dj, from now on.....don’t try to place your God opinion within the realm of Science, reason, and rationality, ok?
I have complete respect for you now that you stated God is only your opinion. You deserve to have whatever opinion you like. It’s none of my business. You said “FAITH”, so just stay within the faith realm and you won’t get people like me holding you accountable for what you say, ok?
Dj: “explored by thought, hypothesis and conjecture. Each requiring faith.”
Within Religion and Faith-based systems, yes! So if you stick within the FAITH realm, you and your God are untouchable!
But Christian Apologists, like William Lane Craig completely disagree with you. But that’s not an issue against you, I’m just giving you an example. Craig claims that God is not based on faith, but on pure reason, logic, proof, and Science! That’s why I ripped Craig’s argument to pieces in my hub. I will not do that to you, dj, because your faith, is none of my business. Only when you want to make scientific claims will I respond to you.
Dj: “Jesus appeared to the 11 disciples who were held up in a locked room.....He disappeared....Faith vs doubt.”
No! It’s only “Faith vs Faith”. The Christians have FAITH this happened. The Muslims have FAITH this did not happen! It’s faith vs faith. Try to understand the basics, dj. Please stay focused.
Doubt only comes into to play when you exit the realm of faith, and wish to enter the realm of reason and rationality......when you wish to claim that this was a realistic event that concerns science. That is the only time I can step in and rip your claims to shreds. Other than than.....I do not doubt at all your FAITH-based claim that that what you said occurred! In fact, I am happy for you.
Dj: “Just how do you suppose science will experiment on the spirit world?”
HEY! I thought you said that God is based on FAITH alone!!!
Now you like to enter the realm of science again?
Make up your mind and drop the clown act.
Dj,.....It’s hard to tell with you which side of the fence you wish to play on.....Faith vs Science.....I am not a mind reader, but I have pointed out that you make contradictory statements because you wish to play on BOTH sides of the fence at the same time.
So I will leave you with this.....if you wish to have a SERIOUS scientific discussion about your God, you are welcome to discuss it in a reasonable manner in any of my hubs, without being harassed by atheists. There are other Christians who have such discussions with me. Otherwise, your faith does not concern reason, rationality, and science!
Thanks for your detailed rebuttal.
I will just add the following, and I will leave it alone.
You seem to argue that there is no way to show, scientifically that God 1; does/does not exist. and 2; that He created our world. Fine.
But, even though you assert my position, you argue with me. In your own example of the sun. I say here here. That's exactly MY point. It requirers no faith. The sun just iS. Those who see it, know it does. The child underground has NEVER seen it, but the sun still IS. If the whole population ceased to exist, the sun would still be there!!
However, suppose on person went underground and started telling those living there, that there is a ball of fire in the sky (what's a sky?) that shines half the day, and a smaller, closer "ball in the sky" that shines the other half. What can the "man from upstairs" (short of taking them up) do to "prove" anything? They would judge his character, assert that he is a truthful person, make some personal judgments, and either believe, or not believe.
I believe the son is up there. You have never seen him. Does that negate his "being up there". Absolutely not! (Sorry, I read your hub on absolutes, so you won't like me using the word).
So, to finish up, I will just add, IF God made everything, then He made all the laws of physics, chemistry, and life etc. He has also made a way for mankind to KNOW HIM. You may not like His way, but that's just too bad. (Sorry to be blunt. no offence intended). If you come to Australia, you will be FORCED to drive on the left side of the road. You may not like it but that's the way it is!).
So, as long as you continue to argue the scientific domain, you will never get to where you want to go. (assuming we're talking about finding God). He is under no obligation to show Himself to that means of inquiry.
I guess you may not be interested in Him, just in tearing peoples arguments to shreds. If that brings you satisfaction, well enjoy.
Been good talking to you.
Dj: “You seem to argue that there is no way to show, scientifically that God 1; does/does not exist. and 2; that He created our world.”
What I argue is irrelevant. All someone has to do is post a non-contradictory Theory (i.e. explanation) of Creation by God, and poor fatfist’s argument gets flushed down the toilet. You can only say that my arguments are rational or irrational (contradictory).
Dj: “The child underground has NEVER seen it, but the sun still IS. If the whole population ceased to exist, the sun would still be there!!”
Now you’re talking rationally, dj!
Dj: “That's exactly MY point. It requirers no faith. The sun just iS.”
Bingo! The Sun exits by definition, not by someone’s observation or assertion. Even a blind person who has never seen the Sun, or has never heard of it......can eventually critically reason that the Sun is possible to exist.
Dj: “What can the "man from upstairs" (short of taking them up) do to "prove" anything?”
Proof is in the eye of the beholder. What if he told them there were monsters roaming the Earth’s surface and that nobody should ever go up there or they’d be eaten? Again.....these are only CLAIMS. Proof is always subjective outside a tautologous system of logic.
Dj: “They would judge his character, assert that he is a truthful person, make some personal judgments, and either believe, or not believe.”
1) Yes, as long as you pick the path of FAITH. Once you choose this path, you put 100% trust in this person’s claims that there is an object he calls the “Sun”, up there. This is subjective as we only accepted his claim without any rational explanation.
2) Your other option, is to take this person’s claim at face value. So you now hypothesize (assume) that there is an object out there called the Sun. So now what?
Well, now you must be able to use this object, Sun, and explain a phenomenon with it. How about explaining where all your food comes from that you eat in that underground colony? Since this underground society only eats bugs, grubs, snakes, rats, groundhogs, etc., they need to explain where these animals get their food and thrive. Eventually, the explanation leads to the Sun, which allows plants to grow, get eaten by animals, and eventually reach your table underground.
There! The underground colony now has a rational explanation (Theory) that it is POSSIBLE for this Sun object to exist. There is no contradiction in their explanation (Theory) whatsoever! If there is a contradiction in the hypothesis or theory, then the person's claim about the Sun goes in the trash! This means that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the sun to exist, as stated by the original CLAIM.
This is the only objective criterion to validate the claim as possible or impossible. What one believes after this explanation, is their own personal business and has no bearing on the Theory. But it is irrational to BELIEVE in Theories.....we only accept them as explanations; there is no other context attached to them!
There is no proof.....ever! Existence is not circumscribed by subjective human activities we call proof.
Dj: “I believe the son is up there.... Does that negate his "being up there". Absolutely not!”
Fine. You chose option #1, faith, and that is your business. It does not concern me nor does it concern science.
Dj: “IF God made everything, then He made all the laws of physics”
A faith statement again. Only humans make laws. Space and matter have no rules or laws inscribed on them. The universe can only be rationally explained by Theories; never asserted.
Dj: “you come to Australia, you will be FORCED to drive on the left side of the road.”
Indeed, laws are made by humans.
Dj: “So, as long as you continue to argue the scientific domain, you will never get to where you want to go.”
Tell that to the Aborigines. They still travelled before white man carved roads and gave them cars. They still went where they wanted to go, and so can I ;-)
butternugget, sometimes you need to turn off the tv or music and listen. We can't always hear God unless it is complete quietness. When you are done praying, wait in silence with patience. Listen for his voice. Pray that God will give you a sensitive ear to hear his voice when he speaks to you. The bible have the answers to every situation in your life.
How would you know his voice when you heard it? How would you differentiate it from your own interior monologue? How would you know it is not the Deceiver? What form would the voice take? Will it be audible? Will it be in the form of a miraculous sensation in your brain? Perhaps it will be none of those. Maybe it will come only in your specifically directed attention to the details of life that happen around you. Ah, yes. That's the answer. When you believe hard enough, then, THEN you will hear that "still small voice".
I"m sure that if you continue to search for god and believe in god then you will find a way to "hear" his "voice". All believers do. That's the nature of belief. Just learn to interpret everything around you as the will of God. Then you will hear from him daily.
If it works, and it dose not harm anyone. Is that not a good enough reason to do it?
I don't force my will on anyone, so God (What ever god maybe) dose not force me. I can't speck for religions.
hearing voices in your head - isn't that schizophrenia?
Baileybear posted
Hearing voices in your head - isn't that schizophrenia?
Could you imagine 85% of the world lining up, explaining to Psychologist or Physiatrist the voices in their head? That business has tripled in the last few decades,One told me he knew me better than I know myself. So many people want my soul, I think I will keep it, thank you. My life is based on good sense and by using the Sub conscious, God, the Universe, make good sense and it works for me.
We all are a bags of emotion, when you and your doctor, agree you have a mentally ill problem, you do.
If you want to hear voice of Jesus; that is not possible as he does not live; he died a peaceful and natural death in India. You cannot hear voice of Jesus and Moses; they both are dead.
That's a lie. Sorry to be so blunt.
Jesus is risen from the dead.
It was foretold for centuries.
It was predicted by Himself.
Eyewitnesses tell the story.
The tomb is EMPTY.
The Romans were masters of crucifixion
and VERY experienced with DEATH. The centurion
declared Jesus DEAD.
All the disciples saw, talked with, ate with and touche Jesus AFTER His resurrection.
Then you come along, as a Muslim, and you tell us...what?
On what authority?
They only saw the same Jesus before them who had got recovered from the injuries iflicted on him on the Cross. Nicodemus gave treatment to Jesus in the tomb he was layed in.
Jesus did not die on the Cross in the first place; so there is no question of his resurrection or ascension.
I don't mind if you are blunt; that won't change the reality in any case.
Both of you must have been the time of crucifixion.
again a grand lie. jesus existed no more that zeus, oisiris, asclepius, athena and the lot
Eyewitnesses tell the story
there never was an eyewitness
The Romans were masters of crucifixion
they crucified and left that there for the whole world to see and study from that, never buried the crucified
All the disciples saw, talked with, ate with and touche Jesus AFTER His resurrection.
make a good night time story, no more use
God is a still, small voice inside of you. You've heard it, but we learn to block it. No one believes it's there. If you listen with other than your ears, you may hear it. Heeding it, allows it to strengthen.
if you really can hear voice inside your heard which nobody else can hear then immediately consult a psychiatrist.
What do you hear when you are thinking in your head as you write a post?
Start with listening to your conscience that He gives to everyone.
To hear God voice you need to know yourself and God properly. Seat in silence think you are pure soul and GOD is also full of light and just talk with God whateever you like, slowly you will realise you are getting reply. Try this surely you will enjoy.
Bren, Brit, you must be angels. (Not KIDDING!)
You have to understand the hierarchy of drugs. If you want to see God, mushrooms, PCP, and peyote are the best choices. If you want to hear Gods' voice, a more mellow experience is required, so hashish is the ticket.
Now, if you want to SEE what God SAYS, then it's a tab of window pane and a quart of Jack Daniels....
We do not know everything about the 1%, 6 km mass crust surface of the earth. We know very little about the 99% mass underneath that 6km crust. Don't get me started about the Universe.
Take God with an open mind and grain of salt. Then consider we got 90% of our brain we know little about. I do listen to that little voice in my head, whatever you call it. Sub conscious, God, the universe, it works for me.
I say whatever works, as long as you do not harm anything
Cags, I think they have chemicals for that
I think the worry is when the voices in your head stop being in your head and seem somehow external, then I would worry
You already do, unless of course, you are a sociopath. Are you sociopathic Cag?
what so ever is the truth according to your own knowledge is what god is saying, especially when it goes against what you would like to believe.
that is the place to begin and as you continue to seek to know this truth to do it you hear much more amazing things.
I would say stop doubting that you can hear God, and just be willing to listen. Ask God to speak to you in His on special way. God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows how to get through to Us. Use the bible as your compass to find the way in this world.
Find something constructive to occupy your mind, and listen for God in your Heart. Someone once told me, to crawl out of my mind and into my heart because that's where Jesus is. I reduce the amount of time I had to figure things out and begun to trust and respond to God.
Here something I would like you to try. Here is a link to a song called mighty warrior. I would like you to listen to the song with your eyes closed, and your heart open to see what you hear. Turn of your cell phone for a min. and relax for the next five minutes.
"My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." John 10:27.
All of the bible does hold knowledge. BUT ...
I think the teachings of Jesus is all that we need to know.
We need to return to basics.
Everyone should occasionally just open their bible and read the RED INK. If you do not have a bible that highlights those things that Jesus said you should borrow one.
Start in Matthew and read all of these red letted words, through out the NT in one session.
Any Christian that disagrees with this statement should reevaluate themselves with great vigor.
And keep an open mind, searching for misconceptions that you may have been taught.
When Jesus says something that does not fit with your perception of that which someone else says, reevaluation needs to be done..
As I have said many times here on these forums;
Believe first those things that Jesus taught. Read these things repeatedly until they are firmly established.
If we hear "HIS" voice (words) and believe and follow him.
Sometimes we need a refresher course; (Quite often);
we need to return to basics!
I don't hear a voice of God in my head, but I get inspiration or inclination to feel and do good.
Many say mediation....just listening with an open heart and you'll get an idea which is like God talking
Also, when you read the Bible they say God is talking to you and when you pray, you are talking to God...
I somewhat do the same, except not through Jesus, yet do take some notes.
I cast my question to the Universe and when it comes back to earth and it was not so good of an answer. I try again.
I asked another better question related and I get a better answer and if I do not listen to it, I get into trouble.
You, also have it, but your "impressions" are the female version of a similar mechanism within the males.
I suppose first you must be rid of the "concept" of God or you will be listening to your own mind, then you must look for things that God might be listening to and answering, then develop a practice of understanding that sort of communication. Then perhaps prayer and meditation can bring you closer to "it" whatever it turns out to be.
That concept for example gives a means that maybe you cannot follow like stereo instructions. Try mine.
GOD is your OWN mind. Jesus said: You are all GODS. God is inseparable from creation, all of it is GOD! In GOD'S reality, he is all alone. Universe is internal to god's reality, not external. Universe is external to us, but it is also internal. God has his own Universe.
You can never hear God's voice. No one alive or dead can hear God's voice
You can hear Jesus' voice though, if you listen hard enough
The difference, my friend, is that Jesus is not God but equally reverential, if you know what I mean
The Son is EQUAL to the Father.
If you don't believe Jesus is God, then what DO you believe?
Just another Guru? One of many christs?
& what about Jesus' cousins & step bros?? Hercules, Ganesha, Romulas & the others. Dont you worship them too?
There is only one God and he is YHWH and there is only one Jesus. Rest are all illusions and urban legends
You mean that sadistic brutal Yahweh who slaughtered all innocent egyptian children & women because of one Pharaoh & his slavery policy - - is the only true God?? Good luck with that
Yeah, the same God, only you are ignorant
even jesus is urban legend for many and for 67% people in the world , jesus is mere a name...according to them you are judgment of who is ignorant and who is not doesnot have is mere faith ...for some jesus is god , for some he is son of god , for some he is human , for some he is moral teacher , for some he was false prophet , for some he was true prophet but muhammad was seal of prophet and for some jesus is story...all believe that their version is only true version..who decides?
Every individual with rational research and brilliant arguments.
everyone has brilliant argument!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prove to christian that jesus was not god or son of god...they would come with their rational argument and they have every reason to believe in what they believe...
In deed it is you who should decide but if you chose to b ignorant, it is up to you
that even i can say my friend..if you choose to ignorant it is upto how can you say i am wrong...and how can i say you are edn it is mere belief...who knows what is true or false?...none can claim that authority...
so it is always better to keep believing in what one thinks right without judging what other belief and calling them ignorant...any how as per your belief , judgment is for god to do and not me or you...
No one chooses to be ignorant...Even dumbarses talk smarter than you.
However, there are narrow minded people with very limited knowledge, who believes that they have learned the truth although without any rational support & they also believe they are the only right while the rest are wrong... of course those dumbasses are the TRUE ignorants...& I find you no different.
You harp on it, don't you? Well, it is your call , really
Say that a thousand times in front of a mirror & eventually you might realize something.
On the contrary, you say it only once and you will know the truth
1:1000 is like sharp human brain: dumb donkey ass...Very poor choice of words
YOu yourself say Son is equal to God. You do not say son is the father. They are two different entities. And, there is nothing like holy ghost. Trinity is a false propaganda incorporated later by the machinations of Satan.
Even the belief that Jesus is God is a clever manipulation of Satan. Jesus, on numerous occasions, had pointed out that he was not God. Can you please give me one instance wherein he claimed that he is God?
He once only said that who sees him sees God. This means he is as good as God but not God. Were he to be God, was the universe without a God when Jesus lay dead for two days before resurrection? It means the world can run itself without God, The basic tenet itself is shaken by this admission. So, the world does not really need God.
On a personal note, I must say that there is always a thought in my mind for Jesus and how he saved me (I hope) and I keep thanking him. I try, yes only try - to follow him; not God.
In fact, I suspect God does not really know nor care what happens to individual persons. It is Jesus and his angels who do this job.
Thank you
By the way I generally like your writing
How do you know about afterlife unless you’ve experience it.
Then you can write about it knowing, I'll be very impressed.
Save billions
Baileybear wrote:
hearing voices in your head - isn't that schizophrenia?
Paarsurrey says:
I agree with you; perhaps it is sign of illness if not always
There is only one voice that speck in your head, and thats not you.
Part of the problem God's been having with us.
Just don't mix vodka with cheap wine, please, or you might think you've become Jesus yourself.
If vodka and cheap wine does that to you, you shouldn't drink at all.
Aren’t all those hubs and forum posts that hawk religion spam?
Why aren’t they deleted just like all the other spam?
Just asking.:?
Jesus did not die on the Cross in the first place; so there is no question of his resurrection or ascension to the skies or his being god or son of god.
paar take your filithy LIES and put them were the sun never shines!!!!!
all I have ever seen you do is insult Christians, insult Jusus. tell lies about Jesus NOW LISTEN PAAR EITHER PROVE YOUR WORDS or stand condemed as a Jesus HATEING BABERLING FOOL in other WORDS put up ur SHUTUP
Jesus died on the cross for anyone who will accept Him.
He will talk to you
To the person who posted the original question: listen to your heart. What is it's inmost desire? Follow your inspirations. Have faith in the guidance you're being given.
Just follow him on twitter:
Anybody can do it. Problem solved!
In your hub you have a book on hell. Out of 100 billion souls who ever lived on earth's and in history. How many of them are in hell?
As I say in the hub, almost all people to ever live are in hell or have gone to hell, according to traditional Christianity and Islam.
OOOooooooowwww you would think people would run the other way.
Like from a burning building.
Indeed. People often are not aware of the actual real consequences of these beliefs. Is the average Christian person comfortable with the idea that so many good people are destined to perish? What does that say about their loving God? They need to more critically examine their beliefs.
The Creator-God Allah YHWH is manifest with following attributes:
[2:256] Allah — there is no God but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that will intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them; and they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He pleases. His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth; and the care of them burdens Him not; and He is the High, the Great.
[2:257] There should be no compulsion in religion. Surely, right has become distinct from wrong; so whosoever refuses to be led by those who transgress, and believes in Allah, has surely grasped a strong handle which knows no breaking. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
[2:258] Allah is the friend of those who believe: He brings them out of every kind of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the transgressors who bring them out of light into every kind of darkness. These are the inmates of the Fire; therein shall they abide. … ;verse=255
The Creator-God is manifest in the following attributes also:
[59:23] He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Gracious, the Merciful.
[59:24] He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace, the Bestower of Security, the Protector, the Mighty, the Subduer, the Exalted. Holy is Allah far above that which they associate with Him.
[59:25] He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. … p;verse=23
I agree with that 100%, it is just with my religion the name4s are many more, such as counselor, the Mighty God , The Prince of Peace The Everlasting Father,
Just because I believe Jesus is our Father, does not mean we argue or any thing, we can discuss the differences in Religions, without trying to be-little each other
That is what we are doing exactly; expressing our views sincerely what we thing to be truthful.
paar you are just a Jesus hateing member of a BANNED ISLAMIC CULT who is so stupid you cannot even answer a simple questionr, LOOK AT THE POST Islam or Allah were never mentioned. Butternugget apeare to already have his faith,ok
PROVE Jesus ever went to India from the Quean or the Bible, if you cannot shut up
paar Allah is not and never will be my God , I follow Jesus Christ who to me is the only true God.
I am so sick of your lie's that Jesus never died on the Cross and went to India,
sorry exorter, but paars LIES and INSULTS about Jesus get to me, paar will NEVER PROVE WHAT PAAR says about Jesus because it is paares lies. I can talk about religion to anybody who is rational and honest, that is how we learn from each other.
BUT PAAR JUST LIES WITHOUT PROOF THEN RUNS AND HIDES I tried to talk nicely to paar he only insulted my beliefs, paar was not nice or peacefull, paar only attacked Jesus and my Christian beliefs
in answer to the post by butternugget,
I belive if you put time aside for Jesus, if you are in a quite place with nothing to distract you, it is possiable to talk with My Lord Jesus Christ, after all unlike many Gods Jesus is the only true living peacefull God. Jesus cares about you and all mankind. It is up to you by prayer and asking for Gods blessing that Jesus can and will come into your heart and soul. Jesus will become part of your life and will be with you now and always. Butternugget it is up to you to make that 'special connection' with Jesus Christ , then Jesus will bond with you forever, it is only then that you and Jesus will establish a lifetime BOND' This is not a easy Quest, but the outcome you are striveing for can happen'
Butternugget as you read threads from libby and Dj woman of courage as well as schoolgirlforreal along with pasean, all bring up good points. Just take your Bible go to a peacefull place, foget your cell phone, and read and listen, the Christian faith is just that a Faith, to my way of thinking and total faith in My Lord Jesus Christ, you will achieve your Quest in time, I belive that.
( what ever you do just IGNORE anything from paar, he really has no clue. so pay him or his comments no mind)
As I was told many years ago 'seek and ye shall find' that is what I say now to you butternugget " seek and ye shal find' I'll pray you achive this Quest.
God bless you in your Quest, Butternugget.
Wow first time in the Hubpages forum and all I find is Atheists vs Christians debate. Why is it that atheists feel the need to come in here and beat on Christians?
Ooo, wow, you don't believe in God, you’re so sheik and trendy. I wish I was like you! (well I am but that's not the point). The point is you should stop inciting pointless and idiotic arguments. You should also stop forcing your beliefs on others. Arguing atheists are like new age Jehovah’s Witnesses. Instead of knocking on your door and trying to shove their beliefs down your through they jump on Christian threads and do it.
And you Christian Jesus freaks. Stop responding to these bullies. The thing about Atheists is that they're probably smarter than you. So you will rarely win an argument. They come off looking like petty ass-holes and you come of look like nonsensical morons. Oh and don’t shoot the messenger. Countless studies show an inverse correlation between religion and intelligence.
Do you people have nothing better to do with your lives?
I saw a guy die today, he keeled over and had a heart attack. God called him up to heaven, or maybe the fat clogging his arteries did. Either way, imagine he was like you, sitting on hub forums having stupid arguments. In his final moments would he have been thinking 'boy I wish I could have spent some more time on HubPages fighting those evil/deluded atheists/christians'... I think not.
Go do something productive with your lives.
NickB, Non-pushy Atheist
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