Hello everyone,
Please answer how you choose.
The title says it all.
Why is there a need for a god?
What you cannot control your own thoughts?
What you cannot control your own actions?
What you cannot hold yourself to honesty?
What you cannot hold yourself honestly accountable?
I hold no belief in or of a god. There is no need.
People tell me I cannot love without a god in my life. And, they would be wrong on so many levels.
People tell me I cannot have emotions without a god in life. And, that would be wrong again.
There simply isn't a need of a god to run or understand living.
Say what you want.
I will quote myself:
"I have perceived "THAT" which contemporary humanity is not ready or prepared to consider: "there is no "grande" plan, there is no 'caring" force. The appearance of life is strictly by chance and that the success of all life is dependent upon it's ability to adapt and evolve. Life either succeeds or fails. Either way, the universe will not "twitch." Qwark
That will not be understood in our lifetime or the lifetime of our children or theirs!
Hey Qwark, that paints an ugly picture of humanity in the overall perspective, and borderlines says Life has no value.
Life has one value, which no one can deny. This value is adored when received, honored and cherished when given to others. There are plenty of people willing to die over it. There plenty of people do not realize it's true worth.
It's worth living life for and when it's not with you, you miss it's absence.
You're an interesting person Qwark, but your pessimistic side is a bit much.
Hi CAgs'
"Hey Qwark, that paints an ugly picture of humanity in the overall perspective, and borderlines says Life has no value."
It certainly does!
In ref to the future of we humans, yes I am a pessimist.
Life has no value but to the one living it.
Humanity is ugly!
Life is but an ephemeral reality.
When it ends on this planet it will not have been of any value to anything. There will be no one left to remember.
What has gone, remains gone, eternally!
Wow! I agree with Cagsil, that is a sad state of affairs.
So what drives a person who thinks that way to go on living?
It can only be fear or hope.
Some keep on living out of fear because they don't want to be thought of as a coward or they fear some sort of judgment or they will feel guilty for deserting loved ones. All of these fears stem from a subconscious notion of an after life either through the belief that God exists and will judge each person's actions or at the very least that their name will live on and they don't want to be remembered as the one who took his own life and left his wife with all the bills.
However, most in favorable or dire circumstances continue to live out of hope. They honestly believe that there better days ahead. Moreover, they have probably tasted some pretty awesome days when they were free from trouble and hardship, if even for a moment, and realized that life is pretty special and worth living.
No doubt there is much suffering in this world, but life at its best makes it all worth it in the end. It's kind of like playing golf you can have the worst round going and swear that you will never play the stupid game again, but then hit that perfect approach shot to the 18th green, sink the putt for a birdie, and fall in love with the game all over again.
Life is the greatest miracle of all. That we have existence at all is beyond human comprehension. Having had the chance to live is reward enough for me. Yet, the tomb is empty and no one has been able to prove it is not so bring on the millenium I am ready for life eternal through Jesus.
Interesting statement.
Self improvement.
those who have no faith in themselves seek something more powerful to handle their affairs. They couch it and pray for a mericle.
There's nothing "miraculous" about life. Where did'ja come up with that?
"Mother Nature" is creating life by the trillions right now.
I'm sure that the universe is teeming with life. You surely Can't be so religiously arrogant that you think life on this planet is unique in the universe...or can you?
Just because we simple, infantile human animals haven't figured it out yet, sure doesn't make life a miracle.
The miracle is that you were born human and not a dung beetle and that you were born in the USA (if you were).
Now put the "binkey" back in your mouth, look out of your crib and continue trying to understand the reality surrounding you. Time and maturity will eventually rid you of your ignorance and insecurity...I hope. :-)
Yep Cags:
The "ONLY VALUE" one can place on the existence of we humans is value to ourselve for whatever time we exist. The "cosmos" cares not!
We are but a momentary happening in an enigmatic and grandiose universe which, itself, is finite.
Thanks for offering a quote from one of my "hubs" and my profile page...much appreciated! :
The concept of God was created by man to control the masses, I don't believe in God like most people do but I do believe in a higher power but not in the mighty, worship me kind of God.
when one assume the false as their reality, they become it.
God is True and god is false.
very simple indeed.
It does matter if I need God or not. It only matters if he truly exists or not.
You cannot tell me how the universe exists out of nothing nor can I tell you how God exists out of nothing, but I can positively testify that those who live every day according to the pattern set forth in the Bible experience life at its best.
Not because they have the most money or the biggest car or are free from suffering, but because they have peace and contentment in their hearts and they truly love their neighbors like they love themselves and treat all people with respect and honor. In doing so, others reach out to them and befriend them with open arms. In that way they have know even greater peace and joy throughout their lives despite their circumstances.
The problem is most people cannot live up to their own standard let alone God's.
I lovingly challenge you and anyone else to attempt to live for one day or even one week according to the following from pattern written about by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13; then you will know why we need God, Jesus and his Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self‑seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.
God does not exist.
Christians do not do the things you claim they do. If they did - the world would be a wonderful place without strife. But - they do not and the world is full of conflict - much of it stemming from the irrational need to "challenge" people to live the way you think they should live.
I challenge you to mind your own business as to how other people should be living. See how that immediately takes away one source of conflict?
Mark - I think that's the whole idea behind the above text re: love - making the world a better place. Alas, most of us fall short much of the time. Hey, are you really Sean Connery behind those Foster Grants?
No - I am me. I am not wearing glasses though - that is my camera.
I don't think you can make the world a better place with an irrational belief system such as Xtianity. I don't think that was the original intention, and "better" is highly subjective in any case. Muslims might think the world would be better if all women covered up and most Christians have alllll sorts of wishes they want to inflict on you.
History suggests strongly that it actually makes the world a "worse" place. Women like you - a few hundred years ago - would have been burned as a witch for being able to read.
Pure BS!
The atrocities perpetrated during the 1000 yrs of the dark ages mouthed lip service to the same biblical garbage you just offered.
Your "offering" is but another valueless opinion which has its foundation based on ignorance, myth and superstition.
Q - Now, see, I have to disagree with you here. Although I agree with the ludicrous lip service part, the idea behind the text is a wonderful truth. Even our smallest happy moments are manifested by the energy of love and I'm using the word in it's purest form. Life itself is meaningless, yes, a concept which people must take literally in order to understand. But what is left after life dissolves or resolves into dormancy is pure consciousness, a sorrowless Light. Could this be that from where the essence we call love stems?
The lessons of the bible are not original to that one man made book. Its actually just common sense.
Now we can call ourselves the three musketeers or mythbusters.
Without God, why control my thoughts except to further my own means?
Without God, why control my actions except to advantage myself?
Without God, there are no absolutes and with out an absolutes I can define honesty to suite myself. You may not call it honesty, but who are you to judge?
Without God, I can define accountability any way I desire to since there is no one greater than myself to which I am accountable. Accountability to anyone else is either optional or arbitrarily imposed on me by people more powerful than myself.
Without God, love is my own delusion, a thing I have invented to please myself. Without God love is merely a claim I make about feelings I have. Pandora's box of Free Love was opened in the 60's and it hasn't been all the pretty. How can you judge an man in his 30's or 40's who claims to love a 13-year-old if the definition of love is left up to him? How can you judge him?
Without God all you have are emotions and if you run your life by them alone it will not turn out well. Without God you are meaningless, I am meaningless and the universe is meaningless. There is nothing good or nothing evil just a meaningless, temporary existence.
A surgeon who cures a person from cancer is only good from the perspective of the cancer, but he is evil from the perspective of the cancer.
Lastly without God you do not have a first cause. A thing that caused all other things.
It seems you love existing in a world surrounded by fairytale life.
Lets begin here. There is no monotheistic scripture that "factually" defines this "god thing" you mention with such devotion and passion. None!
The only definition you can provide is couched in opinion and conjecture, yet your most profound thoughts are based upon naught but "guess" and "hope."
You don't KNOW what this "god thing" is you refer to so reverently yet you publicly exhibit your ignorance of it. Doesn't that embarrass you? if not, why not?
What is this "god thing" you mention.
I'm excited to read your well reasoned and logical explanation.
I'm waiting. :-)
Is there a need for God? Well, is there a need for you? Think about it, do you derive your being, your very existence, from the quality of being needed by others? No. You were born, you're here, and you exist whether anyone acknowledges, needs, loves, or fears you. You simply are who and what you are. And you and I are but mere humans.
So why can't God exist all on His own, whether we need Him or not, just as you can exist all on your own? Your question seems to imply that if humans didn't need God, He wouldn't exist to have created them in the first place. That's rather circular reasoning, and a bit backwards at that.
This isn't the question you are to answer and I find your reply sad.
Do try to stay on topic, for which, you have still not answered the question, but that is nice of you.
This is irrelevant, because I exist and "god" does not.
Nice to see you will put yourself down, so I don't have to do so.
My existence is explained by my birth. And, following your sad logic or shall I state "irrationality" within the logic used, there is no proof of a "god". And, the Universe and Earth, and even the Human Species as a whole is not proof in and of itself.
Again, another irrelevant statement of irrationality. First off, to bring up the topic in the first place, you must be able to prove a 'god' exists. And, no I don't have to prove it the other way around, because of simple reasoning- you cannot prove a negative .
Actually, everything state in the post I responded to, was completely made up of irrationality to begin with. But, nice try anyways.
Man cannot live by bread alone? There is obviously not a universal need for God. At least that's what I get from the Hub Pages.
I don't think it is a need for God or not that is really in question, and it almost is an accusation kind of to people. That they must just believe in some god because they "need to."
People are responding to revelations throughout history, perhaps, while others search to consider the source that could create the universe, including beings that can even ponder their source at all. Not much qualifies for what is sufficient, as in a cause. We all see the effect, and all have world views and philosophies that can affect how we view what the source is.
That a God would be sufficient as a cause, AND that we have revelation from people that claim to speak for god, we can and ought to perhaps consider those things. Some don't pan out to be believable by us for whatever reasons.
I think a bigger question might be, how can people rule out the possibility of a God in advance, and think that works in regards to reality and logic and consistency? That is a tough thing to do.
When everyone is God, then everything in your post coincides, except this.
I hold no belief in or of a god. There is no need.
You would only need to consider 8/10 or 9/10 of the world, to keep in relationship who do relate to God.
The title says it all, - Refer to the above sentence
Not true.
There will be no need for claiming to be one or anything else. It would simply disappear. Hence, no need.
If those who do relate to a god, followed the OP, then they too would find that they have no need for their belief in a god.
Plain and simple, as Earnest said to begin with, which was the post you responded to, but used my OP words. I wasn't going to respond, because you were talking to Earnest, but after I read your post, I figured it was meant for me.
I’m one of those fearless bohemian that creates minor utopia in new industries in the areas of art and entertainment . I coach people in loving what they do and building an eco villages for right now.
Surely you are an intelligent guy, I wish to imagine or Fathom your quest for a Utopia with the absence of God. Imagine turning 8 or 9/10 of God believers around to a total absence of God. Is like asking a freight train to make a quick right hand turn.
Not in my life time, as the world will change itself anyways. I do envision where religion is coming from and where the Incredible Shrinking religion is going. The God ideas will evolve to other form of it.
That's okay. You are not the first person to say that and most likely won't be the last either.
I think it was Mark Knowles and Qwark(different styles of thinking) have told me I'm dreaming.
I built a strong career out of people calling me just a dreamer, you can't do that, and that’s impossible. Nothings get me more going and higher than that.
Still, things that are big enough that matters and small enough to handle.
You don't need to answer me, only to the 8 or 9/10th Gods of the world. You’re far beyond and way over your head on this one, good luck with that.
CAgs" How in the world did you make any sense out of castles reply.
It was so poorly written. The syntax was screwed up and intent wasn't obvious...Beats me what that was about...whew.
You think in words.
I dream in Spanish, think in pictures and think by doing it.
My plan is to get much better with words, what’s your plan?
Castle: If English is not your native language, I sincerely apoligize.
If English is your native language and you can't explain your "dream" better than you did, I can only judge you as being an uneducated dolt.
Must you resort to name calling? Not everyone thinks as coherently as you do and can put that in writing. Different means to the same end and all that. How many times have you been told by other posters that they can't comprehend a word you're saying? Here, let me make you a meatball sandwich.
I was replying to the conclusion drawn by the OP Castlepaloma
"There simply isn't a need of a god to run or understand living.
Say what you want."
I said what I wanted to say I reckon.
The clergy is one of the oldest professions known. Since the beginning of time, god(s) was a convenient way to explain how everything is dating since mankind started to communicate. Since there was no way to prove otherwise, it made sense. Judism is based on the Eqyptian religion except that the belief in only one god, who is worshiped by Jews, Christians and Muslims. When the Roman Empire converted to Christianity in about 300 AD, the Roman pagan gods found new jobs as Christian archangels. 500 years ago, with the advent of modern science, serious question started to arise about god, but since the Church was in charge of the Western Europe, this type of thinking went underground for a while. Back in the day, the clergy were the few groups of people that were literate and they preached god this, god that as their livelyhood and also to keep the population in line. The everyday joe blow heard this since the day he or she was born, so they naturally believe that there's an almighty god. Holds true today. If a child is told everyday that the world if actually flat and the moon landing was a Holywood stunt and so on and so on, guess what? By the time this child turns 20, trying to convince him or her that the earth is actually round would be an impossible task!
Holywood stunt? Probably a typo but really funny in context.
The Flat Earth Society, yes they do actually exist, believe that the moon landing and all the footoage of outer space was done in a Hollywood studio.
Monotheism began with the Egyptians and a fellow by the name of Akhenaten. He was the son of Aten
Interesting points..lets think about it.hmmmmm.religion is based mostly on control of the otherwise stupid. now karma .. I believe in wholey. It's busted me a few times. look you wanna know god? go outside. I think the truest nature of it is more of nature and life than of good and bad. you govern yourself. thats what your supposed to do. thats the nature of life.
You got it brother, and spoken like a true regular guy. The mystery of life is no mystery. You are what you think you are and everything that comes back to you in the form of kharmic intelligence is merely your own subconscious fixated on what you did wrong or right. You draw to you all that you dwell on.
The original purpose of religion was three-fold: (1) to explain the unexplainable (events in nature, human relations, the origin of the world, etc), (2) to provide moral guidance, and (3) to provide a larger purpose and meaning for human life.
Obviously natural science alone (to say nothing of post-Enlightenment rationality generally) has completely dispelled the need for religion on point 1--on this even most religious people would agree.
Point 2, morality, remains pretty strongly influenced by religion. However, it is (thankfully) rapidly losing its steam as secular forms of morality become more viable every day on the personal and the societal level, and even the global level.
The issue of an extra-human purpose or meaning (which can come in many forms, some theistic and some not) will be the final goal for secular thinking to really break the back of religion. If secular thinkers and writers can articulate a compelling vision for humanity vis-a-vis purpose, then religion will become all but irrelevant for even vaster numbers of people than it already is. Luckily, defining "purpose" in the secular context is actually quite easy and straightforward.
Bottom line is, aside from a minority of passionate and loud extremists and fundamentalists, people in the rich world have more or less left religion behind. And this trend will continue to be consolidated, barring civilizational collapse (which is not too unlikely, if you listen to Qwark .
As the poor countries move through similar phases of cultural, political and social progress that the rich countries have gone through over the last 300 years, they too will become more secular, and there will be progressively less need for a god, the current short term expansion of religion in those regions not withstanding.
I disagree.
The purpose of religion, down thru history, has been power and control.
What you have determined it to be is naught but lip service.
The guile involved in the human drive for power and control is an essential facet of its becoming dominant over all life on this planet.
Religion takes advantage of the weak minded and easily led. It's goal is to keep it that way!
I could call your analysis "lip service" just the same.
These are the reasons why religion arose in human society. Of course it was subsequently often used to control large numbers of people, but that was not why it originally developed. That was not the essential void that it filled.
Not at all.
Modern man had no notion of power and control or any of what you describe when he first sought the assistance of the supernatural.
As humankind gained more and more sophistication, his religious beliefs followed suit. Eventually mans conscious mind began to realize, as he witnessed the power superstition held over most, that power could be used as a means to control others.
Modern man is less than 40k yrs old. Study the history of mans religious evolution.
It wasn't until much later in his evolution that "guile" became the characterstic which brought the "brighter" individuals into domination. It's an interesting study. From the caves of Lascaux france to today.
What you describe is naught but a facet of the guile utilized by modern religion to maintain control and power.
"Modern man had no notion of power and control or any of what you describe when he first sought the assistance of the supernatural."
Precisely. When he first sought the assistance of the supernatural, man was not focused on power, he focused on other things--the things I mentioned.
"Eventually mans conscious mind began to realize, as he witnessed the power superstition held over most, that power could be used as a means to control others."
Again, precisely. Except I would clarify this by saying "as he witnessed the power superstition held over most, that superstition could be used as a means to control others (i.e. hold power over others)." Power and control are essentially the same thing.
Man knew nothing about the things you mentioned. He was hell bent on his survival, success in the hunt, trying to make sense out of death etc.
It wasn't until much later in his evolution, when he bagan to understand and desire "more" that he created the subjects you mention.
Without power, control is impossible. They are not the same.
The goal of modern religion has always been power and control.
If you study the 21 ecumenical councils of roman catholicism, during the dark ages, it will become obvious that their sole purpose was to guarantee the viability of the church with power.
"Man knew nothing about the things you mentioned. He was hell bent on his survival, success in the hunt, trying to make sense out of death"
Aha! Exactly, he was trying to make sense out of death, and the process developed ideas about the supernatural, magic, ghosts, gods, demons, devils, heaven, hell, yadda yadda, all the rest of it. Over time, these beliefs became more complex, more organized and more precisely tabulated.
Let me be clear: I'm not saying that early man thought about "morality" as a philosophical subject or anything like that. When I say "morality" it is the modern label for issues of right and wrong, good and evil, etc. Early man could not put into very sophisticated terms like we can today, but he sought to feel good, feel happy, have lots of food and lots of children.
He also had to understand and explain the world around him. Why did my wife die in childbirth, why is it hot today, why is there no harvest this year, why is there a drought, why am I sick, etc. All of these questions early man had to answer--in other words, to explain the unexplainable. In the absence of science or anything like it, of course the natural explanations were invisible, magical ones. Hence what we call superstition and religion.
In the main, ya got that right.
It's past my bedtime.
I'm gonna hot the sac.
Nice chattin' with ya...g'nite
the storms destroying the crops would have been the gods not being happy etc
It was put into place for only one purpose-
Control of the mass- which is the conclusion/end/goal.
The perceived notion that that "Control" is based on- is chaos if humans are not made to answer to a higher authority.
It insinuates that people are evil at the core and have no clue how to rule themselves. Therefore, must be ruled over, which is also why a second layer of authority came to be- government.
Hon, were you really put into place to control the mass?
That's too big for anyone, and assuming one can even possibly do so is shocking, and sad.
If I am understanding you correctly
Congrats on the 500th follower.
I didn't have anything to do with what was put into place and I certainly know that I can only control myself. Much less the masses of the population.
Edit: btw- thank you for the great picture. Always nice to see you Kimberly.
The strongest man in the world is the man who can stand alone.
Evolving from your exploration of this expansive endless flow of ungodliness.
By looking at your hub, where do you say you’re an atheist. How will you ID your self for such an ungodly feat for other to follow?
I am not an Atheist. Therefore, I don't claim to be one.
Edit: I don't need anyone to follow. I would rather people not follow, but learn to be better, for themselves and others.
The closest thing to your line of thinking was been tried for 2500 years in....
There is no personal God, only the impersonal Tao. ... The Tao Te Ching is the principle book of Taoism,
Well, actually, I've read about many different philosophies, but never a student of it. People tell me I think to deep and yet I tell them it's my normal everyday thoughts.
I am consciously active in my life, always aware of what I am doing and the consequences of said actions.
I don't follow any particular line of philosophy.
The Tao is a perfectly good path to follow for guidance in personal life and for improving ones position within society - and achieving happiness for oneself and those around. And it never once suggests that acts of genocide or war are required, not once suggests that anyone does anything in its name except improve oneself.
I agree with your statement. I have never read anything like that. Genocide, in Taoism? I can't even imagine. Taoism embraces the concept of Yeng and Yang, that with life there is an opposite pole. But the philosophy concentrates on the root of good, by first understanding the polar opposite of that good. Which they believe makes you more prepared to be a better person. That is Taoism, forever striving to find perfection by learning from your mistakes.
That is how I understand Taoism.
If its only purpose is control, then why did it exist before priestly classes, governments, kings, warrior classes and rich traders existed?
What makes you think that any of the ancient heathens that created these beliefs was smart enough to realize the "truth" and that everybody else was insane, when they had no tradition of empirical science, free rational inquiry, or evidence-based thinking? Sure, it's all very obvious to us today, but not back then.
The more we look at history, the more we see that primitive humans were baboons screaming at fire and lightning, and trying to make sense of it all.
Religion was Law, and the only Law, before anything else you mentioned. Literally, hundreds of millions of people enslaved to the religious establishment. It was religious rules only or death.
The educated elite were in charge. Period. End of story.
When you review history....yes it has a strange way about it. But, what is now known, understood and not distorted, is that we control our life.
"Religion was Law, and the only Law, before anything else you mentioned."
Yes, that is exactly what I said. In the absence of laws or other controls by government or ruling elites, religion provided people with commands on what to do, such as how and when to perform sacrifices--this is exactly the "moral guidance" function I mentioned in my earlier comment.
As the educated elite arose in complex society (there was no such class of people until the development of settled agricultural communities and cities and the birth of complex society), that elite exploited superstition and religion to their advantage. In the process, they changed and molded religious beliefs to increase their power.
atheists are comfortable saying there is no God right up until you make them mathematically or logically prove how the perfect tuning of the universe happened on its own. Then they will bluff and bluster about how they don't know Yet but will. The problem is that it cant be done and some of the best minds in history have tried.
The "fine tuning" of the universe is simply our interpretation and measurement of it. It seems to be fine tuned to our minds, but that is only our understanding of it as we perceive it. So this argument does not have a prayer (no pun intended) of proving that God exists.
More to the point, look at this way: if the logical and rational laws of nature require a lawgiver (God), then surely that lawgiver is also logical and rational. In that case, since logical and rational laws require a designer, who or what designed the lawgiver?
I think people need God because they need something greater than themselves to believe in.
It's arrogance based soley upon ignorance.
Mankind places undeserved value on it's life and existence.
It is of no greater value to the planet or the universe, than is a worm.
It is no more deserving of a life after life than is a maggot.
To consider that we are greater than they is insane!
Qwark :-)
Qwark, once again you bring sunshine into my day . People are like sheep, we need someone to follow, someone to tell us what to do, how to live, what is right and want is wrong... this is what we want, this is why we have leaders, kings, presidents, police, laws, etc. This is why we have God. Mankind is like a group of bored children sitting around a park bench... I'm sure even you can remember a conversation going something like this: "Well what do you wanna do today?" "I don't know, what to you wanna do?" "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" Till one brave soul gets frustrated enough to take the lead and finally tells the group what they are going to do today. Well that's what people use God for... to tell them what to do, so they don't have to figure it out for themselves. But you already know all this.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Why is there something so wrong with someone else holding a belief in a higher power? Everyone desires a method of control-whether it's being IN control or someone controlling YOU. Either way, it's human nature to search for an answer. Some find it in religion, some find it in more grounded endeavors. Who are you to find fault in whether or not someone else believes in something? So you don't believe-ok, great. You think you're right to tell someone else they're wrong? Have you died and found the correct answer to it all? Unless you have documentable proof, you can't answer that question. Do I believe I'm right? I am, for me. What I believe doesn't apply to you or anyone else, and vice versa. To go around and tell people they're lacking intelligence because they hold a belief that you don't, is exactly why there's so much conflict and hatred permeating this world.
You know, I really don't care why there is a need for God. I'm getting divorced, going on vacation and very much looking forward to my airport pat-down.
There is no need for God for the nonbelivers, because they are the captains of their own ships. They travel from birth to one port to the next. Enjoying what this fleeting life has to offer. Their ship sails where it wants and sometimes it is blown by the storms of life but in the end you have to dock. To reach your eternal home port. The end of the road and the beginning of forever. Where do you want to be or where do you want your children to be?
Love And Blessings , Troy C.
It would seem that we humans may still be yelling at fire and lightning. The only thing that may possibly go on forever is this debate, and with any luck people will never stop making cookies.
Tell me how you intent or will plan to replace this way of thinking for most if not all people on earth
No promotion
No leadership
No god or god laws
No ID OF Group
No control over one’s will to think for them?
No control over ones who can control their actions?
Honesty is a must
Be accountable for your honestly
Everyone to work their own lives on every level.
No need of a god to run or understand living
Try your best I am looking for a new GGooggu...New way of thinking
No action means nothing will materialise.
Faith should be in oneself and others. No other faith is needed. As for "Money"? It would help if more people understood it's power and learned to respect it.
It's not me, so don't think it's an individual person's effort. There happens to be a new way of thinking coming, and it will require more consciously active people.
I answered in bold above.
Godless World: Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. There really no such thing as a 100% Atheist because he could not be skeptic or wise enough, to prove God dose not exist. Even Champion Atheist Richard Dawkins admits he can not disprove god’s existence. That leaves you with a doubt, your mind will always over focus on the doubt and no simple faith about up or down or sideway will change that.
The reason God is so successful, is because the world is an over ego world. Each Religion fakes most everyone they are totally righteous and they are the be all and end all with all the answers.
What possible aim and awareness could you break through that huge barrier of the ego self?
When the Universe is 99% unknown, how can you image to fill that void?
The only way I can imagine it, is the world is moving toward a new spiritual age where the ancient spirituality will shrink, but never will go away because its a part of man’s history..
Yes, people do not realize money has the least to do with happiness, who will teach them?
I know what your up to Cagsil for example
If no body could come up with any answer on what we can do about prisoners and jails. Then I stated: let all the prisoners go free, and closed down all jails.
Then everyone would get up set and then everyone would work their asses off to come up with a much better answers.
Oh yah yaaahhhh yaahhh that’s it yahhh you got me going…yahhh
This was your response to what I said.
You seem to be a little narrow in view. It's obvious now to see you cannot see things on a much larger scale. I'll leave it there. If you cannot wrap your mind around it, then what I say will only seem absurd, wrong or whatever else.
You have a lot of good ideas, yet this whole godlessness outline for others to grasp or for it to practically work in our life time, is beyond extreme wishful thinking.
Being non bias and worldly experienced, would qualified me understand such a large scale structure. I don't know enough about your worldly experience or levels, but I have experience many great men and can get their gist outline structure of their reality intent.
First convince an open mind like mine, and then most others will be able to grasp it. It’s not a healthy enough lip service to even outline a weak imaginative concept of words. Most everything else you write I can get and most others too.
If you had my experiences traveling around the planet many times over, then watch the commitment and God behavior of others. Then you too would know these people will never change their God behavoirs in our lifetime.
Except for my English, anything I do would have a clear enough outline of effort, intent and evidence, for most everyone to grasp the outline of the presentation intented.
without "gods" our world would be lacking a lot of beauty - art - poetry - and wonderful teachings - but as for the need for ONE god superior to everything - I don't think so - no need for that at all!
....i thought this was the goat thread....
I could flow with that.
I have never seen snail mail move so fast.
Why we should believe there is a GOD, Life is hard, it’s not easy, you always need to believe that GOD is with you and he is helping you even when you think your all alone, he is there carrying you along. Always trust in the LORD. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move.
because refuting the calling of God will drive anyone insane. Once called it is best to answer properly.
This is not my opinion, i base this on experience having been in hubpages as long as i have
Hi brotheryochanan, Without God, no one would exist. Good to have you back.
Correction: without reality, no one would exist. God is not needed to explain existence.
I try my best, but thanks for the information.
hmm well think of cetain civialtions which were barbaric
and now things are more civilized
I think "most" humans need a set of ethics/rules.
I think the concept of God is somewhat like having a security blanket, encyclopedia, and bottled water all rolled up into one. It's everything to us.
Simple question to answer. Compare the Christian (and some non Christians) concept of the self with the concept of god as per traditional Christian theology:
The self is deemed unreliable, the Christian god dependable. The self is deemed weak, the Christian god all powerful. The self is deemed fallible, the Christian god infallible. The self is deemed selfish, the Christian god not just loving but perfectly so. The self is deemed ignorant of many things, the Christian god all knowing. The self is deemed to be flawed, the Christian god perfect.
This is why some people need god. The concept is the distillation of human hope. An expression of the ultimate of ultimates. It is every 'good' thing conceivable in one. Asking why some people have a need for god, is the same as asking why some people need to believe perfection can exist. It's hope.
So is there a need for hope? Hope is the defence mechanism that has aided humanity as a species through the trauma of self-awareness. On an individual level, hope is the defence mechanism which aids some individuals through the kind of suffering which is unique to self-aware beings, i.e. not only the suffering but being fully aware of the suffering and the suffering of others.
Remove the propensity to hope (and the source of it) and some individuals are without hope, because of the perceived weakness of the self. Being without hope is commonly known as being in despair and this state is not conducive to survival. The prime objective of our genes is survival. So it goes: self-awareness (a side effect of the complexity of our brains) threatens survival (it can make some people all existential and angsty). The defence mechanism takes the form of mental resiliency, either in the shape of rational thinking, or in the form of having the ability to believe in a positive outcome regardless of material conditions, AKA hoping. The ultimate expression of that hope is the belief that god (perfection - everything that the self is not) exists. The Christian concept of god is an articulation of perfection.
So the answer is yes and no. For some members of the human species their mental resiliency takes a form that does not require hope and so their robustness does not stem from a belief in god. For other members of our species, their resiliency to the condition of human existence stems from hope. That hope cannot come from other human beings, or humanity as a species because of the perceived weaknesses in both (lack of perfection). For those members of the species, god is very much needed.
This comment borrows from evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, Christian theology and a few other 'ologies' I can't be bothered to type.
I'm not that bright [surprise] what does that word mean hon?
Good to see you btw!
Good to see you too !
Nefertiti was a gal from ancient Egypt. A queen divine.
Look :
I call her Nefertitties cause I imagine the rest of the picture.
I'm joling. Nefertitties is plural for Nefertiti.
So why is there a need for god ?
There might be a need for godesses. Easier to explain.
Namer came before that Bytch. What is the need for man. To make a huge stinking cess pool of where he lives? To pollute the waters with megadoses of multiple medications a thousand times over, washed from your bodies, flushed down the drain. Viagra, Heart Meds. Cancer drugs. What need is there of God? What need is there of US!
Nice way of not answering. You must be proud of yourself.
Naw. Did away with that kind of baggage. YOU should try it. It could greatly increase your IQ
Greatly increase my IQ?
You're too funny. Trying to be insulting or what?
If your IQ was higher than mine, I'd be impressed.
And here I thought nothing impressed you. Can you name the genetic properties of, say, a one celled heterosexual.
we do need something which can inspire , give hope and give us feeling that someone or something is listening...in the end all would fall in place, in end we would be rewarded in what we think is right thing , in the end we would somehow manage to live for eternity...god is manifestation of all those things which we think are right ...some one who is perfect,powerful,in control,who would help , give us justice , punish in justice and such things...
I understand we need God because he makes things. He created man in his images and man created Legos. Without God there would be no Legos, and man would never develop morals and mass suicide would ensue.
So...we haven't fully developed our morals and suicide is rising. But, you are right about the legos. Building blocks of the Universe
You ever notice that people call it the "Universe" which is what God called it, yet they claim to not believe in god.
@woc no it is not so funny...because no one presently living ever saw god talking...it is our assumption that he did and there are many gods to choose from...now x can say y is god , z can say a is god...so no one knows...only thing one can know for sure is that humans have tendency to believe ...we believed 10k years ago , we believed 30k years ago and we would believe 30k years after too...yes god's perception might change but we would keep believing...
What do you know about the transmission of communicable thought without audible vocalization?
Do you seriously think that If everyone had heard talking to that crazy old guy Noah, that the everyone would've tried to get a seat. God's voice is silent. Logic dictates it.
you missed the point dude...noah is one version...manu is another ..and m sure there are quiet a few...christianity is just one of 4000 religions ...yes it is largest one but there is islam which is fastest growing , then there is hinduism which is oldest ...so man no one would ever know ...only thing one can 100% surely claim is that people believe and that is enough...ancient ruins too shows temple...much before quran or bible came into being...even much before vedas...ruins shows people tend to believe...so it is in our code...i hope i cleared my point man...religion is not new product it is quiet old thing ...yes it evolved like humans but current religions are refined version of old ones and evolution has been ongoing thing...
Buddha tells us that "Enlightenment is acheived from within. Jesus tells us that God is inside of us, his light shines from out of our eyes , and native american beliefs are that the Spirit dwells in all things.
The picture of history that we have is hardly a good guide. History is written by the Conqueror... Not Edward R. Murrow. Fish tales, my dear, pure fish tales.
Fish tales, my dear, pure fish tales....exactly..well we are on same page ...i agree with you...
Honored. I bend my knee and pledge my sword, For I come from the Isle of Man. We were right after the terraforming began on this world. It is neither our first, nor our last. Spooky, aren't I
Why is there a need for a god?
Cause he is the air that we breath.
It's the other way around.
Without God- Nothing Exist-Nothing
"You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created."
Revelation 4:11
The reason people need God, is because we fear death. Belief in God usually means a belief in some form of afterlife. Death is terrifying, so people call upon God to alleviate those fears.
There is no need for God, or a god, when it comes down to daily life. However, in order to go to heaven, God is needed in order for humans to have faith for without faith ye will not enter heaven.
Can a person have faith without God? I don't think so - I think faith centers around God and anyone who doesn't believe in God but claims to have faith (in whatever else there could be...like say, faith in a belief that a volcano will erupt during their lifetime) is only fooling themselves. They don't have faith, they have trust, belief, or acceptance of natural patterns.
The reason why there is now the spiritual warfare going on between G-d and satan is the exact same argument of discussion which satan brought before the Father, "The exact argument". The Gentiles tried it but came running back to G-d knowing that there is His need. The Israelites became His chosen people because they from all the children of His creation did not trade G-d out for thought of self-independance.
maybe its the respect of not writing Gods full name? Weird to me.
then what are all those dots and dashes they taught me when I was learning Hebrew - ah it must be G-d making his mark
No "o" in g-d (dang anther dash again) because in Hebrew there is no word for g-d . . when the Torah refers to g-d it is only by description.
LOL exactly, there are no independent vowels, only those dots and dashes that modify consonants
Than why write the G and the D? I mean, If there is no description for God, Than why are we just cutting out the o??? Why wouldnt they just say the supreme power you named God? I mean keeping Gods name and just cutting out the o still has me reading it as God. I dont sit here and read "G dash D"
Wow, im really amped up about this, but it makes no sense to me. lol.
LOL Stephanie, it was not me who typed in that g-----d thingy. I just offered my explanation to why may be people are doing it
Stephanie -
Think of it in terms of protection. I do not believe there is actually a "law" that states you can not write the word but there is a commandment that prohibits the erasing or defacing of the name. So religious Jews avoid writing it because of the risk that the written name may be later defaced or destroyed accidentally.
And when you read Hebrew like Misha said there are no vowels. . well they arent written but they are there.
Oy .. good thing you didnt have to learn Hebrew. . cause you have dots and dashes but they arent there in prayers books. . when you are young and study they put them there in study sheets for you to learn. . so later you just know where they are.. .
Sorry If I confused the issue more but your "amphed" up prompted me to try to help!
HAHAHA. I think its sweet your all trying to help me understand why. lol, i think i get it now, and can see a couple different reasons for it. Still, i think its silly. Maybe there were no vowels then...but there are now! I mean there were no toilets back then either, but i doubt there sticking to tradition on that one! lol. Also, how can the written word be defaced on a forume? I don t know, as much as i am confused, i still think its silly! your all too sweet though!
@Cagsil, why is there a need for Cagsil?
Why is there a need for Lone77Star?
No "why." Just is.
As far as "inventing" gods, now I can't say that there is much need for it. We have science. And if you have a question that isn't answered by science, then get your PhD and answer it yourself.
Frank I don't care if one believes in God or not since God gave free will but it just throws me as to the problems in this world being primarily due to religious belief. Go back in time before recorded history of Christian belief and look at the kinds of Gods worshipped by men and see how evil they treated each other, how they treated slaves, how they treated women. Even the Spartans would take their children to a body of water and at the age of I guess 3 to 5 years old throw them in the water winter or summer and if they made it back to the land then their training begins otherwise they weren't good enough to be a Spartan so that's where they died.
Without the Christian faith only the strong survived. Killing one another to get to the top wasn't looked down on it was accepted. I have no doubt that removing the teachings of Christian faith will once again revert back to only the strong should dictate to others.
Do people kill in the name of God-yes but before we blame God look at what God is saying verse the action of men.
Some people will never accept a life of peace because their is evil inside people and most of us work to keep that evil in check but I can't see myself trying to convert someone who has a mentality like a Viking warrior.
It you trust that mankind is basically good then remove all religious teach from this country and get ready to buy as many weapons as you can afford.
There is little difference up until a short while ago when morals and ethics began to take notice. Christians went to war and killed others over their beliefs, the ultimate evil. They had slaves and treated their women like cattle.
And, then it reverted to only Christians will survive.
Hilarious logic for killing in the name of god. And, you don't think that IS evil? LOL!
You mean, over and above the weapons good Christians own today?
It would appear Beelzedad you love to interject your own concepts in other people's statements.
Their's nothing in my article that says only Christains will survive-Sinners that believe will survive.
Killing as I pointed out before is doesn't mean that God actually talked to the person even though they think he has so you automatically label God as being the bad guy and with judgement like that one is suppose to follow your point of views-I think not.
I was simply referring to history with all the crusading and inquisitions in the name of your god.
How do you know that? There are many here who have a "relationship" with their god, so much so, they carry on conversations. I'm shocked you haven't read these stories of personal experiences.
If the shoe fits...
And your God set the ground work for the instant annihilation of two cities. Power O' God in the hands of those who believe themselves capable of dispensing divine justice. I'm sure the point was driven home w/ the first bomb...let's just go ahead and drop the second...just for kicks.
Clearly, it is this statement here that should be the primary focus of the issue and nothing more. How many of those "hands" were attached to god fearing Christians?
With all his accusation made against Christians and believers of God which nonbelievers do very well and often.
Beside the barbarism, torture and brutality and done by nonbelievers from then until now what utopian like existence have nonbelievers created and on what planet in which universe?
If the accusations are valid, then it is the Christians who must stand and deliver.
You need not create fabrications to support your beliefs. History will show us it was the other way round.
It's called reality, and no one created it. Reality has always been here for us.
As shocking as it may seem Christians are not here to prove anything to you or to nonbelievers.
No one is making a nonbeliever believe in anything and if they can't accept the Christian faith then nobody is stopping them from going their own way. It has always been that way. And find a way to clean up the carnage left behind by their arrogance and hostility.
I know, they are here to "share" their beliefs, which means they are here to evangelize and preach the gospel.
How is anyone allowed to go their own way when Christians are lobbying to have their beliefs decide on how our societies are to act and what we are supposed to believe?
The "faith" is being shoved down our throats. If Christians stopped doing that and kept their faith behind closed doors, there wouldn't be a problem.
How ludicrous understatement to make regarding forcing religion down your throat for quite a while I have not seen only nonbelievers hub page But wherever there is a religious hub you will certainly find nonbelievers shoving down the throat of believers and their illusions or fantasies of life as they see it.
If the problem is a serious as you say it is it seems to me you would get a court order to prevent this notorious inspirational words and being forced into your body and mind.
While I have witnessed a propensity for being victimized from your responses, it is clear those claims of victimization do not conform with historical evidence, nor do we see nonbelievers shoving anything down anyone's throat as they don't have anything to shove other than reality.
There is religious freedom for all, so you have every right to tell me I will burn in your gods hell for an eternity just as you have every right to despise gays for their actions, every right to remove the teaching of evolution from schools in favor of teaching creationism. etc.
Reality is a perspective. Everyone has reality but reality is not the same for everyone.
The streets of America were safer when Christianity was the dominant religion in this country and from the time we have removed Judeo-Christian values from this society many people have to worry about if they can allow their children to stay out at night because of the violence. Doors and windows that did not need locks in the 40s and 50s today cannot have enough locks on the doors and windows. Alarm systems are a necessity these days for car home and personal safety.
With these realities as to Christian belief and non-Christian beliefs it seems clear that Christian belief did make a difference towards improved living in America.
The claims that science of the perspective of nonbelievers have somehow improve this country is a reality that I cannot see.
Not true at all, reality is the same for everyone, it is their perception of reality that may differ. For example, the reality perceived by believers is often the result of childhood indoctrination.
I'm sure you'll back up your claims with valid statistics stating emphatically all that was a result of Christianity, or will you?
Notice you said "these realities" when in fact they are mere perceptions on your part, most likely due to indoctrination.
You do see reality, you just don't acknowledge it because your indoctrination has veiled it and replaced it with myths and superstitions.
The need for "God" in my own mind is the promise it implies of there being more to this life then the flash of time we have in life. Wrong or right about an eternal knowingness, belief in God supplies an anchor on which to hang the hopes of something more.
I'm Ethiopian, Messiah Jew, if not understood, I'm a Jew whom believe Yeshua to be the Messiah, the Son of G-d and the way I title the word of G-d and L-rd is done by Jews for their purpose, which is to allow G-d our respect. In other words, keeping ourselves informed that He is so worthy that even His written name should be made aware by us that we are not worthy, to do so in full print, for G-d is not common, for there being none like our G-d and there being none like our L-rd but being deserving of up-most respect, for remember our L-rd Yeshua even explains in Matthew 19: 16-17 and Mark 10:17-18 that no one should not speak of anyone as Good, for only G-d is termed Good. This has been the Jewish way for thousands of years.
I'm not backing up anything with statistics or anything else as I stated previously Christian aren't here to prove anything to you or non-believers. I will address the point regarding you aspect to reality.
The people who are locked up in jail doesn't share the same reality as those out in the street living on their own.
The person/s who is lying on their death bed don't share the same reality as a child just born into the world.
Once again we all have realities and these realities are all the same.
Reality exists without perceptions. I would have thought someone with your intelligence would have known that.
Reality exists free of thoughts, desires, will or wishes. It is all knowable knowledge in existence.
I don't know why you can see for yourself that realities are not all the same. The person's is in pain is not the same reality as someone who isn't and clearly these events certainly graps one's presceptive-so it is I who is surprised at your remarks.
Actually, what you are talking about isn't reality. You are pointing out situations/circumstances.
Reality only changes when new knowledge is discovered or learned. Their reality isn't any different because they are experiencing pain and someone else isn't.
Once reality changes, their perspective changes so the reality they are dealing with is not the same reality someone else is dealing with, I'm surprised this is hard to comprehend.
Nice mystic statement. On that note, I'll leave you be. I've had my fill with mystics lately. Enjoy.
It's hard to comprehend because it makes no sense. Reality doesn't change for each person, reality remains the same for everyone. Peoples circumstances and states of being may change, but reality remains the same.
I disagree. While I am certainly not positive on it, I tend to think lately that there are at least as many realities as there are living beings.
Hey Misha, if that were true, then time would not be a constant with all people.
Well, mathematically speaking time is not a constant
And no, even in the sense you used it it is not. It can fly and it can crawl, it is night now here and morning in Europe. It's all relative and personal, I would say.
Then, you can make any claim you want and you don't have to support it. Why should anyone take you seriously, then?
Yes, they do share the very same reality. You are referring to their own personal states of existence within that reality, which is something completely different. Perhaps, you are confused.
The question shouldn't be if there is a need for a god, the question should be How much we need God in our lives. I believe in God and need him on a daily bases. There have been many instances in life when I questioned if he was there and every time he showed himself to me in a great way.
by James Q smith 15 years ago
Just a question, but it would seem if there really were no God, then Atheists couldn't exist. Is Atheism a religion? They definitely seem to be unified by a common belief.
by Jack Lee 7 years ago
In discussion here on hubpages, we hear some accuses religion people of being judgemental and more over accuses religious people of forcing their believes and policies on the American people through laws...That is not the religion or people I know. Where is this disconnect coming from?Could it be...
by www-mywikistep 10 years ago
What do you think about Religion?Does Religion help us improve our everyday life, or is it just a matter of belief to a higher being?
by VC L Veasey 8 years ago
If Jesus Is The Son God Why Does He Call Himself The Son Of Man?
by Nichol marie 9 years ago
Why do people tell you that you are overreacting if they can't feel how you are feeling?
by eagle77 14 years ago
why do people find it so hard to believe there is a God? or that there is a supernatural realm? yet we here about demons and supernatural activity and feel a kind of natural drawing towards these things and I guess we dismiss it because we fear the unknown... yet our spirits know its real!!! anyone...
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