Personally, I really don't see what gives non-believers the right to criticize and verbally hurt innocent religions who want to do nothing but help spread peace, love, and do charity work for the poor. After much personal researching I've done, I've determined these 3 false excuses that they use so they can justify themselves as always being right about religions:
Religions are all quote: "made up stories like superstitious fairy tales."
Religious people want to force others to join their religion because they want to, quote: �rule the world.�
Religions were and are the source of ALL wars and other personal problems in the world.
Now, these 3 false excuses, of course, are NOT true. As far as the 1st excuse on the list is concerned, non-believers would agree that there's no physical proof that a God exists, meaning that all religions are false. But nor is there any physical proof that says religions are false. Now, I'm not saying that to force anyone to join a religion or to believe in a Higher Power, I'm just saying it for the record.
As far as the 2nd excuse from the list is concerned, as far as all religions wanting to rule the world goes, this is also 100% NOT true. Again, there is no physical or mental proof that top religious leaders personally want to take over the world. For example, Pope Benedict XVI doesn�t travel the globe to force other people from other countries to join Christianity; he travels so he can preach peace, love, charity, and justice for all, which is what the Bible, the Torah, and the Qur�an also preach.
And as far as the 3rd excuse from the list is concerned, I believe that it is an absolute abomination to lay the blame for the majority of wars, racism, and perversion in the history of humankind on religions. For example, religions did not start The American Civil War, World War I, World War II, or the Cold War. Those wars were all started by political tensions. Now I do know for a fact that it was Christianity that did start The Crusades, Witch Hunting, and The Inquisition which resulted in the deaths of so many people, but that was a VERY LONG time ago. It was a totally different generation at the time too. Bottom line: Christians are NOT what they used to be long ago. They have changed and matured. Even the Vatican now knows that what their Christian ancestors did in the past was wrong and even they now condemn such actions. Yet for some reason, non-believers, especially those non-believers in the United States, refuse to let go of Christianity�s former dark past and love to hold a grudge against Christians. They love to live in the past. And their excuse for that is, quote: �Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.� While this is indeed logical and true, it does not mean that they should use it to verbally attack innocent Christians about their past mistakes. That's irrational.
So, my main point is that any non-believer who has nothing nice to say about religions, don't say anything at all. It's time to stop. Let's show some tolerance. Is that so much to ask?
But, that isn't exactly the truth, is it? Religions need to perpetuate their dogmas. For example, one such scheme is the indoctrination of children while the other is evangelism. If these two schemes were not part of a religionists agenda and all they did was to spread peace, love and do charity work, there wouldn't be any problems.
As for your title, intolerance is one of the fundamental principles of most religions, they are intolerant to others beliefs or those who don't share the same beliefs, they are intolerant towards other groups such as homosexuals, they are intolerant to the theories and discoveries of science, the list goes on and on...
Perhaps, this alone should give you some inkling as to why religions are criticized.
That is a logical fallacy. The exact same thing can be said about leprechauns and unicorns.
If you want hard evidence, turn to the creationism vs. evolution and you will see the evidence that shows that part of religions are false, based on your requirements.
Perhaps then, just 99.99% true. If it weren't true, religions would not evangelize and attempt conversions.
And, since there are so many sects within the various religions, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon unless one particular sect managed to wipe us all out.
Yet, we can lay blame to those religions that started a number of wars in the name of their gods. Although you are correct in that there are other reasons for wars to start, they can all be recognized, acknowledged and put to rest, never to rear their ugly heads again.
So, the fact that we now have laws that don't allow such atrocities to occur doesn't mean they wouldn't occur if the laws weren't there.
But, lo and behold, they do in fact still occur. The Rwandan genocide is a most recent atrocity committed in the name of religion. Let's not forget the conflict between the Muslims and the Jews currently afoot in the ME.
No, they have not matured. In fact, they have been forced to change in light of our world. Most certainly, any changes are not the result of internal acknowledgments.
So, you have no problem is someone wanted to join the Nazi party, for example?
When religions stop peddling intolerance, the criticisms will most likely stop, too.
I'm still trying to figure out what it is you are talking about?
what is this "thing" you call 'god" that we have a choice to disbelieve or believe in?
Until you can define "it" in other than just an opinion which is based upon an abstract concept humans have imagined, how can anyone who "THINKS," consider your comment: "A Message for Non-Believers: Stop being so Intolerant." to be credible and respond to it with well reasoned logic?
Ya'll just keep right on responding when, really, there's nuthin' to consider here 'cept foolishness!
S'matter with you guys?
Foolishness of which you seem very dedicated to. So why are you here amongst fools again?
Oh I am dedicated to an attempt to bring the enlightenment that knowledge can provide, to the intellectually, lesser evolved of we primitive human creatures who waste their precious lives and time wallowing in the specious abstract concepts of imagined god/s.
I know, I know it's impossible, but hell, a caring man's gotta try!
Thanks for asking Vec...
It's not the only thing believers do. There actions are selfish based.
Regardless, what you say, what is actually contested and detested is that selfish based actions and usual conflict that arise from most of their individual actions.
I wouldn't go that far, but most religious fail to learn or understand the truth about what they have actually been told. It happens because they are too selfish.
Actually, it's the untruthfulness of their actions, which they do not see. Joining their religion? It's more that religious claim that their god is ruler over everyone, which is BS.
About 90%.
Actually there isn't anything false about what I've said.
Actually, only ignorant people with regards to knowledge available would make that assumption. There is plenty of evidence to support the fallibility of religion.
And, you would be wrong.
Actually the POPE preaches "guilt" and "damnation" for lack of belief.
Why do you think the conflict arises? Because, believers fail to recognize their place in this world. Nothing new.
Then, the same could be said for believers- keep your mouth shut and the conflict disappears.
It makes sense; the atheists should think.
I think the atheist would agree on this point.
I think the present day Christians would agree to it.
I think everbody will agree on this point.
I think what you have stated in the above passage is rational; the present day Christian is not responsible for the wrongs done by their ancestors. Humans being do improve and if they improve that should be appreciated.
I think the Atheists should listen to this sane piece of advice.
And, religious folk should know that their actions create conflict, yet fail to recognize the truth of the matter. You would be no different.
The conflict arises from the words believers use and how they use them.
I agree some of the jargon is a little irritating,however that trait is not limited to Christians-
Gosh I have this neighbour whose only conversation is full of 'cliches'
He is the cliche king!! seriously
One day Im gonna catch him out ,lol
You're right EK, it's not restricted to just Christians. It happens to come from all religious people.
Generalisations dont cut it with me, as dramatic as they may sound.
The generalization is the only way to explain it. There are plenty of religious people who know and understand their place in the world. Therefore, they've no need to speak about what they believe with regards to their religion. But, those who are the one who cause the conflict.
The believer says I believe. Therefore there is conflict. No more reason than that, on most levels.
Suppose a Scientist is going to do an experiment; of course he has not performed all the scientific experiments himself; he takes the data essential from others to perform the new experiment .
So he believes the data given to him by others; he has to trust others; otherswise he cannot live a life.
He doesn't blindly trust the data given by others. The data is peer reviewed and tested in everyday current circumstances. It is not 2000 year old myths.
Not sure I get your point.
I trust in me, and my conclusions only. We all get the same data. No one else can process it for you.
Believers use words they themselves fail to understand, but then utter those words in world based on reality, which creates the conflict, for which, proves they don't understand. At the same time, fail to see that they don't understand, but claim to. Do you understand? Or do I need to elaborate more?
Everyone wants to spread peace and love, what does that have to do with religion.
I hope you love your religion and it keeps you happy, but you don't need to spread it to other people, let them do what they want. They are well aware, if they want to join, they will find you.. The way I see it.
As far as people who DON'T BELIEVE, they probably aren't going to go searching for the answers. They are just going to go about their lives, and when they are getting ready to die, they will probably wish they had searched for the true answers needed. Saying these non-believers will search, is like saying someone addicted to CRACK is going to ask for help. Most likely, they won't, and they will end up dead or homeless. So, here's the deal...GOD, who created you and everyone else in this self-consumed world, sends those out to find lost people. We don't have to be pushy, I know I'm not. It took me quite a while to get where I'm at in my relationship with God, and I would never go back. We just need to plant that little seed that maybe they won't even think about for years to come.
I'm not all about RELIGION, that is man made. Religion is all about how certain men perceived the Bible, and yes, they try to teach people the way THEY see it. I agree, a lot of religious people are hypocrytes, but the truth of the matter is, we are all sinners, we all make mistakes. God IS all about love and peace, he doesn't want fighting, this is all mans way of seeing things. God does not hate you if you are a different color or homosexual. He loves us all. All that bull, pardon my language, IS man made.
I hope and pray all people will find God and know that ALL people will let you down at some point, but HE will never. When I say that, I don't mean, If you've ever prayed and not gotten what YOU want, then you stop believing. HE made us, he knows what is best for us always. I can look back on everything, bad and good, and I can now see why certain things had to happen. I will never be the same, because I know and feel his love for me, and I only want all people to feel THIS loved.
You will NEVER feel anything better than the love of God.
Untrue. And, it's unkind to claim that people who are not you, will not go looking for answers.
I know, I'm a perfect example who was religious at one point in my life, until I searched and researched answers. What do you know, religion is a hoax to come to find out. Therefore, conclusion- "god" is the hoax played on people and has been in place for thousands of years.
I think one drew an incorrect conclusion about the Creator-God, one could see from the above narration; not a rational conclusion.
Instead of searching and researching for a truthful religion; in disgust one chose to deny the Creator-God.
That was a faulty conclusion for sure.
The Creator-God is a reality; for sure. Atheism is a myth.
Not believing that your god from your personal religious beliefs has the entire truth is a myth?
You are only one god away from being an atheist unless you believe in everyone else's god.
I do not recall seeing you use logic once out of all your posts.
Not believing in any myth is NOT a religion or even a belief system, it is simply not being gullible or indoctrinated in my view.
Yes, I certainly am feeling the love of your god in your post.
Funny though, believers don't need to search for answers as they have one single book on which to refer that provides them all the answers they will ever need, while the rest of us work tirelessly day after day, year after year searching for answers to the universe and the world around us, experimenting and discovering new ones every day.
Yes, curse those non-believers for their intolerance, the way they oppress gays by not affording them equal rights (and in some countries want gays executed). Not to mention teaching teens that sex before marriage will land them in Hell and that birth control is wrong. And nothing beats convincing little kids that they were born dead in sin and deserving of eternal punishment.
Oh wait no, those are things believers do.
Why do you think that religion are not innocent?
Do you think that the atheists are innocent? Why?
Religions are evil because they cause half the wars if not all in the world so innocent doesn't even come into it!
Have you borrowed Mr. Knowles' broken record or what?
Did it ever occur to you that rebellion and blasphemy has caused wars?
Rebellion has caused wars I'll agree. But, as for blasphemy? It's in your head. No god exists, except the ones choose to believe one does.
Rebellion and blasphemy!! lol!!! But it's still religions isn't it?! So to follow the leader we have to not rebel and do as the lord gods state and follow the word of god to the letter and have no real life of our own??!
"the word of God to the letter"?
No. Because that is humanly impossible. The Bible even explains all that, and why it was necessary for Jesus to be cruicified.
"no real life of our own"?
Surely you jest, or else do not understand. We would have no life at all if God weren't gracious....
If religions have caused half of the wars in the world; the other half has been caused by the atheists or may be their share is more?
Do you agree?
If the atheists don't believe in religion then they would not want any part of any religious wars and they wouldn't be concerned as much, so what has any atheists got do do with religion? I do not know!
We all know it's the religious people who cause war for anyone who believes in another god! if those who don't believe in any god then it's nothing to do with us!
Jesus was a black man anyway with an afro and he wore a dress it says this in the bible!
"If they leave us alone we shall convert the world. Persecute us, and we shall do it sooner."- Brigham Young
A message for Believers: Stop being so ignorant.
- Seriously, if you are going to post such stupid questions, you are going to get a buttload of answers you don't like.
Actually, we don't.
On the other hand, we are incessantly 'witnessed to' and spoken about in derogatory manner by those that consider themselves holier than thou.
It is simple self defense against a movement that for the past 40 years has been growing more and more voracious in its intolerance towards anyone who dares to say that they don't believe.
You're all just getting back a bit of what we have suffered in silence until recently.
Suffer? Your in a religious thread. Please explain why your here if it brings you such discomfort?
I think that is contradictory, as no one brought you here. Yet you feel so motivated to tell us about your stereotypical ideas of Christians.
I am not better than you, and certainly don't belong to many of the descriptions of which you have posted. It doesn't do any good to degrade me because of what other people have done.
@vector. I don't look at what section it's in when I respond to something. I just respond from the main forum page. The message is for non-believers. You truly don't think we come to the religious section, do you????
It's on the main forum page where everything is melded together!
Once more, 'Your' in a religious thread. The correct word is "You're in a religious thread'
Your means "belonging to you"
You're is short for 'You are'.
You're confusing the two.
Thanks for the grammar lesson. I'm well aware of the two.
I haven't confused anything.
I do apologise for saying you were in a religious thread. I should have checked before posting.
My main concern was you saying "ALL" Christians consider themselves "holier than thou." This is NOT true. I don't see myself as such and don't wish to be classified that way either. I am just like every other person on this planet. Not better.
Worry about your own perceived soul. What makes you think YOU should be allowed to interfere in the beliefs, of lack thereof, of others? Bible belt? North Carolina?
At least you admit your irrational belief system does not make you a better person. Nor does it encourage you in any way shape or form to be a better person. I agree.
This is why your religion is of completely no value. In fact - quite the opposite.
I want to believe that you are willing to engage in a reasonable debate, your well thought out post would seem to indicate that so;
the problem with Christians is that they cannot escape the great injunction of Christ.they must "Go forth and make disciples" this is what makes ecumenical efforts so difficult. Any other faith that deals with Christians finds itself on the receiving end of a point of view that says Christ is the only way to heaven. a christian cannot escape that. The result is that any Christian with a feeling for his fellow human will do what he can to influence them into the Christian path.
Those who are not Christian and who do not wish their lives to be governed by Hebrew mythology find themselves resenting this approach and reacting to the views of "Innocent religionists"
Not to be too blunt about it, but I will stop challenging religion when it's proponents stop telling me that THEIR god runs MY life.
And the odd thing there is, you come into a religious forum to declare this. Sounds to me as if you made an effort to hunt them down to do it.
didn't you know Earnest finds religion fascinating?
There is nothing odd about it.
I will say my piece, and someones opinion as to my entitlement to do so doesn't interest me.
What is sounds like to you is apparently dependent on your belief in an invisible friend.
No, I don't have an invisible friend, that I am aware of. I simply believe a non belief in God would logically lead one to a disinterest in anything concerningthe topic. A hatred of the church would lead one to feel the need to attack it.
A disbelief in anything spiritual would also tend to guide one' s search for a topic of discussion in a different direction. A distaste for those who are inclined to search would lead one here.
All I'm saying is the dialogue is good, but it would be nice if the nay sayers would admit their purpose so that the person whose post they are replying to will know when dialogue is intended and it isn't simply an emotional knee jerk reaction.
There are times I suspect the believer is little more than a punching bag for someone who won't stand up for themself in the real world.
Are you saying I wont stand up for myself in the real world?
No. you seem pretty vocal. But you discuss issues. There are a few of the prominent nay sayers who don't. It is illogical to badger with no point in sight. it leaves one to wonder if there are not deeper unstated issues.
I think it would be better to leave the psych analysis of me to me curious, after all, I am the one who understands psychology.
My "agenda" is as simple as I don't like fairytales being sold as fact.
I also fight bulldust wherever I see it. If you read my hubs on cars you would see my tolerance of misleading information is pretty low.
It is anti educational and damaging to peoples sanity.
Hmmm. I believe the statement I made concerning you was that you are pretty vocal, but I can see by your response that you choose to read more into a simple statement than was intended. This is part of my point. The emotions that have led to non belief are as much a part of the issue as the emotions involved in belief.
Stating that reason alone has led one down either course is not a fair statement, so should not be used in an attempt to denigrate an adversary in this discussion.
Yet you see your statement that I responded to as fair?
I believe my statement is a fair assessment of protracted conversations I have been involved in over the course of the time I have been here; and the conversations I have read that others have had. Perhaps, we are not on the same page as to what I am commenting on.
From the "good book"
"If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through." (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)
And for the folks in Japan, apparently we know who to blame.
"The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. At his command the oceans and rivers dry up, the lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wilt. In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed. Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence. The LORD is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him. But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night." (Nahum 1:2-8 NLT)
This is the sort of hate filled rubbish I am talking about.
Sometimes I think that none of the believers have read their own book!
Matter of opinion Earnest and guess what ,your opinion dont matter
I happen to think that was kinda irresponsible to say that regarding Japan - I mean seriously?
The Bible offers so much hope and comfort to thousands of people.
If you copied and pasted a snippet from any newspaper-like man kills wife......Does that describe the editor or papers reputation?
You forgot to address the information from your book. What do you think it says.
My opinions do matter to many apparently I earned my living for 10 years giving opinions, and your insulting comment and avoiding the biblical text is noted.
I have a very different view of natural disaster than your god, and feel confident that science will support it.
None of the above is opinion, I quoted directly from what your god said and you ignore that and somehow try to connect it as my opinion. Not very honest I would have thought!
The situation with Japan is not my opinion, that is what the bible claims. Are you having trouble keeping up?
Dont be a smartass, overly defensive are we?
The Bible said what about Japan, oh so you are the authority on the Bible now.
The Bible also said and Behold the lord God saw that it was good ( Creation)...
Wouldnt hurt for you to encourage ,even if you dont believe.
Why not quote something from your 2,000 book?
I did and you ignored it. Nothing smart assed about that!
"The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. At his command the oceans and rivers dry up, the lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wilt. In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed. Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence. The LORD is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him. But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night." (Nahum 1:2-8 NLT)
See? not my opinion, it is yours. : )Read any version of the bible you prefer, then tell me this is excluded.
Seriously you have alot of trouble with the Bible, I strongly suggest you find another hobby.
It's not a hobby, and I have no trouble at all with the bible in English hebrew and greek.
I quoted exactly from your tome. Do you not recognize that?
I could quote just as well as you,but Im sure it would be pretty boring to everyone else.
Besides I read the Bible and I like it,thats where we part ways.
So you read the bible but don't address the thousands of hate passages in it?
Yes I do. I wrote an article on it that was published 20 years ago. I have been around churches a lot too. My son was a chorister for 5 years in our largest church in a city of 4 million.
I also have a lot of friends in that church. I admire many of them who work tirelessly for the homeless; I helped out for all that time, but the funny thing is, none of the church people I dealt with believed in their religion. They used the church as a meeting place because the homeless hang around that part of the city.
When my son left, the woman who ran the choir gave him a book written by John Pilger, a famous local atheist.
I let the bible make my point for me. Apparently you can't see it. Not my problem.
My point is that it is a load of psychotic nonsense.
Ernest, the point is, in some ways, moot; but I will comment nonetheless.
A. I never thought the text was to be taken literally, and I thought the lessons were on the nature of man, not of any god. I would not presume to know what others think, until they tell me.
B. I have never felt that a disagreement on the reading of a book should warrant uncivilized discourse.
C. I have always felt that to denigrate another for their belief or lack thereof was the product of emotion or ill breeding.
Since I consider it rude to assume another is ill bred, I am left with one option on how to explain the behavior of an aggressive atheist or believer.
Personally insulting. I am not taking it literally, I leave that to the religiously inclined.
The content of the book is there for all to read and it is about frightening the gullible, so disagreement should be expected.
There is nothing uncivilized about standing against hate.
You denigrated me personally not my belief.
As for the ill bred comment, beneath my dignity to respond.
Why don't you address what I said instead of side stepping and accusing?
You know what? I'm sitting here arguing with a behavior pattern I find abhorrent in defense of a thought patttern I find abhorrent. I apologize. You guys duke it out. It is truly none of my business.
silly. You should know me well enough to know that I love a difference of opinion.
Nothing to me. You are all simply quite horribly rude to the fundamentalists sometimes. There are kinder ways to point out the fallacies with religion. I realize they are whacked, in some ways. But they will not change by being badgered.
Anyway, as I said, it is not my fight. I'm not even sure why I'm talking about it. Force of habit I suppose. Sorry.
I'm sorry you find my rebuttals of hate offensive.
If you see it as hate, then I can see why it would be offensive to you. I can't believe the majority of them could think like that. I don't know what motivates them to stand behind such a horrid interpretation.
I am happy I found this forum. I had thought little about the church and its interpretation and my eyes were opened by the shock of the posts. I'm not the mindset I was when I walked in, and I see that as a good thing. This is, in many ways, thanks to the obnoxious nature of the aggresive atheist's posts. But few appear to be here to do anything but share their belief. They will not change no matter how many unkind things are said. And they certainly have every reason to believe that a religious forum should be a safe place to share their beliefs.
On forums anywhere you will find disagreement. I don't think a religious forum is any different.
This is one of the most heavily censored forums I have ever see.
The forum is here for what purpose again?
Noun: forum.
1. A public meeting or assembly for open discussion.
2. A public facility to meet for open discussion
3. An Internet message board where users can post messages on a topic of shared interests.
but I notice, in those definitions, no where does it include rudely. I do apologize. I have had this discussion with other atheists that are easily defined as aggressive and this concept was lost to them too. I honestly don't understand the ability to turn a blind eye to standards of civil conduct in the discussion of belief. If you could explain it to me, in a way I could understand, you would be doing me a great service.
And before you begin, if you chose to explain, please understand that my rudeness to you is not unknown to me. I'm a 'when in Rome' proponent.
Civility is a two way street. Imply or tell me that you are better than others as you have a god, or that you are saved and I am not and I reply in type.
I have never even bothered to reply to anyone who has not tried to ram religion down my throat.
You seem to miss the connotations.
No, I don't think a I have missed anything; but I suppose this is not a conversation that will ever be had.
Anyway, I see full justification in replying to a rude post with rudeness. As to any other, I am left to assume the definition of rudeness varies widely, as do the definitions of many words.
Thanks for the clarification.
earnest, God is a loving, just, merciful, gracious, holy, and righteousness God. Hate is not a part of God in no way at all. I encourage you to not only read, but study the whole chapter of Zechariah and Nahum to recieve the full meaning. It's not good to jump to false conclusions that God is a murderer. God does not destroy to be cruel. He had to get rid of the evil people to prevent even greater evil. I forgot to invite you to read the chapters before Zechariah and Nahum also. Sorry about that.
Thank you, I do need to consult the bible from time to time, but have an excellent memory and two years of intense study to call on. I understand your argument, it is one I have had dozens of times in the past. I believe that what I put here are the words from the bible as it is written. The bible context argument jumps all over the OT for it's detractors and supporters alike.
You are welcome. Consulting the bible from time to time applies to all of us. Yes, the words that you have put here is written in the bible. When the bible is read out of context, it stir up a lot of confusion. The prior chapters explains the reason God destroyed the people. God will not continue to allow people to do evil things to others. Everything God does is just and right.
"The prior chapters explains the reason God destroyed the people."
This says it all as far as I'm concerned. Omniscient it ain't.
God is a hero. He saved the nation of Jerusalem from the wicked people. (And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem) Zechariah 12:9. It was necessary. God is not a murderer. God is omniscient, meaning he has total knowledge. He knows the past, present and future, including our very own thoughts. There is no authority higher than God. I love you Earnest. Have a nice day.
I no longer believe in god(s), but I still find religion interesting - or rather, I'm curious at how people come to believe what they do.
I spent half my life as a christian, and I like to discuss/debate with others to try and figure out my world. I ask the hard questions, wondering if anyone can come up with an answer that with substance.
And you do it well. Discussion is good. Opposing views are fresh air. It is simply that a few are very obviously not interested in dialogue. It is badgering. Which is within their rights, but odd.
the ones that are there just to insult, I don't like either.
I do get personal attacks, even when I haven't made any eg on the Why Pray thread. People can't divorce their emotions from debating why they believe.
If you can handle the challenge and still find good reasons to believe, good for you. You seem to be one of the few more open-minded christians here
I'm open minded simply because it would be illogical to be otherwise. If one's belief cannot stand the light of day there is a problem.
it would be nice if more believers had that outlook
That statement holds true on both sides of the issue.
I do not make that statement as an advocate for the belief in God. It is simply that I do believe the truth lies somewhere between the two extreme views.
I'm sure some christians would call you compromising
I'll take my last comment back. You oscillate btwn seeming open-minded & emotive-reactive
So we can expect you to expire still in rebellion!
"Well the missionary man
He's got God on his side.
He's got the saints and apostles
Backin' up from behind.
Black eyed looks from those Bible
He's a man with a mission
Got a serious mind.
There was a woman in the jungle
And a monkey on a tree.
The missionary man he was followin'
He said "stop what you're doing."
"Get down upon your knees."
"I've got a message for you that you
better believe.""
Good points, which will obviously be overlooked or ignored. Some people simply seek strife. It seems odd, since I would think a place such as this would be the perfect environment to discuss the differences of perception on this matter.
Not at all, the contradictions posed by the author of the OP were resolved. Not by him, of course.
But Beelzedad, you have to admit the conversations get harsh some times. And that isn't caused by one side only.
I have no idea what that face means. Have fun. It is all you are accomplishing.
Hey vector. That would be impossible. I've known plenty of times where beelzedad had nothing of value to say, but he was steadily posting. I don't know that he does speechless.
C'mon JC give beezle a break!
He has posted a lot of good stuff here and is funny as hell!
This has devolved into a typical troll. Probably is TK sensei in fact. Not sure what they get out of doing this - but most certainly is very Christian to get your jollies antagonizing people into attacking you.
One of my main issues with their religion in fact. The passive-aggressive martyr complex. Oh well - it had me fooled for a while, because it does a very good impression of actually wanting to know something - then when it completely ignores any responses and attacks you in this passive aggressive way, you understand where it derives its pleasure. Now I simply ignore it most of the time. It is the only way to get rid of them.
Hows it working for ya Mark
Passive aggressive ,really.
Should I just become outright aggressive like you are.
Yea we could all scream and shout threats at one another.
Does it change anything? Hasnt so far ,chances are it isnt going too.
Bottom line ,no matter where you think or believe you came from,we are all human!!
All wired the same way.All gotta put our pants the same way.
One foot at a time.
Not worth trying to change things then I suppose? A lot of believers seem to think that. Let the Big Guy take care of things and we do not need to improve because we are just worthless sinners. Sorry it offends you that I would like to make the world a better place.
Your religion is far, far more important isn't it?
No, I do not come here to change anyones belief system!
I come to express my views, learn ,have a bit of a giggle and to interact.
I would much rather you keep your beliefs (whatever they are)and be good and kind to all people.
But, they aren't really your views, are they? They are the views of the superstitious and ignorant who lived in the Bronze Age. You're just regurgitating those views, like most other believers.
And whose views are you spouting?
No wait ,they are not yours, but a result of indoctrination or ignorance.
Your anger and hostily seems to be important to you!
All I am doing is asking you to keep your religion to yourself. Because it causes conflicts. Sorry you do not see it that way and will continue to fight and argue that things were better when there was slavery and segregation.
Well I see it as trying to control me.
How would you feel ,if I constantly critised ,belittled and mocked your opinions/ideas/faith?
No human should ever tell another what and how to think!
And for you to lie about my position on slavery is just plain wrong.
( I do believe it was you who thought slavery first began in America) and a wise man welcomes correction.
Oh well,I tried.
Of course you consider nothing I have to say is of value as very little of it supports your belief system and only serves to point out just how utterly irrational, illogical and violent it is. The religiously indoctrinated rarely if ever find value in reality.
Hey beelzedad. I'm basically out of here, but when I saw the email I figured I'd at least respond to your post here. That was a joke. You've had a lot of good things to say. I've got my pebble, christianity can go to the hell it created. And I don't care what you say, there's something more.
Yes, I know, that was my point. Indoctrination takes precedence over reality.
Who knows. I may come to agree with that in time, or not. For now? This place is overly emotional for something that is, like I said, a simple yes or no question. Lighten up.
Be nice
You don't know anything for sure. Neither do I, nor does anyone else. You conceded this point. You can't take it back. Sorry
Well, I do concede that I now define myself as completely clueless, but I would be very curious as to what this wealth of information is you appear to believe yourself to have. I think (if you were honest) you should admit you're clueless too. I see you as the glass half empty type. Just because I see the glass half full doesn't make me wrong.
No, you are not curious at all, if you were, you would have recognized the wealth of information myself and others have offered you. Instead, you have chosen to ignore it all in favor of your indoctrinated beliefs.
Yes, I understand your inability to distinguish intellectual honesty from indoctrinated beliefs.
Yes, I do understand that one who has been indoctrinated into a religion will believe they are superior to others who don't share their irrational beliefs, and that criticizing those beliefs produces negative connotations.
Ok. Wow. A lot of assumptions there. If the wealth of information you refer to is repeated attacks on the bible. I think you give yourself too much credit. Emotional arguments are worthless against emotional arguments. I have come to the conclusion that the book is not inspired simply by following a course of deductive reasoning. What took me so long? Who knows. But I will give credit where it is due. Your arguments were tenacious enough to make me step back and begin the thought process.
As far as intellectual honesty is concerned; again, you are presumptuous, if not blind. I believe I told you once before that were the world peopled with atheists, and christianity had not been invented I would still be forced to believe in God. I have since re evaluated my 'miracles', thanks to your influence. I do find it highly suspicious that the two primary characteristics I noticed were characteristics I also attribute to myself; however, until I can explain these away I can't write them off.
As to me saying you see the glass half empty; how is that negative? You're different than me. So what? If you weren't, I wouldn't have paid attention to your arguments. Why would I want to hear someone regurgitate my exact same thoughts?
No, it isn't, but that's what I would expect a believer to believe. The presentation of reality over your beliefs is what was referred.
Yes, I understand you would conclude the presentation of reality to be an "emotional argument" being part and parcel to indoctrination.
And yet, we are yet to see this thought process at work.
You mean you would believe in Zeus or Thor?
That has already been explained for you.
You tell me. You appear to ignore reality in favor of those regurgitated views.
Non-believers are much more tolerant but they're allergic to bullcrap like -brother micah, bible home schooling, creationism and 6k year old earth and similar other stuff from deluded people.
Why does it feel like this thread has been posted a thousand times already?
And why doesn't Hubpages have a yawn emoticon?
Yes. Exactly. I've looked for that emoticon a hundred times.
Because he only joined two weeks ago, and it doesn't occur to him that the same 'message', 'discussion' 'argument' has been raging way before he got here...
That needs to go in the 'suggest a feature' sub-forum, or whatever it's called
"I came home drunk the other night and wrote down some random thoughts about people and the universe. I showed them to my sober friend the next day and they didn't make much sense to him but I ignored him and just kept showing more and more people until I found some that thought it was ok"
Thats equivalent to the proof of religion. Random thoughts and beliefs of a iron age culture written down hundred years after they happened. Does this sound rational?
If there really is a creator speaking to us as plainly as he did 2,000 years ago, why did he stop? There are billions listening for him.
What ever happened to the laughing out loud emoticon? It only shows as lol now.
Amen! (sic) This is an argument that has been going on for thousand of years and will continue to rage on. Unfortunately, no one will be proven right or wrong until the day this old earth stops spinning, so both sides are wasting their breath.
Most non-believers, just like most who do believe, don't say a word nor argue at all.
As always it's only a few from both sides that get loud and make it seem like "they" are hostile, pushy, narrow minded, whatever.
Most people have a life they are busy living and don't get into arguments about it. Believe whatever you want, more power to you. Your right,,, whatever you believe,,, gotta go now.
I guess it has become obvious to you by now that your polite request has fallen on deaf and dumb ears. Sometimes childishness trumps all for those emotionally opposed to the idea of belief.
Yes, yes! These non-believers are very intolerant. These are the very people who killed Giordano Bruno and flown planes into buildings and put bombs in crowded places.
These non believers and there arrogance! How dare they show us our god is imaginary, just a concept? How dare they show us we are immature and childish in our beliefs?
And the popes and priests, how good they are in spreading peace by molesting children or protecting/justifying those who does!
No religious leaders ever wanted to take over the world. See Pope Alexander VI only wanted to help his son Cesare Borgia to carve a little territory for him and nothing else!
And how all our stories are true! Why can't there be flying horses? Why can't god die to save us, The Great Humans? You silly non-believers, you will never understand how important we are!
You aren't stereotyping are you? I hope not.
That would be wrong. And there are plenty of atheist's who claim the title of ego-maniac world take-over. Relevant stuff would be useful.
There are bad apples in every bunch. Stereotyping doesn't make you look smart. Or the little stereotype encouraging ones either..
I would like to ask, when do non believers knock on your front door and try to sell those people that have faith a book called "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins?
I don't believe, i'm quite happy to say that, neither do i sit on the fence.
If its a question of faith and it makes people feel better and cope with their lives then good for them, I don't need it. Neither do i need my pleasant afternoon disturbed by people hawking "The Good News Bible" and telling me how to live my life.
I am quite happy to live my life within the law and i have no problems with any follower of religion until they tell me i should believe.
Why can't we all just get along?
Oh I had Richard Dawkins followers knock on my door-3 Uni students
Atheism is alive and well in many Universities.via so called learned Professors.
The question in my mind is this: Why are they not happy and at peace with their world? Why do they become arrogant with their arguements, demeaning others .
Shows more of an insecurity if you ask me.
They have made a choice to follow their ideas,so called theologies etc ,but want to change mine as well!!
"Why are they not happy and at peace with their world? Why do they become arrogant with their arguements, demeaning others ."
Got any idea what your talking about?
The answer to that is that Richard Dawkins believes that religion is destroying the modern world and putting the world into a great deal of danger. If you read his book, he shows you how he came to that conclusion.
He has, therefore, proposed militant atheism. This is the opposite coin to 'witnessing for Christ'.
Instead of people who are going through hard times being reached by those who believe that they have to fulfill the great injunction of bringing others to Christ, some atheists see sense in what Dawkins said, and are now going out to explain to others what atheism is. That's because so many have no idea what it is.
Basically, if you think about it, most people become religious is several ways.
a) they are brainwashed since childhood.
b) they go through a really hard time and want to make sense of the world.
c) they did terrible things and need forgiveness
If the first were eliminated, most people would not be religious. If people were taught how to manage their lives better and were able to do so, there would be less needing an explanation for what has happened. And if they came to terms with the fact that we were mortal, they might live what lives they have better. And if they knew they weren't going to need forgiveness from God, maybe they would make reparation to the people they harmed.
When people stop thinking they are wiser than their fellow man, they might realize it's best to take care of your own life, and leave other people's business to themselves.
This sadly, will probably never happen since we all think we are smarter than everyone else.
As is so evident in my post. Sorry. Did not mean to butt into your life. Please continue.
"Basically, if you think about it, most people become religious is several ways.
a) they are brainwashed since childhood.
b) they go through a really hard time and want to make sense of the world.
c) they did terrible things and need forgiveness"
I'm sorry. I find that very wrong to make such assumptions. There isn't a single good thing in your list. Which proves the opinion to be biased.
And if you resort back to b)... most people (unfortunately) rebel against God when things go wrong. So that assumption is wrong. At the least, all we can say is that it's irrelevant completely because people go both ways on that statement.
@ vector 7. I was a member of the born again movement for a decade. I heard thousands of people witness and give their testimonies during that time. I know the religion inside out and upside down. Every single body who witnessed spoke about trials in their live and how they had 'come to the Lord'.
No, I'm not wrong.
The human brain is socialized through the things that it hears from babyhood through childhood and it believes things that it hears consistently over and over again. That's why people who grow up with different cultures believe different things.
The process is called 'soft brainwashing' and it's why advertising works.
things go wrong all the time in my life. I don't turn against God because I don't think there is a God.
Yes. You heard thousands of people witness. I wonder what Church all the people that went the other direction from the trials they suffered witnessed? I didn't know their was an Atheist Church to compare results against those who went to, and those who turned from the "idea" of God seeing as I have to be technical to keep things straight.
Yes. "You're" very wrong. You have not one account of who decided God couldn't be real because the world is so bad.
It's aggravating to hear such incorrect information being told to everyone. You going to Church does not give you all the accurate information for the entire world.
God bless..
You don't even make sense.
In my reply above, I referred you to two my hubs - one on atheism and one on religious vs science. If you're really interested in a backed up academic assessment, please go through all the videos.
I truly do not have time for an argument with someone who thinks he is the first to have this argument. This debate has been ranging for the last 100 years (at least) between atheists and religious people. All the arguments you bring up have been brought up before.
Enjoy your evening.
Good night.
a) they are brainwashed since childhood.
b) they go through a really hard time and want to make sense of the world.
c) they did terrible things and need forgiveness
Basically if you think about ,people became Atheist because:
1) They have been brainwashed.
2) They see a niche in the market and can provide a new way of 'me' myself, I thinking plus get rich in the process.
Great maketing skills ,play on words and for people who dwell on the workings of the mind (Oh i covered that in 1.
3) They have an axe to grind,be it trauma or an event that they decided was Gods fault. Of course it was never mans fault.
Man is a powerless poor victim apparently, as opposed to this big violent god who they dont believe in.
Which is it ?
Basically if you think about ,people became Atheist because:
I can think for myself?
Wow. What an insulting statement. Probably the type of thing the OP was addressing. It's the arrogance of both ends of this debate that show a lack of thought.
If you think some one has insulted you - perhaps you might try looking inside and see why it is that you feel so insulted. Your insecurity and quickness to anger may be the issue here. Just because some one does not believe in Majikal Super Beings and chooses instead to think for themselves - this is no reason to attack them. Nor is it an insult to your god.
How odd that you demand tolerance of this behavior. I for one will stand up again this sort of behavior any day. Sooner or later you religionists will realize we need to have some standards of behavior and moral codes in order to stop the fighting.
Hi mark..I thought I had gotten rid of you for good. Go figure.
I'm not insulted, by any means. I've had an epiphany.
Anyway, the point I was making (that you missed) is that both ends are incredibly rude and arrogant. These are emotional arguments, that will do little more than insult one another.
I understand that the emotional atheist poster is responding to years of being preached to. I don't see it as mature, but it is understood.
I don't like to see people attacked unfairly. No matter who they are..I'd stand up for you too, if I thought it fair to do so.
Anyhoo, that being said, trust me, this is no longer the droid you're looking for. Your argument means nothing to me anymore. Like I told Bailey bear, I really don't have a dog in this fight.
Trollin trollin trollin.
Dear me, you religionists are dishonest.
Pity you seem incapable (don't care) of understanding that this is what causes all the fights.
Not that I have a position either way - I am just an impartial observer.
Bye bye. Glad you will not be partaking any more.
impartial observer? I always imagined you in a shroud with a sickle. But I have an overactive imagination.
You're unfair on your assessment of your adversary, but you were always good for a few laughs.
We'll never cease being adversaries, because I will never be like you, but most of all because you leave yourself wide open for attack with these humorous posts.
But, you can never honestly call me a religionist again. I won't bore you with the details.
Unfortunately for you, I still find amusement here; so I'll still comment if I run across a comment you make that is blatantly in error, or warrants an obnoxious response; because I can recognize what I'm not but I can't deny what I am. Which is (as you've noticed) someone that speaks their mind.
How funny. LOLOLO
Religionists like you will always cause fights. How funny that you think repeating religious nonsense is "speaking your mind."
IDK - Perhps if you did not hide behind an anonymous persona? I thought you were done with this? No?
At least you admit you consider yourself an adversary. Because I don't believe in an invisible super being. Oh well. This is why your religion causes so many wars.
Oh, well. You are nothing if not consistent. Believe what you want mark. It's what you do. As usual, you are off the mark.
Really? LOL You are not an anonymous persona?
Of course I'm an anonymous persona. You aren't crazy enough to think four cats could swype.
I don't think.
Are you?
Hey mark. I just got what you were implying. Silly man. It simply finally sunk in that I honestly don't agree with any of it. Not just their side, but of course your side, too. I think you are all overly emotional about what boils down to little more than a bunch of opinions. I'd been scratching my head for a month as to why I found the whole thing so funny.
The truth is, I think what I think. That's all I know. I'm not being fair to them to argue over their scriptures. Maybe that is what they say it means. I think, if I am honest, there probably was a subconscious niggle of fear that they might be right; but the bottom line is that if they are, I'm headed for hell anyway. I've believed what I do for too long. If we are to be judged, I'll be judged by what I think and I honestly think it's all bogus.
He said
She said
Beam me up Scotty :LOl;
The problem with Atheists is they think they have the answer for everything-they dont, Next he or she plumps up the feathers and up on their self made podiums they create begin pointing fingers at God ,Christians, Mickey Mouse and anyone who wants listen to them.
Degrading another humans belief system ,makes them feel important. Bullies do that too.
They are also well versed in dishing out insults, and inuendo's.
Wow did they learn that at private schools I wonder? dreadful waste of mummy and daddys money for sure.
Attack the problem ,not the person.
Number one rule in debating
Great points, but don't diss private schools too badly. I'm a product of one and I think these guys are twits sometimes too.
Very well stated. God is only one who has the answer for everything.
So, I suppose no one has asked him for a cancer cure all of these many years?
The water was once pure ,flowed like milk and honey.
However during the course of that rivers life it became contimated,hence bacteria,sickness passing through polutions of every kind,sometimes even well meaning additives ,all adding to eventually 'new water'. Doctored up ,safe to drink (according to the man),but still not the original pure water!
Hence sickness remains,and until we quit contimating and adjusting our own cures to fix the pollutants,they will remain.
Bottom line is choice.
Humans are the guardians of this world or God is,but if you say God isnt,then surely the maintance remains with mankind.
I don't understand how you found this statement personally insulting. It's one of the reasons I rejected christianity - I started thinking for myself
Not personally. I would, if I agreed with the any of them. Your statement is presented as if a generalization about all who hold to a religion. I didn't remember if the OP was addressing all religions or one in particular.
Anyway, when you make a statement in that manner it doesn't appear as anything other than saying that anyone with a brain would agree with you. I would take it as an insult if I felt that it was directed at me.
Considering christian preaching, god channel sales pitch on tv and internet, christian dating, products and all the things. Let me just turn the table back to ya
Obviously, you think that what applies to one set of the population applies equally well to the other side. You must have failed science.
1)Probably more than 50% of atheists grew up in religious homes. They were initially socialized by their parents and/or peers and/or their environment to become religious. Their studies and thinking made them leave that environment and make another choice.
2)As for the 'getting rich', it's Christians who started the prosperity movement - out of complete step with the bible which teaches a sort of communism. Go read your bible.
3) The Christian injunction that Christians must go forth and witness and bring people to the 'Lord' is 100% responsible for the backlash that is now taking place.
"Probably more than 50% of atheists grew up in religious homes."
Is this just a random guess then, or do you have a source?
"As for the 'getting rich', it's Christians who started the prosperity movement - out of complete step with the bible which teaches a sort of communism. Go read your bible."
Again no evidence. Basic personal opinion.
This is another stereotype, which I've noticed a lot of people using against Christians lately. Need we go over statistics against all Atheists and Agnostics?
And I do read my Bible. I wonder why your telling me I should if you don't believe it. And also how you would know whether I do.
"The Christian injunction that Christians must go forth and witness and bring people to the 'Lord' is 100% responsible for the backlash that is now taking place."
We don't bring people to the Lord, we tell them of Him. He does anything beyond that.
And what makes you come to religious threads? To share the good word? Are you speaking for Jesus when you admonish others? Did you inherit your religion or did you simply choose it from all the rest?
You might like to read my two hubs on atheism and religion. Those things are backed up. I just don't have time to do this anymore.
It's going round in circles.
I deleted my posts for anyone curious and for Sophia to know because:
I allowed myself to be drawn to the personalisation that was made and that is not what I'm suppose to do. Therefore I withdrew my statements as the way I posted was wrong.
I'm sorry if I offended you. I simply feel the information isn't accurate at all. And I do read my Bible, which I'm attempting as of right now to follow.
God bless..
vector, Stereotype is used against christians quite often. All christians get slammed in the same boat because of the actions of other people. That's not nice, but we have to love them anyway Lastly, a, b, or c of Sophia list didn't apply to me. I thought freely on my own when I recieved Jesus. I became a christian because Iove I love God for the wonderful God he is, and wanted to serve God.
No one would get slammed if you guys simply kept your religion to yourself. Try it and you'll see it's true. Let folks be happy in their own delusional religions. and keep yours private.
How arrogant Randy,to think you or anyone should tell people to keep their opinions to themselves.
No its is really unbelievable!
Arrogant? It's arrogant for a believer to tell someone else that their god is going to judge the non-believer. When the best thing to do is keep the comments to themselves, instead of creating conflict....don't you agree?
But if it were that easy.
I can be accountable for my actions ,not the millions fro my past.
Thats fair.
Do you say the same thing to Atheists I wonder Cags?
Or is it one of those double standard things
Hey EK, most atheist speak about things based on facts and evidence, which are derived from reality. They're in fact offended by Christians and religion in general. Their actions are just reactions, like someone who cries out from pain.
No double standard. I don't approve of Atheists any more than religious folks, but I understand where Atheists come from and why.
As for the religious, they just deny their actions, which is an unacceptance of responsibility of their own actions.
Big difference.
Cause and effect rules apply, just like any other aspect of life.
So you think it is okay to try and convince others YOU know better than they concerning gods? You are essentially deciding their fate for them, whether you are right or wrong in the matter. What gives you the right to do so? What makes you think your idea of which god to worship is better than anyone's?
Hi Randy, No, I will not try it, but thanks for the offer. I will continue to discuss my faith, regardless of getting slammed. No one is forcing you to paticipate in the forums where believers are discussing their faith. I will leave you to fight with yourself. I love you.
W.O.C Hugss
What a glorious (pre) Spring day today.
I saw trees with tiny new buds and dafodils peeking bravely out this afternoon!!
God is so amazing
Eaglekiwi, Yes it was a beautiful spring day. I love the colorful trees and flowers. God is wonderful. Love and blessings to you.
Of course you won't, WOC! Why don't you simply explain the wonderful things you have accomplished with the help of your god? You know, things a non-believer cannot do here on earth. Surely with an all powerful deity backing you there have to be miraculous deeds done by you. Pray tell us of them,
a & b of Sophia's list applied to me.
None of your list applied to me, nor is why people reject religion, IMO.
I started thinking for myself. I questioned my beliefs. I was tired of the hypocrisy & contradictions. God was silent in my suffering. Science made more sense than religion.
Science corrects itself on a monthly basis. How accurate is that?
At least Science does correct itself though. Not much can be said for you.
science keeps building on itself with more knowledge & evidence gained. Religion just claims to know 'truth' without evidence
It's funny how the OP was asking for respect but the Internet F-wads of the forum couldn't even give that much.
So long as they have the protection of anonymity that the Internet provides, respect is always going to be optional to them. These people wouldn't have the grapes to actually go into a church or other religious function and spout their same nonsensical rants that they post online, so frankly their opinion means nothing to me.
It shouldn't mean anything to you either. Turn the other cheek and ignore the cowards who use the cloak of their screen names to spew their ignorance.
Should falsehoods get respect? Should people to want to convert (force) others to their beliefs get respect? So much for spreading peace and love.
I think nate sean had a valid point. I doubt any here who so rudely attack religion have the intestinal fortitude to speak these words. Most would be better advised to tell the people who are bothering them in the real world to stop.
The emotional nature of the argument against religion is too obvious to be ignored. As is the emotional nature of the religious stance.
Religious bring this upon themselves in my opinion. You can't walk around claiming whatever you want and then say to others: you must respect my beliefs, and oh, you should believe it too otherwise you'll perish. Regardless of anonimity on the internet, if you act like that, you can expect rude responses.
I agree. But the belief on either side, that they somehow have the answers and need to shove it down the throat of another would be laughable, except for the fact that one must assume these are adults posting the statements.
Rudeness from the few religious fundamentalists appears to have caused a tsunami of animosity towards belief in general. Two wrongs don't necessarily make a right.
Well I don't hide behind an avatar. This is me. I find it interesting that some who claim religious detractors hide and have no gurbles, are hiding behind a blind profile when they do so!
Hey Earnest, I guess people could look at my avatar as hiding, however, all of my written material actually has my real name on it. I don't think an avatar matter much and shouldn't carry any weight.
But, I guess you could just chalk that up to just my opinion, like everyone else does with my posts.
I have notices that you are open about who you are.
I have another profile here that, like yours is not me as a person.
I don't use it to post, as I have no information there about who I am, unlike yours, so I post as me all the time.
As above, I am not speaking for you or your god, I will let your own god speak exactly as it is in "the good book."
Earnest everyone Im sure has many a story to tell.
I didnt just wake up one day and wonder aimlessly through the doors of the nearest church.
For me ,it was relising my happiness or peace wasnt going to come from anybody or anything.
Sure in my teenage years alcohol was the great escape (from reality) the usual distractions are fun for awhile.
But theres always a morning after guess I got tired of the same ole same ole.
I am from a family of nine ,5 brothers and 4 sisters,
My father was a Mormon elder ,then gave it up, for hard work and hard drinking. My Mum was raised a Presbyterian,she passed on when I was my Religious indoctrination was balanced by other things believe you me.
In fact my beer drinking, hard working father raised four daughters,after his wife died and never drew a welfare check!
My brothers have respectable careers, 2 have been in prison
Same with my sisters ,though none in prison.
I ,too come from a mixed and colourful background.
I have been to different churches as well. Some good, Some not.
You have an interesting background. My mother was very religious.
I know all these events in our past help influence our decisions in life.
But looking around society and this world in general ,choosing God in my life enhances it not the other way around.
Well as long as believers would want to spread the message , non believers would want to stop the spread of is as simple as that...generally non believers dont care what religions preach as long as religion restrains itself to believer and his/her personal domain...
G'day Mark. Nice to see you are still around. I have noticed you absence during the last few months. You are not here as often these days. Good for you!
you should let that sense of humor out more often. That was a good one.
I reckon I am a bit Australian with my humor. It's a cultural thing like religion. Are you enjoying the banter?
I would just like to state 3 facts from my point of view;
1. People are going to and have the right to believe whatever it is they want to believe. No matter what you say in opposition of their beliefs will be cast off.
2. I myself have never attempted to lure, convert, transform, or change anyone's religious beliefs to suit my own. (see statment #1)
3. If one man looks up and sees a blue sky he would say the sky is blue. If another man looks up and sees a grey sky and says it is grey, they are BOTH right as they are only stating what they see and believe to be true.
I'll second that!
but.......I still think it is worth protecting people from the wrath of the invisible god though, by explaining here that the nasty story is just a tale badly told for the main part, and another way to waste a life.
Let's face the truth: there are intolerant people on both sides. I have met extremely intolerant and hateful religious people who cannot stand the idea that non-believers even exist. Heck, don't you think there's a reason no President has ever been openly Atheist? It's because hate would rain down upon him if he was (that is, if he were even elected).
And of course, I have met very judgmental and unkind Atheists and Agnostics too. I'm sad to say that many fellow Atheists do look down on the religious. I've even been guilty of it myself in the past.
I think we are both reacting to the unpleasant people on both sides, and it's a shame, because we miss the peaceful and tolerant majorities.
You are right.
One should be moderate and present one's stance with brilliant arguments; there should not be any bitterness or anger.
Hey there.
You still did not tell me what Allah is going to do to me for not believing nonsense. I know he is unmerciful but what does that mean exactly?
And when will you accept I dont have a religion!!!
Guess not in my life time.
Barrier to communication right there.
Of course you have a religion. It is all you talk about. You even argue that the bible should be taught in school because life was better when there was segregation and slavery.
Hey mark. You do realize the term trolling is a fishing term. Fisherman are nice. You aren't supposed to act like a troll literally.
Your perception is quite distorted.
Translated- A lie.
I agree with Earnest on that one.
It's 'most always funny, I don' care who ya are!
Hello Brenda, I have no idea what time you have, but it is 6 am here. I got up really early this morning. I hope I find you in good spirits?
6 A.M.?
It's after 2:30 P.M. here.
Yes, I'm in good spirits! Or Spirit anyway.
My body may give out anytime, but my spirit never totally does.
How are you doing? Especially with the 6 A.M. thing. If I get up that early these days, I'm ready for a nap by noon! ha
I have been a napper for many years, even as a young man, I would use naps to refresh through the day. Things are going nicely again, I will soon even have a wardrobe! My old one floated away when I was flooded. I finally fixed my ute yesterday, (flooded too,) so those sorts of things are normalizing.
For the rest of it, my life is wonderful thank you for asking.
Eaglekiwi wrote:
Attack the problem ,not the person.
Number one rule in debating
I had some god botherers knock on my door today saying that the world will end because it doesn't belong to us and we should all join jesus and have one big sing along with some nice hymns and a nice cup of tea and we will be saved......bwahahaha!
I love it when those people knock on my door, then I can tell them just how cool they are with their flask of weak lemon tea and jammie dodgers in their pockets.
Don't you want to be saved the women said to me as I said bollocks! so I said I've saved myself from this shite and slammed the door!
Good response I reckon. I copped a couple of them the other day as well. I told them they were too late, I WAS already "saved" then closed the door quickly leaving them standing there arguing about if they should try again. They decided not to, and went next door where they will get a reception the whole neighborhood will hear! Serves em right!
Just answer the door naked singing: "jesus loves the little children..."
That does it for me...
...and guess what? they never come back!
It's surefire! lolol :
I once answered the door and they said Jesus will save you here's a little leaflet on everything holy and I said no I've already made a deal with the devil and he said if I eat a raw chicken then I may be Satans best friend...they ran for the hills!
Which is where a lot of them come from I believe.
Seriously why do atheists always feel every Christians is trying to ram the word of God down their throat?
It really is an overstatement.
Boaders on paranoia.
It's because there are a lot of Christians who do attempt to do that. It's an overstatement to say that every Christian does it, but saying that most Christians do it would be correct going by what I have personally witnessed.
Eaglekiwi, Atheists feel when christians boldly stand on the word of God that christians are forcing the word of God down their throat. The word of God should come forth whenever they enter the forums to attack the believer's faith.
Quite sad.
I was raised to show more respect.
I was raised to only respect things that earn it. But - I think it is awesome that you respect gay people now. Good for you.
Wow, Mark is starting another war. Thank you, but I have always respected them as an individual.
That is wonderful. Good for you. I am glad you now respect them and their choices. Well done> perhaps now the fighting will stop because you no longer think they are going against what god wants?
We can but hope.
Ok Mark, I can see you are here to fight, and I don't have time for it. You don't read very well. I never stated "and their choices." I encourage you not put words in my mouth. Please read again to view exactly what is written.
Ah - so you "selectively " respect them. Which is no respect at all. I read just fine - I wanted to clarify that you were not being truthful.
Me? I love and respect you. I just hate and despise your irrational beliefs, and the fact that you are dishonest and cowardly.
That the sort of respect you were taught huh?
Little wonder your religion causes so many wars.
Hey EK, most atheist speak about things based on facts and evidence, which are derived from reality. They're in fact offended by Christians and religion in general. Their actions are just reactions, like someone who cries out from pain.
Sorry I disagree ,my observations have been that you lean(quite a lot) on the other side ,but hey thats your choice. Just thought Id point out the double standards is all.
I see the wanting to silence or control how and when I say it to be very selfish!!
On the other hand I have seen many Christians who love God ,themselves and fellow man ,while sacrificing their time ,money and labour.
That is unselfish. They do not do it for recognition ,in fact many acts go unseen.
You might determine they do it out of fear ,indoctrination, whatever other label.I say ,open your eyes wider
I don't lean on either side. My argument isn't the same as the Atheist, so there isn't a double standard. Mine isn't a reaction, but is one of teaching to correctness of life itself.
Then you are short sighted. The goal is peace.
All based on the original belief that is selfish. So all consequent action is selfish. Sorry, cannot avoid it, but you can believe what you want. I'm just pointing it out, as it IS, not as it appears.
Sure they do it for recognition, just not recognition of humans, but of their god. What part do you not understand about selfish behavior.
My eyes are open, as is my mind. Sorry, you cannot see it yourself.
Sure they do it for recognition, just not recognition of humans, but of their god. What part do you not understand about selfish behavior
And that is selfish?
Namecalling ,mocking ,critising, etc etc is hardly the hallmark of Peace
The belief is selfish because all of their actions are with the intent to be favored by their god. That's what makes it selfish. Putting themselves before others.
Be specific?
Is sarcasm is it not?
Criticizing is based on actions. The actions can be criticized/evaluated/judged.
If you were not ever criticized, then how would you know if you needed improvement?
BORING!!! Same old argument that is never going to end. It's been going on for hundreds of years, and in some places, like the middle east, even longer than that. And, violent protests, not just talk.
I only commented because I'm tired of hearing about it. Because all it seems to do is make people bitter and confused. very sad.
Is there a harm if the atheists become more tolerant.
Why they consider it a bad thing to be tolerant?
Your intolerance is intolerable and I refuse to tolerate it - it causes conflicts.
Do you mean in the way you are tolerant? Your religion is right and all the others are wrong?
Tolerance? Religion is the opposite to tolerance.
You're cute. Really. I know you don't see the emotional side of your argument, but it is there. Why does it upset you that they threaten hell. It isn't real, and yet it upsets you. Why is that? That is one of the things I find odd about the debates. Of course there's the god is evil argument. If there is no god, how is he evil? Why do you appear to argue this with such vehemence? Everything seems so passionate, when the actual reasons to argue against belief in that type of deity, or god or whatever you want to call it are quite the opposite. For me anyway.
Call me indoctrinated again and again. But it doesn't make it true. If it is true, and you seriously want to prove it, you'll have to change up the argument because I honestly don't see it. And I do try.
On the contrary, you imagine an emotional side to my argument.
Yes, I know you find it odd, being on the side that generates the threats. In other words, you're fully at ease when people threaten you.
You seem to be forgetting the followers of religions, those who actually make the threats. Believers are unable to imagine a world without their gods, hence it is up to those who can imagine both worlds to stoop to that level of that intellect for sake of discussion.
No, you don't try and yes, the proof is in your posts. I completely understand why you can't see that.
I have never been comfortable with the fundamentalists's behavior and, since I know you know this, I'll let that attempt at insult roll on down the hill. I understand your argument, I simply think you've oversimplified. I cannot get through to you that my experiences do not fall into the free trip category. Nothing was gained but peace, when it was needed. It doesn't appear to me to mirror anything indoctrination would have manifested. Even when I take it down to its simplest form, when I take into account that it was years ago and I must have surely embellished it in my mind; I still can't completely explain it.
I know you assume those who are not atheists are overly emotional, but I know me well enough to know that plays little more than a tiny roll in the way I look at things. I can't stop looking at this until I find the answer, or find a logical way to set it aside. It's too odd.
Hey beelzedad. I finally figured out where you're coming from with this indoctrination argument. You're right. Congratulations. Schmuck.
Indoctrination was not your fault, you were simply the victim. There's no need to feel embarrassed or hurt about it, just deal with it and you'll be fine.
Do not presume to know me. I am neither embarrassed or hurt. No one did anything out of a sense of anything but what they believed to be right. Why would that bother me?
Yes, they believed it to be right because they themselves were indoctrinated, and those before them.
It doesn't bother you because you wholeheartedly accepted and embraced the indoctrination.
And, if you don't break the vicious cycle, you will most likely indoctrinate your children, if you haven't done so already.
You are, without a doubt a pompous something or other. I never took my son to any church, or gave him any 'indoctrination'.
It doesn't bother me because I am an adult. Whatever mistakes were made have long since ceased to be anyone's responsibility but mine.
LOL! And you said I was emotional.
Does he believe as you do in the same god?
Not really, you never chose a belief system, it was chosen for you.
As you should be, however you need not remain in that state if you just acknowledge your indoctrination and deal with it.
Yes, I do, but religionists want the world to be indoctrinated to believe and worship invisible gods, detest all of mankind and threaten us with eternal damnation. This has stifled our development as humans and has infiltrated our societies for centuries causing conflict and wars. This problem should be receiving one of the highest priorities if we are to survive as a species.
Other than threaten me with eternal damnation, calling me evil and telling me their gods will judge me harshly? Not much.
No, you won't be screwed, you'll just have to learn how to think for yourself for a change. No big deal. In fact, you'll learn to enjoy it and will develop morals and ethics as a result.
I can't believe you caught that before I could delete it. The one thing I find infuriating about the atheist stand is this ridiculous belief that morals and ethics somehow rolls out only from the bible. It's absurd. I do not get my ideas on what is right and wrong from that. Never have. I have never sought, not supported, world domination by religion. I actually fight it. They have no right to attempt to legislate their idea of morality on anyone.
And threatening you with empty threats is not threatening. It is ludicrous to even pretend to take them seriously.
There are times I believe you are simply difficult for the fun of it.
You try living amongst the religious and see how easy it would be for you to get along, when you've gone past the point of smiling and nodding anymore.
Of course, most every other believer will tell you that their morals and ethics are from the bible, yet when presented with the morals and ethics of the bible, the ones that tell you to kill your children for talking back or stories of genocides and mass murder afflicted by their gods, they adamantly refuse to accept it. That is the hypocrisy of religions and beliefs.
And, they will continue to "legislate their idea of morality" on everyone, despite the hypocrisy.
Why would you want to be associated with that?
If they weren't just empty threats, we wouldn't have had the historical past of religious wars and conflicts that have plagued mankind for centuries.
I do live amongst the religious, they are everywhere; Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Scientologists, Jehovah Witnesses, etc etc etc - their places of worship litter the landscape more so than any 711 or Starbucks combined.
I don't want to be associated with it. It sickens me.
But stop arguing the past. It serves no purpose.
You don't live among it. You live around it. You don't feed it dinner on Saturday afternoon, or have to ride to work with it. And more.
And yet, you are associated, by indoctrination. Aren't you even the least bit interested to break your indoctrination and not be associated with it?
Are you serious? Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it. Does it serve no purpose that the organization you are associated had one of the most bloodiest and destructive pasts the planet has ever been plagued?
If someone told you they were going to join the Nazi party, would you not bring up its historic past?
Get serious.
Yet, you have to live with yourself and the beliefs you've embraced as a result of indoctrination. As it goes, if you can't be honest with yourself, with whom can you be honest?
You cannot live in the free world. That is a bizarre post. How do I live with my indoctrinations? Going to work? Do I have a special drivers license? Do you honestly think you live differently from other americans? Except for the fundamentalists, they're no different from you. Where do you come up with this stuff? You are no different than the next person..except that maybe you don't try to live courteously among your neighbors. I wouldn't know, but I'm not going to go out of my way to alienate the world and make my existence miserable simply because I see the fallacy of christianity, so therefore pretty much all of it. If I can find a way to help it.
And I have no problem being honest with myself. Stop saying that to me. It's a silly statement. Stop checking the handbook before you post.
Then, you will remain part of the problem rather than part of the solution and will continue to perpetuate the lies and conflict of your religion. See your above response to me to know that isn't true.
Ok. I'll bite. What, exactly, do you think I am supposed to do differently..I don't support them, I don't give money to their causes, I don't vote for them. I could buy a boat to put them on. Where would I send them?
That has already been explained to you ad nauseum. Where have you been?
Perpetuating religious indoctrination has nothing to do with those things. All you have to do is use your brains and start thinking instead of just believing. Simple really.
Hey, I get your argument. I think. Are you saying that belief in another consciousness outside of this plane will always turn into religion? So that type of belief is prone to cause problems? Or are you saying anyone that thinks our consciousness lives on is wrong, no matter what the belief?
Or delusion, they are pretty much one and the same.
It has to be wrong, our brains simply don't work that way. Biology 101 helps to understand that.
Silly Beelzedad. You know no more than I do, yet you enjoy pretending. I enjoy it much more when you play this part of irritated scientist than the angry, and somehow wronged, atheist. I get this part much more easily.
And just when I'm ready to explain the fallacy of the crazy atheist view you switch over to fake scientist mode. I am always entertained.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The truth has not been found on this issue. It does not mean that there is no truth. It simply means we haven't found it. We may never, but I doubt that.
And I think your interests, if I understand them to be pure, would be better served trying to bring Islam in line. I honestly think most people here are like me. I don't think they care overly much. I do fear this armageddon talk, and I think we'll be safer when people get it through their heads that this prophecy stuff is bogus: BUT this is not the greatest problem we have, by a long shot. Not in terms of what will rock our world in the short run.
In the long run, religion is pointless and counter productive. I've known this for a long time, but its a power thing. No one has any power over me, and I raised my son to be independent too, so I've done my part as far as that goes. It's a lesson I learned from my parents. You can't miraculously change the world. Each generation must do its part to help stamp out a little piece of injustice and intolerance. I see a marked difference in the attitudes of people, just over the four generations I have witnessed. My grandfather was such a horrible creature I never allowed my son around him. But it wasn't religion that made him that way, except maybe the fact that he was raised with those ethics.
The point is, lighten up. Set the handbook down. Go out and meet people. Pondering an afterlife does not make anyone evil. Disinterest in pondering an afterlife doesn't make anyone evil. We're all just different. Different is good as long as we play nicely. So what if I'm clueless now. I can still play nicely with those I don't agree with. It's part of being civilized, or is civilization a result of religious indoctrination?
That's nice, I'm glad you're entertained, it shows you're not really here to learn anything, but instead perpetuate religious nonsense. Yes, you know much.
"explain the fallacy of the crazy atheist"
Yes, I understand the indoctrinated fantasize about truths that will never be found or are elusive to them. They keep believing there is still something missing in their lives, yet refuse to acknowledge it's the capacity to think for themselves that is the only thing that is missing.
Yes, indoctrinated believers that don't care about anything but their gods. Yeah, I get that.
Oh yes, it is a huge problem as believers will bring about an Armageddon if one does not present itself.
So, what will "rock our world in the short run?"
Yes, you're all indoctrinated into a religion that has a stranglehold on your intellect. That is what has the power over you, your son and your parents. This is not something new.
No one said anything about miracles, it's all a matter of thinking, which is no miracle at all.
How do you know it wasn't religion that made him that way?
No, the point is smarten up and start thinking for yourself rather than believing in delusions.
Hilarious. How very superior of you to tell me that.
You are no different than any other believer, you believe and you don't think. The details are irrelevant.
Unfortunately, believers don't play nicely, they cause conflict and wars by telling us to believe in their gods, and if we don't we are spawns of Satan and must burn for an eternity. If it weren't for laws, they would still be carrying out those threats and would burn me at the stake for heresy.
Phew. You do exasperate an individual sometimes. I would bang my head against a wall. But that would hurt.
Nation-states, in the stranglehold of religious fanatics may bring the demise of our idea of civilization Beelzedad. The Middle East. Mad despots angry at the successes of developed nations are a worry. North Korea. Crazed fanatical muslims might get their hand on nukes. Al Qaeda.
Name a fear. A valid fear. A current event that leads you to believe organized Christianity is a current threat of this magnitude and I will shout a warning from every rooftop I can find. They irritate me. They, at times, try to harass me. But they don't scare me. Not yet. Do you honestly think I'm missing something? I try to live with eyes wide open.
Funny how you don't see you are already banging your head against a wall.
Sure, blame everyone else. Take no responsibility for your actions or the actions of your religious organization. Those other religious groups will do exactly the same thing.
Yes, I understand how the indoctrinated are utterly blind to the acts of their organizations followers.
No, you won't, you will most likely defend them.
Really? I'm shocked.
Your acknowledgment and understanding of your indoctrination, for starters.
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Please take a step back. I swear to you I won't defend it. Simply tell me what you are talking about.
Stop posting just to be hateful. You said I would defend something if you told me what it was. I said I won't. Tell me, or I will assume the only intent here was to harass me.
It will fake apologize in a minute - then do the same thing again.
This is why their religion causes so many wars. They really do not know what they are saying or doing from one day to the next.
Believing in Invisible Super Beings rots their brains.
Stop it mark. I have no idea what he is talking about. I told you. I get the argument. I agree. But I don't see the danger you guys do. I'm trying to understand.
I want you both to know that I have turned almost everything off within me so that I can understand what motivates this fear of organized christianity to the point that you think it possible, and mandatory to quicken its demise..a little more help would be greatly appreciated. Unless, the motives are less pure than the betterment of humanity. If you're simply here to jerk a few chains, then well done. I don't begrudge you the fun. Even though I did have to change my avatar to reflect the new me.
There's your problem, we are asking you to turn something "on" can you guess what that is?
When I say turn off, it is as much of my argumentative nature as is possible. I can't do any more than I have. Just assume I wasn't paying attention during some of the previous conversations (or don't pretend, because it's the truth) Simply tell me what you are scared of and why.
Yes, indoctrination is strong in this one. Hilarious, yet understandable how you turn your own fears onto others.
Please stop. Can you share a thought without attempting to belittle?
You know what? This online persona you've got going on is impeding progress. I'm simply going to have to hunt a live aggressive atheist down. It's probably like snipe hunting, but it's worth a shot. Do you think if I put an ad on Craig's List I can shake one out of the bushes? Or is your kind too scared to show their face? How do I place the ad so they don't think I'm trying to trap him/her to drag them to the Inquisition?
Any advice would be appreciated.
I think a lot. Just apparently not the same things you do. Just because you think different is bad doesn't make it so. People aren't bad Beelzedad. No matter how hard you try to believe it.
Wow! Unbelievable. Have you a problem with reading comprehension or something? Baffling.
Not in the least. Sorry you're baffled. I understand completely.
You must because you keep asking questions and making comments that have already been presented to you. Very odd, indeed.
You know what? I found an article that explains your position to a tee, and I can tell you I am shocked and disturbed that anyone would believe that tripe. Made me write a hub. You are truly clueless.
Well - true to form I suppose. Will you apologize in a while?
Did the article explain that any one who does not believe in god hates god because they were hurt as a child? Because most atheists are atheists because they had something bad happen to them, so they blame god and secretly hate Him, which is why they mock him so. All they really need is love and a hug. They just don't know it. And even if they say they don't want it - you should go ahead and give it to them anyway, because believers know what is best.
Had a look at your hub. Dear me. No wonder your religion causes so many wars. The indoctrination is very powerful in you. And the cycle continues.
I will never apologize to either side of this pathetic argument again. Neither the agressive atheist or the aggressive theist bothers to take the time to learn anything of value. I think we'll educate the mentality of religious follower out that your pathetic text references. And I don't worry anymore about hatred such as is displayed by the posts of those who carry an unhealthy neurosis on the topic of the annihilation of religion. I can't imagine a hatred of this type having enough opportunities to pro create to make more than a tiny peanut gallery.
It's a yes or no question to the existence of a deity Mark. Sheesh. Grow up. A box checked no does not need to make us conduct ourselves as if we were somehow wronged by the world. It's a difference of opinion that can be discussed using intelligence and truthful facts.
Those overwrought by the answers others have to this question need to accept the fact that it isn't the end of the world if there are people that disagree. It's a simple question.
Dear me. No wonder your religion causes so many wars. Just look at you attacking me because I won't believe in your god. Did god tell you into your head to attack me?
I am not acting like I have been wronged by the world. I am simply trying to get you to understand why your religion causes so many conflicts and ask that you stop. Sorry you object to that - but I am going to continue asking you to stop causing conflicts and attacking me for not believing.
Thank goodness you are no longer allowed to burn us at the stake.
Grow up Mark. If you want to attack me you'll have to attack from an honest point. I don't have a'Super Daddy' as you so fondly call it. I don't invoke 'majuk' to explain reality. I don't claim a religion anymore. But articles such as that one are an insult to anyone who ever did, or still does. Stooping to that type of mentality to attack those I disagree with is beneath me. And always will be. I have enough respect for the intelligence of my fellow man. Arrogance about the sureness of an opinion on the subject of spirituality is a sure sign of ignorance. In the end I am clueless, and so is everyone else. Neither the side that calls me ignorant or the one that threatens the fires of hell is in any position to make a valid claim as to what I am because of my opinion on this subject. It simply makes you all distasteful and pushy.
I have not called you ignorant - but as you adopted that moniker for your self - I don't understand why you would have a problem if I did.
Your latest hub defends religion and attacks the "ignorance of atheists."
I understand the religious mind just fine thank you. But - at least you admit your reaction is all about fear. I understand religious peopel fear others who do not believe as they do. This is why your religion causes so many wars.
Why - just look at you saying you don't have a religion, then defending your right to indoctrinate your children into your Christianity and lying about what the bible says. It is pretty clear on divorce, unmarried sex and homosexuality.
Got to admit it is clever - you hardly know what you are saying half the time.
Mark, I never said the bible is clear on anything. That, in a nutshell, is the biggest problem I have with religion. The ignorance displayed when attempting to determine 'the will of god' is frightening. But insulting an entire group of people because of the backward nature of a few is prejudice. Plain and simple. Prejudice disgusts me. So sorry, but I was made aware of one form of it too early in my life and I have strong views on what causes this type of mentality. These views run across the board for every type of prejudice.
I only attacked the position of an atheist that is attacking unfairly. That article was an insult in every way. It makes anyone raised in a christian environment look like something from the movie Carrie. If I am offended I have every right to be. I'll defend myself at any time and in any way I choose. I cannot change my past, but I will not stand idly by and be insulted by those who don't understand it.
See? You don't even know what you are saying. Surely Christians must follow the bible? That is what they claim to be doing in any case. The bible is quite clear on a number of matters, including those you say Christians no longer agree with. Christians get indoctrinated from the bible.
This is why your religion causes so many wars.
You can call me "prejudiced" all day long - Sure I am prejudiced against your religion the same way I am prejudiced against other forms of child abuse, Nazism and any number of other vile practices we still maintain.
So what?
No mark. Your prejudice is born of ignorance. I am not prejudiced against christianity. I simply see it as misinformation. Saying the bible is clear on anything is like trying to use a cookbook to fix a car. It's a discombobulated collection of stories gathered together and bound. But what you fail to realize is more than I could, or would bother to try, explain. Anyone who tries to use it as a guide book for anything moral is bound to come up short. Which is why most people, religious or otherwise, don't.
Continue to insult my intelligence. If there is one thing you excel at, it is that.
No. My prejudice is born of personal experience, a study of religion and the history of Christianity and common sense. But of course you need to attack me and call me ignorant because I don't believe in your Invisible Super Being.
This is why your religion causes so many wars. And you have been so heavily indoctrinated - you think you are not doing any such thing.
What a shame you hate freedom so much.
that is spoken with a perfect hostage mentality. You've been brainwashed. Hoodwinked. Schnookered there preacher man. You know nothing more than the prejudicial articles you have ingested. Talk about needing to break one's indoctrination.
Dear me.
Thanks for validating my opinion on religious people.
How sad. I see the indoctrination is strong in you.
Oh well. It's your life. We're all deluded, in one way or another. Luckily I've faced mine and moved past them toward other delusions. I have faith in the intelligence of my fellow man, so I guess there's still hope for you yet. Get a more realistic delusion Mark. I did. It's not so bad now that I've settled into it.
Yes - it is my life. I have made a decision to try and make the world a better place by helping rid it of religion. What a shame that makes me deluded - just like the religious people.
I hear that a lot from religious people - especially the ones that say they are not religious. You started by saying my non belief in the Invisible Super Being was exactly the same as your belief in it.
Now I am deluded and indoctrinated just like the religious people because I don't believe and see religion as a bad thing. You also agree that religion is a bad thing.
See? You hardly know what you are saying. No wonder you are so angry. This is why your religion causes so many wars.
Don't let the avatar fool you preacher man. I'm not angry. I'd help you in your quest if it wasn't done in such a heinous manner. I'm not going to use ignorance to fight what is, at times, ignorance. Yes, religion can go south at any time. But those who live east, west or north of the line deserve better than what you offer. Those who find a different path deserve better too.
If that article is what you reference as indoctrination I stand firmly when I say you are wrong. I do not suffer, nor have I ever, from such a backward mentality. The only indoctrination I am aware of is that I was told there is a god, and he sent a son. Everything else I can find within me comes from somewhere else. In my opinion, my philosophy hinges on the somewhere else now. If there is something else I need to understand, enlighten me. If there is danger I need to help work to avert, share the danger. But if that tripe I read yesterday is the extent of your argument; you are the one in the dark.
Yes - I get it. You do not think religions indoctrinate people and you have not been indoctrinated. You do not cause the wars. You are not causing conflict now. Believing in God is perfectly rational and reasonable. These are not the 'droids we are looking for.
Powerful juju.
Read some Loyola.
I'm impressed. You remembered my droid statement. Send me to a better site that argues the indoctrination line in a less confrontational manner Mark. I am interested, I just need an argument from a position of someone who understands the mindset of people who are part of the twenty first century. Not some backwoods hick. If I can find what it is you are talking about, where it honestly tries to appeal to someone like me, I'll do everything I can to reflect on it and, if I determine I need help I'll look for it.
Read Dawkins' "The God delusion,".
I am not being confrontational. You have been indoctrinated. There is no way of saying it without you feeling the need to deny it and fight against it and hear confrontation - this is why your religion causes so many wars. There is no middle ground possible. The End.
Quite correct, no believer can NOT challenge any secularist... I read Dawkins' "The God delusion," and it really had me going until he admitted that when he had his first (and probably last) encounter with a spirit, he immediately dismissed it as 'wind in the keyhole' which put it firmly on the page WHY he is so deluded.. he (and most secularist) are spiritually dead... hence they find it impossible to understand what is happening all around them, being confined to their self imposed spiritually dead cells.
Well - If you are a shining example of being spiritually alive - I prefer to remain dead thanks.
At least you admit to being the cause of the conflicts now.
Just agree with him, and the conflict will disappear! (the living agree with the living)
If we agreed with you, would all conflict disappear? (the dead agree with the dead)
I guess not. (the living don't agree with the dead, and vice versa)
Yeah dj - I know it is important that you deny that you are the one causing the conflicts. You.
This is why your religion has caused so many wars dj.
Mark, you just repeat the same old mantra. it's like being stuck in a lift with Barry Manilow!
People cause wars, power hungry people who wish to inflict their will on others, and I agree that many of them have hidden in a religious disguise, but equally many have not.
It makes not one jot of difference though whether the despots are starting wars in the name of their brand of religion, or their brand of secularism, they are still despots.
The fact is that Christ NEVER gave any instruction to wage wars against, nor kill those who disagree with what He states.
All those who have done that therefore have no right to call themselves disciples of Christ. Punto.
You just got through telling me believers will never not challenge people who do not believe.
This is why your religion causes so many wars.
You keep pushing your religion - I will keep telling you why it causes a fight. See how You make the first move every time? You, John. You.
Mark, preaching the word is NOT starting wars, unless you believe that preaching the word gives you the right to fight believers.
In your secular world the big ideal is freedom to be selfish, to believe whatever you want without correction, yet to be able to challenge anybody who disagrees with you as being racist/narrow minded/stupid/a warmonger/ bigot/homophobic/fascist.... just insert the derogatory title that best suits your need, then if the 'dissident' who attracts your wrath counters to you, let loose another diatribe about how intolerant or hypocritical they are, normally liberally layered with ridicule and scorn.
It's an observable and recognized way of castigating folk, and it keeps the normal believer in line stopping them seeing what is happening to them and around them, and never coming back against those of you who are skilled in wielding this particular weapon.
So be it, you have many times declared your desire to ban religion, which is your right to pursue.
Equally, believers have the right to correct you with scripture.
That's democracy and free speech, and unless you want to change that outside of the ballot box, then no 'wars' will occur.