Well i already knowthe true biblical identity of obama and as for those that dont know you will know later.Obama during his last speech on cnn live news said "we have to make some sacrifices...then he continued to beat around the bush.This was exactly what george bush said during the state of union on 6-6-2006.The mystery is that this two are working together but you will never know so daniel 11:20-22 will teach about a man who is described as raser of taxes(bush),and the other will be a vile or despicable person who seizes the kingdom of which he has no linear heritage,also season it by flatteries.
what am i trying to say?
He plans to use that obama care aid to bring in his diabolic plan for a cashless system.This rfid chip will be placed in the right hand or four head will be used to diagnose sicknesses as he said during cnn live news.So it left for you to decide what you will do if u are foced to take it.REVELATION 13...The second beast causes both great and small,bond and free to receive amark on their right hand of fore head that know one may buy or sell except he has the mark(rfid human chip for medicare which will be used later for transaction.
So there is hope work out your salvation with fear and trembling and watch and pray so that you will escape those things which is to come.Thank you for listening.Share your thought.
There are a lot of religious people with all kinds of religious conspiracy theories here. This topic has been discussed here in the forums ad nauseum, so you'll have lots of sympathizers, although none of you completely agree with each other.
Your avatar is really "lord daniel"?? That's gotta say a lot about how well you think of yourself, and little you think of your "brothers and sisters." Nothin' like real, unconditional love for humanity to make sure you're taken up in the rapture. And from what I can see, most religious people demonstarte nothing like real, unconditional love.
P.S. The Pope's mitre cap's emblem in Latin is supposed to add up to the numbers 666. That's been a story going around for generations now. So I suppose you can add anything up to get what you want. Doesn't mean it's right....
hello daniel carter igood to hear from you.well saint valentine is my past so i have always showed unconditional love for man revelation 11:8 reveals my spirituual crucifixion remember jesus died in golgotha but in revelations it says sodom or egypt,well i am in charge of holding the son of perditiontill midtribulation keep checking out my blog posting soon i have c=gotten more info from the heavenlies but i cant actually disclose the real beginning of the timeline,remember love is the greatest commandment and most christians dont show that u are right in the last days matt 24 the love of many shall wax cold,i would be coming to the world stage i will still start posting on you tube my main duty is now to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the herat of the children to their fathers.lORD DANIEL IS MY HEAVENLY i am second in command to jesus but have been hidding in the shadows of the bible take care man
LORD DANIEL: aka Elijah/ jude/judah(SERET BELOVED DISCIPLE OF JESUS code:and jesus said "there are some that stand here that will not taste opf death till i return")*wink read john 21 brotherbye
This seems to be a very important issue. Please pursue it further. Tell everyone you know that Obama is planning on putting RFID chips inside everyone, and that this was all foretold in the Bible. Don't forget to tell Donald Trump about this, as he has a communications line to millions of Americans. This should be the number 1 issue for those trying to get Obama out of office next year.
Also, my dog just told me (he was trained by the CIA and can speak to humans) that his acute sense of smell has detected spy satellites that are currently being used to read our thoughts. These satellites are controlled by Major League Baseball, which hopes to use the data they collect to increase sales of MLB-licensed merchandise. Barack Obama, who is often seen wearing Chicago White Sox apparel, is getting paid millions of dollars to keep this plot secret from the American people.
well it will be difficult for himt to live it their time from my master he says the tribulation is starting this year which will culmunate in 2012,nothing can be done i believe goerge bush might be an inside man and ofcourse u know putin is coming back...rev 17:18=mystery babylon=parts of america
then my dear child you will be taken by suprise just as the days of noah so shall it be...in the last days shall come scoffers saying sinse our fathers had slep where is the coming of the messiah,....and just in a twinkling of an eye when the rapture happens the next drama will be gnashing of teeth and saying had i known lord daniel told me and i said superstitious nonsense*wink wake up man there mis hell and there is heaven.The scripure can never be broken.
whatever...you have no idea how crazy your rantings sound
I'm in agreement with BB here, this OP is in the realms of fantasy and unbiblical hysteria. I think lord daniel has some seriously unhinged ideas and he needs help.
wow in your dreams u seem to look like those old mummys egypt is that your avatar,at the fulfilment of time it will take you by surprise too bad for the two of you.
@Baileybare u think am ranting it the scriptures why not tell God he is ranting my duty is to expantiate the scriptures thats all may be u are an atheist with time u will know the truth but it might be too late.
lord daniel, It will always sound like crazy nonsense to those who don't believe. The bible prophecies is being fulfilled. Your thread topic is very interesting.
yeh thanks and i will like to be your hubfriend ok i wonder if they have settings like that i am just new here.
You can always follow her, leave a message or 'fan mail' on her profile, thats about as close as you get here but it does seem to work when you find someone on the same level as you. You will even get notified when she posts a new hub, so you can read it if interested.
Hi kirsten, Thanks for helping him. How are you?
lord daniel, No problem with me hubfriend
I haven't heard this information about the chip I so will be sure to do my research. I have actually supported the Obama health care plan because I believe all Americans should have health coverage. Thanks for the information.
yeh its not your fault this is actually inevitable everyone wants a good health care but obama has an ulteriour motive he would later embed peoples social security codes to 666 to begin buying and selling with such chips so research on veri/rfid chip you will understand better.youtube will help a lot.
The question I have is; how do you people figure these conspiracies out so quickly? I mean, we spent years coming up with this evil plot. You have no idea how many man hours went into fine tuning this thing.
We put the plan into effect just last week and BAM. Here you go, ruining it all, splashing the details across the internet for the whole world to see..
Thanks a bunch. I guess it's back to the drawing board. Let's just hope we can figure out how the religious right buys elections so we can buy the next one. I don't think we've got time to implement another plan before then. Because, you know Satan, he's not always available to talk to when you call him.
hakakakakakka u are so cuuute aiya,remember this except the restraining spirit is taken up the son of perdition cannot be revealed.yeh there is no other method ok u just have to wait till after the rapture so u satan and the rest can give those and if they refuse u can torture them but u cant do this bkos i am still on the earth.From bible,there are three that beareth record in heaven and these three are one ,and there are three that beareth record on earth water blood and spirit and these three are one.
K. I'll be honest, I did not understand a word of that. If it's supposed to be english, then wow. You are definitely up at the top of the way out of there ranks.
We knew you wouldn't.
It's ok. We are use to it.
I'm not Pentacostal Vector. I don't speak in tongues, nor do I interpret them.
haha vector just_curious is a funny guy i didnt even speak in tongues just_curios this is in spanish levatolasmano kuerele victor can u get that lollllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!11 he makes me laugh everytime,i wonder @vector i didnt speak in tongues why couldnt he i understand me huhh men i have to reduce to his level of understanding
speaking in tongues is much the same as your hakaka....repetitive syllables
what ever you say u are one funny dude.lol
hmm...yeh but your avatar name sound manly nice to meet ya hastalavista girl/lady/woman
Bailey can be a boys or girls name. My dog is called Bailey - a boy that everyone mistakes as a girl. The avatar is of Rocky, my cat - a boy
You seem to be surrounded by animals.
Don't let em take you down like they have with me!
I am expected to speak fluent birdery, catanese, doguanium, as well as english for the kids.
My doguanium and birdery are coming on well, but I'm still not up with some of the foul language from any of them.
Yo no comprende. Porque mi espanol es muy malo. Pero, esta es en el foro para englese. Si yo quiero converser in espanol que seria cosa necesaria a vas en otro parte de la internet. Es la verdad?
I think the rules say we speak in English. I assumed you knew the rules already, but just in case; see above.
Yr asyn gwyrdd marchogodd y beic i fyny'r grisiau
That's Welsh which sounds like tongues and you need half a pint of phlegm in the back of your throat just to pronounce the place names.
qui es non comprende ahhh didnt know u could speak spanish hmmm where did u lift that from i am suspecting to you but it looks flawless hmm i am speechless.lol love u very much.
The first rule of the conspiracy - never admit there is a conspiracy. Didn't they teach you anything in Conspiracy School. Sheesh?!
Obama is a low down dirty antichrist.
He ate my dog ya know!
Earnest....noooo You ate "Ol Lucky"......lolololol
Worse, he started WW2, caused the financial meltdown and is secretly a white Scandinavian.
Anyone who thinks I'm an idiot is no fool!
Wonder how it is that a 4 or 5000 year old middle eastern deity would forecast about a couple of nobodies in a failed economic country somewhere east or west of everywhere else ?
Is Obama killing the dollar to have a human chip controlled economy?
There is a prophecy of anti-christ coming in the End of times and the Promised Messiah is going to eliminate him; not physically but with real and rational arguments.
so is obama is anti christ or messiah?...but dont worry end times is very very very far...
We found a person who can predict the future all by themselves..
a person?....well there are thousands of them...religions have been full of end times...they are proven wrong ,then they again re predict in name of interpretations......but all have been proven wrong time and again...so just relax...world wont end any time soon...life your life fully and stop worrying about myths...
The end of time is no myth. I believe its closer than you may think, however, only God knows when that is. I believe when the very last person that will ever be saved is saved that will be it, thats why only God would know:) Just a theory of mine.
wow someone that has a clue. Obama is setting up our country to take a fall and he needs the next few years to destroy the USA.
Yes. But people don't see it.
They are too wrapped up in their tiny little lives, and think it's all a big joke because they still have TV and can drive their cars around.
People should look up "The Obama Deception" on youtube.
It's a very informational video and the facts can be verified. People just need to open their eyes.
Glad to see you're not hallucinating too..
Vector. You can't be serious. If we believe every conspiracy theory on the internet we'd be so paranoid we'd never get anything done.
The silly idea as pushed by this OP has been around since the invention of the computer chip.
It might be helpful if you relied on reputable sources for the news. You tube, zeitgeist and the onion are usually best when used for entertainment purposes
Whew. I see you're laughing. I should have known you were joking with that silly post. Good one.
Just let people do what they want and quit telling them not to look into things.
YOU can not look at things if you wish.
But I think people should keep informed if they wish.
I said to verify the information if you looked.
And I'm laughing at you proving my point...
And I am happy to give you the courtesy of not laughing hysterically at the idiocy of this accusation. If you want to see what's wrong with that you tube video you mentioned, just go to:
http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/ … deception/
This should help you regain your sanity on this issue.
You should quit brown nosing every person who posts a general statement.
It's quite stomach turning....
You should grow up and learn some better manners.
Hey Vector. Your post brings up a question I've had for some time. The christian posters. The ones that rarely say more than 'well said' 'i agree with you' 'amen'
What's up with that? Why don't you chastise them as you have just done ernest? Is it OK to not elaborate an opinion past the point of confirming agreement when you are Christian? Do you expect more from the mind of a non christian than you expect from one of your ranks? I'm curious. Because, I"ve noticed ernest post long replies to many things. The ones on the opposite side of the fence; not so much.
Ignorant asshats call it brown nosing. Everyone else calls it being civil.
Careful, I was accused of brown nosing on another thread just because I were agreeing with encouraging words Some seem to think every reply has to be long. At times, it's best to be short and simple. I have more valuable things to keep me busy than to live on hubpages. At least I am in agreement with the truth and not the terrible lies spreaded by the unbelievers in the forums. God bless you vector. Be encouraged.
What a STUPID attempt to try to throw the debate in your favour...
You have not spent anywhere near the time you would need to.
You looked for what you wanted and found it. There are tons of those on the web.
You haven't even watched the video...
Don't come telling me about my sanity with your retarded assumptions on every 22 year old kids whim of a website.
You don't even know what the word research means.
And to top it all off, your going to throw that lame link in there rather than do your own homework.
And your "link" doesn't address anything worth noting. He actually sounds a lot like you.
If you think that tiny little web page covers even a tenth of the video you are sadly mistaken. The video is approx two hours in length. But I'm guessing you wouldn't have a clue about that either would you?
Very loving response Vector.
I'm not spending two hours listening to this foolishness. I get emails every day from people like you and that gentleman. I grow tired of these thinly veiled attacks. We all understand the prejudice. We get it.
And to imply all of the atheists are too young to have a valid opinion is not fair, or kind. Read your posts. Thoroughly. I'd rather enjoy an intelligent conversation with a twenty something, than appease an older adult who, at times, comes off like Camila from Great Expectations.
This intolerance and hatred that is an undercurrent of the hardliner Christian posts (when it isn't accidentally brought to the forefront when they forget themselves) is only impossible to see by a hardened heart. The hardened hearts of the fundamentalists.
Sometimes you just can't be nice when someone posts a tiny little website lacking objective that couldn't possibly, and doesn't, cover a video that is two hours in length.
It is not hatred. Quit lying. It's disgust because you pull up petty links for your responses and attempt to make other people look bad.
And if you weren't so pushy in telling everyone what they are and what they should do, maybe you wouldn't run into so many walls.
"And to imply all of the atheists are too young to have a valid opinion is not fair..."
I will finish with this nonsense.
It had to do with politics. You are sooooo lost all the time.
How can I not be disgusted with all those accusations?
I did not make a single reference to calling you a specific name of any sort. But you certainly did.
I only referenced your actions within your post. But you can't handle keeping it at that. YOU HAVE TO ATTACK MY CHARACTER.
I NEVER send you or anyone else any emails of any kind unless it is in reply. More of your lies because I'm not in your little email hate group.
You reply to my posts. I don't chase you around. You should learn to disappear if you don't want me to reply to you replying TO MY ORIGINAL POST.
PREJUDICE? Against what? Your pathetic link?? How dare you call me such when I stated exactly why I was sickened to my stomach over your post and how sad it was you couldn't do your own research.
And then my post is referenced to a CHRISTIAN POST? Speaking of prejudice. I DON'T THINK I MENTIONED A WORD ABOUT CHRISTIANITY AND YOU WANT TO CORNER ME BECAUSE OF MY RELIGION? THAT... IS PREJUDICE. My post was not guided by my beliefs in ANY way...
You need to quit calling me things that I am most certainly not. And LYING about things that are not even there.
You want intelligent? Quit bringing up my belief in a political post.. YOU are HARASSING me because I believe in God or the way I believe. I said nothing about it.
Another PATHETIC post...
It does not take two hours to rebut two hours of lies. Those types of videos drone on and on, to pull you away from the obvious. Never, in the history of American politics have I seen such heated and fallacious attacks on a president. It is quite obvious what motivates this type of behavior. It is the same ignorance that sends me pictures of the man eating watermelon and sitting in a bucket of Kentucky fried chicken as a baby. It is born of prejudice. Plans and simple.
It was not an attempt to make you look bad Vector. It was an attempt to help you. If the truth makes you feel that you look bad, it is not something you should worry about. It doesn't. It simply sheds light on prejudice.
I am not aware of any walls Vector. It's been pretty clear sailing pointing out the problems with your video.
I'm not really feeling the love there Vector.
And yet, if I remember I was retarded and pathetic. Now I am lost and disgusting. I'm not sure what you are going on about.
I call them like I see them Vector. It is not an attack on your character, it is an attack on a fallacious assertion, a sad attempt at a video and, quite frankly, posts in response that are so highly emotional as to make me worry about your blood pressure.
You POST was "STUPID" and "PATHETIC"..
YOUR PPOOSSTT.. I doubled the letters there for emphasis.
I love people. I DON'T love when they pull sad little stunts and chase me around everywhere I go bringing up my beliefs and telling me I'm wrong as if you are the all knowing and get to call people hateful over nothing.
(Please note all my original posts on all threads)
I think we all see the ridiculous assertions.
I'm done with you...
Ironically, that is exactly what you are doing with just_curious.....
Vector, I honestly feel the need to respond to this. I am not quite sure what it is that has you so heated up. It began as a difference of opinion. You posted a comment suggesting people view a video. The video is an attack on what I believe to be a decent man. I posted a link to rebut that video. This escalation of hostility over a simple disagreement is madness.
I don't believe it to be PATHETIC and STUPID to disagree. I don't recall calling you that in response. It's a difference of opinion.
Anyway, I will speak my mind whenever and where ever I choose to comment. If you do not choose to respond, that is certainly well within your rights. And even though I perceive your posts as attempts to attack my stand in an uncivil manner, I will certainly continue to attempt to maintain some level of courtesy in my rebuttals. To do otherwise is, again, well within your rights; as has been observed in this exchange.
ooohhh.. the love just gushes from you Vector....not
yes thats right that is why i have to post that.
We got us a right one here!
I have seen some crazy stuff here, but this beats em all hands down. Seek help.
Oh I don't know, I just read that Obama is a crab person on facebook, so it must be true right?
I mean we are supposed to believe everything we are told, even things told to us across 200 years by guys who might have been eating desert mushrooms, sounds totally rational to me.
I believe everything I see on facebook myself. Much easier looking at it there where they have pictures than thinking about stuff.
Stuff can be sooooo complicated!
I don't know if I've told you this Kirsten, but Obama ate my dog.
I just hate stuff, thinking about it is so hard!
He is the antichrist.
I may support Trump. He is brilliant!
Did you see how much money he says he has, how big a crowd he draws and how wonderful he says he is? He is a great find for the tea party.
Only a rich man who keeps all the money for himself truly knows how to run a country!
Before trump takes over the country I would like him to prove that his hair is real and not a pink tinted rodent bolted to his head though.
Oh Oh, we could do the signs, I like your "Only a rich man who keeps all the money for himself truly knows how to run a country!" much better then 'hope' or 'change', they got no pazazz! As for the hair, I suspect thats a small furry animal he has trained to sit very still.
I see he is even more of a hero than we thought. He proudly stated that he had forced the president to produce the original birth certificate.
Doesn't that make him look good!
No mention of the fact that he and the GOP tried to take down the president of the United Sates with a stupid blatant lie.
the pentecostal christians were ranting on about such conspiracy theories 20 years ago. Now that there's a black president, he gets called the antichrist
Yes, but don't point that out as foolish to them. They get a little crazy mad about it.
According to Lord Daniel, Obama is the incarnate son of the anti-christ. No I'm not making that up.
Very impressive. You got a coherent sentence out of him, albeit a crazy one. I thought the guy was speaking in tongues when he replied to one of my posts.
I liked your post where you told him to study the Bible for himself. Won't do any good I'm afraid. There appear to be those who will always want some mighty retribution of fire and brimstone against the rest of us. Always makes me wonder why they have the need to see so much evil around them. Never seemed in line with the words of Jesus.
hakakakakaka u make me laugh u are so cute the difference between me and some christians i approach people with love well for@disappearinghead obama is actually the son of satanas
Sorry Lord Daniel, my bad. Yes he's not son of the anti-christ, but Obama is the son of satan. I should have noticed his pointy tail, goatie beard, and strange sunburnt red complexion.
Aw. You think I'm cute. You're the cutest little thing too, in a scary 'I want to find a way to like you even though you revel in the thought of my charred flesh being picked at by the vultures kind of way'. What's up with you anyway? Lighten up. Enjoy life. Two thousand years of counting down should have made somebody realize by now that maybe you've got something wrong. Don't you think?
my name lord daniel signifies second in command to jesus remember this is the finaldays and the last straw if he dosent come then he is not jesus.Remember in malachi4 elijah was to come before the great day of the lord here i am but u know i need to enjoy a little yes i am talking of my wife so rapture is now mid tribulation.For more understanding it is written except the one who letteth and continues to let or he who restrains the son of perdition cannot be revealed.i love u are u a male or female?
OOh hang on a minute. Are you claiming to be the 21st century equivalent of John the Baptist? Are you the big cheese who's to prepare the way of the 2nd Coming? Your opening statement in the post above tells us that you think you are JC's right hand man on Earth. Please confirm who you think you are.
presently,my heavenly name is lord daniel,remember in john they asked john are u elias as in elijah to come he said know that he is not".... ,my past was elijah of the tishbite,elijah means God of jehovah obviously he cant be greater than God or jesus so he is the next in command to jc but presently iam his right hand man to prepare his coming but not like john i am not to get beheaded like john because i have undergone spiritual death(code:revelation11:8,john says except a seed dies and enters the ground it cannot germinate).so yes i am lord daniel aka elijah second in command to jc,to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers less God comes and strike the earth with a cause.malachi 4:6.Hope u get,i am also the God of the earth in revelation 11 standing between the tow witnesses/olive trees(this position is lower than God and jesus,no theologian could understand these scriptures)and zechariah 6 not the invisible God that sits upon the throne of jasper i am just a lesser god like zeus agod of jupiter but i am ranked higher than them,ask more questions of things that are not clear in the bible or world i will explain ok,bye
You are a joker. I love the way you did that. Post all the crazy 'right hand of god, mightier than zeus' explanation, then say.....ok bye. That is so cute. Excellent sense of humor you have there.
I wouldn't laugh...he sounds serious...AND HE'S SCARIN' ME! MAAAMAAA!
I was a little creeped out too at first, but I really think it's a joke. Who could believe all of that and be walking around without a couple of orderlies for escorts? I think the guy's a hoot. I hope, anyway.
Brilliant. Imagine a god who can't spell It's like something out of Monty Python.
Waddayamean? Half the religious posters can't spell!
I am always shocked when a new religious thread is correctly spelt.
Lord daniel, listen to the great prophet ernestshub. He is obviously a seer of the truth, as revealed by the wise and mighty oracle of reason.
He is killing the dollar to make way for one world currency. Pay attention!
Yes...totally believe that...and it ain't him. Someone or Some Major Entity is pulling his puppet strings to make this happen!
That is what this whole NAFTA/WTO stuff is all about. The sovereignty of the U.S. government is, and has been under attack, and yes, party affiliation doesn't seem to matter anymore. Everyone is distracted and not watching the hat that the rabbit is coming out of.
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