There are no such dates hidden in scripture point to the end of the world.
How ever ! The beast which rises up out of the sea is given 42 prophetic months to committ blasphemy and to persicute any and all that does not sign up in their camp.
This is the only foundaion upon which any one can even call themselves attempting to pick a date for the end o the world.
That and the fact that it is written in 538 BC that ater 62 weeks the Mesiaha will be cut off.
There are no other resourses in the christian bible upon which any one can ever begin to formulate any kind of prediction concrning the end of the world (acording to scripture)
Gotta know when the 42 m0nths o the "Beast" began and how long on earth is a week in prophesy.
Sorry ! that is all that anyone has to work with as far as establishing a foundation for any rational effort in determining when prophesy will conclude itself.
And that is a fact!
If anyone makes any predictions based upon any other foundation ... they are just kidding themselves.
You are also forgetting that at the time these things were supposedly written time was not visualised the same as we and you are spelling it out. It was quite common to attribute any large number to mean a lot of time, the time is also written in the way of its day, ie pre-roman numbers even, and then the whole thing converted by scholars (with a bias) into 'modern' number-speak.
Ancient Chinese texts use such phrases as the 20,000 creatures to mean all the creatures of the earth, then too big a number to really comprehend, and 20,000 has become the unit of counting in large numbers today in China - because modern number thinking has passed this hurdle of imagining.
All the numbers from the ancient biblical texts are affected by one or more, or all, of these issues which means that even if anyone had known the exact date they dould not have passed it on in modern number terms. Trying to interpret and calculate the dates given are no more useful than quantifying a 'long' time and 'longer' time.
I'm am conscerned with "actually reading" one chapter of one book of scripture making every attempt to INTERPRET absolutely nothing.... and analizing what it actually says.
"The commandment came forth just a couple of days ago when you started praying and making supplication.
"From the time the commandments goes forth to build Jerusamen unto Messiah the prince it shall be 69 weeks; and after 62 weeks the Messiah shall be cut off (KILLED)
Don't change the meaning of these words with personal interpretation. What is the message as written
= - = - = - = -
brotheryochanan Posted 2 hours ago
Ezekiel 4:6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.
just one such appointment i know of off hand.
- = - = - = - = - = -
I don't think that this example is compareing prophetic time with earthly time.
For instance , If God had said to eat 40 apples and each apple shall represents a year that "such and such" will happen? would that mean that an apple is the same as a year?
Or for every nickle in your pocket I will geve you an acre of land. a nickle would not = an acre of land.
It is not the same thing as simply comparing a prophesy. "in 62 weeks the messiah will die. And 568 years he dies.
To compare one reference of time with how much time passes before it happens.
I do believe that Daniel 9:12:7 and 12:11 Are two diferent ways of saying the same thing.
The angel said " ... that it shall be for a time, times and an when he shall have accomplishes to scatter the power of the holy people ..."
Daniel said that he didn't understand so the angel rephrased this same message by saying " from the time the daily sacrifice is taken away it shall be 1290 days.
It seems to me that the angel just said that a time, times and an half is the same period of time as 1290 days.
When the before mentioned equation is applied we discover that a "TIME" contains 52.25 prophetic weeks. The same as our year.
I have seen your reasoning on why one prophetic day is a year - and it stands up as a calculation. BUT if you don't deal with time in the numerical way that we do now then the whole underpinning numbers are different. You are still looking at it from your 'modern' perspective and attributing 'modern' values to the words when it is well documented that ancient number thinking was quite different. For instance there was no zero and no concept of it in numbers except the line or stroke that signified no number at all, which is not the same thing.
A time and a times a half could simply refer to an infinity (which they also saw in a different way as being just too long to think of) or a very long time RELATIVE to the other times being spoken of.
The end of the world is written and reveal under the 6th and the 7th of the 7 seals of Revelations.Rev 16 and 17th chapters.
Sorry but I gotta disagree.
Rev. 5:3 And no "MAN" in heaven or on earth nor under the earth was able to open the book neither to look there upon.
Yea Yea the book says "Man" but we know that this is a poor translation of the word it was transated from.
No body, no soul, nothing having spirit, Nada was in heaven, in the earth or under it was able to open the book nor to look upon it ............... and John wept ........ and then suddenly , there in the midst of the elders, there beore the throne .... suddenly he was there. Where was he just moments beore? Jesus .. looking like the bloody scrifice that he was, immediately ater he apered in heaven ..... he took the book and began opening the seals.
This indicates to me that (according to what is written) that the first five seals were opened around 26, 30, or 33 AD.
I say these dates because these are the three dates that different schollars believe was the year Jesus was crucified.
Any way, the seal judgments were inflicted upon that Hebrew peoples that were alive when Jesus was crucified.
For Jesus said in Matthew 23:35 "That upon you may come all the rightious blood shed upon the earth ..."
(36) VERILY I say unto you, all these things shall come upon THIS generation.
That Hebrew Nation that reject and killed Jesus was punished by and through these seal judgments.
At least that is the way I see that which was written.
Wrong.NO SEALS has been open yet.You have things in the wrong place.
You may be right;
The only way that anyone could posibly think for a minute that my statement above could posibly be even close to the truth if they thought that actually Jesus meant what he said.
I forgot momentarily; that we gotta interpret everything that Jesus said. He didn't actually mean what he said.
It is suposed to be a puzzle,
That is what symbolic means,mystery.It should not be taken for face value,when the meaning is underneath.
Did Jesus say that .. "This is only true symbolicly" or did someone else say that?
It is not in black and white,it is spiritually discern.
If the world ends, then it will be all black, then you wrong
Jack; I have always kinda liked Ya. and still do!
But ain't that like pulling the race card?
That is a quote which means that everything is not very easy to be understood.Thanks for your comment of good return for i have always liked you too.
As my hillbilly GrandPa always told me ... that whenever I started getting confused to settle down and look for the easy answere, to not make things more complicated that they really are.
Ain't No Reason to think all complicated looking or technical answers until YA eleminate Tha simple fixes. Don't overhaul the motor just cause it won't trun over, till Ya check the battery connection.
That usualy avoids me getting a headache and spending more money than I coulda gotten away with spending.
or sumtin like that anyway.
Do Ya see what I'm talking about? ?
So much for the universal book of truth and knowledge
Universal truth is a good thing until too many spider webs and excuses and alibies start collecting all around it.
after twilight nobody can hardly see past the mist.
Good thing today we manage to live pass the mid 20s lifestyle of hardship like from what is wriiten in the bible.
There is only degrees of truth, as the USA greatest pass time is lying.
Trust yourself first.
If you don't trust and serve yourself first, I don’t know who in this world will serve you best. It's not selfish or wrong to serve yourself first; in fact it's healthier for all of us connected to you
You ARE one of the easily fooled, easily led aren't ya?
The devil made me say that! :
Gee Jerami....we, at last, agree!
See? there is hope after all :
We have been agreeing on more things than you are aware.
I think you are aware of only those things of which I disagree.
ME thinks that you should become more aware.
Maybe SO and Maybe NOT? but I think SO
Almost noon30 .. Gotta go try to find a job some more.
Pockets are goina get empty soon.
REspectfully! My "awareness" exceeds yours by "light years."
But you are right! "We may be right we may be wrong" In the end, tho, it's all "relative" and meaningless. :
REspectfully! You may be right,
I may be wrong, ????? but I think I can see just as far as you do ... though not so clearly.
The lenses on my telescope has got cataracts, and I don’t hear as good as I used to either.
Now I really do gotta go. Later
Most prophecies concerning Revelations are determine in the WRONG PLACE.
How do we determine when they start.
( you know that I think I know but just wanna hear what you think; don't Cha! ) sssshhh (no one is suposed to hear that butchu.)
According to the increase,BEFORE they began,the words of the Angel spoken to the Prophet Daniel must be and is now being fulfill.
Daniel 12 v 4,7,9,10 is where we are NOW.
After a world wide deliverance of this increase.....THE FIRST SEAL is Predestine to be open.
Events and occurrences of these present times shall fulfill verse 10,Only the wise will hear.
I wish you would read a hub I just published concerning the references of time frames mentioned through out prophesy.
and tell me where I'm misquiting scripture.
It all seems pretty clear cut to me.
And Then this and Then that for such a period of time, and Then and then and then that will happen etc. etc.
And no. I'm not promoting the hub for income.
I basicly took myself off addsense a long time ago (in the beginning actually)
I didn't want to sell books from my hubs that I don't believe in.
So read it and I won't make a nickle.
Then you will see what you are argueing against.
Prophesy don't need no stinking interpreting! & a chronological time frame is layed out in scripture; right in plain sight
And then and then and then so it goes.
What I was given by and from God ,,,,,is none negotiable.
I am a messenger of the Almighty and my answers have already been decided.
I would rather tell you i don't know,than to tell you anything.
I'd be looking for a refund if I were you.
You bring nothing to the table,so it must be that you are here to take something away.Nothing from nothing leave nothing,so i guest that puts you where you ought to be.
On the contrary, I have contributed much to this forum for almost three years.
You on the other hand are either hiding your identity or have not contributed anything other than the indecipherable rhubarb that indicates that you believe you are some sort of messiah.
You have not been readable by most here as indicated by the responses you have had to your megalomanic rambling.
If you are one of the many who changed identity to post in forums, lying about your identity you wont be here much longer.
I am not speaking about how long you been here,but what knowledge that came with you.Whether or not I am a lier is to be seen,which i have no doubt that you surely will.
Don't get mad because you can't keep up,you just have to walk a little faster.
I stand by every word I wrote above. Who's getting mad? I don't need to get mad to point out the truth of any situation you find yourself in.
Some of the craziest statements on the forums have your name on them.
Hi Jerami,
I think that 42 months is seven years, and that seven years is the last seven years mentioned in Daniel 9:27.
Had company drop by ......
I think that all mention of a time period within all of prophesy wold hold the same equational value.
Especiall all of those mentioned in Daniel.
Those in Revelation also should hold the same equivalets to earthly time. I would think.
V. 24 Daniels people are given 70 weeks to get it together and " .. to seal up the vision and prophesy"
V25 It shall be 69 weeks unto the Messial coming as The Prince.
V26 And after 62 weeks the Messiah shall be cut off.
Except for the fact that the commandment came forth "THEN"; and the timelines all began at that time ... these three statements are individual statements in and of themselves.
62 weeks beginning THEN and ending at the date of crucifixion IS the equation with which all prophesy can be better understood.
62 weeks = 564, 568, 0r 571 years = 62 weeks.
A week in prophesy is = to approx 9.1 or 9.13 0r 9.16 of our years
I would take it to mean anyway!
If true, that's too bad. Camping is making so much money I was thinking it would be profitable to get into the end time prophesy business. Are you certain about this?
Well cause the exact date of the crucifixion is undetermined! either 26, 30, or 33 AD the equation would pinpoint an exact date within approx 7 years one way or the other.
Soooo there is still elbow room left for a few more books.
Books? I've already come up with a prophesy. I wrote a hub to get my prophesy out there. I think everybody should make one up. If we get enough prophecies going maybe the world wil get it through their heads how foolish it is.
The world begins and ends each day. Past, present and future all run side by side. Each one faces Judgement and the first day of Paradise, for the line is single file, and it is extremely long. The battles you wage within are reflections of the battles without. How you fare on the balance depends solely on your mind, your heart, your soul. Found lacking and it's back to this prison we call "this reality"
I lived in the woods at one time.
There was a forest fire coming my way. I didn't know what day or hour it would burn up my house. but i could see it coming.
Point being after it burned up ? does it really matter what day it burned.
I would like to see an end to the end of world prophets myself.
The world is likely to be here for a while yet. A few billion years or more even.
Sick psychology to spoil a life by spending it worrying about a 4 billion year old planet exploding, or the bleatings from a bronze aged fairytale that no person understands and has had more rewrites than I've had hot meals!
Crazy stuff!
Live! Be happy!
No no no! wait wait! By my calculations and measurements and and what ever: I can without a doubt, claim that the end of the world occurs on the date of MAY 7TH in the year 2525. I will accept bets from all who think my calulations are a little off. Please submit wager by cashier check or money order. Warning! never send cash through the mail. There will be no refunds for wagers consumed by the rapture. Get your bet in today!
I dont, just the saying. gonna check out u tube now.
Daniel 9:24 is the total of 70 weeks but not the sum. v 25 is the breakdown of 69 weeks and the explanation of the components,v 26 explained the 62 weeks and seven weeks is inclusive.
That is from the issuing of the decree to the time of Christ, there are 62 weeks or 434 years, that is also the time of Prophet Malachi to Jesus.
The time of John the Baptist, to prepare the Messiah, to the 40 days of Jesus after His resurrection is the seven weeks or 49 years.
The remaining week to complete the 70 weeks period is the last seven years which is explained in verse 27.
When this last seven years will start and end is another story.
It is still my opinion that the 70 weeks that Daniels people were given to "Get it back together" would have to have expired before Daniels people were scattered throughout the rest of the Roman Empire.
Had Daniels people had have "gotten it together"; they would have sealed the vision and stopped the prophesy from being fulfilled.
The people of Daniels people ? Who is that ?
For something that only God is suppose to know the timeline to...I see alot of dates and speculation being tossed about. What ever happened to a Week just being a Week...has there been a biblical dictonary published that explains that a prophetic week is equal to "X" amount of years or that killing someone is actually a form of Love? If so, I was told about it. Until someone can actually go back in time and actually ask the authors of the bible and the people who told the stories years before they where ever written down, what they meant other than what they actually wrote. It is all speculation and therefore a personal "enlightenment" only. And since those who claim to be "christians" can't even seem to agree on the meanings in the bible, why should anyone bother to listen to what they have to say on the matter...Last I check most of us can read...and we can make up our own interpretation.
Ezekiel 4:6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.
just one such appointment i know of off hand.
You are right...and a couple verses earlier stated 390 days for the 390 years( Left Side)...That is refering to how long the "son of man" (the prophet Ezekiel) would bear under the inquities of Israel...One day for him for each year that Israel was under inquities.
Just like when God had Moses count the Levites...and compared those numbers for the First Borns...The Levites was a tad short, but God took them (and some money for the number lacking) as "his sacrifice" in place of the sacrifice of the First Borns of the people...
Your response still doesn't answer the question of " Did a Bible Dictionary get published that defines each prophetic word that deals with time( or anything else for that matter)?" and " Do all "christians" (that includes all that claim the title, not those who think they know a "true" christian) agree on what the bible actually means?" If not, then I stand by what I said previously...We all can read the bible and we can all interpret as we understand it.
yes we can interpret scripture, but that is not our job. We are not called to interpret the scriptures ourselves, we are to let the spirit define the scriptures, this is how the holy spirit leads us into all truth.
The problem is that we tend to not exercise patience and reliance enough and when stuck, prayer for revelation is lightly or not at all used. Often people run into 2 categories of error.
they read and assume
the google a quick answer.
Some scriptures seem quite straight forward, many of these i have found that when prayed over and waited upon a different light comes to the forefront.
Context of course is paramount. Often scriptures are used solely on their own and not in context with the other verses all around.
A good example of this is when jesus talks about the thief who comes to steal and destroy, He is talking about false preachers not a Satan or the devil.
Christians need to exercise Patience and Reliance on God for revelation and inspiration. And all of us need to spend more time in the Word.
A concordance helps also.
This is where i am against the NIV bible as it reads like a readers digest and is often treated as such. The reader zips through it and many of the king james prose and hard words don't slow the reader or bring thoughts to mind of what this might be.
No i don't think there is a dictionary that defines each prophetic word, etc.. again, context, concordance and prayer greatly assists.
So in short...As I said earlier...The meaning of the Bible (today) is a Personal Understanding. Spiritual or Other.
Well then i do not understand what you mean by personal. I just told you the spirit interprets and you just told me its personal understanding.
To my understanding its the personal interpretations that cause the trouble and since God is one spirit, the spiritual interpretations are the only correct ones.
Are we going to pull a nicodemus here?
I'll go first...
"marvel not that i say a person must be born again".
your turn.
Written word can be interpreted a few ways...One is completely Literal...another is figuratively...and yet another is "spiritually". Each of these are correct, depending on what context they are being used...
And if interpretation by the spirit wasn't a personal understanding...then why do not all christians agree on the interpretation provided by the "spirit"?
I agree that if understanding the bible was given to each person by the spirit of god...then everyone would understand it exactly the same way...and there wouldn't be 30,000+ denominations of christians. And there would be no trouble caused. But that is not the case now is it? Each branch of Christian Denomination or Non-Dominational Christian each have their own interpretation of the Bible based on their personal understanding of what the "spirit" has guided them to understand.
First you have to have the spirit.
Then you need to get the Ghost.
when saved christians have the spirit, by disobedience they can frustrate that same spirit who will give them over, eventually, to what they want and that means less of Him, so basically.. God recedes from that person or puts aside the plans He has letting them dwell in God according to what they want and not what god wants and they become weaker christians until they barely know God at all, some become full blown hypocrites and some rebound back realizing their dilemma. This is how God works.
But then you have those with the BHG who speak and pray in tongues and prophesy and interpret tongues in the congregation and their spiritual life is (not without trials and tests) but wonderful.
God requires obedience, thanksgiving and our whole being. Its like waves upon the shore. The water wants to go beyond the shore but the sand and anything in the sand, resists.
so Nicodemus said "how can a man when he is old, go back to his mothers womb and be born again"?
The Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are the same things within the Bible...
And the rest of what you said...I am not sure what that has to do with what we was discussing...
I thought we were discussing interpretation of the Bible...And how that interpretation can come from a "spiritual guidance" as you state...
Or can come from multiple angles such as Spiritual, Literal, or figurative. As I have stated.
You state that the Spiritual way is the only correct way...
And I say that cannot be true, because if the "Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost" is guiding each "saved Christian" then they should all have the same interpretation of the bible and it can be proven that isn't the case.
How or what determines a person is in fact a "true christian", as so many like to point out, is of no concern to this discussion. Each person who claims to be "christian" thinks that those who don't have the exact same beliefs as they do, is wrong and by their thought "sinners" and going to Hell.
The Catholics believe differently than the Protestants, and each denomination believes in slightly different interpretations. All have been deceived, because the Spirit had not then been poured out. All wander after the beast. If they had received the Baptism of Fire, why do they practice the other. That one ended two thousand years ago. If they say they have received it, ask them then, How did it appear? The answer is in the Baptism of Jesus.
have a nice day doublescorpion
phone a pentecostal preacher
Nobody wants to discuss differing opinions anymore...Oh well...Have a good day Brother...
I would like to ask a question, or two. You state that you are not called to interpret the scripture; you are to let the spirit define the scripture. Are those two not identical? Do you not read the scripture and then interpret it as you feel drawn to do?
You seem to have a poor opinion of the NIV translation of your scriptures but, in its time, is that not exactly what the King James Bible was? I have copied and pasted a portion of an article on the subject from … debate.php
As a preface to the 1611 KJV, the translators wrote a message entitled “The Translators to the Reader.” In it, they said, “happy is the man that delighteth in the Scripture and thrice happy that meditate in it day and night. But how shall man meditate in that which they cannot understand? How shall they understand that which is kept close [veiled] in an unknown tongue?… [Contemporary] Translation it is that opens the window, to let in the light….indeed, without translation into the vulgar [common] tongue, the unlearned are but like children at Jacob’s well (which was deep) without a bucket or something to draw with…”
Why would you be against a translation performing the same function today?
Emile R wrote ....
Why would you think it was wrong to use a translation that used language similar to the way we speak today?
= - = - = - =
ME There are some things that makes little dofference when we translate words into todays termonology, and there are some that makes all the difference in the world. Especially when they were not translated/understod 100% correctly in the first place.
I think that all references of "TIME" analogies should be left completely alone. For to change these, the complete message of the message is lost.
We should not play with the meanings of some words at all when we do not completely understand their meaning in the first place.
And there is a huge difference between the meaning of translate and interpret.
Some people act as if one is the same as the other even though they know better.
When you read you attempt to interpret the meaning of what you are reading. To claim to allow a spirit to guide you is tantamount to saying you are receiving a divine revelation.
As to time measurements; if you believe you are on some bizarre form of a treasure hunt, then it would make sense to attempt to stay with the original. But, for other purposes I would think the archaic words would be a hindrance when reading.
When I am reading I am attempting to UNinterpret a life long process of being taught (indoctrinated) as to wht this is that I am reading. Uninterpret So-to-Speak.
Preconcieved ideas as to that which I am about to read often hides simple truths.
More on this when I get back from the Drs.
Thanks for both of Yawls responces.
Later ..
Its this whole baptism in the Holy Ghost thing.
Simon the sorcerer (acts 8) wanted this power and he offered money for it. Even though Simon was baptized (vs 13) and believed, his heart was still not right with God. (acts 8:21)
There is no easy road to God. The OT saints had a rough time, with struggles and battles and rituals. Same in the NT, without the rituals. lol. We can't deceive God. He knows the hearts. When people are ready (and desirous - acts 1:4,5) God immerses them in the Holy Ghost. His Spirit. The major battles are not against sin, indeed Gods spirit overpowers sin like heat melts an ice cube. Our own self natures are the hardest battle we face. Giving up self and allowing the spirit to live through us.
But to the point... the Spirit is the key. Asking, talking to God, prayer, desire, waiting for the Spirit to reveal the scriptures. You may have to do some research on what being lead by the spirit is all about. Jesus was lead by the spirit, naturally and we have the same ability, if we please God.
I'm acquainted with the concept of being led by the spirit. The problem I have with that concept is that too many Christians are claiming it and no one is agreeing. And as long as you all think God is speaking to you personally, there's little hope things will change.
i don't remember where it is written ..?,,, b ut there is one verse where it explains how God sent out a lieing spirit.
How do we know what kind of spirit is talking to us ?/
Yea right, the one I gon is honest to God.
All that I can do is to see how hardly Nobody is reading what is written in scripture.
Most read their personal preferences into what is written.
To thyn own self be true.
Which means , Don't lie to your self or you will find yourself lost and will not know which way is up
I admit it! That was a personal interpretation of that which somebody amous once said!
the lying spirit....
1 Kings 22
Take note of this verse: 19 "And he said, Hear thou therefore the word of the LORD: I SAW the LORD sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left". When the words i saw are used its referring to a vision. A vision is a picturesque way of communicating with people. Visions do not have to be 'of real life' they can be surreal. So there was in fact no lying spirit... or spirit that decided to lie. It was a vision.
So what i gather from your post is your situation in God is at the point where you don't know who's talking to you? Your relationship sucks with God.. then maybe you need to up your game and make your relationship better. Prayer would be a good place to start.
OOooops .... Ya wrong !
I speak to God every day.
And guess what? He talks back. He tells me stuff I would have never known on my own.
Everybody agrees that the other guys religion is wrong on this issue and/or that issue but my religion is JUST FINE!
Guess What? Somebody in one of those "OTHER" religions are pointing out your religions flaws.
That aught to tell somebody something!
God is real! Religion is flawed!
Religion teaches us to intrpret scripture however we please.
Your religion intrprets Gods word however it pleases and this other religion interprets it however it pleases as long as one religion doesn't start collecting money that the other religion would otherwise have gotten.
Jesus condemmed the "Religion" of his day, for Christs sake!
How much better is religion today than it was back then?
Jesus didn't die on the cross for the sake of all of those that choose to follow YOUR denomination.
Jesus died on the cross cause he was disrespecting religion.
And taught a better way of honering his ather than that which religion of the day was offering.
Sorry got more to say but company just came in.
jesus renounced the pharisees and the scribes and the saducees. The religious system of that time along with mishrah.
Catholicism is religion of our time to be against.
The church is doing fine.
Recall Catholicism did not want people reading the bible, hence a long period of ignorance, along came luther (1517) with his revelation which was merely to read the Word and the discrepancies were easily discovered. And once the bible was put into the peoples hand, not that long ago... 1611 i believe, 400 years ago, so basically the church has had 400 years of evolution after being out of the oppressive thumb of the catholics. Now thats not a lot of time, Strongs concordance was published in 1890.. 120 years ago. baptist church 1609, first presbyterian church in america 1706, 1738 first methodist church, pentecostal church 1919.
Please to note... jeremi... the first church was pentecostal and the last church will be also. God designed a church with the gifts in operation. Pauls lengthy explanations of how the gifts work in church and that they are to edify the body of christ etc... speaks volumes about who Jesus died for.
You don't really have more to say, you have more to pray about.
Hopefully, the end of the world will stop these forum discussions about when the world will end. I don't mean to sound catty, but no one knows, no one can know, and no amount of discussion is going to change the facts that no one knows and no one can know. It's almost just silly at this point that everyone continues to not only discuss it, but create NEW threads about it.
no one will know no prediction will be right only god knows = fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
recommend1; I agree with what you are saying up to a point.
such as all months on the Hebrew calendar had only 30 days, and that has to be take into account. And the missing zero ?
My calculations are stated as approximations so this makes little difference.
And Madrid, Madrid is the term which 1000, thousands in Rev. 9:16 was translated from means exactly as you were referring to.
What you say does apply sometimes with dream interpretations, but in some instances the symbolism in dream interpretations mean exactly what they appear to be.
In this instance concerning the 62 weeks until the Messiah is "Cut off" I believe it is stated Soooo simply that there is no room for interpretation. Sixty two weeks lasted for approx. 568 of our years.
This would say that a day in prophesy =s approx 1 1/3 of our years. This is the error that theologians have been overlooking ever sense they began attempting to unravel prophesy's time references.
I believe that The Mille rites who thought that the second coming would happen in 1844; used a calculation very similar to this. I say that because I once came up with that same year when using different variations of this equation and using different beginning dates to calculate from.
Take for instance, a Season would be a specific period of time. A year has four seasons, each =s 13 weeks or 119 years.
I don't think that God would have included these references of time in these prophesy if they were non-specific terms having no real value.
This is just an opinion; ... which I strongly hold onto.
I get what you say - but I still am not sold on it. Even your seasons interpretations is faulty, there are only two seasons, summer and winter with autumn and spring the transition between the two - and this is about how it is seen. Years only had 10 months when they were first invented which is why dec (10) ember is the last month of the year with two extra months stuck in the middle somewhere to change time from lunar based to sun based.
I like to look at stuff to see if it holds up - like the Tao de Jing on absence states in one line "take a wheel with 30 spokes" and yet wheels are never madewith 30 spokes, it is almost impossible and not wheel picture from ancient to modern times has a 30 spoke wheel in it, and none in the excavated burials sites do either - 32 or 36 is common and corresponds with manufacturing practice. So is it a mistake in writing, translation or is it a deliberate error to lead like a secret pointer to some greater enlightenmint in the text ?
I have to leave to take a friend to the Dr. in a few.
I need to ponder your comment a little before I can assume to understand completely that which you elude to.
The main point in question I think is that every month on the Hebrew calander had 30 days.
And I am quite sure that there re four seasons and not two.
Just an opinion, even though it seems like we only have summer here in southeast texas.
To answer the question...
The end of the world will be...the exact moment you die. That will be the end of the world as you know it...And when every human is dead. That will be the end of civilization as we currently know it...And so on and so forth...
what..?.. you mean as soon as i die the whole planet blows up?
I better not die then.
Not the planet...Once you are dead, your world no longer exists. the world as a whole (everyone who is still alive) would continue to exist...
Let's just be happy that our world is still alive and kicking. We are just passers by in this world and all we can do is to try to live a happy life while we are here. Don't forget kindness, respect and love - these 3 makes a happy existense. Forget about envy, jealousy and hate - these 3 are evil and make people unhappy and make others unhappy too.
It is a shame that everyone rhinks that we are just FINE, and it is them other olks that are causing all of the conflicts in the world.
That book that was titled "I'm OK and You are OK " should have been tittled, None of us is as great as we think that we are.
Till the time people have faith in astrology and predictions, some guy will keep announcing end of the world year after year. Sometimes this is to gain popularity or a means to increase sales of certain businesses.
I wrote two hubs on the impending doomsday Do read if you get time.
Just came back on line and noticed that what I just said sounded """" angry or something ...""""
i didn't mean for it to sound that ???? !!!!!! ...
If a person is looking for a simple answer it is to simply be found!
If a person is looking for a technoligical answer????
Get three of then to talking; and everybody is going to get head ache.
I will make an iron clad prediction that will put too rest any other guesses or predictions of end of the world prophecies, becuse I alone know when the end will be, and I will reveal it to you all freely, and immediately.
It has been revealed to me that the end of the world will occur exactly... , sometime in the future.
I'm sorry you guys spend way too much time on pointlesstopics like this.
Don't you want to stop the end of the world too?
HA ha ha he he
When we misconstrue prophesy... we loose something.
Is that hard to understand?
When we mistake the fear response from the amygdala we have religious belief, plain and simple. I can, and have in the past explained this in detail.
It's knowable.
I have mentioned before that I do believe in a god. One God.
I do not believe that religion expresses the essence of who or what this God is.
The prophesy themselves foretell that religion will become corrupt. The wolf has snuck into the herd just as prophesy says that it would. And this wolf teaches that a wolf will sneak into the herd at some time in the future and points to prophesy to prove it. And the wolf doesn't care how many ways we interpret that prophesy. In fact the wolf incourages it.
And because you see the wolf for what it is, you do not believe the prophesy about the wolf or him that gave the prophesy.
I'm just wondering, Jerami, do you ever make that statement in such a way as to include all the other gods that were ever worshiped and obeyed as you do your god?
For example, "I have mentioned before that I do believe in one of the many gods mankind has believed in for centuries and understand that I cannot show there is only one god, but that is the god I was indoctrinated to believe. One of many gods."
I honestly do not know.
One God may have many names according to many people?
I honestly don't know!
I know that some people call me SIR.
Some people have called me DEAR
A couple of people call me DAD, some call me GrandPa
And some people call me A-hole and ... Hay You
Many people see me as being many things.
How many people am I
To answer your question, I honestly do not know.
But, that can easily be refuted by simply reading their set of scriptures and seeing they are not the same gods at all.
Do you change your position, your beliefs and everything else you might say and do differently with each and every one of those people, or are you actually the same person to all of them?
I have done things differently with some of those that called me dear than I do with those that call me GrandPa.
And I behave diferently with those that call me SIR than I do that call me A-hole.
I can't help my self; Yes I say different things to different people depending upon what they have said.
I behave totally diferently when I am with my lover than I do when I am with an employee.
Any differently just wouldn't be right
I just hope it comes soon, because I have to wallpaper the kitchen, and I would do anything to get out of it.
YO! Kimberly, you know that is the one totally accurate prediction here!
Could ya give me next weeks lotto numbers next?
Write it in code.
I don't want any of the fundies here beating me to the news-agency to buy the ticket.
908 789 876 45
[pst subtract one number from each number ? shhh]
Thanks Kimberly!
I will split with you and we will spend the 100 million each on drugs, toy-boys and girls, grog and debauchery just like we should!
I'm not too sure how to subtract from the zero though!
Never stop thinking and the world will never end
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera, Sera!
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