Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
I've been reading up on a lot of ancient civilizations and religions. The one thing that becomes clear is that extraterrestrial life may really be the reason we're here today. If you read Genesis openly, God could easily be interpreted as an alien of sorts...
What does everyone think of this notion?
Watched a program on the History channel a few days back on this very subject. It seems as plausible as any other belief.
Genesis 11
But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
It seems like God is intimidated by his creation's ability to accomplish tasks. Would an omnipotent god really be so concerned about something like this?
Interesting, at the least.
Perhaps, but that begs the question, how did that extraterrestrial life come to originate?
You should know the answer to that by now my learned friend,
Actually he was talking to the other members of the Godhead. Jesus, the Holy spirit, his other children perhaps.
A common interpretation is that the "us" in this passage is the regal first person plural, signifying authority and dignity. In the light of subsequent Scriptures which combine to reveal God as a trinity, this comment might be a reference to the three in one nature of the biblical God. Not so sure about aliens.
God was talking to his first born son, Jesus. Jesus was the first heavenly creature God created. Both God and his Son have the same qualities of love, justice, patience, kindness, goodness, and a conscience. Col 1:15. It was not that we look like them because flesh and blood cannot enter heaven. They are spirit persons. But we have the same qualities, unlike any other creation.
Christians normally interpret this as a reference to the Trinity (note that the Hebrew word for God is in plural form in many places in Genesis).
Jews think that God was talking to the angels when he says "us". They don't accept the trinity.
Not a new idea. But, if the god of the bible was an alien; who would Jesus be? ET in town for a short visit, or some guy that happened upon a tricorder?
"our" image.. the trinity .. God the father, God the Son and The Holy spirit.
Satan has done a great job in convincing people he does not exists. If satan does not exist then GOD does not exist. Once this is achieved satan can present himself as an alien race here to unite humanity then turn it against GOD. since GOD will no longer be GOD but a foreign alien threat since he comes to judge those who did not accept him. It's great strategy. Satan turns people against GOD and he watches them die. Satan has to do absolutely nothing. Although it still fulfills GODS word. It can be avoided but GOD knows our fallen nature and knows how it will play out even though he has told us how to avoid it.
Alien life forms are easier to wrap our minds around instead of wrapping our mind around a divine being.
Even if you buy the whole GOD is alien deal, everything still mirrors the teachings in the BIBLE. That aliens are interested in us cuz we are special which is basically what the bible says why demons are interested in us.
Have aliens/demons meddled in our "evolution" as it is claimed. sure that is what happened in the days of noah.
Even the whole aliens sped up our evolution theory does not explain where life came from.. they cannot create life but modify it... none the less create intelligent life.
the whole theory still leads to an ultimate being that rules over all and is the end all be all of things.
I don't know about aliens, but if God really made us to his likeness, he wasn't very good looking! A LOT of UGLY out there!!!
Rev 1:12 And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;
Lots of ungodly things are described in the Bible as being God or sent from God. Like plagues.
That's true, that there are a lot of nasty things that went on in biblical times, but those things must be taken in context. Just my 2 cents.
Those nasty things that went on were mostly directed by the biblical god!
Why does God say, "Let us make man in OUR image..."
Just to provide an ideal concept of perfection for human beings; this is the meaning of worship to attain the ideal.
He says this because He was speaking to more than one person, look at it this way; when you see certain doctor shows on television there are more than 1 doctor working on a patient, one specialize in one area, another specialize in another but they work together to make a person hold. Same concept and God the Father is the Chief!
According to the OT I read, god the father was a psychopathic megalomaniac who wiped out all but 8 of mankind.
That would be one dangerous dude! ... except fortunately it is just a bronze aged myth like all the ones before it.
He didn't.
Shub with a capital??????
My name is Earnest, my hub profile is called earnests hub. How do you get Shub out of that?
Why Shub if you would have put the infor in correctly that would not have happen, now that you have introduced yourself as Earnest, Hi!
So you believe that the scriptures or the stories that it contains GOD didn't allow those things to happen.
What could be simpler than earnstshub on hubpages when my name is Earnest and I write hubs?
No I do not believe in the psychotic god or the repeated myths from earlier times either.
I think any entity who would dictate a book, or inspire a writing with more than 35,000 abusive psychotic, neurotic, irrational, inconsistent, totally unproven hate instructions in it should in light of what we know about psychosis today be considered a sociopath and locked away safely.
Well, you did ask!
LOL, Earnest want to ask you a question, have you ever read into the other books and not only the king james version. Not trying to take you from what you believe or do not believe but you seem like a smart guy and you should know that the psycho God you are referring to is the same GOD you are going to answer to. Read the Quaran, the Torah, and other books and see what you find!
Sorry Maplethorpej, for this on going and I want to Thank you!
Yes I have studied the bible (2 years in Hebrew Greek and English) Spent some time as a born again christian and debated cross denominationally with theologians when a member of the christian businessman's committee.
I studied psychology and brain chemistry after a few years of psychotherapy and read the quoran and the bible again as part of my psychological further studies along with a bit of German (English is not sufficient for all psychological terminology)and a bit of Latin.
Do you know what psychosis looks like? Would you know a psychotic by the words they wrote?
At any time and in any age or culture psychosis remains a constant.
If people or gods for that matter write threatening hateful psychotic statements it is because they are themselves psychotic.
Very simple, very logical.
The quoran and torah are full of such threats and statements, in fact there are more than 46,000 of them in the quoran and a few less in the bible.
A benevolent god that wiped out all but 8 of his own creation that he apparently got wrong is psychotic.
Fortunately it is all a ridiculous myth.
Very good you have done your homework, but to call GOD the FATHER of SPIRITS psychotic for destroying HIS creation that is not psychotic but was necessary, GOD couldn't have HIS creation doing things against HIS spoken law without penalties.
I try not to worship intelligence that is beneath my own.
Threats such as those issued in the good book are well short of my own ability to negotiate, and I am certainly to intelligent to make something faulty and then torture it for being faulty.
That is psychotic behaviour right there.
Destroying as far as a penalty is concerned is psychotic no matter how you look at it, necessary or otherwise.
So if I had killed Hitler in 1930, I would have been psychotic, but killing him in 1940 would have made me a hero.
That's funny, last I heard it was ILLEGALLY killing folk that was wrong, hope you never have to decide whether to defend your wife or daughter, or even yourself, against someone intent on doing them harm.
Do you find you must do that often, defending yourself, your wife and daughter from harm? LOL!
I agree completely on this one. Justified or not...Killing is still murder.
I'd have to disagree. Murder, by definition, is killing with malice of forethought. Killing another human being doesn't always involve that. It would be impossible to clear your conscience of murder, but justifiable homicide is something different entirely.
errr, aren't you a military chaplain?
Don't you work for an organisation that has to kill people?
And how do you see ALL killing as illegal, God clearly sees murder as deserving of the death penalty, to appease the innocent blood.
What seminary corrupted you mind!
I didn't say it was illegal or not. I feel it is murder either way you look at it. Is it justified at times...Yes...But in my opinion it is still murder. Just my personal feelings on the matter.
OK, we seem to have some confusion in terminology:
Legal definition
As with most legal terms, the precise definition of murder varies between jurisdictions and is usually codified in some form of legislation.
At common law
English common law identified murder as a public wrong.\
At common law, murder is considered to be malum in se, that is an act which is evil within itself. An act such as murder is wrong/evil by its very nature. And it is the very nature of the act which does not require any specific detailing or definition in the law to consider murder a crime.
Some jurisdictions still take a common law view of murder. In such jurisdictions, precedent case law or previous decisions of the courts of law defines what is considered murder. However, it tends to be rare and the majority of jurisdictions have some statutory prohibition against murder.
Unlawful killings without malice or intent are considered manslaughter.
Justified or accidental killings are considered homicides. Depending on the circumstances, these may or may not be considered criminal offenses.
Suicide is not considered murder in most societies. Assisting a suicide, however, may be considered murder in some circumstances.
Capital punishment ordered by a legitimate court of law as the result of a conviction in a criminal trial with due process for a serious crime.
Killing of enemy combatants by lawful combatants in accordance with lawful orders in war, although illicit killings within a war may constitute murder or homicidal war crimes.
The administration of lethal drugs by a doctor to a terminally ill patient, if the intention is solely to alleviate pain, is seen in many jurisdictions as a special case (see the doctrine of double effect and the case of Dr John Bodkin Adams).
In some cases, killing a person who is attempting to kill another is classified as self-defense and thus, not murder.
So to see these established exclusions as murder is of course your choice, but cannot be considered a valid argument in law, debate or scripture.
Illegal or immoral? God morally sees the murdering of others as deserving to appease the innocent? Eye for eye and blindness reigns supreme?
Since you apparently find you must often defend your family from others doing harm, is murder the first thing that pops into your mind?
Why do you presume that I need to defend my family?
Actually God protects us adequately.
I gave you no indication that my analogy was pertaining to myself.
But you did not answer the question posed....
Would you just stand by and watch as someone defiled your family with evil intent?
Or would you stop them with whatever force that required?
It seems to be commonplace with you.
Did you use that far-fetched example for some other reason?
OK, still prevaricating and no answer, post your address online with these comments and see who comes to visit you.
I live in S E Asia, very safe here, we hang murderers and drug dealers,no repeat offenders, my son works on mission in Brooklyn NYC, there they shoot each other for being 'dissed' or to level the score on bad drug deals, don't know where you live, you may not live anywhere, you may be a sock puppet or someone else's troll, and you may live where sweetness and light prevail over the folk who like to attack others.
My question was, if someone was attacking your family, would you stop them.
I am not asking whether you would defend yourself, that is a personal choice, and you would be justified to allow them to kill you rather than take life, but the defense of others is an obligation we should be prepared to die for, or kill for.
But don't bother to answer the question, if it's too taxing for you.
You say you live in a very safe place where they hang murderers and drug dealers, which means that you live in a place where there are murderers and drug dealers, despite the threat of hangings.
Your son lives in New York State where there are also murderers and drug dealers and yet he is not safe.
Both places show their relative crime rates are dropping, but I would wager to guess that NY states crime prevention technologies are superior to Punang's recently unveiled red, blue and green LED board.
How are you safe again?
More cheap shots? Now I'm a troll? Love the way you get along. Refreshing.
I'm surprised you haven't given your question much thought before asking it. It's not even a question requiring an answer because the action you take is blatantly obvious.
Do you actually believe your brain will work that way when such a thing is about to happen, that it will begin debating the ethical and moral implications of defending ones family from being murdered? Seriously.
Seriously, no, it's a no brainer, you stop the protagonist however you can, hopefully the baseball bat to their head will not kill them, but there is not thinking to be done, you are correct, and in that instance you must also agree that if you killed the attacker, that would NOT be murder and one (you or me) would not be psychotic, which is what you stated ANYBODY who killed would be.
There are times when killing is the ONLY solution that saves other people, a psychotic would take pleasure in killing, a normal person would kill only as a last resort, and to protect others.
God is NOT psychotic, and if YOU and others had not taken a cheap shot at God, we would not have taken several posts to establish that YOU would do the same as God in given circumstances.
Yes, you would be psychotic if you took a baseball bat to your imaginary attacker, absolutely and completely psychotic, there is no doubt of that fact.
Killing the attacker is not the ONLY solution, but would be the only solution for someone who is psychotic, especially if they have already deemed it to be the ONLY solution ahead of time.
Ergo, you would be psychotic and so is God.
You are presuming the attacker, your attacker is imaginary, but what if he or she is very real, and the only weapon to hand was your baseball bat (I do not even own a baseball bat myself)would you use it to stop the attack, which was liable to cost your family members life.
I did not say you needed to kill them, if you hit them on the arm and they stopped, job done, if they continued, maybe you may hit them on the leg, again if they stop, no need to continue, they either run off or you call the police.
But if they do not stop, do not run off, are not 'arrested' but instead, in some drug crazed frenzy, continue to attack your loved one, will you take that strike that WILL stop them.
If you will not, then I am sorry for your family IF you are ever called to protect them, if you finally admit you would, then stop with the psychotic crap.
LOL!Do you have a point? Is there some reason for creating this irrelevant scenario? I thought you lived in a safe place?
Now you say you don't kill the attacker, that you just hit him in the arm or leg.
Nice waste of time there.
Not talking about ME so stop with the pedantry, what we are talking about is whether YOU would defend YOUR family IF they were threatened, and if you would .... How far would you go in defending them against a determined aggressor?
Would you let an attacker kill your family?
Stop trying to sidestep and answer the question.
So - what you are saying is, Jesus would not turn the other cheek and kill them? Which makes your religion utter nonsense and lies. You are no better or worse than anyone else. Except you are dishonest and will burn in hell for lying. Your choice.
Not at all Mark, we are not talking about ME or Christ, we are talking about our troubled friend who stated that ANY killing is wrong and that anyone who killed was psychotic.
No point in trying to twist the story or divert the attention from the topic being discussed.
My question still stands..... unanswered... feel free to answer it for yourself if you wish.
Why would I bother? You will ignore any answer I gave. The bible says any killing is wrong and - as we previously discussed - it is also filled with all manner of psychosis from your Invisible Super Being. Turn the other cheek does not involve killing people.
Have you actually read this book?
Awwwwww . This is why your religion causes so many conflicts. LOLOLO
It's hard to believe you're still on about that. You create some irrelevant scenario that hasn't occurred to anyone I know or you know, tweak it and change it just so that you make no point at all and then keep harping on about it as if it's something we have to deal with every day. LOL!
Why not just stick to the day to day trials and tribulations that we all experience and share rather than making up some ridiculous situation?
If that is what you have to do in order to sell your religion, it failed badly.
With regards to your above comment, could you please explain the following for me please?
Exodus 4:4-7
4 So Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt.
5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
6 There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.
7 But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any man or animal.’ Then you will know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.
Exodus 5:12-13
12 “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn—both men and animals—and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.
13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.
Exodus 5:29-30
29 At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.
30 Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.
Please explain how this was saving other people or was used as a last resort? And the argument of Pharoah hardening his heart is false, because God hardened his heart to prove a point.
Exodus 4:9-10
9 The Lord had said to Moses, “Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you—so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt.”
10 Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh, but the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let the Israelites go out of his country.
You said that "a normal person would kill only as a last resort, and to protect others." And that God was not psychotic, But according to the passages from the bible that I listed, He killed to prove a point only, nothing about as a last resort or to protect others. So how can it be justified that it wasn't a psychotic act?
He was protecting the whole future of His chosen people, against an 'enemy' who had no relationship with Him and was in fact determined to hold the Israelites in slavery.
That enemy still exists today and is still leading people to destruction when they set themselves up against God.
You described God as psychotic, I think you must not possess a dictionary:
Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, usually including false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations).
Those symptoms can hardly be attributed to God, who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.
You may have been conditioned to dislike the God of the bible, but then so have many folk been so conditioned, like Pharaoh they have had their heart hardened, by God, and the reason He would do that is because He knows the condition of our 'hearts' and knows the decisions we will take.
God knows who are His people, and who are His enemies, and it matters not one jot that His enemies are upset.
When we stop being His enemy, we have no problem.
Yes, psychosis can be attributed to an entity that is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.
Really, who would be the entity to ascribe that diagnosis, when the entity being described as psychotic actually created everything else?
You really are full of.....
I'm wondering if you're actually going to post something without taking cheap shots. You'd think it wasn't too much to ask from someone who says they get along.
The entity described created everything? Did you get that from some book written eons ago by a bunch of ignorant shepherds and fishermen or can I find that thesis in a peer reviewed cosmology journal?
Sock Puppets do not deserve any respect, and from your speech patterns one can begin to guess who you are.
I think the HubTeam should consider making it a rule that folk can only post (say) 100 forum posts per hub published, then we could keep these sock puppets off the site until the actually contributed.
LOL! Can't debate yourself out of a wet paper bag so you post that.
That's how you get along with people? Get rid of them?
You say you're a Christian?
Why did you bother responding to me in the first place? I seriously do not understand your course of action. Emotional, immature and childish to say the least.
I did not say God was psychotic. I asked how could the act of what was done not be considered psychotic.
And if God was protect his "chosen" people, why didn't he just kill all of the Egyptians, to prevent further harm. As you say he is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent after all. If he knows everything that is going to happen before it happens and does nothing to stop the evil, then he is just as responsible as the person committing the evil.
Why does God say, "Let us make man in OUR image..."...
This means that an ideal or the model man should have the same relative qualities as does the Creator God has His Absolute attributes.
Hang on aqua, he wiped people out regularly and once took out all but 8 of his faulty clones!
If that is not psychotic what would you call psychotic?
When he took out all but the eight(if we are being literal) he gave the rest 100 years of warning that He was going to build an aqua theme park where they lived, and gave them the opportunity to lodge a planning opposition (show Him that they were worth keeping there) but all those others chose to continue with their evil ways.... so after 100 years of warnings, bring on the rains.
If a surgeon finds a cancer, as you know he cuts out all of it, and possibly a bit more than is cancerous, to save the whole of you.
That surgeon is not being psychotic, is he?
Now before you look at the numeric values, if you lose 9/10ths of your liver you can still survive and it will replenish itself, i.e. if something is bad, but not all bad, saving the good stuff and removing the bad stuff is a logical decision, not a psychotic one.
lets move to your alturism quest... … ition.html
Altruism Definition
What is altruism?
It is important to gain an understanding of the meaning of altruistic behavior.
Below is a definition of altruism:
Altruism is helping behavior that is motivated by a selfless concern for the welfare of another person.
Based on above definition, not all helping behavior is altruism.
Only selfless helping is considered altruism.
It may be difficult to determine whether helping behavior truly reflects altruism. This seems to be true because there are a number of possible selfish motives to help another person.
Also, if a person enjoys helping others and also has a true concern for the welfare for others, can it still considered altruism?
It seems that many helping behaviors could be considered as benefiting the person who helps because it is likely that the person who helps another person will experience the joy of helping others. Thus, it may not be possible to completely separate selfish motivation from altruistic motivation in many situations.
By that definition Christ is altruistic and so are most believers.
John 15:12-14
Amplified Bible (AMP)(with amendments by John!)
This is My commandment: that you are altruistic with one another [just] as I have been altruistic with you.
No one has greater altruism [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.
You are My friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do.
Best statement ever made!
True altruistic values.
God could have looked at humanity and said "Wow, 10% of them are rotten, lets destroy them all", that could have been called psychotic I agree, but He did not, He carried on telling them to get straight with life, and they continued being crooked until the rot was SO very predominant that the ONLY solution was to remove the ONLY righteous ones and destroy the rest.
Trouble is, that looks very like a prequel of what is happening today as well.
The problem is the messengers he uses. If you are saying you are warning us then you are going to be ignored because you do not come across very well.
Psychotic nonsense such as you just spouted makes utterly no sense. So - in a way - your god is psychotic because he knows we will ignore self righteous hypocrites who do not make any sense.
He will murder the ones who can think for themselves and reject nonsense? Sound pretty psychotic to me. And let the sheeple incapable of reasoning for themselves live? All 17 billion of them?
You have no authority. You are not speaking for a god. You are simply fear mongering and causing ill will. Again.
When is Jesus coming back again?
Hi Mark,
I'll be glad when you can wear your own skin again!
Anyhow, I'm not warning anyone, and nowhere do I do that, the last line is sadness not warning, and you are right, the world always laughs at His words no matter who delivers them, because the world is into SELF, not SELFLESSNESS so anyone saying being selfish is actually hurting others will obviously get flak from those who really do not want to hear that message.
So I understand where you are coming from, it must be difficult hearing a message you cannot stop hearing unless you stop tuning into the frequency that is playing it.
Of course you could just stop haunting the religious forums, then I guess you could live in oblivious peace without religion causing you grief daily.
I'm surprised that you ask when Christ is returning, you know that nobody knows when, and that scoffers will come in the end days saying exactly what you just said.
But I do appreciate that your repertoire of inanities is limited so you need to use the same ones all too frequently.
Why not put just ONE hub on your pages, just so that you would not look so obviously like a sock puppet or troll?
Please stop lying at me aguasilver. I have seen you specifically threaten people and "hope they make the right choice and start believing for their own sake when Jesus comes back,"
This is why your religion causes so many conflicts - you are dishonest.
I will never wear "my own skin," here again. I get enough religious hate mail as it is. You would not understand why.
How funny that you keep bringing this up and refuse to respect my privacy when your own user name bears no relation to your real name and for a long time you used an avatar you stole from a movie still.
This is why you have no credibility and your religion causes so many conflicts. The hypocritical double standards of god's fan club - like you. You.
Please stop lying about me. I have told you time and time again that I only use one persona. How funny that your user name is not your own and you attack me for the same thing.
Still "do as I say not as I do," seems to be the cornerstone of your religion.
I thought bearing false witness was a sin? Guess you are burning then. Oh well. Your choice.
Anyone claiming that "killing" is absolutely wrong, fails in understanding one's own life. Why? Self survival. If one is not willing to protect themselves against a life threatening determined individual, is just a fool.
Anyone claiming that killing isn't wrong no matter what fails in just about everything. Self survival?
Hey Trouble,
Would you kill someone attempting to kill you? If not, then you are a fool for not defending your own life. If so, then killing is acceptable when it comes to self survival.
What part do you not seem to understand?
The part where you call others fools and you find it acceptable to kill as the first solution that comes to your mind.
I didn't say it was the first solution. It's an option that cannot be denied, which YOU are doing, which is foolish.
Love it how you guys move the goalposts when the balls coming straight at you.
It not shocking that you would twist something to suiting your specific way of thinking, which apparently shows that you actually haven't given the "thought" much thought at all.
Gosh, you're so clever, or not. What did I twist?
You twisted what was said, by stating that it was a first solution, when it was NEVER said to begin with. You must be very proud of yourself.
Are these not your words? Is this not your solution?
"Self survival. If one is not willing to protect themselves against a life threatening determined individual, is just a fool.
...killing is acceptable when it comes to self survival."
Yes, those are my own words, but nowhere does it say it's the first and only solution.
Boy do you have a lot to learn.
You provided that one solution with no alternatives. You said it. I had nothing to do with your elementary assessment.
Oh yes, I've got a lot to learn. You sound exactly like the fundamentalists here.
I've been very interesting inn possible extraterrestrial involvement in things like the Black Plague, the Great Pyramids and the technological progression of early humans in general. It all boasts a far deeper foothold in logic and fact than religion, so I cannot, as a scientist, deny this more likely possibility. Oh, and it's just awesome to think about alien involvement in human history.
by Keith Schroeder 10 years ago
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