Yes. It's all in the bible. IF people want to open their eyes and really see what's right in rfront of them.. go to this site , explains it well.. this woman has been stopped so many times because she speaks REAL truth! I contacted her, she told me, since she put the Truth about BRIDE OF CHRIST.. Google doesn't show her page up when people search for this topic... her twitter was shut down too.. cos she was promoting the blog on there...
ANyway... it's here:
Since the OP claimed she was the bride of Christ, I'd need some proof. Please point out the passage that specifically names her. Thanks.
psalm 45:6-17? Who cares? This isn't the 1st century.
Don't care to. I have a life and better things to do like decide what kind of sandwich to make. What's there to study? So you can cherry-pick what out-dated laws to follow or ignore? BS Here's some thing to study. How about the Roman committees that took place in the 4th century that took a bunch of Hebrew stories (Stolen from much earlier Babylonian bedtime stories) along with assigning names to unknown authors (I.e. Luke did not write the Book of Luke - same for the other) and crammed them in this POS called the Bibull.
The Bride of Christ is the Catholic Church.
The OP's profile suggests this thread isn't at all a joking a matter for her. In this religious forum where so many people believe so many different things, I'm not sure too many people will have a lot to add to this particular thread.
Rev.21:9 should give you an idea who the bride is.
Just curious...I looked up your "Rev.21:9" and you'll have to do better than that.
Who is the wife of the lamb? Name. The verse you used didn't name the person or whatever.
@OP- as far as that person still living today? You're joking right?
Verse 10 says the bride of the Lamb is the city New Jerusalem. In verse 9 the angel is talking to John. John is definitely not alive today. The question may have been a joke, but there is an answer, whether you believe it or not really does not matter to me.
A city? is a bride?
Oh. Okay. If you say so.
I'm sure.
You know Ray. I expected you to say as much. Initially, I had planned to ignore yours and other similar remarks, from others, that may be coming. Everyone has the right to there own thoughts about anything. But it just seems you have a bitterness toward religion, Christianity in particular. I'm being nosy, but was there a loved one that passed or some similar incident that made you so contemptuous. I think you said in one of the threads that you were brought up in in the church. I also think you said that as you got older you reached a point where you realized this was all nonsense, that these christians were trying to jam there beliefs done folks throat, or something to that affect. Well Ray, Let me assure you I would not try and convince you or anyone else for that matter that you/they are wrong in your/their thinking and would appreciate the same in return. There will be topics I might interject my thoughts on, purely from the stance of "let those with an ear hear." I know you don't hear, so rest assured I'm not aiming at you. Your future commits will always be appreciated and accepted in what I believe is the spirit of hp.
I'm sure.
Good to know. Thank you for tell me. It just teaches me a little more about you.
Yes, people have a right to their own thoughts about anything, but when they are expressed in general public, then those are open to scrutiny.
Bitterness? Would be a bad perception about the purpose I have with dispelling the irrationality of religion.
Contemptuous? Yes, I don't like blatant ignorant irrationality which people spew. It must be addressed. As for having lost a loved one? Who hasn't.
My parents were both Catholic. However, church was something which we did in my early growing years. But after the age of 7, it was non-existent, except for the request that mother asked of me. My mother couldn't answer questions which I had about religion and life. She and my Father was unable to give answers which made sense. I made my communion and confirmation, in honor of the request of my mother.
Actually, truth is that after I made my confirmation which was the last step of learning "religion", I then graduated high school and entered the workforce. However, I went back to ask questions of a Priest and his answers to the questions which I had were completely circular, because he only pointed me back to the bible. Which I thought was a pathetically weak position. So, I researched "religions" of the world, as well many other aspects of history. And it's not about Christians or any other religious follower cramming things down someone else throat. Christians claim to have a "personal" relationship with a G/god. Yet, they don't keep it personal, which is foolish.
Irrationality must be addressed, if left unchecked would/could lead to the extinction of the human species.
I always listen and have no problem listening to people talk or share things. I only address irrationality.
I don't hear? Well, this is a forum and cannot hear anything. But, I don't have a reading comprehension problem, if that's what you mean.
Good to know.
If you keep reading, it shows that the Bride in this context is the New Jerusalem. But the Bride of Christ is, in fact, the Church. That is the Christian church, all those who really believe in Jesus and really follow Him.
The Church is also the body of Christ...How does one have a bride that is their own body?
It's a metaphor. If you read, Jesus loves the church just as a husband loves his wife (and before anyone gets to argumentative about it, Jesus loves the church the way a husband is [b]supposed[/i] to love his wife. If you know some evil guy who knocks his wife around, that's not how Jesus loves the church.)
the bible genesis it says the two become 1 flesh adam in beginning said this is now bone of my bone flesh of my flesh christ is new adam we are now flesh of his flesh bone of his bone we are now his own flesh and blood we are the body of christ
NO!!!!!!!!!!!The bride of Christ is all the Christians put together. We are his bride. Isn't that wonderful. We are all the parts of the body, He is the head.
Sooooo !!!! If the bride of Christ is the Church and not a literal city falling out of the sky at the end of Revelation, then it is already here and Revelation is complete.
DH, maybe you should try and get a better understanding of prophecy. Rev. says nothing about a city "falling" out of the sky. Noisome sores and 60- 100 lbs hailstones, yes. The book of Daniel is also very symbolic. Yahusha taught in more than one instance using parables and symbolism. What needs to be understood is the parables and symbolic verses have literal meanings. It will take study and research, and desire, not just skimming along looking for something to "fall" out of the sky. If you have someone more knowledgeable it would make the journey a lot easier. Otherwise it can be truly frustrating (been there, done that), but the rewards can be great. You seem to be willing, put forth a little more effort and see what happens. If you are sincere in your search, there will be no end to what will be revealed to you.
Rev 21. A New Jerusalem coming from the sky. What's the beef.
There is no beef from me DH. And Rev. is still a few chapters from being complete. If what the Book says proves to be true, the progression thru Rev. and what chapter the world will be in, will be obvious.
john 19 says Therefore the soldiers did these things. But standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" 27Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" From that hour the disciple took her into his own household.
been studying quantum physics and its finding multi verses extra hidden demensions one called quantum physics flatlanders how people in 2 demensions would see something pop into existance like heaven coming to earth as the cant imagine a 3rd demension
All the physical matters are composed of vibration.If a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light , Everything you see is made from one original substance, out of which all things proceed… there is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe… a thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by thought fills the interspaces of the universe… a thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by thought… man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.” In other words, thoughtware, software and hardware are interchangeable. To confirm this point, the latest 3D printers can now print almost anything solid from scratch.
experiments in Quantum Physics and particularly those at the at the Large Hadron Collider Switzerland, demonstrate that once we break everything down to its core, pure energy is behind everything. When we go down to the sub-atomic level we do not find matter, but pure energy. Some call this the unified field or the matrix. Others talk about pure potentiality
it says come out of her my people and she will be burned with fire referring to the church as in latter days it is totally corrupt it calls it babylon as it is confusion i have stopped going to church and reading it myself new testament and what christ said as from 1 church to next they cant agree on anything so i read new testament and its really simple but it has been made so confusing especially tv preachers
Bonitaanna, I have no idea if you are joking also ,but I will take the time to give you my viewpoint. Verse 10 is testimony that the New Jerusalem is the bride, the Lamb's wife. The angel told John distinctly that he would show him the bride, the Lamb's wife. We may be sure he did not deceive him, but fulfilled his promise to the letter. All that he did show him was the New Jerusalem, which therefore must be the Lamb's wife. It would be unnecessary to offer a word of proof that this city is not the church, were it not that popular theology has so mystified the scriptures as to give it this application. In writing to Galatians, Paul speaks of the same city and says that it is the mother of us all, referring to the church. The church then is not the city itself, but the children of the city. Verse 24 of the chapter under commit, speaks of the nations who are saved, who walk in the light of this city. These nations who are saved, and are on earth constitute the church, are distinct from the city, in the light of which they walk. It follows that the city is a literal city, built of all the precious materials here described. But how can it then be the bride, the Lamb's wife? Inspiration has seen fit to speak of it under this figure, and with every believer (those who don't believe will come up with something different, I'm sure) in the Bible that should be sufficient. The figure is first introduced in Isaiah 54. The new covenant city is there brought into view. It is represented as being desolate while the old covenant was in force, and the Hebrews and old Jerusalem were the special objects of the Father's care. It is said to her that "the children of the desolate" shall be many more than "the children of of the married wife." It is further said to her, "Thy Maker is thine husband," and the closing promise of the Father to this city contains a description similar to the one which we have in Revelation, namely, "I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires: and I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the Alahym."Isa.54:11-13. It is this very promise to which Paul refers, and upon which he comments in his epistle to the Galatians, when he says, "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all" (Gal.4:26), for he in the next verse quotes this very prophecy from the book of Isaiah to sustain his declaration. Here then Paul makes an inspired application of Isaiah's prophecy which cannot be mistaken, and in this he shows that under the figure of a "woman," a "wife" whose "children" were to be multiplied, the Father by the prophet speaks of New Jerusalem, the city above as contrasted with the earthly Jerusalem in the land of Palestine. Of that city the Lord calls Himself the "husband." In addition to this, we have positive testimony to the same facts in Rev.21. With this view , all is harmony. Yahusha (Jesus) is called the Father of His people (Isa.9:6), The Jerusalem above is called our mother, and we are called the children. Carrying out the figure of marriage, Messiah is represented as the bridegroom, the city as the bride, and we, the church, as the guests. There is not confusion of personalities here. But the popular view, which makes the city the church, and the church the bride, makes the church at the same time both mother and children, both bride and guests. The view that the marriage of the Lamb is the inaugration of Messiah as King upon the throne of David, and that the parables of Matt.22:1-14, 25:1-13, Luke 12:35-37, 19:12-27, apply to that event, is further confirmed by a well known ancient custom. It is said that when a person took his position as ruler over the people, and was invested with that power, it was called a marriage, and the usually accompanying feast was called a marriage supper. Adam Clarke, in his note on Matt.22:2, thus speaks of it: "A Marriage for His Son.--A marriage feast, so the Grk. word gamous properly means. Or a feast of inauguration, when His Son was put in the possession of government, and thus he and His new subjects became married together. 1Kings1:5-9, 19, 25 speak of such a feast. Many eminent critics understand this parable as indicating the Father's induction of His Son into His Messianic kingdom. I am a believer, but not a Christian, there are many things (not saying that I am right) that Christians and I do not agree upon. I hope we can take this opportunity to seek and learn truth together by sharing our viewpoints.Shalum
O Mischievous, I once again apologize for using more than a paragraph.
lol ok.. and the CITY talks in the end?? open your eyes! It's a woman!!!
Excuse me for my ignorance. I'm not understanding what you mean by the city speaking. I don't see where there is anything about a city talking. Now if this is another joke, anything may talk.
Thank God that someone else knows the truth!!! Quite inspiring are you a part of the bride too or the body of Christ or some thing else altogeather. Either way you are truly blessed by God to know and to believe in the truth of God's secrets during these end times. Too many people rely on their own understanding instead of Gods understanding and believe in what they want the truth to be instead of what the reality is and what is the real truth itself. I pray for them that they can take the risk to open their stubbern minds and stop putting limits on God and what he is capable of and to let God inspire them and help them to comprehend the truth for once.
Robertr04, Thank you for that information. My husband is a Rabbi and studied ast the Yasheva school something like 34 years. I will run it by him and see what he says about it. He is a Christian Jew now. He renounced his Jewish religion! He sings for Jesus now! Samuel Depalma, the Opera Singer.
I should have said that my husband used to be an Orthodox Jew but changed to a Mecianic Jew, not renounced his religion.
How can you say that you are a believer and not a Christian? It doesn't make sence to me that if you believe in Christ and that he is the savior of the world then no matter how much you may not want to be labled as a Christian that you are one whether you like it or not!! If you believe and claim to be a believer in Jesus Christ then you are truly a Christian but you can go ahead and think that you arent a Christian even though you have already believed in God. Have you accepted Jesus as your own personal Lord and Savior yet? I don't know but if you havn't then I'm sure you will soon here because if you are a true believer then you must believe in heaven and hell and if you believe in what the bible says then you must be born again and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior to be saved from hell and all of the certian pain and gnashing of teeth that you will most certainly suffer for all eternity if you do not act on your beliefs and choose Jesus. It is not enough just to believe but you must submit to Jesus as your Lord and must accept him in your heart too and then you will be a complete Christian instead of a half baked one. God bless you and watch for how God workes in your life and how he always gets his way no matter what!!!!!
it also says outside are murderers liars drunkards etc,, so are they still on earth i thought they were burned in lake of fire
In my opinion, you are right. The 'bad guys' will have been destroyed in the lake of fire. Brimestone is used to purify. The 'wicked' never tread the new earth. Two views desereve a passing notice. The 1st is that the earth is renewed at the 2nd coming of Yahusha, and is the habitation of the set-apart during the 1000 yrs. The other is that when Yahusha appears the 2nd time, He sets up His kingdom in Palistine, and performs in connection with His people a work of conquest over nations left on the earth during the 1000 yrs, and sudues them to Himself. It would be inconceivable that the inheritance (new earth and new Jerusalem) of the set-apart would ever be marred, that the fair plains of of the earth made new will ever be soiled with the polluting tread of the resuscitated 'wicked'. Besides outraging all ideas of propriety, there is no scripture from which even an inference can be drawn to support the 1st view.
As to the 2nd view, one among many of its absurdities is that although Yahusha and His set-apart have conquered the earth during the 1000 yrs, at the end of this period the wicked get the upper hand, they lose their territory, the work of a 1000 yrs is undone, and they are compelled to have to beat a hasty and ignominious retreat into the city for shelter, leaving the earth to the undisputed mercy of their foes.
In contrast with these theories, there is harmony in the view now being presented. The set-apart are with Yahusha in heaven during the 1000 yrs while the earth lies desolate. The set-apart and the city come down, and the wicked dead are raised and come up against it. There the latter receive their judgement. From the purifying fires which destroy them come forth the new heavens and the new earth, to be the home of the righteous throughout the ages IMHO. Shalum
Not sure if I understood all that accurately or not.
I think i understood enough to say you might be right Xcccept ... I think it will be the 3rd coming ?? BUT .... also in my thought pattern , ... in the end it don't matter, cause on the other side; ... there's plenty of time to come to agreement with each other.
We all need to remember that if it aint goina matter next thursday, ... it didn't matter as much as we thought it did on the Sunday before it. So why fret over it 5 days.
I use to think of a 3rd coming also. Come to an agreement with who? All those on this side will not be on that side, imo. If so, why all the fuss? Eat, drink and do whatever because we are going to get another chance to do it again? Sounds like the JW's. Or somewhere along the line all agree to do it His way? Just reading what you see here on HP, that seems far fetched. Maybe after a few seconds, minutes roasting on the grill Yeah, there will be some changing of minds.
During my years on this earth, I've come to many conclusions. And I've come to believe there is no such thing as a FINAL conclusion.
Most Christians say that "IF" I'm correct about the second coming -or- third coming, that we are lost. As you say might as well just eat drink and be merry and say what the heck? But that isn't true... well... Maybe cause that is what king Solomon said; but for a different reason.
If the second-third coming has already happened, doesn't change the story one iota. It just places us at a different place in the story. I would consider it to be good news that the Great Tribulation is behind us. Reading the history books, including Josephus, about the first century A.D. around the "Holy Land"
I can't imagine anything any worse than those times for Jews and/or Christians.
This Great Tribulation such has never been nor will ever be again ?? What does "Nor will ever be again imply? To me this implies there will be quit some time passes after it.
I would consider it to be GOOD News to think 99% of these prophesy to be behind us.
I'm not arguing the truth or Not of prophesy I'm just saying that this is what I read in scripture when dissected, analyzed and categorized.
My conclusion is that if what is written is true, We are spiritual beings who have fallen from the spiritual world (fallen... came down.. same thing) to spend time here in these physical bodies. For God said "Let US make man in our image" and we did. Like going to Fantasy Island for a short lifetime. The excitement of living our fantasy is lost to a great extent when we are all knowing about it being only a dream.
And when vacation is over, we go back home and are held accountable.
Does this mean that we can do something during "this blinking of an eye" that will cause some of us to burn in hell for eternity. I don't think so!
Jesus says we will be rewarded afterwards for good behavior while we are here. The absence of rewards might be hell for those which receive none?
I think we are supposed to have as much fun while we are here while not stealing someone else's.
When vacation is over ... it's over! What comes next ?? I hope I got some rewards for good behavior.
Guess there is no rest for the wicked, be heading off to work in a little bit.
Hope everyone has a "GREAT DAY"
Every day is a good day if when ya wake up, and can get out of bed and nobody is hittin ya on the head.
I don't believe in eternal burning in hell. Final conclusions, well... I don't believe the 2nd/3rd coming has happened, nor the great tribulation. Jews, what do they have to do with it? Anyway, you have your opinions, I have mine, and someone else has theirs. I'll leave it at that.
We spoke about it for about an hour tonight on the phone and he said that the Bride is the Christians whos name is written in the Book of Life! He said that Jerusalem is the habiation of the people of Christ. We went all through the scriptures and found the verses about it. Here they are: Rev 21: 2-9, 22: 17, Is. 55: 1,2,3, and 52: 1, 2, 3, Gal. 4:26, John 14: 2,3. He said what you wrote must have come from the "Comment of the For Fathers", the Tenak.
This verse alone proved that the bride are people. John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled" "Trust" in God, trust also in me. In my Fathers house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am, you know the way to the place where I am going. It is the Christian people who's names were written in the book of life. Not a city, nor a city full of people, because some would definitely need saving yet, plus you can only put people in a room, not city of Jerusalem! Now do you understand?
I read it to him slowly. Rev. 21: 2-9 does mention the Bride."I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, PREPARED AS A BRIDE, (that means the way a bride is dressed for getting married), beautifully dressed for her husband. And i heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. 7. He who overcomes will inherit all this and I will be His God and He and She will be my children. But the rest will be throne in the fiery lake. This is the second death. Rev. 19:7 says Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come and his Bride has made herself ready. How does New Jerusalem make itself ready, it is a city! It is the people whos name is in the book of life that make themselves ready!
You are missing the point totally. The Bride is a woman who is the head and her body is connected to the people who make up the whole bride of Christ. Just as Jesus has himself as the head and others as being his body too. Jesus is a man a human being and so doesn't it make sense that he marries one woman too who brings with her the rest of the bride who are those chosen to be the bride and Jesus's head and body marries and becomes one with her head and body. That is reality and is happening here now on earth. Jesus is a man just like you and I but yet so much more and he is God!!!
I would have to agree that the Bride is a woman on earth right now, chosen by the Holy Spirit, who represents the New Jerusalem. Her body is the city. Just like a king marries his land, Christ and his body the church will be married to the New Jerusalem. There will not be multiple brides or Christ involved in any poligamy. Since the church will be kings and priests in the New Jerusalem, they are becoming one with their city essentially. But the true marriage will happen between the woman who is chosen, who has made herself ready/worthy through additional work(s) outside of salvation. My belief is that she has been already chosen, that this was a love sacrifice to her King to prove that she loves Him more than her own life. "Whoever loses his life for mine will find it." While normally not taken literally, led by the spirit and God's spoken promise to her, she will prove her love to Him, literally and he will resurrect her from the dead and she will have 3 scars from it. There is not scripture to support this but I believe Christ's love sacrifice for the church was a forshadow of the Bride's love sacrifice for her bethrothed husband Christ. I believe this woman will be the queen of the millennium, will have a son with Christ (a prince) to rule with a "rod of iron" (Greek word 'shepherd'), and that son will be "caught up to the throne" once he is born (Rev.12:5). The Bride is SAID to be a city, yet she also wears fine linen (righteousness of the saints - she has come from the church), and speaks (Rev.22:17). Just like Eve was taken from the rib of the first Adam, the companion (remember "it is not good for man to be alone" even for Christ in His reign) for the second-Adam (Christ) will be a single member from his body (the church). God bless.
How did you learn this? I’ve been shown this and I wanted to know if the Lord told you that or you learned it somewhere? I know this an old post- but I am excited to hear! Thanks a lot!
Did he actually read the post? None of the verses he uses even mention the bride, literally or symbolically. The only one he uses that has any validity to the subject is Gal.4:6. I use Gal.4:6 in harmony with Isa.54:11-13 and with Rev.10 , which clearly tells you the bride of the Lamb. Was the angel deceiving John and us? For what reason? Harmony in scripture is found NT-NT,OT-OT, and OT-NT. This has been done. The reference used is from a Christian scholar. I am not Christian. I gather my info from various faiths. There are truths and false teachings in all religions and faiths. I'm
not going to say he is wrong in his proof, but I can't help but say it is woefully lacking. I'm not going to say I am right, but I will say he would'nt want to take this to court (smile).
No I know for a fact that yes he is the head of his own body but if he is to be married to a woman then they both share half of their own bodies, minds, and souls with each other which makes two become one. This makes them more like equals to one another. Therefore she also has a body and a head too which makes the bride of Christ a combination of the elect Bride of Christ which is a certain amount of people who are chosen to be the bride of Christ. These people are a part of her body which is connected to her head who is made up of one woman and her head and body are then married to Christ's head and body. That is the way God has explained to me that it is and I am sure that I am right. So think about it with an open mind and see if God gives you the ability to comprehend what he has done.
If we are part of the body and he is the can we be a bride? Isn't a bride the female portion of a marriage?
then who mare the guests at the wedding ? they cant all be the bride
Are you talking to me. If so, I have no problem with sharing my resources. If you are one of the non- believers, I'm not going to engage in the endless conversation on any biblical subjects. But if there is something else we might discuss, by all means.
Well Boni,Rev.21:2 says exactly that. Rev.21:10 says exactly what I said it says. Just from what you are saying, the 2 verses are in harmony. Does he dispute the angels words? On what grounds? Is he saying the church (saved) are both guest and bride? Not a logical conclusion, at the least. But, we can agree to disagree. It makes no sense to continue this discussion. Shalum
psalm 45:6-17 bride a woman not church. jesus will have children. th bride will rise soon n heal, resurrect, etc.
Let me make this simple.
Jesus= God in the flesh/Son of God
Children= people on Earth who believe
Bride= Church
Church= where CHILDREN come to heal, worship, and be together
how do u know that the church is the bride? bc it was never taught that over 2000 years ago. plus you belong to a religion. all religions have there own belief not gods belief. they go by the u go by man i go by god. im taught by god him!! ur pastor go to school to learn about god. i go to god and learn about god. i have the holy spirit. so i know the truth. it is a female. if u ask god he will tell you that. alot of people i told this to actually asked god, god revealed them the truth. lets hope he reveals the truth to u. god bless.
I don't go to man, I go to God's word.
Yes Praise be to God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is worthy of all praise, glory, and honor. So does your reply mean that you agree with this blog and what I have told the world in it?
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let the one who hears say, "Come!" Revelation 22:17
I don't just agree with what you say; I know it, but it is hard to believe because so many say that the queen of heaven, the one who overcame, the one that shares the throne with Jesus, is the church the church, but there is a great magnitude before the throne, the 24 elders and there is the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel, but the ones who overcome, Jesus shares his throne with them as it is written in Revelation. We were born to be kings and queens of heaven. I will be his queen; I will overcome as he has told me since I was little. Those who wish to join me, please share the throne with me. I will sit where the queen sits at the side of Jesus as I desire nothing more to drink from his cup and take the spot that God has reserved since creation. Matthew 20:23
Hopefully, I am not presumptuous, and I will achieve my only dream in life and my only purpose of existence. Without God, I have no meaning.
Really? So, without your mother and father, you have no meaning. Without your brothers and sisters, if you have any, you have no meaning? Without your children, if you have any, you have no meaning? Without your friends and acquaintances, you have no meaning? Without and of these things and much, much more, you will still say you have no meaning?
Do you actually believe that if you died tomorrow, none of those people will care or grieve? None of them will find meaning in you?
I agree with you completely. See TinkN 's post I made today. (Do a page search). Psalm 45 is relevant too I agree. She has been resurrected. It made global news as a miracle in 2014.
I agree that Psalm 54 is an accurate description of the Bride. She will be wearing the gold of Ophir which is fine linen, bright and pure. Isaiah 54 is a good indicator that Jesus Christ will have children, "All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children." Isaiah 54 also describes the city of the Bride. I don't believe she will necessarily do healing miracles. For one, there is no need to prove her "godhood" like Christ did. No one needs to believe in her for salvation. Healing comes through faith: "And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” Unless the Bride is given a glorified body (maybe with wings who knows) no one will believe who she says she is and therefore no one will have any faith in her. If she is given her glorified body in the New Jerusalem and is only announced there, the church will likely receive her there and be joyous. If she is given a glorified body on earth (which Christ wasn't I dont think so its unlikely) the church will be very upset and confused. I think she will just be raptured with the church and that it will be within the next year. Esther for shadows the Bride and she had 1 year of preparation before she was made queen. Based on the miracle resurrection of the woman in 2014, the 1 year point is coming up soon.
Listen to my testimony at facebook under Jenny Casady
The bride of christ is Revelation 14:1-3 is the anointed christians who remain faithful to death and raised up to become kings and priest with Jesus. The calling of anointed christians started at Pentecost 33C.E down to our day, There is only a select few mentioned in the scripture above 144,000 they will assist Jesus in ruling over the earth. They are bought from the earth to become a part of the heavenly kingdom (New Jerusalem) to rule with Jesus.
Yes but there still is only one head to the Bride of Christ and the rest of the 144,000 are a part of her body which makes up the whole Bride of Christ.
Just wondering if anybody is still interested in this subject.
What do you have to add to the conversation? This is an interesting conversation.
Which one? Mormon? Jehovah's Witness? Islam? Catholic? Protestant?
Which church does the bible assign as the "Bride of Christ"?
Silly question, unless you are one of those sects which seek to disparage any not of your sect. The inclusion of Islam in your question is freaky weird. Islam doesn't follow Christ or the Christian Bible.
The Church isn't a reference to sects. It is a reference to those who believe in Christ and follow, to the best of their ability, his teachings. It really doesn't matter the sect. The individual does the best they can with the information as they understand it.
And yet these sects (and religions) have beliefs that are vastly different. They sometimes claim God provided them with different writings and scripture and they cannot agree on even the basics at times.
At one time "the church" was much closer to anyone believing in Christ, but even then there were large differences. Gnostics, for example, disagreed with what would become the Catholic church and the east and west churches seldom got along.
So again, is the Mormon church, with's it's own prophet and writings the bride of Christ, or would it be the Catholics that can trace their lineage much closer to Him and denies there was another prophet at all?
You miss the point. Religion, organized religion, is man made by consensus. It's like building a house, but squaring it room by room. The individual rooms are square enough...but not completely square and some rooms were way out of square. Add another, then another and another...then check the square of the whole and what do you find? A house that is not in square.
The people in the house really like living side by side so they agree to build on that rock, to attempt to square the rooms into a sturdy house. They put in a subfloor that ties the rooms together. It isn't build to support the one as much as it is built to tie in the the whole.
Others join in, tacking rooms on top. They know nothing of the rooms already in the house, they just laid claim to a piece of space above the foundation.
But, in the final analysis, each person built the room on their own. Brought it to the foundation.
The truth of it all is not how firm the man-made sub floor built on the foundation is, but how solid the rooms are.
If one man made consensus on a subfloor fails, the rooms crash to the universal foundation. How it survives that will prove how firmly the room was built.
Religions fail if the rooms that are rotten sit too long in the whole and eventually rots through the subfloor. The larger the religion the longer it takes but,also, the more easily the rot can be seen with inspection. But there is no way for anyone but the individual and God to inspect the individual rooms.
I'm pondering what possessed me to type all that but, I'm hitting submit.
The Christian church. The Bride of Christ is the Christian church, believers saved in accordance with scripture.
Wisdom and the word. The unknown mystery of wisdom and the word. Lady wisdom /bride and bridegroom/Jesus
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