Malaysian Flight MH 370

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  1. thumbi7 profile image61
    thumbi7posted 10 years ago

    Feeling terrible thinking about the people in that ill fated plane. Where would MH 370 have disappeared?

    1. alexadry profile image96
      alexadryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Me too. I have been visiting the Malaysian Airlines FB page since the day it never made it to the airport in hopes of some news. It seems a mystery. I often day dream about the plane having landed successfully in some remote area with all the passengers alive who one day will reunite with their families. Imagine the joy. Yet, I'm afraid something also horrible may have happened. Can't imagine what the relatives must be going through, if without even knowing them I feel terrible myself..

      1. thumbi7 profile image61
        thumbi7posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        But the hope is waning.....

    2. janshares profile image91
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's buried and hidden deep down in some shrubs. I heard one speculation that the trees and shrubbery in the area are hundreds of feet tall. Mind-boggling. God bless them all and their families.

    3. Alphapx profile image61
      Alphapxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      A special military weapon may have been tested to the plane but this is only a speculation or conspiracy theory thing. Or maybe an alien abduction, teleported somewhere from up there to your backyard. Only we can do as Christians is to pray for them.

  2. Sam Hawkins profile image60
    Sam Hawkinsposted 10 years ago

    Wondering too. I heard that the search has been expanded. I am just feeling for the families and loved ones of the passengers and wondering how they will be coping at this time. Our love goes to them

  3. profile image49
    thewernerposted 10 years ago

    do not worry there are 8 countries are going to find it

    1. Writer Fox profile image32
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It took 73 years to locate the wreckage of the Titanic.

      1. Alphapx profile image61
        Alphapxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        73 years is long long time. Oh my, I wish it would not go that way.

        1. thumbi7 profile image61
          thumbi7posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          But everyone knew that Titanic sank. Here we are not getting a closure and that is disturbing.

          1. psycheskinner profile image83
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I honestly think there is no reasonable expectation other than that the plane crashed.  But I understand that family members will hold out irrational hopes until the worst is confirmed.

  4. itsaetos profile image59
    itsaetosposted 10 years ago

    Yeah, many countries are working on it. But, its been taking so long, I'm starting to think there's another Bermuda Triangle in that area. I don't think it crashed into the sea or was directed somewhere else because sonar tests would detect it if it was underwater and satellite imagery could tell where the plane had been taken. And it seems that the mobile phones of some of the passengers are ringing, so the probability that it crashed into the water is scarce, as the mobile phones would stop working underwater, unless the passengers had Sony Xperia Z. I do not think even an Xperia Z could withstand the shock of crashing at such speeds.

    Most won't believe me but I think it could be an alien abduction. Nevermind.

    I hope the passengers are all safe.

    1. thumbi7 profile image61
      thumbi7posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Some newspapers report that it is unlikely that satellite imagery could capture everything on every area on planet earth.

      1. itsaetos profile image59
        itsaetosposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It is possible to obtain recent images of earth, any part of the earth, there are over 3000 satellites orbiting the earth and the military can get the live/recent imagery. If it wants to, though.

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If mobile phones are ringing, that means someone is there to hear them and report that fact.  Whereupon we know where the wreck is as well.

      1. itsaetos profile image59
        itsaetosposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That's the problem. Tracking attempts have failed because the signal is too weak.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          If phones are ringing, then one (or more) cell towers are receiving the signal from the phones.  Meaning that phone is within about 5 miles of the tower(s).  This is all digital, not analog; go to the tower reporting contact and work the search parties out in a giant circle.  Not rocket science.

      2. Writer Fox profile image32
        Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Experts don't think the phones are actually ringing.  Here's a news article answering some of the common questions people are asking about the crash: … MH370.html

        1. thumbi7 profile image61
          thumbi7posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Two youngsters have released some photos and videos of the missing airline pilot chatting with them in the cockpit on a previous flight probably in 2011
 … -2011.html

        2. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          That was kind of the point; the phones of the passengers aren't ringing at all, just the one placing the call.

          1. psycheskinner profile image83
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Exactly, so no cell tower is receiving anything from the passengers phones. These are just 'looking for the signal' rings and voicemail (not on the phone) pickups.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              That's it.  Nothing of any value, and nothing that even might lead to the plane.

              1. itsaetos profile image59
                itsaetosposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I understand now. Thank you all for your research. Anyways, what do you think must've happened?

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  The plane crashed.  I really don't think it landed safely somewhere and was whisked out of sight.

      3. psycheskinner profile image83
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The kind of ringing they are doing occurs with a destroyed phone.  The journalists are doing a bad job of covering that part of the story.

        In the absence of debris this could be a difficult search.  The Air France plane lost in the ociean threw up debris and still took over 2 years to find. Add to that they have very little idea exactly where it went down with only primary radar data.

  5. Writer Fox profile image32
    Writer Foxposted 10 years ago

    This makes me think about the Tom Hank's movie 'Cast Away.'

    1. itsaetos profile image59
      itsaetosposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Or maybe Inception, we could all be mass dreaming , lol.

  6. Cardisa profile image87
    Cardisaposted 10 years ago

    I am sticking with the "Bermuda Triangle" theory and if that isn't the case, I'll go with the alien abduction or terrorism.

    1. itsaetos profile image59
      itsaetosposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, me too.

      1. thumbi7 profile image61
        thumbi7posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Should we suspect the pilots?
        Please see this link … -2011.html

        1. itsaetos profile image59
          itsaetosposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Could be possible, you never know. But, I think we would've found out by now. I presume its something unnatural.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image84
            Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            As someone else said, an Air France plane crashed into the sea a few years ago and disappeared without trace.   If the water is deep enough searchers may not pick it up.   They only found it when debris surfaced 2 years later.  So there's no reason to think it's unnatural at all.

            Personally I don't know why anyone is still saying "hope is fading".  There is no hope by now.  If it had been forced to fly elsewhere by terrorists, they would have issued a demand by now.  If it had been forced to land for any other reason, the pilots would have notified authorities.

            There are switches in the cockpit that pilots can press if there's a terrorist attack or other problem, and it takes only seconds to press one of them.  The pilots didn't even have time to do that - which suggests some catastrophic explosion.

  7. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    I think it is natural to speculate but we should admit we just don't know.  Most likely it crashed somewhere in the area--for an unknown reason.

  8. cecileportilla profile image69
    cecileportillaposted 10 years ago

    So sad. I feel so bad for those families. Let's hope for a miracle. Now I  Know why I hate flying!

  9. angielou123 profile image61
    angielou123posted 10 years ago

    very strange, all those people just gone. My thoughts are also with the families. How will they get any closure?

  10. married2medicine profile image65
    married2medicineposted 10 years ago

    I was so depressed myself.. Especially reading through several articles some few days ago... Is it the relatives??? Don't even attempt to find out their states right now! So so sad

  11. Writer Fox profile image32
    Writer Foxposted 10 years ago

    It looks like some of the debris from the airplane has been spotted: … -them.html

  12. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    Hopefully this and the rig worker's report will lead to the site of the crash and bring some closure to the search stage of the investigation.

    1. thumbi7 profile image61
      thumbi7posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. The anxious relatives may get some answer after five days.

  13. Sulabha profile image76
    Sulabhaposted 10 years ago

    It's terrible. Hope the passengers survive by some dint of luck.
    This incident again makes us think that train journeys are any time safer.

  14. maxoxam41 profile image63
    maxoxam41posted 10 years ago

    Or maybe it was NEVER there like in Sept 11. The passengers NEVER existed.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Now, how did I know that was coming?  But you forgot that the US president planned and executed the abduction of the plane and passengers.


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