Do you prefer a relaxing vacation or an action packed one? Why?

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  1. Suzie HQ profile image89
    Suzie HQposted 12 years ago

    Do you prefer a relaxing vacation or an action packed one? Why?

  2. MsDora profile image92
    MsDoraposted 12 years ago

    No action-packed vacation for me!  doesn't fit my temperament.  Vacation for me, is synonymous with leisure.  Even if I want to have some action, let me decide when, where, how, at my convenience.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks MsDora, Having loved both types of holidays, depending on time of year, destination and travelling companion I see your viewpoint totally! Thanks for your comment!

  3. anusujith profile image68
    anusujithposted 12 years ago

    I prefer a natural vacation. Natural means a life blended with nature with my wife. Might be a beach resort will give me the perfect natural vacation spot for me.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      nice one anusujith! Love beach holiday spots also, when it's time to chill . . . it's time to chill!! Thanks for your reply

  4. leahlefler profile image98
    leahleflerposted 12 years ago

    Both, please! Sometimes it is great to hang out on the beach, especially after a really busy work period or stressful event. I love hiking, visiting new places, and trying new things, though - so I usually go for action-packed vacations!

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi leahlefler, I know, it's hard to choose if you enjoy both!! I love skiing but also lazing on a beach!! Thanks so much for your comment!

  5. TToombs08 profile image78
    TToombs08posted 12 years ago

    I enjoy a combination of the two; we always schedule some action and some downtime. Our 5 year old would be bored silly without some sort of fast paced activities (his favorites are water slides and 4 wheelers). I enjoy the zoos, aquariums and anything to do with nature. So, we compromise so that everyone gets a little of what they enjoy.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks TToombs08,With children I know what you mean, activities are great and some downtime also!The waterslide parks are brilliant for all the family, to enjoy especially when you would not normally have access to them.Thanks so much for replying!

  6. profile image0
    mjkearnposted 12 years ago

    Hi Suzie HQ,
    can't do lazing on the beach but can do sitting at coffee shops on the piazza's watching people and the world go by. That's southern Italy piazza's of course,

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ah . . yes . .Italian piazza's MJ, Love to do the same wherever in the world I am, sit over a latte and people watch. Always make time for that vacation pastime!! Thanks MJ for your reply!

  7. MelChi profile image74
    MelChiposted 12 years ago

    I mostly prefer a relaxing holiday where I can just lie on the beach or walk through a forest and listen to the sounds of animals and birds.  Although, there must at least be something interesting to see or do, I think I'd get bored if I was on a deserted Island for more than two days.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi MelChi, Know exactly what you mean with boredom possibly on deserted island however I would still love to give it a go!! See how creative I could be with things! Thanks for your comment!

  8. Bill Yovino profile image86
    Bill Yovinoposted 12 years ago

    Both! Last year we went to the Australian Outback for a week and followed up with a cruise. That was a perfect combination.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow Bill, great combination always fancied both these trips! Often watched the cruise liners in different ports around Europe and thought"Yep, must give that a go sometime" and The Aussie Outback would be an experience all in itself! Thanks Bill!

  9. vims003 profile image40
    vims003posted 12 years ago

    find time to relax yourself in between your works.its better to use oneday in a week only for enjoyment.thats what i prefer.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi vims003, Relaxation definitely needed from work, and often takes you days to unwind, I have found. Good to switch off and recharge the batteries! Thanks vims003 for answer!

  10. Mommiegee profile image76
    Mommiegeeposted 12 years ago

    I would say a mixture of both. I would like to have fun when its time to have fun and relax when it's time to relax.

    1. Suzie HQ profile image89
      Suzie HQposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Mommiegee,fun always important on a holiday!Cheers for your comment!

  11. Eric Calderwood profile image76
    Eric Calderwoodposted 12 years ago

    I would rather have and easy going, relaxing vacation than an action packed one.  The reason, when vacationing I am trying to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  I do like to do interesting things, especially hiking and sightseeing.  but I want to come home feeling refreshed, not tired out.

  12. LaThing profile image61
    LaThingposted 12 years ago

    With children I don't think anyone can have a complete relax, laid back, vacation. We usually incorporate both into a vacation. Have to keep them busy, yet at the end of the day go somewhere that is relaxing.......

  13. Suzie HQ profile image89
    Suzie HQposted 12 years ago

    Hi LaThing, Thanks so much for answering. With children on vacation, activity is always good especially if the adults get some down time to relax!  Best of both worlds! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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