Heroes. were to from here?

Jump to Last Post 1-36 of 36 discussions (59 posts)
  1. Silent Assassin profile image60
    Silent Assassinposted 16 years ago

    I suppose it's since I intravenously plugged into society and conformed to the social norms of work and family responibility that I started taking an interest in whats on TV.
    Theres something about that show heroes that appeals to me. Aside from the fantasy of having outragoes superpowers; etc, The issue of how humans realise and exercise their potential powers, be it physical, spiritual or mental; while being helplessly tied to the confides of human emotions and the realm of reality we live in, is something that interests me.
    History has been mapped according to people who have somehow risen above the masses to take control over our destinies and shaped our understanding if what highs and lows we can achieve.
    So what do you people think is the next step in our evolution? Is it going to be advancing our destroying what we now percieve to be human nature?

  2. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    You dropped this same message in another thread. Why? Who cares - It's a TV program. Unplug yourself.

    1. Silent Assassin profile image60
      Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Fair comment mate but just spreading the word seeing what people think.
      Unplugging yourself can be detrimental to your existance as you obviously know, due to your apathetic views on trying to think outside the square.

    2. livelonger profile image87
      livelongerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      It's one of the most intriguing, deeply philosophical and intelligent shows on television.
      http://blackthumb.wordpress.com/2007/10 … hilosophy/
      http://lexcorpninja.vox.com/library/pos … phy-2.html

    3. Isabella Snow profile image84
      Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      The OP just didn't deserve half the comments in this thread.

      I could be wrong, but he seemed to be asking what people thought about human evolution as it pertains to real life (which is actually a fairly intellectual question for this board), and just using the Heroes concept as reference.

      And if not, what's wrong with him watching television? I watch television. I watch 4 shows religiously, because the writing is bloody brilliant. Heroes is one them. So are House, Boston Legal and Rescue Me.

      Television and film are actually FABULOUS inspiration for many, if not most, authors.

      1. funride profile image68
        funrideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I can understand you wink but this time they are not "striking" OP big_smile, today Silent Assassin has the honors lol.

        About this topic I can only say that I have almost quit watching TV roll so I have no opinion about that program sad.

      2. Silent Assassin profile image60
        Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Isabella, Your quote was appreciated hahaha I was worried it might be a bit too intellectual!

  3. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Well, make your mind up - Is it a fair comment or an apathetic view? And I have unplugged myself partially - No TV and no car. I need the computer to feed myself though.

  4. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    "Silent Assassin" -

    On the contrary, with the high level of dependancy on mere electronics and an obsession with things like television, unplugging (a.k.a. going outside once in a while, or leaving the tv off for a night) brings about all good, no bad.

    1. Silent Assassin profile image60
      Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Did you ascertain this knowledge after your extensive experience in the world of Warcraft?
      Yeah you are right though. I enjoy being a physical person and also enjoy playing computer games, more often than my wife would like. 
      You tapped into the phenomenon with how a lot of people get obsessed with the TV.
      Sometimes I wonder if we are better off going back to ground zero as a species.

  5. Silent Assassin profile image60
    Silent Assassinposted 16 years ago

    I guess that I'm choosing to sit on the fence because I know that I can be prone to some sarcastic verbal diahorrea haha. you are entitled to your opinion as am I.
    So you got no TV or car, I had no car until I was 30.
    I live in a country where public transport is basically non-existant so a lot of people have a semi-clear conscience in terms of polluting the world.
    Do you have a job? What do you enjoy about being online?

    1. Silent Assassin profile image60
      Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      So I noticed that you listed one of your interests as soccer aka. football. Do you have a fave team?

  6. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    LOL - They call me Mr. Sarcastic actually. I have chosen to live in a place where I can walk to most of the things I need. I have no TV because it's mostly garbage. I work online so I need to have the computer. Enjoy ? Sometimes LOL

    1. Silent Assassin profile image60
      Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I have been reading Capt. James Cooks Voyages around the world recently. Talk about a mind blowing account of discovery!

      To see how people of the time viewed the unknown regions of the world as untapped resources ready for the taking, if it wasnt for greed, a lot of advances would have been left undiscovered for god knows how long!
      The navigational skills of these pioneers was amazing.
      How they interacted with the indigenous peoples, and shaped their futures.
      Its scary to see how our history stands on the edge of a knife

  7. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    While your comments border on flame-baiting, I'm glad to say you'll be disappointed when I do not rise to the occasion.  Thank you for visiting my profile to attempt to insult me, though. smile

    On topic, however, yes.  I learned that stepping away from the computer, from television, from gaming consoles and various other electronics does a person good.  World of Warcraft is a hobby, one I haven't had as much time for since I started Hubbing.

    1. Silent Assassin profile image60
      Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hey no prob, Gamergirl. I have to at least try and find out whom I am insulting!
      I agree with what you said, it it good to get away once and a while.
      I apologize if my borderline inflammatory insult was not up to your standards; i'm out of practice, haha
      I recently got promoted to a station where I am required to spend a lot of time in front of a computer so I am finding out that I am a bit green when it comes to the world of cyberspace.
      It's just after lunchtime and I am trying to look busy hahaha

  8. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 16 years ago


    Welcome to Hubz big_smile

  9. Silent Assassin profile image60
    Silent Assassinposted 16 years ago

    Hey misha how are ya?

  10. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Fine, thanks smile

    How about you? Great avatar smile How old is your kid? About a year?

    1. Silent Assassin profile image60
      Silent Assassinposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hello again Misha, Thanks for the compliment, Thats the thing about assassins, they pop up when you least expect it and no body wants them around!
      My girl is 9 months old and VERY active. Apparently a genetically inherited trait from me thats come full circle to make up for all the stress I caused my parents! smile
      Do you have kids too?

  11. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    We are so privileged to be on a forum where our worth as commenting parties is measured by someone who dislikes us all so much.  I guess the good-natured, joking manner in which we tossed back and forth near-insults in this thread was too much to take?  Should we have been genuinely vicious to one another?  I think not.

    As a writer myself, I don't use television for inspiration (aka topic spinning) because I think that's a cheap method of filling out a story.  I prefer to not become a vegetable for hours and hours a week watching the writing and acting of others to fuel ideas for my work.  That's just me, though.

    Now, television for entertainment's sake, yes.  I like a few shows, but since my television broke I've found myself interested in anything but TV.

  12. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    Dumb question:  what does OP mean?

    ...ignorance proudly on display.

  13. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    OP = Original Poster smile

    And my negative comment was based on the fact that the OP had started the exact same thread in another forum using the exact same language.

    http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/3458#post25923 - Which I thought was a more appropriate venue for the question. My usual cynical nature when I see a new member posting a question like this is that I assumed they were here to promote something rather than open a question up for discussion. If that's not the case, I apologize wholeheartedly to the OP.

    Rather than the fact that I got bored to death with heroes after the first season. Very disappointing actually - I was hoping it would go somewhere, yet it turned into the usual stuff. zzzzzzz

    1. Isabella Snow profile image84
      Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      So.....should people be unplugging themselves from all television, or just the television you actually watched for a season and deemed too boring to watch for a second?

      1. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Television. I don't even own a TV

  14. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    See, Mark.  Wasn't that easy.  If you had answered me yesterday in the religion forum, I wouldn't have had to display my ignorance to everyone in this forum too.

    Thanks. smile

  15. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Shhh Peter.. your ignorance might get prayed on or flamed about.. Where's the fire hose?

    1. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
      Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      The prayer I will take, no flames though.

  16. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    LOL - Sorry, I didn't notice the question in the other thread. LOL - Nothing wrong with showing ignorance though.

    1. gamergirl profile image84
      gamergirlposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That's right.  You can fix ignorance, to a point.

      Hey, speaking of ignorance, where did the OP go?  big_smile

      1. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        LOL - I can't find the rolling on the ground with laughter smilie.

        1. funride profile image68
          funrideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_210.gif big_smile

          1. Mark Knowles profile image58
            Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_210.gif big_smile

            You can use these - just use the "quote" button.

  17. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    Peter, for what it's worth, I had no idea what OP was either...

    Thanks for asking for me!

  18. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    err, I meant preyed.. >.>  darned homophones.

  19. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    It just occurred to me, you might have meant preyed on.  I will take praying, yes; preying no.

  20. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    Homophonic, are we, GG?  You better watch that in here, or you'll get preyed upon.

  21. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    *hears the JAWS theme music*

  22. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    And did you mean here's the Jaws theme music ?

  23. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
    Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years ago

    I lost it for a while too, Mark, but here you go:


  24. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    funride and Peter - thank you.

    We all obviously have too much time on our hands.

  25. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    funride, you've always got the coolest smilies!

    I need to find me some of them...

  26. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    OMG Mark.

    Too funny.

    funride, I'm stealing those smilies!

    1. funride profile image68
      funrideposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      I don´t want you miss anything! www.smileycentral.com/ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_15_27.gif

  27. Isabella Snow profile image84
    Isabella Snowposted 16 years ago

    Now thats comedy.

    So shall we assume you watch television programming on the internet?

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You assume correctly. smile

      Although technically, I selectively download those programs that I think will be of interest to me.

      That way I don't have to sit through hundreds of hours of crap to wait for the decent ones.

      And judging from your TV viewing habits, I suspect we have a different idea of what is decent.

      1. Isabella Snow profile image84
        Isabella Snowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        So it's ok to watch television programming as long as it's not on a television?

        What's wrong with the television itself? People selectively turn it off and on when programming they think will be of interest is on.

        I guess I understand if you're talking about when people watch it all day -- but the internet is just as nonproductive when people use it solely for surfing porn (ok maybe that's actually slightly productive in some ways) or chatting up women or men or just looking for silly pics or whatever.

        There's just as much time wasted -- and it's often worse for your eyes, and your body is actually in a far less healthy position than when sitting comfortably on a couch or whatever. So, personally I think a few hours of TV every day (I don't personally have time to watch TV every day, but I might if I did) is less detrimental than 16 hours a day online.

        As for thinking the shows I watch aren't decent -- I'm ok with that.

        1. Blogger Mom profile image60
          Blogger Momposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not OK with that.  There is no better show than Rescue Me.  smile
          But that's probably a better discussion for the TV forum.

  28. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    I actually just downloaded the program funride has been using this whole time!


    Now if only I could figure this thing out....be right back!

    1. Peter M. Lopez profile image70
      Peter M. Lopezposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      This thread Darkside started for Mark is great too:


      Smilies galore.

  29. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    darnet, fun, you beat me to it!

  30. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    wow funride, when I copy the htlm code in it doesn't show the smiley- what's up?

    1. funride profile image68
      funrideposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      I guess I´m too fast! wink

      Try to put the url between [img]and[/img] wink.

  31. gamergirl profile image84
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    haha!! I'm totally downloading that program when I get home, funride.

    As for television, the majority of today's shows are crap.  The only reason I used my TV previously is as a display for game consoles.

  32. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago

    Something tells me I should have paid more attention in that silly computer class on html code in college!

  33. WeddingConsultant profile image65
    WeddingConsultantposted 16 years ago


    YAY I found it out!  Now I'm out of smiley jail for GOOD!

  34. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Well, I guess I am sick to death of the advertising on TV and the fact that most of the programs are garbage. But many people (including myself at one point) get sucked into watching more TV than they intended to and the TV becomes a focal point. I prefer to do it this way for several reasons and I am MUCH more selective about what I watch rather than just turning the TV on to "see what's on."

    There's is nothing wrong with watching TV if that's your thing. I prefer not to and I think making the TV a focal point is a mistake. I have seen too many people use the TV as a free baby sitter. smile

    So I have unplugged myself from the TV but selectively watch TV programs.

  35. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    Great age smile Is she walking already? Yeah, I have a few smile My youngest girl is 18 months, and two boys - 4 years and 25 big_smile

  36. Silent Assassin profile image60
    Silent Assassinposted 16 years ago

    smile Yeah I know what you mean! Big Kids bringing up little ones.  Man am I dreading the teenage years!


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