How do you get article boosts?

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  1. ProCW profile image79
    ProCWposted 15 years ago

    I was just wondering what is the best way for people (hubbers) to know that you've written a new article. I just hate to see a 49 by one of my articles - its like failing, but without making a bad grade... any help?

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image80
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have added more text to some of my lower rated hubs and that seems to help a bit. You also have to try and drum up some traffic for your lower rated hubs.

  2. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    It's not Hubbers that you want to reach.  Hubbers aren't likely to click on your ads, and therefore you rarely make money from Hubbers reading them.  What you want is search engine traffic - people finding your article on Google etc.

  3. Lissie profile image74
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    OP none of your hubs are under 50 now: it takes about 12 hours or so for a new hub to get a real hubscore. Your hubs are pretty short - 700+ words will give you a better score.  Id add a relevant news feed or EBay listings to automatically update your hubs too or they will gradually drop in score as they get old and arent updated. 
    Heres a hint fans are automatically emailed every new hub u write.  At the end of the day though organic traffic is the key - they are the people who will earn you  money and improve your hubscore.  BTW my highest scoring hubs are usually not my best earners!

  4. AdsenseStrategies profile image63
    AdsenseStrategiesposted 15 years ago

    Here are some tricks for scoring higher on Google. One of my hubs is on page one of Google for two or three keyword phrases.

    Decide on a keyword phrase that is something people (on the Web) are looking for, by using this tool: (What you are looking for is high search volume versus low competition for that keyword phrase).

    If you can manage it, put this phrase in the beginning and end of every paragraph; make sure it is in all titles and subcaptions.

    Try and have the phrase in bold and in italics.

    Subscribe to your own Hubpages feed, and put this feed in an Add Feed module on each of your hubs, so that all of your hubs are linked to all of your other hubs, and so that, as you add hubs, hub blurbs are automatically added to your other hub articles.

    Sign up for , then sign up for , and create a feed there using your Hub feed.

    Make sure you use the green Share It button at the bottom of your hubs.

    Check out my profile for more tips :-)

    Hope this helps!

    1. Catherine Behan profile image61
      Catherine Behanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Great ideas...thanks!

    2. Eric Graudins profile image60
      Eric Graudinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Just be careful with this advice.
      The keywords are certainly important in the title, description, and a heading or two. A couple of mentions in the text are quite OK too.

      If you overuse the keywords, your page will be downgraded for "keyword stuffing".

      Just write your pages in a natural way - as you would speak.
      Artificially plugging in your keyword phrase everywhere was good advice a few years ago, but Google is a lot smarter now.

      It uses a technology callled LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) to identify the subject matter of a page, by analysing the other words that are used on the page.

      For example, to help determine that a page was actually about golfing, google would look for words like "driver, course, caddy, golf cart, tee, golfball, green, putter, etc. etc.
      These related words would be also used in determining how well your page rated.

      1. Lissie profile image74
        Lissieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I agree Eric :I use the rule of thumb I learnt somewhere: use the kw in your title, a couple of times in your first paragraph or 2 and in your last paragraph: this was specifically for short 500 word odd articles so I guess you could add a few more in a hub :but remember your tags get counted in the content too.

  5. embitca profile image82
    embitcaposted 15 years ago

    My favorite trick for getting a higher hubscore as soon as I hit publish is to sit on the url for a couple of days. Usually the hubpages is at 50 when I reserve the url. Then over the next few days it generally moves upwards. Sometimes it is in the 60s before I get around to actually finishing and publishing the hub.

    I don't think it makes any difference to search engine traffic, but it is a nice psychological boost.

    1. crashcromwell profile image66
      crashcromwellposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know what you mean. I started writing a hub a couple days ago, but got sidetracked by other projects. I still haven't gotten around to publishing this hub, and the score is rising. Go figure.

      I've read some well-written hubs on how to improve your hub score, but to be honest, I haven't found a rhyme or reason behind why certain hubs are increasing and others are not. I've had hubs go from a score of like 85 in the afternoon to the low 70s at night. I don't get it.

      Jim Henry

      1. Inspirepub profile image73
        Inspirepubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Jason told me that "minor variations" of 10 points in a score are completely normal.


  6. ProCW profile image79
    ProCWposted 15 years ago

    Many great ideas so far. Keep on posting and helping out your fellow hubbers. smile

  7. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Great advice, thx from me, too.

  8. Bard of Ely profile image80
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Lots of excellent advice in this thread! I am learning a lot here as I go along!

  9. Dorsi profile image88
    Dorsiposted 15 years ago

    I have been experimenting with different ways of bringing in traffic- one of the things that I did on my conspiracy hub is post a thread at one of the conspiracy forums that I frequent and I've had over 400 people look at my article from there. ( I am a fairly active member there though)
    If you belong to any forums that have to do with the subject of your hub try posting it out so your friends can read it- this is a good way to promote your hubs and build your reputation too.

  10. ProCW profile image79
    ProCWposted 15 years ago

    OK. Here's the summary of what I've gotten from you all so far.

    ProCW: ...

    Marisa Wright: Shouldn't reach hubbers; they don't click ads. Want search engine traffic.

    Uninvited Writer: Add more text to lower rated hubs. Drum traffic for lower-rated hubs.

    Lissie: OP (Original Poster? (Me?? haha - did i figure that out right?)) 12 hours or so gets real hubscore. 700+ words = better score. Add relevant news feeds or Ebay listings or they'll gradually drop in score. Fans get an e-mail regarding hubs that you write. Organic traffic is the key. Highest scores don't always = best earners.

    AdsenseStrategies: Scoring higher on Google. Use "seeked" keyword phrases with a low volume of results. Put keyword phrase in beginning and end of every paragraph. Keyword phrase in bold and italics. Subscribe to your own feeds. Link all hubs to each other via feed module. Sign up for and and create feed from hub feed. Use green "Share It" button. (See Eric below.)

    Catherine Behan: ...

    embitca: Sit on the url for a few days. (Wait.) Finish and then publish. Likes psychological boosts.

    ProCW: ...

    crashcromwell: Gets sidetracked and hasn't found the "rhyme or reason" yet. Says that hub scores fluctuate from 85 to 70 / afternoon to night.

    Shirley Anderson: ...

    Inspirepub: Apparently variations in scores are normal.

    Eric Graudins: Be careful. Keywords are important in title, description and 1-2 headings. 2 mentions in the body, okay. Write naturally (speech-like.) Google is smart now. It uses LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing.)

    Lissie: (added to Eric) Keyword in title. 2 times in first paragraph 2 in last paragraph (for ~500 articles. Could add more in a hub. Tags get counted in content.

    Bard of Ely: ...

    Dorsi: Post links to them on related forums for friends to read. Network with people.

    I hope this sums up what has been said so far. Thank you for your advice and please continue helping your fellow hubbers. Maybe you'll learn something here too! (When I put a "..." by a poster's name, that doesn't mean a hesitation, or interruption. Within this post it means something like a "thank you" or an "i learned something from that" - of sorts.)

    Have a great day! smile


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