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Audreana (audreana71)

Joined 15 years ago from WV

  • 44
  • 30
  • 4
  • Gaslighting 101

    Gaslighting 101

    12 months ago

  • Nigeria's Recent Disaster

    Nigeria's Recent Disaster

    12 years ago

    Today- Sunday, June 3rd, 2012- a commercial airliner plowed into an apartment building in a residential area of Lagos, Nigeria. The plane was reportedly carrying at least 153 passengers. The Dana Air flight, traveling from Abuja to Lagos crashed in...

  • Teaching our Children Compassion Toward Others

    Teaching our Children Compassion Toward Others

    12 years ago

    Like most characteristics we develop, compassion is one we have to be taught. Not only must we be taught how to be compassionate and how to treat others this way, but we must do so through the actions of the ones who care for us... usually, our...

  • I Don't Wanna Go Back

    I Don't Wanna Go Back

    13 years ago

     Despite what many people believe, victims of domestic violence do not typically want to return to an abusive partner or spouse. There are many reasons why they do, however... some of which you may not be aware of. To properly understand these...

  • K2 Herb: The New Marijuana?

    K2 Herb: The New Marijuana?

    13 years ago

    Also known as "Mr. Smiley" and "Spice," to those familiar with the herb, K2's ingredients are virtually unknown. That, in itself, ought to be enough to dissuade people from using it. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Foreign companies...

  • At Death's Door

    At Death's Door

    13 years ago

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be standing at death's door? It's not something most of us want to consider, but... at some point in our lives, we must. If we have spouses or children, this is something we do consider from time to...

  • To Build or Not to Build: A Mosque near Ground Zero

    To Build or Not to Build: A Mosque near Ground Zero

    13 years ago

    What is really at the heart of the debate between the Muslim community and those who do not think they should build a mosque near Ground Zero? Do we even know, ourselves, how we feel about this, and if so... why? We need to ask ourselves one...

  • Illegal Immigration: The U.S. Dilemma

    Illegal Immigration: The U.S. Dilemma

    14 years ago

    Before I begin, I just want to say... I am for EVERYONE being "legal." That said... there are ways to go about it that our government knows nothing about. To begin with, I do not recall anywhere within the pages of the bible Jehovah God and his...

  • Handy Tips Everyone Should Know

    Handy Tips Everyone Should Know

    14 years ago

    This is a topic that can grow like wild fire! Books have been written on the subject. Experts, as well as those who are not, have much to offer on the subject. There are so many, different tips, hints, ideas and opinions out there. These are some I...

  • The Hanging Place

    The Hanging Place

    14 years ago

    Recently, in our local newspaper, there was a small story at the bottom of page one. Evidentally, the president of our local historical society is spearheading the memorialization of a piece of land where we live. The reason for the memorial is to...

  • The Truth Factor

    The Truth Factor

    14 years ago

    When given the choice between knowing the truth and being faced with a lie, wouldn't you choose to know the truth about a matter? Most healthy, intelligent human beings would. Despite that fact, there are still those who knowingly, and willingly,...

  • Little-known secrets about Bipolar Disorder

    Little-known secrets about Bipolar Disorder

    14 years ago

    Bipolar Disorder. What do people think about when they read those two words? Crazy? Nutcase? Unstable? Those are probably just a few of the words that come to mind. The truth of the matter, is... people who suffer from bipolar disorder are no more...

  • Souvenirs: authentic or cheesy?

    Souvenirs: authentic or cheesy?

    14 years ago

    I'm sure we've all gotten them, at one time or another. Just the thought of entering a shop, filled with the goodies, is all we adults need to run the other way! I'm talking about souvenirs... snow globes you just loved to shake and turn upside...

  • Tiny Little Pieces of Me

    Tiny Little Pieces of Me

    14 years ago

     Shattered little pieces, shards of broken glass falling, tumbling to the floor Scattered over cracks and crevices what purpose am I here for? Teeny-tiny pieces of a splintered, broken heart all alone, isolated, dying a slow death I...

  • What is God's True Name?

    What is God's True Name?

    14 years ago

    Did you realize God has a personal name? Like your name may be Kendra, my cat's name is Snowy and my grandmother's Irene... God, too, has a name we can call him! God's true, personal name is Jehovah. Proof of that fact can be found in your bible at...

  • How to Get Free Stuff with Minimal Effort

    How to Get Free Stuff with Minimal Effort

    15 years ago

    How do you get things without having to pay for them? No... nothing criminal! Something legal... very legal, and it's not very difficult to do. If anything, it takes time. This, you will find, is time very well worth your while. I'm talking about...

  • The 20th High School Reunion

    The 20th High School Reunion

    15 years ago

    I can't believe the time has come. We have been out of school some 20 years! Tonight is our class' 20-yr. high school class reunion. It took some chiding, along with some self-motivation, to bring it all together, but... in the end, the plans were...

  • Where Will All the Horses Go

    Where Will All the Horses Go

    15 years ago

    The government's Bureau of Land Management has a plan for what they will do with horses without homes: kill them! According to the bureau, there are an estimated 33,000 homeless horses that are roaming around, due to the animals' overpopulation....

  • The Way I Feel

    The Way I Feel

    15 years ago

     When I hear your loving voice, when around the corner your face peers,            The way I feel is giddy, happy, silly, relieved. When we're apart and mourning such, I feel a sadness creep inside           The way I'm...

  • Famous Multiracial People

    Famous Multiracial People

    15 years ago

     Despite what many people believe, there are thousands, if not millions, of multiracial people in the world. Of these, just a fraction of those people are famous people... people whose names and faces we see regularly on t.v., in movies and those...

  • Michael Joseph Jackson: Musical Icon, Humanitarian Legend

    Michael Joseph Jackson: Musical Icon, Humanitarian Legend

    15 years ago

     The day was August 29, 1958. The place was Gary, Indiana. The seventh of nine children born, to Joseph and Katherine Jackson, Michael was special from the beginning. As Michael grew, he began to show a keen interest in music. His mother instilled...

  • Angels Among Us

    Angels Among Us

    15 years ago

     How many times have we walked down the street, sat in a restaurant, waited in line at the grocery store, or waited our turn at the doctor's office... only to have some complete stranger show us a random act of kindness? I know, I've experienced...

  • Parenting: More Difficult for Some than for Others

    Parenting: More Difficult for Some than for Others

    7 years ago

    Parenting... it's a difficult task. Children don't come with manuals or handbooks, telling parents what to do. Most of the time, we parent based on how we were raised. On the other hand, if we were raised in a...

  • An Old Adage

    An Old Adage

    15 years ago

    I'm sure many of you will recall the old adage that goes something like this... "Out with the Old, In with the New!" I thought you might;) Recently, I've truly put the adage to work! Before we moved, I actually got rid of quite a few things......

  • The Joys of Eating an Ice-Cream Cone

    The Joys of Eating an Ice-Cream Cone

    7 years ago

    It's now summer! Time to shed those winter clothes, break out the shorts, short-sleeved and sleeveless shirts, flip-flops and sandals. Time for swimming and playing ball, playing with your friends or sitting...

  • The Corn Crib

    The Corn Crib

    15 years ago

    Back on the farm, there was always this small, wooden structure with gaps in between each sideboard. Mom and dad called it "the corn crib," not that I ever really understood what that meant. All I knew was, it was part-full of old tools, gadgets and...

  • Sleep Deprivation and How it Affects Us

    Sleep Deprivation and How it Affects Us

    15 years ago

     There are many things that are vital to our overall health. One of those things, is... sleep. Many of us know that, it is recommended we get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. We realize that we need sleep in order for our bodies to function...

  • Customer Service: How to Get the Most Out of It

    Customer Service: How to Get the Most Out of It

    15 years ago

    Good customer service used to be something you could count on. As things have changed over the years (standards, people, society, etc.), though, the art of good customer service is a fleeting concept. What, exactly, is customer service? It's an...

  • A Day in the Life of a Teenager

    A Day in the Life of a Teenager

    15 years ago

    What is a day in the life of a teenager like? Well... we were all teens once, so I could tell my "story;" however, it would be so much more fun to tell that of my teenage son! Monday through Friday, he gets up (at the last, possible minute- of...

  • Are Humans Interfering with God's Work?

    Are Humans Interfering with God's Work?

    15 years ago

    So, I was reading the paper yesterday and came across this story. It was about some university doing genetic testing through an experiment, using an animal. By animal, I do not mean rodent, although, technically, rodents are animals, too. I can't...

  • Pink Elephants

    Pink Elephants

    15 years ago

     When I was just a young child, my mother taught me a very valuable lesson... one I carry with me to this very day. The lesson related to a common childhood occurance... fear. One night, I had a bad dream. I'm not sure what the dream was about,...

  • Do you fear death?

    Do you fear death?

    15 years ago

    Death is a subject many people fear. Maybe it's because they don't know much about it. They might relate death to pain and suffering. If we are to be comfortable with the idea of death, then we must first know more about it. Death is a very...

  • How to Get Respect

    How to Get Respect

    15 years ago

    How does one go about getting respect? I was taught, as a child, that... in order to get respect, you have to, first, give respect. I've had people ask me, though, how does a child learn to respect someone? Of course, it's by seeing someone...

  • One Chicken: Five Meals

    One Chicken: Five Meals

    15 years ago

    We've all heard those claims, where someone says something like, "I made 3 meals from one piece of meat," or something to that effect. I have seen it done on some of the cooking shows on t.v., but it usually involves some grocery shopping for...

  • What you need in order to cook successfully

    What you need in order to cook successfully

    15 years ago

    Most people have it in their minds that cooking is something you're born with... like fingers and toes;) It's true... cooking is an art, a skill; however, it's not something anyone couldn't learn to do. Most people learn to cook at the feet of...

  • Justice and Wisdom

    Justice and Wisdom

    15 years ago

    Why isn't life fair? This is a question I posed to a friend, following a difficult time in my life. You know what she said to me? "Life isn't fair! FaRe is only for buses and trains!" Of course, I looked at her as if she just landed her spaceship on...

  • Soul Food: The Healthy Way/Oven-Fried Catfish with Tartar Sauce

    Soul Food: The Healthy Way/Oven-Fried Catfish with Tartar Sauce

    15 years ago

    Ingredients: vegetable oil spray 1/3 c. cornmeal 2 T. whole wheat flour 1 t. cajun seasoning 1 t. paprika 1 t. garlic powder 1/4 t. black pepper 1/4 c. fat-free buttermilk 1 t. fresh lemon juice 4 catfish fillets (about 4 oz....

  • Hate Crimes and Why They're an Issue

    Hate Crimes and Why They're an Issue

    15 years ago

     I want to begin by saying, this is a subject that is close to my heart... as, I have family members who are multiracial. That said, the motivation for this article goes a bit deeper. I received an e-mail this morning from a human rights...

  • Misconceptions of a Faith

    Misconceptions of a Faith

    15 years ago

    I grew up in a dual-religion household. My mother came from a strict Catholic background, while my father was raised in a Methodist home. Religion, in our home, was strange. We didn't talk much about it at home, but I knew, come Sunday morning, I'd...

  • The Farm

    The Farm

    15 years ago

    Growing up, we lived on part of what was once my grandparent's farm. Our home/land was actually given to my mom and dad, from dad's parents, as a wedding gift. The part we consider the farm, though, was where Grandpa and Grandma lived... in the "big...

  • Guys: How to get a girl to be your girlfriend!

    Guys: How to get a girl to be your girlfriend!

    15 years ago

     Hey, all you single men out there! Wouldn't you like to know how women feel, what they think and what they'd like from you... in order for you to succeed in making them "your girl?" Well... here you have it! Straight from a girl, herself;) The...

  • We are not defined by our illness!

    We are not defined by our illness!

    15 years ago

     It's only been about four months now, since I was correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Prior to this diagnosis, I had been dianosed as having clinical depression. Now, it is bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I did...

  • Frugal Shopping

    Frugal Shopping

    15 years ago

     This is the time that many people wonder how they can minimize their financial output and retain some of what they earn. One way to do this, is by minimizing what you spend on the things you buy. For instance... most people have to go to the...

  • Questions to Ponder

    Questions to Ponder

    15 years ago

     I have a few things that have been on my mind... things some people may wonder about. Why is it, just when things start gettin' good, the evil starts creepin' in again? Why are men so CLUELESS sometimes? Why do people (especially those who...


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