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Joined 16 years ago

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    Poems About Winter

    22 months ago

    Poems about winter are a fun and calming selection of winter verse, to help you enjoy the different aspects of the winter season. Like...Today I awoke to my U.S. National Weather Service report on my iPhone. 3 degrees it read. With disapproval, I didn't shake my head. But I crafted a grin instead...

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    7 Funny Christmas Poems for Kids

    22 months ago

    Snowflakes help me grow! I need the winter snow. I need the winter snow. 'Cause snowflakes help me grow! All suited up from head to toe, I'm ready, I'm ready. Outside, outside I must go, waiting patiently for my snow!...

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    Winter Poems for Kids

    6 years ago

    Winter poems for kids are great, fun, happy expressions about our coldest season of the year. Winter is a fun time for enjoying many games, events and experiences that only this time of the year brings. Winter poems for kids can be shared with others, enjoyed in a classroom setting, a program...

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    10 Funny Ways to Say Grace Before Meals

    10 months ago

    These 10 funny prayers to show thanks for your food can be used for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, or any other meal! Share these humorous prayers for breakfast, lunch, brunch, or dinner.

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    Red Hat

    6 years ago

    Red Hat is a fun hub with poems about... you guessed it, red hats. Wearing hats to club meetings, church services, outings, parties... can add such fun and style to your life and wardrobe. I know. I've done it and I do it. The power of the color red is amazing. Wear a red hat and enjoy the sparks.

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    Morning Prayer

    5 years ago

    Saying a morning prayer can be a great uplifting beginning to your day. It is a healthy habit that many people respect and look forward to. Here are several prayers to chose from that might fit your situation. A morning prayer can be short or long. The length does not matter. It's the sincerity...

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    Prayers to Say Before Bed

    5 years ago

    Prayers to say before bed are extremely important expressions. Prayers can certainly help you sleep better by releasing stress and tensions of the day through your spoken words or thoughts. Here are several prayers to say before bed. They encompass a variety of situations you might incur...

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    A Prayer for My Daughter

    3 years ago

    If you have a girl child and believe in prayer, A Prayer For My Daughter is an opportunity to share a few prayers with you for her. Attitude changes, new friends, leaving the nest, every day life and more calls for a prayer for my daughter. Love, protection, happiness, her well being...

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    Happy Easter Poems For Children

    6 years ago

    Happy Easter poems for children are fun to read to your children or have them read or recite to you. These poems are great for school, church, home, any Easter party or just reading enjoyment...

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    Easter Egg Poems

    5 years ago

    Reciting or reading Easter egg poems is a fun way to help you and your children enjoy and remember this special holiday for years to come. Dying Easter eggs together, playing fun games...

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    Christian Easter Poems for Children

    6 years ago

    Christian Easter poems for children will give each young person a chance to use their memory skills and gain public speaking experience in a fun way. They also learn to work together successfully...

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    Easter Prayers Before Meals

    5 years ago

    Easter prayers before meals are a respected tradition throughout many American homes during this Easter holiday season. Thanking God for the smallest of food served to the most elaborate dinner...

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    3 Christian Christmas Poems

    22 months ago

    I am the spirit of Christmas-time, when all should gladness be. I am the light that you see shining upon each Christmas tree. I am the thought that brings each gift from ones we hold so dear. I am the good that permeates the...

  • A Few Thanksgiving Prayers Before Meals

    A Few Thanksgiving Prayers Before Meals

    5 years ago

    Giving thanks to God in your Thanksgiving prayers before meals only takes a few minutes to express. Yet they can mean so much to a few or a multitude. Here are a few Thanksgiving prayers for you...

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    12 Thanksgiving Prayer Selections

    2 years ago

    This Thanksgiving prayer selection is perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. Prayer before breakfast, lunch, brunch, or any occasion is always appropriate. These are easy to read and memorize.

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    12 Christian Prayer Selections for Saying Grace Before a Meal

    2 years ago

    Saying grace before meals is a great way to incorporate faith into your day-to-day routine. Here are 12 prayer selections that are perfect for mealtime.

  • A Few Break Up Poems Funny

    A Few Break Up Poems Funny

    6 years ago

    I find it quite exasperating to constantly tell you no more, I won't be coming over to sit upon the chair, to watch you pop the remote and complain about me not being there, To hear you tell me how much you love me and how much...

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    A Few Christmas Christian Prayers

    22 months ago

    God bless you on this Christmas Day With happiness supreme And may you gather all the gifts Of which you ever dream May all your friends remember you With sentiment sincere To add a world of pleasure and To multiply your...

  • A Christmas Poem

    A Christmas Poem

    5 years ago

    As the wise men gave gifts to Christ we give them to each other, Let us not get so involved with the cost of the present, but remember we should be showing and giving love to one another, Take pride in the little things they often...

  • A Few Kids Poems About Snow

    A Few Kids Poems About Snow

    22 months ago

    I stood on winter's doorstep 'Twas just the other day; I felt her frosty fingers And skies above were gray. Just then the tiny snowflakes, Such dainty, fragile things Came slowly drifting earthward, Borne there on icy wings. I caught...

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    A Few Poems About Snow

    22 months ago

    They say the snow is white, But he who says so has only partial sight. For snow is blue In the wint'ry woods, In shadow of pine and yew, And snow is pink in the setting sun, With flecks of gold, I think. A lilac trend it seems...

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    A Few Christian Christmas Poems

    22 months ago

    I wonder on that Christmas night   How many passers-by Beheld that strange and lustrous light    In Bethlehem's patch of sky? We know how the shepherds chanced to be    Unto the stable sent, But did that star some rich man see    And...

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    12 Poems for Kids About Christmas

    22 months ago

    Christmas is one of the most favorite times of the year for our children. Attending parades, plays, dinners, Christmas programs and activities is so much fun and keeps us all in a festive holiday mood. It is so nice to reminisce about past...

  • A Few Pumpkin Poems for Kids

    A Few Pumpkin Poems for Kids

    5 years ago

    First I picked a pumpkin, Round and solid gold, Then I cut the top off And the seeds I did unmold. Next I made two little eyes That twinkled in the night, And then I cut a funny nose... It must be placed just right. Now he...

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    Easter Christian Poetry

    5 years ago

    Christians celebrate Easter as the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. In honor of this special occasion many Easter prayers and poems are shared on this day. Here is some of my favorite Easter Christian poetry for your enjoyment and...

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    Easter Christian Poems for Children

    2 years ago

    These poems are for young elementary school-aged children. They are fun, expressive, and enjoyable. We have used them and so many others throughout the years. Please feel free to use them in your Easter Christian Poems for Children program.

  • Onomatopoeia Poetry About Peace And Happiness

    Onomatopoeia Poetry About Peace And Happiness

    13 years ago

    Thanks for your request. Here are a few onomatopoeia poems about peace and happiness I hope you enjoy them. Let me know. The onomatopoeia words are in italics and underlined. From the purr of my kitten I find peace In a world full of...

  • 7 Funny Christmas Poems

    7 Funny Christmas Poems

    22 months ago

      I DID not know she'd take it so,    Or else I'd never dared; Although the bliss was worth the blow, I did not know she'd take it so. She stood beneath the mistletoe So long I thought she cared; I did not know she'd take it so, ...

  • 7 Christmas Eve Poems I Like

    7 Christmas Eve Poems I Like

    22 months ago

      Christmas Eve Has Returned, Inspiring Santas Throughout the land, Making last minute lists, As fast as they can, Spreading Joy, Love, Peace and Cheer Everlasting memories, Holiday fun, Vowing to shop much earlier next year,...

  • A Fast Easy Taste So Good Pumpkin Pie Recipe

    A Fast Easy Taste So Good Pumpkin Pie Recipe

    5 years ago

    3/4 cups sugar Pinch of salt 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground cloves 1/2 tsp ground ginger 2 medium eggs 1 15 oz. or 16 oz. can of 100% Pure pumpkin (I like Spartan or Libby's brands) 3/4 cup 2% milk 1 cup of walnuts (optional) ...

  • Christmas Poems About Mother

    Christmas Poems About Mother

    5 years ago

      She's beautiful as an ornament Upon a Christmas tree, Her love for us throughout the years No measure there could be.   Her song to us continuously, Like a colorful mother bird upon a holly tree In magical Christmas time....

  • 12 Prayers To Show Thanks For Your Food

    12 Prayers To Show Thanks For Your Food

    5 years ago

      Our Father in Heaven, We give thanks for the pleasure Of gathering together for this occasion. We give thanks for this food Prepared by loving hands. We give thanks for life, The freedom to enjoy it all And all other blessings. ...

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    A Few Christian Halloween Poems

    5 years ago

      Hallelujah God is Mighty! Awesome pinnacular Power is He. Love He's given to you, Life everlasting, forever free, Only, say yes, to Him. Wear His armour daily Everywhere you go Enrich your life immensely, for a Never ending...

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    A Few Christian Poems About Winter

    14 years ago

    A Winter's portrait, so bountiful, Nature's gift indeed... Though lurking are the lifeless flowers Returned to earth as seed. All sacred gifts sent unto us Are made by God's own hands - And always, they are precious...

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    A Few Christian Poems About Spring

    5 years ago

      OH, give us pleasure in the flowers today; And give us not to think so far away As the uncertain harvest; keep us here All simply in the springing of the year.   Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white, Like nothing else by day,...

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    A Few Halloween Pumpkin Poems

    5 years ago

      When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock, And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock, And the clackin' of the guineys and the cluckin' of the hens, And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on...

  • A Few Halloween Pumpkin Poems For Kids

    A Few Halloween Pumpkin Poems For Kids

    5 years ago

      The stranger in the pumpkin said: "It's all dark inside your head. What a dullard you must be! Without light how can you see? Don't you know that heads should shine From deep inside themselves - like mine? Well, don't stand there...

  • Halloween Poetry for Children

    Halloween Poetry for Children

    5 years ago

    Halloween is another one of my favorite times of the year. Our house has always been a fun- filled spooky, decorated, hilarious, big party during this season. With such a big family from newborn to adult, each Halloween corner of the house and...

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    Poems For Christmas Eve For Kids

    7 years ago

      It's Christmas, you know, Fiametta-- At least it's the night just before. Father Christmas is due, Let me whisper to you. He doesn't come in at the door.   He doesn't come in at the window; His ways a more wonderful way; ...

  • Christian Christmas Poetry I Like

    Christian Christmas Poetry I Like

    22 months ago

      As I in hoary winter's night stood shivering in the snow, Surprised I was with sudden heat which made my heart to glow; And lifting up a fearful eye to view what fire was near, A pretty babe all burning bright did in the air appear; ...

  • A Few Halloween Witch Poems

    A Few Halloween Witch Poems

    5 years ago

    Halloween would not be complete without sharing a few Halloween witch poems. Brew up a witches' spell with our first selection. Shakespeare's poetry has long been enjoyed by millions, and we're sure you will enjoy it too. You can dress up like a...

  • Spooky Halloween Poems for Kids

    Spooky Halloween Poems for Kids

    5 years ago

      There's a house upon the hilltop We will not go inside For that is where the witches live, Where ghosts and goblins hide.   Tonight they have their party, All the lights are burning bright, But oh we will not go inside The...

  • Mom Read Me A Christmas Poem

    Mom Read Me A Christmas Poem

    5 years ago

    Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the carols, the snow, the cold wind blowing,  hot cocoa with tiny marshmellows, pumpkin pie, figgy pudding, decorating the christmas tree, the presents, the family and...

  • 4 Old Christmas Poems I Like

    4 Old Christmas Poems I Like

    22 months ago

      I love old century poets. The words they used and thier expressions have always excited my senses. I've always enjoyed reading their works and just putting myself in that place and time. Here are selections from the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th...

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    12 Funny Prayers to Show Thanks for Your Food

    10 months ago

    These 12 funny prayers can be used as an Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas prayer, or for regular prayers before meals.

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    7 Christian Poems for a Daughter

    6 years ago

    Your body is a Temple, Keep it clean, In and out, From drugs, porn, Lust and sex, Jesus Christ is what it's all about! Tell the guy, NO! Into your body, He cannot go, No fornication, No masterbation, ...

  • Examples of Onomatopoeia Poetry

    Examples of Onomatopoeia Poetry

    13 years ago

    onomatopoeia is pronounced (on-o-mat-o-pe'-a) Function: noun 1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss) 2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense on-o-mato-poe-ic...

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    7 Christian Poems For A Son

    5 years ago

      Life is like a chess game, With each move, Move closer to Him, Plan your strategies Take your time, Truly, Your eternal life, Is on the line.   Enjoy yourself along the way, Be happy in His happiness, Each day, For once...

  • A Few Great Gifts For Father's

    A Few Great Gifts For Father's

    5 years ago

    I can remember the gifts we use to give our dad when we were kids. A can of tobacco because he really loved to roll his cigarettes, cologne, a tie, and or a shirt. He never complained. He gave us a hug and a smile and we knew he was happy. Well as...

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    A Few Father's Day Poems From Kids Without Dad's

    5 years ago

      All Father's Day poetry isn't sweet and cute. In a world that faces many problems, and many obstacles, sometimes people get hurt and many times it's the children.  Here we share with you a few selections from the hearts and minds of some kids...

  • A Funny Fathers Day Poem

    A Funny Fathers Day Poem

    5 years ago

    I've been collecting poetry since I was a child. I was always taught that laughter was the best medicine. So when I run across a funny poem, I cherise it. Many times I will copy the poem so I can add it to my scrapbook of poetry. I found a funny...

  • A Few Inspirational Poems for Dad

    A Few Inspirational Poems for Dad

    5 years ago

    Poems of love and encouragement for Dad on Father's Day or any occasion. A nice way to show your love and appreciation to the man or men in your life is to express your feelings through poetry.. Edgar A. Guest is one of my favorite poets. Here...

  • 100 Word Examples of Onomatopoeia

    100 Word Examples of Onomatopoeia

    5 years ago

    In the Bat Man movies and TV series, when Robin and Bat Man would fight their enemies, onomatopoeia words would be used to express their actions. Words like: KABOOM, BANG, POW, WHACK, WHAM, BOINK, POP... would be shown on the screen.   ...

  • Fathers Day Poems Funny

    Fathers Day Poems Funny

    5 years ago

    Fathers Day is a great time to stop and tell dad you love him. Whether he is in your home, or lives out of town, or out of the country, your dad will appreciate a few words of love and laughter on this his special day. Here's a few funny Fathers...

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    5 years ago

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    Daughter to Father Poem

    4 months ago

    Thanks for the keys, To the car Dad. I filled the tank back up. I stopped and had it washed and waxed. Didn't spill any pop inside from my cup. All eyes were definetly on me today. As I rode around doing errands, To...

  • Mothers Day Poems I Love

    Mothers Day Poems I Love

    5 years ago

    Even as a child, I've always enjoyed poetry. It is such a great way to express yourself, and your feelings for others. Here are a few Mothers Day poems I love. Hope you enjoy them too.  Her love is like an island In life's ocean, vast and...



    5 years ago

    Mother's day is celebrated in many ways. It is true that children share extra special words of love with their mother on this special day, but many husbands celebrate this day as well with their wives or children's mother. These poems are...

  • A Funny Mothers Day Poem

    A Funny Mothers Day Poem

    5 years ago

    I ran across this poem in one of my old scrapbooks in the attic. I have always enjoyed good humorous poetry, and I like it when I run across a poem I haven't read in years. It brings back a lot of good memories. There are so many ways a child...

  • Poems for Mother's Day for Kids

    Poems for Mother's Day for Kids

    6 years ago

    Throughout the years I have worked with many youth groups in different organizations. The youth have ranged in ages from preschool to high school. We have performed countless Mother's Day plays and programs. There is allways a parent that feels...

  • Christian Poem for Mother's Day

    Christian Poem for Mother's Day

    5 years ago

    Mother's Day is one of my favorite times of the year. It's a time when we get to show extra appreciation to that special woman or women in our lives. She may be a mother, grandmother, aunt, adoptive parent, or just a super special woman who has been...



    5 years ago

    What do you do with those leftover Easter eggs? If your house is anything like ours, usually there are not too many eggs leftover. We dye Easter eggs, have Easter egg hunts, play Easter egg games and the tastiest treat of all we eat the Easter eggs....

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    12 Ways to Keep Your Husband Happy

    16 months ago

    This article discusses 12 simple ways you can help to keep your husband happy. Nobody likes a grouchy husband! Read on for practical advice and examples.

  • 12 Ways To Keep Your Wife Happy

    12 Ways To Keep Your Wife Happy

    3 years ago

    1- Send her ~ daisies, amarryllis, gardenias, bird of paradise, mums, carnations, hyacinths, kangaroo paw, lilacs or just some pretty colorful flowers from your neighbors yard (with their permission of course). For an extra special touch send these...

  • 12 Ways to Make People Happy the President Obama Way

    12 Ways to Make People Happy the President Obama Way

    2 years ago

    President Obama might say Hau'oli, 'oli' oli (which means happiness) in his Hawaiian language. Whether spoken as felicidad (Spanish), gluck (German), shiawase (Japenese), Bonheur (French), or Anandu (Hindu), everyone wants, needs and is looking for...


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