The critical mass of influence within any group of people occurs when 25% of the persons involved begin to act differently - for better or for worse.
As a layperson’s mind meanders randomly through the famed biblical episode of the destruction of the Tower of Babel, that tale easily passes as a metaphor for the state of our global community.
How to achieve religious congruence when it requires a match between one’s image of self (our public face) and one’s ideal self (the sort of person we would like to be)
Self-knowledge is the key to self-control and, as the ancient expression originating from a Latin proverb states, forewarned is forearmed.
As most uniform codes, religious dress codes focus on the concepts of personal anonymity and non-distraction of others. That is, non-distraction from the focus of prayer when inside a place of worship
The unabashed purpose of fashion is still to place women in constant sexposition – that is, positioned as props intended to be sexually relevant in the background of otherwise mundane situations.
The majority of us, men and women, have been asleep in our kitchens, at our desks, in staff rooms, in hallways, on church pews and synagogue benches. On prayer rugs and while chanting our mantras.
When it comes to child abuse in our homes or child abuse within the Catholic church or within any religion-led assembly around the globe, does anyone ever ask whether the latest perpetrator ...
Any compliant act that puts at risk the physical and emotional well-being of a child can but attract weighty karma of the darkest kind.
It seems as if a blindfold had suddenly been removed from collective eyes. The west, rightly so, is writhing uncomfortably. How can the amplitude of our homegrown complacency come as such a surprise?
Male fashion dictators have seldom considered Woman as a beholder of note when, era after era, they have collaborated to keep Man under wraps - from neck to toe.
The ancient art of make-up and manicure keeps being revived and remixed by industries that are still mostly led by men.
Can we, perhaps, decide to say a massive No More to fashion designed by either men or women for the benefit of men’s ingrained attraction to breasts and all that, in their mind, sexes them up?
Isn’t it a bit odd that we cannot enjoy the fruit of our efforts as we urge men, colleagues, classmates and so on, to not comment on any woman's appearance, and particularly not our own?
A most damning, subjective social reality is so deeply rooted in our psyche that it still trumps all strategies currently in place to make our society a fair arena for ‘the fairer’ and ‘weaker’ sex.
Why to this day, despite his inherent height and muscle advantage, Man has relied on his wardrobe to give him the enhanced masculine edge he feels he needs to boost his natural endowments.
In the ‘70s, Charlotte Whitton, a Canadian feminist coined the catch-cry: Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. In which ways has that situation evolved?
How much are we willing to alter our Modus Operandi, our energetic vibrations, the energy we bring into our thoughts and interactions - while we wait for others to step up?
Depending on where in the world we live, quite a few generations have enjoyed a lifetime of ‘plenty’ and ‘liberty’, even plenty of liberty – and today, more than ever before.
Experts tell us that a genuine sign of intelligence is not the type of qualification that is framed on our wall, but knowing that we are 100% absolutely in tune with each of the aspects of our life.
From womb to grave, Man’s greatest weakness is his dependence on Woman, the one he has always labelled ‘weak’.
For many, such a calibre of enduring international recognition as that of the Williams sisters is proof that we can become the empowered, self-sufficient masters of our destiny.
In this epistle, Paul wrote: Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Medical science confirms the biblical narrative of Creation in the sense that the brain and body of male and female foetuses undergo the same chemical engineering .
The feminist theorist, Dr Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman, said: ‘Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power.’
Are astronauts and the related mega-billion dollar industry REALLY essential for anything REALLY vital to our personal well-being and therefore to our well-being as a civilisation?
Since keys and locks appeared in ancient Egypt and Assyria, Man has gone to great lengths to keep himself as well as his compassionate heart behind locked gates in a bid to protect himself and ...
Spontaneous peaceful deconstructing of the status-quo followed by bold reconstructing is an invigorating proof of growth in any industry - in any nook and cranny of any society.
Regardless of gender and age, there is nothing we say or do that is free of energetic ripples that, in the fullness of time, create the emotional and physical outcomes of our day-to-day.
When it comes to androgyny of the mind, there is a lot more to think about beyond gender ambiguity. Though most of us are quite OK with our gender, all of us are a lot more androgynous than we think.
'Survival of the fittest' got its hold on the way the western world would go about most aspects of business, politics, love, relationships, and the separation of body, mind and spirit.
Is there anyone out there, boy or girl, man or woman, who, at one time or another, wished they didn’t have to identify either as a ‘this’ or a ‘that’?
There was a time when having children was perceived as a noble pursuit. There was also a time when having children was seen as every citizen’s duty to bolster up their country’s population.
Beyond a supportive acceptance from men, girls and young women need ‘live’ role-models and women-specific, empowering plots to lead them to the realisation of their own personal ‘power’.
Over the past century, separately and collectively - some might say passively, others might say actively - we have co-created the so-called unpredictable vagaries of death and weather reactions.
What exactly have we, so far, been free of or free from within the protective cocoon of our free democratic culture and politics?
Our inability to truly see that we are inseparable from one another and from Nature is the cause of all the ecological disasters. Nature works hand in hand with Karma.
Man-Made Disasters? Climate Change? Contextualizing natural events, so-called Acts of God, helps make meaning out of events that are occurring more frequently and with more devastating intensity.
While many environmental disasters may be due to global warming, collectively, we have co-created the so-called unpredictable vagaries of life and weather that are Man-made worldwide.
Our feelings are generated from thoughts that, themselves, are generated by impressions of moments that have long ago ceased to exist in the state in which we have experienced them.
One main step to editing some of our karma in this lifetime is to not separate ourselves from anyone. Though we might see ourselves as individuals, the difference between us is only skin-deep.
Soul according to Wikipedia: the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. Fine, but is that really all that can be said about Soul and her link to our heartbeat?
Oh, I might as well share, here, the thoughts I had way back when, at a time when it seemed rather unlikely that the 45th President of the United States would have the initial DJT.
Our lives are far too often out of kilter with our deepest felt aspirations as individuals and as communities.
Regardless of our ethnicity and regardless of our religious or spiritual understanding, millions of us find it more difficult than ever to give any text on any Creation theory any real traction.
The Image of God – Male and Female He Created Them
Inspired by the flurry of emails I received a few weeks ago, cogs of a formidable marketing campaign that landed in my inbox, on behalf of a no less formidable spiritual leader, I felt inspired to create my own, but very tongue-in-cheek, marketing funnel.
The damning thing about our collective belief in the west regarding random and fatalistic good/bad luck is that it absolutely strips us of any personal responsibility.
Road rage is a great example of energies sparking off each other, but there are smaller rages happening in our households all of the time. What is an argument if it is not a swapping of comments triggered by action/reaction, button pushing/reacting to each other’s energies?
Separation = thinking that we are cuter, sexier, smarter, richer, gentler, more religious, more understanding, more … more ... more than whomever out there. Simple as that.
We need to understand why any mayhem caused by Nature has nothing to do with either bad luck or divine punishment, just as we need to understand that it is simply the only way Nature can stop us in our tracks in such a way that we are pushed to rethink our own, and therefore our collective,...
Reincarnation theory: we stay buried. Once the silver cord snaps, our soul, always of pure, divine energy is free to soar till picked for yet another vehicle of flesh, bones and fluids.
In the realm of karma, killing 'anyone' - for any reason - is a crime that befalls the person [or persons] who orders it, just as much as the ones who execute the orders.
A quick peep behind the doors of any ER will confirm that we, humans, brain cells and enzymes notwithstanding, are but bones, flesh and fluids. Of course, we are animated by our soul!
Dependence is not love, jealousy is not love, possessiveness and domination are not love, responsibility and duty are not love, self-pity is not love, the agony of not being loved is not love ...
Wherever we happen to be living on the planet, an inordinate number of our children come to grief. However, on the whole, unless they are our ‘home grown’ children, we do not grieve for them.