There are several home remedies that can help alleviate hiccups, such as holding your breath for a few seconds, drinking a glass of water, swallowing a teaspoon of sugar, or breathing into a paper bag.In severe or persistent cases, medical treatment may be necessary, such as medications that relax
Jade plant is a valuable and versatile plant that offers numerous benefits and uses. It is an excellent addition to any indoor space and can improve both physical and mental health.Jade plant is a popular ornamental houseplant with many benefits and uses.
CVSTAT, an Excel based ANOVA program, acts like a calculator and provides instant results such as standard error, CD, F-test, CV and mean output. Data may be pasted from Excel worksheet simply using copy paste function or entered manually.
Ten tips to crack any competitive examinations involve understanding examination pattern, practice old question papers, mock tests, follow a proper time table, wise selection of study material, picking topics sequentially, exploring online resources, time management in the examinationa hall and ..
Some people may believe that blue bottles ward off stray and some may not. They might think it is rubbish and just another superstition. Experts do not see any scientific explanation for it, though we have found the tactic useful.
Shami tree is planted either at the entrance of the house as bonsai or as outdoor garden tree. It's believed to be an indicator of good luck, happiness and prosperity. Read on to find out whether a myth or reality
SSC conducts examinations throughout the country through a large network of examination centers and sub-centers and advertises several thousand posts for Group B and C Cadres. This article provides brief overview of various exams conducted by SSC
Typing Hindi using Inscript keyboard is a tedious task especially, for those who are not well verse with Hindi Keyboard layout. Speech to text apps have made typing in Hindi a very simple and enjoyable activity. Read for more options for faster typing in Hindi using QWERTY keyboard or speech to text
This article provides a summary of allowances approved by the government, based on the recommendations of the select committee which analyzed the recommendations of 7th CPC and submitted its report for the cabinet's approval.
It costs around Rs.30000/- per person if a Delhite plans to avail 'Do Dham' tour package for visiting Kedarnath and Badrinath and travel takes about a week. However, cost may be cut down to Rs.18000/- if one plans on its own. This article provides useful tips for smooth Do Dham Yatra
This article discusses about the management of pension and other benefits, received by superannuating employee, for leading a comfortable life by maintaining continuous cash flow and managing income tax efficiently to avoid erosion of money.
Medicinal mushroom (Cordyceps sinensis) is stated to possess aphrodisiacal and medicinal properties and used as a constituent of several remedies for various ailments - fatigue, cancer and impotency.
Honey provides protection from infection caused by microbes and viruses. Its low water activity makes it a natural treatments for wounds and cuts. Enzymes in the honey produce hydrogen peroxide and inhibits bacterial growth. Honey is k
Basil (Tulsi) leaf extract is a good expectorant and used as an important constituent of several Ayurvedic cough syrups. Tender basil leaves are boiled with tea and used as a preventive measure ...
Clove is eaten as dry buds to use it as an aphrodisiac. Clove relaxes the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract.Chemicals present in cloves are reported to improve the digestion power by ...
Research findings suggest that almonds are more beneficial to health than assumed to be by the people. Its beneficial uses include sharpening of memory, strengthening of brain, suppression of lung and prostate tumor growth, improvement in vision etc. Almond butter is a good choice for diabetics
Besides protection from bacterial infections, turmeric is believed to provide a glow to skin. Facial paste is used by women to get rid of superfluous hairs and prevent adolescence pimples.
Drinking Aloe juice is reported to have several beneficial effects on health including improvement in digestion, immunity against diseases and help reduction in body weight.Aloe vera is purgative, aphrodisiac, alexiteric, alterative and anthelmindic.Several disorders such as diarrhea, kidney dysfunc
CropStat 7.2 is a program developed by IRRI in collaboration with CIMMYT for analysis of data for agricultural field experiments. In spite of its usefulness and reliability, it becomes difficult for a user to use this program due to incompatibility of few of its module. However, few tips given in...
Almost all the above ground parts of the papaya plant are used for medicinal purposes. Papaya is used either in a form of fermented papaya, herbal teas, tablets or fresh fruit.
Antibacterial and antifungal characteristics of neem leaves are mainly due to presence of Quercetin. Neem seeds contain lipids, azadirachtin, nimbin and salannol etc. Insecticidal properties to neem seeds are imparted to it due to presence of Azadirachtin.
Most of the fat present in Cashew is in the form of oleic acid that helps improve good (HDL) cholesterol.However, presence of saturated fats may increase cholesterol in susceptible individuals.
Onion is useful for improving sperm count, reducing hair fall and regulation of blood pressure (hypertension) etc. It treats inflammation, diabetes, urinary problems, dysentery, fever, dropsy, colic, renal and biliary calculi, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, scurvy and several other ailments
Money plants are considered lucky in many cultures and are believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and wealth to the home. This belief is based on the plant's ability to purify the air and bring positive energy. However, it is important to note that the concept of good luck and prosperity is cultu
Presenting scientific data in graphical form requires CD or LSD presentation in the graph either as line or bar. Showing error bar is simple as it is automatically done by MS Excel program but showing LSD requires stepwise process. This is shown in this article.
In eastern Indian states of Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal, indigenous tribes prepare local brew using rice grains as substrate. Rice is fermented with the aid a yeast known as 'Ranu' or 'bakhar'. Article discusses detail process
The actual budget allocation in 2002-03 for agriculture sector was Rs 7.6 thousand crores that was increased to Rs 1.39 lakh crores in 2019-20. Food grain production in India increased from 51 million tonnes in 1950-51 to 291.5 million tonnes in 2019-20 as per the second estimates.
Green tea is found helpful in weight loss, reducing total cholesterol and LDL, protection against liver and coronary artery diseases. Pregnant and breast feeding women should avoid green tea. Green tea should not be taken empty stomach.
It promotes bone growth and strengthens bones due to presence of sufficient amounts of manganese, a mineral considered responsible for healthy bones and connective tissues. Pineapple is believed to be useful for maintaining oral health and juice is considered helpful in ...
Dry fruits have special importance during long journeys because of high nutritive value. Nuts are like small powerhouses that nourish and provide energy when needed.Moderate use of nuts is believed to decrease risk of heart disease, gallstone and certain kinds of cancer.
Top five health benefits of banana are: -provides protection against - High blood pressure, Atherosclerosis and Stroke, -help prevent constipation, -considered beneficial for suppression of acid in the digestive tract, -considered beneficial for those advised to consume less sodium, -Consumption ma
Besides several health benefits, mango also has some side effects. Hence, one has to take care using mango.....
The fruit is considered to be stomachic, carminative, anti scorbutic and diuretic.Oral administration of dried alcoholic extracts of the seeds to diabetic patients was found to reduce the level of blood sugar and glycosuria in
It is believed that tomatoes cause hypertension. However, there are no scientific evidences available to correlate the intake of tomatoes with hypertension.
Nutritional properties reveal that - guava is one of the richest source of vitamin C, good source of vitamins A, copper, folate, and fiber, possess fairly large quantities of minerals like phosphorus and calcium, contains antioxidants, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamin B, seeds are rich in iodine
Apple "Murabba" is believed to act as a stimulant for the heart and useful in relieving mental stress. Apple protects a person from digestive disorders and other ailments of the alimentary canal due to fair amount of fibre (indigestible carbohydrates, roughages) present in it.